Tdei Emi-Pd Rev1
Tdei Emi-Pd Rev1
Tdei Emi-Pd Rev1
J. Keith Nelson
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 110 8th Street Troy, NY 12180-3590, USA and J. Stein Electric Power Research Institute 3412 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA
Results and assessment are provided from a nearly 10 year study of the application of a variety of diagnostic methods applied to the condition monitoring of generator stator insulation. The methods studied included various forms of Partial Discharge (PD) techniques and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) in the frequency domain. The condition of a number of operating machines was tracked by the various techniques and, in most cases, the findings compared with the actual condition determined by subsequent inspection after the rotors had been removed. This has permitted the effectiveness of the various methods to be gauged and allowed an appraisal of the attendant best practices and pitfalls. Index Terms Partial Discharge, Electromagnetic Interference, generator insulation, stator bar, condition monitoring, high-voltage coupler, diagnostics
PARTIAL Discharge (PD) analysis has become commonplace in the quest to try to assess the condition of the stator insulation of large form-wound generators and motors, and to alert the owners of escalating problems. To a lesser extent, Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) measurements in the frequency domain have been applied for the same purpose. However, these techniques have evolved to form a variety of somewhat different methodologies depending on the frequency band, the coupling methods and the form of interpretation employed. A project was initiated in 1997 by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) to track changes in a number of machines at host utility sites through the use of a plurality of methods. This was done by inviting numerous vendors to undertake machine appraisals over a number of years. The objective was, not only to learn from the exercise, but also to be able to make some assessment of the efficacy of the various methods from an eventual internal inspection of the units during a planned major overhaul. It should, however, be made clear from the start that it is the intention that the results obtained using different methods on this program were to be verified through these confirmatory inspections of the monitored generators. In some cases, the opportunity for inspection has
Manuscript received on X Month 2005, in final form XX Month 2005.
not yet been made available. Consequently, in such cases, the predicted condition has not totally been verified, but nevertheless enough tests have been conducted to establish a consensus view of the condition. It must also be emphasized here that the objective was to assess the methodology and not to rank Companies. To that end, individual vendors are not identified here with specific results. It will be appreciated that, for such a multi-year project, a vast amount of data was collected. Of necessity, only representative samples can be included here in order to try to illustrate the salient findings of the work, and provide a backdrop for the tutorial aspects of this contribution which is also aimed at identifying the best practices which show the most promise for the assessment of utility generators based on PD and EMI monitoring. Readers wishing to obtain the complete data are referred to Maughan [1] and Nelson [2-5]. This study is restricted to on-line measurements only, but, in some cases, tests were able to be made during periods when operational constraints allowed the variation of real and/or reactive power as a parametric tool in the assessment of insulation condition. The results discussed here are also limited to installations where the complete machine is being monitored through a transducer at the line terminal or at the neutral. Consequently, there is no discussion of local discharge detection through the use of installed stator slot couplers [6] or through the use of RTD temperature elements
used as local antennae for discharge measurements. While hardware, measurement practice and interpretation vary substantially, the methods used can be broadly broken down into three main categories: (1) Partial discharge assessment employing highfrequency (~50 500 MHz) methods (2) Partial discharge assessment utilizing the lower frequency (~50 kHz 20 MHz) range(s) (3) Electromagnetic Interference technology. This categorization has implications both for the couplers used to garner signatures from the machine, and for the means available for the discrimination of interference. The trade offs involved are further discussed in Section 2. Although Table 1 does not identify all the machines in the program, it does provide details of those cited in this contribution.
Table 1. Generator units tested Unit Manufacturer Type/# Voltage (kV) Rating (MVA) RPM Power Factor Cooling Approx. Year Insulation Sammis # 6 Westinghouse 1S-72P.285 20 800 3600 0.85 Hydrogen 1965 Thermalastic E Marshall # 3-4 GE 180X357 24 790 3600 0.9 Water/H2 1970 Micapal I Lake Rd # 1-3 ABB 60WY23Z-109 21 340 3600 0.85 Air 2001 MicaDur ClassF
emanating from the machine being tested and those whose origin is outside the machine. Furthermore, although early work in this arena tended to regard the external noise as interference which needed to be removed as it was corrupting the desired signal from the generator, it is now evident that the noise may contain information relating to external incipient problems. It is thus very desirable that the noise should be separated, but not discarded as might be assumed on the basis of interference elimination. There are two primary means to discriminate between generator PD and external noise: (a) the use of time-of-flight methods to determine the origin of the signal (b) the use of software to identify the origin of the pulses based on their shape and other characteristics. The time-of-flight method is illustrated in Fig. 1 Unfortunately, for turbo machines it requires the provision of two sets of couplers on each phase with the concomitant expense. One set is usually installed (during a scheduled outage) close to the generator terminals and the other a few 10s of meters away. There will be a pulse transit time between
Transit time
3 Generator
o o
Figure 1. Schematic of a typical discrimination circuit for differentiating between machine-related PD and external signals
Rewedged 1998
Rewedged 2001
Combined Cycle
In particular, these machines were selected to provide experience with units with different forms of stator cooling
the two sets of sensors (associated approximately with the speed of light assuming the path is a bus duct). Further, assuming that the cables from the couplers to the recording equipment are the same length (or have been appropriately compensated for) then the arrival times of the PD pulses at the two sets of couplers permit a determination to be made as to origin of the signal Fig. 1 shows a pulse from the external circuit which will clearly arrive at the outer coupler before the inner one. The electronics can be programmed to capture either the signal emanating from the generator or from the outside world (or both). This is well developed technology, which was originally explored in hydro machines using dual couplers attached on either side of the ring bus [6] used to make the transit time discrimination. The use of the time-of-flight methodology clearly can only be effective if the bandwidth of the measuring system is large enough to resolve time differences of the order of a few tens of ns. As a consequence, the adoption of such a system thus
favors the use of wide bandwidth detectors and the associated implications for the couplers see Section 2.1. The choice of the frequency band for the detection of discharges is not only dependent on the effective rejection of interference, but also on the extent of the signal captured since the sensitivity of high-frequency detection systems is inherently low. The PD phenomenon also requires instrumentation with a wide dynamic range. Typical threshold levels are a few mV and discharges can produce pulses at the terminals of several V. 2.1 COUPLERS Coupling a PD detection system externally in the machine environment may be achieved in a number of ways: (1) A high-frequency current transformer (CT) placed around the neutral connection. (2) A set (usually 2 per phase to allow for discrimination see Fig. 1) of low capacitance couplers, typically about 100 pF (the industry has standardized on 80 pF), placed at the terminals of the generator suitable for detection in the frequency range 40 -500 MHz (3) A set of high capacitance couplers, typically 1000 10,000 pF, placed close to the machine terminals suitable for systems working in the frequency range 10 kHz to 50 MHz. (4) Antenna systems An RFCT (Radio Frequency Current Transformer) on the neutral has the advantage that it can be connected without a shut-down. The bandwidth of the RFCT is very broad and flatter than capacitor couplers. But there are drawbacks. These are principally that it does not provide any information on which phase(s) is(are) generating the signal, and this can be important for defect location. Even though most of the PD is in the top 1/3 of the winding, it is claimed that there is sufficient sensitivity to detect deterioration throughout the entire stator. Signals are also present from defects originating from other sources such as the isolated phase bus as well as the generator stator. As a result, isolating this noise can be very challenging. Similarly, any fixed antenna system is both very vulnerable to external interference and difficult to interpret and quantify. Options (2) and (3) above (capacitance couplers placed at, or near, the terminals) have shown themselves to be reliable and effective. The value of the capacitance will be dictated by the frequency band employed. Some systems employ a combination of CT and capacitance coupler. This has the advantage that the detection equipment is not directly connected to the power system, but has the drawback for high-frequency detection that the RFCT may limit both the sensitivity and the bandwidth (with an upper limit of about 100 MHz). This is illustrated from measurements taken on one of the units in this program (Sammis #6) which has both 80 pF and 1000 pF + RFCT arrangements. Fig. 3 shows that the attenuation introduced by the CT has changed the sensitivity by about a factor of 8 (note different scale multipliers)
80 pF 1000 pF + RFCT
> 4>
Figure 2. A comparison of the signals obtained with 80 pF and 1000 pF (+ RFCT) couplers. y-scale: 20mV/div (upper) 5 mV/div (lower); xscale: 200 ns/div
This can be avoided if the capacitance coupler is fed directly, for example, to a 50 impedance. For the proper interpretation and display of the resulting signatures, it is
1000 pF 500 pF
80 pF
Figure 3. Typical frequency transmission characteristics in comparison with PD signal. [Courtesy: Adwel International with permission]
imperative that a known phase reference is provided perhaps from a metering potential transformer. The choice of coupler capacitance is a complex issue. If time-of-flight methods are to be used, a high-frequency is dictated, and large coupling capacitance is not appropriate. The coupler/frequency dilemma can be perhaps understood with reference to Fig. 3 which depicts the low frequency attenuation experienced with systems equipped with three different couplers. The measurement gain curves are plotted together with a typical PD spectral analysis. Taken at its face value it would seem as though a high capacitance coupler used with a detection system operating below 50 MHz would result in the capture of a major proportion of the PD energy. Indeed, some commercial systems employ couplers as large as 9 nF which provides a bandwidth extending down to 20 kHz. However, the issue is not as straightforward as depicted in Fig. 3 since the region below 50 MHz is also the band in which all the unwanted interference exists. Use of this part of the spectrum is thus characterized by an abundant signal, but a severe problem of identifying the salient machine signatures buried in noise. Since the disruptive event caused by discharges generates pulses that have risetimes in the range 1 5 ns, there will be some energy also in the frequency range 50 250 MHz. Fig. 3 indicates that the signal at these frequencies is perhaps less than 20 % of that existing at 1 MHz. It should also be
recognized that propagation through the windings will produce an increase in risetime and a concomitant extension of the frequencies seen at the terminals in the downward direction. Furthermore, the attenuation of the discharge signals is very much enhanced for the high frequency components making systems working above 50 MHz insensitive to problems far from the line end terminal.
2.2 DATA INTERPRETATION Post processing of the captured data is a necessity if reliable interpretation is to be successful. Most of the current methods in use in the field rely heavily on a number-magnitude-phase display such as those depicted in later sections. Although there is no standard format for the three-dimensional format that is needed to display this data, in the hands of an experienced professional, patterns discerned from such plots can be associated with particular kinds of activity in machines both in the stator slots and in the end-windings. The reader may find examples both in the CIGRE guide [7] and a recent contribution by Hudon and Blec [8]. This is further enhanced if polarity discrimination is also incorporated. Since the deterioration experienced in machine windings subject to discharges is related to the energy dissipated, some measure of the energy has also been found useful such as the integrated Normalized Quantity Number (NQN) parameter defined in Section 3.3 (Eqn. 1). The time-honored basic methods will certainly still form the backbone of future diagnostic systems. However, it is anticipated that they would be augmented by more advanced techniques which hold the promise of permitting a more automated interpretation. This is addressed further in Section 5.2. In some instances, parametric techniques can also be usefully employed as discussed in Section 5.3.
have been some changes over time, the overall change over the period of 6 years is relatively small. [The anomalous 71 mV level in Phase B in 2001 has not been repeated]. It is likely that the fluctuations are the result of variances in the ambient and operating conditions, and not problems with the winding per se. Activity levels are essentially unchanged, and correspond to typical levels when compared to an industry database. Fig. 4 provides a more detailed view of the PD activity on a phase plot. Since time-of-flight discrimination is being used with 80 pF couplers, Fig. 4 represents activity being seen in the machine, with the system noise rejected. The activity is seen to be occurring fairly uniformly across the voltage waveform (superimposed as a sinusoid), and not in the traditional phase positions which would be expected of major classic partial discharge behavior.
Table 2. Discharge magnitude trends for Sammis Unit #6
A-Ph Q
B-Ph Q
C-Ph Q
+ 02/99 07/00 01/01 03/05 625 386 477 604 154 115 72 54 20.4 20.2 20.1 20.0 70 53 55 70 61.3 62 63 58.4 17 11 21 34
19 10 11 30
+ 8 9 71 17
8 15 25 29
+ 40 13 10 51
43 13 21 34
The noise-like pattern could be the result of radiated interference from outside sources which could be induced into the winding as a whole and thus not rejected as external noise. It would appear that this noise was dominating any low level discharge that may be present. As a consequence, it may be concluded on the basis of this test that there is no concern that discharge activity is prejudicing the stator. 2) The Use of Low Frequency PD Measurement Using the installed 80 pF couplers, Fig. 5 depicts the discharge activity in this machine tested in 2003 (mid range of Table 2) and at a similar loading and hydrogen pressure (604MW and 0.403 MPa respectively). Activity on all three phases is shown (scaled in mV) with Phase A being used as a reference. This assessment would suggest that most of the activity was on Phase C and was phase-ground with a positive predominance. This would be in general agreement with the finding in 2005 depicted in Table 2. However, the overall assessment here is the same the machine appears stable and no critical conditions exist. 3) An EMI evaluation
Since this unit has been in the program the longest, trending using EMI can meaningfully be undertaken. The data shown in Fig. 6 is for the four years 2001 2004 using a quasi-peak detector (with defined time constants) which has become a compromise yardstick for these measurements. The spectra have structures that are dominated by the resonance generated by standing wave patterns set up in the windings. However discharge activity seen by this method can be interpreted from the frequency bands in which activity is seen and sometimes from characteristics of the signature. Although the comparison does show some differences, the signatures do again indicate a machine in stable condition. In fact there has been some reduction in activity in the mid-frequency band identified as discharge activity associated with the slot region
products which mitigate activity by virtue of the added conductivity changing the voltage across cavities in the insulation. This can sometimes be seen in new stator bars as they initially settle in [10] and increasing conductivity of the void walls is established, and to machines in very advanced stages of deterioration. It should be recognized that, while the PD tests are made on the individual phases independently, the EMI measurements have been made through the use of a high-
Figure 5. Phase resolved PD analysis for Sammis Unit #6 from the line couplers LF signature.
20 2004 data
-20 0.01 0.05 0.09 0.14 0.18 0.22 0.27 0.36 0.45 0.53 0.69 0.85 1.02 1.22 1.58 1.93 2.3 2.95 3.87 4.68 5.45 7.01 8.94 10.8 12.6 16.9 21.5 26.5 31.5 39.3 46.5 52.9 67.7 82.9 98.4
Figure 6. EMI signatures for Sammis Unit #6 using a neutral highfrequency current transformer. Years 2001 -2004
Figure 4. Phase resolved PD analysis for Sammis Unit #6 from the line couplers HF signature.
(and also the slot exit region). While, in this case, this is probably not ominous, a decrease in activity is not always a good sign since extinction and diminution of discharges can sometime occur as a result of the accumulation of discharge
frequency current-transformer (HFCT see inset in Fig. 6) at the neutral of the machine. As a consequence, the results shown in Fig. 6 represent an amalgamation of activity from all the phases. The use of an HFCT at the neutral is not a limitation of the EMI technique, but rather a practice that has been adopted as the technique has been developed. Indeed, in 2004, the EPRI program [4] undertook some comparative measurements using EMI derived from an HFCT and from line-end couplers on the same machine for comparison
purposes. 4) Inspection of Sammis #6 An inspection was conducted in March 2005 after the rotor had been removed from the unit. With the stator accessible, careful examination of the slots was conducted with particular reference to the tightness of the wedges and signs of discharge activity. Similarly, the endwindings were studied for signs of wear, looseness, bracing failure and discharge activity. In undertaking a visual inspection, it should be kept in mind that only a small portion of a stator winding can be physically observed. None of the slot area is visible on this type of Westinghouse unit. In addition, the blocking just outside the core is so dense as to preclude seeing the critical area of bars at the core ends. On most machines this would be the junction point of the slot grounding and endwinding grading materials; however, on this design of stator, the slot grounding paint is carried out to about the mid-point of the bar end arm, thus the junction area is at this location. This area can be seen on the top of the top bars, and no particular activity was seen there. While there was very heavy oil contamination, overall the winding appeared to be in reasonably good condition, considering the age of the unit, magnitude of electromagnetic vibrational forces, string-tied endwinding tie system, and oil contamination. While there was considerable general contamination of the wedges, all sounded very tight. Greasing was wide-spread throughout the unit. The so-called grease is a mixture of oil with the dust generated by insulation wear (and general contaminating dirt). Oil ingress is common on generators, particularly hydrogen-cooled units. This generator was particularly contaminated with oil (the amount of oil removed from the generator was reported to be many gallons per day). Generally, oil contamination is not considered to be a serious degradation mechanism to the metallic and insulation components of modern generators. As an example, Fig. 7 shows a portion of the CE flux shield on which a heavy layer
of grease had accumulated. While this looked very much like molten metal, closer inspection suggests that it was contamination materials that have dried and hardened somewhat due to the heat of the shield. Some locations on the endwinding supports also showed very heavy grease generation. There was no evidence of PD at the slot exit regions predicted by EMI measurements and careful inspection of the phase breaks in the endwindings revealed little indication of any PD activity. There was only one block on which confirmed indications were seen. 5) Reconciliation with test signatures While numerous areas of general concern were observed on this stator winding, there were negligible indications relating to PD. It is very gratifying to observe so little PD activity since both EMI and PD signatures over several years have both indicated that activity was not excessive for a machine of this age. Indeed, stability was reported by all those who have tested this machine. The trending data shown here in Figs. 46 confirms that substantial discharge activity was not a
Figure 8 Marshall Unit #3. Phase-resolved PD analysis. (a) Phase A, (b) Phase B
The sister units #3 and #4 have been monitored since 2001 but, by way of illustration, only results for unit #3 will be reported here. 1) The Use of High Frequency PD Measurement The phase-resolved plots of Fig. 8, illustrate the relative PD activity monitored at the terminals of Phase A and B. It is clear that Phase B is significantly more active than Phase A. This was also evident from examining the Normalized Quantity Number (NQN) and Qmax data. Furthermore, Fig. 8(a) indicates a shift of about -20 from the positions on the power frequency wave normally associated with groundwall discharge. This would usually be an indication of phase-tophase discharges; often occurring in endwinding areas where the stator conductors of two phases are close enough for generation of PD. However, due to problems with the phase labeling and source of AC voltage used for synchronization, there is uncertainty whether the PD recorded on Phase A is coming from phases A-B or A-C discharge. Fig. 8(b) clearly indicates that not only does the majority of PD on this generator originates on phase B but also extends for a considerable proportion of each voltage half cycle (shown superimposed on the data in Fig. 8) which is not a normal pattern for groundwall PD. It would appear that there were two different activity patterns recorded on phase B. One is phase-to-ground discharge, located within the groundwall insulation and is due to a normal aging, but the majority of activity on this phase is most likely not caused by PD. It may be reasoned that the number of pulses, and pulse height distribution are indications of random, low repetition, high amplitude PD activity typical for PD outside the generator. However, since only one set of couplers was available on this machine, the tests were unable to use time-of-flight to discriminate. The external problems previously detected on this unit (see subsection 3 below) had been rectified by the time this test was undertaken. 2 ) The Use of Low Frequency PD Measurement Within two months of the results depicted in Fig. 8, a low frequency PD test was undertaken at 347 MW (half load) which is depicted in Fig. 9. Although nominally a low frequency test, the measurements could be filtered into two different bandwidths (40 - 800 kHz and 2 - 20 MHz) which has a marked effect on the shape of the phase-resolved PD plots. This is very evident from a comparison of Fig. 9 (a) and (b). At both frequencies, however, the plots would show that Phase B was exhibiting exceptionally high discharge magnitudes for a hydrogen-cooled machine [note that the scales on the 3 phase plots are not all the same]. Magnitudes of up to about 180 nC are indicated although it is not clear that this is very meaningful as a calibrated figure for inductive equipment [11]. Similar tests in the higher frequency band when the machine load was increased to 704 MW (Fig. 10) showed significant differences in the PD characteristics which could be due to either the increased temperature or mechanical forces accompanying the higher power level. Although the
tester associated the positioning of the discharge activity on the power frequency waveform (between 10 and 110 on one half cycle and between 190 and 290 on the other) with surface discharges, there is an element of doubt since the effect of load is too pronounced. Similarly, it is rationalized that an external discharge source would also not be expected
Figure 9 Marshall Unit #3. Phase-resolved PD analysis for a 347 MW load. (a) 40 800 kHz, (b) 2 20 MHz
to exhibit such large a variation with load. However, it is instructive to compare the characteristics of Fig. 10 with the PD signature obtained on this machine in the presence of confirmed iso-phase bus duct problems [2] referred to below. Two modes of discharge pattern are again evident. Discharges appearing on the other phases are probably crosscoupled from the phase having the active discharges.
Figure 10 Marshall Unit #3. Phase-resolved PD analysis for a 704 MW load., 2 20 MHz
3 ) An EMI evaluation Time-of-flight discrimination is not available for an EMI analysis. As a consequence, the frequency domain signals captured represent both discharges occurring within the machine envelope and also those emanating from outside. Indeed, advocates of this technique point to multiple instances when problems have been diagnosed with ancillary equipment. A case in point is shown in Fig. 11 when EMI analyses taken in 2002 and 2003 provided evidence of both iso-phase bus defects (in 2002) and bushing CT issues in 2003.
that there has indeed been some deterioration in the unit itself. The frequency band would suggest that this was slot related activity possibly caused by wearing away of the conductive coating due to looseness in the slot packing. The time domain signal at low frequencies was also examined which also suggested the speculation that the nature of the waveform is consistent with the erosion of the side ripple springs. Damage was thought in 2003 to be significant and progressing quite rapidly. 4) Inspection of Marshall #3
As in the case of Sammis #6, an inspection of Marshall units #3 and #4. was conducted. Both units were in similar condition. Specifically for Unit #3, there was very little greasing in the slot area, but, within about 50 cm of the core edge, heavy greasing was evident indicating that there had been bar vibration at the exit area of the core. There was also some evidence of abrasion associated with the ripple springs consistent with
October 2003 Mean = 54 uV Std. Dev. = 137 uV September 2002 Mean = 194 uV Std. Dev. = 510 uV
Bushing CT Sparking
1 Frequency (MHz)
Figure 11. Marshall Unit #3. Comparison of EMI signatures in 2002 and 2003
An outage was scheduled for this base-loaded machine and, indeed the external problems were found:- a cracked bus insulator and an arcing flex link depicted in Fig. 12. These issues were corrected prior to the PD measurements introduced above in 1) and 2) and so the PD measurement would not have been affected. Similarly in Fig. 11, below 1 MHz this behavior has not corrupted the signal which exhibits a 80 V level in
Figure 13. Marshall Unit #3. Source of minor end-winding PD at the slot exit (arrowed)
vibration despite the fact that the wedges appeared tight. The endwinding region showed some signs of a small amount of partial discharge shown in Fig. 13. However, it was concluded that the stator winding was in good condition despite some minor PD and end-of-slot vibration. The significant damage predicted by EMI [3) above] was not evident.
3.3 LAKE ROAD GENERATING #3 As is clear from Table 1, this is a large air-cooled unit, located in Dayville, CT, which was included in the program to allow a comparison of methods under the higher levels of PD which are typical of this kind of machine. Like the Sammis unit, duplicate sets of couplers were also added (9000 pf and 80 pF) to try to optimally accommodate both high- and lowfrequency techniques. Although no opportunity was available to internally inspect
Figure 12. Marshall Unit #3. Cracked insulator (left and arcing flexlink (right) contributing to the EMI signatures in Fig. 10. Problem areas arrowed.
this unit, the use of a plurality of measurements did provide some conclusions to be drawn. 1) The Use of High Frequency PD Measurement Using the 80 pF couplers, high frequency PD assessments were made in September 2005 and compared with those taken earlier in 2003. This comparison is given in terms of the maximum discharge magnitude and the integrated Normalized Quantity Number measure in Table 3. The normalized quantity number (NQN) analysis undertaken by some testers contributing to this study was originally defined as the normalized area under a straight line fitted to the pulse counts in each magnitude window of a pulse height analysis, in which the pulse counts are expressed as a logarithm of the pulses per second and the pulse magnitude window is a linear scale. The use of the logarithm of the pulse counts in the formula for calculating NQN rather than the use of the actual pulse counts reduces the relative contribution of high repetition rate pulses to the NQN compared with that of low repetition rate pulses. Both the pulse magnitude and repetition rate scales are normalized, and the quantity obtained is divided by the gain of the partial discharge detector. NQN can be represented mathematically [12] as:
database used although substantially reduced over the 2-year period. As indicated earlier, the high frequency PD technique usually capitalizes on the application of time-of-flight methods to differentiate between disturbances emanating from within the machine envelope and those reaching the coupler from outside. However, despite the fact that two couplers are installed on this Unit to allow this, manufacturers have different protocols for dealing with the arrival time delays due to the surge propagation on the bus. The hardware and software used in making the HF measurements shown in Fig. 14 did not permit the use of uncompensated cable runs. As a
Figure 14. Lake Road Generating Unit #3. Alternative highfrequency PD phase-resolved analysis on Phase A. Left 2004, Right 2006.
where P i is number of pulses per second in magnitude window i, N is number of magnitude windows, G is gain of the partial discharge detector (arithmetic, not decibels), FS is maximum magnitude window (in millivolts) at unity gain. Comparison with the magnitudes given for an H2-cooled m a c h i n e i n T a b l e
Table 3. Discharge magnitude trends for Lake Road Generating Unit #6
result, Fig. 14 represents a single ended measurement that was taken utilizing the three phase couplers in the plenum above the machine (i.e. closest to the machine terminals). As a result of this, there has to be some doubt about whether the signals
Phase B Qm+ Qm336 63 NQN + 364 81 288 207 NQN 329 175
Phase C Qm+ Qm257 148 NQN + 435 250 332 148 NQN 448 346
Sept 03 Sept 05
1 are obvious. However, comparisons made between these levels and those typical for similar air-cooled machines with nominal voltages greater than 16 kV would indicate that magnitudes in 2003 are greater than 98% of machines in the
Figure 15. Lake Road Generating Unit #3. High-frequency PD phase-resolved analysis on Phase A utilizing time-of-flight discrimination in 2006. Upper: PD derived from machine, lower: PD originating outside the machine envelope
From this, it is likely that much of the increased activity in 2006 depicted in Fig. 14, probably originates outside the machine and illustrates that great care needs to be exercised in interpreting both PD and EMI signatures since the fourfold increase in activity shown in Fig. 14 would normally be cause for concern the industry often uses a doubling over 6 months as a yardstick for further investigation.. 2 ) The Use of Low Frequency PD Measurement Using PD detection equipment operating in the frequency
Phase A
range 100 500 kHz, Tester D evaluated Unit #3 at Lake Road Generating on October 6th 2004 while it was loaded at 262 MW (27 MVAr). The high capacitance (9 nF) couplers were used and the average stator winding temperature was 84C. The PD analysis of all three phases is dominated by noise pulses produced by the excitation system. This can be seen in Fig. 16 as the regular needle-shaped discharges separated by a 60 phase shift. Changing the detector gain (not shown here) indicates that the peaks of these pulses have a magnitude which is nearly an order of magnitude higher than the discharges shown in Fig. 16. However, since they are not occurring in the machine insulation, they are of no consequence. However, it is of importance to note that such problems very often go undetected by a high-frequency analysis and is not seen here in Fig. 15, for example. The exciter problems were, indeed, confirmed both by EMI analysis (see 3) below) and independently through acoustic detection by a different vendor. Fig. 16 shows the bulk of the discharges occurring in Phase A which accords with the high-frequency results shown in Table 2 and also seen cross couple to the other two phases as shown. These are thought to result from hardware problems external to the generator (or perhaps to end-winding discharges). Additional low-level discharges are also evident in Phase C. Once again there is some confusion over the identification of the phases. It would appear that the software being used by this vendor does not provide a 120 phase shift in the superimposed voltage traces and so interpretation has to be done with care especially as it is not clear that the instrument is necessarily always using Phase A as a reference since, in general, there may be a -Y transformer in the path. 3 ) An EMI Evaluation EMI testing on Unit #3 was completed in 2004 within 4 months of the PD tests shown in Fig. 17. EMI testing was conducted with a quasi-peak detector and the unit close to its nameplate rating (267 MW, 37.5 MVAr) with stator temperature readings about 88 C. The spectrum is dominated by noise below 1 MHz related to the exciter. The exciter related EMI level for this generator
Phase B
Quasi-Peak (microvolts)
Generator #3
Partial discharges
Exciter noise
June 3, 2004 Mean = 39.5 uV Std. Dev. = 136 uV
Phase C
Figure 16. Lake Road Generating Unit #3. Low-frequency PD phase-resolved analysis in 2004. Note: Extensive activity on Phase A (circled) is cross-coupled to Phases B and C
Frequency (MHz)
Figure 17. Lake Road Generating Unit #3. EMI signature in 2004.
is the highest ever measured on any machine by this tester. Levels up to 800 V in the 200 - 250 kHz range were recorded. The EMI levels recorded suggest the presence of a field ground, but, in the absence of a field ground alarm (assumed operational) one must assume that the noise is the result of some other condition such as shaft grounding. The peaks seen at 2.5-3 MHz, 5.6 MHz, 13-16 MHz, 24 MHz and 34 MHz are likely due to discharge in the machine, but would be considered normal for a high-voltage air-cooled machine. These may be due to core-edge or end-winding discharges, but PD activity below 1 MHz will have been masked by the dominant exciter noise.
Since inspections of three of the units in the program have been completed, it is appropriate to make an assessment of the various techniques on an overall basis. This has been done in Table 4 in which a comparison is made of the findings which were derived from the various methods and the condition actually observed when the rotor was removed. Although this has been done using the data garnered for several years, a greater weight is placed on the more recent assessments. The crude and subjective nature of this assessment only warrants the coarse three-step reconciliation used in Table 4.
Table 4. Reconciliation of PD and EMI test results with inspections of Sammis #6 and Marshall #3 and #4 units. [Nomenclature: 0 = little or no correlation with inspection, 1 = partially correct assessment, 2 = substantially correct assessment, x = no opportunity to check] Method Sammis #6 (Machine only) Sammis #6 (External sources) Marshall #3 (Machine only) Marshall #3 (External sources) Marshall #4 (Machine only) Marshall #4 (External sources) PD HF 2 x 1 2 2 1 PD LF 2 x 1 2 2 2 PD LF {2 Freq} x x 2 2 1 2
apply and when the discharges are non classical, the interpretation of both PD and EMI signatures can indeed be quite difficult. Although Table 4 associates the outcome with the method without considering whether a less-than-ideal result is a failing of the method per se or the interpretation, there is some rationale for this approach, since some of the methodology in use does facilitate interpretation. For example, the use of high frequencies does permit time-of-flight methods which aid in distinguishing problems external to the machine. Furthermore, the indications are that the industry will eventually move towards automated systems of interpretation (an example is provided in Section 5.2) so that machine owners will get an automated assessment. Once the industry has some confidence in such computer-based inference engines, only in those cases which were flagged as being anomalous would it be necessary to have an insulation expert look at the detailed data. Of particular interest is the fact that most of the methods were able to correctly detect external discharge problems, even if they have no inherent means to differentiate. In most cases this was accomplished since the external discharge magnitudes at the Marshall site were so large that, if emanating from within the machines, they would have been substantially greater than normally encountered. It is not clear that more modest external sources would have been correctly identified. There is also another caveat that should be made clear in viewing Table 4. The inspection schedule meant that the reconciliation undertaken here is heavily dependent on the units at Marshall. The couplers installed at this site are not well matched to the high-frequency technique. As a consequence, the apparent marginally better performance of the LF techniques should not be interpreted as significant.
EMI 2 x 1 2 0 1
The results shown here are clearly a very small sample of those garnered over nearly 10 years. As a consequence, the appraisal and distillation of the experience from this program has relied data from references [1-5] which is not all included here. It is fully recognized that this is a contentious subject that is interwoven with commercial interests. Many of the vendors have established and entrenched technology preferences which have led to a variety of coupler systems permanently connected to generators that tend to lock a user into a particular technology. In addition, the only really reliable measurement is one that can be meaningfully compared with other similar data (a previous baseline, another phase, industry experience, etc.) This need has tended to stifle change since technology advances yield data which may not be readily compared with prior experience or be compatible with databases which are relied on as a yardstick. A good example of this is the use of a neutral CT coupler with the EMI method highlighted in reference [4]. There is no good technical reason why the EMI method should not employ line couplers. Indeed, tests have shown the EMI method can also collect data from
In viewing Table 4, it should be understood that there are two processes involved with making an evaluation. The first is the method by which the signatures were obtained, but, of perhaps equal importance, is the way in which those signatures were interpreted. All the assessments made here involved the manual intervention of an insulation professional to interpret the data garnered from the test. There are instances when errors are made in the interpretation; particularly with regard to the proper identification of phases and cross-talk between phases. However, there can be little doubt that in cases where a plurality of abnormal conditions
existing line couplers (and thus benefit from phase identification and increased sensitivity) in the same way as used in PD detection. The main reason why this is not done is the associated inability to compare the results with previous experience. From the users perspective, some form of common specification would both provide needed flexibility and interchangeability in the application of these methods and also provide a common basis for the interpretation of the results. This has not been possible in the last 20 years since the technology has been in development, but perhaps now there is some justification for moving in that direction. Even when the same technology is being employed, variations in implementation create significant limitations. A good example of the problem is seen in Section 3.3 1). The two highfrequency testers are essentially using the same time-of-flight discrimination method, but because of the different means for handling the delay times involved, the hardware configuration could not be utilized readily by both testers despite the fact that the couplers were quite compatible with the highfrequency technique being used. At the outset of this project, it was indicated that the objective was to evaluate methodology and not rank testing companies. In that spirit, an attempt has been made here to develop a specification in a logical way based on the perceived scientific merits rather than on the basis of entrenched commercial interests. 5.1 THE FREQUENCY ISSUE FOR PD DETECTION The experience gained from this work would suggest that, at the present moment, the time-of-flight discrimination would appear to be the best means to discriminate between external and machine-derived PD. For the reasons discussed in Section 2 this would favor the use of frequencies in the 50-250 MHz range and low capacitance couplers. However, the results of this program have indicated that PD acquisition in the high frequency band does, in fact, miss some problems which can only be seen at lower frequencies. Analysis based on the frequency considerations underlying Fig. 3 shows that there is advantage indicated in using a coupler capacitance of 500 pF from the viewpoint of encompassing signal. There are also some less obvious factors which come into play in the selection of coupler capacitance: The early introduction of 80 pF couplers has established a considerable inventory of couplers which are not likely to be changed out. In 6-coupler installations, the space to accommodate the couplers is often at a premium, and thus a larger coupler may present some difficulties. A larger coupler may have a higher parasitic inductance (and, perhaps more importantly, a higher lead inductance) which would not be desirable for time-of-flight discrimination. There is a paucity of experience with 500 pF couplers. As a result, it is felt that some comparative field experience is
needed. This could perhaps be obtained by fitting 80 pF and 500 pF couplers on sister machines. It is sometimes argued that computer-based intelligence can enable a low frequency system to exhibit both a high sensitivity and the discrimination typical of a high-frequency time-of-flight system. Nevertheless, the commercial state-ofthe-art today really does not support that contention. However, it is likely that artificial intelligence applied to this area, such as that introduced in Section 5.2 below, will evolve rapidly, and so this may not be the situation indefinitely. Such systems are already becoming available commercially for both noise discrimination and PD interpretation. The industry will need to remain open-minded on this issue in the coming decade. 5.2 ADVANCED COMPUTER-BASED METHODS The basic methods [7,12] have served the industry well. If the discharge signals are distilled into meaningful indices (such as the maximum pulse magnitude), then a basis for (relative) comparison can be established. However, the industry is understandably demanding much more detail on the location and nature of the perceived source of elevated activity. Some of this is currently available from a study of the phase-resolved discharge activity plots. However, this requires interpretation by a skilled and experienced operator, and this study has demonstrated on numerous occasions that even substantial experience does not guarantee a correct diagnosis. The availability of cheap computing power makes it attractive to examine the use of computer-based intelligence to provide unbiased estimates of insulation condition, and also a numerical assessment of the confidence of the diagnosis. There is a considerable body of literature in the recent past in this arena, but, unfortunately most of it relates to specimens unrealistic of the machine environment, and in laboratory conditions. Notwithstanding that, it is very clear that this is the way the technology is progressing, and it is likely that aspects of this will appear to tackle the complex problems associated with detailed diagnostics in the machine environment. Indeed, inference engines were developed over 15 years ago [13] to permit differentiation of certain forms of machine insulation defects, and the recent commercial introduction of a system that employs more sophisticated techniques for interpretation [14] is clearly a harbinger of the way the industry will move. Perhaps the most innovative initiative that has been introduced and shown to be effective is the use of a clustering technique based on the time and frequency characteristics of the pulses appearing at the coupler. This is a method borrowed from the communications industry [15]. Following Cavallini et al. [16], the equivalent width of the signal in the time and frequency domain, T and f, respectively, are given by:
T = f =
(t t )
0 0
~ s (t ) 2 dt
(2) (3)
2 ~ S ( f ) df
selected. While this is not a new approach, fuzzy logic is being used for the inference which permits a probability (or confidence) to be assigned to the process which will clearly depend on how close the descriptors match the classical case with which a comparison is being made. With reference to defect identification in rotating machines, identification markers that are used to infer the nature of PD sources include: Discharge pulse asymmetry Pulse phase inception Pulse phase interval
Figure 18. Classification of captured pulses on the basis of duration and bandwidth attributes.
Amplitude distribution Weibull (shape) parameter Amplitude distribution skewness Pulse number Cluster descriptors Phase information is used to build up the phase-resolved PD pattern, while the time of occurrence is used to evaluate the time between discharges behavior of the PD activity (see for example van Brunt [17]). The established theory requires that discharges emanate from the same site, which cannot be determined in these circumstances making the method essentially an ensemble analysis. Once a separation of the original dataset into clusters is obtained, both the pattern, and also a histogram of the time between discharges can be estimated to achieve the distributions relevant to the separated clusters of pulses. While the classical PD detection method places, understandably, a large emphasis on discharge magnitude, the emerging more sophisticated identification algorithms attempt to extract information from the PD character. The features used for identification, are descriptors of the shape of the PD pattern. Robustness to propagation path means that the selected identification features are only slightly affected by absolute values of PD magnitude (since patterns that differ by a scale factor can, nevertheless, exhibit the same shape). Magnitude independence is an important feature, since PD amplitude calibration in inductive apparatus is problematical due to the attenuation associated with the long propagation paths. Experiments undertaken in a laboratory environment [18] would suggest that at least some of these descriptors are insensitive to the propagation path which is, of course, a substantial asset. However, this is not altogether consistent with the need to differentiate between signals emanating from the machine and those coming from the external environment. It is also understood from the work of Cavallini et al [18] that further levels of sophistication are being used to permit some differentiation beyond that given here. This is very specific to the apparatus involved. Clearly, in the case of machines, a more detailed identification of the defect generating the PD activity is the basis for automatic recognitions processes. However, some information can be obtained by examining the polarity of the discharges and by examining the detailed pattern of the ensuing phase resolved measurements through the examination, for example, of the
~ ~ where S ( f ) is the Fourier transform of s (t ) , and t0 is the time averaged center of the normalized signal. By arranging the incoming pulses in [T - f,] space, the pulses may be sorted dependent on the characteristic shapes. An example of this clustering in a Cartesian plane is shown in Fig. 18 taken during a test on a large air-cooled machine in this program. The separation of pulse types is clearly seen. Since this system (as currently configured) is unable to take advantage of time-of-flight methods for discriminating between PD emanating from the generator and noise (or other discharge activity) entering from the external environment, discrimination is accomplished using the two indices cited above [equivalent time duration and bandwidth] to sort the incoming pulses in a time/frequency plane so that pulses of a similar type (based on this categorization) are grouped together. The indices are defined in such way that they are independent of polarity and amplitude. By this means, clusters of events can be identified and displayed, as shown in Fig. 17. The assumption is that incoming pulses which exhibit similar values of these two attributes originate from the same source (either inside or outside the generator). The operator is then able to select a particular cluster of PD events from the display for further analysis. In this way, each category of event can be analyzed separately so that generators exhibiting more than one source of discharge can, in principle, have a plurality of problems identified. After the clusters of pulses have been identified and selected, additional attributes may be used to further characterize the nature of the selected subset of discharges into one of three basic types: (1) Corona (partial discharge at point of field intensification in a free gaseous environment) (2) Surface discharge (creep discharge and/or discharges at interfaces driven by tangential electrical field) (3) Internal discharge (usually inside cavities or delaminated areas within a solid insulating structure). This determination is made by using markers extracted from the distributions of the relevant indices [mainly related to the phase resolved PD pattern] to formulate descriptions of the pulse characteristics which are then used in an inference engine to interpret the signal attributes captured for the feature
higher order moments. A typical inference engine for making these determinations has been given by Cavallini et al. [18]. It is perhaps instructive to tabulate the techniques that have been advanced to characterize discharge signatures with a view to extracting more data from PD tests. It has to be said that, in some cases, the utility of the methods has not been demonstrated in the machine context where the pulses are distorted during their passage to the coupler or in the field environment. Candidate techniques include: New indices describing the activity such as those derived from statistical analysis (e.g. skewness and kurtosis [19]) or from phase analysis (e.g. discharge stagnation voltage [10]) The use of fractal theory to describe the events Cluster analysis to characterize phenomena occurring in the stator windings Pulse sequence analysis to characterize the activity on the basis of discharge history The use of neural networks to associate signatures with known defects Fuzzy logic to characterize mechanisms This is by no means an exhaustive list, and it is not clear which of these is the most effective for generator diagnostics. However, there is widespread agreement that no single measure or technique is effective in providing a diagnosis. It is thus likely that future systems will rely on a plurality of such techniques for interpretation and this may have implication for the way in which data is captured and handled. The use of several measures then lends itself to the use of inference engines and fuzzy classifiers for diagnosis. 5.3 IDENTIFICATION OF PITFALLS AND BEST PRACTICES Not surprisingly, it is clear from Table 4. that the methods studied are not equally able to unequivocally diagnose machine problems. The efficacy of the methods depends on the circumstances and the nature of the problem. Nevertheless, there were a few generic issues which are worthy of note. 1) Phase identification There was more than one instance when terminals used to gain access to couplers were incorrectly or inadequately labeled. There were seldom checks made on the resulting signatures and an erroneous identification of the phase and cross coupling, etc. resulted. 2) Synchronization Phase-resolved PD measurements require the use of a synchronization signal to properly account for phase shifts which can provide vital information, for example, on the presence of end-winding discharge. The use of a 110 V outlet (or even a metering voltage transformer output) is quite
inappropriate without a check of the phase reference. A better solution is to use a signal from the HV coupler being monitored. 3) Parametric Variables Where operational constraints will allow, there is much value in undertaking PD or EMI measurements as a function of unit loading to try to determine whether the groundwall insulation is well consolidated. (The leakage magnetic flux interacts with the load current, I, to produce a 120 Hz force dependent on I2). For base-loaded units where this may not be possible without penalty, the import or export of reactive power (using compensation from a sister unit) can achieve the same objective [9], providing the measurement is done quickly before the resulting cross flux produces a change in temperature. By the same token, the variation of coolant gas pressure can also be useful as a diagnostic parameter. 4) Local supplementary detection Some vendors routinely supplement a PD or EMI measurement with the use of hand-held devices to confirm a diagnosis (usually a problem outside the machine envelope). Examples are the use of airborne acoustic detectors to locate problems in the iso-phase bus duct or the use of EMI sniffers [4] to detect local radiated RF emission. These have proved useful tools. 5) Non ideal matching It often may happen that the transducers installed on a machine are not ideally suited to the method being employed. This will result in either a lack of proper discrimination or a reduction in sensitivity. Other hardware related problems (couplers too far from the terminals, inappropriate cable runs, unavailability of generator neutral point, etc) can also all make a PD or EMI measurement less reliable. In a case where a machine has no installed couplers at all, it may be possible to use RTD temperature sensors to couple to the unit (through unscreened cables). Although this is far from an ideal configuration [20], it does permit some assessment to be made.
end-winding discharges could not be confirmed by inspection. Project Conclusion 3 EMI is effective in identifying problems outside the winding; such as those relating to the iso-phase bus duct components or the exciter. Project Conclusion 4 Currently, the interpretation of both PD and EMI signatures requires the skill of a trained insulation expert. Even then, there are difficulties experienced with correct interpretation in cases where the signals indicate non-classical behavior or are derived from a plurality of sources. It is likely that emerging computer-based diagnostic systems will improve diagnostic reliability, but are, today, unproven. During the progress of this investigation, it has also become clear that, from the users perspective, there are some actions that vendors could take which might lead to a greater applicability of these techniques: Vendor Recommendation 1 There is currently no interchangeability of couplers and the instrumentation used by various PD vendors. Furthermore, there is no agreement on the units of measurement (pC or mV). While there are technical issues involved here, there is no doubt that users would greatly benefit from some standardization and interchangeability. This applies both to the measurements and to the means of reporting the results. Currently vendors have somewhat entrenched positions which are not always in the best interest of the user. Vendor Recommendation 2 While it may not be necessarily representative, this program has probably found more problems external to the generators than stator winding issues. Such external problems are often identified by some PD methods with low confidence. The user would greatly benefit from explicit vendor statements on how such outside discharges are identified. Vendor Recommendation 3 The misidentification of phases appears to be very common indeed. Vendors should take steps to eliminate this problem through hardware modifications (e.g. deriving a synchronizing signal from the coupler being used for the PD measurement), or through establishing the necessary checks and balances to identify the problem.
Corp., General Electric Company, Iris Power Engineering, and Mechanical, Dynamics and Analysis [some of these Companies are no longer undertaking generator testing under these names].
[1] [2] C.V. Maughan, Partial Discharge On-line Testing of Turbine-Driven Generator Stator Windings, EPRI Report # 1001209, Palo Alto CA, 2000 J.K. Nelson, Assessment of Partial Discharge and Electromagnetic Interference On-line Testing of Turbine-Driven Generator Stator Winding Insulation Systems, EPRI Report # 1007742, Palo Alto CA, 2003 J.K. Nelson, Generator On-line Monitoring and Condition Assessment, EPRI Report # 1004958, Palo Alto CA, 2004 J.K. Nelson, Generator On-line Monitoring and Condition Assessment: Partial Discharge and Electromagnetic Interference, EPRI Report # 1010207, Palo Alto CA, 2005 J.K. Nelson, Generator On-line Monitoring and Condition Assessment, EPRI Report # 1012216, Palo Alto CA, 2006 G.C. Stone, E.A. Boulter, I. Culbert and H. Dhirani, Electrical Insulation for Rotating Machines, IEEE Press, 2004 CIGRE TF 15.11/33.03.02, Part V authored by CIGRE Task Force of Study Committee 15 entitled Generator Stator Insulation K.Hudon, Blec M, Partial discharge signal interpretation for generator diagnostics, Trans IEEE, Vol. DEI-12, 2005, pp 297-319 J.K. Nelson, S. Azizi-Ghannad, and R.J. Schwabe, Partial Discharge Characterization of Machine Insulation by the Transfer of Reactive Power, Ann. Rep. IEEE Conf. on Elect. Ins. & Diel. Phen., IEEE #96CH35985, 1996, pp 525-28 Y.J. Kim and J.K. Nelson, Assessment of deterioration in epoxy-mica machine insulation, Trans IEEE, Vol. EI-27, 1992, pp 1026-39 G.C. Stone, Calibration of PD measurements in generator and motor windings why it cant be done, Electrical Insulation Magazine, IEEE, Vol. 14, 1998, pp 9-12 IEEE Power Engineering Society, Electric Machinery Committee, IEEE Std. 1434-2000, IEEE Trial-use Guide to the Measurement of Partial Discharges in Rotating Machinery, IEEE, 2000 J.K. Nelson, The determination of machine insulation condition from partial discharge signatures, IEEE Special Publication # 92 THO4259PWR, 1992, pp 13-23 A.Contin, A. Cavallini, G.C. Montanari, and G. Pasini, Artificial intelligence methodology for the separation and classification of partial discharge signals, Ann. Rep. Conf. Elect. Ins. & Diel. Phen., IEEE, 2000, pp 522-26 L.E. Franks, Signal Theory. Prentice-Hall, 1975 A. Cavallini, A. Contin, G.C. Montanari, and F. Puletti, Advanced PD inference in on-field measurements. Part !: Noise rejection, Trans IEEE, Vol. DEI-10, 2003, pp 216-24 R.J. Van Brunt, Statistical properties of partial discharge phenomena, IEEE Trans EI, Vol. 26, 1991, pp 602-48 A. Cavallini, M. Conti, A. Contin, and G.C. Montanari, Advanced PD inference in on-field measurements. Part II: Indentification of defects in solid insulation systems, IEEE Trans DEI, Vol. 10, 2003, pp 528-38 T. Okamoto, and T. Tanaka, Change of pulse-mean-q distribution patterns of partial discharges due to treeing propagation, Elect. Eng. In Japan,, Vol. 102, 1982, pp 18-25 G.C. Stone and S.R. Campbell, Discussion of Field experience on the measurement of partial discharges on rotating equipment, IEEE Trans on Energy Conversion, Vol. 16, 2001, pp 380-81
This work was sponsored by members of EPRI program Steam Turbines-Generators and Auxiliary Systems to whom the authors are indebted. Grateful thanks are also given to Mr. Clyde V. Maughan of Maughan Engineering Consultants whose lifetime experience was invaluable during the inspection phases of the program. The authors would also like to recognize the host utilities (and engineers) contributing to the results in this paper: First Energy Corp. (Mr. T. Hitchcock), Duke Energy (Mr. M. Horton) and Lake Road Generating (Mr. H. Reis). This initiative would not have been possible without the cooperation and experience of the testing Companies. The authors are indebted to: Adwel International Ltd., American Electric Power, Alstom Power Inc,, Eaton Corp., First Energy
J. Keith Nelson (F90) was born in Oldham, UK and received his B.Sc.(Eng.) and Ph.D. degrees from the University of London, UK. He is currently Professor Emeritus at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute [previously Philip Sporn Chair of Electric Power Engineering]. Prior to his appointment at Rensselaer, he was manager of Electric Field Technology Programs at the General Electric R & D Center in Schenectady, NY. He has held numerous IEEE appointments including that of the Presidency of the Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation Society, 1995-6, and is currently an IEEE Director elect. He is a chartered electrical engineer, a Fellow the IET and the recipient of the IEEE Millennium Medal. Jan Stein (M'77) was born in Prague, Czech Republic in 1947. He received the DiplomIngenieur degree from Technical University, Delft, The Netherlands in 1974, the MBA degree from the San Jose State University, San Jose, USA in 1990. He manages generator R&D projects at EPRI in Palo Alto, CA. Prior to joining EPRI in 1984, he worked at Siemens-Allis in Milwaukee, WI, and Siemens/KWU in Germany. He has coauthored four IEEE publications, a book and papers presented at technical conferences.