Chapter 12 Therapeutic Nutrition

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A Guide to Patient Education

Important Topics
What is Therapeutic Nutrition Some Factors Affecting Nutrition Improving Clients Nutritional Status Roles of the Nurses in the Nutritional Care  Diet Modification & Its Purposes


What is Therapeutic Nutrition


is the provision of a persons nutrient, dietary, & nutrition education needs based on a complete nutrition assessment.

Some Factors Affecting Nutrition

Illness Drugs

Illness can have devastating effects on nutritional status. Fever, fear, depression, chemotherapy, vomiting, diarrhea, surgery & radiation can destroy appetite. Iatrogenic malnutrition occurs as a result of hospitalization Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) - can delay wound healing, contribute to anemia, depress the immune system, and increase susceptibility to infections.

Drugs can affect Nutrition, it can: -alter the appetite -interfere taste & smell -induce nausea & vomiting -change oral environment -irritate the GI tract -change the acidity of the GI tract

Improving Clients Nutritional Status

Formal nutritional assessments of clients should be made on a regular basis, by all members of the health care team should be alert to signs of malnutrition every day. In home, the family menu should serve as basis of the clients meal whenever possible. This usually pleases the client because it makes her/him feel a part of the family.

Roles of the Nurses in the Nutritional Care

Observing Listening Reporting

Observing-The nurse who sees the client regularly is in the best position to help the client & see the reactions to the food served. Listening-This nurse will be most familiar to the client will hear the clients complaints about the food served. Reporting-The nurse can bring problems to the attention of the dietitian responsible for the clients nutrition.

Diet Modification & Its Purposes

 Diet Therapy- or modified diet is a diet when it

needs to be adjusted to meet specific health & medical condition.  Purposes of Diet Modification: -To maintain or restore good nutritional status -To correct nutritional deficiency that may have occurred;

Thank You Take good care God Bless

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