(Open Drugs) GHB Manual
(Open Drugs) GHB Manual
(Open Drugs) GHB Manual
This is a flossmanual released by the Open Drugs movement. It describes the synthesis of gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid from commonly availabe house hold cleaning products. It has been found on an often referred to Anglefire page [1]. All images by Open Drugs This manual is for theoretical argument only. Following the described synthesis is an offense in most countries and offenders can be persecuted. Open Drugs is not in any way responsible for harm done to yourself or others. Chemistry is not a game and should be pracisted only by those who have understanding of it. All rights of copyrighted material belong to their respective owners. Everything else is licensed under:
Chemicals needed How to make GHB Effects of GHB References
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Chemicals needed
1. GBL, gamma-Butyrolactone. (Used almost exclusively as a chemical intermediate as well as in the production of pesticides and herbicides. Also GBL can be used as an intermediate in the production of vitamins and pharmaceuticals.). Can be commonly found in on-line shops. 2. NaOH, sodium hydroxide or lye. You can find this in the drain cleaning section at most stores. Recommened Red Devil Lye. *2. KOH, potassium Hydroxide. You can use this or NaOH, but you will need more KOH then NaOH. 3. pH testing papers, found everwhere ask a clerk or someone at a big store.
1. Place the content of the gamma butyrolactone bottle in a stainless steel or pyrex glass saucepan. Do not use aluminum cookware to make GHB. bottle in the same saucepan.
2. Place the content of the NaOH or KOH 3. Put SLOWLY around a half cup of warm
distilled water in it. Put a cover (fast! the reaction may be immediate) on it but not tight. it doesnt (after 2-3 minutes), heat it a LITTLE (once it reacts remove it from the stove).
4. Wait a little it will start reacting on itself. If 4.5. If there is some NaOH not dissolved,
and others prefer to heat the solution a little.) After its finished. Start heating it slowly. You will see it starting boiling. Dont overheat! It can burn. Do it for one hour. Dont forget to add water if you make it boil for a long time.
5.5. Between step 4 and 6 you might see a white compound on the side of the saucepan (it doesnt happen everytime). Dont throw it away, its GHB. When you will add water, it will dissolve. 6. When you are finished, put it in a measuring cup (Pyrex) and fill it with water (when Im in a hurry to taste it I use ice) to 1000ml (a little more than 4 cups). That way youll have
Effects of GHB
Most users find that GHB induces a pleasant state of relaxation and tranquility. Frequent effects are placidity, sensuality, mild euphoria, and a tendency to verbalize. Anxieties and inhibitions tend to dissolve into a feeling of emotional warmth, wellbeing, and pleasant drowsiness. The morning after effects of GHB lack the unpleasant or debilitating characteristics associated with alcohol and other relaxation-oriented drugs. In fact, many users report feeling particularly refreshed, even energized, the next day. The effects of GHB can generally be felt within five to twenty minutes after ingestion. They usually last no more than one and a half to three hours, although they can be indefinitely prolonged through repeated dosing. The effects of GHB are very dose-dependent. Higher levels feature greater giddiness, silliness, and interference with mobility and verbal coherence, and maybe even dizziness. Even higher doses usually induce sleep.
Low Dose:
A low dose of GHB (usually from .5 to 1.5 gms) often causes effects similar to those of 1-3 drinks of alchohol. Users can feel a mild relaxation, increased sociability, slightly decreased motor skills, sometimes mild dizziness, and other effects similar to mild alchol intoxication. Even at low doses it is improper for GHB users to drive or operate heavy machinery.
Medium Dose:
Determining the ideal dose is probably the trickiest aspect of working with GHB. The amount required for a given level of effect will vary from person to person, and the dose-response curve is fairly steep. Overestimating the dose can have consequences ranging in seriousness from ruining your plans for the evening to waking up in the emergency ward as a result of panic on the part of concernedbut-uninformed friends or relatives. Once you have found the levels that give you the effects you desire, they will remain consistent. Tolerance to GHB does not develop. However, recent (not current) alcohol consumption may decrease the effect of a given dose of GHB. Most people find that a dose in the range of 0.75-1.5 grams is suitable for prosexual purposes, and that a quantity in the range of 2.5 grams is sufficient to force sleep. 5
A medium dose of GHB (usually from 1 to 2.5 grams) increases the relaxing effects and the physical disequilibrium experienced. Some people report an increased appreciation for music, dancing, or talking. Many people report positive mood changes. Some slurring of speech, silliness, and slight incoherency are also common. Others report increased feelings of nausea and grogginess. Some users of GHB report pro-sexual effects: an increase in tactile sensitivity, relaxation, increased male erectile capacity, and heightened experience of orgasm. Some women report that GHB makes orgasms harder to achieve.
Heavy Dose:
A heavy dose of GHB (from 2.5 + grams) can increase feelings of disequilibrium in many people to point of feeling quite ill. Many people accidentally move from Medium Dose to Over Dose, only passing through Heavy Dose for a few minutes. One reason that GHB has gained notoriety as a Club Drug is that some people experience extremely positive feelings on Heavy Doses of GHB. Reports of euphoria, feeling music deeply, joyous dancing, and other very positive effects are common among afficianados. People who report these effects also describe how difficult finding ones personal dose range can be to achieve these effects. An extra quarter (.25) gram can be the difference between euphoria and vomiting.
The Overdose range for GHB can be as little as 2 grams, based on body weight and individual sensitivity. One major problem with GHB as an underground recreational substance is that it has a sharp dose-response curve, which can be difficult to manage with the various non-standard preparations available to the uninformed buyer. Another major problem is that uninformed users often mix GHB with alcohol, which drastically increases the chance of vomiting and unconsciousness. An overdose can consist of mild to extreme nausea and dizziness, sometimes vomiting. It can also be characterized by a strong drowsy feeling followed by an temporarily unrouseable sleep (sometimes characterized as a type of coma) for 1-4 hours. Some Overdoses of GHB mix vomiting with unconsciousness which is an extremely dangerous combination for obvious reasons. When using GHB (or any substance), it is important to remember to let someone who is with you know what youre doing, so if you experience Overdose effects, they can react appropriately and let any health professionals who become involved know what substance was involved.
people also report feeling refreshed, happier, and more alert the day after use. For some people, using GHB more than once a week causes significantly increased negative after effects.
[1] Anonymous. (n.d.). Recipe for GHB. Retrieved January 5, 2011, from www.angelfire.com/planet/organicchemistry/ Index/page%203%20chemical%20drugs/ page%203.3.3.htm
I am defining a level dosage above Overdose in order to highlight the effects of extreme overdoses. While many Overdoses consist mainly of heavy sleep, some are lifethreatening. GHB Poisonings are characterized by very low breathing, convulsions, vomiting, being completely non responsive even to deep pain, fixed pupils, etc. GHB poisoning victims should receive medical care immediately.
After Effects
Some people feel drowsy, sleepy, or groggy after the effects wear off or the next day after ingestion. The hangover from low and medium doses of GHB is usually mild or non existant, although some people report feeling slightly fuzzy headed the next day. Some 6