Digital Modulation
Digital Modulation
Digital Modulation
b) Digital Modulation
In the PCM generator, the signal is first passed through sampler which is sampled at a rate of (fs) where: fs2fm (1)
The output of the sampler x(nTs) which is discrete in time is fed to a q- level quantizer. The quantizer compares the input x(nTs) with it's fixed levels. It assigns any one of the digital level to x(nTs) that results in minimum distortion or error. The error is called quantization error, thus the output of the quantizer is a digital level called q(nTs). The quantized signal level q(nTs) is
binary encode. The encoder converts the input signal to v digits binary word.
Figure.(3) shows the block diagram of the PCM receiver. The receiver starts by reshaping the received pulses, removes the noise and then converts the binary bits to analog. The received samples are then filtered by a low pass filter; the cut off frequency is at fc.
fc= fm (2)
It is impossible to reconstruct the original signal x(t) because of the permanent quantization error introduced during quantization at the transmitter. The quantization error can be reduced by the increasing quantization levels. This corresponds to the increase of bits per sample(more information). But increasing bits (v) increases the signaling rate and requires a large transmission
bandwidth. The choice of the parameter for the number of quantization levels must be acceptable with the quantization noise (quantization error). Figure.(4) shows the reconstructed signal.
Advantages of PCM 1.Effect of noise is reduced. 2.PCM permits the use of pulse regeneration. 3.Multiplexing of various PCM signals is possible.