Ilffiiililt Il - T Ililt Iltil - ) Il Iltl
Ilffiiililt Il - T Ililt Iltil - ) Il Iltl
Ilffiiililt Il - T Ililt Iltil - ) Il Iltl
Reg.No.: Name:
M 20865
(Reg/Sup./lmp.) B.Tech. IncludingPartTime Degree Ull Semester April 2012 Examination, ' ' e0A7 Admn. Onwards) AND MANAGEMEN ENGINEERING PT2K6/2KG ME 805 (E) : QUALITY
Time: 3 Hours lnstructions:1) Answer all quesfions. 2) Useof EAQtablespermitted. suitably. 3) Missingdata if any, may be assumed quality l. 1) Distinguish andinspection. between control 2) Explain management. totalquality quality lossfunction. 3) Explain Taguchi's 4) Whatis a quality circle? floor? on thefactory responsibilities 5) Howquality aredefined withregardto newproduct to safety 6) Explain the general analysis approach design. 7) Briefly the statistical toolsfor quality control. discuss (8x5=40) theimportance of acceptance sampling. B) Explain to quality. ll. A) 1) Distinguish 5 between small'q' andBig'Q'approach 10 2) Describe TQMAxioms in detail. OR management. B) Discuss the major andJuranto quality of Dumong contributions lll. A) Explain in detail the classification costs. of quality OR B) Writea noteon Pareto andhistogram. Fishbone diagram Chart, : Max.Marks
process. lV. A) Explain 15 marking the implementation stepsin bunch OR quality B) 1) Explain to manufacturing control. 10 thenormal curve anditsimportance 2\ Explain failure modeandeffect analysis. 5
M 20865
V. A) 1) Distinguish c andu charts. between machining on a certain eachhavebeenchecked 25subgroups at4 items 2) After mm. xX = 301 mmandER= 1.2875 .2500 operation, based for y andR charts limits linesandcontrot thecentral i) Compute on theredata. tolerance estimate o andnatural thisprocess is in control ii) Assuming for the process. limits 00mm.Whatproportion ore12.000+ 0.1 onthisdimension iii) Specifications a normal assuming thesespecifications, fallsoutside of theproduct 12 ? applies distribution OR plan. B) 1) Explain multiple sampling design of a special on production records are maintained 2) Dailyinspection past 21 eachday for device.100 itemshavebeeninspected electronic test. heatstress severe failed a particularly during days.A totalof 546items values of P are : andlowest Thefourhighest Highest Lowest
ls for a p-chart. limits trialcontrol lineand3-sigma thecentral i ) Compute ? in control the process operating for limits control valuePoand3. Sigma i i ) Recommend an aimed-at useof the p-chart. continued