K.Devendar: MCA 2009-2013 72 BSC (MPC) 2004-2007 70 Intermediate (MPC) 2002-2004 61 S.S.C 1992-2002 70
K.Devendar: MCA 2009-2013 72 BSC (MPC) 2004-2007 70 Intermediate (MPC) 2002-2004 61 S.S.C 1992-2002 70
K.Devendar: MCA 2009-2013 72 BSC (MPC) 2004-2007 70 Intermediate (MPC) 2002-2004 61 S.S.C 1992-2002 70
Telephone Numbers:9505917174 E-mail Id:Devendargoud.kuppe @gmail.com Career Ob e!"#$e: To work with a competitive organizational atmosphere that has innovative and challenging environment, that synergies conceptual skill with practical insights re uired !or initiating a !ul!illing career. E%u!a"#onal &ual#'#!a"#ons:
Name o' "he De(ree "#$ %-#."/#0 Intermediate ."/#0 -.-.# Name o' "he )ns"#"u"e *ear o' +"u%,#n( '(()-'(*+ '((2-'((, '(('-'((2 *))'-'((' -er!en"a(e o' .ar/s +e!ure% ,' ,( 3* ,(
#hilur %ala&i college o! computer sceince 1ovt.#ity college %aord o! intermidiate 4/5- 6anakamamidi
-RO0ECT 1.CA2 -ro e!" T#"le -la"'orm Dura"#on o' "he pro e!" Team s#3e Name o' "he Or(an#3a"#on : : : : : onlineshopping cart .ne" 3month ' mem7ers. Neresh )T.
O$er V#e4: #n "h#s pro e!" a4ebs#"e #s %es#(ne% 'or bu,#n( pro%u!"s onl#ne users !an res#s"er 4#"h username an% pass4or%."he, !an bu, "h#n(s onl#ne an% a%% #" "o "he#r shopp#n( !ar".m#!roso'" s5lser$er #s use% as ba!/6en% "ool.
+o'"4are +/#lls:
Opera"#n( +,s"em +o'"4are lan(ua(es . 7eb Des#(n : <90AVA+CR)-T Da"a base -a!/a(es -ersonal -ro'#le -e8 Date o! %irth :ationality ;eligion "artial -tatus =anguages 6nown : : : : : :
De!lara"#on: I declare that I will prove mysel! as an icon i! you given me the opportunity to serve in your esteemed organization.