Write A Program To Find The Highest Among 5 Grades and Write It in DL

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Example 32-bit subtraction of 2 32 bit numbers X and Y that are stored in the memory as X = (DS:203h)(DS:202h)(DS:201h)(DS:200h) Y = (DS:103h)(DS:102h)(DS:101h)(DS:100h) The result

sult X = Y to be stored where X is saved in the memory MOV SI, 200h MOV DI, 100h MOV AX, [SI] SUB AX, [DI] MOV [SI], AX ;save the LS word of result MOV AX, [SI] +2 SBB AX, [DI]+2 MOV [SI] +2, AX -2Write a program to find the highest among 5 grades and write it

in DL


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