Constructional Features of DC M

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Constructional Features of DC M/C

Essential Parts of DC M/C

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Field System Armature Commutator Brushes Bearings & Shaft

Field System
Purpose To create a uniform magnetic field. Permanent Magnet/ Electromagnet Field system consists of 4 parts
i. Yoke or Frame Used as frame of the machine and carries the flux produced by poles. Not laminated. Made of cast steel / cast iron. ii. Pole cores Used to carry the coils of insulated wires carrying the field/exiting current. Usually of circular cross section. Made of cast steel. iii. Pole shoes Support for the field coils. To spread out the flux more uniformly. To reduce reluctance. iv. Magnetizing coils

Rotating part of the dc m/c Purpose Rotate the conductors in the Magnetic field Made of highly permeable silicon-steel. Laminated. There are slots over the periphery of the armature Slot Used to house the armature windings

Important part of DC M/C Functions:
Provides electrical connection b/w rotating armature and stationary electric circuit. Performs mechanical rectification. Keeps rotor magnetic axis stationary in space.

Cylindrical Structure Made of Cu. Commutator segments are insulated from each other by mica

Purpose Collect current from the commutator and supply it to external electric circuit or vice versa. Brushes are rectangular in shape and rest on the commutator. Made of carbon graphite / metal graphite /Cu. Wear out rapidly. Hence constant lubrication is required.

Bearings & Shaft

Bearings are used to reduce friction. Ball bearings/ Pedestal bearings/ Roller bearings are generally used. Shaft is used to transfer mech. Power from or to m/c. The shaft is made of mild steel.

DC M/C Armature Winding

Armature Winding
It is an arrangement of conductors to develop a desired emf. Improve the quality of voltage (similar to battery voltage). Depending upon the rating of the m/c armature winding are of different types. Two common types of Armature winding:
Lap winding Wave winging

Conductor- Each individual length of wire lying in MF. Coil Conductors with one or more turns and with two terminals. Coil side- Each coil has two coil sides. Overhang

Winding Arrangement of coils is called winding. Slot (S) Coil pitch/ coil span Distance between the coil side of a coil in terms of number of slots is called coil pitch. Pole pitch Number of slots per pole. Commutator segment Commutator Pitch Separation of coil sides of coil in terms of in terms of commutator segments is called commutator pitch

Lap winding : Yc = 1 Wave winding : Yc= 2* Yp Single layer winding : Only one coil side is place per slot. Therefore total no. of coils = S/2 Double layer winding : Each slot will house two coil sides. Physically one coil side is placed in the lower portion of slot while other placed above it. Therefore total no. of coils = S In nth slot coil side placed in upper deck is numbered as n and coil side placed in lower deck is numbered as n

General Procedure
Given : Slots and Poles. Calculate coil span ( = S/P) Calculate commutator pitch Yc. (Decide lap or wave winding) Complete the winding and connect the coil side terminals to commutator segment. Finally decide and place the stationary brushes on the correct commutator segments.

Developed Diagram

Lap Winding
Yc = 1 If Yc = +1 => Progressive lap winding If Yc = -1 => Retrogressive lap winding

Lap winding in practical dc m/c

Given : S = 16 & P = 4

For LAP Winding:

No. of commutator segments = S. No. of parallel paths = P. No. of Brushes = P.

Lap winding is adopted for low voltages, high current DC machines 1. Slots = 8 and P = 4. Draw the complete lap winding diagram.

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