Honors Art Disclosure
Honors Art Disclosure
Honors Art Disclosure
Students will be held responsible for making up any work that may have been missed
during an absence. This work may be made up at home, or after school as arranged
with the teacher.
Students are expected to be POSITIVE. Art is fun! There is a direct correlation
between what you put into this class and what you get out of it.
Materials and supplies are expensive and any abuse or mishandling of these supplies
and materials will not be tolerated. In this class students will supply most of their
materials themselves. There will be supplies that students can use on hand, but if its
a medium they really want to focus on like painting, then the student would have to
supply their own canvas.
Grading will be based upon TMUs (Thunder Mastery Units. A description of which is
included in your registration information as well as the school website.) These
include major projects, daily assignments, attitude, individual progress, class
participation, and other tests or quizzes. A total points system for projects,
assignments, and tests similar to the following will be used:
94-100% A
90-93% A87-89% B+
84-86% B
80-83% B77-79% C+
74-76% C
70-73% C67-69% D+
64-66% D
60-63% D0-59% F
CLASS PARTICIPATION consists of 5 points per day that are earned by the student
for attendance, preparedness, staying on task and general good behavior. 3 points will
be taken according to the misbehavior of the student. Misbehavior can include
anything from not cleaning up to talking back. Tardies are worth 2 points. A tardy is
considered coming in after the final bell has rung, even if you show up four seconds
later. After the third tardy they are worth 5.
CRITIQUES: Students are required to have their work ready and will participate in a
critique. Work that is nowhere close to being completed will not be accepted. For example,
if your work is just an outline, when the final product is supposed to be a painting, then
that is nowhere close to completion. Grading for a critique is as follows: 75 points for
work being completed or being extremely close to completion/25 points for presenting
your work in the critique. So if you dont have your work ready to go, then you have no
way to present it, if you have no way to present it, then you just lost 100 points for being
unprepared. If a student doesnt show up to a critique but then comes to class the next
period with their work then the max score they can receive is 75/100. Critiques are meant
to give a student guidance and support. They are not used to harm and make fun.
Class Policies:
Students are expected to come to class ON TIME and prepared with all supplies
needed for the class. The supplies needed vary depending on what project we are
working on.
Each student will be expected to adhere to all rules and policies indicated by the
Alpine School District and Westlake High School including the tardy, attendance, and
dress code policies.
Students will be allowed to leave the classroom at the teachers discretion. If hall
passes are abused students will lose the privilege.
Rules to Live By:
Respect yourself.
Respect others.
Respect our classroom.
Any device (cell phone, tablet, computer, headphones/iPod, games, etc.) will be put away
BEFORE entering the classroom. This means it will not be seen on the student or in the
students hand. Music and research through electronic means will be allowed and given by
my permission. When I am instructing, both ear buds/headphones will be removed and full
attention will be given to the instruction. If a student abuses or ignores this privilege, the
electronic device will be turned over to me for the remainder of the class period. If the
student refuses to comply, he/she will be referred to the administration.
Discipline Policy:
I expect students to be mature and self motivated. If behavior is not appropriate, I will
speak with the student privately about the issue. If the situation does not improve, parents
will be contacted. If the problem persists, the student will be referred to the principals office
for disciplinary action or removal from the class. Any damages to the classroom or supplies
will be paid for by the student.
Ethics, Artistic Integrity and Plagiarism
Any work that makes use of (appropriates) photographs, published images and/or other
artists work must show substantial and significant development beyond duplication. This is
demonstrated through manipulation of the formal qualities, design and/or concept of the
source. The students individual voice should be clearly evident. It is unethical, constitutes
plagiarism, and often violates copyright law simply to copy another artists work or imagery
(even in another medium) and represent it as ones own.
Open Studio:
Open studio will be held to give students an opportunity to have extra studio time.
Parents, I look forward to working with your students. I also look forward to working with
you. Please sign below and include your e-mail address, or a daytime phone number so I can
also keep in contact with you about your students progress in my class. Also, please include
any information about your student that may help me to help them to succeed in my class.