Breakeven Exercise
Breakeven Exercise
Breakeven Exercise
Breakeven Exercise price quantity variable cost per unit total fixed cost
what is the impact on the breakeven point if both variable cost per unit and price per unit are changed by the same amount x [x > 0 => increase, x < 0 => decrease]?
BEQo = F / cm
= F / [p - v]
BERn = F / cmr = F / [ [(p + x) - (v + x) ] / (p + x)] difference BEQo - BEQn = BERo - BERn = Example: a company passes on a materials cost increase to its customers, increase is $5 per unit of product. original p v F cm cmr BEQ BER revised p v F cm cmr BEQ BER 0 [F / [p - v] ] * -x = BEQ * -x