Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Pulmonary Tuberculosis
In Partial fulfillment of the requirements in NCM 104
Prepared By:
Tuberculosis is spread through the air, when people who have the
disease cough, sneeze, or spit. Most infections in human beings will result in
asymptomatic, latent infection, and about one in ten latent infections will
eventually progress to active disease, which, if left untreated, kills more than
half of its victims. The classic symptoms of tuberculosis are a chronic cough
with blood-tinged sputum, fever, night sweats, and weight loss. Infection of
other organs causes a wide range of symptoms.
Demographic incidence
B. Objective
☺ To be able to know the other problems that the client is suffering right
now not only PTB but also Pneumothorax and Hydrothorax
The scope of this study will focus on Pulmonary Tuberculosis with a few
discussions of pneumothorax and hydrothorax. The study covers the
background of the disease, the anatomy, pathology, mode of transmission,
pathophysiology and as well as its complications.
All information needed to come up with this case study was taken from
patient, patient’s family (mother and sister), patient’s chart, laboratory
result, physical assessment, books and internet.
D. Theoretical Framework
Nutritio Ventilati
Florence Nightingale was born to a wealthy and intellectual family. She
was known as the Lady with the Lamp. She believed she was “called by God
to help others … to improve the well being of mankind”
I as a student nurse and part of the medical field, has the role of
providing nursing care with the help of the institutions and personnel involve
to cure the illness and lower down the factors causing the patient’s disease
with the help of Nightingale’s Environmental Theory.
II.Clinical summary
A. General data
Nationality: Filipino
B. Chief complaint
The patient complained of difficulty of breathing.
The information that I gathered are second hand as they came from
the patient mother and sister. Due to unknown reason, the patient
refused to be interviewed even though based on my observation; he has a
capability to answer my questions.
Last two months, the family observed Mr. ADL is loosing weight and
decrease of appetite but instead of eating foods he his more on vices.
Then his condition became worsened according to family’s observation.
Based on the statement of his mother, two days prior to admission Mr.
ADL experience body weakness, fatigue, and on the day of admission last
August 21, 2009 in Rizal Provincial Hospital, suddenly he was complaining
of difficulty of breathing, one hour after he ate his lunch.
Referring to the statements made by his sister, Mr. ADL was diagnosed
with Pulmonary Tuberculosis (PTB) last 2004, 6 years ago. He entered a
rehabilitation program sponsored by the local government in Cavite that
will provide the beneficiates with 100% coverage on the six months
duration in curing the disease. The six months duration in curing the
disease became successful, he was cured by the medication given by the
sponsored but due to vices like smoking and active drinking of liquor the
disease from the past became active again.
By 2005 the patient has finger clubbing and through the course of my
interview, it was confirmed that at early age, my patient was suspected of
heart problem; “Mahina daw po ang puso niya. Lahat din naman kami,
normal na sa amin ang mababa ang dugo (blood pressure) mga 90/70”,
as verbalized by the patient’s sister per word.
E. Familial history
Last 2002, 8 years ago when his father died from heart attack. I
observed that Mr. ADL has a clubbing finger, through the course of
interview it was confirm that all of the siblings have a heart problem.
Then two of his uncle died from respiratory diseases, one is from
Tuberculosis and another is from lung cancer. His sister also said that it
was Mr. ADL twice to be confined in a hospital with a serious condition.
F. Psychosocial health
1. Psychosocial Health
a. Coping Pattern
b. Interaction Pattern
The patient ignores my kind interview due to unknown reasons but he
cooperated when I obtain Vital Signs, afternoon care, giving
medications, and physical assessment.
c. Cognitive Pattern
According to the mother, Mr. ADL knows already his condition because
he already suffered it before, last 2004, 6 years ago. But this time it is
more complicated.
d. Self Concept
In my observation, the patient looks shy. He just mind his own self
maybe because he is still in pain due to Chest tube thoracostomy
attached on his right chest.
e. Emotional Pattern
The patient looks sad and weak maybe because of the pain that he is
experiencing right now and the disease that he is suffering.
2. Socio-Cultural Health
a. Cultural Pattern
The patient was evidently proud of his ethnicity during their family’s
b. Significant Relationship
c. Recreation Pattern
Mr. ADL plays basketball with his friends; they also participated in any
championship as one team in their barangay, this is good for
recreation. He also has a good voice, according to his sister.
d. Economic
Mr. ADL is a car washer. He is working since 2006, 4 years ago, week
days; it is near to their house, and earning 150 pesos per day. He
shares some of his earnings to his mother as one of their resources of
3. Spiritual Health
a. Religious Beliefs
Mr. ADL is a Roman Catholic, sometimes he visit the church, one ride of
jeep from their house, twice a month.
Mr. ADL is close to his mother. He lives with his mother from the time
he was born to the time he is where right now. All good values that he
has was educated by his mother but during his adolescence stage he
became abusive in his body, he became active with many kinds of
vices that are influenced by his friends, these is the reason why he got
the disease Tuberculosis.
G. Review of system
The data gathered are all coming from the mother as it was the patient
subjective complaint.
General Generalized body weakness
Skin Dry
Eyes & Ears
Nose Runny nose, with discharges
Throat & Mouth Dry mouth
Respiratory Difficulty of breathing, dyspnea upon
exertion. Cough
CVS Dyspnea upon exertion and chest
GIT Constipated at times, defecate every
other day.
Extremities Joint pain
Neurologic Weakness
Endocrine Excessive night sweating
Psychiatric Depression, Ignores kind interview
H. Physical assessment
a. General appearance/survey:
b. Measurement
tunic, thick Normal
white pupil
connective constriction
4.6 Eyebrow, lashes, color, Normal findings
symmetry, quality of hair, Pupils
placement constrict when
looking at
4.7 Eye movement in all near objects, Normal findings
directions pupils Hair evenly
converge distributed,
when object is intact skin
towards the Equal
nose movement
Hair evenly
intact skin
a. Visual field When looking Client can Normal
straight ahead see from his peripheral vision
clients can see periphery
objects in
He is more on
bread in the
b. Elimination vegetables and
fish most of their
Usually voids 2-4
Mr. ADL usually times a day.
voids large
amount of urine, Mr. ADL There is a
c. Safety, 5-7 x a day. defecates every decrease bowel
Activity & Defecates at other day. movement due to
Exercise least once a day. decrease
There is no
Doing his job as a exercise at all Patient’s daily
car washer was because of CTT exercise is limited
his form of attached on his because of body
d. Hygiene & exercise abdomen. He weakness and
Comfort everyday. habitually sits on CTT attach on his
bed during abdomen.
Restricted on related to
The patient takes bed; the patient restricted
e. Rest & a bath once a day can’t take a bath mobility after
Sleep and brushes his due to CTT done surgical
teeth twice a day. in his right. All procedure.
hygienic activities
J. Laboratory / Diagnostic Exam
Color: Yellow
Transparency: S/I Fubid
Chemical Strips
Reaction: 5.2
Specific Gravity: 1.025 (above normal) – dehydration
and contamination
Albumin: Trace
WBC 8-12
RBC 1-3
Epithelial Cells Rare
Mucus treads Moderate
Amorphous Urates Plenty
d. RT Hemithorax August 22, 2009
Mr. ADL has a fluid (hydrothorax) in his right lung, but when Chest
Tube Thoracostomy was performed last August 22, 2009, there was no fluid
extracted, the fluid was noted in the right lung.
The upper respiratory tract conducts air from outside the body to the
lower respiratory tract and helps protect the body from irritating substances.
The upper respiratory tract consists of the following structures:
The nasal cavity, mouth, pharynx, piglottis, larynx, and upper trachea;
the oesophagus leads to the digestive tract.
One of the features of both the upper and lower respiratory tracts is
the mucociliary apparatus that protects the airways from irritating
substances, and is composed of the ciliated cells and mucus-producing
glands in the nasal epithelium. The glands produce a layer of mucus that
traps unwanted particles as they are inhaled. These are swept toward the
posterior pharynx, from where they are swallowed, spat out, sneezed, or
blown out.
Air passes through each of the structures of the upper respiratory tract
on its way to the lower respiratory tract. When a person at rest inhales, air
enters via the nose and mouth. The nasal cavity filters, warms, and
humidifies air. The pharynx or throat is a tube like structure that connects
the back of the nasal cavity and mouth to the larynx, a passageway for air,
and the esophagus, a passageway for food. The pharynx serves as a
common hallway for the respiratory and digestive tracts, allowing both air
and food to pass through before entering the appropriate passageways.
The larynx, or voice box, is a unique structure that contains the vocal
cords, which are essential for human speech. Small and triangular in shape,
the larynx extends from the epiglottis to the trachea. The larynx helps
control movement of the epiglottis. In addition, the larynx has specialised
muscular folds that close it off and also prevent food, foreign objects, and
secretions such as saliva from entering the lower respiratory tract.
The lower respiratory tract begins with the trachea, which is just below
the larynx. The trachea, or windpipe, is a hollow, flexible, but sturdy air tube
that contains C-shaped cartilage in its walls. The inner portion of the trachea
is called the lumen.
The first branching point of the respiratory tree occurs at the lower end
of the trachea, which divides into two larger airways of the lower respiratory
tract called the right bronchus and left bronchus. The wall of each bronchus
contains substantial amounts of cartilage that help keep the airway open.
Each bronchus enters a lung at a site called the hilum. The bronchi branch
sequentially into secondary bronchi and tertiary bronchi.
The respiratory bronchiole leads into alveolar ducts and alveoli. The
alveoli are bubble-like, elastic, thin-walled structures that are responsible for
the lungs’ most vital function: the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
• Activity Intolerance
• Anxiety
Nursing Priority:
Generic Name: RIFAMPICIN 2 Tablets before lunch and 1 tablet before dinner
Classification Action Indication Adverse Effect Nursing
Antituberculosis Inhibits RNA synthesis, Initial phase treatment and Disorder of the Explain to the patient
decreases tubercle retreatment of all forms of blood and lymphatic to expect a orange
bacilli replication TB in category I and II system, immune color of urine.
patients caused by system, metabolism
susceptible strains of and nutrition, CNS, Monitor I & O.
mycobacterium. eye, GI, skin and
tissues, renal, fever,
dryness of mouth.
Generic Name: TRAMADOL 50 mg
Brand Name: ULTRAM
Classification Action Indication Adverse Effect Nursing
Analgesic, An analgesic that binds Uses for management of CNS: dizziness, Monitor vital signs
centrally-acting to mu-opoid receptors moderate to moderately vertigo, anxiety, sleep especially Blood
and inhibits reuptake severe pain. disorder, migraine. pressure.
of norepinephrine and GI: nausea and
vomiting, constipation,
serotonin. Reduces the Monitor input and
abdominal pain,
intensity of pain anorexia.
stimuli reaching OTHERS: rash,
sensory nerve ending. sweating, Assist with ambulation
hypotension, urinary if dizziness and vertigo
retention. occurs.
M- Medications
E- Exercise
• Start with exercises that you are already comfortable doing. Starting
slowly makes it less likely that you will injure yourself.
T- Treatment
• Remind the importance of taking the medication in the right time and
H- Health Teachings
• Advise to take the medication on time and with the right dosage.
• Advise the client to turn your head when coughing. Keep tissues with
you and cover your mouth when you cough then throws the tissues
used in the plastic bag.
D- Diet
S- Spiritual practice