Phonemic Awareness Assessment
Phonemic Awareness Assessment
Phonemic Awareness Assessment
Assign ONE (1) point per correct answer. Student Name _________________________________________________ Assessment Dates: __________ __________ __________ __________ Word Awareness Clap a Word Clap one time for each WORD in the sentence. Lets try oneMy dog is ro!n. Did yo" hear the !ords# $here !ere % !ords. Be careful NO to accent s!lla"les as !ou read. &o"r t"rn.# Points 1. $ li%e to pla! "all. (& claps) '. (! friend pla!s soccer. () claps) *. +e c+ildren are running. () claps) ). Do !ou li%e pi,,a() claps) Point to a Word .se t+e attac+ed Student /orm. $his time ' !ant yo" to point to each !ord in the sentence as yo" read. Lets try one $his sentence says( My dog is ro!n. Lets point at each !ord. $here !ere % !ords. Be careful NO to accent s!lla"les as !ou read. &o"r t"rn. )oint at each !ord in the sentence as ' read alo"d. (A point can "e assigned if t+e c+ild points0 "ut cannot read a word.) &. $ li%e dogs. (* words) 1. $ see a red "all. (& words) 2. +e cat is !ellow. () words) 3. +e girl can see me. (& words) Syllable Awareness Tap a Syllable 4 5We are going to tap one time for each sylla le !e hear. Lets try a fe! for practice* dinosa"r( applesa"ce( co! oy( dog. &o"r t"rn. Enunciate0 "ut do not e6aggerate t+e s!lla"les. 7. pig (1 tap) 18. popcorn (' taps) 11. telep+one (* taps) 1'. mone! (' taps) lend the Syllables ' am going to say some !ords so slo!ly that yo" can hear the sylla les. &o"r +o is to lend the sylla les together and tell me the !ord yo" hear. Lets try a fe! for practice* di,no,sa"r( ap,ple,sa"ce( co!, oy( dog. &o"r t"rn. +is time !ou need to e6aggerate t+e s!lla"les. 1*. pup9p! 1). Sep9tem9"er 1&. ues9da! 11. "a9na9na Rhyme Awareness Recogni!ing Rhymes 4 5We say !ords rhyme !hen they ha-e the same so"nd at the end li.e pie and s.y( file and pile or fish and dish. Listen to the !ords as ' read them( then tell me /yes or no0 if they rhyme. 12. "oo% loo% !es 13. man fan !es 17. pla! c+air no '8. read face no :age 1
Emergent Reader Assessment " Phonemic Awareness (Continued) Assign ONE (1) point per correct answer. Producing Rhymes 4 51o! yo" !ill ha-e a chance to ma.e "p !ords that rhyme. ' !ill say a sentence and ' !ant yo" to finish my sentence !ith a !ord that rhymes !ith the !ord ' stress. Lets practice ...' li.e to wink !hen ' stand y the /sin.#0 ;redit ma! "e assigned to ot+er accepta"le answers. #onsense words are accepta"le. '1. +e cat is <er! = ''. +e pot is <er! = '*. $ li%e to loo$ at t+e = '). +e man put awa! t+e = '&. +e %rog >umped o<er t+e = $ell me a !ord that rhymes !ith* #onsense words are accepta"le. '1. car '2. run '3. sing '7. wig *8. pet Sound Awareness eginning Sounds 4 5' am going to say 2 !ords. ' !ant yo" to listen caref"lly for the so"nd yo" hear at the eginning of each !ord. &o" !ill need to tell me !hich 3 !ords start !ith the same so"nd. Lets try one first... toe( monster( mail 5 *1. pic%0 pla!0 moon *'. "ug0 cow0 "at **. fis+0 dog0 door *). ta"le0 tur%e!0 sin% *&. sun0 wig0 water &solating the 'irst Sound 1o! ' !ill say a !ord and yo" !ill tell me !hat so"nd yo" hear at the beginning of that !ord. ' dont !ant yo" to tell me the letter( ' !ant yo" to say the so"nd yo" hear. Lets try one money &o" heard 4m4 at the eginning5 *1. "i%e *2. sun *3. ra""it *7. little )8. fat Ending Sounds 4 5$his time ' am going to say 2 !ords. 6"t this time ' !ant yo" to listen caref"lly for the so"nd yo" hear at the end of each !ord. &o" !ill need to tell me !hich 3 !ords end !ith the same so"nd. Lets try one first pass( toss( cap )1. cat0 "all0 +it )'. sic%0 doc%0 fill )*. rag0 leaf0 dog )). roc%0 pin0 can )&. tu"0 rain0 ca" &solating the Ending Sound 1o! ' !ill say a !ord and yo" !ill tell me !hat so"nd yo" hear at the end of that !ord. ' dont !ant yo" to tell me the letter( ' !ant yo" to say the so"nd yo" hear. Lets try one oat. &o" heard 4t4 at the end5 )1. gas )2. leaf )3. dog )7. roc% &8. tan :age '
Phoneme lending 4 5' !ill say a !ord and ' !ant yo" to lend the !ord together. ' !ill rea. the !ord apart and yo" are going to tell me the !ord yo" hear. 7or e8ample( if ' say( 4m4,4a4,4n4( yo" sho"ld say man. &1. ?>?9?o?9?"? &'. ?"?9?a?9?t? &*. ?m?9?u?9?g? &). ?f?9?i?9?s+? &&. ?t?9?o?9?p? Phoneme Segmentation 4 5' !ill say a !ord and ' !ant yo" to rea. the !ord apart. &o" are going to tell me each so"nd yo" hear in the !ord. 7or e8ample( if ' say( s" ( yo" sho"ld say 4s4,4"4,4 4 &1. %eep &2. wa<e &3. red &7. sat 18. race (anipulating Sounds 4 5' am going to say a !ord and yo" are going to say it ac. to me( "t !itho"t its first( eginning( so"nd. 7or e8ample( if ' say fat( yo" !ill say it !itho"t the 4f4 so"nd. &o" !o"ld say at. 'f ' say !ig( yo" !ill say it !itho"t the 4!4 so"nd. &o" !o"ld say ig. 11. "oat 1'. fan 1*. rain 1). rug 1&. "ed (891&) otal Score
:age *