Marketing Management

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M 20331

- lncluding Part Time) Degree Vll Semester B.Tech.(Reg./Sup./lmp. Examination,November 2011 (2OOT Admn.) PT2K6I2KGME 705 (A) : MARKETING MANAGEMENT Time: 3 Hours
PART_ A 1. Whatis marketing ? Whatmustbe thefocusof marketing andwhy ? 2. Define: i) Consumer andBusiness markets ii) Metamarket iii) Commodity anda product. the strategies 3. Explain usedforthevarious SBU,as classified bythe BCGmatrix withexample. 4. Writea detailed noteon Nichemarketing. examples. Givesuitable plan? Explain. of a research 5. Whatarethe components ? Explain. 6. Whatarethevarious buying behaviour of consumers process. 7. Define Explain thestepsin an effective communication. communication relations" the tool"public itsetfectiveness anddiscuss in promotion. 8. Explain PART- B tilldate,mentioning 9. a) Tracetheevolution of marketing concept alltheconcepts of marketing. 1 OR thatyou haveobserved b) Whatarethe various changes in today'smarket and thatmakesupthe operating for marketing environment ? Explain with society 1 examples.

Marks: Max. 100

M 20331
10. a) what is Swor analysis ? Howandwhy is it done? Explain. OR


b) Whatarethevarious basesusedin segmenting a targetmarket ? Explain withexamples. 1 1 .a ) Sketch the marketing process. research Explain eachstepin detail. OR
b) Whatarethevarious stages of product lifecycle? Explain thestrategies that

15 15

are usedin eachstageof lifecycle.

12. a) Givea detailed noteon salespromotion, stating thevarious majordecisions

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to be made.
OR b) Discussthe variousmediaon their advantages and limitations.


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