Reiki - 2nd Degree Manual
Reiki - 2nd Degree Manual
Reiki - 2nd Degree Manual
Usui Reiki
contemporary and traditional
methods level two manual
by Peggy L. Jentoft
© Peggy Jentoft ,2000 -2001
except where noted
This manual is all on one page to make it easier to print or save even
though that makes it rather large
My main intention is to have the manual that I use in personal classes
available on the internet for the benefit of my students and for others
who might find value in it. I was a pioneer in remote attunement and
therefore feel a responsiblity to provide information for Reiki students
who may not have had an opportunity to receive detailed training.
Traditionally many Reiki Masters hold that the symbols are sacred or
secret and should not be shown to people who are not attuned to level
two I respect them and the tradition of secrecy but feel strongly that I
must have the symbols in the manual for maximum helpfulness . I was
familiar with most of the symbols in a Buddhist context prior to
receiving Reiki .The symbols cannot be used to connect with the Reiki
energy and functions unless a person has been attuned to Reiki.
Should You not wish to see them do not continue to read this manual .
About Symbols
Focus, or power symbol
Harmony, Emotional and mental
Mental and behavioral healing
Death and bereavement
Connection, Distance Healing
by Peggy Jentoft
Because of the nature of remote healing and mental emotional healing
and the fact that practitioners may find themselves developing more
control of energy and their personal will there is a need for more
emphasis on ethical issues than there was in the first degree of Reiki.
Obtain permission before treating anyone .
Some teachers feel that you must always have specific permission from
the individual before treating. Other teachers feel that when it is
impossible to obtain permission you may send the treatment as an offer
which the intended recipient is free to accept or refuse. You can usually
tell after a while if energy is accepted or refused. I do not feel that it is
compassionate to absolutely refuse to offer treatment if specific
permission is unobtainable . You would not allow someone to bleed to
death at the scene of an accident if you had the power to assist them
even if they were not able to give permission would you?
Never attempt to Force healing on anyone. You are not the one who is
to decide what is in the best interest of another. It can be a temptation
particularly when dealing with addictions to attempt to impose your
will on another.
Never promise a healing or cure this is not in your control People have
the right to choose whether or not to accept healing even someone who
comes to you for treatment may refuse to accept healing energy .
Never Diagnose, do not give medical instructions and never suggest that
anyone discontinue medications or other treatment.
Respect your client's confidentiality. Do not repeat anything you learn
during a treatment either from the client or from your intuitive
perceptions .
When using examples and case histories make sure that the parties
involved can not be identified .
Being a Reiki Practitioner does not give you any particular spiritual
merit. People might on occasion try to make you a Guru. You might
even get over impressed with yourself but remember that when you see
dramatic effects from treatment it is not because of your personal merit
its because of Reiki .
Energy should not be directed indiscriminately. Send energy for the
highest good of all concerned. Allow it to be used by the high self of the
recipient for their greatest good. When directing energy, ask the person
first if they want a treatment or go within and ask their higher self. Use
your intuition. If the Reiki is not accepted by the recipient it will return
to you. Some people send Reiki while holding an intention that if the
intended recipient wants it they can invite it in at the time convenient to
them and it will be there for that person .Never assume that another
being wishes to be healed, even if they say that they do. Don't intend to
heal a person; just allow the energy to work. Don't judge the
effectiveness, the energy is working. Results may not be obvious
immediately. Reiki energy continues to work long after the actual
treatment is finished. Honor the energy, yourself , the intention and the
recipient for the work performed. Where awareness is focused, energy
is concentrated .
About Symbols
There are three kinds of symbols or viewpoints about symbols that
are used in healing, meditation and for spiritual, mental and emotional
development. One view is that with symbols like the forms used in
sacred geometry or the tattwas and Yantra Mandalas the actual shape
or form is said to contain the power to waken an ability or create a
result or convey mystical information and realization itself. Another
possibility is that symbols acquire power by being charged with the
intention of people or from being in proximity to spiritual ability or
teachers or places . The last kind of symbol or view of symbols is that
they are tools or triggers that enable you to connect with and use a
spiritual function, information, and so forth, that exists separate from
the symbol itself. The symbol is more like an on button. The power is in
what the symbols represent rather than having any power of its own.
These viewpoints are not really mutually exclusive they are just
different ways of looking at things. Some people in the United states
have taught that the Reiki symbols and their names or mantra
themselves had the power and were sacred and secret not to be revealed
to anyone who was not an initiate. I (the author) was already familiar
with three of the four symbols and mantra as shortcut Buddhist terms
for certain concepts and had seen two of them used carved on temple
walls and embroidered on dance clothing and as good luck charms so
I was not surprised when it was confirmed that the symbols used in
Reiki are mostly of the second and third kind. Symbols are a tool to
help you connect with and focus and use the Reiki energy. You may
not need to consciously use them when you are more experienced . In
the beginning it is quite sensible to use them, in time you may just tune
in to the Reiki functions. On the other hand many people do always use
the symbols every time they use Reiki neither way is better than the
other way . In the Reiki symbols, the intent and the active force
coincide, not in the air or on paper, but in your heart, soul, mind, spirit.
If the intent isn't there, you might just as well not draw anything.
Contrary to the popular story of symbols appearing in bubbles Usui
Sensei apparently may have started teaching his Reiki without them
and later introduced the symbols to help provide focus for people who
his last example is in Mrs.Takata's Own Hand
The ChoKuRei symbol can help start Reiki flowing or give it a feeling
of being more finely tuned or powerful. Most practitioners use it at the
beginning of sessions by drawing it on the palms of their hands or in
their minds or with the third eye or with the tongue on the roof of their
mouth or over the body or the person being treated.
You can use the ChoKuRei at the start of a healing session to feel the
energetic connection to the Reiki source. You can use it to focus power
at each hand position and on any problem areas. You could draw it
over the person at the end of a healing session to seal and stabilize the
healing .
To use for manifestation you can activate Choku rei and clearly
visualize what you intend to manifest while running Reiki this will not
bring you things that are not in accord with your high self and soul
purpose. Experiment !
After cleansing crystals you can use the power symbol to empower
them instead of a generator crystal. this is than traditional crystal
clearing and charging methods especially if you use crystals a lot on
grids for doing multiple sends. If you find your energy flagging and
have little time for a self treatment, draw the power symbol down my
body and give yourself a 5 minute zap. Draw it on the palm of each
hand before before sending distant healing. Draw it into the corners of
any rooms that need clearing. Draw it over flower essences essential
oils or shampoo and other personal care items . Draw it on a piece of
paper and wrap it around a sick tree to keep the energy working .Draw
it over food.
by Mr.. Doi
Sound - Sei Heki Second Symbol - the Moon - Harmony - 3rd and 4th
Relation with people - The moon has an effect on the earth like tides. It
also causes constant changes in feelings and rhythm of human bodies.
Being in sync with the moon's conscious energy will bring emotional
releases and stress reduction and help people keep in high spirits.
Functions - Restores psychological and emotional balance and brings
deep healing. Also promotes self growth by increasing sensitivity and
acceptance through resonation with the moon's conscious energy.
Usage - Improving human relationship, bad habits, resolving all sorts
of disorders and karma/trauma with gentle energy of love and
harmony. used for restoring psychological and emotional balance.
It is used to heal mental and emotional habits that no longer work for
you, and emotional and mental distress. It is also used to bring up and
heal the emotional issues underneath physical problems. It helps
reinforce and support positive behavior changes. This function is for
healing and releasing those feelings, desires and conditioning that keeps
us in negative patterns .
Healing with the Sei Hei Ki can be as simple as using the symbol
while doing a healing using the regular hand positions. It can also be
used as part of meditations to help release and heal conditioning and
patterns that underlie problems.
You can use Sei He ki to empower your affirmations and resolutions
and for working on specific areas where you feel emotional processing
is needed simply turn on Reiki and activate the Focus and Harmony
functions with the intention that it work on the kind of issue you are
seeking to heal like fear, anger, grief or resentment for example or to
enhance your own ability to love yourself and others for serenity or
courage or compassion or zest .
Here are some more uses for the Mental/Emotional symbol. The Sei
He Ki.
Some of These suggestions were offered by Jane Berrigan, Fiona Mc
Callum, Susan Bosco and C.J. Use the emotional symbol in the chakras
with the intent that emotional and mental issues be balanced and
healed. if the treatment is specifically for emotional/mental issues), end
by wrapping the recipient in Reiki and seal it with the SHK, too.
Recipients will often report a feeling of lightness and a lifting of despair
and stress. You may want to use the HSZSN too, since many emotional
issues have roots from the recipient's past.
If you are feeling 'out of balance' all you have to do is to place your
hands on your head and think of the SHK and it will tend to bring you
back into balance. This symbol heals more on the higher levels of
consciousness, and is thought to work more in the aura field than on
the physical body.
If a person is complaining even of a headache often it is coming from
some type of emotional or mental tension, so using the SHK symbol is
appropriate in dissipating headaches.
It can also be used for getting rid of 'bad vibes' and for protection.
Bad vibes or negativity coming from others or perceived as coming
from others exists on a mental and emotional level so you can use the
symbol as a form of psychic protection. What you can do is simply
draw this symbol around yourself, perhaps saying something like ''I
protect myself now with divine love and wisdom''. Use the symbol on
each side of you, behind, above, below you and in front of you, and
repeat the words. As you do so, you should feel the protective energy
begin to develop around you. It will tend to harmonize any negative
vibrations that will be coming from others. You can use the SHK and
the CKR for spiritual protection. Another way to give yourself
protection is to visualize an egg shaped energy field around you with
the SHK moving around the surface of the egg, starting at your feet
and working its way around the egg and upwards until it reaches the
top of your head. Do the same with the CKR. Often at work or even at
home we deal with people who we like to think of as our friends but
sometimes there are negative feelings that come up and it is very
valuable to be able to protect our selves and harmonize the situation by
using Reiki.
You can use the SHK to assist with memory. If you have forgotten
something, your keys for instance, take a moment and place your hands
on top of your head and use SHK there. As you do the Reiki say to
yourself 3 times ''I will remember where I placed my keys within one
minute''. Then just relax. Sometimes using Reiki in this way will help
you conscious mind to align itself to that memory, causing you to
remember just where you placed your keys!! Worth a try anyway! It
can work equally well for other things you have forgotten - a person's
name, a telephone no. etc. Often you are trying too hard to remember
and the Reiki energy will simply help you to relax so that the
information will surface again.
Students can use this symbol when taking tests or exams. Before the
test draw the SHK over the paper to help your mind to attune to the
correct answers. Of course it goes without saying that you must have
studied beforehand! Reiki will help your conscious mind access the
correct piece of information from all the data held in your brain. Use it
when that extra concentration is needed and you are feeling bored in
class. Place your hands on your knees and think of the SHK as you
listen to the tutor and it will help you to retain the information being
given. Affirmations are a powerful tool when one is trying to achieve
goals. You can simply repeat a positive phrase over again in your mind
or write it on a piece of paper. Repetition is the key and the SHK can be
used to empower your affirmations. In this way they tend to be more
deeply embedded in the subconscious mind.
Any time you are having an argument or disagreement, it can be
very healthy and valuable to use the SHK. Just imagine the symbol
being between you and the person you are having the argument with. It
will tend to filter the energy that passes between you, thereby assisting
you in creating harmony and peace and understanding.
Self Healing
Sit down, calm yourself and begin. Connect to the issue as in distance
healing. Draw the Third Symbol and see it going into your crown; then
draw the First Symbol, again seeing them going into your crown; then
draw the Second Symbol, see it going into your crown; then draw the
First Symbol again. Visualization Put your hands either on your face or
head, whichever is the most comfortable. See your head filling with
gold from the symbols and from your hands. When the head has filled
the gold spreads to fill the whole body. When the body is completely
full the gold then overflow out of the feet. The energy then turns, comes
out and up the outside of the body on all sides and into the body again
through the Crown Chakra. Continue this visualization - it should look
like a sort of elongated torus shape, constantly on the move both inside
and outside the body.
Affirmation When the visualization has reached this point add the
affirmation: "I send the light, [name], deep into the inner recesses of
your mind, bringing light to the darkness, that shadows disappear."
Keep this up for around half an hour or so and then stop. This is a very
powerful program. I suggest that you do it for an issue no more than 4
days in a row, then leave it for a month or so and watch for
developments before doing it again.
Healing Clients
Have your client lie down and follow the above routine. Your hands
should be either under their head or curled onto the forehead. You or
they may prefer to sit up, in which case your hands should be on the
top of their head.
Weight loss
I have had Reiki teachers who say that the SHK symbol could be
used to lose weight. Draw it on the palms of your hands, point your
palms toward yourself, repeat the name three times, and let the Reiki
flow. Do that as often as you needed to lose the weight. An affirmation
is "I transform (fat) matter into light (energy). I don't really know if
this works or not but I have lost about 30 pounds during a time of
testing this. I did cut down on fat and sweets and increase exercise too
which seems easier to do than it had been previously.
Have the client sit on a comfortable , upright chair.
1. Decide with client on affirmations and positive results required.
2. Place your hands on the shoulders and relax the patient for 1 to 2
minutes Or until Reiki tapers off
3. Remove one hand, keeping the other in place, and slowly trace Reiki
Symbol CHO-KU-REI above but not on cranium while focussing on the
mantra (name) of the symbol. Repeat as many times as you feel is
needed, although once is generally enough.
4. Replace hand on shoulders for up to 5 more minutes or until Reiki
tapers off be aware of any images or information you receive
5. Place your hands on Reiki Head Position (top of head) and relax the
client for 1 to 2 minutes.
6. Remove one hand and trace the Reiki Symbol SEI-HI-KI above but
not on the cranium while focussing your mind on the mantra (name) of
the symbol on any affirmations you have agreed on with the client.
repeat as often as you feel is necessary.
7. Replace hands on head and repeat sequence from [1] but
substitute SEI-HI-KI for CHO-KU-REI.
8. Finish after 15 to 20 minute session using CHO-KU-REI to end
session .
It is used for sending Reiki hands off, for absentee healing and
treating issues from the past including past life issues.
This function also gives you the ability to use all the Reiki functions
for hands off treatments at any distance at all . you can use this symbol
function long distance and to beam the energies to someone in the
room with you. This is especially useful in treating children and
animals in treating yourself on areas you can not reach and when in
public or anyplace where a hands on treatment might be impractical.
This symbol is the most complicated of the Reiki symbols but can be
easy to learn by practicing writing it. start with one stroke, repeat that
stroke and add one more repeat these and add the next one and
continue this way until you are able to write the entire symbol . Or you
may prefer to break it up into several sections and learn one at a time.
Many people do find that they can activate the Reiki function by direct
intention without drawing or visualizing the symbol at all but I feel that
it does have value to memorize it as well as the others. There are some
differences in the way different teachers write this symbol usually one
writes it as your teacher did unless you have an intense intuitive call to
another style.
Used for connecting to remote objects in time and space. Often used
together with other symbols. Distant healing can bridge time and space,
allowing you to send healing energy across a room, or around the world
to heal past wounds and to contribute healing energies for others and in
situations such as natural disasters and political crises . You can use
HSZSN to treat anxieties you have about events in the future. Some
people use it to create healing packages to be tapped into later or sent
ahead for a known future need.
Distance treatments
There is a common tendency to think of distance work as requiring
effort as though you have to personally throw the energy across the
distance In fact it requires no more effort to send Reiki across the
ocean than it requires to send it through your hands as you touch
someone. Just as in direct treatment you activate Reiki and allow it to
flow to where it is needed . Distance does not interfere with reception.
Some ways of doing distance energy treatments with Reiki Using the
symbols: one would draw them with your hand or third eye and
mentally say the power and connection symbol name/mantra and use
the other symbol or symbols as needed or desired. You might visualize
them over your head or in front of you. I was taught to use all of them
all the time but many people do it differently.
There is no order of preference for any of these methods for sending
Reiki to people at a distance and these are only a few of the possible
ways to do it. These methods are useful for sending distant Reiki
treatments. Over time, you may develop less need to use the distant
symbol and very structured methods for remote sending. This is as it
should be. As you develop increasing familiarity with the energy you
may find that the symbols, like all tools, can be put aside when no
longer needed. There is however no hurry to learn to work without
symbols . Take your time and let the connection to the energy
strengthen and grow. Most people continue to use the symbols even if
they do not "have" to do so.
1. You can use a photo or drawing as a focus. for the session drawing
the symbols over a photo with the intention of sending Reiki to the
person represented or sting the name of the person while placing your
hands on a drawing either doing the hand placements or just holding
the photo or drawing.
2. direct the energies by imagining the person as laying on your thigh.
3. Use a teddy bear or doll as a proxy or put a pillow on your lap to
represent the recipient.
4. You can imagine the person as being between your hands. Then
either mentally go through the hand positions or just send the Reiki to
the subjects entire being with the intention that it go where needed.
5. Intend it. know that the Reiki will reach your intended recipient
6. Write the person's name on a piece of paper and hold that piece of
paper with the name on it between your hands and send Reiki that way.
7. Use your thumb as a proxy, pretend it is the person, and wrap your
other fingers around it and send it Reiki.
Visualize the person there in the air before you and you just do a
treatment. or imagine that you are in the same place together. Another
technique is to substitute your body for theirs putting your hands and
or intention on your body and intending that the energies run to them
in those places. You can also do a "spot" treatment on an organ or
other body part - just visualize the part and go for it. When I am doing
distant healing, I mostly do it by intention. Sometimes I feel a "Reiki
beam" go from my hands and / or heart, etheric heart, crown and third
eye, to the person. I usually just say the persons name and if I know it
location and intend that the energies go to them for their highest good
beaming the Reiki to them.
Some people find it easy to imagine that the client is in the same
room with them and others will ask Guides or helping Deva to do the
treatment as the practitioner holds the connection. Others feel that
Reiki is kind of like email when the system is working really well you
just have to address it and send it and it will arrive where it is supposed
to go instantly. Even though you have no idea how the mechanics of it
actually work.
State what if any condition the treatment is for if you know. Ask for
pain relief if it is wanted in addition to healing. Pain relief and healing
are not the same thing. Reiki seems to reduce pain more when it is
specifically requested. Reiki will not eliminate necessary pain if the
recipient needs it to force them to go to a doctor or would re injure
themselves for example.
You can do an entire treatment going through the hand placements
but can also just allow the Reiki to flow. It is good to mentally state any
areas of particular concern that you are aware of. As long as you
maintain a clear channel the treatment will go where needed most.
When you activate the energies by intention without drawing the
symbols intend Reiki all or any words that work for you. You can also
activate each function separately actually I most often intend that any
and all energies run in the best portions. Then I follow intuition to
activate any specific procedures.
Always intend that the person has the right to accept, refuse or
observe the energies.
In distance treatments the energy often just runs until it's done.
Some Teachers suggest a 15 minute session for distance work. Some
recommend 15 minute sessions three days in a row. I have had the
energy run as long as three hours. But that is unusually long and 15 or
20 minutes is more common . Some people have found great results
from only a five or ten minute session. Even one or two minutes can
have a great effect. Reactivate the energies if your attention and
intention wanders so far off that the energies shut down and whenever
you feel that you should.
When the energies stop running. End the treatment by honoring
what we have intended gently releasing the connection and thanking
your Spiritual Focus. There is not normally any real need to clear and
release any excess or unneeded or stuck energies as this does not often
occur. Reiki is self clearing. You can do clearing and unsticking if you
time between conception and birth . Should you want to study energy
blocks in the aura in depth, the Barbara Brennon Book "Hands of
Light" probably has more than you will ever need to know about
energy blocks and other afflictions to the energy body though your
personal interpretive metaphors and perceptions may be different than
There are a number of books and lists available that purport to show
a list of the specific
blocks and traumas that can cause the manifestation of specific illnesses
and injuries
There can be some valid help in these books but most of them are
oversimplified and sometimes people use them in a cruel way .The
human body ,energy field and karma is too complex to be reduced to a
checklist .Reiki practitioners might consult these texts to see if their
own intuition is supported but they should never use these references to
tell another person what is "wrong" with them. and even when the
information in the book is correct for one or many people it may not be
correct for your client.
remote group treatments
There are a number of ways to send Reiki to more than one person at
a time either in a room or at a distance. You are acting as a ground and
conduit for Universal healing energy rather than using your own
energy. You can treat a large area or group at one time .
Expand or Blanket method
Visualize the symbols horizontally expanded over the people or area
you wish to cover or fill with Reiki then continue your treatment in
the usual way for people at a distance you first expand or blanket the
area then intend to focus on the specific people who seek treatment
from you.
You can beam the Reiki into a Room with the intention that everyone
in the room receive the treatment best for them. A mental image of
fanning the energy out or mental image of creating a cone of energy
over the area and people can help you with your focus .
Draw the power symbol to connect each stack. At the start of the
treatment (preferably At least once a day) name the Reiki stack/s that
the treatment is to go to and draw the three symbols on the stack while
saying the mantra three times. Then affirm your Intent that this /these
stacks are filled with unlimited Reiki treatments.'' place your hands
over the stack list or hold the stacks between both hands and visualize
energy going to each person on the list just as they need it for their best
and highest good. If you have a healing crystal you can empower it with
Reiki and place it on top of the stack/s to continue sending energy.
Any time you pass your stacks send the power symbol to add energy.
The people and pets or situations stay on your list for at least a week
and sometimes longer.
All kinds of stuff people have added to Reiki classes and have
called advanced techniques
None of these techniques are necessary to practice Reiki effectively,
and probably none of them were used by Usui Sensei. Many Reiki
Masters question the validity of including of them under the descriptor
"Reiki". I list some of the more common modifications here. If you find
them useful, add them to your practices. If you don't then just ignore
them . Here are some of what are commonly referred to as "advanced"
techniques. Any technique that is not part of traditional Usui Reiki
should be identified as such during class and treatment.
the meditation with all symbols in one setting, or only work with one
symbol per session.
When you are finished you are likely to be filled with energy and this
would be a good time to work on doing self treatments, treating others,
doing distant healing, manifesting goals, charging crystals.
and writing out the name, solution and situation, draw a power symbol
over each corner. Draw a power symbol over the whole triangle. Place
your hands on the triangle picture and do Reiki on it, intending it to
Reiki Crystal Grid
The standard crystal grid layout that you will find in most manuals is
rather more complicated than the one I actually use. I have studied
crystal work separately from Reiki and recommend that if you are
interested in working with crystals you study that separately . The
subject is far too complex to be done justice to as a tiny Reiki add-on.
There are entire systems of Crystal healing work some of which are like
Reiki and have Attunements for energy work with crystals. Many
people do just have some quartz or amethyst or other crystal in the
room or under the Reiki table Some people have clients hold crystal
during treatment. I prefer to keep the modalities separate most of the
time You can just Hold a crystal and run Reiki into it while intending
that it be programmed to send healing energy to a person or situation
continuously and place it it a place where it will not be disturbed .
Reiki will not do harm or overload a person but I have seen many cases
where people did become distressed from overzealous crystal
treatment. I strongly recommend caution when mixing crystal healing
with Reiki If you have a clear intuition go ahead but do not just throw
on crystals experimentally. Rose Quartz is always safe and can be used
freely it increases the ability to give and receive love and is relaxing .
Healing attunement
As used in the Reiki add on classes this is a healing attunement to
give people a temporary boost to their ability to heal themselves and
absorb healing energy . These are essentially Reiki Attunements done
by a Reiki Master with part of the ritual left out supposedly to provide
a temporary boost . This is also either similar or identical to the "Reiki
POP" a partial attunement used by some Reiki teachers as a sales tool
for their Reiki classes . This can give a strong energy buzz to the
recipient and is often more intense than simply demonstrating with a
sample Reiki treatment. I have some ethical concerns about the "Reiki
POP" and do not use it.
I do use a completely different and permanent healing boost
attunement brought in from a different healing system . That
attunement permanently enhances the recipients ability to connect with
and use healing energy for their highest good . I include this
automatically in the treatments and Attunements I do for all who are
willing to accept some energy from systems other than Reiki.
Other Symbols
Some Reiki systems have added other symbols to the Reiki practice I
have yet to find a function that is added with these symbols that cannot
be accessed fully with just regular Reiki . The Symbol might give you a
tool for confidence in your ability to connect with a function such as
karmic healing or improving your love life but I have yet to find a
One of Usui Sensei's hopes for the Reiki was that it would be a tool
for helping people obtain enlightenment or true and total happiness
and wisdom of spirit. This aspect of Reiki is sometimes overlooked in
the West in favor of focus on physical well being . Just being attuned to
Reiki will not guarantee enlightenment but practice and study of the
Reiki principles and maintaining a seeking mind can help you with
your personal path. We usually define the word "Reiki" as Universal
Energy here is another definition taken from a Buddhist lecture on the
Lotus Sutra by T. Makigchi from the 1930's of the Word Reiki in
regard to enlightenment. This source probably had no knowledge of the
term as used by Dr Usui .
" Reiki" (Spiritual power/ability) is divided into 10
1. The ability to tell the reasonable law of cause and effect from an
unreasonable one neglecting the causal law.
2. The ability to know the causal relationships ranging over the three
existence's of life- past present and future.
3. The ability to keep himself in the state of enlightenment
4. The ability to realize the various functions of mind.
5. The ability to know the intellect of people
6. The ability to know the life condition of people.
7. The ability to foresee the future of people
8. The ability to know the causal relationships of people
9. The ability to realize the the life of the past existence and the way to
10. The ability to obliterate past karma.
You are allowed to save or print a copy for personal use but not to put
it on a web site of your own . This manual may be used in classes if all
copyright and author information is retained. I would like a postcard,
letter or e-mail and or web page link if you do use my manuals in your
(donations or gifts are accepted but not expected)
This version of the manual is all on one page for easier printing or
saving I welcome your comments and suggestions
The author may be reached by email at
or by writing Peggy Jentoft 13218 Woodridge Ave. La Mirada Ca.
Usui Reiki
contemporary and traditional methods level two manual
by Peggy L. Jentoft
Peggy Jentoft
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Peggy Jentoft
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