Work Program Term 3 Week 9 56
Work Program Term 3 Week 9 56
Work Program Term 3 Week 9 56
9. ! . Mr J Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics
Term 3 Week 9
! . Trade Fair !!. Library Reading Reading Reading !". !. Writing Writing Writing Writing Trade Fair
Trade Fair
READING Focus: Comprehension Strategy: Form an o$inion based on yo"r inter$retation o% the te&t &earning intention: To be able to Form an o$inion based on yo"r inter$retation o% the te&t Whole: 'isc"ssion o% reading strategy in regards to te&t Whole Te't: Poetry ( Monday) I% yo" catch a %ire%ly T"esday) #hell Wednesday) *ne Th"rsday) Ho$e is the thing with %eathers
(ead to $el): Tea*her P(+,- Te$ting / *on)eren*ing .he*k in: To be able to re%lect on read to sel% To direct st"dents %or book cl"b and teaching gro"$ ,ook*l#b: (ead /rite and Talk Tea*hing gro#p te't: Te't /ith *omprehen$ion 0#e$tion$ (ead Write and Talk: (ead Write and Talk: (ead Write and Talk: (ead Write and Talk: 1rade 5 2igh Te't$ a$ 1rade 5/6 &o/ Te't$ 1rade 5 Medi#m 1rade 6 Medi#m
(ead Write and Talk: 1rade 6 2igh Te't$ a$ per need$ o) $t#dent$
Foc"s) e changes the +owel so"nd Rat/rate Mat/mate Wedne$day &earning 3ntention: Words can ha+e di%%erent meanings in di%%erent conte&t Trait: Broadening ideas #t"dents will create their own %ree +erse $oem They will only ha+e 0 ho"r to com$lete their $oem, they will need to edit and re+ise their $oem
%o*#$) #ay the ideas so that $eo$le can "nderstand them by stressing some ideas, saying some things slowly and making links stand o"t Th#r$day &earning 3ntention: Words can ha+e di%%erent meanings in di%%erent conte&t Trait: Idea- Broadening ideas First whole) #t"dents will share their $oems %rom Wednesday Feedback will be gi+en %or st"dents to enhance their $oem %riday &earning 3ntention:
W(3T341 Focus: Monday &earning 3ntention: -reate literary te&ts "sing realistic and %antasy settings Trait: Organisation What.s the di%%erence between a story and a %ree +erse $oem/ #t"dents will be immersed into Free
T#e$day &earning 3ntention: -reate literary te&ts "sing realistic and %antasy settings Trait: Organisation Teacher will model a %ree +erse $oem #t"dents will create their own %ree +erse $oem They
will only ha+e 0 ho"r to com$lete their $oem, they will need to edit and re+ise their $oem
#t"dents will %inalise all their Free 1erse Poem #t"dents will be gi+en time, to $"blish their $oems and "$load them onto edmodo Teaching 2ro"$ 0) As re3"ired Teaching 2ro"$ 0) As re3"ired Teaching 2ro"$ 0) As re3"ired
MAT2S 3ntention
%o*#$: Monday
4se estimation and ro"nding to test the reasonableness o% answers to calc"lations
T#e$day 4se e%%icient mental and written strategies and a$$ly a$$ro$riate digital technologies to sol+e $roblems "sing the %o"r e3"ations
5"mber Fl"ency M"lti$lication and 'i+ision #t"dents will be %amiliarised with how to set "$ an m"lti$lication and di+ision algorithm #t"dents will re+ise di+ision strategies and work on sol+ing e3"ations Re+ise strategies in which st"dents con+ert remainders into decimals -h"nking ( re$eated s"btraction Long di+ision strategies #hort di+ision strategies #t"dents who are com%ortable with di+iding whole n"mbers will work on di+iding decimal n"mbers
Wedne$day 4se e%%icient mental and written strategies and a$$ly a$$ro$riate digital technologies to sol+e $roblems "sing the %o"r e3"ations
5"mber Fl"ency M"lti$lication and 'i+ision #t"dents will be %amiliarised with how to set "$ an m"lti$lication and di+ision algorithm #t"dents will re+ise di+ision strategies and work on sol+ing e3"ations Re+ise strategies in which st"dents con+ert remainders into decimals -h"nking ( re$eated s"btraction Long di+ision strategies #hort di+ision strategies #t"dents who are com%ortable with di+iding whole n"mbers will work on di+iding decimal n"mbers
Warm 5p T#ne 3n
5"mber Fl"ency M"lti$lication and 'i+ision #t"dents will be %amiliarised with how to set "$ an m"lti$lication and di+ision algorithm #t"dents will re+ise di+ision strategies and work on sol+ing e3"ations Re+ise strategies in which st"dents con+ert remainders into decimals -h"nking ( re$eated s"btraction Long di+ision strategies #hort di+ision strategies #t"dents who are com%ortable with di+iding whole n"mbers will work on di+iding decimal n"mbers
5"mber Fl"ency
5"mber Fl"ency
Possible start o% Term o+er+iew test ( to gain a dee$er insight o% st"dents "nderstanding
-'ten$ion gro#p
#t"dents will be gi+en a range o% worded $roblems6 they are re3"ired to set "$ the algorithm %or these $roblems be%ore sol+ing #t"dents will need to be able to e&$lain their working o"t Today I learnt7 I can7
#t"dents will be gi+en a range o% worded $roblems6 they are re3"ired to set "$ the algorithm %or these $roblems be%ore sol+ing #t"dents will need to be able to e&$lain their working o"t Today I learnt7 I can7
#t"dents will be gi+en a range o% worded $roblems6 they are re3"ired to set "$ the algorithm %or these $roblems be%ore sol+ing #t"dents will need to be able to e&$lain their working o"t Today I learnt7 I can7
#t"dents will be gi+en a range o% worded $roblems6 they are re3"ired to set "$ the algorithm %or these $roblems be%ore sol+ing #t"dents will need to be able to e&$lain their working o"t Today I learnt7 I can7
#t"dents will be gi+en a range o% worded $roblems6 they are re3"ired to set "$ the algorithm %or these $roblems be%ore sol+ing #t"dents will need to be able to e&$lain their working o"t Today I learnt7 I can7
34T-1(AT-6 34753(8 %o*#$: Trade Fair -reating Marketing scheme 8 creating $osters, seating $lan, marketing $osters, booth designs, letter in the newsletter A#$9-&S
Students use the inquiry process to plan investigations about economic issues in the home (for example, which mobile phone or pair of runners to buy), school (for example, which bus company to hire for an excursion) or local community (for example, whether a small factory or residential townhouses should be built on a vacant lot next to the school) and form conclusions supported by evidence.
0 9 : ; < > ? =
0st ho"r set "$ Floats Tally #heet Posters Pam$hlet ( to go o"t week = Roster 5ewsletter article ( to go o"t week @ day be%ore -ooking 8 Th"rsday