Packing & Maintenance Manual For Stroud Safety Drag Chutes

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Stroud Safety * 4O South |ay Avenue * Oklahona City, OK BU

-BOO-LL4-4B4B * www.stroudsafety.con
There are no warranties which extend beyond the description of the parachutes in this manual, and
neither the seller nor any agent of the seller has made any affirmation of fact or promise with respect to
the drag chute except those that appear therein.
The liability of the seller is limited to the duty to replace defective parts found upon examination by the
manufacturer to be defective in material or workmanship within seven days after purchase and found not
to have been caused by any accident, improper use, alteration, tampering, abuse or lack of care on the
part of the purchaser.
Are intended to be live-saving devices, there is no guarantee that they will work if
needed. There are so many factors, both human and natural, beyond our control that we
want you to clearly understand that by using or intending to use our drag chutes, you
are assuming a considerable risk of personal injury or death.
If you are not willing to assume that risk, please return the drag chute before it is used
to the manufacturer.
Drag chutes are simultaneously very rugged and quite delicate. They are pieces of life saving equipment and
should be treated with care. Drag chutes are made of nylon, a very strong and durable material, but even
nylon has enemies. Small amounts of acid will eat it and ultra-violet sunlight weakens nylon rapidly. This is
a surface effect so that thicker material, such as webbing or pack material are not seriously affected, but
canopy cloth is very vulnerable.
When your drag chute is in the car, care must be exercised to assure that it is not damaged. Be sure that it
does not come in contact with any sharp or loose metal surfaces, or any objects within the car which might
cut or snag it. All metal edges and exposed nuts and bolts, etc. Should be taped or covered to prevent wear
on the drag chute. Be sure that your drag chute does not come in contact with water, oils, acids, grease, dirt,
agricultural or fire retardant chemicals. When not in use, store your drag chute in a clean, dry, protected area.
When in doubt as to its condition, consult the Stroud company.
Never store your drag chute in your cockpit exposed to the sun.
Congratulations! You have just purchased the finest and most advanced drag chute on the market! It is
designed by a professional parachute engineer. It is designed to slow and stabilize your vehicle. It is not
designed to simply be the easiest to mass produce. After you read these instructions, you will be amazed at
how fast and easy this drag chute packs. After you use it, you will also be amazed at how softly it opens, how
well it slows down your vehicle and how stable it is.
Pilot Chute Canopy Lower Lateral Band
Center Line
Bridle Cord Deployment Bag (D-Bag) Shroud Line/Canopy Attachment Point
Shroud Line
You can and should wash your canopy at least once every 6 to 8 weeks of use. Wash in a standard washing
machinewith nothing else in themusing mild soap and cold water. NEVER, NEVER machine dry! ALWAYS
air dry in the shade! On Drag boats lay them out in the shade with a breeze blowing. If you can get someone
to hold it open in the breeze, it will dry faster. Remember, even if the canopy is still damp, it will still open,
although a little slower and much harder. Do not use the canopy when it is soaking wet. It will tend to stick
together. Always inspect the canopy after every run for damage. Stroud Safety will gladly inspect your canopy
(or any other manufacturers canopies) free of charge, as our #1 concern is your safety.
3 1-800-554-4648
1. After your canopy is attached to your vehicle, the
next step is to pack it for use. Grab the outside
shroud line at the vehicle attachment point.
(Figure 1) Walk towards the canopy (away from the
vehicle), keeping the line flat and straight and off
the ground. If the canopy is twisted, it will start
untwisting as you do this. When you get to the
shroud line attachment point on the canopy, stop.
2. Grab the lower lateral band (the tape around the
bottom edge of the canopy) on both sides of the
canopy/shroud line attachment point. (Figure 2)
Continue walking away from the vehicle while
following the lower lateral band. You will reach a
point where the canopy is tight and you cannot go
any further from the vehicle. (Figure 3)
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
3. Hold these two points in the left hand with
different fingers, keeping the lines and canopy
tight and off the ground. Reach down and grab
the remaining point and hold it with another finger
of the left hand. (Figure 4) Now all of the shroud
lines and canopy should be held tight and off of
the ground. The center line should still have some
slack in it. This is normal.
4. Run your free hand down the inside of the canopy
between the fingers of your left hand as far down
as it will go. This pulls any loose material snug
and away from any damage. (Figure 5) Remember
that all material should be inside the canopy, not
sticking through the lines or lateral bands.

Grab the lowest point of the canopy directly
beneath your left hand. Bring both hands together,
making a fold in the canopy. (Figure 6, Figure 7 &
Figure 8)
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Repeat this step again to further reduce the width
of the canopy. (Figure 9 & Figure 10)
Dont worry if the pilot chute bridal cord is twisted,
well get to that later.
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12

5. Pull the deployment bag (D-bag) up over the end
of the canopy. S fold the canopy into the D-bag.
Dont worry if it isnt perfect. (Figures 11, 12, 13) It
will make no difference upon opening.

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Figure 13
Figure 14
Figure 15

Continue on S folding the lines, just like the
canopy, and put them into the D-bag on top of
the canopy. You DO NOT have to be extremely
neat here. Just make sure the lines are able to
come out of the D-bag first and are not tangled
with the canopy. Make sure the canopy goes into
the D-bag first, then the lines. The system opens
exactly opposite of how we pack it. We want the
canopy open last after the lines are elongated, so
we pack it in the D-bag first. We want the lines
deployed first, so we put them in the D-bag last.
Figure 16

6. When you have stowed all of the lines in the
D-bag, fold the flap on the D-bag over the lines
and tuck it into the other side of the bag. Stuff any
exposed canopy or lines back into the bag. (Figure
17 & Figure 18)
Figure 17
Figure 18
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Figure 19
Figure 20
Figure 21
7. IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ. Pull gently on
the pilot chute bridal cord until it will not
come out of the D-bag any further. Now
you can untwist it, increasing its length. Place the
packed D-bag in your container, S fold the pilot
chute bridal cord on top of the D-bag and place
the pilot chute on top of the folded bridal cord.
(Figures 19, 20 & 21)
Figure 22
Figure 23
8. Now close the pack with a pull up cord thru
the closing loop, closing the square flaps first.
(Figure 22)
The tapered flaps come next. Remember, the flap
OPPOSITE your ripcord closes last. This will help
prevent hard, or no pulls. Remover your pull up
cord. NOTE! If for some reason you lose your pull
up cord, a shoelace will work! (Figure 23)
Close Loop
Close 3rd
Never let your ripcord get burrs on the end. This will grab the closing loop, preventing the deployment
sequence from beginning. All of this may sound complicated, but after you have done ti once, you can pack
this system in under 3 minutes, never letting it touch the ground and never having to powder it ( This NEVER
helps ANY canopy). Again, this system was designed from the beginning to be the most efficient system on
the market, now or ever. Stroud Safety knows you will be pleased. If you have any questions or comments,
call us. That's why we are here.
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There are several ways to mount your container to your race vehicle, most of them are wrong. What is shown
below are several ways that do work. Remember the first rule in drag chute deploymentGet the pilot chute
into clear air. Remember that the pilot chute is nothing more than an anchor. To work properly, it must grab
hold of something solid.
To install your closing loop, simply remove the old loop, put the pull up cord thru the loop and insert both
ends of the pull up cord under the protection flap and thru the grommet. Then pull the loop thru the grommet
and you are set.
Side Flap
Closing Loop
Pull Up Cord
Protection Flap
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1. Wind up the spring (spring launcher) and secure it
with the safety rod or let the air out of the plunger
and push the plunger down into the pack for an air
launcher. (Figure 24)
2. Pack the chute into the launcher deployment bag
just as in the chute packing instructions. (Figures
1 through 18)

3. Pull the outside flaps of the launcher deployment
bag (black flaps) down against the white canvas
bag (Figure 25)
Figure 24
Figure 25
Figure 26
4. Place the launcher deployment bag on its side
against the bottom of the pack, that is the
aluminum side! (Figure 26)
5. Close the pack as per Figure 27 & 28 (without the
pilot chute)
6. Activate the launcher, either spring or air, prior to
using it. For the spring launcher, remove the long
safety rod; for the air launcher, activate the air
switch to let air into the air cylinder.
7. To use the system, simply pull the ripcord handle
by the driver. This opens the pack and lets the
chutes deploy.
Figure 27
Figure 28
15 1-800-554-4648
Stroud Safety * 4O South |ay Avenue * Oklahona City, OK BU
-BOO-LL4-4B4B * www.stroudsafety.con
You have made a very smart investment in your safety. Always
remember, if you have any questions, call us. It is what we are here for.

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