Teacher of Spanish
Teacher of Spanish
Teacher of Spanish
The languages department consists of two full time and three part time teachers. All students study either French, Spanish or oth at !ey stage ". #n $ear % all pupils study French and Spanish for the first half term. They then chose which language they wish to continue with for the rest of the year. They recei&e " '( minute language lessons a wee) in year %. #n $ear * this increases to + lessons a wee) for single linguists. ,upils who ha&e demonstrated an aptitude for languages in $ear % recei&e lessons a wee) of oth French and Spanish. Those doing French follow the ./po course in years % and * and in years 0, 1( and 11 we ha&e recently introduced Tricolore. ,upils doing Spanish follow the Listos course throughout. All the language rooms are e2uipped with interacti&e white oards. #CT is used e/tensi&ely in the department. ,upils ha&e digital te/t oo) access in !ey stage +. 3e also su scri e to linguascope, atant4t, &oca e/press and frenchteacher.net. The department organises a range of trips and outings. #n year % we ta)e those studying French to France for a long wee)end to a languages centre in 5ormandy. 6ur Spanish students en7oy + days in Comillas in 5orthern Spain. For years * and a o&e there are annual e/change trips to Le 8a&re and Madrid which are &ery popular and upta)e is high. #n addition we ta)e pupils on re&ision days and to e/hi itions that we feel will enhance their learning. 3e ha&e a foreign language assistant each year. Languages are popular and upta)e at )ey stage + is a o&e the national a&erage. 6ur pupils wor) hard and achie&e outstanding results. There are after school clu s and support sessions for oth languages.