This document provides an example calculation to convert between latitude/longitude coordinates and UTM coordinates. It inputs base latitude and longitude values in degrees, minutes, seconds format, runs them through UTM conversion functions, and outputs the resulting UTM easting and northing values along with the input latitude and longitude in decimal degree format.
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This document provides an example calculation to convert between latitude/longitude coordinates and UTM coordinates. It inputs base latitude and longitude values in degrees, minutes, seconds format, runs them through UTM conversion functions, and outputs the resulting UTM easting and northing values along with the input latitude and longitude in decimal degree format.
This document provides an example calculation to convert between latitude/longitude coordinates and UTM coordinates. It inputs base latitude and longitude values in degrees, minutes, seconds format, runs them through UTM conversion functions, and outputs the resulting UTM easting and northing values along with the input latitude and longitude in decimal degree format.
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This document provides an example calculation to convert between latitude/longitude coordinates and UTM coordinates. It inputs base latitude and longitude values in degrees, minutes, seconds format, runs them through UTM conversion functions, and outputs the resulting UTM easting and northing values along with the input latitude and longitude in decimal degree format.
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UTM <-> Lat Long Sample Calculation
CAUTION: Check the original reference !ee macro !heet" to make !ure thi! i! an appropriate ellip!oi# mo#el Kenneth M. Cruikshank Department of Geology Portland State Uni ersity Portland! "# $%&'%('%)1 ken* http, /nput in #ED "utput from fun+tions in 01UE /ntermediate alues are 012CK 0ase 1atitude and 1ongitude in G#EE3 NOT$: T%$S$ A&$ A&&A' (UNCTIONS) See Online help for ho* to u!e thi! $+cel num,er t-pe 4he fun+tion needs a 5ase latitude and longitude! .hi+h should 5e in your area. /a!e Latitu#e, 2ny alue /a!e Longitu#e, Central meridian for U4M ;one /t +an 5e any longitude in the ;one< /a!e Longitu#e! in Oregon, 1&7= for ;one 1' >?est of 1&'=< and 11%= for ;one 11 >East of 1&'=< /a!e.Latitu#e0 /a!e Longitu#e0 Latitu#e0 Longitu#e" 1atitude Degrees 6& 1ongitude De+imal Degrees Minutes Se+onds De+imal 6&.&) 1&1 7' 1' 1&1.)'&8 U4M East 9M2C#":