Sculpture Syllabus

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Sculpture Syllabus Miss Schooley

Winchester Community HIgh School Room: D14 E-mail: Course Description This course is designed to provide further opportunities for students to explore aspects of several different mediums within the 3D realm. This will be accomplished through historical study of art and culture, the practice of critiquing artworks, in depth discussion of aesthetics, and the process of creating art products. Course Objective The students will understand the elements and principles of design and apply this knowledge when critiquing artwork and creating original works of art. They will understand the history behind past and contemporary artworks and how art affects everyday life, society, and cultures worldwide. Components of Visual Arts Education Visual Arts Education is defined by the Discipline Based Art Education (DBAE) curriculum, which contains four art components: History, Criticism, Aesthetics, and Production. Though the process of art production will consume the majority of class time, understanding these three additional art areas will enhance the quality of the students artworks. 1. Art History (understanding how artists and art contribute to and affect society and cultures worldwide) 2. Art Criticism (responding to and evaluating the use of elements and principles of design within a composition) 3. Art Aesthetics (interpreting the meaning and value of art) 4. Art Production (the process of creating art) Attendance and Discipline All students must abide by attendance and discipline policies within the school handbook. Students are asked not to miss a class period unless absolutely necessary. Daily work grades will result in a zero if the absence is not documented as excused. These points cannot be made up. If a student chooses to be tardy, they are expected to turn in their assignment on the way to the tardy room or it will be considered late. Tardy students are also expected to acquire and turn in their missed assignments ON TIME. Tardies are not considered absences. Class Participation All students are expected to engage in discussions, answer and ask questions, remain on task during work days and times, turn in assignments on time, and participate in oral and written critiques. Failing to do so will hurt individual daily work grades and may affect assignment and project grades. Classroom Pass Policy Available upon appropriate request will be three permanent passes: 1 bathroom pass, 1 hallway pass, and 1 library pass. Passes will not be administered the first 15 minutes of class unless otherwise advised. Books or personal belongings are not a stand in, so you should expect to collect your belongings and head to the tardy room if you choose to use this approach. If a student chooses not to stay on task or be disruptive during class, they will not be allowed pass access. Passes are a privilege, not right.

Due Date and Late Policy All assignments must be turned in on the due date unless otherwise advised. For every day late, the student will receive a 10% reduction. Assessment and Grading Each project, sketchbook, and written critique will be graded by the use of a specific rubric. The rubric and expectations for each project will be given at the time of assignment. Smaller assignments will be graded upon completion or participation. Each student will be evaluated by the following grading scale and percentage system: Assignment Percentage System: Projects Participation Sketchbooks Critiques Quizzes, tests, & worksheets 50% 20% 15% 10% 5% Grading Scale: A 100-90% B 89-80% C 79-70% D 69-60% F 60% and below

Textbook and Resources Students will have access to the Internet, art books and magazines, the library, and permitted use of their iPads. Supplies & Materials Students are required to have the following materials on hand EVERY DAY: 2 #2 pencils (no mechanical pencils) 1 white or pink drawing eraser 1 notebook or sheets of notebook paper 1 two-pocket folder 1 pencil sharpener (optional) *If you are a sophomore or junior and intend on taking more art classes throughout your high school career, I suggest you buy a 9 X 12 inch spiral bound sketchbook. Hobby Lobby has a variety of sketchbooks starting at $7.99. If you are interested but cannot make it to the nearest Hobby Lobby or cannot afford this price, please let me know and I will make accommodations for you.

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