Dark Circles: Natural Home Remedy Using Cucumber and Potato

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Dark circles

Natural home remedy using cucumber and potato: 1. Peel and slice cucumber 2. Peel and chop 1 potato 3. Crush them together to make paste 4. Press this paste on a sieve 5. Extract the juice 6. Chill the juice 7. Dip cotton pads in the juice 8. Place them on your eyelids making sure they cover the entire dark spots 9. Leave for 15-20 min 10. Wash gently Natural home remedy using tomato, lemon juice, turmeric powder and gram flour: 1. Crush 1 tomato 2. Press it on a sieve to extract juice 3. Add tsp of lemon juice 4. Add a pinch of turmeric powder 5. Add 2 tsp gram flour and mix well 6. Apply on dark circles 7. Wash it off after 15 min Natural home remedy using mint leaves and lemon: 1. Crush a handful of fresh mint leaves to a paste 2. Squeeze a lemon in it 3. Apply the mixture on the dark circles 4. Leave for 15 minutes 5. Wash it off with water and dry

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