Persuasive Essay Notes Edited
Persuasive Essay Notes Edited
Persuasive Essay Notes Edited
You noticed that Patrick Henrys Speech to the Virginia Convention is a persuasive
speech. In other words, he wished to make people feel and believe the way he did
about a topic he considered important. Today, you will be writing a persuasive essay,
one in which you will attempt to get people to feel the way you do. Its important to
practice writing persuasive essays because when you are a junior, you will have to write
a persuasive essay on the ACT. ACT graders will be looking for specific things in your
essay, so today well take some notes on how to effectively structure a persuasive
Transition Words
STOP Words
I think
I feel
I believe
It seems
If you find yourself wanting to use a STOP word^^ just take it out of the sentence.
Without a stop word, your sentence will be much stronger.
Practice Prompt (This will NOT be the topic your essay is about, this is just an example
to do as a class): Should students go to high school year round? Why or why not? Offer
specific details to support your position.
Well start by taking a position. Write our position in a complete sentence.
Now that we have our position, we can write our introduction.
Our introductory paragraph should begin with a hook or grabber that catches the
readers attention. Grabbers include:
-Opening with an unusual detail. (A snail can sleep for up to three years)
-Opening with a strong statement. (Cigarettes are the number one cause of
lighter sales in Canada).
After our hook comes our thesis statement!
Your thesis is your statement of purpose and should be one sentence in length. This is
the foundation of your essay and will guide the rest of your paragraphs. This sentence
will tell your reader Ive thought about this topic, I know what I believe about it, and I
know how to organize it. To help with organization were going to write what is called a
three part thesis. First we state our position and then offer three reasons why our
position is right.
Body Paragraph 1
Your Body Paragraphs will start with a transition, then have a topic sentence, and then
two to three supporting details. In the essay youll be writing, at least one of these
supporting details in each paragraph will need to be a citation from an article. When we
use quotes we need to introduce the citation, cite the material, and then explain how it
relates to your topic sentence. Why is it important? How does this citation prove your
but, (Second part/reason of thesis)______________________________
Supporting Detail:
Supporting Detail:
Body Paragraph 3:
Topic Sentence: (Transition)_______________________, (Position
statement) ________________________________________________
because, (Third part/reason of thesis) ___________________________
Supporting Detail:
Supporting Detail:
In our conclusion, we want to begin with a transition and restate our thesis. We also
want to make a call to action. Now that someone has read your essay, what should
they do?
(Transition) _____________________________ (Restate Thesis)
Call to Action: