Teacher of Spanish

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Christs School Modern Language Department

The languages department consists of two full time and three part time teachers. All students study either French, Spanish or oth at !ey stage ". #n $ear % all pupils study French and Spanish for the first half term. They then chose which language they wish to continue with for the rest of the year. They recei&e " '( minute language lessons a wee) in year %. #n $ear * this increases to + lessons a wee) for single linguists. ,upils who ha&e demonstrated an aptitude for languages in $ear % recei&e lessons a wee) of oth French and Spanish. Those doing French follow the ./po course in years % and * and in years 0, 1( and 11 we ha&e recently introduced Tricolore. ,upils doing Spanish follow the Listos course throughout. All the language rooms are e2uipped with interacti&e white oards. #CT is used e/tensi&ely in the department. ,upils ha&e digital te/t oo) access in !ey stage +. 3e also su scri e to linguascope, atant4t, &oca e/press and frenchteacher.net. The department organises a range of trips and outings. #n year % we ta)e those studying French to France for a long wee)end to a languages centre in 5ormandy. 6ur Spanish students en7oy + days in Comillas in 5orthern Spain. For years * and a o&e there are annual e/change trips to Le 8a&re and Madrid which are &ery popular and upta)e is high. #n addition we ta)e pupils on re&ision days and to e/hi itions that we feel will enhance their learning. 3e ha&e a foreign language assistant each year. Languages are popular and upta)e at )ey stage + is a o&e the national a&erage. 6ur pupils wor) hard and achie&e outstanding results. There are after school clu s and support sessions for oth languages.

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