Abdul Haque: Executing Monthly Vehicle Plan, Co-Ordination With CFA's and Plant Teams

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Abdul Haque

Moh.Neel Khudana Jwalapur (Haridwar)

Contact Number: - 9560185479
Email-id:-abdulhwr@yahoo.com, abdul.haque@leharfoods .com
Professional Synopsis
Aspiring for a challenging osition in a professional organi!ation where " can enhance my
s#ills and strengthen them in con$unction with Company%s &oals and 'b$ecti(es
) month e*perience in operation e*ecuti(e+,aily roduction report, -toc# report .
/illing process0
1 years of central logistics . cfa . plant management.
ro(en s#ills in managing teams to wor# in sync with the corporate set parameters .
moti(ating them for achie(ing organi!ational and indi(idual goals.
Acting as an interface for coordinating the acti(ities of team members.
Professional Experience ! "ears 7 #on$%s
1& 15
'ece(ber !01! $o $ill da$e )Senior *pera$ion Execu$i+e ,-en$ral
.o/is$ics 0 -fa 0 Plan$ #ana/e(en$1 in .e%ar 2oods P+$& .$d& ,Head *3ce
) 4ur/aon1
5ob Pro6le
E*ecuting monthly (ehicle plan, Co-ordination with C2A%s and lant 3eams,
such as:
Co ordination with 3ransporter . negotiate the freight.
Co ordination with C2A%s . lant team and pro(ides stoc# on time in deli(ery
Closed the freight with transporter . agreement through &enpact.
ayment chec# 4nali!ed and pay to transporter as per agreed time.
5anage the warehouse, stoc# area capability, super(isor, manager etc.
!& 07
#arc% !01! $o Sep$e(ber !01!) S02 Head 0 Produc$ion Plannin/ in
+CA6 unit of /ritannia "ndustries 7imited +/"700
5ob Pro6le
E*ecuting roduction lan and Co ordination with roduction 3eams, such as:
reparation of manuals plan
,esign of lanning -tructure
Co ordination with production team
Co ordination with distributer . '8cers
-uper(ising -.2 operators
,ata chec#, 4nali!ed sale of per day, 5a#ing &9N . in(oice
,istributor :andling
Professional 8uali6ca$ions
;Computer Course -i* 5onths<, -A 3raining in our o8ce, -i* 5onth 3raining in 2inance
2rom +/:E70
-o(pu$er A9areness
*pera$in/ Sys$e( =indows>* -eries, =indows N3,
=indows 1???, =indows @, =indows )
*$%ers 5s-'8ce, -A,
:ypin/ 3yping English
Educa$ional 8uali6ca$ions
#ain sub>ec$s
:N/ &ardwal
@ll th AB /oard Arts
@ th AB /oard Arts
"nno(ati(e, A(id 7earner, Ne(er -ay ,ie Attitude, 'bser(ant, roacti(e.
Personal 'e$ails
2a$%er?s @a(e #o% Aqubal
'a$e of bir$% -eptember 16
, C>6)
Sex 5ale
#ari$al s$a$us -ingle
@a$ionali$y "ndian
.an/ua/es Bno9n English, :indi
-urren$ Salary DE???? er Fear
" here declare that the information furnished abo(e is true to the best of my #nowledge and
,ate: ?EG?)G1?CH
lace: :aridwar


Abdul Haque

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