Case Study On TB
Case Study On TB
Case Study On TB
1. What is tuberculosis?
When a person with TB of the lungs coughs, shouts or sings, TB bacteria is expelled into the air. The
bacteria is carried within tiny, invisible droplets of moisture that can float in the air for several
hours. Any person who inhales these droplets can become infected with TB. It does not matter if
that person is rich or poor, educated or illiterate, malnourished or obese. The person who breathes
in the TB bacteria will have TB infection.
TB is not caused by poor nutrition, - although this could make a person who inhales a TB bacterium
more likely to develop TB disease.
3. What is TB infection?
If you have spent some time at home, in school, at work or elsewhere, with someone who has
active TB of the lungs, you may have unknowingly inhaled the TB bacteria. If you have breathed in
the TB germ, then you have been “infected” (you have TB infection). This is different from TB
disease. IN TB infection the TB bacilli do not cause tissue damage. Unlike those with TB disease,
persons with TB infection do not have any symptoms. If their immune systems are normal, only one
out of ten persons with TB infection will later develop signs and symptoms of TB disease. The other
nine out of ten will have no manifestations of TB disease and will remain healthy. If HIV infection,
cancer, malnutrition, immunity-suppressing drugs or other conditions have weakened their immune
systems, the TB-infected persons will soon develop active TB disease.
If you have been in contact with someone diagnosed to have active pulmonary TB, you can be
tested for TB infection. The recommended test for TB infection is the tuberculin skin test using the
Mantoux method where the tuberculin (or PDD) is injected into the skin. This is read after 48 to 72
hours. The skin tests using the multiple-prong or prick devises are not recommended.
Your doctor must read the skin test and if this is found to be positive, he must look for evidence of
typical tissue damage caused by TB by ordering a chest x-ray. If your tuberculin skin test is positive
but you have no symptoms and your chest x-ray is normal, then you have TB infection. If you have
findings on chest x-ray compatible with Tb and your skin test is positive, then you have TB disease
particularly if you have symptoms that suggest active pulmonary TB (see TB disease).
5. Is TB infection contagious?
No. TB infection is not infectious to others. In TB infection, there has not been enough tissue
damage (unlike in TB disease) to cause symptoms. A person with TB infection does not have
bacteria in his or her lungs that can be coughed out into the air and infect others.
The medication used to treat infection (isoniazid or INH) can cause liver toxicity particularly in older
individuals. This must be weighed against the benefit of treating TB infection (elimination of the
10% chance of developing TB disease).
Some individuals with TB infection may choose not to be treated. These persons should be informed
about the symptoms of TB disease and should be instructed to visit physician for evaluation should
they ever develop these symptoms.
7. What is TB disease?
When the infecting TB bacteria are not neutralized by a person’s immune system, they can multiply
and travel to other parts of the body. The fight between these TB germs and the body’s immune
system can result in tissue destruction in the body part that the bacteria reach. This will produce the
symptoms and signs of TB disease. Although any part of the body can be involved, the body site
most commonly affected with TB disease is the lung (pulmonary TB). TB disease outside the lungs
and throat is not contagious.
When someone with active TB (disease) of the lungs or throat coughs or sings, the TB germs are
propelled into the surrounding air ready to infect the next person who inhales them. The phlegm or
sputum coughed out by these persons may show the TB bacteria if examined under the microscope
(smear-positive cases). These are the most infectious cases of TB and must be treated and cured to
stop the spread of TB in our communities.
Any person who develops these symptoms must be evaluated by their physician for the possibility of
TB disease.
This is done by smearing a sample of coughed-up phlegm (sputum) on a glass slide , treating this
with special dyes and then examining the specimen under a microscope. If TB bacilli are seen then
the patient has active TB disease. It is best to have three separate sputum specimens examined to
increase the likelihood of finding these bacilli. Unfortunately these Acid-Fast Bacilli are not always
seen on sputum examination even in persons with active lung TB.
2. Chest x-rays
This may be helpful in cases when the Acid-Fast Bacilli are not seen on sputum examination.
However, chest x-rays with findings suggestive of TB are not definitive proof that the disease is
really TB. There are other diseases that may mimic the appearance of TB on chest x-rays. It also
frequently difficult to judge if the lung disease is active or not by chest x-ray.
Persons with TB can be cured through regular and complete intake of the prescribed anti TB
medications. Because patients frequently stop taking their medications before completing
treatment, the Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course (DOTS) strategy is recommended.
The strategy requires that the health providers use sputum microscopy (AFB smears) for diagnosis.
Your doctor should use standard treatment regimens. Make sure your health is closely observed by
your physician.
• Given to new cases of TB for the first two months. INH and rifmapicin are continued for
another four months.
• In the Philippines, it is prudent to treat new cases with a fourth drug (ethambutol or
streptomycin) during the first two months due to the high levels of INH resistance in the
The best way to prevent the spread of tuberculosis is to treat and care all patients with active
pulmonary tuberculosis. The vaccination for TB known as BCG may prevent children from developing
the most severe forms of TB.
12. What should you do if someone you have spent a lot of time with is diagnosed to have
active pulmonary TB?
See you doctor and ask him to determine if you have developed TB infection.