Buet WRE Syllabus

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The document outlines the courses offered by the Department of Water Resources Engineering at university level along with their course codes, credits, and brief descriptions. It also provides details about the topics covered in some of these courses.

The department offers around 49 courses covering areas like engineering drawing, analytical mechanics, fluid mechanics, surveying, workshop skills, accounting, and developing English language skills. Some of the core courses offered are engineering drawing, analytical mechanics, fluid mechanics, surveying and its practical aspects.

The Fluid Mechanics course covers topics like fluid properties, fluid statics, kinematics of fluid flow, basic equations of fluid mechanics, similitude and dimensional analysis, steady incompressible flow in pipes including laminar and turbulent flow, minor losses and pipe networks.

Courses Offered by the Department of Water Resources Engineering effective from L1T1, 2009-2010

WRE 100: Engineering Drawing-I 1.50 Credit, 3hrs. /week Introduction - lettering, numbering and heading; plane geometry pentagon, hexagon, octagon, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola. Projection (Solid Geometry) - cube, triangular prism, square prism, pentagonal prism, hexagonal prism, cone, cylinder. Development - cube, pyramid, cone, prism; section and true shape-cube, pyramid, cone, prism. Isometric Drawing - cube, pyramid, cone. Oblique Drawingcube, pyramid, cone. Interpretation of Solids. Plan, elevation and section of simple hydraulic structures. WRE 101: Analytical Mechanics 4.00 Credit, 4 hrs/week Resultants and Components of forces; coplanar concurrent forces; moments and parallel coplanar forces; non-concurrent non-parallel coplanar forces; friction; non-coplanar forces. Centroids; moments of inertia of areas; moments of inertia of masses; plane motion; force systems that produce rectilinear motion; kinetic energy, power; impulse and momentum. WRE 102: Engineering Drawing-II 1.50 Credit, 3hrs. /week Plan, elevation and sections of regulator, bridges, siphon, aqueduct and other hydraulic structures with reinforcement details; layout and cross sections of irrigation canals and embankments; plan, elevation and sections of buildings; reinforcement details of beams, columns, slabs, stairs etc. WRE 103: Surveying 4.00 Credit, 4 hrs/week Types of surveying; chain surveying; traverse surveying; leveling and contouring; calculation of areas and volumes; problems of heights and distances; curves and curve ranging; uses of modem surveying equipments. Tachometry: theory, field procedure, errors in tachometry. Astronomical surveying: astronomical terms, co-ordinate systems, astronomical corrections, and systems of time. Photogrametry: definitions related to photogrametry, terrestrial


photogrametry, aerial photogrametry. Remote sensing: introduction to global positioning system (GPS). Hydrographic surveying: elements of hydrograph; acoustic measurements and investigations; hydrographic operations. WRE 104: Practical Surveying 1.5 Credit, 3 hrs/week 3 weeks of field work based on WRE 103 WRE 201: Fluid Mechanics 4.00 Credit, 4 hrs/week Development and scope of fluid mechanics; fluid properties; fluid statics; kinematics of fluid flow; fluid flow concepts and basic equations- continuity equation, Bernoullis equation, energy equation, momentum equation and forces in fluid flow. Similitude and dimensional analysis. Steady incompressible flow in pressure conduits; laminar and turbulent flow; general equation for fluid friction. Empirical equations for pipe flow. Minor losses in pipe flow. Fluid measurement: pitot tube, orifice, mouthpiece, nozzle, venturimeter, weir. Pipe flow problems- pipes in series and parallel, branching pipes, pipe networks. WRE 202: Fluid Mechanics Sessional 1.5 Credit, 3 hrs/week Center of pressure; proof of Bernoullis theorem; flow through venturimeter; flow through orifice; coefficient of velocity by co ordinate method; flow through mouthpiece; flow over V- notch; flow over sharp crested weir; fluid friction in pipe. WRE 203: Engineering Geology and Geomorphology 3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Rocks and Minerals: identification of rocks and minerals; common rocks forming minerals; physical properties of minerals; mineraloids rocks; types of rocks, cycle of rock change. Structural geology: faults; types of faults; fold and fold type; domes; basin, erosional process; quantitative analysis of erosional land forms; earthquake and seismic map of Bangladesh; geology of Bangladesh. Fluvial processes in Geomorphology: channel development; channel widening; valley shape; stream terraces; alluvial flood plains; deltas and alluvial fans; fluvial deposits; coastal deposits; glacial deposits; lacustrine deposits and aeolian deposit, river basin; geomorphologic characteristics of rivers of Bangladesh.


WRE 205: Numerical Methods 2.00 Credit, 2 hrs/week Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations; solutions of systems of linear equations; curve-fitting by least squares; finite differences; divided differences; interpolation; numerical differentiation and integration; numerical solution of differential equations. WRE 206: Computer programming Sessional 2.5 Credit, 5 hrs/week Programming concepts and algorithm. Number systems; internal representation of data. Element of structured programming language: data types, operators, expressions, control structures, functions, pointers and arrays, input and output. Concept of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction. Template functions and classes. Development of programs related to Water Resources Engineering. WRE 208: Estimating and Cost Analysis 1.5 Credit, 3 hrs/week Analysis of rates; detailed estimate of all items of work of a regulator, bridge, embankment, lined canals, Specifications of materials for the above constructions. WRE 301: Open Channel Hydraulics 4.00 Credit, 4 hrs/week Open channel flow and its classification. Velocity and pressure distributions. Energy equation, specific energy and transition problems. Critical flow and control. Principle of flow measurement and devices. Concept of uniform flow, Chezy and Manning equations, estimation of resistance coefficients and computation of uniform flow. Momentum equation and specific momentum. Hydraulic jump. Theory and analysis of gradually varied flow. Computation of flow profiles. Design of channel. Hydraulics of bridges and culverts. WRE 302: Open Channel Hydraulics Sessional 1.5 Credit, 3 hrs/week Broad-crested weir. Sluice gate. Venturi flume. Parshall flume. Cutthroat flume. Hydraulic jump. Velocity distribution profile. Mannings roughness coefficient. Specific force and specific energy.


WRE 303: Hydrology 3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Hydrologic cycle. Weather and Hydrology. Precipitation, Evaporation and transpiration. Infiltration. Stream flow. Application of telemetry and remote sensing in hydrologic data acquisition. Rainfall-runoff relations. Hydrographs, unit hydrographs. Hydrologic routing. Statistical methods in hydrology. WRE 400: Project and Thesis 4.5 Credit, 9 hrs/week Experimental and theoretical investigation of various topics in Water Resources Engineering. Individual or group study of one or more topics. The students will be required to submit a thesis/project report at the end of the work. WRE 404: Computer Applications in Water Resources Engineering 1.5 Credit, 3 hrs/week Introduction to hydrodynamic modeling; model calibration; statistical analysis in hydrology; computation of flow profiles; water requirement in irrigation scheduling; recharge computation. WRE 406: Design of Hydraulic Structures 1.5 Credit, 3 hrs/week Types of hydraulic structures; principles of design; design of different types of hydraulic structures: regulators; dams; barrages; crossdrainage works; pump house, etc.
WRE 415: Water Resources Planning and Construction Management

3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Concepts in integrated water resources planning and management; process of water resources planning; economic, environmental, social and industrial aspects, public participation; project formulation and appraisal; comprehensive and integrated planning, master plan; mathematical optimization and simulation; principles of construction management; specification and contract documents; inspection and quality control, construction safety; construction planning and scheduling; PERT, CPM, materials management and inventory control; construction equipment and plant; human factors in construction management.


WRE 417: Ground Water Engineering 2.00 Credit, 2 hrs/week Groundwater in hydrologic cycle and its occurrence; Physical properties and principles of groundwater movement; groundwater and well hydraulics; hand, shallow, deep set shallow and deep tube wells; their design, drilling, construction and maintenance; groundwater resource evaluation; groundwater levels and environmental influences; water mining and land subsidence; groundwater pollution and contaminant transport; recharge of groundwater; saline water intrusion in aquifers; groundwater management; groundwater exploration. WRE 419: Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Importance of irrigation; sources and quality of irrigation water; soilwater relationship; consumptive use and estimation of water requirements; methods of irrigation; design of irrigation canal systems; irrigation structures; irrigation pumps; problems of irrigated land; irrigation water management; importance of land drainage; drainage systems and theft design. WRE 420: Irrigation and Drainage Sessional 1.5 Credit, 3 hrs/week Soil- water characteristics; infiltration; losses in irrigation canal; abstraction from a well in an unconfined aquifer; hydrograph analysis; pumps in series and parallel; pump characteristics; design of sub surface drainage system; design of irrigation and drainage network; flow through canal regulating structures. WRE 421: Professional Practices and Communication 3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Introduction; Feasibility Study; Types of Contract; Selection of Contract Types; Procurement Process; Various procurement methods; Selection of consultants and contractors; Tender document and specification; Evaluation of bids; Conflict resolution and arbitration; Professional ethics; Professional practice management plan; Report writing and communication. WRE 423: River Engineering and Flood Mitigation 3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Behavior of alluvial rivers; river pattern and morphological processes; river training and bank protection works; navigation and dredging;


sediment movement in river channels, bed forms and flow regimes; flood and its causes; methods of flood management; structural and non structural measures such as reservoirs, levees and flood walls, channel improvement, interior drainage, flood ways, land management, flood proofmg, flood zoning, flood hazard mapping, flood forecasting and warning; flood damage in urban and rural areas. WRE 425: Hydraulic Machinery 2.00 Credit, 2 hrs/week Review of impulse-momentum principle; forces in fluid flow; principles of hydraulic machines; reciprocating pumps; similarity laws for turbo machines; centrifugal pumps; water turbines; testing of hydraulic machines; irrigation pumps used in Bangladesh. WRE 427: GIS and Remote Sensing 2.00 Credit, 2 hrs/week Basic principles of remote sensing: sensors; gamma radiation; aerial photography; multi spectral scanners; thermal sensors; microwave sensors; lasers; platforms and satellite systems; data reception; data processing; storage and dissemination; interpretation and analysis; flood monitoring; flood mapping; water quality evaluation and management; future developments; elements of GIS; data structures: vector and raster data; data acquisition and data management; mapping and analysis; application of GIS in water resources engineering. WRE 428: GIS in Water Resources Engineering 1.5 Credit, 3 hrs/week Creating and editing spatial data: digitizing, new view, map projection, classification of features; creating and editing attributes: tables, relationship between tables; spatial analysis: spatial relationship, spatial analysis operation, buffers, geoprocessing; charts, layouts; introduction to surface data: TIN, DEM; application of GIS in water resources. WRE 429: Port and Harbour Engineering 2.00 Credit, 2 hrs/week Port and tides; port planning and harbor layout; channel basin and berths; wharves jetties, dolphins and moorings; dry docks and shipway; cargo handling equipment; supporting facilities and ancillaries; navigation aids; port structures; construction materials and methods.


WRE 431: Climatology 2.00 Credit, 2 hrs/week The global climate system: global heat and water balance; atmospheric and ocean circulation; interaction of ocean and atmospheric processes annual cycle; monsoon circulation; tropical cyclones; ENSO (El Nino-Southern Oscillation) cycle; instrumentation and measurement of climate data; sources of climate data and information; climate models; climate variability and climate change; anthropogenic effects on climate- greenhouse warming and sea level changes. WRE 433: Waterways Engineering 2.00 Credit, 2 hrs/week introduction to waterways system; route classification; river types; causes of deterioration of waterways; measures of improving waterways; navigational aids; purpose; buoys; channel markers; light houses; radar reflectors etc.; river ports; facilities; developments and problems; island vessels; waterways of Bangladesh. WRE 435: Hydraulic Structures 3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Hydraulic structures: classification and characteristics. Principle of design of hydraulic structures. Design of weir, barrage, silt control devices, reservoir, dam, spillway, energy dissipater, regulator, transition. Cross drainage works: Siphon, aqueduct, bridge, culvert. WRE 437: Coastal Engineering 3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Coast and coastal features; tides and currents; tidal flow measurement; waves and its characteristics; forces of waves and tides in the design of coastal and harbour structures; coastal water level fluctuation - storm surge, tsunami and basin oscillation; coastal zone processes; deltas and its characteristics; estuary and estuary control; docks and harbours; design of shore protection works.

CE 221: Mechanics of Solids I 3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Concepts of stress and strain, constitutive relationships; deformations due to tension, compression and temperature change; beam statics: reactions, axial force, shear force and bending moments; axial force,


shear force and bending moment diagrams using method of section and summation approach; elastic analysis of circular shafts, solid noncircular and thin walled tubular members subjected to torsion; flexural and shear stresses in beams; shear centre; thin walled pressure vessels. CE 222: Structural Mechanics and Materials Sessional 1.50 Credit, 3 hrs/week Tension, direct shear and impact tests of mild steel specimen; slender column test; static bending test; hardness test of metals; helical spring test; determination of shear centre; study of structural models: truss, beam frame. CE 223: Mechanics of Solids II 3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Symmetric and unsymmetric bending of beams; stress transformation, failure criteria; beam deflection by direct integration and moment area method; buckling of columns; elastic strain energy and external work; cable and cable supported structures; bolted, riveted and welded joints. CE 290: Details of Construction 1.5 Credit, 3 hrs/week Types of building, components of a building, design loads, framed structure and load bearing wall structure; foundations: shallow foundation and deep foundation, site exploration, bearing capacity of soil, standard penetration test; brick masonry: types of brick, bonds in brickwork, supervision of brickwork, brick laying tools, defects and strength on brick masonry, typical structures in brickwork, load bearing and non-load bearing walls, cavity walls, partition walls; lintels and arches: different types of lintels and arches, loading on lintels, construction of arches; stairs: different types of stairs, floors: ground floors and upper floors; roofs and roof coverings; shoring; underpinning; scaffolding and formwork; plastering, pointing, painting; distempering and white washing; cement concrete construction; sound insulation: acoustics; thermal insulation; house plumbing: water supply and wastewater drainage. CE 291: Engineering Materials 3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Properties and uses of aggregates, brick, cement; sand, lime, mortars; concrete; concrete mix design; wood structures and properties;


shrinkage and seasoning; treatment and durability; mechanical properties; wood products; advanced fiber reinforced polymer composites and its application to civil engineering; reinforcement types, basic property of FRP composites and available FRP composite products; definition of stress and strain; plane stress and strain condition; identification of strain components of elastic, elasto-plastic and elasto-visco-plastic materials; time dependent strain response of these materials due to different types of loadings; mathematical and simple rheological modeling for prediction of creep behavior; ferrocement: advantages and uses; corrosion and prevention of steel in RC structures, offshore structures and ground applications. CE 292: Materials Sessional 1.50 Credit, 3 hrs/week General discussion on preparation and properties of concrete, test for specific gravity, unit weight, voids and bulking of aggregates; moisture content and absorption of coarse and fine aggregates; normal consistency, initial setting time, soundness and fineness test of cement; direct tensile and compressive strengths of cement mortar; gradation of coarse and fine aggregates; design and testing of a concrete mix, sampling and testing of bricks for absorption, unit weight, efflorescence and compressive strength. CE 321 : Structural Analysis and Design I 4.00 Credit, 4 hrs/week Stability and determinacy of structures; analysis of statically determinate trusses and arches; influence lines; moving loads on beams, frames and trusses; analysis of suspension bridge. Wind and earthquake loads; approximate analysis of statically indeterminate structures: braced trusses, portal method, cantilever method and vertical load analysis of multi storied building frames; deflection of beams, trusses and frames by virtual work method. CE 322: Structural Analysis and Design Sessional 1.5 Credit, 3 hrs/week Computer based analysis of steel structures e.g. roof truss and bridge truss; design of members and joints of roof and bridge truss.


CE 323: Design of Concrete Structures - I 3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Fundamental behavior of reinforced concrete; introduction to strength design and alternate design methods; flexural design of beams (singly, doubly, T-beam) using strength design method; shear, diagonal tension and torsion of beams; bond and anchorage; design of one way slabs; design of two-way edge supported slabs: using strip and alternate methods. CE 324 : Concrete Structures Design Sessional I 1.5 Credit, 3 hrs/week Analysis and design problems based on CE 323; design of a slab bridge, balanced cantilever bridge and a low-rise building. CE 325: Design of Concrete Structures - II 3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Design of column supported slabs; introduction to floor systems; design of columns under uniaxial and biaxial loading, introduction to slender column; structural design of footings, pile caps; seismic detailing; shear wall; structural forms; introduction to prestressed concrete; analysis and preliminary design of prestressed beam sections. CE 371 : Environmental Engineering 4.00 Credit, 4 hrs/week Introduction to environmental engineering. Water supply: water requirement, water sources, water quality, treatment and distribution systems, design concepts of water treatment plants. Water engineering: wastewater characteristics, treatment and disposal, on site sanitation systems. Solid waste management. Introduction to environmental pollution: water, air, soil and noise pollution: effects of pollution. Introduction to environmental management: environmental policy, legislation and environmental quality standards: introduction to environmental impact assessment.


CE 372 : Environmental Engineering Sessional 1.5 Credit, 3 hrs/week Sample collection, preservation and storage ; physical, chemical and biological tests of water and wastewater; alum coagulation and break point chlorination, preliminary design of water supply and sewerage system CE 381 : Principles of Soil Mechanics 4.00 Credit, 4 hrs/week Introduction to geotechnical engineering; formation, type and identification of soils; soil composition; soil structure and fabric; index properties of soils; engineering classification of soils; soil compaction; principles of total and effective stresses; permeability and seepage; stress-strain-strength characteristics of soils; compressibility and settlement behavior of soils; lateral earth pressure; stress distribution. CE 382 : Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory 1.5 Credit, 3 hrs/week Field identification tests of soils; grain size analysis by sieve and hydrometer; specific gravity test; Atterberg limits test; permeability tests; unconfined compression test; compaction test; relative density test; direct shear tests; consolidation tests; test of geotextiles. CE 391 : Transportation Engineering 4.00 Credit, 4 hrs/week Introduction to transportation engineering; elements and modes of transportation system; considerations in the planning, financing and development of transportation system; highways: highway types, geometric design of highways; traffic characteristics, traffic studies and traffic control devices; highway materials; design, construction and maintenance of low cost pavements, rigid pavements and bituminous pavements; railways: introduction, characteristics, alignment, permanent way, stations and yards, points and crossings; airports: introduction, airport site selection, airport configurations, geometric design of landing area; introduction to waterways and terminals. CE 392: Transportation Engineering Sessional 1.5 Credit, 3 hrs/week Tests on bituminous materials; tests on sub grade and base materials; roadway capacity studies; problems on the design of roadway


geometry and pavements, application of analytical, simulation and statistical packages.

CE 481 : Foundation Engineering 3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Soil investigation techniques; types of foundations; bearing capacity of shallow and deep foundations; settlement and distortion of foundations; design and construction of footings, rafts and piles; slope stability analyses. CE 424 : Concrete Structures Design Sessional II 1.5 Credit, 3 hrs/week Computer applications in the analysis of buildings and PC girder bridges; design of a multistoried RCC frame residential building and a simple span PC girder bridge. CE 425 : Structural Analysis and Design II 3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Analysis of statically indeterminate beams and frames by moment distribution, consistent deformation/flexibility and stiffness methods; algorithms for implementing direct stiffness method in a computer; influence lines of statically indeterminate beams and frames. EEE 165: Basic Electrical Technology 3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Electrical units and standards, Electrical network and circuit solution series, parallel and mesh current methods. Instantaneous current, voltage and power, effective current and voltage, average power. Sinusoidal single phase RLC circuits; phasor algebra, balanced three phase circuits. Electrical wiring for residential and commercial loads. Introduction to transformer and induction motors. EEE 166: Electrical Technology Laboratory 1.50 Credit, 3 hrs/week Laboratory experiments based on EEE 165.


Phy 101 : Physical Optics, Waves and Oscillation, Heat and Thermodynamics 3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Physical optics: theories of light; Young's double slit experiment, displacement of fringes and its uses, Fresnel bi-prism, interference at wedge shaped films, Newton's rings, interferometers; diffraction of light; Fresnel and Fraunhoffer diffraction, diffraction by single slit, diffraction from a circular aperture, resolving power of optical instruments, diffraction at double slit and n-slits-diffraction grating; polarization; production and analysis of polarized light, Brewster's law, Malus law, polarization by double refraction, retardation plates, nicol prism, optical activity, polarimeters, polaroid. Waves and oscillations: differential equation of a simple harmonic oscillator, total energy and average energy, combination of simple harmonic oscillations, Lissajous figures, spring-mass system, calculation of time period of torsional pendulum, damped oscillation, determination of damping co-efficient; forced oscillation, resonance, two-body oscillations, reduced mass, differential equation of a progressive wave, power and intensity of wave motion, stationary wave, group velocity and phase velocity, architectural acoustics, reverberation and Sabine's formula. Heat and thermodynamics: principle of temperature measurements: platinum resistance thermometer, thermo-electric thermometer, pyrometer; kinetic theory of gases: Maxwell's distribution of molecular speeds, mean free path, equipartition of energy, Brownian motion, Vander Waal's equation of state, review of the first law of thermodynamics and its application, reversible and irreversible processes, second law of thermodynamics, Carnot cycle; efficiency of heat engines, Carnots theorem, entropy and disorder, thermodynamic functions, Maxwell relations, Clausius-Clapeyron equation, Gibbs phase rule, third law of thermodynamics. Phy 102: Physics Laboratory 1.5 Credit, 3 hrs/week Determination of line frequency by Lissajous figures using an oscilloscope and a function generator and verification of the calibration of time/div knob at a particular position for different frequencies; determination of frequency of a tuning fork by Melde's apparatus; determination of the spring constant and the effective mass of a loaded spring; to draw magnetic induction versus current curve


for a circular coil using Biot-Savart law and hence to verify tangent law; determination of the moment of inertia of a fly-wheel about its axis of rotation; determination of rigidity modulus of the material of a wire by static method; determination of the pressure-coefficient of air by constant volume air thermometer; determination of the thermal conductivity of a bad conductor by lee's method; to plot the thermoelectromotive force vs temperature (calibration) curve for a given thermocouple (e5); determination of the melting point of a solid using the calibration curve obtained in experiment-e5; determination of the mechanical equivalent of heat by electrical method; determination of the focal length of (i) a convex lens by displacement method and (ii) a concave lens by an auxiliary lens method; determination of the radius of curvature of a plano-convex lens by Newton's ring method; determination of specific rotation of sugar solution by a polarimeter; to verify Malus' law of polarization; determination of the threshold frequency for the material of a photocathode and hence find the value of the Planck's constant; determination of lattice constant by x-ray. Phy 105: Structure of Matter, Electricity and Magnetism and Modern Physics 3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Structure of matter : crystalline and non-crystalline solids, single crystal and polycrystal solids, unit cell, crystal systems, coordinations number, crystal planes and directions, NaCl and CsCl structure, packing factor, Miller indices, relation between interplanar spacing and Miller indices, Bragg's law, methods of determination of interplanar spacing from diffraction patterns; defects in solids: point defects, line defects, bonds in solids, interatomic distances, calculation of cohesive and bonding energy; introduction to band theory: distinction between metal, semiconductor and insulator. Electricity and magnetism: Coulomb's law, electric field (e), Gauss's law and its application, electric potential (v), capacitors and capacitance, capacitors with dielectric, dielectric and atomic view, charging and discharging of a capacitor, Ohm's law, Kirchoff's law; magnetic field: magnetic induction, magnetic force on a current carrying conductor, torque on a current carrying loop, Hall effect, Faradays law of electromagnetic induction, Lenz's law, self induction, mutual induction; magnetic properties of matter; hysteresis curve; electromagnetic oscillation: L-C oscillations and its analogy to simple harmonic motion.


Modern physics: Michelson-Morley's experiment, Galilean transformation, special theory of relativity and its consequences; quantum theory of radiation; photo-electric effect, Compton effect, wave particle duality, interpretation of Bohr's postulates, radioactive disintegration, properties of nucleus, nuclear reactions, fission, fusion, chain reaction, nuclear reactor.

Chem 103: Chemistry - I 3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Atomic structure and quantum theory: Bohr's theory, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, Schrdingers wave equation and its applications in chemistry; electronic configurations and some physical properties of atoms; electronic configurations and some physical properties of molecules: molecular orbital theory, valence bond theory, the shapes of molecules, bond energies, bond lengths etc; chemistry of halogens, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, nonmetals and heavy metals; modern concepts of acids and bases, different types of solutions; properties of dilute solution; thermochemistry; electrochemistry: voltaic cells, electrolytic cells; colloids and colloidal solution: classification, preparation, purification, properties, protective action and applications of colloids; ionic equilibria: chemistry of water; chemistry of water pollution; chemistry of cements, silicates and limes. Chem 105: Chemistry -II 3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Reactions kinetics: rate of chemical reactions; order and molecularity of reactions, different types of rate expressions, methods of determining rate and order, effect of temperature on reaction rate and energy of activation. Chemical corrosion: introduction to chemical corrosion, corrosion of metals and alloys in dry and wet environments, mechanism of corrosion, atmospheric and soil corrosion and their protective measures. Chemistry of environmental pollution: environment and its characteristics, chemistry of toxic metal and non-metal pollutants, analytical techniques used in the determination of pollutants, chemical concept of DO, BOD, COD and threshold odor number,


chemistry involved in water treatment plants, quality of industrial waste water. Polymers: chemistry of polymerization, different types of polymers and their properties, polymer degradation, elastomers and composite materials. Paints and varnishes: introduction to paints and varnishes, pretreatment of the surface, metallic and non-metallic and organic protective coating and their uses. Chem 114: Inorganic Quantitative Analysis 1.5 Credit, 3 hrs/week Volumetric analysis: acidimetry-alkalimetry, titrations involving redox reactions, determination of Cu, Fe and Ca volumetrically, determination of Ca and Mg in water. Math 131: Differential and Integral Calculus 3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Differential calculus: Limit, continuity and differentiability. N-th derivatives of standard functions. Leibnitz theorem. Rolles theorem, Mean value theorem. Expansion in finite and infinite forms. Indeterminate form. Partial differentiation. Eulers theorem. Tangent and Normal. Sub tangent and subnormal in partial and polar co-ordinates. Maxima and minima of functions of single variables. Curvature. Integral calculus: Integration by parts. Standard integrals. Integration by the method of successive reduction. Definite integrals. Improper integrals. Beta function. Gama function. Multiple integrals. Area, Volume of solids of revolution. Math 133: Matrices and Co-ordinate Geometry 3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Matrices: Definition of matrix. Algebra of matrices. Multiplication of matrices. Transpose of a matrix and inverse of matrix. Rank and elementary transformation of matrices. Solution of linear equations. Linear dependence and independence of vector. Quadratic forms. Matrix


polynomials. Determination of characteristic roots and vectors. Null space and nullity of matrix. Characteristic subspace of matrix. Three Dimensional Co-ordinate Geometry: System of co-ordinates. Projection. Direction Cosines. Equations of planes and lines. Angle between lines and planes. Distance from a point to a plane. Co-planar lines. Shortest distance between two given straight lines. Standard equation of conicoids; sphere ellipsoid. Hyperboloid of one sheet. hyperboloid of two sheets. Tangent planes. Normal lines. Condition of tangency. Math 231: Differential Equations 3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Differential Equation: Definition, Formation of differential equations. Solution of first order differential equations by various methods. Solution of differential equation of first order and higher degrees. Solution of general linear equations of second and higher orders with constant co-efficient. Solution of Eulers homogeneous linear equations. Solution of differential equations in series by the method of Frobenius. Bessels functions, Legendres polynomials and their properties. Partial Differential Equation: Introduction. Equations of the linear and non-linear first order. Standard forms. Linear equations of higher order Equations of the second order with variable co-efficient. Math 233: Fourier Analysis, Harmonic Functions and Laplace Transformation 3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Fourier Analysis: Real and complex form. Finite transform. Fourier Integral. Fourier transforms and their uses in solving boundary value problems. Harmonic functions: Definition of harmonics. Laplace equation in Cartesian,, polar cylindrical and spherical co-ordinates. Solutions of these equations together with applications. Gravitational potential due to a ring. Steady state temperature. Potential inside or outside of a sphere. Properties of harmonic functions. Laplace Transforms: Definition. Laplace transforms of some elementary functions. Sufficient conditions for existence of Laplace transforms. Inverse Laplace transforms. Laplace transforms of


derivatives. The unit step function. Periodic function. Some special theorems on Laplace transforms. Partial fraction. Solutions of differential equations by Laplace transforms. Evaluation of improper integral. Math 235 : Vector Analysis and Statistics 3.00 Credit, 3 hrs/week Vector Analysis: Scalars and vectors, equality of vectors. Addition and subtraction of vectors. Multiplication of vectors by scalars. Position vector of a point. Resolution of vectors. Scalar and vector product of two vectors and their geometrical interpretation. Triple products and multiple products. Application to geometry and mechanics. Linear dependence and independence of vectors. Differentiation and integration of vectors together with elementary applications. Definition of line, surface and volume integral. Gradient, divergence and curl of point functions. Various formulae. Gausss theorem, Stokes theorem. Greens theorem and their applications. Statistics: Frequency distribution. Mean, median, mode and other measures of central tendency. Standard deviation and other measures of dispersion. Moments, skewness and kurtosis. Elementary probability theory and discontinuous probability distribution, e.g., binomial, poison and negative binomial. Continuous probability distributions, e.g. normal and exponential. Characteristics of distributions, Elementary sampling theory. Estimation. Hypothesis testing and regression analysis. Hum 111: English 2.00 Credit, 2 hrs/week Introduction: current approaches to learning english. English phonetics: phonetics and correct english pronunciation. English syntax: vocabulary, diction and english sentence; sentence variety and style; grammatical problems. Reading skill: readability, reading strategies, generating ideas through purposive reading, reading of selected stories. Writing skill: principles of effective writing; generating ideas, planning, organization and development of writing; composition, prcis etc.


Approaches to communication: communication today; written communication: business communication, tenders and quotations, journal articles, report; oral communication: dialogue, technical and scientific presentation. Hum 113: Engineering Economics 2.00 Credit, 2 hrs/week Economics and engineering; microeconomics and macroeconomics; theory of demand and supply and their elasticities; demand estimation; price determination; indifference curve technique; theory of production; theory of cost and cost estimation; market structure; national income accounting, depreciation; circular flow of income and expenditure; cost-benefit analysis; pay back period, NPV, IRR, inflation; economic feasibility of engineering undertakings. Hum 207 : Advanced English 2.00 Credit, 2 hrs/week Antonyms and Synonyms. Words which often confuse us. Advanced grammar. Comprehension. Composition Dialogue writing. Selected short stories or novels written by some well known classic writers. Selected poems written by the Romantic poets: Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Keats and Byron. writing research paper. Hum 211 : Sociology 2.00 Credit, 2 hrs/week Nature, scope and perspectives of sociology; stages of social research and research methods; culture and civilization; socialization and personality development; globalization; media and individual; social organization and social problem; social stratification; industrial revolution and capitalism; work and economic life; environment and human activities; climate change and global risk; population and human society; urbanization and city development; social change and technology. Hum 213 : Government 2.00 Credit, 2 hrs/week Basic concepts of government and politics; forms, organs and functions of government; democracy; good governance; bureaucracy; e-government; socialism; Marxism; welfare state; U.N.O. Government and politics of Bangladesh; administrative reforms; nonparty caretaker government; local government; public policies;


NGOs; managing development project: planning, implementation, monitoring; evaluation; constitutional bodies: EC, CAG, PSC; foreign relations of Bangladesh. Hum 313 : Accounting 2.00 Credit, 2 hrs/week Financial accounting: objectives and importance of accounting; accounting as an information system; basic accounting principles; accounting equation; recording system; accounting cycle; journal, ledger, trial balance; preparation of financial statements considering adjusting entries; financial statement analysis and interpretation. Cost accounting: cost concepts and classification; cost-volume-profit analysis; contribution margin approach and its application, break-even analysis, target profit analysis, operating leverage; absorption costing vs variable costing; job order costing; capital budgeting; long run planning and control. Hum 274 : Developing English Language Skills 1.50 credit, 3 hrs/week Grammar in use: word, phrase, clause and sentence. Vocabulary building: correct and precise diction; affixes; level of appropriateness; colloquial and standard; formal and informal. Developing reading skill: skimming, scanning, predicting, inferring; analysis and interpretation of texts; comprehension from literary and non-literary texts. Developing writing skill: current approaches to writing: process and product; i) brain storming, ii) self-evaluation, iii) peer evaluation, iv) revision/rewriting, v) teachers evaluation; techniques of writing: i) comparison and contrast, ii) problem and solution, iii) cause and effect, iv) classification, v) illustration; writing paragraph, essay and report. Developing listening skill: listening to recorded texts; learning to take useful notes and answering questions. Development speaking skill: dialogue in peer work; participation in discussion and debate; extempore speech; narrating events; story telling; presentation.


Shop 132 : Workshop Sessional 1.5 Credit, 3 hrs/week Carpentry shop (3/2 hrs./week) Wood working tools; wood working machine: band saw, scroll saw, circular saw, jointer, thickness planer, disc sander, wood lathe; types of sawing; common cuts in wood works; types of joint; defects of timber: natural defects and artificial defects; seasoning; preservation; substitute of timber; commercial forms of timber; characteristics of good timber; use of fastening; shop practice: practical job, planning and estimating of a given job. Machine shop (3/4 hrs/week) Kinds of tools; common bench and hand tools; marking and layout tools, measuring tools, cutting tools, machine tools, bench work with job; drilling, shaper, lathe and milling machines: introduction, type, size and capacity, uses and applications. Welding shop (3/4 hrs/week) Methods of metal joints: riveting, grooving soldering, welding; types of welding joints and welding practice; position of arc welding and polarity: flat, vertical, horizontal, overhead; electric arc welding and its machineries; welding of different types of materials: low carbon steel, cast iron, brass, copper, stainless steel, aluminium; types of electrode, fluxes and their composition; arc welding defects; test of arc welding: visual, destructive and non-destructive tests. Types of gas welding system and gas welding equipment; gases and types of flame; welding of different types of materials; gas welding defects; test of gas welding.


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