AA 540 Solution

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Given Problem:

A thin shelf bracket is as shown, and fixed to a wall at the left edge, and loaded on the top with
80 lb/in
stress at the top.
2"diameter holes
Thickness is 1/8"
Poissons ratio=0.3

Fig.1 uefotmeJ ooJ uoJefotmeJ btocket

a. Deflections and stresses.
Deflection in y direction would be of interest. It is approximately 0.01744 inches at the free end of
bracket. The contour showing y displacement over the span of bracket is shown by fig. 2.

Fig. 2 Displacements in Y direction

However, the displacements in x direction and vector sum of both displacements- x & y are shown
below. (Fig. 3 and 4)

Fig. 3 Displacements in x direction

Fig. 4 Displacements vector sum

Stresses developed in the bracket are shown as follows:

Fig. 5 First Principal Stress

Fig. 6 Second Principal Stress

Fig. 7 Third Principal Stress

Fig. a Stress- x component Fig. b Stress- y component

Fig. 8 Stress intensity (max=6524.81 psi)

Fig. 9 Von-Mises stress (max= 6048.62 psi)

Fig.10 Shear stress in xy direction

Fig.11 Von Mises Stress at load P=33 lb/in (264 psi)

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