Product Design and Development - Design For Manufacturing

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Design for Manufacturing

Teaching materials to accompany: Product Design and Development Chapter 11 Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger 2nd Edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2000.

Product Design and Development

Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger 2nd edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2000. Chapter Table of Contents
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Introduction Development Processes and Organizations Product Planning Identifying Customer Needs Product Specifications Concept Generation Concept Selection Concept Testing Product Architecture Industrial Design Design for Manufacturing Prototyping Product Development Economics Managing Projects

Product Development Process

Planning Planning Concept System-Level Concept System-Level Development Design Development Design Detail Detail Design Design Testing Testingand and Refinement Refinement Production Production Ramp-Up Ramp-Up

How can we emphasize manufacturing issues throughout the development process?

Design for Manufacturing Example: GM 3.8-liter V6 Engine

Understanding Manufacturing Costs

Manufacturing Cost







Equipment and Tooling


Indirect Allocation

Raw Material



Design for manufacturing (DFM) is a development practice emphasizing manufacturing issues throughout the product development process. Successful DFM results in lower production cost without sacrificing product quality.

Three Methods to Implement DFM

1. Organization: Cross-Functional Teams 2. Design Rules: Specialized by Firm 3. CAD Tools: Boothroyd-Dewhurst Software

Design for Assembly Rules

Example set of DFA guidelines from a computer manufacturer. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Minimize parts count. Encourage modular assembly. Stack assemblies. Eliminate adjustments. Eliminate cables. Use self-fastening parts. Use self-locating parts. Eliminate reorientation. Facilitate parts handling. Specify standard parts.

Design for Assembly

Key ideas of DFA:
Minimize parts count Maximize the ease of handling parts Maximize the ease of inserting parts

Benefits of DFA
Lower labor costs Other indirect benefits

Popular software developed by Boothroyd and Dewhurst.

To Compute Assembly Time

Handling Time + Insertion Time Assembly Time

Method for Part Integration

Ask of each part in a candidate design: 1. Does the part need to move relative to the rest of the device? 2. Does it need to be of a different material because of fundamental physical properties? 3. Does it need to be separated from the rest of the device to allow for assembly, access, or repair? If not, combine the part with another part in the device.

Videocassette DFM Exercise

2 billion worldwide annual volume 7 major producers of 1/2 cassette shells JVC licenses the VHS standard
dimensions, interfaces, light path, etc

VHS cassette shells cost ~$0.25 each What is a $0.01 cost reduction worth?

DFM Strategy is Contingent

Corporate Strategy Product Strategy Production Strategy

DFM Strategy

Concept Generation

Teaching materials to accompany: Product Design and Development Chapter 6 Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger 2nd Edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2000.

Product Design and Development

Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger 2nd edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2000. Chapter Table of Contents
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Introduction Development Processes and Organizations Product Planning Identifying Customer Needs Product Specifications Concept Generation Concept Selection Concept Testing Product Architecture Industrial Design Design for Manufacturing Prototyping Product Development Economics Managing Projects

Concept Development Process

Mission Statement Identify Customer Needs Establish Target Specifications Generate Product Concepts Select Product Concept(s) Test Product Concept(s) Set Final Specifications Plan Downstream Development Development Plan

Perform Economic Analysis Benchmark Competitive Products Build and Test Models and Prototypes

Concept Generation Example: Power Nailer

Concept Generation Process

Clarify the Problem
Problem Decomposition
Clarify the Problem

External Search
Lead Users Experts Patents Literature Benchmarking
Search Externally Search Internally

Internal Search
Individual Methods Group Methods

Systematic Exploration
Classification Tree Combination Table

Explore Systematically

Reflect on the Process

Continuous Improvement

Reflect on the Solutions and the Process

Concept Generation Exercise: Vegetable Peelers

Vegetable Peeler Exercise: Voice of the Customer

"Carrots and potatoes are very different." "I cut myself with this one." "I just leave the skin on." "I'm left-handed. I use a knife." "This one is fast, but it takes a lot off." "How do you peel a squash?" "Here's a rusty one." "This looked OK in the store."

Vegetable Peeler Exercise: Key Customer Needs

1. The peeler peels a variety of produce. 2. The peeler can be used ambidextrously. 3. The peeler creates minimal waste. 4. The peeler saves time. 5. The peeler is durable. 6. The peeler is easy to clean. 7. The peeler is safe to use and store. 8. The peeler is comfortable to use. 9. The peeler stays sharp or can be easily sharpened.

Problem Decomposition:
Function Diagram
INPUT Energy (?) Material (nails) Signal (tool "trip") Hand-held nailer OUTPUT Energy (?) Material (driven nail) Signal (?)


Store or accept external energy

Convert energy to translational energy Apply translational energy to nail


Store nails

Isolate nail

Driven nail

"Trip" of tool

Sense trip

Trigger tool

External Search:
Hints for Finding Related Solutions
Lead Users
benefit from improvement innovation source

competitive products

technical experts experienced customers

search related inventions

technical journals trade literature

Capture Innovation from Lead Users: Utility Light Example

Capture Innovation from Lead Users: Utility Light Example

Internal Search:
Hints for Generating Many Concepts
Suspend judgment Generate a lot of ideas Infeasible ideas are welcome Use graphical and physical media Make analogies Wish and wonder Solve the conflict Use related stimuli Use unrelated stimuli Set quantitative goals Use the gallery method Trade ideas in a group

Systematic Exploration:
Concept Combination Table
Convert Electrical Energy to Translational Energy rotary motor w/ transmission Accumulate Energy Apply Translational Energy to Nail single impact


linear motor solenoid

moving mass

multiple impacts

push nail

rail gun

Concept Testing

Teaching materials to accompany: Product Design and Development Chapter 8 Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger 2nd Edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2000.

Product Design and Development

Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger 2nd edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2000. Chapter Table of Contents
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Introduction Development Processes and Organizations Product Planning Identifying Customer Needs Product Specifications Concept Generation Concept Selection Concept Testing Product Architecture Industrial Design Design for Manufacturing Prototyping Product Development Economics Managing Projects

Product Development Process

Planning Planning Concept System-Level Concept System-Level Development Design Development Design Detail Detail Design Design Testing Testingand and Refinement Refinement Production Production Ramp-Up Ramp-Up

Qualitative Concept Testing

Quantitative Concept Testing

Concept Development Process

Mission Statement Identify Customer Needs Establish Target Specifications Generate Product Concepts Select Product Concept(s) Test Product Concept(s) Set Final Specifications Plan Downstream Development Development Plan

Perform Economic Analysis Benchmark Competitive Products Build and Test Models and Prototypes

Concept Testing is Used for Several Purposes

Go/no-go decisions What market to be in? Selecting among alternative concepts Confirming concept selection decision Benchmarking Soliciting improvement ideas Forecasting demand Ready to launch?

Concept Testing Process

Define the purpose of the test Choose a survey population Choose a survey format Communicate the concept Measure customer response Interpret the results Reflect on the results and the process

Concept Testing Example: emPower Electric Scooter

Scooter Example
Purpose of concept test:
What market to be in?

Sample population:
College students who live 1-3 miles from campus Factory transportation

Survey format:
Face-to-face interviews

Communicating the Concept

Verbal description Sketch Photograph or rendering Storyboard Video Simulation Interactive multimedia Physical appearance model Working prototype

Verbal Description
The product is a lightweight electric scooter that can be easily folded and taken with you inside a building or on public transportation. The scooter weighs about 25 pounds. It travels at speeds of up to 15 miles per hour and can go about 12 miles on a single charge. The scooter can be recharged in about two hours from a standard electric outlet. The scooter is easy to ride and has simple controls just an accelerator button and a brake.




3D Solid CAD Model

Appearance Model

Working Prototype

Beta Prototype

Video Animation Interactive Multimedia Live Demonstration

Survey Format
PART 1, Qualification
How far do you live from campus?
<If not 1-3 miles, thank the customer and end interview.>

How do you currently get to campus from home? How do you currently get around campus?

PART 2, Product Description

<Present the concept description.>

Survey Format
PART 3, Purchase Intent
If the product were priced according to your expectations, how likely would you be to purchase the scooter within the next year?

I would definitely not purchase the scooter.

I would probably not purchase the scooter.

I might or might not purchase the scooter.

I would probably purchase the scooter.

I would definitely purchase the scooter.

second box

top box

Survey Format
PART 4, Comments
What would you expect the price of the scooter to be? What concerns do you have about the product concept? Can you make any suggestions for improving the product concept?

Thank you.

Interpreting the Results: Forecasting Sales

Q N A P = sales (annual) = number of (annual) purchases = awareness x availability (fractions) = probability of purchase (surveyed) = Cdef x Fdef + Cprob x Fprob
top box second box

Forecasting Example: College Student Market

N = off-campus grad students (200,000) A = 0.2 (realistic) to 0.8 (every bike shop) P = 0.4 x top-box + 0.2 x second-box Q= Price point $795

Forecasting Example: Factory Transport Market

N = current bicycle and scooter sales to factories (150,000) A = 0.25 (single distributors share) P = 0.4 x top-box + 0.2 x second-box Q = 150,000 x 0.25 x [0.4 x 0.3 + 0.2 x 0.2] = 6000 units/yr Price point $1500

emPowers Market Decision: Factory Transportation

Production Product

Sources of Forecast Error

Word-of-Mouth Effects Quality of Concept Description Pricing Level of Promotion Competition

Why do respondents typically overestimate purchase intent?
Might they ever underestimate intent?

How to use price in surveys? How much does the way the concept is communicated matter?
When shouldnt a prototype model be shown?

How do you increase sales, Q? How does early (qualitative) concept testing differ from later (quantitative) testing?

Managing Complex System Development Projects

Prof. Steven D. Eppinger Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management Engineering Systems Division Leaders for Manufacturing Program System Design and Management Program

2002 Steven D. Eppinger

Session Outline
Motivation: Managing Project Structure
Concurrent Engineering in the Large

Design Structure Matrix

Information Flow Modeling Task-Based DSMs Sequencing Analysis Example: Semiconductor Development

Managing Design Iterations

Solving Coupled Issues Faster Example: Instrument Cluster

Systems Integration
Organization-Based DSM System Architecture-Based DSM Example: Engine Development

DSM Web Site

Industrial Examples and Research Sponsors

i ntel

Concurrent Engineering in the Small

Projects are executed by a cross-disciplinary team (5 to 20 people). Teams feature high-bandwidth technical communication. Tradeoffs are resolved by mutual understanding. Design and production issues are considered simultaneously.

Concurrent Engineering in the Large

Large projects are organized as a network of teams (100 to 1000 people). Large projects are decomposed into many smaller projects. Large projects may involve development activities dispersed over multiple sites. The essential challenge is to integrate the separate pieces into a system solution. The needs for integration depend upon the technical interactions among the subproblems.

Sequencing Tasks in Projects

Three Possible Sequences for Two Tasks

Dependent (Series) Independent (Parallel)

Interdependent (Coupled)

IDEF Diagrams

We can represent the important task relationships. It is difficult to understand large, complex diagrams.

The Design Structure Matrix:

An Information Exchange Model

Interpretation: Task D requires information from tasks E, F, and L. Task B transfers information to tasks C, F, G, J, and K. Note: Information flows are easier to capture than work flows. Inputs are easier to capture than outputs.

Donald V. Steward, Aug. 1981 IEEE Trans. on Eng'g Mgmt.

The Design Structure Matrix

(Partitioned, or Sequenced)
Coupled Parallel Sequential

Task Sequence

Note: Coupled tasks can be identified uniquely. The display of the matrix can be manipulated to emphasize certain features of the process flow.

Semiconductor Development Example

1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 2 3 x x 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Set customer target Estimate sales volumes Establish pricing direction Schedule project timeline Development methods Macro targets/constraints Financial analysis Develop program map Create initial QFD matrix Set technical requirements Write customer specification High-level modeling Write target specification Develop test plan Develop validation plan Build base prototype Functional modeling Develop product modules Lay out integration Integration modeling Random testing Develop test parameters Finalize schematics Validation simulation Reliability modeling Complete product layout Continuity verification Design rule check Design package Generate masks Verify masks in fab Run wafers Sort wafers Create test programs Debug products Package products Functionality testing Send samples to customers Feedback from customers Verify sample functionality Approve packaged products Environmental validation Complete product validation Develop tech. publications Develop service courses Determine marketing name Licensing strategy Create demonstration Confirm quality goals Life testing Infant mortality testing Mfg. process stabilization Develop field support plan Thermal testing Confirm process standards Confirm package standards Final certification Volume production Prepare distribution network Deliver product to customers

x x

x x x x x x



Concurrent Activity Blocks

x x x x x

x x

x x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x O O O x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Generational Learning Potential Iterations




x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


O x x x x x x x O x


x x x x x x

x x

Sequential Activities
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

x O x x x x x x x x x x


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

x x x

x x x x x x x

x x


x x x x x = Information Flows

x x

= Planned Iterations

O = Unplanned Iterations

= Generational Learning

How to Create a Task-Based Design Structure Matrix Model

1. Select a process or sub-process to model. 2. Identify the tasks of the process, who is responsible for each one, and the outputs created by each task. 3. Lay out the square matrix with the tasks in the order they are nominally executed. 4. Ask the process experts what inputs are used for each task. 5. Insert marks representing the information inputs to each task. 6. Optional: Analyze the DSM model by re-sequencing the tasks to suggest a new process. 7. Draw solid boxes around the coupled tasks representing the planned iterations. 8. Draw dashed boxes around groups of parallel (uncoupled) tasks. 9. Highlight the unplanned iterations.

Design Iteration
Product development is fundamentally iterative yet iterations are hidden. Iteration is the repetition of tasks due to the availability of new information.
changes in input information (upstream) update of shared assumptions (concurrent) discovery of errors (downstream)

Engineering activities are repeated to improve product quality and/or to reduce cost. To understand and accelerate iterations requires
visibility of iterative information flows understanding of the inherent process coupling

Instrument Cluster Development

Casing Design Wiring Layout Lighting Details Tooling Hard Prototype Testing X X X X X X X X X X X Casing Design Lighting Details Wiring Layout Soft Prototype Testing Revision Hard Tooling X X X X X X X X X X X X X X


Slower Design Process

Several planned iterations Usually one unplanned iteration

Faster Design Process

Fewer planned iterations Planned revision cycle No unplanned iterations

Lessons Learned: Iteration

Development is inherently iterative. An understanding of the coupling is essential. Not everything should be concurrent in concurrent engineering. Iteration results in improved quality. Iteration can be accelerated through:
information technology (faster iterations) coordination techniques (faster iterations) decreased coupling (fewer iterations)

There are two fundamental types of iteration:

planned iterations (getting it right the first time) unplanned iterations (fixing it when its not right)

Decomposition, Architecture, and Integration

Decomposition is the process of splitting a complex system into sub-systems and/or components. System architecture is the resulting set of interactions among the components. Integration is the process of combining these sub-systems to achieve an overall solution. System integration needs are determined by the chosen decomposition and its resulting architecture. We map the structure of interactions in order to plan for integration.

Organization DSM Application: Engine Development

Site: General Motors Powertrain Division Product: new-generation engine Structure: 22 PDTs involved simultaneously

Decomposition of the Engine Development Project

22 PDTs
Engine Block Cylinder Heads Camshaft/Valve Train Pistons Connecting Rods Crankshaft Flywheel Accessory Drive Lubrication Water Pump/Cooling Intake Manifold Exhaust E.G.R. Air Cleaner A.I.R. Fuel System Throttle Body EVAP Ignition System Electronic Control Module Electrical System Engine Assembly

PDT composition
1 product release engineer 1 CAD designer 3 manufacturing engineers 2 purchasing representatives 2 casting engineers machine tool supplier 1 production control analyst 1 financial planner production personnel

Design Engine

A B C D E F G H I Engine Block A A

PDT Interactions


Cylinder Heads Camshaft/Valve Train Pistons Connecting Rods Crankshaft Flywheel Accessory Drive Lubrication Water Pump/Cooling Intake Manifold Exhaust E.G.R. Air Cleaner A.I.R. Fuel System Throttle Body EVAP Ignition E.C.M. Electrical System Engine Assembly




Frequency of PDT Interactions Daily Weekly Monthly

System Team Assignments

Short Block
Engine Block Crankshaft Flywheel Pistons Connecting Rods Lubrication

Valve Train
Cylinder Heads Camshaft/Valve Train Water Pump/Cooling

Intake Manifold Accessory Drive Fuel System Air Cleaner Throttle Body A.I.R.

Exhaust E.G.R. E.V.A.P. Electrical System Electronic Control Ignition

Existing System Teams

A F G D E Engine Block A A I B C J K P H N O Q L M R S T U V

Crankshaft Flywheel Pistons Connecting Rods Lubrication Cylinder Heads Camshaft/Valve Train Water Pump/Cooling Intake Manifold Fuel System Accessory Drive Air Cleaner A.I.R. Throttle Body Exhaust E.G.R. EVAP Ignition E.C.M. Electrical System Engine Assembly








Frequency of PDT Interactions Daily Weekly Monthly

Proposed System Teams

Crankshaft Flywheel Connecting Rods Pistons Lubrication Engine Block Camshaft/Valve Train Cylinder Heads Intake Manifold Water Pump/Cooling Fuel System Air Cleaner Throttle Body EVAP Cylinder Heads Intake Manifold A.I.R. Exhaust E.G.R. Accessory Drive Ignition E.C.M. Electrical System Engine Assembly
F G E D I A C B1 K1 J P N Q R B2 K2 O L M H S T U V F G E D I F A C B K J P N Q R B K O L M H S T U V

Team 1


Team 2

C B1 K1 J

Team 3

Integration Team


Team 4

K2 O L M H S T


Frequency of PDT Interactions Daily Weekly Monthly

Team 4
Exhaust E.G.R.

Team 1

Team 3
E.V.A.P. Fuel System Air Cleaner Throttle Body Accessory Drive

Team 2
Water Pump/ Cooling

A.I.R. Cylinder Heads Intake Manifold

Pistons Flywheel Connecting Rods Engine Block Camshaft/ Lubrication Valve Train Crankshaft

Electrical System


Engine Assembly Electronic Control Module

Integration Team

PDT-to-System-Team Assignments

Lessons Learned: Integration

Large development efforts require multiple activities to be performed in parallel. The many subsystems must be integrated to achieve an overall system solution. Mapping the information dependence reveals an underlying structure for system engineering. Organizations can be designed based upon this structure.

System Architecture Example: P&W 4098 Jet Engine

9 Systems 54 Components 569 Interfaces HPC LPC HPT
Design Interfaces: Spatial, Structural Energy, Materials Data, Controls




Modular Systems

Mechanical Components Externals and Controls (2)

Distributed Systems

Lessons Learned: Product/System Architecture

Hierarchical system decompositions are evident. System architecting principles are at work. There is a disparity between known interfaces and unknown interactions. Integrating elements may be functional and/or physical. Hypothesis: Density of known interactions
novel experienced mature

learning sparse dense

optimization clustered

Types of DSM Models and Analysis

Data Type Task Parameter Organization Clustering Component Analysis Type Sequencing Iteration Overlapping

MIT Design Structure Matrix Web Site
Tutorial Publications Examples Software Contacts Events

Managing Projects

Teaching materials to accompany: Product Design and Development Chapter 14 Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger 2nd Edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2000.

Product Development Process

Planning Planning Concept System-Level Concept System-Level Development Design Development Design Detail Detail Design Design Testing Testingand and Refinement Refinement Production Production Ramp-Up Ramp-Up

Project management is necessary throughout the development process.

Product Design and Development

Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger 2nd edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2000. Chapter Table of Contents
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Introduction Development Processes and Organizations Product Planning Identifying Customer Needs Product Specifications Concept Generation Concept Selection Concept Testing Product Architecture Industrial Design Design for Manufacturing Prototyping Product Development Economics Managing Projects

Two Phases of Project Management

Project Management

Project Planning

Project Control

The Design Structure Matrix:

An Information Exchange Model

Interpretation: Task D requires information from tasks E, F, and L. Task B transfers information to tasks C, F, G, J, and K. Note: Information flows are easier to capture than work flows. Inputs are easier to capture than outputs.

Donald V. Steward, Aug. 1981 IEEE Trans. on Eng'g Mgmt.

The Design Structure Matrix

(Partitioned, or Sequenced)
Coupled Parallel Sequential

Task Sequence

Note: Coupled tasks can be identified uniquely. The display of the matrix can be manipulated to emphasize certain features of the process flow.

FIAT Auto Digital Layout Process

Responsible Top Management Layout Team Leader Systems Layout Team Leader Systems Layout Team Leader Layout Team Leader Systems Planning Systems Layout Team Leader Platform Director Concurrent Engineering Styling Center Core Layout Team Concurrent Engineering Core Layout Team Core Layout Team Layout Team Leader Core Layout Team Core Layout Team Layout Team Leader Concurrent Engineering Core Layout Team Core Layout Team Core Layout Team Core Layout Team Extended Layout Team Core Layout Team Concurrent Engineering Styling Center Core Layout Team Top Management Core Layout Team Core Layout Team Concurrent Engineering Production Technology Safety Center Vehicle Maintenance Layout Team Leader Top Management Core Layout Team Core Layout Team Core Layout Team Testing Road Testing Core Layout Team Platform Director Core Layout Team Activity Approve product architecture/configuration Define extended layout team Determine project quality objectives Establish the need for prototypes Establish prototype specifications Establish DMU, PMU and prototypes to be developed Prepare activity/resource plan Approve layout team leader's activity/resource plan Verify the feasibility of the LO team's plan with other plans Approve no. of DMU, PMU and prototypes to be developed Verify that planning phase is complete Authorize go ahead to next phase Provide CAD models in PDM Provide style models Extract CAD models from PDM Convert non-standard CAD models Construct DMUs from CAD models Verify DMU completeness Review issues document from past project Define volumes for new components Construct DMU for the verification process Request missing CAD models Provide missing CAD models in PDM Verify DMU using checklist # 80195 Verify style compatibility Prepare alternate solutions Verify overall DMU with all stakeholders Update issues document Modify CAD models Modify styling Modify component positioning in DMU Select two models of style Freeze DMU (STEP1) Specify component connectivity constraints Perform detail design for component connectivity Verify assembly feasibility Verify safety objectives Verify vehicle maintenance feasibility Establish/communicate modifications to be done Select one model of style Freeze DMU (STEP 2) Verify that all critical CAD models are present Prepare reference list of CAD drawings for prototyping Build prototypes for design validation (DV1) Run experiments on prototypes Verify project quality objectives Authorize go ahead to next phase Freeze DMU (STEP 3) a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii jj kk ll mm nn oo pp qq rr ss tt uu vv ww xx a b c d e f g h j i k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii jj a a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii jj kk ll mm nn oo pp qq rr ss tt uu vv ww xx kk ll mm nn oo pp qq rr ss tt uu vv ww xx b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii jj kk ll mm nn oo pp qq rr ss tt uu vv ww xx a b

Project Planning

c d e f g h I j k l

CAD Data Collection

DMU Preparation

m n o p

DMU Verification

q r s t u v w x y z aa bb cc dd ee ff

Analyze issues with appropriate members of the layout team aa

Extended Verifications

gg hh ii jj kk ll mm nn oo pp qq rr ss tt uu vv ww xx

Layout TL/Production TechDefine information required for assembly process

PERT and CPM Charts

4 2 8



days activity and duration

Simple network diagrams are easy to understand. We cannot represent the coupled/iterative task relationships.

activity precedence critical path

Critical Chain Method

3 Start 3 5 3 1 6 3

Feeder 2 Buffer

9 Project Buffer


Start with a sequential/parallel network. Use 50/50 task duration estimates. days A Compute the critical path, noting resources. Insert feeder and project buffers as safety. Ideal buffers are 50% of path duration. Monitor buffer status. Reduce buffers when tasks overrun.

Probability of Task Duration Time

Ref: E.M. Goldratt, Critical Chain, North River Press, 1997.

Project Management Example: Kodak Cheetah Microfilm Cartridge

Three Fundamental Activity Relationships

(a) Sequential
Receive and Accept Specification Concept Generation/ Selection Design Beta Cartridges

(b) Parallel

Produce Beta Cartridges Test Beta Cartridges Develop Testing Program

Design Beta Cartridges

(c) Coupled

Design Production Cartridge

Test Beta Cartridges

Design Mold

Select Assembly Equipment

Design Assembly Tooling

Example: Kodak Cheetah Microfilm Cartridge

PERT Chart and Critical Path

A B C D E F G Receive and Accept Specification Concept Generation/Selection Design Beta Cartridges Produce Beta Cartridges Develop Testing Program Test Beta Cartridges Design Production Cartridge
B 8 D 8 F E task A 2 duration (weeks) 5 2


Design Mold Design Assembly Tooling Purchase Assembly Equipment Fabricate Molds Debug Molds Certify Cartridge Initial Production Run
L 4 K 10 M 2 N 2

G H I 14 J 6

Design Structure Matrix

Receive and Accept Specification Concept Generation/Selection Design Beta Cartridges Produce Beta Cartridges Develop Testing Program Test Beta Cartridges Design Production Cartridge Design Mold Design Assembly Tooling Purchase Assembly Equipment Fabricate Molds Debug Molds Certify Cartridge Initial . Production Run
Sequential Tasks Parallel Tasks

Coupled Tasks

Example: Kodak Cheetah Microfilm Cartridge

Tasks for Cooking Dinner

Wash and cut salad vegetables (15 minutes) Toss the salad (2 minutes) Set the table (8 minutes) Start the rice cooking (2 minutes) Cook rice (25 minutes) Place the rice in a serving dish (1 minute) Mix casserole ingredients (10 minutes) Bake the casserole (25 minutes) Bring the food to the table (2 minutes) Call the family for dinner (1 minute)

Group Assignment
Part 1 Prepare a baseline project schedule for cooking the dinner. Show the schedule in Gantt chart form. You will need to identify the dependencies among the tasks. State your assumptions. Part 2 Prepare an accelerated project schedule. Explain why you believe that the accelerated project is feasible. What are the risks?

Product Specifications

Teaching materials to accompany: Product Design and Development Chapter 5 Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger 2nd Edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2000.

Product Design and Development

Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger 2nd edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 2000. Chapter Table of Contents
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Introduction Development Processes and Organizations Product Planning Identifying Customer Needs Product Specifications Concept Generation Concept Selection Concept Testing Product Architecture Industrial Design Design for Manufacturing Prototyping Product Development Economics Managing Projects

Concept Development Process

Mission Statement Identify Customer Needs Establish Target Specifications Generate Product Concepts Select Product Concept(s) Test Product Concept(s) Set Final Specifications Plan Downstream Development Development Plan

Perform Economic Analysis Benchmark Competitive Products Build and Test Models and Prototypes

Target Specs Based on customer needs and benchmarking

Final Specs Based on selected concept, feasibility, models, testing, and trade-offs

The Product Specs Process

Set Target Specifications
Based on customer needs and benchmarks Develop metrics for each need Set ideal and acceptable values

Refine Specifications
Based on selected concept and feasibility testing Technical modeling Trade-offs are critical

Reflect on the Results and the Process

Critical for ongoing improvement

Product Specifications Example: Mountain Bike Suspension Fork

Start with the Customer Needs

# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension NEED Imp reduces vibration to the hands. 3 allows easy traversal of slow, difficult terrain. 2 enables high speed descents on bumpy trails. 5 allows sensitivity adjustment. 3 preserves the steering characteristics of the bike. 4 remains rigid during hard cornering. 4 is lightweight. 4 provides stiff mounting points for the brakes. 2 fits a wide variety of bikes, wheels, and tires. 5 is easy to install. 1 works with fenders. 1 instills pride. 5 is affordable for an amateur enthusiast. 5 is not contaminated by water. 5 is not contaminated by grunge. 5 can be easily accessed for maintenance. 3 allows easy replacement of worn parts. 1 can be maintained with readily available tools. 3 lasts a long time. 5 is safe in a crash. 5

Establish Metrics and Units

Need #s Metric # 1 1,3 2 2,6 3 1,3 4 1,3 5 4 6 5 7 5 8 6 9 7 10 8 11 9 12 9 13 9 14 9 15 10 16 11 17 12 18 13 19 14 20 15 21 16,17 22 17,18 23 19 24 19 25 20 26 20 Metric Imp Units Attenuation from dropout to handlebar at 10hz 3 dB Spring pre-load 3 N Maximum value from the Monster 5 g Minimum descent time on test track 5 s Damping coefficient adjustment range 3 N-s/m Maximum travel (26in wheel) 3 mm Rake offset 3 mm Lateral stiffness at the tip 3 kN/m Total mass 4 kg Lateral stiffness at brake pivots 2 kN/m Headset sizes 5 in Steertube length 5 mm Wheel sizes 5 list Maximum tire width 5 in Time to assemble to frame 1 s Fender compatibility 1 list Instills pride 5 subj Unit manufacturing cost 5 US$ Time in spray chamber w/o water entry 5 s Cycles in mud chamber w/o contamination 5 k-cycles Time to disassemble/assemble for maintenance 3 s Special tools required for maintenance 3 list UV test duration to degrade rubber parts 5 hours Monster cycles to failure 5 cycles Japan Industrial Standards test 5 binary 5 MN Bending strength (frontal loading)

Metrics Exercise: Ball Point Pen

Customer Need: The pen writes smoothly.

Link Metrics to Needs

1 Attenuation from dropout to handlebar at 10hz 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Time to disassemble/assemble for maintenance Cycles in mud chamber w/o contamination UV test duration to degrade rubber parts Time in spray chamber w/o water entry Special tools required for maintenance Damping coefficient adjustment range Minimum descent time on test track Maximum value from the Monster Bending strength (frontal loading) Japan Industrial Standards test Lateral stiffness at brake pivots Maximum travel (26in wheel)

Time to assemble to frame


Lateral stiffness at the tip

Need 1 reduces vibration to the hands. 2 allows easy traversal of slow, difficult terrain. 3 enables high speed descents on bumpy trails. 4 allows sensitivity adjustment. 5 preserves the steering characteristics of the bike. 6 remains rigid during hard cornering. 7 is lightweight. 8 provides stiff mounting points for the brakes. 9 fits a wide variety of bikes, wheels, and tires. 10 is easy to install. 11 works with fenders. 12 instills pride. 13 is affordable for an amateur enthusiast. 14 is not contaminated by water. 15 is not contaminated by grunge. 16 can be easily accessed for maintenance. 17 allows easy replacement of worn parts. 18 can be maintained with readily available tools. 19 lasts a long time. 20 is safe in a crash.

Monster cycles to failure

Unit manufacturing cost

Fender compatibility

Maximum tire width

Steertube length

Spring pre-load

Headset sizes

Wheel sizes

Instills pride

Rake offset

Total mass

Benchmark on Customer Needs

Gunhill Head Shox Rox Tahx Quadra Rox Tahx Ti 21 ST Tritrack Tonka Pro Maniray 2

# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension The suspension

NEED Imp reduces vibration to the hands. 3 allows easy traversal of slow, difficult terrain. 2 enables high speed descents on bumpy trails. 5 allows sensitivity adjustment. 3 preserves the steering characteristics of the bike. 4 remains rigid during hard cornering. 4 is lightweight. 4 provides stiff mounting points for the brakes. 2 fits a wide variety of bikes, wheels, and tires. 5 is easy to install. 1 works with fenders. 1 instills pride. 5 is affordable for an amateur enthusiast. 5 is not contaminated by water. 5 is not contaminated by grunge. 5 can be easily accessed for maintenance. 3 allows easy replacement of worn parts. 1 can be maintained with readily available tools. 3 lasts a long time. 5 is safe in a crash. 5

Benchmark on Metrics
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1,3 2,6 1,3 1,3 4 5 5 6 7 8 Metric Attenuation from dropout to handlebar at 10hz Spring pre-load Maximum value from the Monster Minimum descent time on test track Damping coefficient adjustment range Maximum travel (26in wheel) Rake offset Lateral stiffness at the tip Total mass Lateral stiffness at brake pivots Imp 3 3 5 5 3 3 3 3 4 2 Units dB N g s N-s/m mm mm kN/m kg kN/m
8 15 10 15 9 550 760 500 710 480 3.6 3.2 3.7 3.3 3.7 13 11.3 12.6 11.2 13.2 0 0 0 200 0 28 48 43 46 33 41.5 39 38 38 43.2 59 110 85 85 65 1.409 1.385 1.409 1.364 1.222 295 550 425 425 325 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.125 1.000 1.125 1.000 1.125 1.250 1.125 1.250 1.125 150 180 210 230 255 140 165 190 215 150 170 190 210 13 680 3.4 11 0 38 39 130 1.1 650


9 Headset sizes




9 Steertube length Wheel sizes Maximum tire width Time to assemble to frame Fender compatibility Instills pride Unit manufacturing cost Time in spray chamber w/o water entry Cycles in mud chamber w/o contamination Time to disassemble/assemble for maintenance

5 5 5 1 1 5 5 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 5

mm list in s list subj US$ s k-cycles s list hours cycles binary MN

13 9 14 9 15 10 16 11 17 12 18 13 19 14 20 15 21 16,17

26in 26in 26in 1.5 1.75 1.5 35 35 45 Zefal none none 1 4 3 65 105 85 1300 2900 >3600 15 19 15 160 245 215

22 17,18 Special tools required for maintenance 23 19 UV test duration to degrade rubber parts 24 19 Monster cycles to failure 25 20 Japan Industrial Standards test 26 20 Bending strength (frontal loading)

hex hex hex 400+ 250 400+ 500k+ 500k+ 500k+ pass pass pass 55 89 75

150 170 150 190 190 210 210 230 220 NA 26in 700C 26in 26in 1.75 1.5 1.5 45 35 85 none none all 5 3 5 115 80 100 >3600 2300 >3600 25 18 35 245 200 425 hex, long pin hex hex wrnch 400+ 400+ 250 480k 500k+ 330k pass pass pass 75 62 102

Gunhill Head Shox

Rox Tahx Quadra

Rox Tahx Ti 21

ST Tritrack

Tonka Pro

Maniray 2

Need #s

Metric #

Assign Marginal and Ideal Values

Marginal Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Metric Attenuation from dropout to handlebar at 10hz Spring pre-load Maximum value from the Monster Minimum descent time on test track Damping coefficient adjustment range Maximum travel (26in wheel) Rake offset Lateral stiffness at the tip Total mass Lateral stiffness at brake pivots Units dB N g s N-s/m mm mm kN/m kg kN/m in
>10 >15 480 - 800 650 - 700 <3.5 <3.2 <13.0 <11.0 0 >200 33 - 50 45 37 - 45 38 >65 >130 <1.4 <1.1 >325 >650 1.000 1.000 1.125 1.125 1.250 150 150 170 170 190 190 210 210 230 26in 26in 700c >1.5 >1.75 <60 <35 none all >3 >5 <85 <65 >2300 >3600 >15 >35 <300 <160 hex hex >250 >450 >300k >500k pass pass >70 >100

11 Headset sizes

12 Steertube length 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Wheel sizes Maximum tire width Time to assemble to frame Fender compatibility Instills pride Unit manufacturing cost Time in spray chamber w/o water entry Cycles in mud chamber w/o contamination Time to disassemble/assemble for maintenance Special tools required for maintenance UV test duration to degrade rubber parts Monster cycles to failure Japan Industrial Standards test Bending strength (frontal loading)

mm list in s list subj US$ s k-cycles s list hours cycles binary MN

Ideal Value

Concept Development Process

Mission Statement Identify Customer Needs Establish Target Specifications Generate Product Concepts Select Product Concept(s) Test Product Concept(s) Set Final Specifications Plan Downstream Development Development Plan

Perform Economic Analysis Benchmark Competitive Products Build and Test Models and Prototypes

Target Specs Based on customer needs and benchmarking

Final Specs Based on selected concept, feasibility, models, testing, and trade-offs

Perceptual Mapping Exercise

KitKat Nestl Crunch


Hersheys w/ Almonds

Hersheys Milk Chocolate


Specification Trade-offs

Estimated Manufacturing Cost ($)

Rox Tahx Ti 21 110 Maniray 2 100 90


Estimated Mfg. Cost ($)

Gunhill Head Shox

Trade-off Curves for Three Concepts

Rox Tahx Quadra Tonka Pro

80 70

marginal values

ST Tritrack 60 50 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 ideal values

Score on on Monster Monster (Gs) Score (Gs)

Set Final Specifications

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 METRIC Attenuation from dropout to handlebar at 10hz Spring pre-load Maximum value from the Monster Minimum descent time on test track Damping coefficient adjustment range Maximum travel (26in wheel) Rake offset Lateral stiffness at the tip Total mass Lateral stiffness at brake pivots Units
dB N g s N-s/m mm mm kN/m kg kN/m in

>12 650 <3.4 <11.5 >100 43 38 >75 <1.4 >425 1.000 1.125 150 170 190 210 230 26in >1.75 <45 Zefal >4 <80 >3600 >25 <200 hex >450 >500k pass >100

11 Headset sizes

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Steertube length Wheel sizes Maximum tire width Time to assemble to frame Fender compatibility Instills pride Unit manufacturing cost Time in spray chamber w/o water entry Cycles in mud chamber w/o contamination Time to disassemble/assemble for maintenance Special tools required for maintenance UV test duration to degrade rubber parts Monster cycles to failure Japan Industrial Standards test Bending strength (frontal loading)

mm list in s list subj US$ s k-cycles s list hours cycles binary MN

Quality Function Deployment (House of Quality)

technical correlations relative importance engineering metrics

customer needs

relationships between customer needs and engineering metrics

benchmarking on needs

target and final specs

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