Water Resources Engineering

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Course 24. Water Resources Engineering (Web Course) Faculty Coordinator(s) : 1. Prof.

Dhrubajyoti Sen Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Kharagpur 721302 Email : djsen@civil.iitkgp.ernet.in Telephone : (91-3222) Off : 283452 283453, 278721

Res : Detailed Syllabus :

(Considering AICTE, GATE, UPSC and IIT-B/D/K/KGP/R syllabi) 1. Introduction Surface and Ground water resources: its geographic distribution within India. Water resources development projects purposes and planning strategies. Intra- and Inter-basin development concepts. Single- and Multi-purpose projects; Storage and Diversion schemes; Conjunctive use of surface and ground water. 2. Hydrology and Hydraulics of Surface and Sub-surface water 2.1 Hydrologic cycle. Measurement of rainfall, infiltration, evaporation and runoff. Hydrologic frequency analysis. Peak flow using frequency analysis and catchment area formulae. PMP, PMF and SPF. Unit hydrograph, Synthetic hydrograph and watershed dynamics simulation models. Flood hydrograph. Erosion and sediment yield. Application of remotely sensed information in water resources engineering. 2.2 Hydraulics of alluvial rivers: regimes and morphology. Critical tractive force and resistance relations. Suspended, Bed and Total loads. Meandering, Braiding, Aggradation and Degradation. Routing of floods reservoir and channel routing. Determination of reservoir capacity and height of dam. 2.3 Sub-surface water flows. Aquifers and their properties. Estimation of ground water flows. Well hydraulics and quality of ground water. Hydraulic structures design 3.1 Design of storage structures: Gravity dam: Spillway and Non-overflow sections and their design. Types of spillways and energy dissipators. Tail water rating. Salient features like joints, water-seals, galleries and adits. Types of gates. Typical sections of earth and rockfill dams. Plan, upstream and downstream views of a dam and its appurtenant structures with respect to topography. 3.2 Design of diversion structures: Barrages and weirs on permeable foundations, their designs considering surface and sub-surface flows. Retrogression and flow concentration effects on barrage design. Glacis, Rigid apron, End-sill arrangements for energy dissipation for weir and under-sluice sections of a barrage. Pier, Divide wall, Guide bund, Afflux bund, Flexible apron. Plan view of a barrage and appurtenant structures.


4. Irrigation engineering 4.1 Introduction, historical development of irrigation in Indian subcontinent. Present status and future requirements of irrigation in India. Soil classification for agriculture. Soilmoisture and crop-water relations, Irrigation water quality, Consumptive use of water, Principal cropping seasons, Water demand assessment, Duty and Delta. Multiple cropping and hybrid crops. Systems of irrigation- Surface, Sprinkler, Drip. 4.2 Canal Irrigation: Types of canals, Parts of a canal irrigation system, Channel alignment, Assessment of water requirements, Design of channels regime and tractive-force concepts. Cross section of channels, Silt control methods in canals. Estimation of channel losses, Types of lining for canal and their design. 4.3 Canal water distribution: Delivery strategies, Command Area Development, System of regulation and control of canal water, Outlets (modules), Assessment of canal revenue.

4.4 Canal structures: Head regulator, Cross regulator, Falls. 4.5 Well irrigation: Open wells and tube-wells. Duty of tube well water. 4.6 Environmental concerns of irrigation: Water-logging due to canal irrigation, causes, preventive and curative measures. Drainage of irrigated lands, Saline and alkaline soils. Ground water depletion and associated problems due to excessive withdrawal of ground water. 5. Hydropower engineering Features and characteristics of hydropower generation. Principal components of a hydropower station. Intakes, Water conductor system, Tunnels, Surge tanks, Penstocks, Anchor blocks, Hydroelectric power classifications and investigations. Turbines. 6. Managing our water resources Erosion control and watershed development: their benefit towards conservation of national water wealth. Rain water harnessing and recharge of ground water: role of society and peoples participation for sustainable water resource development. Mitigation strategies for flood damage: structural and non-structural measures.

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