German Calibration Service: DKD-R 5-4 Temperature Block Calibrators

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DKD-R 5-4 ♦ Calibration of Temperature Block Calibrators


Guideline Calibration of
DKD-R 5-4 Temperature Block Calibrators

February 2001 Page 1 of 11

DKD-R 5-4 ♦ Calibration of Temperature Block Calibrators

Published by the Accreditation Body of the Deutscher Kalibrierdienst (DKD) at the Physikalisch-
Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in co-operation with its specialized committee ”Temperatur and
Copyright © 2001 by DKD
The document and all its parts are protected by copyright. Any unauthorized use outside the narrow
limits set by the Copyright Act is inadmissible and liable to prosecution. This applies in particular to
copies, translations, microfilming and storage and processing in electronic systems.
Deutscher Kalibrierdienst (DKD)
The DKD comprises calibration laboratories in industrial enterprises, research institutes, technical
authorities, inspection and testing institutes. They are accredited and supervised by DKD. They
calibrate measuring instruments and material measures for measurands and measurement ranges
specified within the scope of accreditation. The DKD calibration certificates issued by these
laboratories prove traceability to national standards as required in the ISO 9000 family and
ISO/IEC 17025.
Calibrations carried out by DKD laboratories ensure that the user may rely on measurement results.
They increase the customer confidence and competitiveness on the national and international markets
and serve as a metrological basis for the inspection of measuring and test equipment within the
framework of quality assurance measures.
Calibrations offered by DKD cover electric measurands, length, angles and other geometric quantities,
roughness, coordinate and form measuring techniques, time and frequency, force, torque, acceleration,
pressure, flow rate, temperature, humidity, medical measurands, acoustic measurands, optical
measurands, ionizing radiation and other measurands.
Publications: see Internet
Deutscher Kalibrierdienst bei der
Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt
Bundesallee 100, D-38116 Braunschweig
POB 33 45, D-38023 Braunschweig
Telephone secretariat:(0 5 31) 5 92-19 01
Fax: (0 5 31) 5 92-19 05

February 2001 Page 2 of 11

DKD-R 5-4 ♦ Calibration of Temperature Block Calibrators

Table of contents
Preface 3
1 Area of application 3
2 Calibration capability 4
3 Calibration 4
3,1 Axial temperature homogeneity along the boring in the measuring zone 4
3,2 Temperature differences between the borings 5
3,3 Influence of the temperature in the measuring zone by different loading 5
3,4 Temperature stability 5
3,5 Temperature derivations by heat conduction 5
3,6 Determination of the deviation between indication of the calibrator’s thermometer 5
and the temperature in the measuring zone
4 Measurement uncertainty 6
4,1 Deviation between the indication of the standard thermometer 6
and the temperature in the measuring zone
4,2 Temperature distribution in the block 6
4,3 Temperature derivations by heat conduction 6
5 Calibration certificate 7
6 Example of a measurment uncertainty analysis 7
7 Quoted standards and further documents 9
Appendix A Procedure for the determination of the influence of the axial temperature 10
Appendix B Recommendations of the DKD specialized committee 11
“Temperatur and Humidity” for the use of temperature block calibrators

DKD guidelines are application documents to the requirements of the DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. In
DKD guidelines technical and organizational operational sequence are described, which serve the
calibration laboratories as model for the definition of internal procedures and regulations. DKD
guidelines can become components of the quality management documentation of the calibration
laboratories. The equal treatment of the devices which can be calibrated is promoted by the conversion
of the guidelines in the different calibration laboratories and the continuity and examinableness of the
work of the calibration laboratories are improved.
The DKD guidelines are not the advancement of calibration procedures and -expirations to obstruct.
Deviations from guidelines and new procedures are permissible in agreement with the accreditation
body, if technical reasons speak for it.
The guideline became of the specialized committee “Temperature and Humidity” in co-operation with
the PTB provided and of the adviser of the DKD discharges. With the publication it becomes
obligatory on all DKD calibration laboratories, if no own instruction for procedure approved by the
accreditation body is present.

1. Area of application
This guideline applies to temperature block calibrators, with those in a solid block an adjustable
temperature is represented with the goal of calibrating in borings of this block thermometer. A
temperature block calibrator consists at least of the solid block, a tempering equipment for the block
and a block’s thermometer with indication for the determination of the block temperature. The
components mentioned are summarized either as compact device or must be each other clear to assign.
The guideline applies in the temperature range of -80 °C to +1300 °C, whereby the temperature ranges
indicated by the manufacturer may not be exceeded.
Supplementary rules: Legal thermometric scale in the valid in each case version guidelines DKD-R 5-1,
DKD-R 5-2, DKD-R 5-3 and future DKD guidelines within the range temperature.

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DKD-R 5-4 ♦ Calibration of Temperature Block Calibrators

2. Calibration capability
Calibration in the sense of this guideline are only such temperature block calibrators, which fulfill the
following conditions:
2.1 For the measurement of the block temperature a calibratable block’s thermometer must be used. A
separate calibration of this thermometer is not a component of the calibration of the temperature
block calibrators.
2.2 The borings used for calibrations must possess an exactly zone of sufficient temperature
homogeneity of at least 40 mm of length, specified concerning their situation, (in the following as
measuring zone designates). Usually the homogeneous zone will be at the lower end of the boring.
If the homogeneous zone in another place should be, then is to be referred clearly to it.
2.3 It must be ensured that a calibration under the following conditions is possible:
2.3.1 The inside diameter of the used drilling or the used case may in the temperature range -80 °C
until +660 °C maximum 0.5 mm and the temperature range +660 °C until +1300 °C maximum
1.0 mm more largely than the outside diameter of the assigned thermometer. Alternatively a
equivalent good or better heat contact can be manufactured by suitable heat distribution
medium means.
2.3.2 The immersion depth of the thermometer must amount to at least the fifteenfold (15x) of the
thermometer diameter.
3. Calibration
In case of an adjustment of the calibrators is necessary, then this is to be accomplished before
beginning of the calibration.
During the calibration of a temperature block calibrators the special characteristics of the temperature
distribution in the block of the calibrators are to be examined and documented except the deviation
between the temperature in the homogeneous zone and the indication of the block’s thermometer,
which is specified under section 3,1 to 3,5. If earlier investigations with calibrators of the same type for
the determination of the characteristics or measuring uncertainties with to be consulted, then is in the
calibration certificate to the available investigation reports to refer.
All investigations must take place under the measurement condition specified in section 2,3.
If transition cases are necessary for the fulfilment of the demand in section 2.3.1, then must be
manufactured this from the material suggested by the manufacturer.
If the temperature block calibrator has one or more borings to co-ordinate in which an bushing is used,
then is with the client which bushing (or bushings) is (are) to be used. If the bushing has several
borings, then the borings in use are to be examined in such a way like several borings in the
temperature block calibrator. The bushings are to be marked clearly.
The thermometer (test thermometer), used with the investigations to section 3,1 to 3,4, does not need to
be calibrated, since it acts with these examinations around the measurements of temperature differences
(exception: measurements method 4. in the appendix A). However sensitivity must at the measuring
temperature with sufficiently small measuring uncertainty admits to be. As a rule sensitivity can be
inferred from the applicable in each case standard, what is to be examined by a check measurement
(possibly at another temperature). The used thermometers are to be examined for their stability.
If with the client differently does not agree, the following measurement conditions are to be kept:
· All measurements are with thermometers with outside diameter D < 6 mm to accomplish
· All measurements with exception in section 3,1 of the specified are in such a way
accomplished that the thermometer up-pushes at the lower end of the boring.
In detail the following investigations are to be accomplished:
3.1 Axial temperature homogeneity along the boring in the measuring zone
The influence of the temperature distribution in the measuring zone along the boring (axial temperature
distribution) on the calibration of the thermometers it is to be determined in such a way that it can be
considered in the measurement uncertainty of the calibration of the temperature block calibrators.
Possible methods for this are represented in the appendix A.

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DKD-R 5-4 ♦ Calibration of Temperature Block Calibrators

Earlier investigations with calibrators of the same type can be consulted for the determination of the
contribution for the measurement uncertainty with. In arrangement with the client a restriction is
possible on the investigation of the influence of the axial temperature distribution on certain types of
The measurement is to be accomplished in the central or a particularly marked boring.
The necessary investigations are to be accomplished with the operating temperature, which exhibits the
largest temperature difference to the ambient temperature. With temperature block calibrators, whose
measuring zone can be heated and cooled both, the investigations are to be accomplished with the
highest and the lowest operating temperature. The influence of the temperature distribution with other
operatings temperature can be measured by linear interpolation (see for this the example in section 4,2).
3,2 Temperature differences between the borings
The largest arising temperature difference between the borings is to be determined. For the elimination
of the influence of Temperature variations in temperature thereby the temperature differences are
intended to an additional reference thermometer in the temperature block calibrator. Particularly
importantly is the measurement of the temperature difference between as far as possible apart lying
(opposite) borings.
3,3 Influence of the temperature in the measuring zone by different loading
With particularly small measurement uncertainty is necessary resuming investigations for the influence
of the temperature in the measuring zone by different loading. For this loadings with thermometers can
be simulated by loadings with metal or ceramic(s) staffs.
3.4 Temperature stability
The largest temperature difference is to be determined, which results in the case of firm attitude of the
inspection temperature on the temperature block calibrator during an actual working time of 30 minutes
in the measuring zone.
Calibrations are to be accomplished at three different temperatures, with the highest and lowest desired
application temperature and at ambient temperature. If the highest or deepest application temperature is
at ambient temperature, then the third temperature for the calibration in the center of the temperature
area of application is to be selected.
3,5 Temperature derivations by heat conduction
In arrangement with the client the temperature derivation is to be determined by heat conduction for
such thermometers, which are to be calibrated with the client. This deviation is not regarded with the
measurement uncertainty indicated in the calibration certificate of the temperature block calibrator, but
is with the bushing of the temperature block calibrator separately to be considered in each case.
Temperature derivations by heat conduction for thermometers with outside diameter D < 6 mm can be
3,6 Determination of the deviation between indication of the block’s thermometer and
the temperature in the measuring zone
The determination of the temperature in the measuring zone of the temperature block calibrator takes
place with a standard thermometer, whose connection is to be traceable to the national standard
3.6.1 Measurements the determination of the deviation between the indication of the block’s
thermometer and the temperature, which can be accomplished, in the measuring zone takes place
in the central or a particularly marked boring. In addition measurements are to be accomplished at
at least three different temperatures (calibration points), which are as evenly as possible distributed
over the desired area of application. At each calibration point two series of measurements are
accomplished, in which over one period by at least 10 minutes the temperature average value of
the deviation between the indication of the block’s thermometer and the temperature in the
measuring zone is determined in each case. The attitude of the temperature on the calibration
points takes place for a series of measurements with more rising, for the other one at falling
temperature. Results, which were obtained during the measurement of temperature stability, may
be used without repeat measurement, if a calibrated thermometer were used. With calibrations at
the highest and/or the lowest temperature the demand is void according to attitude of the

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DKD-R 5-4 ♦ Calibration of Temperature Block Calibrators

temperature at rising and falling temperature, if the temperature coincides with the highest or
lowest operating temperature indicated by the manufacturer. However at least two series of
measurements are to be taken up, between which the operating temperature of the calibrator was
3.6.2 Evaluation for each calibration point is averaged the measured values from upward and
downward measurement. The calibration result (deviation between the temperature measured with
the standard thermometer and the indication of the block calibrators) is documented in
mathematical, graphic or tabular form.
4. Measurement uncertainty
As measuring uncertainty of the calibration of the temperature block calibrators is to be indicated that
measurement uncertainty, which is to be assigned to the temperature in a boring of the calibrators. If
the temperature derivation can be neglected by heat conduction, the measuring uncertainty is equal to
the measurement uncertainty, which a user can expect during the calibration of a thermometer with the
temperature block calibrator when careful adherence to of the operating instructions and this calibration
An example of the computation of the measurement uncertainty is to be found in section 6.
As contributions to the measurement uncertainty are to be considered:
4,1 Deviation between the indication of the standard thermometer and the temperature
in the measuring zone
The contributions are essentially caused by the calibration of the standard thermometer, the
measurement with the standard thermometer, the drift of the standard thermometer, the dissolution of
the announcement and differences of the measurements during upward and downward measurement
(hysteresis). The determination of the measuring uncertainties takes place in analogy to the procedure
during the calibration of a thermometer.
4,2 Temperature distribution in the block
To step by those temperature distribution in the solid block, the loading of the block as well as
temperature stability exactly did not admit additional deviations between the indication of the block’s
thermometer and the temperature of the measuring zone actually used by the user (those to be identical
does not have with the zone, which was used for the measurements described in 3.6) up. These
additional deviations can be regarded as from each other independent. The thereby caused
contributions to the measurement uncertainty can be measured from the measurements according to 3,1
to 3,4.
The contribution ui to the measurement uncertainty becomes from the largest measured temperature
difference (tmax – tmin) derived: ui2(t) = (tmax – tmin)2 / 12, if at least three individual measurings were
If the contribution is intended ui for the measurement uncertainty from only two individual measurings
to select then is the following beginning: ui2(t) = (t1 – t2)2 / 3.
The uncertainty contributions determined according to the sections 3,1 to 3,4 are to be linear
interpolated between the calibration points. Deviating of it close of the ambient temperature in a
temperature range, which extends symmetrically around the ambient temperature, can be set the
contribution to the measurement uncertainty as constant. Example: With a calibration for a temperature
block calibrator in the temperature range of -30 °C < t < +200 °C, which are accomplished with an
ambient temperature of 20 °C, are found as largest temperature differences in the homogeneous zone:
0.3 K with t = -30 °C and 0.6 K with t = 200 °C. In the temperature range 20 °C + 50 K, thus of -30 °C
to 70 °C, the largest arising temperature difference can be set to 0.3 K, in the temperature range 70 °C
to 200 °C is between 0,3 K and 0.6 K linear to be interpolated.
4,3 Temperature derivations by heat conduction
Of uncertainty contributions due to of temperature derivations by heat conduction of the thermometers
with outside diameter
D < 6 mm can be neglected. For thermometers with D > 6 mm is a separate view of this contribution to
the uncertainty to be accomplished

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DKD-R 5-4 ♦ Calibration of Temperature Block Calibrators

5. Calibration certificate
The calibration certificate is in accordance with DKD-5 “Guidance for providing a DKD calibration
certificate” to provide. It is recommended, each calibration certificate those ”Recommendations of the
DKD specialized committee ‘Temperatur and Humidity’ for the application of temperature block
calibrators” in the valid in each case version to attach (see appendix B).
In the calibration certificate or as attachments to the calibration certificate also the results of the
investigations are to be documented to 3,1 to 3,5.
6. Example of a measuring uncertainty analysis
Calibration of a temperature block calibrators at the temperature 180 °C it is determined the
temperature, which is to be attributed to the temperature feeling range of a thermometer during its
calibration in a calibration boring of a temperature block calibrators also firmly inserted block’s
thermometer, by comparison with a calibrated resistance thermometer (standard thermometer) at the
calibration point 180 °C. The temperature of the resistance thermometer is determined by measurement
of its electrical resistance with a circuit analyzer. The temperature, which is to be assigned to the value
indicated by the block’s thermometer as temperature of the boring, results out
tX = tS + δtS + δtD − δtiX + δtH + δtAx + δtRad + δtL + δtV
tS - Temperature of the resistance thermometer
δtS - Temperature correction due to the resistance measurement
δtD - Temperature correction due to drift by aging of the resistance thermometer since the last
δtiX - Temperature correction due to the resolution of the indication of the block’s thermometer
δtH - Temperature correction due to hysteresis
δtAx - Temperature correction due to insufficient axial homogeneity of the temperature distribution
along the boring in the measuring zone (DKD-R 5-4: 3.1)
δtRad - Temperature correction due to the temperature differences between the individual measuring
borings (DKD-R 5-4: 3.2)
δtL - Temperature correction due to the loading of the calibration block with several thermometers
(DKD-R 5-4: 3.3)
δtV - Temperature correction due to of variations of the temperature within the gate time (DKD-R
5-4: 3.4)
A temperature derivation by thermal conduction is not considered, since the resistance thermometer
possesses an outside diameter d < 6 mm (DKD-R 5-4: 3.5).
Resistance thermometer (standard thermometer) (tS): The calibration certificate for the resistance
thermometer used as standard thermometers indicates the relationship between resistance and
temperature. The measured resistance value corresponds to a temperature of 180,10 °C with an
assigned to extended measurement uncertainty of 30 mK (coverage factor k = 2).
Determination of the temperature by resistance measurement (δtS): The temperature as use
standard of used resistance thermometer is determined with 180,10 °C. The standard measuring
uncertainty of the resistance measurement converted to temperature corresponds u(δtN) = 10 mK.
Drift of the resistance value of the resistance thermometer (δtD): From the general behavior of the
kind used by resistance thermometers the deviation of the resistance value of the assigned resistance
thermometer due to its aging since the last calibration measured with the borders ±40 mK.
Resolution of the indication of the block’s thermometer (δtiX): The indication of the block’s
thermometer is able to indicate temperature levels in steps of 0,1 K. The temperature derivation due to
the finite resolution of the indication lies therefore in the borders ±50 mK.
Hysteresis with ascend and descending measuring cycle (δtH): The measured values show, that the
temperature derivation due to hysteresis within the range, arising with ascend and descending
measuring cycle ±50 mK.
Axial homogeneity (δtAx): From the measured maximum and minimum temperature levels in the
measuring zone of the boring the temperature derivation is measured due to the axial inhomogeneity by
the borders ±250 mK.

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DKD-R 5-4 ♦ Calibration of Temperature Block Calibrators

Temperature differences between the borings (δtRad): The calibrator which can be calibrated
possesses 6 borings. The largest measured temperature difference amounted to 140 mK, from which for
the temperature distribution between the borings borders are measured by ±70 mK.
Temperature derivation due to the loading (δtL): From the measured temperature differences a
possible deviation due to the loading of the individual borings measured to ±50 mK.
Temperature stability (δtV): Temperature derivations due to temperature variations during the gate
time of 30 min are measured by the borders ±30 mK. Correlations: Correlations between the values of
the inputs are regarded as insignificant.
Measuring uncertainty budget:
Factor Estimated Standard Distribution Sensitivity Uncertainty
value measurement Coefficient contribution
Xi uncertainty ui(y)
xi u(xi) ci
tS 180,10 OC 15 mK Normal 1,0 15 mK
δtS 0,00 K 10 mK Normal 1,0 10 mK
δtD 0,00 K 23 mK Rectangular 1,0 23 mK
δtiX 0,00 K 29 mK Rectangular -1,0 -29 mK
δtH 0,00 K 29 mK Rectangular 1,0 29 mK
δtAx 0,00 K 144 mK Rectangular 1,0 144 mK
δtRad 0,00 K 40 mK Rectangular 1,0 40 mK
δtL 0,00 K 29 mK Rectangular 1,0 29 mK
δtV 0,00 K 17 mK Rectangular 1,0 17 mK
tx 180,10 OC 161 mK
Extended measurement uncertainty: Those the result assigned to standard measuring uncertainty is
dominated by the effect of the unknown temperature correction regarding the axial temperature
inhomogeneity in the measuring boring and the radial temperature difference between the measuring
borings. The resulting distribution is not essentially trapezoidal a standard distribution, but. Details for
this are described in DKD-3-E2, section S10.13. For the above example an edge parameter results β=
0,563, which leads for a probability of cover from 95 % to an coverage factor k = 1.74.
U = ku (tx) = 1,74 · 0,161 K ≅ 0,3 K
Complete result of measurement: The temperature, those the indication of 180,0 °C, the indicated of
inserted calibrator’s thermometer is assigned, amounts to
180,1 °C ± 0,3 K
The indicated extended measurement uncertainty is the product of the standard measuring uncertainty
and the coverage factor k = 1,74. It corresponds to a probability of cover of 95 % during the accepted
trapezoidal probability distribution. the standard measuring uncertainty in accordance with DKD-3
(authorized translation of EA-4/02) was determined.

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DKD-R 5-4 ♦ Calibration of Temperature Block Calibrators

7. Quoted standards and further documents

DIN EN ISO/IEC 17 025 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration
DIN 43 762 Measurement and control; electrical temperature sensors; sensor units for
resistance thermometers
DIN 43 735 Measurement and control; electrical temperature sensors; sensor units for
thermocouple thermometers
DKD-R 5-1 Guideline of the German calibration service (DKD) for the calibration of
precision resistance thermometers according to the comparison method
DKD-R 5-2 Guideline of the German calibration service (DKD) for the calibration of
technical resistance thermometers according to the comparison method
DKD-R 5-3 Calibration of thermocouples
DKD-5 Guidance for providing a DKD calibration certificate
DKD-3 Statement of the measurment uncertainty with calibrations (German
translation of EA-4/02 “Expression of the Uncertainty of Measurement in
DKD-3-E2 Statement of the measurement uncertainty with calibrations: Additional
examples (German translation of EA-4/02 “Expression of the Uncertainty of
Measurement in Calibration”, Supplement 2)

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DKD-R 5-4 ♦ Calibration of Temperature Block Calibrators

Appendix A: Method for the determination of the influence of the axial temperature
Temperature block calibrators are usually inserted for the calibration by thermometers with different
structure. Sensors of different length are thereby in different ranges of the measuring zone. Therefore
the axial temperature distribution supplies with along the boring in the measuring zone (frequently all
other contributions dominating) a contribution for the uncertainty of the calibration. The determination
of the axial temperature distribution is difficult, since a test thermometer affects this temperature
distribution. This influence can be complex, since e.g. a thermometer with differently immersion depth
causes in each case different heat conduction, what then however reactions to the automatic controller
action of the block calibrators have can.
Therefore a method for the determination of the influence of the axial temperature distribution is to be
selected, which corresponds to the customer requirements if possible. Such procedures can be e.g.:
1. Determination of the temperature at 3 points with a sensor of short overall length
In addition becomes with a thermometer with a sensor length of maximally 5 mm the temperature at
the lower end, in which center determines and at the upper end of the measuring zone. The
thermometer may be provided with a protective pipe with outside diameter D < 6 mm. In the
temperature range -80 °C to 250 °C are preferably Pt-Resistance thermometers and Thermocouples to
use in the range 250 °C until 1300 °C (also Pt-Pd Thermocouples).
Example: With a temperature block calibrator with a measuring zone of 40 mm of length at the lowest
end of the boring measurements under the following conditions are necessary:
1) thermometer touching the ground,
2) 20 mm pulled out,
3) 40 mm pulled out,
4) thermometer touching the ground.
2. Direct regulation of temperature differences by means of difference thermocouple
Here the temperature difference at one or more points in the boring, the deepest point of the boring
becomes (touching the ground) directly measured with a difference thermocouple.
For this e.g. a finished manufactured thermocouple can be used, with that the two measuring points a
distance from possess approximately 25 mm. It should be tested for example in a bath or a heat pipe
regularly, whether the temperature difference is correctly one measure by 0 K.
Another possibility is it, to introduce two coat thermocouples together with small outside diameter to
the drilling. While the first thermocouple remains at the ground, the temperature differences are
intended for the second thermocouple, in well-known distance to the first thermocouple is (e.g. 20 mm
and 40 mm). Both thermocouples dived in directly deeply, is an alignment for the temperature
difference 0 K possible.
3. Determination of the temperature at two points
The temperature distribution is determined with the help of a thermometer with relatively long sensor,
So a shift of the thermometer over 40 mm (the usual length of the homogeneous zone of the block
calibrators) is not meaningfully. With some calibrators turned out, that a measurement with two
different immersions (e.g. touching the ground and 20 mm pulled out) sufficient information for the
influence of the temperature distribution on the contribution to the measuring uncertainty to supply can.
One considers, that according to section 4.2 in this case the contribution to the measuring uncertainty in
accordance with ui2(t) = (t1 - t2)2 / 3 is determined.
4. Determination of the temperature with calibrated thermometers with different sensor
Couches information about it forwards, which thermometers in the block calibrator are calibrated, so
the influences of the axial temperature distribution on the type of thermometer can be determined
directly. For this measurements with the respective thermometer types are necessary.
If no information about those is present thermometers which can be calibrated, so the measurement
with two thermometers of different a design as possible should be accomplished. It is to be considered,
that for these under this method specified measurements all used thermometers must to be calibrated.

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DKD-R 5-4 ♦ Calibration of Temperature Block Calibrators

Appendix B: Recommendations of the DKD specialized committee ‘Temperatur and

Humidity’ for the application of temperature block calibrators
By the calibration certificate of a DKD calibration laboratoris it is confirmed that the temperature block
calibrator fulfills the high requirements to the calibration capability of such an equipment, as they are
fixed in the guideline DKD-R 5-4. Nevertheless the following points are to be considered with the
bushing of the calibrators:
The calibration of temperature block calibrators predominantly refers to the temperature of the solid
block. The temperature of the thermometer which can be calibrated in the block can deviate from this
temperature. If a thermometer of the same type is used under same measurement condition as during
the calibration, can be assumed the measuring deviations are not larger during the calibration of ideal
thermometers than the measurement uncertaintyen indicated in the calibration certificate. If in the
calibration certificate nothing different one is indicated, it must be guaranteed that
· the measuring element is in the homogeneous temperature zone.
· the inside diameter of the used boring in the calibrator (possibly the case) in the temperature
range -80 °C up to 660 °C maximum 0.5 mm and the temperature range 660 °C until 1300 °C
maximum 1.0 mm is larger than the outside diameter of the thermometer which can be
· the submergence of the thermometer which can be calibrated at least the fifteenfold (15x) of
the outside diameter of the thermometer which can be calibrated.
· the thermometer an outside diameter which can be calibrated has d < 6 mm.
Please you pay attention particularly whether during the calibration of your temperature block
calibrators a heat distribution medium means was used. If this is the case, then the calibration applies
only with bushing of the calibrators with an appropriate heat distribution medium means.
During the calibration of thermometers with outside diameter d > 6 mm is an additional measuring
deviation by heat conduction to be considered. If such measurements are to be accomplished, then the
additional heat conduction can be intended for the type of thermometer examined with you by your
DKD calibration laboratory. A good test on possible temperature derivations by heat conduction
consists of checking whether the indication changes of the thermometer which can be calibrated, if it is
raised by 20 mm. Contributions to the measurement uncertainty, which are due to the thermometer (e.g.
inhomogeneities of thermocouples), which can be calibrated from you to, are not likewise not in the
measurement uncertainty of the Calibrators contained.
If the calibrator is used in loading conditions, which do not correspond to the loading condition during
the calibration, then the influence of the loading can be determined by removal or adding thermometers
For the calibration the data are relevant in the calibration certificate, not the manufacturer data. Please
absolutely agree upon before the calibration the bushing and calibration conditions with your DKD
calibration laboratory.
If in the calibration certificate nothing different one is indicated, it must be guaranteed (independently
of manufacturer data) that
· the calibrator is operated in vertical position
· additional thermal isolations to be used
· the ambient temperature (23 + 5) °C amounts to.
As a check of the calibration of temperature block calibrators one recommends to make regular
measurements with a calibrated thermometer. Without check measurements with a calibrated
thermometer an annual recalibration of the temperature block calibrators is urgently recommended.

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