Intern Offer Letter Template - FSLA Reference
Intern Offer Letter Template - FSLA Reference
Intern Offer Letter Template - FSLA Reference
Date Student Name Address Dear __________: We would like to congratulate you on being selected for the __Title__ Internship position with __ our office!department" effecti#e __Start Date $ All of us at __ our office!department are e%cited that you will be &oining our team' As we discussed during the inter#iew process" this is a non(paid academic internship during which you will be e%pected to pro#ide __hours the student will work hours per week through ___)nd Date of Internship *e%cluding Thanksgi#ing" Winter" and Spring breaks and holidays+$ )ach semester" you will be awarded an educational stipend of up to ,_Stipend Amount to defray some of your educational e%penses$ This internship is #iewed by __ our office!department as being an educational opportunity for you" rather than a part(time &ob$ As such" your internship will include training!orientation and focus primarily on learning and de#eloping new skills and gaining a deeper understanding of concepts through hands(on application of the knowledge you learned in class$ -ursuant to the .air /abor Standards Act" we will abide by the 0$S$ Department of /abor1s *D2/+ guidelines for interns who may be unpaid *found on http:!!www$dol$go#!whd!regs!compliance!whdfs34$htm5$ 0267i8f0kT9 ( .act Sheet 534: Internship -rograms 0nder The .air /abor Standards Act+$ Since you will be recei#ing an educational stipend" if you are currently employed by the 0ni#ersity *in any department!capacity+ or become employed with the 0I at any time during your internship" it is important that you notify your super#isor about this internship$ This will assist us with the processing of paperwork and help us a#oid delays in awarding your stipend$ Again" congratulations and we look forward to working with you this coming year$ Sincerely"