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Detecting and quantifying sources of non-stationarity via experimental

semivariogram modeling

Article  in  Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment · February 2012

DOI: 10.1007/s00477-011-0501-9


2 535

3 authors:

Miguel A. Cuba Oy Leuangthong


Julián M. Ortiz
Queen's University


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Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2012) 26:247–260
DOI 10.1007/s00477-011-0501-9


Detecting and quantifying sources of non-stationarity

via experimental semivariogram modeling
Miguel A. Cuba • Oy Leuangthong • Julian M. Ortiz

Published online: 8 June 2011

 Springer-Verlag 2011

Abstract Conventional geostatistics often relies on the semivariogram expression is decomposed into three com-
assumption of second order stationarity of the random ponents: (1) the mean trend, (2) the variance trend and (3)
function (RF). Generally, local means and local variances the stationary component. Under stationary conditions,
of the random variables (RVs) are assumed to be constant both the mean and the variance trend components should
throughout the domain. Large scale differences in the local be close to zero. This proposed approach is intended to be
means and local variances of the RVs are referred to as used in the early stages of data analysis when domains are
trends. Two problems of building geostatistical models in being defined or to verify the impact of detrending tech-
presence of mean trends are: (1) inflation of the conditional niques in the conditioning dataset for validating domains.
variances and (2) the spatial continuity is exaggerated. This approach determines the source of a trend, thereby
Variance trends on the other hand cause conditional vari- facilitating the choice of a suitable detrending method for
ances to be over-estimated in certain regions of the domain effective resource modeling.
and under-estimated in other areas. In both cases the
uncertainty characterized by the geostatistical model is Keywords Semivariogram  Non-stationarity 
improperly assessed. This paper proposes a new approach Mean trend  Variance trend
to identify the presence and contribution of mean and
variance trends in the domain via calculation of the
experimental semivariogram. The traditional experimental 1 Introduction

Trends are defined as low-frequency, large scale variations

M. A. Cuba (&) of a certain regionalized variable (Olea 1991). Here, the
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Centre
term ‘trend’ refers to large scale patterns in the local mean
of Computational Geostatistics, University of Alberta,
3-133 Markin/CNRL NREF, Edmonton, AB T6G 2W2, Canada and/or local variance. Dealing with trends in the mean and/
e-mail: or variance is a longstanding challenge in mineral resource
modeling. Mean trends are an important part of modeling
O. Leuangthong
natural resources (Leuangthong and Deutsch 2004).
SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc., 2100, 25 Adelaide St. East,
Toronto, ON M5C 3A1, Canada Extensive research has been conducted to deal with mean
e-mail: trends. Kriging estimators have been modified to account
for mean trends by many authors such as Matheron (1969),
J. M. Ortiz
Olea (1974), Davis and David (1978), and Costa (2009)
Department of Mining Engineering, University of Chile,
Avenida Tupper 2069, 8370451 Santiago, Chile among others. An iterative approach to filter the mean
e-mail: trend was proposed by Neuman and Jacobson (1984). Their
approach resembles universal kriging, in that the mean
J. M. Ortiz
trend is estimated from a set of functionals and its coeffi-
ALGES Laboratory, Advanced Mining Technology Center
(AMTC), University of Chile, Avenida Tupper 2069, 8370451 cients are iteratively estimated along with the inference of
Santiago, Chile the residuals variogram. However, variance trends are not

248 Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2012) 26:247–260

addressed. Journel and Rossi (1989) discussed the impor- There are many approaches aimed at dealing with mean
tance of accounting for trends and highlighted that different trends. One common approach considers decomposition of
kriging approaches tend to give similar estimates when the original value into a mean component and a residual
interpolating in densely sampled regions, with differences component (1):
arising only when extrapolation is required in poorly RðuÞ ¼ Z ðuÞ  mðuÞ; ð1Þ
sampled regions. In their analysis, trend models are fitted
either by a local estimation of the mean value in ordinary where Z(u) represents the random variable (RV) in original
kriging or the fitting through polynomials via kriging with scale units, R(u) is the residual value after removing the
a trend, usually retaining only low order monomials. There mean trend, m(u) is the mean trend and u is a location
is no mention to variance non-stationarity and the issues of vector in Rn. The mean trend component m(u) is the
variogram estimation are addressed by finding a proper expected value of Z(u), hence, the residual R(u) is centered
residual variogram or covariance, which in practice may at zero mean.
Classical approaches consist of calculating mean trends
not be simple. Furthermore, the global compensation of the
as smoothed models that are intended to capture the large
kriging variance due to the presence of variance trends is
scale variability of the mean in the domain. These models
disregarded as a problem.
can be built using interpolation techniques such as moving
While there is vast literature regarding non-stationarity
window averaging or some kriging variants, and in the case
in the mean, variance trends are often only mentioned in
of high dimensional trend models, they can be constructed
the presence of mean trends. These patterns of variability
by combining lower dimensional trends (McLennan 2007;
in the local standard deviation that are related to variations
Leuangthong et al. 2008). Also, the use of neural networks
of the local mean are usually referred to as a proportional
to obtain the mean trend has been proposed in Kanevski
effect (Isaaks and Srivastava 1989; Manchuck et al. 2009).
et al. (1996), and Demyanov et al. (2001) proposed the use
Detrending and/or data transformations are offered as
of wavelets and frames for the same purpose.
possible solutions to mitigate the influence of a propor-
David (1977) and Cressie (1985) discussed the use of
tional effect in resource modeling.
relative semivariograms to account for variance trends that
In practice, domains are influenced by physical condi-
are proportional to the local means squared. Leuangthong
tions that make it difficult to assume stationarity. The
and Deutsch (2004) proposed the use of stepwise condi-
process of domaining when modeling mineral deposits
tional transformation for dealing with the residuals in
relies on the geologic characterization of the information
presence of both the mean and variance trends. The trend in
sampled by exploratory drilling campaigns. This charac-
the variance is usually addressed as a consequence of the
terization can be classified as generic or detailed depending
proportional effect that may be present in a domain because
on the geologist’s criteria. A generic geologic interpreta-
of the nature of the regionalized variable to be modelled.
tion is more restrictive for domaining because it tends to
The proportional effect considers large scale dependences
combine different rock types into a more generic rock type
between local means and local variances in a domain or the
category. For example, magnetite exoskarn, garnet exos-
dependence of mean and variances of two conditional
karn and other types of exoskarn rock types may be char-
distributions (Manchuck et al. 2009). However, the vari-
acterized as simply exoskarn. On the other hand, a detailed
ability of the local variances in a domain can be indepen-
interpretation better accounts for the heterogeneities in
dent to the variability of the local means, that is, mean
mineral grades, and gives more flexibility for defining
trends are not necessarily related to variance trends.
larger domains because the various rock types interpreted
Underlying geologic structures rule the occurrence of the
can be combined into suitable stationary domains. In the
variable of interest in the domain. Consider a generic
case of generic geologic interpretations, mean and variance
geologic characterization that combines two types of cop-
trends are more likely to be present. This poses a potential
per minerals in a domain, such as chalcopyrite and bornite.
challenge for modeling using conventional geostatistical
The former has less variability in copper grades compared
approaches, unless these trends are removed and residuals
to the latter. If the chalcopyrite mineralogy is dominant in
are modeled. Ignoring trends and applying conventional
one side of the domain and the bornite in the other with a
geostatistics can lead to:
soft transition in between, then there is a large scale pattern
• inflation of conditional variances; of variability of copper grades in the domain or a variance
• an incorrect definition of the corresponding semivari- trend. In terms of a random function (RF), this is related
ogram model; and to differences in the variance between regions of RVs
• compensation of the conditional variances over differ- (see Fig. 1d–f).
ent regions in the domain, that is, over-estimation in Two or more domains with different variability and the
some regions and under-estimation in others. same mean should not be combined simply because there is

Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2012) 26:247–260 249

Fig. 1 Schematic 1D Gaussian

environments: a constant local
mean and local variance;
b linear mean trend and constant
local variance; c two sub-
regions of constant local
variance but different local
means; d two regions of
constant local mean but
different local variance with a
transition zone; e two sub-
regions of different local means
and different local variances;
f two regions of different local
means and different local
variances with a transition zone;
the dashed lines represent some
confidence limits of the normal
distributed RVs Z(u)

no mean trend. As in the case of mean trends, building the residuals or modeling a local mean by some functional
geostatistical models in presence of variance trends can (Matheron 1969; Journel and Rossi 1989; Olea 2006). Still,
also have negative consequences. It is recommended to there are a multitude of geomodeling methods and sug-
remove the variance trend after removing the mean trend; gestions for dealing with trends related to the mean and/or
the latter could mask the variability in the domain since the variance and the choice of which method is appropriate
only one value is available at each location. A similar and effective for any particular setting is challenging. The
discussion is undertaken by Myers (1989). He gives an proposed decomposition of the experimental semivario-
example of this by using a database of daily readings of gram requires little additional effort for the geomodeler,
SO2, removing the mean trend by using increments, and the with the added benefit of identifying the source of the trend
variance trends by means of a logarithmic transformation. contribution. The ability to identify whether the mean and/
Another approach to remove this trend is by standardizing or the variance contributes to the non-stationarity of the
the local variability (2): deposit or reservoir feeds into a decision support system to
RðuÞ determine an appropriate geomodeling approach to
Y ðuÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð2Þ resource modeling.
r2 ðuÞ
where R(u) is the residual value after removing the mean
trend, in original scale units with zero mean, Y(u) is the 2 Domaining for mineral deposits modeling
standardized RV after removing the variance trend, and
r2(u) is the variance trend and u is a location vector in Rn. In conventional geostatistics, the semivariogram model is
The resulting variances of Y(u) are all equal to one. used to define the spatial continuity of a stationary random
This paper proposes a method to identify and quantify function (SRF). In practice, it is obtained by fitting the
the sources contributing to a trend by decomposing the experimental semivariogram computed from the available
experimental semivariogram into stationary and non-sta- dataset within a domain. This measure of spatial continuity
tionary components. These types of analysis are common is then used to infer metal or mineral grades or any attri-
and have been documented previously by other authors bute of interest at unsampled locations via estimation or
focussing mainly on mean trends, usually looking for a simulation. A fundamental component of this framework is
trend-free direction and assuming an isotropic behaviour of the decision of stationarity that permits the extraction of

250 Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2012) 26:247–260

relevant statistics about the domain using only the available case (d), a soft transition (s2) between sub-domains (s1)
sampled data. Often, the assumption of second order sta- and (s3) is shown. Notice that in this case the local mean is
tionarity, where the mean of the RVs and covariances of constant. Usually, this case is considered as stationary,
every two RVs separated by a common vector are con- because only variability in the local means is considered as
sidered to be constant, is sufficient for inference. However, a unique condition for non-stationarity. In case (e) the local
in presence of a trend, the variogram is incorrectly esti- means and local variances are assumed as variable with an
mated by the conventional approach, and should be infer- abrupt change or hard boundary between them. Geologi-
red as a variance of the difference of the two RVs. A cally this case occurs when the two rock types (s1) and (s2)
thorough discussion on the different types of stationarity that are assumed to be part of the domain are of indepen-
often encountered in the literature and in practice can be dent geologic events, e.g. thin post-mineral dikes (s1) that
found in Myers (1989), although this paper mainly dis- cross a mineralized host rock (s2). Finally, case (f) shows
cusses handling non stationarity by means of universal soft transitions of local means and local variances. Both the
kriging and intrinsic random functions (IRFs) of order k local mean and local variance of the sub-domain (s1)
(IRF-k). slowly increases in the form of (s2) as it reaches sub-
Presence of mean trends is common in mineral deposits domain (s3). Of the cases presented, this can be considered
and results in a non-stationary environment (see Fig. 1b, c, the most realistic. Case (a) is the only one that can be
e, f). Spatial variations in the local mean are captured by a considered as somewhat appropriate to be assumed as
semivariogram which increases rapidly and continues to do multi-Gaussian, however, it is the most uncommon in
so beyond the sill (Chilès and Delfiner 1999). Domains practice. All other cases are simplistic approximations of
without an apparent mean trend can still be non-stationary reality but fairly practical for modeling after re-scaling
if the local variances are not constant. This condition is local mean and variances. Some authors proposed
widely seen in practice when the variability of the variable approaches for dealing with soft boundaries, including
of interest changes between regions within the proposed McLennan (2007) and Larrondo and Deutsch (2004). For
domain (see Fig. 1d–f). the hard boundary case, there is no other solution but sub-
In practice, domaining may be carried out using generic domaining because the two sub-domains involved are
geologic characterizations. The resulting domains may be independent with no information from one domain con-
unsuitable for modeling using conventional geostatistics tributing in the estimation of the other.
because of the presence of mean and variance trends. Even
when the domain is assumed as stationary despite the
presence of these trends, the estimated uncertainty 3 Continuous and discrete forms of semivariograms
parameters are inadequate for short and medium term mine
planning which require a more accurate prediction or The variogram can be expressed as a second order moment
estimation of local uncertainty parameters. that measures the variability between two locations sepa-
When modelling a mineral deposit, transitions of vari- rated by a vector h. It is expressed as the variance of the
ability of the regionalized variable between rock types can increment of two RVs at locations u and u ? h, (3)
be hard or soft. A soft transition can be seen as an inter- (Journel and Huijbregts 1978).
mediate zone with gradual change in the local mean and/or
2cðu; u þ hÞ ¼ VarfZ ðuÞ  Z ðu þ hÞg ð3Þ
in the local variance between two different sub-domains.
On the other hand, a hard transition is an abrupt change in Notice that there is no restriction about the mean or the
the local mean and/or local variance, usually present when variance of the two RVs, and that it does not depend on
the two sub-domains are independent of each other. Sket- first or second order stationarity of the RF. Two types of
ches of some possible transitions in a domain that are variograms can be obtained, the non-centered (4) and the
assumed to be multi-Gaussian are shown in Fig. 1. In case centered (5) (Gneiting et al. 2001).
(a), the different rock types share the same local means and n o
variances, making the domain suitable for modeling using 2cNC ðhÞ ¼ E ½Z ðuÞ  Z ðu þ hÞ2 ð4Þ
conventional geostatistics. Case (b) shows the conventional
mean trend case where there is a gradual large scale change 2cC ðhÞ ¼ Var
n fZ ðuÞ  Z ðu þ hÞgo
in the local mean and no variation in the local variance. ¼ E ½Z ðuÞ  Z ðu þ hÞ2
This is the classical trend case addressed in virtually all  ½EfZ ðuÞ  Z ðu þ hÞg2
trend literature. Case (c) presents the hard boundary case ¼ 2cNC ðhÞ  ½EfZ ðuÞ  Z ðu þ hÞg2 ð5Þ
with two independent sub-domains (s1) and (s2) placed one
next to the other. The problem is present only in the local Notice in the absence of a drift, both the centered and
mean, notice the local variances are kept as constant. In non-centered variograms are equal. Assuming a SRF, the

Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2012) 26:247–260 251

semivariogram can be linked to the covariance in the form will tend to zero, hence r2z tends to decrease. Both r2m and
C(h) = C(0) - c(h). Some semivariograms called r2r contributes to r2z but C(r, m) reduces it. A relationship
unbounded do not have covariance counterparts, such as between r and m exists when m shares some patterns with r,
the power model (Goovaerts 1997; Deutsch 2002). for the presented example it is the scaling factor s.
Historically, the reason why geostatisticians preferred the However, trends are not noisy structures as presented in
use of the semivariogram over covariance is because the previous example. They are present as large pattern
the former does not require the previous knowledge of the smooth structures in the domain. One of the reasons why
mean of the RVs for the stationary case (Deutsch and the random values r would have a relationship with a trend
Journel 1997). m of that nature is that m has not been completely removed
In Gneiting et al. (2001), the influence of a trend in the from z and the residual r is contaminated with some part of
mean in a quadratic form can be filtered using the centered m, in the form m ¼ m0 þ m00 ; where the residual is r ? m0 .
semivariogram (6). The relationship between m0 and m00 makes Cðr þ m0 ; m00 Þ
cNC ðhÞ ¼ QðhÞ þ cC ðhÞ ð6Þ be different from zero. The other reason is due to the non-
Pd stationary nature of z; since particular local structural
where QðhÞ ¼ i¼1 ai h2i ; h = [h1, …, hd]T 2 Rn, d is the patterns are inherent of the natural process that generated
dimension of the Euclidean space, ai C 0 for i = 1, …, d, z. In this document r is still considered as a realization of a
and the subscripts C and NC denote centered and non- SRF. The trend contamination is addressed in the following
centered, respectively. example. Consider a 1D unconditionally simulated dataset
The mean trend does not have any impact in the vari- of 1,000 regularly spaced data points, separated by 1 unit of
ability of the realizations of a RV, that is, distance (uod) (see Fig. 2). A spherical semivariogram
VarfZ ðuÞg ¼ VarfRðuÞ þ mðuÞg ¼ VarfRðuÞg. Recall the model of range of 20uod (8) was used for the simulation.
mean trend component m(u) at location u is a single value.
cðhÞ ¼ Sph20 ðhÞ ð8Þ
However, when considering a regionalized variable sam-
pled over a domain the mean trend inflates the variability, Two linear trends are added to the unconditional
since its effect is additive. Consider a realization z is drawn simulated values (see Fig. 3). The first case is a linear
over a finite domain from an IRF Z, the variance of z is trend with positive slope (see Fig. 3a, b) and the second
expressed as (7). case is a linear trend with negative slope (see Fig. 3c, d).
The correlation coefficients between the unconditional
r2z ¼ r2r þ 2C ðr; mÞ þ r2m ð7Þ
realizations and the trends are 0.104 and -0.104
where r2z is the variance of the sampled values z in the respectively for the positive and negative slope trends.
domain, r2r is the variance of the residuals r in the domain These values of correlation coefficient make the variances
after removing the mean trend in the form (1), r2m is the of the combined values z vary from 3.39 for the positive
variance of the mean trend component in the domain, and slope trend to 2.78 for the negative slope trend. The
C(r, m) the covariance between the residuals r and the variance of the unconditional simulated values r2r and the
mean trend values m at the locations of z in the domain.
In the case where the z values are not influenced by any
mean trend, that is, mi = c, then, both terms r2m and
2C(r, m) in (7) are zero, hence only the term r2r contributes
to r2z . This can be considered as the stationary case. Notice
in expression (7) there is no requirement that m is a smooth
representation of the large scale variability of z in the
domain. Both the variability of m and its relationship with r
contribute to the variance of z, as shown in (7). Likely, the
term 2C(r, m) would be expected to be zero since there is
no apparent relationship between r and m; therefore, the
contributions to the variance of z should come from the
variability of r and m in the domain. Consider a scaling
factor, s 2 [-1, 1], is used to get m in the form m = s 9 r.
The sign of the scaling factor s defines the sign of C(r, m),
therefore, r2z becomes a function of s for this example. For
any positive s the variability of z increases as a result of
r2m, r2r and C(r, m), on the other hand, for any negative s as Fig. 2 Unconditional simulated realization of 1,000 data points
s tends to -1, m will tend to cancel to r and the values of z regularly spaced each 1uod

252 Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2012) 26:247–260

Fig. 3 Two linear trend cases of negative slope (a) and positive slope (c) added to unconditional simulated realizations and their respective
scatter plots between the unconditional realizations and the trend values (c, d)

variance of the trends r2m are similar for both cases, only between them is negative. The de-trended random vari-
the covariances between the unconditional realization and ability of the residuals does not have any relationship with
the trends are different. According to expression (7) these any of the trend cases presented in this example and the
covariances participate in the calculation of r2z by adding variance of z, r2z , is the result of the sum of the variance of
2C(r, m), the values of these terms are 0.30 and -0.30 for the de-trended random variability, r2r , and the variance of
the positive and negative slope trend cases and cause the the trend, r2m. In practice it may be very difficult to remove
gap between the r2z values. completely the trend from the z values. However, the
For the exercise, the MATLAB detrend tool is used to present document proposes an approach to identify and
remove any possible existing mean trend in the uncondi- quantify the mean and variance trends in the z values.
tional realization r (see Fig. 4a). The new residuals are In conventional geostatistics, the experimental semi-
compared to the previous trend cases in order to verify any variogram is calculated by assuming the RVs belong to a
relationship between them (see Fig. 4b) and the resulting SRF, that is, from the centered semivariogram expression
correlation coefficient is virtually zero. The trend obtained (4). In practice, the calculation is based on the realization
from the unconditional realizations is what initially pro- data pairs, zðui Þ; z ui þ hj ; found at the two extremes of
duced a positive covariance between the unconditional each particular separation vector, hj (9). This is often
realizations and the first trend case, because both trends referred to as the method-of-moments approach (Matheron
have positive slopes. Conversely, for the second trend case 1962). However, the reality is that it is very difficult to find
where the sign of both trends is different, the covariance a dataset where data points are separated exactly by hj. For

Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2012) 26:247–260 253

Fig. 4 Linear mean trend present in the unconditional realization r (a) and scatter plot between de-trended residual and the positive slope linear
trend (b)

dealing with this problem, angular and distance tolerances the local means of the two sub-groups. Notice in expression
are used to approximate the experimental semivariogram (9) the mean trend is assumed to be removed, implying that
(Deutsch and Journel 1997; Deutsch 2002). The tolerances the second component 0.5[mu - mu?h]2 should be zero; it
define a n-dimensional region for each hj for a domain in should not modify the experimental semivariogram
Rn in order to capture a representative amount of experi- expression if it is calculated in a stationary environment.
mental semivariogram pairs h; 0:5½zðui Þ  zðui þ hÞ2
1 Xh i
N ð hÞ
ðzðui ÞÞ2 2zðui Þzðui þhÞþ ðzðui þhÞÞ2
from a cloud semivariogram. cðhÞ ¼
2N ðhÞ i¼1
N ð hÞ
1 X
1 Xh i
N ð hÞ
½zðui Þ  zðui þ hÞ2
cðhÞ ¼ ð9Þ
2N ðhÞ i¼1 ¼ ðzðui ÞÞ2 þðzðui þhÞÞ2
2N ðhÞ i¼1
N ðhÞ
1 X 1 
4 Impact of mean and variance trends  ½zðui Þzðui þhÞ ¼ r2u þr2uþh
N ðhÞ i¼1 2
in the semivariogram
þ ½mu muþh 2 CðhÞ ½10
During the calculation of the experimental semivariogram 2|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
(9) the available dataset z, is split in two parts. The first part Mean trend component
corresponds to the sub-group at the head of the separation h
Assuming stationarity, the semivariogram is linked to
vector, zu, and the second part to the sub-group at the tail of
the covariance by cðhÞ ¼ Cð0ÞC ðhÞ; a comparison of this
the separation vector, zu?h. When the length of the sepa-
expression with (10) shows that the global variance of the
ration vector is zero, both sub-groups consist of all the
domain, assuming the available dataset is fully
conditioning data, zu = zu?h = z. For lengths of the sep-  
aration vector smaller than half of the size of the domain representative of the domain, is r2z ¼ 0:5 r2u þr2uþh þ
both the sub-groups at the head and at the tail of the sep- 0:5ðmu muþh Þ2 : Recall the mean trend component
aration vector may share part of the available dataset. Since 0:5ðmu muþh Þ2 is not part of the global variance,
the domain is finite, the increment in the length of the because the term -0.5(mu - mu?h)2 that cancels the
separation vector is usually accompanied by a reduction in influence of the mean trend component was removed
data pairs to calculate the semivariogram. Ideally, under a from the experimental semivariogram expression in (9).
decision of second order stationarity, the two sub-groups That is, if the discrete form of the centered semivariogram
are expected to have the same experimental mean (5) is used instead of the stationary non-centered
(mu & mu?h) and variance (r2u & r2u?h). semivariogram (4) this mean trend component is
The influences of the means and variances of the two cancelled out in (10). If the mean is stationary or the
sub-groups at the two extremes of the separation vector h mean trend is removed from the domain, then the
can be obtained by expanding expression (9) and adding variance of the domain is expressed as the average of

254 Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2012) 26:247–260

the respective variances of the two sub-groups, that is, between sub-groups separated by h are discussed further in
r2z = 0.5(r2u ? r2u?h). The presence of a mean trend this document.
component (10) makes the semivariogram of the dataset
increase above the variance of the domain. This is
consistent with one of the primary variogram behaviours 5 Method-of-moments and trends in the experimental
as documented in Gringarten and Deutsch (2001). semivariogram
The global variance 0.5(r2u ? r2u?h) without any influ-
ence of mean trends can be expressed as 0.5(ru - Under stationary conditions for all the h-scatter plots of the
ru?h)2 ? ruru?h in order to account for differences in the available dataset, the means and variances of the marginal
variability of the sub-groups as in the mean trend form. The distributions are expected to be very similar. Systematic
differences in the variances of zu and zu?h are already differences in them as a result of increasing the length of
accounted in the global variance component; therefore, the the separation vector would imply a presence of mean or
trend in the variance does not make the experimental variance trends in the domain which can be captured by the
semivariogram increase above the sill. Hence, from experimental semivariogram (11). In this section, the
expression (10) the semivariogram can be re-written as a unconditional realization of 1,000 regularly spaced simu-
function of the differences of the standard deviations and lated data points using the semivariogram model (8) is
difference of the means of zu and zu?h (11). used. To this dataset, three trend cases are added (Fig. 5):

1 1 (1) A linear trend in the form y = ax ? b with a negative

^cðhÞ ¼ ½ru  ruþh 2 þ ½mu  muþh 2 slope a along the entire domain. This case accounts
|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} 2
Variance trend component mean trend component
for a large variability in the local means.
(2) A symmetrically concave-shaped trend case. This
þ ru ruþh  CðhÞ ½11
|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} mean trend is presented in order to show a special
stationary component case and how this approach accounts for this type of
Expression (11) can be re-written so that the correlation symmetric trend.
coefficient is introduced into the experimental semi- (3) A variance trend with no presence of mean trend. For
variogram expression (12). this, the variances of the two halves of the domain are
1 1
^cðhÞ ¼ ½ru  ruþh 2 þ ½mu  muþh 2 þru ruþh ð1  qðhÞÞ The experimental semivariograms are calculated using
2 2
ð12Þ expression (11) in order to quantify the impact of the mean
and variance trends in the domain. The semivariogram
From expression (11) the experimental semivariogram plots for each case are calculated within a range of one half
can be separated into four terms: (a) Half of the squared the size of the domain and the contributions of each
difference of the standard deviations of the two sub-groups, component of the experimental semivariogram are color
0.5[ru - ru?h]2; (b) half of the squared difference of the coded in gray scale for visualization (see Fig. 6).
means of the two sub-groups, 0.5[mu - mu?h]2; (c) the For the stationary case (Fig. 6a) almost all lags of the
product of the two standard deviations of the two sub- experimental semivariogram are free of mean and variance
groups, ruru?h; and (d) the covariance between the two trends. Notice the mean trend identified in the initial
sub-groups, C(h). Notice when the means and variances of dataset in the previous section has been also identified by
the two sub-groups are similar, i.e. ru & ru?h & r and this approach as a small region as well as small presence of
mu & mu?h & m, the experimental semivariogram a variance trend. The experimental semivariogram of the
expression (11) relies only on components (c) and (d) initial dataset combined with the linear mean trend case
which is very similar to the stationary form of the (Fig. 6b) shows the mean trend component pushes the
semivariogram, ^cðhÞ ¼ r2  CðhÞ: stationary component upward; making it possible for the
It is often presented that when the experimental semi- experimental semivariogram to rise above the sill. For this
variogram is above the variance of the dataset or sill, then type of linear trend, the mean trend component increases
the correlation between the two sub-groups separated by monotonically. The symmetric case of a parabolic mean
h is negative (Gringarten and Deutsch 2001; Deutsch 2002; trend (Fig. 5d) shows that the mean trend is not recognized
Leuangthong and Deutsch 2004). However, linear mean in the experimental semivariogram (Fig. 6c). The station-
trends as presented in Fig. 3 can cause the experimental ary component of the experimental semivariogram is above
semivariogram rise above the sill, while still maintaining a the sill when negative correlations between the sub-groups
positive correlation between the two sub-groups. The are caused by the mean trend. Because of the symmetric
influence of mean trends and the negative correlation case shape of this trend, the mean trend component is cancelled

Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2012) 26:247–260 255

Fig. 5 Initial dataset (a) influenced by linear mean trend (b), symmetric mean trend (c) and local variability in variances (d)

out in the experimental semivariogram and is considered to centered along the 45 bisector. This implies the local
be part of the random fluctuation of the residuals. This means and variances of the sub-groups at u and u ? h are
condition is characteristic of this type of symmetric mean similar (see Fig. 7).
trend. The variance trend case (Fig. 5d) can be identified in In the second case (Fig. 6b), the linear mean trend
the experimental semivariogram as a sub-region in the makes the experimental semivariogram increase and at a
stationary component (Fig. 6d) and it does not make the certain point it becomes larger than the variance of the
experimental semivariogram rise above the current sill. domain. Notice the stationary part behaves similar to the
However, the sill of the semivariogram is not representa- experimental semivariogram of the first case (light gray
tive of the domain. It would be incorrect to use this region), while the mean trend (gray region) is the only
semivariogram for modeling. source of additional increment in the experimental semi-
In the first case (Fig. 6a) there is no influence of mean or variogram. If the centered semivariogram (5) is calculated
variance trends and the experimental semivariogram the mean trend contribution is cancelled out leaving only
reaches the variance of the domain and is relatively con- the stationary region. The differences in the local means is
stant with some ergodic fluctuations beyond the semivari- what makes the cloud of data pairs in the h-scatter plots to
ogram range. However, the mean trend that was earlier be non-centered, increasing the distances of the data pairs
indentified in this dataset is assumed to be negligible from the 45 bisector as the lag distance increases. Hence
herein. The light gray region represents the stationary the experimental semivariogram may be above the variance
component of the experimental semivariogram, ruru?h - of the domain while the correlation coefficient of the
C(h), in (11). This is considered as the ideal case of a h-scatter plot is still positive (see Fig. 8).
stationary domain. At each lag separation, h, the The third trend scenario (see Fig. 6c) results in a special
h-scatter plots show that the cloud of data pairs are case where the contribution of the mean trend component

256 Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2012) 26:247–260

Fig. 6 Experimental variograms for initial dataset (unconditional simulated realization) (a) and influenced by linear mean trend (b), symmetric
mean trend (c) and locally variable variance (d)

Fig. 7 h-Scatter plots for

stationary case for lag distances
5 uod (a) and 10 uod (b)

cannot be seen in the experimental semivariogram plots. separation distance increases. For this case, the mean trend
Recall that, the mean trend component is captured when component in the experimental semivariogram is cancelled,
differences in the means of the sub-groups appear as the since mu & mu?h, therefore, mu - mu?h & 0, and the

Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2012) 26:247–260 257

Fig. 8 h-Scatter plots for linear

mean trend case for lag
distances 250 uod (a) and 500
uod (b)

Fig. 9 Sub-groups of the available dataset influenced by a parabolic mean trend at the head (a) and tail (b) of the separation vector h for a
separation distance of 400 uod

trend curve is considered as part of random fluctuation. In groups shrink the cloud of data pairs in the horizontal
such case, the mean trend is mirrored when calculating the direction because the first half of the dataset is the one with
experimental semivariogram (see Fig. 9). As the length of smaller local variance (see Fig. 5d). If the variance trend
the separation vector increases the covariance between the goes in the opposite direction, the cloud of data pairs will
two sub-groups zu and zu?h tends to mask the variability of tend to shrink vertically.
the initial dataset because of the trend component and
the covariance becomes negative (see Fig. 10), making the
experimental semivariogram increase above the sill. The 6 Discussion
characteristic that the experimental semivariogram increases
above the sill with no apparent contribution of the mean trend Determining the influence of the local mean and/or vari-
component is a signature of this type of mean trend. ance trends on the semivariogram requires a representative
In the fourth case, the experimental semivariogram does sampling of the domain. In presence of large unsampled
not show any tendency to grow above the sill. This is regions in the domain or blank spots, this approach may
because the trend in the variance does not contribute to the lead to misinterpretation of the results. Even in instances
semivariogram (see Fig. 6d). In the h-scatter plots the where the intention is not to identify presence of trends, the
variance trend increases with the difference in the vari- calculated experimental semivariograms is unreliable
ances of the marginal distributions of the two sub-groups at under these conditions.
the two extremes of the separation vector h (see Fig. 11). Depending on the scale of the observation, the domain
Notice the differences in the variances of the two sub- may present an apparent trend (see Fig. 12). Some

258 Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2012) 26:247–260

Fig. 10 h-Scatter plots for the

parabolic shaped trend case for
lag distances 10 uod (a) and 400
uod (b)

Fig. 11 h-Scatter plots for the

variance trend case for lag
distances 10 uod (a) and 500
uod (b)

techniques like universal kriging and ordinary kriging apparent in one direction and not the other. Figure 13
consider a semivariogram model fitted from the experi- shows an example of a semivariogram calculated for a two-
mental semivariogram of the dataset with trend. The dimensional topographic dataset, where a mean trend is
problem of assuming stationarity of the partial dataset with easily detected in the north–south direction and an apparent
apparent mean trend (Fig. 12c) is that the semivariogram of zonal anisotropy is visible in the east–west direction. This
the large scale stationary process (Fig. 12b) is not acces- example shows the source of the trend is attributed to the
sible. The semivariogram with apparent mean trend tends mean component with negligible variance contribution.
to inflate the global variance as well as to exaggerate the Even in presence of a densely sampled data over a
spatial continuity (Fig. 12d). From the partial dataset, domain, mean trends should be removed prior to model-
without the knowledge of the features of the complete ling. Recall that the semivariogram, when influenced by
dataset, it is not possible to determine whether the trend is mean trends, tends to exaggerate the spatial continuity and
apparent or representative. Therefore, it is recommended to inflate the conditional variances. It results in an estimated
remove any presence of mean and/or variance trend in the model that may be much smoother than it should be and the
dataset prior to building a geostatistical model because of uncertainty inflated. This is perhaps difficult to discern
the possible consequences. locally in those regions with lots of samples, but it should
Although the examples given in this paper are one be more apparent in other regions with sparse data. A
dimensional for ease of illustration and dissection of the semivariogram influenced by a trend should not be used as
trend sources, there is no limitation to applying this an input of a geostatistical modeling technique in any case.
decomposition to two or three dimensions. Since semi- Therefore, even in presence of abundant data, the modeler
variograms are directional in nature, a trend is often should still take care in considering the impact of the trend.

Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2012) 26:247–260 259

Fig. 12 Unconditional simulated dataset (a) and its corresponding experimental semivariogram without influence of any trend (b), a segment of
the unconditional simulated dataset of 100 data points with apparent mean trend (c) and its experimental semivariogram (d)

Fig. 13 Decomposed experimental semivariogram from topographic samples in normal score units for south–north (a) and east–west
(b) directions

260 Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2012) 26:247–260

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