PFRS 9: Philippine Financial Reporting Standards 9
PFRS 9: Philippine Financial Reporting Standards 9
PFRS 9: Philippine Financial Reporting Standards 9
Exposure Draft
Next steps:
IAS 39
Forthcoming ED
The IASB is undertaking its reform of accounting for nancial instruments in phases. This ED is the result of the Classication and Measurement phase of that project. The IASB published the new requirements for classifying and measuring nancial instruments in IFRS 9 Financial Instruments (issued October 2010). This ED proposes some limited amendments to those requirements.
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Exposure Draft | Snapshot: Financial Instruments: Classication and Measurement (Limited Amendments to IFRS 9)
Exposure Draft | Snapshot: Financial Instruments: Classication and Measurement (Limited Amendments to IFRS 9)
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IAS 39
Rule-based Complex and difcult to apply Four classication categories for nancial assets Multiple impairment models Own credit gains and losses recognised in prot or loss
IFRS 9 (2010)
Principle-based Classication driven by business model and nature of cash ows Two measurement bases One impairment model Own credit gains and losses presented in OCI Interaction with insurance contracts to be considered
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Exposure Draft | Snapshot: Financial Instruments: Classication and Measurement (Limited Amendments to IFRS 9)
IFRS 9 applies one classication approach for all types of nancial assets, including those that contain embedded derivative features. Two criteria are used to determine how nancial assets should be classied and measured: (a) Contractual cash owsare the contractual cash ows solely payments of principal and interest? (b) What is the objective of the business model within which the nancial assets are held? The ED builds on that structure.
Cash ow characteristics
The ED proposes to clarify when contractual cash ows are still considered to consist of principal and interest when the interest rate is leveraged or is reset for a period that does not match the rate used (for example, the interest rate is reset every month to a three-month interest rate). The ED proposes that the nancial asset has cash ows that are solely payments of principal and interest if the effect of such a leverage or mismatch feature could not be more than insignicant when compared with the cash ows of an instrument that does not contain such a feature but that is otherwise identical.
Exposure Draft | Snapshot: Financial Instruments: Classication and Measurement (Limited Amendments to IFRS 9)
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Exposure Draft | Snapshot: Financial Instruments: Classication and Measurement (Limited Amendments to IFRS 9)
Contractual cash ows are solely principal and interest Yes Held to collect contractual cash ows Yes Fair value option? No Amortised cost
* Presentation option for equity investments to present fair value changes in OCI
Held to collect contractual cash ows and for sale? No Yes Fair value option?
Exposure Draft | Snapshot: Financial Instruments: Classication and Measurement (Limited Amendments to IFRS 9)
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Currently, entities can elect to apply the completed phases of IFRS 9 from different dates before the mandatory effective date of the Standard (for example, an entity could choose only to apply the changes to nancial asset accounting for a specic reporting period and only apply the changes to nancial liability accounting in a later reporting period, or it could apply both from the same date). The ED proposes to improve the comparability for users of nancial statements by eliminating this phased early application of IFRS 9. Early application of IFRS 9 would continue to be permitted, but once IFRS 9 is nalised, except for own credit as outlined above, all phases of IFRS 9 (Classication and Measurement, Impairment and General Hedge Accounting) must be applied from the same date. Previous versions of IFRS 9 would no longer be available for early application.
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Exposure Draft | Snapshot: Financial Instruments: Classication and Measurement (Limited Amendments to IFRS 9)
Exposure Draft | Snapshot: Financial Instruments: Classication and Measurement (Limited Amendments to IFRS 9)
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Exposure Draft | Snapshot: Financial Instruments: Classication and Measurement (Limited Amendments to IFRS 9)
Important information
This Snapshot has been compiled by the staff of the IFRS Foundation for the convenience of interested parties. The views expressed within this document are those of the staff who prepared the document. They do not purport to represent the views of the IASB and should not be considered as authoritative. Comments made in relation to the application of IFRSs or US GAAP do not purport to be acceptable or unacceptable application of IFRSs or US GAAP. Ofcial pronouncements of the IASB are available in electronic form to eIFRS subscribers. Printed editions of IFRSs are available for ordering from the IASB website at
Exposure Draft | Snapshot: Financial Instruments: Classication and Measurement (Limited Amendments to IFRS 9)
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