Resume E-Portfolio
Resume E-Portfolio
Resume E-Portfolio
5825 Woodruff Ave. Lakewood, CA 90713 * Tel: (562)925-5073 * Fax: (562)925-3315 *
Objective Use the Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs) to represent academic and athletic contributions and accomplishements throughout a four-year period at Saint Joseph High School. Demonstrate knowledge and readiness for further education as an undergraduate student. Specify and present cases that display advancement and elaboration in regards to academics, athletics and community service. Experience and Achievements Christ Centered Person KAIROS Leader
o Lead group of 45 students during four day senior retreat o Attend and actively participate in team meetings in preparation for the retreat Active Participant in religious education (2010-1014) Parishioner of Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Church in Downey (2000-2014)
o Chosen among select candidates with qualifying grade point average o Monthly meetings at Hawthorne Airport, CA regarding the operation and mechanics of an airplane o Flying lessons monthly, Co-Pilot, smaller aircraft o Actively working towards student pilot certification Honors/AP Courses
o Assisted and escorted patients to waiting room o Welcomed and facilitated entry of patients and visitors o Maintained and organized information area o Distributed materials, operate fax, answer telephones Wisdom Elementary School, Los Angeles, CA
o Monitered and organized school book fair for over 500 children o Translated effectively during parent-teacher conferences
o Recorded, retrieved and prepared files of all sorts Downey Razorbacks Football, Consumer Goods Sales
o Operated and maintained cash registers during youth football games one season o Worked cooperatively and effectively with customers Effective Communicator Public Relations, Girls Athletic Association Associated Student Body
o Communicate professionally and effectively through the official Saint Joseph High School televised channel on a daily basis to over 700 students and faculty o Enthusiastically publicize sporting events as well as motivate the athletic involvement in the school o Coordinate Father Daughter Dance and Winter Rally for student body of about 700 students o Contribute to the drafting of outlines for association meetings o Demonstrate positive character role modeling and mentoring Student Ambassador
o Encourage prospective students to attend Saint Joseph High School o Execute and provide quality care to prospective students and their parents through campus tours o Establish an all-around positive role model as a leader of the school o Visit to other educational facilities in order to promote, influence and recruit students at Saint Joseph High School Collaborator Captain, Varsity Swim Team Member
o Assigned to oversee all team members, assuming various leadership roles o Competitive distance swimmer o Varsity All-League Champions Captain, Varsity Water Polo Team Member
o Assigned to oversee 15 team members, assuming various leadership roles o Attend practices five days per week, games every week o Active first string player Education o Saint Joseph High School o East Middle School o Rio San Gabriel Elementary School 2010-Present 2007-2010 2000-2007