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Usui Reiki Training Manual

Levels One, Two and Master/Teacher

Stephen Lovering

I have compiled this manual as an aid for new Reiki students as well as experienced Reiki Masters written in a simple and easy to understand way, my aim is to bring clarity and understanding to all who read it. Please be aware that to practice Reiki you will need to receive an attunement from a qualified Reiki Master more information about this is covered in the level one section. Also remember that alternative treatments and therapies are not a substitute for full medical attention and care from your health practitioner. If you have an illness please consult with your GP or hospital.

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual

Level One Introduction/Choosing a teacher What is Reiki What is an Attunement What will happen after my Reiki Attunement How does Reiki work? Reiki History Reiki Principles Essence of Reiki Reiki Levels Chakras The Reiki Session (Body Scan/Hand Positions) Where can we use Reiki Conclusion Level Two Introduction The Reiki Symbols The Power Symbol Mental/Emotional Symbol Distance Healing Symbol Emotional Healing Meditation 22 23 26 28 31 33 6 6 7 7 7 8 11 11 12 13 14 19 20

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual

Distant Treatments Group Distant Healing More uses for the Symbols Conclusion APPENDIX Level Two

35 39 40 42 43

LEVEL THREE MASTER/TEACHER Introduction Professional Conduct Master Symbol Master Symbol uses Attunement Preparation Attunement Procedures Distant Attunements What to teach Energy exchange Conclusion Consultation/Treatment Record forms Disclaimer 47 48 50 52 54 55 67 68 69 70 71 74

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual

INTRODUCTION Hello and Welcome. Reiki Level I is the first exciting step of this wonderful healing energy. To be able to work with Reiki you will need to receive an attunement from a qualified Reiki Master/Teacher this can be received in person or distantly as energy has no time or distance restrictions. If you search on the internet you will find many different teachers who offer attunements and Reiki courses both in classroom settings and as internet courses. Personally I feel there is no difference between in person or distance attunements the difference is in the teaching. If you attend an in person training course you will have the hands on practice and knowledge that often cannot be taught over the internet. However many Reiki practitioners who have learnt distantly are able to work with the same high standards and diligence as someone who has received their training in a classroom setting. Take your time choosing a Reiki teacher how do you feel when you interact with them? If your intuition tells you that a particular teacher is perfect for you then follow that inner guidance. Take time to ask your teacher how they trained, how long they have been teaching and anything else that you want to know. A good teacher will be more than happy to spend time talking with you before you commit to a training course. WHAT IS REIKI? Reiki (pronounced Ray Key) is a Japanese word consisting of two characters "Rei" and "Ki". Rei is Japanese for spiritual or sacred Ki is Japanese for energy. Reiki literally translates as Spiritual Energy Rei represents the Holy Spirit, Mystery, Gift, Nature Spirit or Invisible Spirit. Ki represents the Physical Energy of Nature, Talent or Feelings. Reiki, with a capital "R", is a specific healing support system, divided into three levels, which have been passed along from Reiki Master to student for the past hundred years since its rediscovery by Mikao Usui. Reiki is not a substitute of conventional medicine, but it can be a useful complimentary therapy. During Reiki sessions do not try and diagnose a problem.

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual

WHAT IS AN ATTUNEMENT? To use Reiki you need to be attuned. An attunement is a traditional spiritual ceremony that helps you to connect to the Reiki Energy Source. Its a new rebirth. Many things may or may not happen during and after an attunement. An attunement is awareness of our self-empowerment. The attunement is all you need to use Reiki energy in your own life and for those around you. A Reiki Master Teacher does this attunement. WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER MY REIKI I ATTUNEMENT? Your Chakras are opened and you are connected to the Reiki Source You are able to channel Reiki through your hands to yourself or others by your link to the Reiki Source You will become increasingly aware of what you need to do in regards to your healing You may become more intuitive and psychic Further changes will manifest in your life that are needed and are distinctive to you

HOW DOES REIKI WORK? Do not try to understand how Reiki works. Nobody really knows how it works. Reiki works even if we dont understand it. Just be Reiki and your entire life will be changed. If you dont believe me just practice Reiki! Practice Reiki! Practice Reiki! And finally you will find the truth. The truth its simple: you are Reiki. Reiki can only be used for the higher good. REIKI IS NOT Religious cult Psychic surgery Imagination Psychotherapy Medical technique Diagnosis method Form of mind control Medical practice Massage technique Shamanism

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual

REIKI HISTORY This is traditional story of Usui Reiki System as told by Mrs Takata. DR. MIKAO USUI was a Christian minister and was the head of a Christian Boys School in Kyoto, Japan. One day some of the students asked him if he believed in the healing miracles, which Jesus did. Being a Christian minister he answered, "I believe they were real healings". They asked him why no one was healing like that today. Since he had no answer to the question, he immediately resigned his post and went in search of an answer. With this he resolved to find the way in which Jesus had healed. This immediately set him on a journey of many years. Studying first at Christian schools in the US, for where else to learn of Jesus, but with no results. In the Christian schools the method was not known. It was suggested he study Buddhist writings since the Buddha had also healed. This took more years studying at a monastery in the Orient. Nowhere could he find the answers. In Japan he toured many temples asking for knowledge of how the Buddha had healed. At each one the monks said they used to heal like that but now were more concerned with spiritual rather than physical well being. In one small monastery he found some ancient Sanskrit writings from India (or perhaps Tibet). In these writings he found the symbols for healing, but lacked the ability to use them. After a few more years of study, he felt he had come to an understanding and that to go further required in depth meditation. He declared to the monks of that monastery his intention to fast and meditate for 21 days at a nearby mountain and that if he shall not come back they should come and get his body. He went to the mountain and gathered 21 stones with which to count the days. Each day he would throw away a stone and in this way count the time. On the 20th day nothing had come as yet and he threw away the last stone saying "Well, this is it, either I get the answer tonight or I do not". As morning approached, he could see a ball of light coming toward him on the horizon. The first instinct was to get out of the way, but he realized this might just be what he was waiting for, so allowed it to hit him right in the forehead. "I am what you have waited for." As it struck him he was taken on a journey and shown bubbles of all the colours of the rainbow in which were the symbols of Reiki, the very same symbols in the Tibetan writings he was studying but had been unable to understand. Now as he looked at them again, there was total understanding. When he again became aware of his surroundings, the sun was high in the sky, telling him that the journey had taken a few hours. After returning from this experience he began back down the mountain and was, from this moment on, able to heal. On his way down the mountain, he stubbed his toe so hard that blood was coming from under the nail. He instinctively grabbed his toe and held it until the pain was gone. When he took his hand away, his toe was completely

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual

healed. On his journey back to the monastery, he came across a home that had a red table cloth over the outside table. This meant that the home served food and that they were open. Dr. Usui stopped for a meal to break his 21 day fast. The owner saw that he was in monks robes and in a condition indicating a long fast. "I will fix you some rice gruel." This was the best food for breaking a long fast, as regular food would make a person very sick. "No, please bring me a full meal, all the regular food." After some arguing about it, the owner had his daughter bring out a full meal for Mikao, which he ate with no ill effects. While he was eating, he noticed that the owners daughter had an ailing tooth, which was very swollen and painful. Dr. Usui laid his hands on the check of the girl for sometime and when he removed his hands, the tooth was healed, the swelling gone and no pain was felt. Dr. Usui was excited to return to the monastery. When he arrived, he asked to see his mentor. After cleaning himself up and putting on fresh clothing, he related the entire story to the monk. The abbot, having been bed ridden from chronic arthritis then asked Dr. Usui to heal him of this disease, which Dr. Usui promptly did. These are known as the first four miracles. Dr. Usui wanted to use these abilities to help others. He spent the next seven years in the beggars section of Tokyo healing the poor and sick people there, sending them to a monk to learn meditation and to help them find employment, and thereby, elevating them out of poverty. After the seven years he noticed familiar faces, those of people whom he'd healed long ago who were back again. Asking them, they complained that life outside beggar town was hard and that it was much simpler to beg for a living. They had thrown away the gift of health, as if it had no value, to return to the supposed comfort of the life they knew. This threw Dr. Usui into a quandary and he returned to the monastery. From this he realized he hadn't taught gratitude along with the healing. That he'd focused on the physical ailments without dealing with the spiritual matters. The people did not understand the value of the gift he gave them. After some time in the monastery he developed precepts and the belief that one needs to pay for treatments and attunements. In this new plan he travelled around the countryside from village to village. In each one he stood in a public place during the day holding aloft a lit torch. When people told him he didn't need a torch in daylight, he answered that he was looking for the few who are interested in improving their vision. In this way he travelled around teaching and healing, working both with the spiritual healing as well as physical healing.

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual

MIKAO USUI 1865-1926 Founder of Usui Reiki

DR HAYASHI 1880-1940

Retired Naval Officer and surgeon and one of Usuis 21 Teacher students


One of Dr Hayashis 13 students and responsible for bringing Reiki to the West

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


THE REIKI PRINCIPLES Here are the Reiki principles as I teach:Just for Just for Just for Just for Just for today: today: today: today: today: I I I I I will will will will will give thanks for my many blessings. not worry. not be angry. do my work honestly. be kind to my neighbour and every living thing.

THE ESSENCE OF REIKI USE EXPLAINED IN SIMPLE TERMS (1) Just for today - the importance of "today, applicable for all five principles. How you live today determines whether or not you will complete the necessary learning. -Today- is a collection of moments. This teaches us to fully live each and every moment and this whole day. (2) Do not get angry - recover the balance of mind and emotion with Reiki. Live a quiet and peaceful life. Anger hurts others and yourself. (3) Do not worry - Reiki Mastership is the step for learning to fully trust the universe. Do not have any unnecessary worries and fear. Do your best today and let the universe take care of the rest, keeping the peace of your mind. It is the key to being free from fear to believe in the universe and be with the universe. (4) Be thankful - you naturally become thankful if you receive the benefit of Reiki and familiarise yourself with Reiki everyday. (5) Work hard - Usui Reiki shows how to utilise Reiki in everyday life and work. A lazy mind is bad for you. People will grow through work and learn through everyday life. (6) Be kind to others - A sense of oneness can be developed naturally through Reiki healing (practice of love) A healthy society can only be established through the cooperation of a large number of people. In the universal dimension there is no distinction between self and others, only the existence of the same soul. "Be kind to others' is synonymous to "Be kind to yourself".

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


REIKI LEVELS In Usui Reiki there are three levels that are taught traditionally. Level I - Reiki Level I (called Shoden in Japan) is taught to those that wish to learn to use the Reiki Energy. The class is taught by a Reiki Master trained to pass the attunements and teach Reiki. Traditional Usui Healing Systems use a set of four attunements. A Reiki I class material generally includes the hand positions used when doing Reiki on self and others, the Reiki principles, and the history of Reiki. You then receive the attunements. Once you have received the attunements you are a Reiki Practitioner. Whether you practice Reiki or not is your choice. Level II - Reiki Level II (called Okuden in Japan) Level II generally includes the three Reiki Symbols (Focus, Harmony, and Connection), Mental/Emotional Healing, Distant Healing, symbols use and meanings are taught and the student receives one attunement. Level III (Master Level) - Third Level Reiki (called Shinpiden in Japan) is the Master Level of Reiki. The Usui Master Symbol its meaning and application is taught. This symbol completes the other three symbols taught at Level II. Masters are taught how to initiate others into Reiki using the attunement process. After receiving attunements to any level it is important that you perform self treatments once a day for 21 days to help start to heal yourself.

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


REIKI SESSIONS (TREATMENTS) Once you have been attuned to Reiki energy you can treat others or yourself with Reiki. It is useful after an attunement to practice daily on yourself, this gets the energy flowing. Reiki is not a substitute for traditional medical practise, but it can be an exceptionally useful complimentary therapy.

CHAKRAS Chakras are a key factor in all aspects of Reiki and you should have a basic understanding of what they are. There are 7 major Chakras. They are energy portals where energy flows. When a Chakra becomes blocked an imbalance occurs. If it is not cleared then illness and disease can manifest itself. 1. The First Chakra Root Chakra located at the base of the spine. It is linked to survival and our ability to ground ourselves in the physical world. 2. The Second Chakra Sacral Chakra located just beneath the navel. It is related to our sexual and reproductive capacity. 3. The Third Chakra Solar Plexus located behind the solar plexus which gives us our personal power in the world. 4. The Fourth Chakra Heart Chakra located at the Heart and gives us the ability to express love. 5. The Fifth Chakra Throat Chakra is linked to creativity and communication. 6. The Sixth Chakra Third Eye Chakra located between the eyebrows. This is the centre of intuition and awareness. 7. The Seventh Chakra Crown Chakra located at the top of the head. This is relates to ones personal and spiritual connection to the universe.

Chakra Chart:-

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


SELF TREATMENT Self treatment is useful to get your energy flowing. It allows you to feel Reiki energy flowing through you as it goes to parts of your body that need it. Simply place your hands on parts of your body, head, eyes, throat, shoulders, tummy, thighs, knees, back and wherever else you are drawn to. THE REIKI SESSION When you are about to treat others, prepare yourself. Firstly brush your aura and then intend that your Reiki energy flows. Intent is the key word for energy flow! Brushing your aura is a simple technique where you sweep your hands down each side of your body from head to toe, in a similar fashion to drying yourself off after a shower.

THE BODY SCAN Scanning is a technique that is useful to know. It is now clear that Usui taught a scanning technique. Scanning is placing your hands into the energy field of another to try to feel for differences in their energy field. You are basically feeling for anything different. Have the person to be scanned lay down, and start at the crown. Move the hands about 2 and 6 inches above the body. Move your hands from crown to feet and back up. It may take a few passes. Feel if it seems hot, cold, spinning, fast, slow, chaotic, etc. This is a technique that requires a great deal of practice to become proficient at. Additionally, remember not to ever diagnose anything. This is useful in finding places that may need extra attention during a healing session. (However it must be added here that since Reiki does the healing and acts for the persons highest good, that we may not be able to influence the healing in this manner with Reiki in any case.)

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


THE HAND POSITIONS When treating others there are a number of hand positions to use. Each position is held for 3 to 5 minutes, more or less, before moving to the next position. Trust your intuition. At times you might feel led to place your hands on a certain area, and in this case trust your intuition and do that. Reiki sessions are conducted with the client fully clothed. When working around private areas you hold your hands about 3 to 5 inches above the area instead of directly on the person. It is generally accepted that at level one you can treat friends and family and usually you should be at level two before treating professionally. Always ensure you have practitioner insurance before treating paying clients. When you are carrying out a Reiki session you may feel heat flowing through your hands when you get to particular areas of your client. Keep that position until your hands cool down. Be warned that this heat can be quite intense! It will never hurt though! The hand positions that I use are shown on the next few pages. Sometimes I do not ask the client to turn over for me to treat the back as they are often very relaxed by this stage and it can bring them out of this state of relaxation to ask them to turn over. The choice is yours in this matter. Reiki will flow to the part of the body that requires it wherever you place your hands. Follow your intuition and you will not go wrong! Before a treatment ensure that the person is laying or sitting comfortably and is warm enough. Wash your hands and put on some soft music and burn incense if you choose to. Ask the person to remove their shoes and to close their eyes and relax. As you place your hands in the first position say to yourself Reiki On. This will focus your intentions to start the Reiki flow. Remember that the Reiki energy will flow through you and not from you so you should not feel drained in fact you will be receiving a Reiki treatment whilst treating others!!!! You may either place your hands lightly in each position or hold them a couple of centimetres over each position if the client prefers not to be touched. Holding your hands above the body can be helpful when treating someone with burns or skin diseases. At the end of the Reiki treatment session shake your hands lightly to disconnect from the Reiki energy. Do not ask the person to get up quickly as they may feel sleepy for a while. Offer them a glass of water and allow them to take their time standing up. Inform the client that they should drink plenty of water and will probably pass water more often as toxins leave their body. Sometimes a symptom may get worse before getting better this is normal and is part of the healing procedure. I recommend that they have a course of 3 treatments over a 3 week period for maximum benefit.

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


REIKI Hand Positions for Treating Someone Else (1)

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REIKI Hand Positions for Treating Someone Else - back

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REIKI Hand Positions for Self-Treatment

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


TREATING ANIMALS Animals respond really well to Reiki they have no preconceived ideas of the energy and it can be a good confidence boost to yourself to give Reiki to a pet. Animals need less Reiki treatment time and you will find that after a few minutes they may walk away as they have received enough energy. You can treat a pet by placing one hand on the head and the other on the chest area this will reassure and steady the animal. Let the Reiki flow and keep the same position as the energy will find its way to where it is needed most. Some animals will be happy to receive up to an hours treatment but most will be happy with 3-5 minutes. If you want to treat an animal that is not tame you can sit near it, hold your hands out and intend that the Reiki flow from your hands to the animal. The same applies when sending Reiki to a bird that is not tame sit as close to the animal as you can and hold your hands out intending that it receive the energy. GROUNDING Once you have completed your healing you must ground yourself. Simply clasp your hands together and say to yourself I am Grounded. Another grounding technique that you can practice each day on yourself is to sit down in a chair with your feet firmly on the floor. Close your eyes and visualise tree roots coming out of the soles of your feet and going down into the centre of the earth. Visualise a white light coming in through the top of your head, travelling down through each chakra and then exiting through the roots into the earth. Allow this cycle to happen for as long as you feel necessary and then open your eyes. WHERE WE CAN USE REIKI? Reiki can be used on self treatment or upon another person. Animals are highly receptive to Reiki, and often their sessions are particularly short! Plants, videotapes, car batteries, food, water, crystals, stones, medicine. Just use your imagination! If someone is about to cross over, Reiki can help the crossing.

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


CONCLUSION Welcome to the wonderful world of Reiki. You have now embarked on a voyage of discovery and learning. How far you take you Reiki is up to you. You may choose to take Level II and Level III. Whatever you decide, know that you will do it because it is right for you. After you have received an attunement you can practise Reiki on yourself and friends, families and animals. You cannot as yet teach Reiki, but you can once you have been attuned to the Master symbol. Be Reiki from now on but more importantly enjoy it. Once you have been attuned your body will go through an adaptation process. This may manifest itself in a number of ways including headaches, cold, spots etc. Be assured that this process is short lived. Keep up self treatments everyday to promote your well being. Practise Reiki on others. Do whatever your intuition guides you to do.

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


SECTION ONE - Introduction Reiki II is the level where you are taught the first three symbols (power, distance, and emotional/mental symbols). With this comes the skill of being able to focus healing on mental and emotional problems, and distant healing those not physically present. Reiki II is the next exciting step in learning to use Reiki. It is commonly reported that with Reiki II comes an increase in the Reiki energy. The Level II Attunement is an initiation into the healing symbols of Reiki that enables a person to use the Level II symbols. The symbols do not represent separate energies, but a specific method of focusing on a specific aspect of the Reiki energy. The symbols allow a convenient point of focus. THE ATTUNEMENT In the Reiki Level II attunement, the Power, Mental/Emotional and the Long Distance Symbols are placed into the hands whilst they are in a prayer position over the head. They are also placed into the palms. There is only one attunement in Reiki Level II. What Happens after a Level II attunement? You are able to manifest what you need in your life at a faster pace. Your Reiki healing energy will flow at a stronger and higher vibration. Your Reiki awareness will continue to expand with your experience and progress. You will have the use of three powerful Reiki Symbols. You will know when to use them! You will be able to send Reiki to the past, the present and the future. You will become more aware of the intensity flow and the power of Reiki. You may become more intuitive and psychic. Further changes unique to you will manifest themselves.

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


SECTION TWO - The Reiki Symbols I personally do not believe the symbols are secret, although there are some Masters that do. People who identify themselves as "Traditional" Reiki Masters will generally not show the level II symbols to anyone not attuned to that level. This is an issue of contention for some. The symbols were first released in a book in Australia. They were next shown in Diane Stein's book, "Essential Reiki". The decision to show them or not, is an individual decision. How to Draw the Reiki Symbols Whenever you draw the Reiki symbols, you will be doing these things: Draw the symbol in a variety of different ways (see below), imagining that the symbol is being traced out in violet the colour most commonly associated with the Reiki energy If you cannot visualise colours, just intend that the symbol is violet, even if you cannot see the colour yourself Then say the symbols name to yourself three times as a mantra Tap the symbol you have drawn, with your hand/fingers, each time you say the symbols name (three taps in total) The combination of drawing the symbol and saying the symbols name three times activates the symbol and produces its effect

The symbols can be drawn out in these ways: Draw with the palm of your hand (the palm chakra is where the energy exits). This is suitable for drawing a symbol over the wall of a treatment room (see later). When drawing the symbol over the body, bring all your fingers and thumb together into a cone and draw the symbol over your hand or over a part of the body (see later). Reiki also comes out of your fingers! If your hands are otherwise occupied (treating the person) then you can trace the symbol out with an imaginary very long nose (like Pinocchio), and use small head movements. You can also use just eye movements to trace out the symbol over your hands or a part of the patients body You can tap the symbol you have drawn, using your nose or eyes!

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


Once you have had a great deal of practice in drawing out the symbols, and they become second nature, you can produce the desired effect by visualising the symbol in its entirety, and you can dispense with the drawing out method if you wish. There are no short-cuts in Reiki, and dont take the above advice as meaning that you dont have to bother drawing out the symbols: when you have drawn them 500 times, then you might think about seeing them in their entirety. Dont run before you can walk! This technique is really only suitable for ChoKuRei and SeiHeKi. You will be an exceptional individual if you can see HonShaZeShoNen in its entirety, with its 20+ pen-strokes!

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


The first symbol is the "Cho Ku Rei", the "power" symbol. It says "place the power here". It is an edict to do so, but something much more is implied. It is also an edict to "wake up". It is an invitation to awaken, to remember by releasing the things that blind us to our true nature. The second symbol is the "Sei He Ki", the "mental-emotional" symbol. It is the focus in the now where we are a new creation every moment. It is the Harmony symbol. In the oneness that is Cho Ku Rei, Sei He Ki heals body mind and spirit. It cleanses and heals by helping us to remove the attachments we have that create our suffering and thus our illness. The third symbol is the "Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen", the "distant" symbol but also the "connection" symbol. It is from a Buddhist Chant that means "Right consciousness is the root of everything" or "A righteous man may correct all thoughts". Right consciousness is being fully in the moment, fully in the now. It is acting, not reacting. This is an important distinction. Reacting is based on our ego, our conditionings. Our conditionings are the cause of our suffering and our illness. It is only by letting go and removing our conditionings that we are free to be in the moment, to respond, and ultimately to heal. The symbols are a tool. They are a road map. Do not mistake the map for the journey, or the destination. Activation of the symbols is normally by drawing the symbol in your mind or with your hand/finger. Say the name of the symbol out loud or in your mind and tap it three times. Draw, Name, Tap, Tap Tap. You can activate the symbols in your palms, hovering in the air whatever you are guided to do.

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


SECTION THREE - The Power Symbol

The first symbol is called the Power Symbol or the Cho Ku Rei. Pronounced Sho Koo Ray. This symbol is sometimes nicknamed "the light switch" as it connects us to the energy, like a light switch being turned on. It is thought to turn up the energy, and opens us as channels of the Reiki energy. The ChoKuRei symbol can help start the Reiki flowing, and most practitioners use it at the beginning of sessions by drawing it on the palms of their hands. It can help overcome negative resistance patterns. Using it on an area can help reduce pain. It is also used in space clearing. Draw it on objects in your environment intending they be cleansed and operate for your highest good. Draw it on objects and send Reiki into them to empower them with Reiki. The Cho Ku Rei has as many uses as you can think up! You can use the Cho Ku Rei at the start of a healing session to feel the energetic connection to the Reiki source. You can use it to focus power at each hand position and on any problem areas. Draw it over the person at the end of a healing session to seal in the healing energies. It can be used to clear a room of negative energies. To do this, draw it in all the corners of the room intending it be filled with light. It may also be used for protection. For protection, draw it on a piece of paper and place it on or under things you want filled with Reiki. Draw it on food and water before you eat and drink them so that they are filled with the love that is Reiki. You can also draw it over your head during meditation and meditate on the symbols themselves. Draw the Cho Ku Rei on the shower head prior to taking a shower so that the water is filled with Reiki as it cleanses you! Experiment and above all have fun!

Cho Ku Rei

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


Other Uses for ChoKuRei

ChoKuRei and wine

Buy a cheap bottle of wine and pour out two glasses as controls. Draw ChoKuRei on a piece of paper and stand the wine bottle on the symbol for 10 minutes. Pour out the wine that has been standing on the symbol and compare the two. You should notice the difference in taste when comparing the wine that has been standing on the symbol to the control glasses of wine! You can use the ChoKuRei symbol on food, computer equipment anything that you wish! If your mobile phone battery is running low, hold the phone between your hands and send Reiki to it after drawing the ChoKuRei symbol over your hands or over the phone. I have done this several times and have been amazed when the charge level has increased.

ChoKuRei and Flowers

After placing cut flowers into a vase hold your hands around the base of the vase and channel Reiki you can also draw the ChoKuRei symbol on a piece of paper and place it under the vase. You should notice that the flowers last longer. Why not try putting some flowers in a vase that hasnt had Reiki and the rest in a vase that has received Reiki and see which lasts longest!

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


SECTION FOUR Mental/Emotional Symbol

The second symbol is called Sei He Ki. It is pronounced "say hay key". This symbol is known as the mental/emotional symbol, but also as the harmony symbol. It is used to heal mental and emotional habits that no longer work for you, and emotional and mental distress. It is also used to bring up and heal the emotional issues underneath physical problems. It helps reinforce and support positive behavior changes. It is also used to help release negative conditioning from past experiences by changing reacting to responding. Buddhists believe that ego is conditioning. The Zen sages knew that to be free of suffering was to end desire. It was only by removing the conditionings of life (ego), that one could be free and experience harmony and oneness. This symbol is for healing and releasing those feelings, desires and conditionings. It is also known as the Harmony Symbol. Healing with the Sei He Ki can be as simple as using the symbol while doing a healing using the regular hand positions. It can also be used as part of an emotional meditation to help release and heal these conditionings and patterns that underlie problems.

Sei He Ki

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


Using SeiHeKi when giving Reiki treatments Sei He Ki generates a higher frequency energy than Cho Ku Rei, and is used to balance the mental and emotional planes. Usui's surviving students describe this energy as celestial energy, an energy that makes a link with the spiritual, drawing the two energies into harmony. When the symbol is drawn over the body, the effect is twofold: 1. the symbol boosts the flow of energy through your hands 2. the symbol gears the energy towards mental balancing and emotional release The effects of SeiHeKi are less noticeable to your hands, because they resonate at a higher frequency than ChoKuRei, and the energy feels more fine and delicate; but it is still as strong. The effects that SeiHeKi produces are wide-ranging. The symbol will deal with stress, tension, anxiety, sleeplessness, restlessness and traumas. It will help a person to deal with anger, heal sorrow and release emotional blocks, and resolves deep-seated emotional problems: unresolved issues that grind away in the background without being dealt with. The symbol can also be used to modify and improve habits and personality traits. In practice, SeiHeKi can be drawn over these areas: head heart solar plexus

These are the main mental areas and the main emotional centres. In Traditional Chinese Medicine various emotions are seen as being held in particular organs. For example, anger is held in the Liver, fear is held in the Kidneys, grief is held in the Lungs, joy is held in the Heart and sympathy is held in the Spleen. So one could conceivably use energy from SeiHeKi in these areas to deal with these specific emotions, or imbalances associated with them. I would recommend that you let your intuition guide you: if you feel that you ought to use this energy in a particular area then do so, but do not try and treat an emotion in a calculated, academic way.

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Positive Affirmations When you draw Sei He Ki over the head you can use it in conjunction with a positive affirmation that you intend is going to be accepted by your clients subconscious. Common affirmations might be you are calm, content and serene or you are loved and secure, 'you feel safe', or ' you feel loved and loveable'. You may have a better idea of what affirmations would be suitable for the person you are working on. Slide your hands under the back of the client's head. Use energy from SeiHeKi, either by visualising the symbol over the head, or by drawing down SeiHeKi energy from above. Focus on their third eye and send the new thought pattern. Hold this position for about 5 minutes. Alternatively, have one hand at the base of the client's skull, and the other hand resting on their forehead. I have used a different version of this when doing some treatments: when I have my hands on either side of my client's temples, I visualise the mental/emotional symbol over the head and say the name three times, imagining the symbol moving into the client's brain. Then I say an affirmation that I imagine is passing deep into the client's subconscious. I say the affirmation three times. Other Uses for SeiHeKi It has been suggested that SeiHeKi can be used in these situations: 1. Spirit rescue (lost spirits who havent travelled into the light) 2. Relationships: use SeiHeKi on the two of you as you lay in bed, maybe in conjunction with Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen 3. Use SeiHeKi to Reiki your goals, plans, ideas and affirmations: write out the goal, and draw SeiHeKi over the paper. Channel the energy for the highest good. 4. Use SeiHeKi to help you remember: study some information, and then send SeiHeKi energy into your head, front and back. See what happens.

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SECTION FIVE - Distance Healing Absentee, or Distance Healing is another aspect of Reiki II. There are as many ways to do distance healing as there are healers. Reiki is unique in healing systems because it does not use the healers energy, and the symbols are a unique connection to the source of all. The Reiki Distance Healing symbol is called the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. This symbol enables us to send healing energies to others at a distance, wherever they may be! It can be used when doing hands on Reiki healing would be inappropriate (with a burn patient or someone with sexual abuse issues). In these cases Reiki can be sent distantly from across the room. Such line of sight uses of the distant symbol are called "Beaming". This symbol is also a symbol of karmic release. It allows us to send Reiki outside of time and space. The Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is made up of five distinct elements. One possible meaning can be "no past, no present, no future". With distance healing there is "no past, no present, no future", there is only the now. There is only the present moment. HonShaZeShoNen is not a symbol that produces energy of a particular frequency as are ChoKuRei and SeiHeKi. This symbol allows the Reiki energy to be connected in a particular way: in a way where you do not have to worry about time or distance, and it is an integral part of Reiki practice. According to Usui's surviving students, this energy produces a state of mind of 'oneness' in the practitioner, a oneness with the universe that allows you to transcend time and space. HonShaZeShoNen can be used to send healing energy to someone sitting next to you (without putting your hands on them). You can send Reiki to someone who is the other side of the street, in a different village or town, or in a different continent. There are other connotations to this energy too. Usui's surviving students describe the associated kotodama as a 'connection' kotodama, so perhaps you might use this energy when you can see that someone is resisting an emotional release. Visualise HSZSN over the solar plexus so that the emotions are 'connected up' and released. Maybe if you feel that a person needs to express their emotions or their thoughts

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

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better, visualise HSZSN over the throat-heart-solar plexus, or throat-head, to 'connect' the mental or emotional areas with the communication centre. This need only be done for a few moments; you are not channelling energy in the way that you are with CKR and SHK. Perhaps when you start a treatment, and you are resting your hands on someone's shoulders, you might visualise HSZSN in your head, and say its name three times, by way of 'connecting' with the person on all levels, or on a deep level. By guided by your feelings and impressions. Do not do this in a calculated, analytical fashion. Go with the flow and use the energy when it feels appropriate. Heal your Past Reiki can be sent to your past, to deal with bad situations in your past that have really left their mark e.g. a bad argument with a family member that has produced effects that ripple down the years. By imagining the situation and sending distant Reiki to it, you are dealing with and healing the effect that the situation has had on you in terms of the way you think about what happened. You are healing the effect that it has had on your emotions, and the way that you interpret what happened. You are not sending Reiki 'back in time'. You can imagine yourself in a childlike state to heal the inner child. Send Reiki to the Future Reiki can be sent to your future, for example a public speaking engagement or job interview, intending that you will be flooded with Reiki when you get there. People who believe in reincarnation, or perhaps some knowledge of past lives, can send Reiki to their past lives, or even future lives!

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SECTION SIX - REIKI EMOTIONAL HEALING MEDITATION There are many ways to use the Mental/Emotional Symbol for emotional healing. This meditation works on the issues behind physical problems. It can help bring them into conscious awareness so they can be dealt with and healed. Below is a method that I use as an emotional healing meditation. Feel free to experiment with this and to tailor it to your specific needs, or the needs of your Reiki clients. To begin get comfortable, sit in a comfortable chair, and relax. Do some form of systematic muscular relaxation to increase relaxation. One that I use is: Allow the relaxation to come into the soles of both of your feet at the same time. Feel your feet relax. Let the relaxing sensation move up the legs into the ankles, letting the muscles and bones relax. The relaxing energy moves up the legs into the calves, relaxing them, and then up through the knees into the thighs. Allow the legs to totally relax, and then let the energy move up into the hips, relaxing the hips. And your legs and hips are totally relaxed. Now let the relaxing power move up the spine, and a warm feeling of energy moves up the spine as it relaxes the muscles of the back. The energy moves into the shoulders, and you allow your shoulders to relax. The energy now moves down the arms, and into the hands, relaxing your upper arms, fore arms, and hands. Now the energy moves up the neck, relaxing the muscles in the neck and up the head, into the scalp and the head and scalp are relaxed. The energy moves down over the forehead, and into the jaw, and you are totally relaxed and now ready to start the emotional program. (The symbols used are Cho Ku Rei, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, and Sei He Ki. If you have not yet memorized them, have a picture of the three of them together.) Try to bring the emotional issues to be worked on into awareness. If you cannot get a good handle on the issue, then concentrate on the feelings that you have regarding this matter. Draw the Cho Ku Rei in front of you and on your palms, and above the crown. Then do the same with the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. Draw the Sei He Ki in front of you. Again connect with the issue, either the feelings of it or create a visual picture of it in your mind. Draw the Sei He Ki and visualize it over the problem. Meditate on the symbol, and feel it bring healing into you. Know that it is working for your highest good bringing healing to your emotions. Next draw again the ChoKuRei, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, and again the Sei He Ki and connect to the issue. Concentrate on sending emotional healing to yourself at the point that this problem occurred, healing within you the past that continues to hold on and create the issue in you. Use an affirmation. "I am healed and whole", "I release

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this for my highest good", or anything that you think of that will help the healing process. Repeat the affirmation three times. Meditate on the harmony and universal love that the Sei Hei Ki is a representation of. Allow the symbol to be part of your consciousness and let it flow over you. When done, draw the ChoKuRei in front of you. Do this every day for a week and pay close attention for the changes that will occur in your life. Alternative Emotional Healing Method This above method is one method that can be used. Another is to do a treatment using all the hand positions, and draw the Sei He Ki symbol at each position, asking that whatever patterns and conditionings are being held are released. Again be creative and use your intuition and experiment!

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SECTION SEVEN - Distant Treatments You can send Distance Healing to wherever, whoever or whenever you want. People you cannot get to see, past traumas can all be helped with distant healing. The following methods are useful for sending distant Reiki treatments. Over time, you will discover that you need to use the distant symbol less, and that the structured methods are also less needed. This is as it should be. As you develop increasing familiarity with the energy you will naturally find that the symbols, like all tools, can be put aside when no longer needed. However, it should be cautioned not to be hasty in initiating this. Take your time and let the connection to the energy strengthen and grow. These are some possible methods for sending distant Reiki. There are a multitude of them, as many as there are practitioners. Use one of these or invent your own. Regardless of what technique you use to send distant healing, it is important to be mindful of what you are doing and stay in the moment. Do not attach yourself to the outcome but simply send and let Reiki do what it will. A. The Photo Technique The simplest technique for sending Reiki to someone at a distance is to use a photo of them. Draw the three symbols with your finger on the picture and say the names of each symbol three times as you draw them. Intend that the person be filled with Reiki. Then place the photo between your hands, and then send the Reiki. You can also do a self treatment using the photo under your hands as you treat yourself intending that the person receive the treatment. B. The Proxy Methods Teddy Bear Method Proxy methods are using one thing to represent another. People use these methods to help gain an energetic rapport with the person. Many people have difficulty believing that Reiki can transcend time and space and the proxy gives their minds something to grasp to get past the limitations of the mind. Anything can be used as a proxy. Technically the photo technique above is a proxy method that uses the photo to represent the person. The basis of the proxy method is that we intend that the object represents the person. A teddy bear is easy, the head represents the head, etc. Begin by drawing the three symbols on the object used to represent the person. Then treat the proxy intending that you are treating the person.

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C. Finger Method The Finger method is another method of using a representation of the person to send distant Reiki. It is useful if you only have one hand free or in a place where you want to send distant Reiki but do not want to attract attention to yourself. Basically, this procedure uses one of the fingers of one hand to represent a person or situation that you want to send distant healing to. Draw the symbols as usual. Wrap your fingers of one hand around the finger that you are using as your representation. Intend that you are sending distant Reiki to that person or situation. You can state it out loud as well if you like. As you do Reiki on your finger, you are doing Reiki on the person. D. Visualization Technique Another method is to imagine that you are there with the person receiving the healing, and do the healing as if you were there. The trick is being able to keep the visual image in your mind while you do the healing. It requires strong visual skills and intent. E. Beaming Technique There are two different beaming techniques. They are beaming distantly and in person beaming to someone in your location (i.e., you can see them). To do distant beaming, draw all three symbols in the air. State the name of the person you wish to heal, and any other details about them that you need to feel connected. Intend that the person will receive Reiki as you send. Hold one or both hands at chest height, palms facing outward from you. ( If you use only one hand, place the other comfortably in your lap.) Then simply send the Reiki. You will feel it pour through your hands. As you send they will be receiving Reiki healing. In-person beaming is distant Reiki but done when you are with the person. It is something you can do when you want to send Reiki to someone in the line of sight. This is useful for people with touch issues, or for people who it would be inappropriate to touch like burn victims or those with infectious diseases. To do beaming, extend the palms toward the person and use the symbol/word for distant healing. The difference between this and distant healing is you can see the person. You can also beam from the body, projecting out from every cell. You can also beam from the eyes, or anywhere else you care to.

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F. Doing Reiki on a List of Recipients In this method, you are doing Reiki on an entire list of people, with the intent that each are receiving a complete Reiki treatment. This is a useful technique when you have a bunch of people that want distant Reiki, but you do not have time to do distant healing for each. Create a list of those that want distant healing from you. On the list you can include such things as their names, ages, locations, and what needs to be treated. Make sure you have their permission. Once you have the list, you empower the paper with the intent that it be filled with a Reiki treatment for each. Then you simply Reiki the list. Place your hands on the paper, and either just send Reiki, or visualize the people receiving a treatment. Generally, doing the distant healing about 15 to 20 minutes is a good amount of time. Creative Distant Healing You can get very creative with distant healing. Typically, you can use it to send healing to someone who is not close enough to touch. Because distant healing works outside of time and space, you can also send distant Reiki to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Yourself as a child, your inner child, difficult episodes in your past Yourself in the future, in an anticipated difficult situation (e.g. job interview) Your past life/lives, or future life/lives Someone who has passed on Heal a relationship between two people, but always for the highest good. Global crises, e.g. the Gulf War The planet earth, nature, your garden Divine figures, e.g. Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, the Goddess, Jehovah

If you are going to do distant healing, someone suggested that you should try to do it at 10pm since thats when most distance healing organisations send their healing energy. If you cannot do it at 10pm, then you could do it earlier but intend the energy to go out at 10pm!

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Distant Healing Books Send distant healing to multiple recipients by having a distant healing book. Write down a list of names in the book, review the list before you start, and then channel Reiki into the book with the intention that it will be sent to everyone in the book. Reiki will still work even if you do not know the recipient, so there are distant healing 'networks' who will send Reiki to any names supplied to them. Although you may not know who the person is, the person who asked for the healing knows them, and that connection is sufficient for the energy to reach the right target. Distant Healing Boxes Alternatively, use a 'distant healing box' containing pieces of paper with names written on them, photographs etc. Reiki the box with the intention that the energy will be sent out to everyone represented in the box.

Reiki Your Bed I send Reiki to my bed, with the intention that the energy will wait there for me, and flow into me when I get into bed at night. You can send Reiki to the future in an 'unconditional' form: it doesn't have to be set to be released at 10.00pm GMT it can be sent with the intention that the energy will be released when a certain thing happens. E.g. when you walk into an interview room. You don't have to worry about Reiki landing on the previous candidate if things end up running late!

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SECTION EIGHT - Group Distance Healing Group Healing is a number of Reiki (or other healers) working together to heal another person. This can be done in person or via distance. There are many methods for doing this. In the first method, Reiki practitioners sit in a circle. Each person faces the back of the person in front of them. Have everyone draw the symbols and connect to the Reiki energy. The name, age and other information about the person to be treated is stated and then everyone sends Reiki to the person in front of them, the last person sends the energy of all the practitioners to the person being treated. In the second method, the practitioners sit in a circle facing the each other. Have everyone draw the symbols and connect to the Reiki energy. The name, age and other information about the person to be treated is stated and then everyone sends Reiki to the person who is visualized/imagined to be in the centre of the circle.

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SECTION NINE More uses for the Symbols! Use the Symbols whenever you feel you should, in whatever circumstance arises. Your intuition will guide you. A. ROOM CLEANSING Reiki can be used to clear and cleanse rooms of negative energy. Before a Reiki session with a client it is important to cleanse and clear the room. The procedure is very simple and again you can alter it depending on your intuition. I simply activate all of the symbols in each corner of the room three times, and I intend that the room be cleared of all negative energy and only positive happy energy be resent in the room. I end the procedure by activating the symbols three times in the centre of the room with the same intent. B. USING THE POWER SYMBOL AS A FILTER You can use the Power Symbol as a filter for a whole host of things. Negative thoughts, People who stay in your mind, Cleansing organs. Draw a Power Symbol and watch it hover, ask you intuition how many Symbols you need to deal with the issue, imagine the number of Power Symbols required floating in the air. To clear negative thoughts guide the symbols into you head one by one, a chunk at a time or all at once and intend that the negative thoughts be released. The same procedure can be used for People who stay in your mind. Use the Power symbol to cleanse any of you body organs. Again draw the Power Symbols and ask how many are needed to cleanse the organ. Imagine the symbols being drawn into the part of your body where the organs are and intend that they be cleansed. Experiment you can use these methods in whatever circumstances you can think. C. SELF CONFIDENCE If you ever feel your Self Confidence diminishing then do not fear Reiki is here. Draw a large Power Symbol just a few inches in front of you, then step into it and ask that it help boost your self confidence and help you cope with the days events.

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D. HELP WITH MEETINGS OR INTERVIEWS Draw the Mental/Emotional Symbol mentally between the other party and you. Intend that all goes well with the meeting and that you perform to the best of your ability. If you feel uncomfortable using this method, why not send Reiki to the meeting or interview in advance by using the Distance Symbol too! E. ANYTHING ELSE Use your intuition to use the Symbols in anyway you think. I use the Power Symbol to clear the road ahead when I am driving. If I am low on fuel I use it to ensure I get to the next garage! I use it in traffic jams to help clear the road. I use it on all traffic in front and behind me to ensure all drivers have a safe journey. The possibilities are endless just experiment you cannot do any harm.

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SECTION TEN Conclusion Thats it! You are ready to embark on the next stage of your journey with Reiki. Reiki Level II is all about bringing harmony and peace into our inner world of emotions and mental attitudes. It also helps us to be better at expressing who we really are. The Symbols are gifts of protection, compassion and wisdom that allow us to do this wok in ways that are fun, nurturing and lasting. Use the Symbols on yourself, and others around you every day. For at least the first 21 days after your attunement give yourself the Mental/Emotional technique and send Distant/Absent healing to yourself and others. Enjoy the start of your new journey.

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APPENDIX Drawing the symbols simply follow the numbers and arrows as follows:Cho Ku Rei

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Sei He Ki

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Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Please note the number 11 is missing as it looks like part of the drawing!

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USUI REIKI MASTER/TEACHER LEVEL Each Teacher is responsible for their own actions and methods. No Teacher is responsible for the actions of any other Teacher they have attuned. We are each our own Master, we are not the Master of anyone else! It is understood that Reiki can and will enhance any other system of healing and each Teacher is responsible for maintaining the integrity of Reiki above all other systems. It is with this understanding that we continue in truth and light. REIKI MASTER ATTUNEMENT Once you reach Master Level your journey has only just begun, and you will go down roads and make decisions that you never thought possible. Your life will be changed forever. During the Reiki Master attunement, the Master, Power, Mental/Emotional and Distance Symbols are placed into the hands whilst they are in prayer position. They are also placed in the palms. Once complete you will be able to activate the Master Symbol. There is only one attunement at Master Level. After receiving the attunement you are able to give Reiki I, II and Master Level attunements.

What Happens After a Master Level Attunement Your Healing Energy will flow stronger and vibrate at a higher, more intense level. It will continue to expand at your own pace. Your personal and spiritual growth will expand to higher levels. You will have a Master Symbol that will intensify your other Reiki Symbols You will become more at one with yourself and the universe. Your awareness of the intensity of the power of Reiki will expand. You may become more intuitive and psychic.

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The attunement and symbol will help you in your own life when needed. You will have a greater feeling of wholeness, fulfillment and completion. All the qualities of Reiki are enhanced by the use of the Master symbol. Further changes unique to you, will manifest themselves.

PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT: Reiki practitioners conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner, perform only those services for which they are qualified, and represent their education, certification, professional affiliations and other qualifications honestly. They do not in any way profess to practice medicine or psychotherapy, unless licensed by their province or country to do so. HEALTH HISTORY AND REFERRALS: Reiki practitioners keep accurate client records, including profiles of the body mind health history. They discuss any problem areas that may contraindicate use of Reiki, and refer clients to appropriate medical or psychological professionals when indicated. (I do not actually know of any conditions that contraindicate use of Reiki)(not all

practitioners do keep detailed health type records those who follow a clinical practice model do, others who practice in a less formal way may not keep detailed records or any records at all)

PROFESSIONAL APPEARANCE: Reiki practitioners pay close attention to cleanliness and professional appearance of self and clothing, of linens and equipment, and of the office environment in general. They endeavor to provide a relaxing atmosphere, giving attention to reasonable scheduling and clarity about fees. COMMUNICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY: Reiki practitioners maintain clear and honest communications with their clients, and keep all client information, whether medical or personal, strictly confidential. They clearly disclose techniques used, appropriately identifying each in the scope of their professional practice.

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INTENTION AND TRUST: Reiki practitioners are encouraged to clarify their intention to facilitate therapeutic change of a holistic nature, and to develop the ability to focus mindfully on the Body mind Self. To establish and maintain trust in the client relationship, they are encouraged to ask caring questions about the client's well-being, and to establish clear boundaries and an atmosphere of safety. RESPECT OF CLIENTS: Reiki practitioners respect the client's physical/emotional state, and do not abuse clients through actions, words or silence, nor take advantage of the therapeutic relationship. They in no way participate in sexual activity with a client. They consider the client's comfort zone for touch and for degree of pressure, and honor the client's requests as much as possible within personal, professional and ethical limits. They acknowledge the inherent worth and individuality of each person and therefore do not unjustly discriminate against clients or colleagues. PROFESSIONAL INTEGRITY: Reiki practitioners present Reiki in a professional and compassionate manner, representing themselves and their practice accurately and ethically. They conduct their business honestly, and do not give fraudulent information, nor misrepresent themselves to students or clients, nor act in a manner derogatory to the nature and positive intention of Reiki. AWARENESS: Reiki practitioners refrain from abuse of alcohol and drugs. These substances should not be used at all during professional activities. PROFESSIONAL EXCELLENCE: Reiki practitioners strive for professional excellence through regular assessment of personal and professional strengths and weaknesses, and by continued education and training. EQUALITY: All Reiki practitioners of the same level should be treated as equals without regard to their initiating master or their belief system. All Reiki Teacher/Masters should be treated as equals without regard to their initiating Master or their membership (or lack of membership) of any body or association. STUDENT RIGHTS: Reiki Teachers respect each student's right to choose their own healing path and their initiating master.

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THE REIKI MASTER SYMBOL DAI KO MYO Pronounced Dye Ko Meoh (like Meow but oh!) Meaning: I align myself with the Creator Dai means great, Ko means Bright and Myo means Light Great shining light The treasure tower of light Great Beings of the Universe shine on me! The temple of the Great Ray of Light Great Light of the Universe that guides me The last source of Love Action: Self-empowerment Energy amplifier Energizing Protection Harmonizing Cellular and genetic healing Works mainly on the superior chakras (throat chakra, third eye chakra and crown chakra) Re-balances the energy circulation from crown chakra to root chakra Purification Increase intuition and creativity Use: Empowerment Increase intuition and creativity Spiritual connection Meditation In case of tiredness it is applied above the patients head Mental healing Increases the patients immunity Attunements

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MASTER SYMBOL USES The master Symbol can be used for a number of things! Including:ENERGISING CRYSTALS Get a crystal, hold it in one hand and using the other hand draw the following symbol sequence:DKM + CKR + SHK + HSZSN + DKM STIMULATION OF LEARNING AND MENTAL CLARITY Apply DKM + CKR + DKM above persons head DISTANT HEALING WITH USUI MASTER SYMBOL Can be done using one of the following variants: DKM is applied, its name is spelled for three times, the person that shall receive treatment and his/her location are indicated, and then let the energy flow as much as necessary. DKM + CKR are applied, their names are spelled for three times, the person that shall receive treatment and his/her location are indicated, then let the energy flow as much as necessary. DKM + HSZSN + SHK + CKR are applied, their names are spelled for three times, the person that shall receive treatment and his/her location are indicated, then let the energy flow as much as necessary. DKM + CKR + SHK + HSZSN are applied, their names are spelled for three times, the person that shall receive treatment and his/her location are indicated, then let the energy flow as much as necessary. DKM + CKR + SHK + HSZSN + DKM are applied, their names are spelled for three times, the person that shall receive treatment and his/her location are indicated, then let the energy flow as much as necessary.

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THE KARMIC TREATMENT Hold your hands in front of you like a cup, visualize DKM symbol between them its name is spelled for three times, the person that shall receive treatment and the fact that you work on his karma are mentioned, then let the energy flow as much as necessary. This method can be used when you work on a group of persons or on an event. The symbols cannot cause harm or give you control over another person.

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Preparing for a Reiki Attunement A Reiki Attunement is a process of empowerment, which opens your crown, heart and palm chakras, and connects you to the unlimited source of Reiki energy. During the attunement, and for a time after, changes will be made by the energy to open your system, enabling you to channel Reiki. These changes take place in the chakras, aura and physical body. As part of the healing, an emotional, as well as toxic release can take place. A process of purification is recommended to allow the attunement energies to work more efficiently and create greater benefits for you. Before receiving a Reiki attunement avoid alcohol the night before and eat just a light meal avoiding red meat if possible. In the days approaching your attunement, try to drink as much still water as possible to cleanse your system. A Reiki attunement is an initiation into a sacred, metaphysical order, which has been present on earth for thousands of years. By receiving an attunement, you will become part of a group of people who are using Reiki to heal themselves and each other, and who are working together to heal the Earth. By becoming part of this group, you will also be receiving help from the Reiki guides and other spiritual beings, who are also working toward these goals.

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USUI REIKI ATTUNEMENTS The following attunements are the traditional Usui Attunements. This information is sacred. Mikao.Usui presented the world with the a system that enables all peoples regardless of their traditional methods of study to gain a much needed connection with the Divine source, a connection which enables them to develop at their own pace in the areas of Mind, Body and Spirit. FIRST DEGREE ATTUNEMENT FIRST ATTUNEMENT OF FOUR FIRST DEGREE ATTUNEMENTS The four attunements should be spread out over the course if you teach level one over 2 days then the first two attunements can be given on the first day (morning and afternoon) and the remaining two on the second day. If you teach level one in a day then space the 4 attunements out over the day PART I 1. Place both hands on the top of the head. Close your eyes, meditating briefly, to gain energetic rapport with the student. 2. Draw the Usui Master Symbol over the head, while repeating the secret name of the Usui Master Symbol three times to yourself in mantra like fashion. Picture the symbol, guiding it with your right hand, and moving it into the Crown Chakra through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. 3. Touch the students left shoulder, signaling them to raise their prayer clasped hands to the top of their head. 4. Draw the Power Symbol in the air over the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands, down into the Crown Chakra, through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. Chant the secret name of the Symbol to yourself three times as you place the symbol into the hands and brain. 5. Gently move the students hands from the top of their head, motioning them back down in front of the Heart. 6. Move to the front of the student.

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PART II 1. Open the students hands flat, holding them in your left hand, or if you are lefthanded, hold them in your right. 2. Draw the Power Symbol in front of the students third eye; chant the secret name of the Power Symbol three times as you envision it moving into the head through the third eye. 3. With your right hand, draw the Power Symbol in the air above the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands as you chant to yourself the secret name of the Power Symbol three times. Slap the hands three times. 4. Bring the students hands together. Move them in front of the student's heart. Blow over the hands, up to the Third Eye and Crown, and back over the hands to the Solar Plexus, and back to the hands. PART III 1. Place your hands on the students shoulders and look down through the Crown Chakra, imagining you can see into the Heart Chakra. Place a positive affirmation into the students heart by repeating it to yourself three times, intending it to be accepted by the subconscious mind. 2. Bring your hands together, placing your thumbs at the base of the skull. Repeat this phrase; I now seal this process with Divine Love and Wisdom. while picturing a door with the Power Symbol on it being closed and locked. Intend, will, and feel that the process it sealed and complete, and the student is now connected directly to the Reiki source. 3. Place your palms on the students shoulders and repeat the affirmation; We are both blessed by this process, or hold this feeling for several seconds. 4. Move to the front of the student. Ask the student to place their hands palms down on their thighs, breathe deeply and slowly, while opening their eyes. You may add a final blessing of your own choosing.

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SECOND ATTUNEMENT OF FOUR FIRST DEGREE ATTUNEMENTS PART I 1. Place both hands on the top of the head. Close your eyes, meditating briefly, to gain energetic rapport with the student. 2. Draw the Usui Master Symbol over the head, while repeating the secret name of the Usui Master Symbol three times to yourself in mantra like fashion. Picture the symbol, guiding it with your right hand, and moving it into the Crown Chakra through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. 3. Draw the Distant Symbol over the head, while repeating the secret name of the Distant Symbol three times to yourself in mantra like fashion. Picture the symbol, guiding it with your right hand, and moving it into the Crown Chakra through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. Touch the students left shoulder, signaling them to raise their prayer clasped hands to the top of their head. 4. Draw the Power Symbol in the air over the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands, down into the Crown Chakra, through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. Chant the secret name of the Symbol to yourself three times as you place the symbol into the hands and brain. 5. Gently move the students hands from the top of their head, motioning them back down in front of the Heart. 6. Move to the front of the student. PART II 1. Open the students hands flat, holding them in your left hand, or if you are lefthanded, hold them in your right. 2. Draw the Power Symbol in front of the students Third Eye; chant the secret name of the Power Symbol three times as you envision it moving into the head through the third eye. 3. Draw the Distant symbol in front of the students Third Eye, chanting the secret name of the Distant Symbol to yourself three times, while visualizing it moving into the head through the Third Eye. 4. With your right hand, draw the Power Symbol in the air above the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands as you chant to yourself the secret name of the Power Symbol three times. Slap the hands three times.

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


5. Bring the students hands together. Move them in front of the student's heart. Blow over the hands, up to the Third Eye and Crown, and back over the hands to the Solar Plexus, and back to the hands. PART III 1. Place your hands on the students shoulders and look down through the Crown Chakra, imagining you can see into the Heart Chakra. Place a positive affirmation into the students heart by repeating it to yourself three times, intending it to be accepted by the subconscious mind. 2. Bring your hands together, placing your thumbs at the base of the skull. Repeat this phrase; I now seal this process with Divine Love and Wisdom. while picturing a door with the Power Symbol on it being closed and locked. Intend, will, and feel that the process it sealed and complete, and the student is now connected directly to the Reiki source. 3. Place your palms on the students shoulders and repeat the affirmation; We are both blessed by this process, or hold this feeling for several seconds. 4. Move to the front of the student. Ask the student to place their hands palms down on their thighs, breathe deeply and slowly, while opening their eyes. You may add a final blessing of your own choosing. THIRD ATTUNEMENT OF FOUR FIRST DEGREE ATTUNEMENTS PART I 1. Place both hands on the top of the head. Close your eyes, meditating briefly, to gain energetic rapport with the student. 2. Draw the Usui Master Symbol over the head, while repeating the secret name of the Usui Master Symbol three times to yourself in mantra like fashion. Picture the symbol, guiding it with your right hand, and moving it into the Crown Chakra through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. 3. Draw the Distant Symbol over the head, while repeating the secret name of the Distant Symbol three times to yourself in mantra like fashion. Picture the symbol, guiding it with your right hand, and moving it into the Crown Chakra through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. Touch the students left shoulder, signaling them to raise their prayer clasped hands to the top of their head.

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


4. Draw the Power Symbol in the air over the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands, down into the Crown Chakra, through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. Chant the secret name of the Symbol to yourself three times as you place the symbol into the hands and brain. 5. Gently move the students hands from the top of their head, motioning them back down in front of the Heart. 6. Move to the front of the student. PART II 1. Open the students hands flat, holding them in your left hand, or if you are lefthanded, hold them in your right. 2. Draw the Power Symbol in front of the students Third Eye; chant the secret name of the Power Symbol three times as you envision it moving into the head through the third eye. 3. Draw the Distant symbol in front of the students Third Eye, chanting the secret name of the Distant Symbol to yourself three times, while visualizing it moving into the head through the Third Eye. 4. With your right hand, draw the Power Symbol in the air above the hands. Visualize the symbol moving into the hands as you chant the secret name of the Power Symbol three times. Slap the hands three times. 5. Bring the students hands together and move them in front of the heart. Blow over the hands, up to the Third Eye and Crown, and back over the hands to the Solar Plexus, and back to the hands.

PART III 1. Place your hands on the students shoulders and look down through the Crown Chakra, imagining you can see into the Heart Chakra. Place a positive affirmation into the students Heart by repeating it to yourself three times, intending it to be accepted by the subconscious mind. 2. Bring your hands together, placing your thumbs at the base of the skull. Repeat this phrase; I now seal this process with Divine Love and Wisdom. while picturing a door with the Power Symbol on it being closed and locked. Intend, will, and feel that the process it sealed and complete, and the student is now connected directly to the Reiki source.

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


3. Place your palms on the students shoulders and repeat the affirmation: We are both blessed by this process, or hold this feeling for several seconds. 4. Move to the front of the student. Ask the student to place their hands palms down on their thighs, breathe deeply and slowly, while opening their eyes. You may add a final blessing of your own choosing. FOURTH ATTUNEMENT OF FOUR FIRST DEGREE ATTUNEMENTS PART I 1. Place both hands on the top of the head. Close your eyes, meditating briefly, to gain energetic rapport with the student. 2. Draw the Usui Master Symbol over the head, while repeating the secret name of the Usui Master Symbol three times to yourself in mantra like fashion. Picture the symbol, guiding it with your right hand, and moving it into the Crown Chakra through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. 3. Draw the Distant Symbol over the head, while repeating the secret name of the Distant Symbol three times to yourself in mantra like fashion. Picture the symbol, guiding it with your right hand, and moving it into the Crown Chakra through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. 4. Draw the Mental/Emotional Symbol over the head, while repeating the secret name of the symbol three times to yourself in mantra like fashion. Picture the symbol, guiding it your right hand, and moving it into the Crown Chakra through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. 5. Touch the students left shoulder, signaling them to raise their prayer clasped hands to the top of their head. 6. Draw the Power Symbol in the air over the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands, down into the Crown Chakra, through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. Chant the secret name of the Symbol to yourself three times as you place the symbol into the Hands and Brain. 7. Gently move the students hands from the top of their head, motioning them back down in front of the Heart. 8. Move to the front of the student.

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


PART II 1. Open the students hands flat, holding them in your left hand, or if you are lefthanded, hold them in your right. 2. Draw the Power Symbol in front of the students Third Eye; chant the secret name of the Power Symbol three times as you envision it moving into the head through the Third Eye. 3. Draw the Distant symbol in front of the students Third Eye, chanting the secret name of the Distant Symbol to yourself three times, while visualizing it moving into the head through the Third Eye. 4. Draw the Mental/Emotional Symbol in front of the Third Eye, chanting the secret name of the Power Symbol three times. Slap the hands three times. 5. With your right hand, draw the Power Symbol in the air above the hands. Visualize the symbol moving into the hands as you chant the secret name of the Power Symbol three times. Slap the hands three times. 6. Bring the students hands together and move them in front of the heart. Blow over the hands, up to the Third Eye and Crown, and back over the hands to the Solar Plexus, and back to the hands. PART III 1. Place your hands on the students shoulders and look down through the Crown Chakra, imagining you can see into the Heart Chakra. Place a positive affirmation into the students Heart by repeating it to yourself three times, intending it to be accepted by the subconscious mind. 2. Bring your hands together, placing your thumbs at the base of the skull. Repeat this phrase; I now seal this process with Divine Love and Wisdom. while picturing a door with the Power Symbol on it being closed and locked. Intend, will, and feel that the process it sealed and complete, and the student is now connected directly to the Reiki source. 3. Place your palms on the students shoulders and repeat the affirmation: We are both blessed by this process, or hold this feeling for several seconds. 4. Move to the front of the student. Ask the student to place their hands palms down on their thighs, breathe deeply and slowly, while opening their eyes. You may add a final blessing of your own choosing.

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


SECOND DEGREE ATTUNEMENT PART I 1. Place both hands on the top of the head. Close your eyes, meditating briefly, to gain energetic rapport with the student. 2. Draw the Usui Master Symbol over the head, while repeating the secret name of the Usui Master Symbol three times to yourself in mantra like fashion. Picture the symbol, guiding it with your right hand, and moving it into the Crown Chakra through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. 3. Touch the students left shoulder, signaling them to raise their prayer clasped hands to the top of their head. 4. Draw the Power Symbol in the air over the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands, down into the Crown Chakra, through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. Chant the secret name of the Symbol to yourself three times as you place the symbol into the Hands and Brain. 5. Draw the Mental/Emotional Symbol over the head. Picture the symbol, guiding it your right hand, and moving it into the Crown Chakra through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. Chant the secret name of the Symbol to yourself three times as you place the symbol into the Hands and Brain. 6. Draw the Distant Symbol over the head. Picture the symbol, guiding it with your right hand, and moving it into the Crown Chakra through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. Chant the secret name of the symbol to yourself three times as you place the symbol into the Hands and Brain. 7. Gently move the students hands from the top of their head, motioning them back down in front of the Heart. 8. Move to the front of the student. PART II 1. Open the students hands flat, holding them in your left hand, or if you are lefthanded, hold them in your right. 2. Draw the Usui Master Symbol in front of the students Third Eye chanting the secret name of the Symbol, three times, as you visualize it moving into the head through, the Third Eye.

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


3. Draw the Power Symbol in front of the students Third Eye, chanting the secret name of the Symbol to yourself, three times, as you visualize it moving into the head through, the Third Eye. 3. Draw the Distant Symbol in front of the third Eye, chanting the Secret name of the symbol to yourself, three times, as you visualize it moving into the head, through the Third Eye. 4. Draw the Mental/Emotional Symbol in front of the Third Eye, chanting the secret name of the Symbol to yourself, three times, while visualizing it moving into the Head through the Third Eye. 5. With your right hand, draw the Power Symbol in the air above the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands as you chant the secret name to yourself three times. Slap the hands three times. 6. With your right hand, draw the Distant Symbol in the air above the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands as you chant the secret name to yourself three times. Slap the hands three times. 7. With your right hand, draw the Mental/Emotional Symbol in the air above the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands as you chant the secret name to yourself three times. Slap the hands three times. 8. Bring the students hands together and move them in front of the Heart. Blow over the hands, up to the Third Eye and Crown, and back over the hands to the Solar Plexus, and back to the hands. Return to back of your student. PART III 1. Place your hands on the students shoulders and look down through the Crown Chakra, imagining you can see into the Heart Chakra. Place a positive affirmation into the students Heart by repeating it to yourself three times, intending it to be accepted by the subconscious mind. 2. Bring your hands together, placing your thumbs at the base of the skull. Repeat this phrase; I now seal this process with Divine Love and Wisdom. while picturing a door with the Power Symbol on it being closed and locked. Intend, will, and feel that the process it sealed and complete, and the student is now connected directly to the Reiki source. 3. Place your palms on the students shoulders and repeat the affirmation: We are both blessed by this process, or hold this feeling for several seconds.

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


4. Move to the front of the student. Ask the student to place their hands palms down on their thighs, breathe deeply and slowly, while opening their eyes. You may add a final blessing of your own choosing.

THE USUI REIKI MASTER ATTUNEMENT PART I 1. Place both hands on the top of the head. Close your eyes, meditating briefly, to gain energetic rapport with the student. 2. Touch the students left shoulder, signaling them to raise their prayer clasped hands to the top of their head. 3. Draw the Usui Master Symbol over the head, while repeating the secret name of the Usui Master Symbol three times to yourself in mantra like fashion. Picture the symbol, guiding it with your right hand, and moving it into the Crown Chakra through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. 4. Draw the Power Symbol in the air over the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands, down into the Crown Chakra, through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. Chant the secret name of the Symbol to yourself three times as you place the symbol into the Hands and Brain. 5. Draw the Mental/Emotional Symbol over the head. Picture the symbol, guiding it your right hand, and moving it into the Crown Chakra through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. Chant the secret name of the Symbol to yourself three times as you place the symbol into the Hands and Brain. 6. Draw the Distant Symbol over the head. Picture the symbol, guiding it with your right hand, and moving it into the Crown Chakra through the head, and lodging in the base of the brain. Chant the secret name of the symbol to yourself three times as you place the symbol into the Hands and Brain. 7. Gently move the students hands from the top of their head, motioning them back down in front of the Heart. 8. Move to the front of the student.

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


PART II 1. Open the students hands flat, holding them in your left hand, or if you are lefthanded, hold them in your right. 2. Draw the Usui Master Symbol in front of the students Third Eye chanting the secret name of the Symbol, three times, as you visualize it moving into the head through, the Third Eye. 3. Draw the Power Symbol in front of the students Third Eye, chanting the secret name of the Symbol to yourself, three times, as you visualize it moving into the head through, the Third Eye. 4. Draw the Distant Symbol in front of the third Eye, chanting the Secret name of the symbol to yourself, three times, as you visualize it moving into the head, through the Third Eye. 5. Draw the Mental/Emotional Symbol in front of the Third Eye, chanting the secret name of the Symbol to yourself, three times, while visualizing it moving into the Head through the Third Eye. 6. With your right hand draw the Usui Master Symbol in the air above the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands as you chant the name to yourself three times. Slap the hands three times. 7. With your right hand, draw the Power Symbol in the air above the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands as you chant the secret name to yourself three times. Slap the hands three times. 8. With your right hand, draw the Distant Symbol in the air above the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands as you chant the secret name to yourself three times. Slap the hands three times. 9. With your right hand, draw the Mental/Emotional Symbol in the air above the hands. Picture the symbol moving into the hands as you chant the secret name to yourself three times. Slap the hands three times. 10. Bring the students hands together and move them in front of the Heart. Blow over the hands, up to the Third Eye and Crown, and back over the hands to the Solar Plexus, and back to the hands. Return to back of your student.

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


PART III 1. Place your hands on the students shoulders and look down through the Crown Chakra, imagining you can see into the Heart Chakra. Place a positive affirmation into the students Heart by repeating it to yourself three times, intending it to be accepted by the subconscious mind. 2. Bring your hands together, placing your thumbs at the base of the skull. Repeat this phrase; I now seal this process with Divine Love and Wisdom. while picturing a door with the Power Symbol on it being closed and locked. Intend, will, and feel that the process it sealed and complete, and the student is now connected directly to the Reiki source. 3. Place your palms on the students shoulders and repeat the affirmation: We are both blessed by this process, or hold this feeling for several seconds. 4. Move to the front of the student. Ask the student to place their hands palms down on their thighs, breathe deeply and slowly, while opening their eyes. You may add a final blessing of your own choosing. This is the attunement process as given to me by my Reiki Masters. It is by no means the only version that is being used today. I have not seen any difference in empowerments regardless of which attunement process has been used to empower an individual in the Reiki System of Natural Healing.

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


DISTANT ATTUNEMENTS There are many ways to pass Reiki Attunements distantly. This is the method I use and I find it very effective. Prepare the room prior to the allocated time in the normal way, candles, incense, music etc. At the allotted time state either silently or outloud I now wish to attune PERSONS NAME and LOCATION, to Usui Reiki Level 1, 2 or Master Level Then visualise the student is sitting in the chair and perform the attunement as if they were there. It doesnt matter if you do not know what the person looks like as stating your intent and their name is all that is needed. As Level I has four attunements you can either send the four parts at different times during the day but I perform the four attunements to Level I one after the other. It obviously takes longer but saves the student having to go through the process four times.

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


WHAT TO TEACH IN REIKI CLASSES As soon as you are a Reiki Master/Teacher you will be able to teach your own Reiki classes to students as soon as you feel confident to pass attunements. The following is a guide to what I teach in my classes, you of course will be guided to structure your own courses. REIKI I The Reiki story and what Reiki is What is a Reiki attunement Cleansing process after an attunement The Principles of Reiki How to conduct a Reiki treatment Reiki hand positions for treating others and self Importance of an energy exchange for services Preparation for a Reiki attunement List of some Reiki books and a Reiki I manual or handout Best to wait one month or more between Reiki I & Reiki II attunements REIKI II Nature and purpose of Reiki Symbols Distance Healing and how to use Reiki symbols Reiki II symbols and practice Preparation for a Reiki attunement Reiki I and II manual or handout REIKI III Reiki Master Symbol and how to use it. Process of passing Attunements How and what to teach in Reiki I, II & III classes Importance of an energy exchange for treatments and classes/attunements Preparation for a Reiki attunement Reiki I, II and III manual or handout

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


The Importance of an Energy Exchange After his experience in the Beggars Quarter of Kyoto, Dr. Usui learned first hand about the importance of an exchange of energy for the healers time. When he first became empowered to perform the miracle healings that he had sought for so long, his initial thought was to move to the Beggars Quarters and serve the poor. His intention was to help heal them so they could become responsible citizens, and enable them to hold a job to support themselves. What he discovered over time was that many returned after having experienced a taste of life on the outside, and decided they didnt want the responsibility of caring for themselves. By just giving away healings, he had further impressed the beggar pattern in many of them. People need to give back for what they receive, in order to fully appreciate what has been given. Usui thus discovered two very important factors. One, that a person should ask for a healing. (It is not the job of any healer to try and help where healing is not wanted.) Two, that there should be an exchange of energy for the healers time. (It is not right to keep someone feeling indebted for services rendered, thus the receiver, by sharing energy in a variety of forms, frees himself of obligation and has an investment in the end result.) The exchange of energy does not necessarily have to be in the form of money. It can be a trade of some sort. If the person is a family member, there is normally an exchange of energy taking place all of the time and so there need not be a request for specific reimbursement. There should also be an exchange of energy for Reiki classes. One should not waste precious time and energy sharing information or energy with those who are not interested or prepared to receive. Another aspect of exchange of energy has to do with the concept of tithing. Tithing is a sharing of what we have with others -a giving back and thanking to the Universe for what we have received. Tithing must be done out of a deep sense of Love and not out of obligation, otherwise it will not have as profound an effect. Treatments can be sent to war or disater areas of the earth, helping to create a more positive and loving energy which can eventually engulf the entire planet.

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


CONCLUSION Once you reach Master/Teacher level you will find that your journey truly begins I personally feel that no-one ever Masters the system of Reiki and that entering Master level is just the beginning of your own personal relationship with this beautiful healing art. The more you incorporate the practice of Reiki into your daily life the easier you will progress and open up to your true potential. Bring the goodness that is Reiki to as many people as you can.. I hope that I have managed to answer all of your questions in the writing of this manual.

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


Reiki Consultation Form

Client Name Practitioner Name


Home Number

Mobile Number

Date of Birth Reason for visit/expectations


Current Health : Excellent/Good/Average/Poor Details of any major illnesses/operations in last 5 years :

Current Medication :

Treatment from another practitioner? YES/NO Details of other any other treatments being received :

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


Energy Levels : Ability to relax : Excellent/Normal/Below Average/Poor Excellent/Normal/Below Average/Poor

Smoker Drink alcohol

Yes/No - How many per day? Yes/No - Number of units per week?

Allergies Exercise

Yes/No Details Daily/Weekly/Occasional/None - What types?

Diet Sleep pattern

Excellent/Good/Average/Below Average/Poor Excellent/Good/Average/Below Average/Poor

Number of hours sleep per night on average

Treatment plan and advice given :

Details of the treatment being offered have been fully explained. I consent to treatment and I agree to inform the practitioner if there are any changes to my health or medication whilst receiving treatment. Client Signature_______________________________ Date : ______________ Practitioner Signature___________________________ Date: ______________
Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual



Client Name : Date : SUMMARY OF REIKI TREATMENT GIVEN : Practitioner Name : Treatment Number:




Follow up appointment ?


Date of next appointment :

Amount charged

Payment method

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


DISCLAIMER As with all complimentary and alternative therapies, none of the treatments listed on my website or in the training manuals are meant to be a substitute for proper medical diagnosis, treatment or care from your GP. I do not diagnose conditions, prescribe medication or interfere with a GP's treatment. If you are currently taking medication prescribed by your GP, do not stop taking it without his/her's advice. If you have any concerns regarding your medical condition please speak with your GP first. I do not accept responsibility if you choose to treat yourself using any information from my website or training manuals. I accept no responsibility for any loss or damages caused as a direct or indirect result of the use or misuse of any information contained in this manual.

Copyright and Use of Information The contents of this manual are copyrighted to Stephen Lovering you are welcome to use the information for your own students as long as this copyright notice is in place and full credit is given to Stephen Lovering as the author. Further information on Reiki training can be found at

Complete Usui Reiki Training Manual


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