Lesspn Plan3-8 2weebly
Lesspn Plan3-8 2weebly
Lesspn Plan3-8 2weebly
Subject: Math 7 Math 8 Teacher: B Bo!er Lesson Plan "ate: #ee$ o% &'(&'()* and &+()&()* School(,rade -d!sse! Charter School ,rade 7 ,rade 8
1.2 P-3/TS
#hat ke$ idea% and &nder%tandin % are re're%ented b$ thi% ob(ecti)e* #hat kno+led e and %kill% do %t&dent% need to acce%% the%e ke$ idea% and &nder%tandin %*
,r 7 Monda! Tuesda!: TS#BAT use multiplication to count outcomes and %ind probabilities b! completing assigned tas$s #ednesda!: TS#BAT complete Chapter 7 Mid Chec$ 4ith 8&56 accurac! Thursda!: TS#BAT to %ind and compare e7perimental and theoretical probabilities B! completing assigned tas$s 8rida!: TS#BAT e9aluate the reasonableness o% a sample to determine the appropriateness o% generali:ations made about the population Monda!; TS#BAT e9aluate the reasonableness o% a sample to determine the appropriateness o% generali:ations made about the population Tuesda!; #ednesda!: TS#BAT re9ie4 Chapter 7 concepts b! completing Chapter 7 re9ie4 4or$sheet and participating in re9ie4 game Thursda!; TS#BAT attain 8&56 on Chapter 7 T.ST 8rida!; TS#BAT %ind the 9olume o% a prisms b!
,r 7 Monda$, Co&ntin -&tco.e% T&e%da$, /nde'endent and De'endent 0)ent%1 Probabilit$ 02'eri.ent% #edne%da$, Mid- Cha'ter Check Th&r%da$, Probabilit$ 02'eri.ent% 3rida$, 4%e Data to Predict Monda$, 4nbia%ed and 5ia%ed Sa.'le% T&e%da$, 6e)ie+ Cha'ter 7 #edne%da$, 6e)ie+ Cha'ter 7 Th&r%da$, Cha'ter 7 T0ST 3rida$, 7ol&.e ,r 8 Monda$- T&e%da$, 6e)ie+ Cha'ter 8 #edne%da$, Cha'ter 8 T0ST Th&r%da$, Characteri%tic% of An le% 3rida$, S&''le.entar$ and Co.'le.entar$ An le% Monda$, Characteri%tic% of 9ine% T&e%da$, Mid Check 6e)ie+ #edne%da$- Th&r%da$, Trian le% and :&adrilateral% 3rida$, Pol$ on%
,r 8 Monda!;Tuesda!: TS#BAT re9ie4 and demonstrate Chapter < s$ills b! completing C=< >e9ie4 #S #ednesda!: TS#BAT attain 8&56 accurac! on Chapter < T.ST Thursda!; TS#BAT classi%! and determine the measure o% angles? including angles created 4hen parallel lines are cut b! trans9ersals 8rida!: TS#BAT identi%! complementar! and supplementar! angles and %ind missing angles measures b! completing assigned tas$s Monda!; Lines: TS#BAT to identi%! and characteri:e Parallel? Perpendicular? and Trans9ersal lines b! completing assigned tas$s Tuesda!; TS#BAT to demonstrate Chapter @ s$ills b! completing Chapter @ Mid; Chec$ #ednesda!; Thursda!; TS#BAT identi%! characteristics o% triangles and Auadrilaterals b! completing stud! guides and assigned tas$s 8rida!: TS#BAT demonstrate that the sum o% angles in a triangle is )8& degrees and appl! this %act to %ind un$no4n measure o% angles and the sum o% angles in pol!gons in assigned tas$s .
Learning Target:
Grade ! Monda$- #edne%da$, <o+ can )er$ lar e and )er$ %.all e2're%%ion% be %i.'lified* Th&r%da$- 3rida$, <o+ can the relation%hi' a.on line%, an le%, and 'ol$ on% be &%ed to %ol)e 'roble.%* Monda$- T&e%da$, <o+ do $o& define, identif$ and= or &%e 'ro'ertie% of an le% for.ed +hen t+o 'arallel line% are c&t b$ a tran%)er%al* #edne%da$-Th&r%da$, #hat i% the relation%hi' bet+een alternate interior an le%, corre%'ondin an le%, alternate e2terior an le% and corre%'ondin an le% for t+o 'arallel line% and a tran%)er%al* 3rida$, <o+ do / find the %&. of the .ea%&re% of the interior an le% of a 'ol$ on*
,rade 7:
Monday: Students will be introduced to probability and counting events. Text pages 375-380. ! "07-"08. Tuesday: Students will be introduced to counting outco#es and sa#ple spaces. Text pages 38"-3$0 . !"0$-""0. ednesday: Students will be able to review %&apter 7 Mid %&ec' on page 3$7. T&ursday: Students will be able to predict and create probability experi#ents. . Text pages- (00-("3. or'boo' pages- """-""). Monday: Students will be able to use data to predict.. Text page (08-("3. or'boo' pages- ""5-""*. Monday: Students will be able to distinguis& between unbiased and biased sa#ples. Text page ("(-("5. or'boo' pages- ""7-8. Tuesday- ednesday: Students will co#plete %&apter 7 +eview or's&eet and participate in review ga#e. T&ursday: %,-.T/+ 7 T/ST 0riday: Students will be introduced to volu#e o1 pris#s and applying its 1or#ula. Text pages (3)-(37. or'boo' pages ""$-")0.
,rade 8:
Monday- Tuesday: Students will be reviewing %&apter 5 s'ills by co#pleting a review wor's&eet and playing a review ga#e. ednesday: %&apter 5 T/ST T&ursday: Students will be introduced to t&e c&aracteristics o1 angles. T/2T pages 33$- 3((. ! pages "03-"0(. 0riday: Students will practice identi1ying angles and 1inding #issing #easures. Text pages 3(5- 3($. ! pages "05-"0*. Monday: Students will exa#ine angle relations&ips 1or#ed by parallel lines and a transversal. Text pages 35)- 358 and assigned tas's. ! pages "0$-""0. Tuesday: Students will co#plete text pages 35$ to review Mid %&apter * S'ills. ednesday: Students will explore t&e relations&ip a#ong t&e angles o1 a triangle and 3uadrilaterals. Text pages 3*0-3*7. ! pages """-""). T&ursday: Students will identi1y and classi1y 3uadrilaterals. Students will create study guides and also do exercises on Text pages 3*$- 37(. ! page ""3-""(. 0riday: Students will 1ind t&e su# o1 t&e angle #easures o1 a polygon and t&e #easure o1 an interior angle o1 a regular polygon. Text pages 375- 7$. ! pages ""5-""*.
#h$ are the o&tco.e% of thi% le%%on i.'ortant in the real +orld* #h$ are the%e o&tco.e% e%%ential for f&t&re learnin *
,rade 7 and ,rade 8: T&e outco#es 1or t&e wee'ly lesson are relevant to t&e succession o1 di11iculty t&at is necessary 1or Middle Sc&ool Students to attain in order to reac& and #aintain success in a &ig& sc&ool setting. 4essons t&at are taug&t coincide wit& t&e Suns&ine Standards t&at are set by t&e 0lorida 5ept o1 /ducation.
".T.>M3/3/, M.T=-"S
-pening B7min C:
<o+ +ill $o& co..&nicate w&at i% abo&t to ha''en* <o+ +ill $o& co..&nicate &ow it +ill ha''en* <o+ +ill $o& co..&nicate it% i#portance* <o+ +ill $o& co..&nicate connections to 're)io&% le%%on%* <o+ +ill $o& en a e %t&dent% and ca't&re their intere%t* 6 will recall previous day7s lesson and &ow it builds on to t&e new concept t&at will be introduced. 5iscussion will 1ollow o1 t&e assigned day7s ob8ective and &ow it relates to t&eir everyday world. &en introducing a new concept9 students will watc& and engage wit& a tutorial video. Students will also be introduced to new vocabulary w&en applicable.
Grade 7 and Grade 8: St&dent% +ill be introd&ced b$ &%in a )ariet$ of .ethod%, )ideo t&torial, an a&thentic >&e%tion &%in c&rrent e)ent%, or a %hock and @a+eA to et attention. St&dent% .a$ be i)en 'roble. and an%+er and a%ked to brain%tor. ho+ an%+er +a% deri)ed. Grade 7 and Grade 8: Students 4ill 4or$ independentl! and cooperati9el! on assignment using indi9idual 4hite boards Continual re9ie4 o% pre9ious topics 4ill be hit on each da! "ail! Bell 4or$ 4ill consist o% pre9ious learned topics Misunderstandings 4ill be addressed on indi9idual basis or 4hole class instruction depending on the amount o% students ha9ing the same mista$e Students 4ill be engaged b! indi9idual or collaborate 4or$ing on assignment Grade 7 and Grade 8:
Students will #odel prior concepts t&at were learned. Students will co#plete individual< s#all group< pair partners9 to drill<practice past and new concepts. Students will be engaged by individual w&ite boards9 role playing9 and ga#es :w&en applicable;. 6t is i#portant 1or students to be engaged to retain in1or#ation and stay on tas'. =rade 7- text pages 375-3(7. or'boo' pages "07-")0. =rade 8- text pages 33$-37$. and ! pages "03-""*.
#hat c&rric&l&. .odification% and=or cla%%roo. acco..odation% +ill $o& .ake for St&dent% +ith Di%abilitie%=Gifted in $o&r cla%%* 5e a% %'ecific a% 'o%%ible.
0S0 Acco..odation% Check for co.'rehen%ion, )i%&al aid%, .odelin , in%tr&ction in %elf-deter.ination, e2tended ti.e, %hortened a%%i n.ent%, differentiated in%tr&ction, direct in%tr&ction, think-'air-%hare 0P Acco..odation%, Differentiated >&e%tionin , e2ten%ion acti)itie%, cl&%ter ro&'in 099 Acco..odation%, Si.'lified 7ocab&lar$, %'eak clearl$, differentiated in%tr&ction, differentiated >&e%tionin , check for &nder%tandin , ThinkPair-Share, .ani'&lati)e= hand%--n Acti)itie%, ra'hic or ani?er%
,rade 7: Monda$- #5 'a e 1E7-1E! T&e%da$- #5 'a e 1EF-11E #edne%da$- #5 'a e 111-112 Th&r%da$- #5 'a e 113-11" 3rida$- #5 'a e 118-116 Monda$- #5 'a e 117-11! T&e%da$- 6e)ie+ +ork%heet #edne%da$- 6e)ie+ for te%t Th&r%da$- Cha'ter 7 T0ST 3rida$- #5 'a e% 11F-12E ,rade 8: Monda$- 6e)ie+ +ork%heet T&e%da$- 6e)ie+ #edne%da$- T0ST 6 Th&r%da$- #5 'a e 1E3-1E" 3rida$- #5 'a e 1E8-1E6
Doe% thi% le%%on reflect one of the @%hift%A in in%tr&ction* /% %o, +hich %hift and ho+* <o+ did thi% le%%on %&''ort 21 %t Cent&r$ Skill%* <o+ did thi% le%%on reflect acade.ic ri or* <o+ did thi% le%%on co niti)el$ en a e %t&dent%* <o+ did thi% le%%on en a e %t&dent% in collaborati)e learnin and enhance their collaborati)e learnin %kill%* Mo%t 9e%%on Plan% %ho&ld reflect, St&dent% a% +orker%, teacher% a% coach1 .<i'le %&b(ect inte ration1 hi her order thinkin =critical thinkin 1 di)er%ified acti)itie% and differentiation1 a&thentic a%%e%%.ent .ethod%1 technolo $ inf&%ed co.'onent%1 learnin e2ten%ion o''ort&nitie%1 reinforce% o&r core )al&e% of 033-6T, 60SP0CT, -#;06S</P, and SA30TG1 choice, collaboration, o&tdoor co.'onent%, .ini.al lect&re and .ini.al te2tbook e.'ha%i% 5AS/C 5-A6D C-;3/G46AT/-;, Date Cla%% -b(ecti)e% Cla%% A enda o)er)ie+=ti.e% for acti)itie% Prod&ct%=a%%e%%.ent d&e at end of 'eriod 02ten%ion=ho.e+ork for the da$