Team Workplan Template
Team Workplan Template
Team Workplan Template
)isit to Trading +opular (obilisation and )endors% !ar"et entres and !ain (essage ,o((uni,ation * Stru,tures% Asso,iations * !ar"ets * )endors. +art# )isibilit# in Trading Leaders. entres and !ar"ets.
)isit to Trading +opular (obilisation and )endors% !ar"et entres and !ain (essage ,o((uni,ation * Stru,tures% Asso,iations * !ar"ets * )endors. +art# )isibilit# in Trading Leaders. entres and !ar"ets.
)isit to Trading +opular (obilisation and )endors% !ar"et entres and !ain (essage ,o((uni,ation * Stru,tures% Asso,iations * !ar"ets * )endors. +art# )isibilit# in Trading Leaders. entres and !ar"ets.
)isit to Trading +opular (obilisation and )endors% !ar"et entres and !ain (essage ,o((uni,ation * Stru,tures% Asso,iations * !ar"ets * )endors. +art# )isibilit# in Trading Leaders. entres and !ar"ets. )isit to Trading +opular (obilisation and )endors% !ar"et entres and !ain (essage ,o((uni,ation * Stru,tures% Asso,iations * !ar"ets * )endors. +art# )isibilit# in Trading Leaders. entres and !ar"ets.
)isit to Trading +opular (obilisation and )endors% !ar"et entres and !ain (essage ,o((uni,ation * Stru,tures% Asso,iations * !ar"ets * )endors. +art# )isibilit# in Trading Leaders. entres and !ar"ets.
Five to Seven Flags will be required per Trading entres and !ar"ets.
!ore Fla#ers will do us a good $ob% &or t'e !ar"ets Leaders to distribute &urt'er to t'eir (e(bers t'
+art# lot'% T s'irts * .adges be given to t'ose w'o 'ave arlead# ere,ted ! + Flags on t'eir S'o and on t'ese no e-a,t &igures% it will depand on 'ow (an# 'ave quali&ied &or t'is. .ra,elets are also required . On Transport% #our input is required . /TE! FLA5S LOT9 T<S9/RTS .AD5ES FLAYERS N0!.ER1!AR2ETS. )AL0E1/TE! 3!24 67 67 :7 :7 :777 > 877.77 :%;77.77 =%777.77 877.77
January-February 2014)
All !ain !ar"ets in Lilongwe it#. Ntandire% !tsiliCa% A68% A6;% .iwi% 2awale%!,'esi% 'ilinde%Old town% Tso"a%A;=% Li"uni% 'isapo%!gona% ADA% Ngwen#a * Area 6D. Lilongwe <DedCa Road. 'itse"a% Nan$iri% Nat'en$e * 2a(p'ata.
Lilongwe <!,'in$i Road.N$ewa% 'itipi% /SAA 1?A9ERA !pingu% !sundwe% 'ile"a * Na(itete.
Lilongwe <2asungu Road.2anengo% Lu(badCi% Dowa T.O&&%!tengo ?ant'enga% 'i(waCa%!alobvu% Na(wili% !ponela *!adisi. Lilongwe <Sali(a Road.Fro( !,'eCi up to 2ap'atenga.
:=<Feb Flags% .ra,elets% Fla#ers% Transport% 3+art# lot'1T<s'irts * .adges4. 6;<Feb Flags% .ra,elets% Fla#ers% Transport% 3+art# lot'1T<s'irts * .adges4.
d# ere,ted ! + Flags on t'eir S'ops and .en,'es as areward and en,ourage(ent &or t'eir ini,iative% quali&ied &or t'is.