Ops01 05
Ops01 05
Ops01 05
The majority of controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) accidents happen on approaches with no vertical guidance. Statistically, the risk of an accident during approach and landing phase is five times greater in case of a non-precision approach as compared to a precision approach. Especially vulnerable are night time visual approaches into airports surrounded by darkness to runways without a PAPI or VASI. Traditional step-down approaches are based on an obstacle clearance profile and are not considered suitable for modern turbine-powered aircraft. The potential vulnerability of 2-dimensional approaches can be reduced by introducing constant descent angle procedures for non-precision instrument approaches. The purpose of this circular is to implement procedures by which the flight crews can fly an appropriate stabilized vertical profile to the runway threshold while conducting non-precision approaches. The ICAO Procedures for Air Navigation Services-Aircraft Operations (PANSOPS) prescribes a stabilized approach in that the aircraft must be in a stabilized position at a certain altitude. For an optimum approach technique, the stabilization should not only exist at a certain position, but should be a continuous state, established as early as possible after joining the final
approach track. An optimum landing maneuver requires the aircraft to reach the decision altitude or point in a stabilized state, in order to allow sufficient time for the pilot to assess the visual cues for the decision to land or to go-around. The aircraft attitude and position relative to the runway should be similar in each approach, to the greatest extent possible, in order to permit the pilot to utilize similar Standard Operating Procedures for all types of instrument approaches. Airlines all over the world have started to use a technique called CANPA. CANPA stands for Constant Angle Non-Precision Approach. The idea of CANPA is to fly a constant angle approach even if a glide slope or visual slope indicator such as a VASI or PAPI is unavailable. CANPA involves making a stabilized constant angle descent rather than a quick descent to the MDA followed by flying level at the MDA until the runway environment is in sight. CANPA has the following advantages as compared to the traditional stepdown approaches: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) The technique enhances safe approach operations by the utilization of simplified standard operating procedures; Approach technique reduces pilot workload and enhances situational awareness; Approach profile affords greater obstacle clearance along the final approach course; Approach technique is similar to ILS technique, including the missed approach and the associated go-around maneuver; Approach technique offers procedural integration with VNAV approaches; Aircraft attitude when on a constant angle descent path facilitates acquisition of visual cues; The constant angle descent profile flown in a stabilized manner is the safest approach technique for all types of approaches; Approach profile is fuel efficient; and Approach profile affords reduced noise levels.
The purpose of this circular is to provide regulatory guidance to operators to develop Standard Operating Procedures and train pilots for executing nonprecision approaches using constant descent angle procedures. This circular provides information that air operators may utilize to develop CANPA procedure regardless of the aircraft type. Modern aircraft (aircraft typically equipped with multi-sensor RNAV Flight Management Systems (FMS), Electronic Flight Instruments and Electronic Map displays) may utilize VNAV and other navigation system capabilities to conduct CANPA. Further operational and safety enhancements can be achieved through the use of features like GPS navigation and RNP capability where available in the advanced aircraft.
These procedures can be flown by all types of aircraft, though additional navigation capability, if available, can be used to supplement the information provided by the primary aids. Regardless of the additional on board navigation capability, the navigation aids on which the procedure is based are always to be used as primary navigation aids to conduct all instrument approaches.
CANPA procedures
Derived Decision Altitude (Height) (DDA(H)) Concept Nothing about CANPA changes the fact that the MDA or step down altitudes must be respected. CANPA is merely a way to descend to the MDA in a manner such that if you see the runway at MDA you can continue with minimal adjustments to the flight path. With CANPA, the MDA is always respected and the requirements of ICAO PANS-OPS in respect of descent below the MDA do not change- It is not permissible to descend below the MDA unless the required visual reference is established. It must be understood that if a go around is initiated at MDA while descending, the aircraft will go below the MDA during the missed approach maneuver, which is not allowed. To compensate for this, the operators must add a margin of at least 50feet to the MDA and call it a Derived Decision Altitude (Height) (DDA(H)), so that executing a missed approach at the DDA(H) will not cause the aircraft to descend below the MDA. The air operators are required to establish aircraft type specific safety margins (at least 50 feet) for each aircraft type operated and establish type specific DDA(H) for each approach. Operator must specify the document from where this value has been derived. Derived Decision Altitude (Height) (DDA(H)) is a point located on the centerline of the approach track and of the stabilized descent profile at an altitude defined by the operator. CANPA would allow the aircraft to be flown on the published descent path from the final approach fix (FAF) to the DDA(H). The DDA(H) is a point from which a stabilized approach can be continued visually to a landing; or, if visual reference not established, a point from which a missed approach can be initiated and conducted with the assurance that the aircraft will not descend below the MDA(H) or below the state published OCA(H), whichever is higher. Flight crews need to confirm that the descent path will remain at or above all step-down fixes published on the approach chart. An example of a typical CANPA profile is depicted in Figure 1.
Flight technique The continuous descent approach technique can be flown using almost any published non-precision approach when the control of the descent path is aided by either: (a) (b) A recommended descent rate based on estimated ground speed provided on the approach chart; or The descent path depicted on the chart
In order to facilitate the requirement above, the operator should either provide charts that depict the appropriate crosscheck altitude/height with the corresponding range information, or such information should be calculated and provided to the flight crew in an appropriate and usable format. To achieve a continuous descent flight path on an approach procedure where step-down fixes are specified, descent may be delayed until after passing the FAF in order to avoid a level-off at the steps. Alternatively, the FAF may be crossed at a higher altitude after obtaining prior ATC clearance.
If the required visual reference is not established at the DDA(H), the missed approach procedure must be executed without delay and there should be no level flight segment. Any turning maneuver associated with the missed approach should not be initiated before reaching/overflying the MAPt. If the aircraft is above the optimum flight path, the published missed approach point could be reached prior to the DDA(H). In such a case, an immediate missed approach should be initiated.
There are three key elements to the CANPA brief: Computed Landing Altitude- Reference landing altitude should be 50 feet over the runway threshold (TDZE+50) Computed Touch down Position- Used to determine the zero distance reference. From this point, the altitude checks at various distances from runway should be worked out, if not available from the approach chart. Computed Descent Rate- all approaches are to be flown at a computed constant descent rate to a decision point (DDA(H)) where a decision is made to either land or go around. A descent rate correction of not more than +/- 300 fpm from the reference computed descent rate may be made during the final approach. If more than +/-300 fpm correction is required on the final approach, the approach is considered unstabilized and a go-around should be initiated. (Momentary corrections exceeding +/- 300 fpm do not require a go-around).
At DDA (H), if the required visual reference is not established, an immediate missed approach must be initiated. Aircraft should climb on track to MAPt, and then follow the published missed approach procedure. Crew shall be responsible for respecting MDA/OCA and all step-down minimum altitudes. Approaches with a FAF: Approaches which have a FAF established may be used for a straight-in approach. The distance of the aircraft from touchdown may be determined using any of the following aids: DME FMS GPS ATC Radar
Approaches without a FAF: Where a FAF is not defined in the chart, a pseudo FAF can be worked out on the inbound track, based on the initial approach/intermediate altitude. From this point, a rate of descent can be computed, ideally for a 3 deg glide path.
A straight-in approach may be conducted if the pseudo FAF and the distance of the aircraft from touchdown can be determined using any of the following aids: DME FMS GPS ATC Radar
The responsibility of the crew in respect of minimum altitudes is considerably more demanding when a FAF is not defined in the approach chart, hence the crew must use all possible resources including ATC radar to monitor their position. Use of Approach VNAV Modern vertical navigation capabilities like VNAV should be utilized after developing suitable procedures and accounting for the system limitations such as navigation database integrity and reversion modes. The advantage of approach VNAV is the availability of continuous vertical path information and reduced workload. Air operators should develop SOPs based on the considerations of flight instrumentation (e.g., EFIS, FMS), mode status (e.g., LNAV/VNAV), monitoring (e.g., ANP, raw data) and deviation alerting (e.g., alerts, mode reversion). The key element of approach VNAV is the availability of a vertical angle from the FMS navigation database. The recommended range of acceptable vertical angles for Category A & B aircrafts is 2.75 to 3.77 degrees and for Category C, D & E aircrafts is 2.75 to 3.5 degrees. Any approach with requirements outside this range should not include a vertical angle. The revised ICAO PANS-OPS, Volume 1, Part III, Chapter3, Para 3.5.4 states that compatible with the primary safety consideration of obstacle clearance, non-precision approach design shall provide the optimum final approach descent gradient of 5.2 per cent, or constant slope of 3 degrees, providing a rate of descent of 50m per km (300ft per NM). Information provided in approach charts shall display the optimum constant approach slope. For approaches flown coupled to a designated descent path using computed electronic glide slope guidance (nominal 3 degree path) the descent path should be appropriately coded in the FMS database and the specified navigation accuracy should be determined and maintained throughout the approach. VNAV approaches are not authorized using QFE. VNAV may only be used if the approach chart depicts the VNAV descent angle and descent path, and the coded VNAV descent angle is displayed on the final approach segment of the FMS legs page when the appropriate non-precision approach is selected from the database. Crew is not permitted to add waypoints manually or modify the final approach segment of the selected approach procedure.
The coded vertical angle may not intersect the final approach fix at the final approach fix altitude and hence the aircraft may have to fly a short level segment after passing the FAF. Flight crews should verify that the VNAV function is operating in the path mode as opposed to the speed mode to ensure that the FMS will fly the vertical angle contained in the database. Vertical deviation should be monitored using the indication on the map display and the FMS CDU progress page. The acceptable vertical deviation criteria should be determined by the operator for the purpose of deviation alerting. Though the required callouts on approach will be identical to those used for an ILS approach, it should be kept in mind that automatic lateral or vertical deviation alerting may not be available from the aircraft instrumentation. VNAV approaches are based on the use of barometric vertical path computations and as a result subject to the effect of temperature deviation from the standard. Under extreme cold temperature conditions (ISA-45deg), the vertical path angle can decrease by as much as 0.5 deg. Applying a correction to FAF crossing altitude will not correct this problem. Hence it may not be possible to use VNAV under extreme temperature conditions. Air operators must validate the navigation database integrity of every approach procedure which they intend to use by conducting at least one trial approach and establishing a suitable system for fault reporting by flight crews to monitor effectiveness and refine operational procedures.
Stabilized approach criteria for CANPA. Formula for converting the glide angle into descent gradient and vice-versa. Procedure to deal with the loss of distance information Requirement for raw data monitoring.
The overall responsibility for respecting the minimum altitudes lies with the crew. If the position of the aircraft cannot be determined with reasonable accuracy, the crew may revert to conventional approach procedures. In order to gain proficiency pending approval, flight crews should be encouraged to practice CANPA approaches using ILS (Glide Slope Out) and other nonprecision approach procedures in VMC. The operators proficiency check should include at least one CANPA to a landing or go around as appropriate. The approach should be operated to the applicable DDA(H); and if conducted in a simulator the approach should be conducted to the lowest approved weather minima. Emphasis during training should be placed on the flight crews: Need to maintain situational awareness particularly with reference to the vertical and horizontal profile; Need to maintain good communication; Ability to maintain accurate descent path control particularly during any manually flown descent phase. The pilot-not-flying should facilitate good flight path control by: - Monitoring of flight path during the whole approach including flight below DDA (H) to the landing. - Communicating any altitude/height crosschecks prior to passing the actual point; - Calling out significant deviations from target rate of descent. Actions to be taken at the DDA (H): Need to ensure that the decision to go around must at the latest be taken upon reaching the DDA(H) in order to avoid a descent below the published MDA(H), specifically in the case of a very early missed approach point ( application of an approaching minima call);
Understanding the need for prompt go around action when at DDA(H) and the required visual reference has not been established; Understanding the significance of flying a CANPA to a DDA(H) with an associated MAPt; Understanding the technique of flying an early go around maneuver when flying a CANPA to a DDA (H) with an associated MAPt; and Procedures for airplane types that may configuration/speed during final approach. require a late change of
CANPA offers a significant safety improvement for non-precision approaches under all conditions by providing a more stabilized flight path and reducing crew workload. It will greatly reduce r isk of error and the potential for CFIT-related accidents in line with the ALAR policy of DGCA as laid down in Operations Circular No.1 of 2003, Para 2.4. The resulting stabilized approach from the FAF to the runway greatly simplifies the flight crews task on final approach and allows them more time to focus on acquiring the runway environment and conducting the landing. This in turn should result in a higher success rate in landing off non-precision approaches, besides supporting the ICAO goal of having all approaches stabilized by 1000 feet AGL in IMC. In the interest of safety, the operators should discontinue the use of step-down or dive-and-drive non-precision approaches as soon as and wherever possible. All Operators shall develop standard operating procedures including additional procedures for aircraft with more advanced navigation systems, and train their pilots to fly CANPA. On completion of training, necessary approval to conduct CANPA procedures for execution of non-precision approaches will be granted by the DGCA.
Sd/(Capt. Dilip Kharkar) Chief Flight Operations Inspector For Director General of Civil Aviation