Chapter Nine Concerning Seeking Forgiveness From Allah Ta'aala and Intercession by of Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam
Chapter Nine Concerning Seeking Forgiveness From Allah Ta'aala and Intercession by of Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam
Chapter Nine Concerning Seeking Forgiveness From Allah Ta'aala and Intercession by of Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam
After discussing the life of Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam, his perfection and exalted status Allamah Busairi (R.A) in this chapter seeks forgiveness from Allah a!aala through the intercession and Waseela (agency) of Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam. Allamah Busairi (R.A) says that his life "as "asted in sin and diso#edience, he regrets his misdeeds and turns to"ards Allah a!aala seeking forgiveness and repentance. $e uses this poem as a Waseela (agency) through Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam to gain acceptance in the court of Allah.
%. & served him "ith praise, #y means of "hich & ask to #e pardoned.
(. As these t"o have garlanded me "ith that conse)uences "hich & fear.
+. & o#eyed the misleading passions of youth in #oth conditions and & did not
.. &t did not purchase /een "ith the "orld, nor had & negotiated for it.
%%. &f & had committed any sin my covenant is not (likely to #e) violated.
%'. With my 2a#i Rasuluallah Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam and nor is my rope #roken.
%(. 3or verily & have a security from him due to my name.
%*. (Being) 4uhammad, "hile he is the most faithful of mankind in fulfilling his promise.
%-. & seek the sanctuary (in Allah) that he should deprive one "ho is hopeful of his graces.
'%. $is #ounty "ill never escape from (my) hand "hich has #een soiled.
'(. And & did seek the flo"ers ("ealth) of the "orld "hich "ere plucked.