Paper 1 - Set A Answer Key: General Instructions

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Paper 1 Set A Answer Key

Regn No: _________________ Name: ___________________ (To be written by the candidates)

Date: 17.11.2007

Genera- Aspe.ts $/ Ener0y Mana0e&ent

Timings: 09 0!12 0 "R# D$ration: "R#

Ener0y A123t
%a&. %ar's: 1(0

General instructions: o o o o o Please check that this question paper contains 7 printed pages Please check that this question paper contains 64 questions The question paper is divided into three sections All questions in all three sections are compulsory All parts of a question should be answered at one place

Se.t3$n I, O45ECTI6E TYPE

(i) (ii) (iii)

Mar7s, 5* 8 1 9 5*

)nswer a** 5* +$estions ,ach +$estion carries $ne mar' P-ease 2ar7en the appr$pr3ate $%a- 3n the OMR answer sheet w3th :4 Pen.3- $r 4-a.7 C$-$1r 4a-- Pen ( as per 3nstr1.t3$ns


The -irst ma.or commercia* energy cons$ming sector in the co$ntry is a; 3n21stry b) agric$*t$re c) residentia* d) trans/ort


#e*ect the so$rce o- stored mechanica* energy a) water '; .$&presse2 a3r c) coa* d) e*ectricity

#e*ect the incorrect statement with res/ect to 0arbon %ono&ide (01) a) it is emitted into the atmos/here as a res$*t o- comb$stion /rocesses2 and -rom o&idation o- hydrocarbons and other organic com/o$nds. b) in $rban areas2 01 is /rod$ced a*most entire*y (903) -rom road tra--ic emissions c) 01 at *e4e*s -o$nd in ambient air may red$ce the o&ygen!carrying ca/acity o- the b*ood. 2; 3t s1r%3%es 3n the at&$sphere /$r a per3$2 $/ appr$83&ate-y 1 year an2 /3na--y 0ets $8323<e2 t$ .ar'$n 23$832e =CO);>

_________________________ 5$rea$ o- ,nergy ,--iciency

Paper 1 Set A Answer Key


0hoose the incorrect statement with res/ect to Designated 0ons$mers as co4ered $nder the ,nergy 0onser4ation )ct22001 a; the 2es30nate2 .$ns1&er has t$ 0et ener0y a123t .$n21.te2 'y a .ert3/3e2 ener0y a123t$r? b) certi-ied energy managers are re+$ired to be a//ointed or designated by the designated cons$mers7 c) designated cons$mers wo$*d com/*y with norms and standards o- energy cons$m/tion as /rescribed by the centra* go4ernment. d) designated cons$mers to s$bmit a re/ort2 in the -orm and manner as may be /rescribed2 on the stat$s o- energy cons$m/tion at the end o- the e4ery -inancia* year to designated agency.


The co$ntry which has the *argest share o- /ro4en oi* reser4e in the wor*d is a) 8#) b) 0hina .; Sa123 Ara'3a d) 9ran


The +$antity o- heat re+$ired to raise the tem/erat$re o- 1 'g o- a s$bstance by 1 o 0 is 'nown as a; spe.3/3. heat b) sensib*e heat c) *atent heat d) ca*ori-ic 4a*$e


The +$antity o- heat re+$ired to con4ert one 'g o- a so*id into a *i+$id witho$t change otem/erat$re is ca**ed a; -atent heat $/ /1s3$n b) s/eci-ic heat c) sensib*e heat d) heat ca/acity


'g o- water /er 'g o- dry air ('g<'g) is termed as a) h$midity b) s/eci-ic h$midity .; h1&323ty /a.t$r d) re*ati4e h$midity (R")


=or determining N0> -rom ?0>2 which o- the -o**owing e*ements in -$e* are re+$ired@ a) hydrogen b) moist$re .; hy2r$0en &$3st1re d) carbon


9- the reacti4e /ower drawn by a *oad o/erating on a three /hase )0 system is Aero then its /ower -actor wo$*d be a) Aero '; 1n3ty c) *ess than $nity d) more than $nity


)//arent /ower cons$m/tion o- )0 -o**owing re*ations. a) > 9 cosB '; @ A 6 I

/hase motors can be determined by $sing the c) C > 9 cosB d) >9


9- the density o- a *i+$id -$e* is ;(0 'g<m then its s/eci-ic gra4ity is a; *>B5 b) ;(0 c) 1.17: d) none o- the abo4e

1 .

Dhich o- the -o**owing is not tr$e -or a /re*iminary energy a$dit a) estimate the sco/e -or sa4ings c) $se e&isting or easi*y obtainab*e data b) identi-y *ow cost<no cost meas$res 2; .$nstr1.t an ener0y 'a-an.e


Dhich o- the -o**owing instr$ments is o- contact ty/e a) strobosco/e .; /yr3te b) in-ra red thermometer d) $*trasonic -*ow meter

_________________________ 5$rea$ o- ,nergy ,--iciency

Paper 1 Set A Answer Key


,nergy management in4o*4esE a; .$&'3nat3$n $/ te.hn3.a- an2 &ana0er3a- s73--s c) on*y technica* s'i**s b) on*y manageria* s'i**s d) on*y energy a$dit s'i**s


#an'ey diagram is a $se-$* too* to re/resent a) -inancia* strength o- the com/any to consider energy conser4ation /ro.ects b) management /hi*oso/hy to red$ce waste .; 3np1t an2 $1tp1t ener0y /-$w d) h$man reso$rce strength o- the com/any to ha4e good ho$se 'ee/ing


Dater -*ow in /i/es is meas$red by a; p3t$t t1'e b) &!rays .; 2$pp-er e//e.t d) e*ectric -ie*ds


,nergy management does not inc*$de a) energy conser4ation .; 2e.reas3n0 1na%$32a'-e -$sses b) satis-ying reg$*ations d) -$e* s$bstit$tion


9n a coa* -ired boi*er2 ho$r*y cons$m/tion o- coa* is 1000 'g. The ash content in the coa* is 03. 9- the boi*er o/erates 26 ho$rs<day and (3 o- the ash -ormed is carried away by the -*$e gas2 the +$antity o- ash co**ected at the bottom o- boi*er /er day wi** be a; CBD* 70 b) 7200 'g c) 1(00 'g d) none o- the abo4e


) mass ba*ance -or energy conser4ation /$r/ose does consider the -o**owing s$bstance a) steam b) water c) raw materia*s 2; a-- $/ the a'$%e


9n the materia* ba*ance o- a /rocess which com/o$nd wi** not be considered on the in/$t side a) chemica*s b) air and water c) recyc*ed /rod$ct 2; 'y#pr$21.t


Dater -*owing at (.(: *itres /er second into an em/ty 10m & 10m & 1m tan' wi** -i** the tan' in a//ro&imate*y a) ( min$tes b) 2( min$tes c) 2; min$tes 2; A** &3n1tes

2 .

Dater in a tan' is heated -rom 0 o0 to 70o0 by $sing direct*y 20 'g o- steam with an entha*/y o- :00 '0a*<'g. The 4o*$me o- water heated wo$*d be a) 200 *itres '; A** -3tres c) 20 *itres d) none o- the abo4e


)n ana*ysis which he*/s to $nearth the /ositi4e and negati4e -orces in an organisation is a) energy action /*anning c) energy /o*icy '; /$r.e /3e-2 ana-ys3s d) energy ana*ysis


,nergy e--iciency im/ro4ement /ro.ect re+$ires -or s$re a; a '120et b) energy /o*icy c) energy a$dit d) data 4a*idation


)n oi* -ired boi*er o/erates at an e&cess air o- 0 3. 9- the stoichiometric air to -$e* ratio is 1 'g o- air /er 'g o- oi* and oi* cons$m/tion is 200 'g /er ho$r2 then the mass o- -*$e gas *iberated in 'g< ho$r wo$*d be a) ;0 b) 2;00 .; A5B* d) none o- the abo4e

_________________________ 5$rea$ o- ,nergy ,--iciency

Paper 1 Set A Answer Key


9n a -orce -ie*d ana*ysis one o- the indicators be*ow is not considered a negati4e -orce a) *ow /rice o- energy c) *ow sa*ary o- sta-'; ener0y e//3.3ent$-$0y a%a3-a'-e d) ins$--icient -inancia* reso$rces


Dhich o- the -o**owing is not a re+$irement -or energy a$dit /*anning a) -eedbac' '; p1'-3.3ty c) metering d) b$dgeting


)n in4estment o- Rs 22602000 has a sim/*e /aybac' /eriod o- two years. The month*y sa4ings m$st be a) Rs ;2000 '; Rs 1*(*** c) Rs 92:00 d) Rs 122000


Dhich o- the -o**owing is not a /ro.ect /*anning techni+$e@ a) 0F% b) F,RT c) ?antt 0hart 2; C!S!M


#ensiti4ity ana*ysis is an assessment oa) cash -*ows c) ca/ita* in4estment '; r3s7s 21e t$ ass1&pt3$ns d) -inance so$rcing


=or an in4estment which has -*$ct$ating ann$a* sa4ings o4er its /ro.ect *i-e2 which o- the -o**owing -inancia* ana*ysis techni+$es is the best@ a; NP6 b) R19 c) #im/*e /aybac' /eriod d) 9RR

) s$m o- Rs (02000 is de/osited in a ban' at the beginning o- a year. The ban' /ays 93 interest ann$a**y. "ow m$ch money in Rs. is in the ban' acco$nt at the end o- the -i-th year2 i- no money is withdrawn@ a) (62(00 b) 722(00 .; +C(EA1 d) none o- the abo4e


Dhat is the R19 -rom a /ro.ect which re+$ires a ca/ita* cost o- Rs.200 *a'hs and ha4ing a ann$a* net cash -*ow o- Rs.60 *a'hs a; )*F b) 603 c) 2(03 d) 12(3


The -$t$re 4a*$e o- a cash -*ow in Rs. at the end o- the : th year i- the Fresent >a*$e is Rs 2.0 Ga'hs and the interest rate is 93. a; A(A5(D)* b) 20;2000 c) 22(62000 d) none o- the abo4e


The -irst ste/ in a /ro.ect de4e*o/ment cyc*e is a) start training c) arrange -inance '; 32ent3/y pr$Ge.t .$&p$nents d) im/*ement the /ro.ect


Dhich one o- the -o**owing not the d$ty o- an energy manager a) /re/are a scheme -or e--icient $se o- energy b) /re/are an ann$a* acti4ity /*an c) re/ort to 5,, and state *e4e* designated agency once a year 2; .$n21.t ener0y a123t


9n any /ro.ect2 the critica* /ath in the networ' is a; the -$n0est path b) the /ath in which the acti4ity with highest d$ration -a**s c) the /ath witho$t any d$mmy acti4ity d) the shortest /ath

_________________________ 5$rea$ o- ,nergy ,--iciency

Paper 1 Set A Answer Key

9. 9n the -irst two months the c$m$*ati4e s$m is ; and ; res/ecti4e*y. 9n the ne&t two months ,ca*c$*ated is more than ,act$a* by ;. The energy sa4ings at end o- the -o$rth month wo$*d be a; # B 60. b) 26 c) 2 d) none o- the abo4e

The -i&ed energy cons$m/tion -or the com/any is 2000 'Dh<month. The s*o/e in the energy H/rod$ction chart is -o$nd to be 0.6. 9- the com/any is to /rod$ce 902000 tonnes o- /rod$ct<month2 the act$a* energy cons$m/tion /er month is gi4en by a) ;02000 b) 62000 c) :2000 2; AB(***


) contract in which the costs are /aid -rom a** or /art o- the energy cost sa4ings is ca**ed a; 01arantee2 sa%3n0s per/$r&an.e .$ntra.t c) e&tended technica* g$arantee contract b) traditiona* contract d) /er-ormance contract


The ma.or di--erence between 0F% and F,RT is a) 0F% /ro4ides gra/hic and F,RT does not '; CPM 1ses s3n0-e t3&e est3&ates wh3-e PERT 1ses three t3&e est3&ates c) 0F% is an e&/ansion o- F,RT d) F,RT is an e&/ansion o- 0F%

6 .

=i&ed energy cons$m/tion can not be determined -rom a) ?antt chart b) #an'y diagram c) 5ar chart 2; a-- the a'$%e


) -irm /ays Rs. 2 -or 1 'Dh o- -$e* oi*. 9- the ca*ori-ic 4a*$e o- -$e* oi* is 10000 '0a* /er *itre2 the cost o- one *itre o- -$e* oi* wi** be a) Rs. 2:.; b) Rs. 11.:2 .; Rs> )A>)5 d) +$estion does not ma'e sense


The 0a*ori-ic >a*$e o- coa* is 62200 '0a*< 'g. =ind o$t the oi* e+$i4a*ent o- (00 'g o- coa* ithe 0a*ori-ic >a*$e o- oi* is 102000 '0a*< 'g a) 620 'g b) (00 'g .; )1* 70 d) 200 'g


Dhich o- the -o**owing gas damages the oAone *ayer a; CFCHs b) 012 c) Nitrogen d) )rgon


Dhich is a greenho$se gas a; N3tr$1s O832e b) Nitrogen c) #$*-$r Dio&ide d) none o- the abo4e


The Frototy/e 0arbon =$nd has been estab*ished by a) 8nited Nations b) 8nited #tates .; I$r-2 4an7 d) Ia/an


The ?*oba* Darming Fotentia* (?DF) o- carbon dio&ide is considered as a; 1 b) 1;.7 c) 21 d) 270


1ne o- the -*e&ib*e instr$ment as stated in the Jyoto Frotoco* is a) 012 ada/tation c) 012 se+$estration mechanism '; C-ean "e%e-$p&ent Me.han3s& =C"M; d) none o- the abo4e

-------- End of Section - I ---------

_________________________ 5$rea$ o- ,nergy ,--iciency

Paper 1 Set A Answer Key

Se.t3$n # II,


Mar7s, B 8 5 9 D*

(i) )nswer a** E30ht +$estions (ii) ,ach +$estion carries F3%e mar's #!1 Name any -i4e greenho$se gases res/onsib*e -or g*oba* warming. Answer, =3; CO) =Car'$n "3$832e;( =33; C:D =Methane;( =333; NO8 =N3tr$1s O832es;( =3%; :) O=0; =Iater 3n %ap$r /$r&;( =%; :FCs =:y2r$ F-1$r$ Car'$ns;( =%33; SFC =S1-/1r :e8a/-1$r32e;( =%333; PFCs =Per$ F-1$r$ Car'$ns;


)n e*ectric heater o- 2 0 >2 'D rating is $sed -or hot water generation in an ind$stry. =ind e*ectricity cons$m/tion /er day (a) at the rated 4o*tage (b) at 190 >. Answer, (a) E-e.tr3.3ty .$ns1&pt3$n =7Ih; at rate2 %$-ta0e 9 A 7I 8 )D h$1r 9 +) 7IhK2ay> (b) E-e.tr3.3ty .$ns1&pt3$n at 1E* 6 =7Ih; 9 =1E* K )A*; ) 8 A 7I 8 )D h$1r 9 DE 7IhK2ay>


Dhich set o- standard e+$i/ment does the energy a$ditor need to estab*ish the o/erationa* e--iciency o- an 9nd$ced dra-t -an@ )ss$me that the o/erationa* e--iciency o- the motor can be 'nown -rom the /er-ormance chart o- the motor. Answer, a 7I &eter /$r &eas1r3n0 3np1t p$wer t$ the &$t$r press1re &an$&etersK trans21.ers t$ &eas1re s1.t3$n an2 23s.har0e press1re a p3t$t t1'e arran0e&ent t$ &eas1re /-$w 3n $r2er t$ assess the /an e//3.3en.y>


"ow m$ch steam is re+$ired in a heat e&changer to heat (0 'g< ho$r o- a /rocess -*$id -rom 601 0 to 1001 0. The s/eci-ic heat o- /rocess -*$id is 0.26 '0a*<'g 10 and the *atent heat o- steam is (60 '0a*< 'g. Answer,

_________________________ 5$rea$ o- ,nergy ,--iciency

Paper 1 Set A Answer Key

:eat reL13re2 per h$1r( & .p t Stea& reL13re2 5* 8 *>)D 8 =1**#D*; 9 +)* 7Ca-K h$1r +)*K5D* 1>AA 70 stea&Khr


) therma* /ower /*ant $ses 0.:( 'g o- coa* to generate one 'Dh o- e*ectricity. 9- the coa* contains (63 carbon by weight2 ca*c$*ate the amo$nt o- 012 emissions< 'Dh generated $nder com/*ete comb$stion conditions.

Answer: C + O2 ------------------- CO2

1) M A) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 70 $/ .ar'$n 03%es DDK1) 70 $/ .ar'$n 23$832e DD

CO2 emissions/kWh


0.65 x 0.54 x 44/12

1>)B+ 70 $/ CO)K7Ih


0a*c$*ate the Net Fresent >a*$e o- a /ro.ect at a disco$nt rate o- 1:3 with an in4estment o- Rs (02000 at the beginning o- the -irst year2 and sa4ings o- Rs 1(20002 Rs. 1;2000 and Rs. 202000 res/ecti4e*y at the end o- the -irst2 second and third year. NP6 9 #5*(***M=15***K1>1C;M1B***K=1>1C81>1C;M=)****K=1>1C81>1C81>1C;; 9 #5*(*** M 1)EA1 M 1AA++ M 1)B1A K (# 1*B+E;


,&/*ain brie-*y F,RT.

The Pr$0ra&&e E%a-1at3$n an2 Re%3ew Te.hn3L1e =PERT; 3s a netw$r7 &$2e- that a--$ws /$r ran2$&ness 3n a.t3%3ty .$&p-et3$n t3&es> PERT 1ses three t3&e est3&ates( $pt3&3st3.( &$st -37e-y an2 pess3&3st3.> Th3s he-ps 3n esta'-3sh3n0 the pr$'a'3-3ty $/ .$&p-et3n0 a pr$Ge.t w3th3n a spe.3/3e2 t3&e an2 ta7e .a-.1-ate2 r3s7s 'e/$re .$&&en.3n0 a pr$Ge.t> PERT has the p$tent3a- t$ re21.e '$th the t3&e an2 .$st reL13re2 t$ .$&p-ete a pr$Ge.t> Note: Some candidates might have represented in the form of a diagram. Due consideration may be given for the diagram.
_________________________ 5$rea$ o- ,nergy ,--iciency 7

Paper 1 Set A Answer Key

#!; ) /*ant cons$mes (2(00 tons o- -$rnace oi* /er year (?0> K102200 '0a*<'g)2 as we** as 62000 %Dh o- e*ectricity /er year. Draw the /ie!chart o- /ercentage share oeach ty/e o- energy based on cons$m/tion in '0a* (1 'Dh K ;:0 '0a*).

5(5** t$nnes 8 1*()** 7Ca- 81*** 9 5>C1 8 1*1* 7CaAD(*** MIh 9 AD(***(*** 7Ih 9 AD(***(*** 8 BC* 7Ca9 )>E)D 8 1*1* 7CaT$ta- .$ns1&pt3$n 5>C1 M )>E)D 9 B>5AD 8 1* 1* $/ wh3.h )KA =C5>+F; 3s $3an2 1KA =AD>AF; 3s e-e.tr3.3ty>

65.7% oil

34.% Electicity

-------- End of Section - II ---------

Se.t3$n # III,


Mar7s, C 8 1* 9 C*

(i) )nswer a** S38 +$estions (ii) ,ach +$estion carries Ten mar's G!1 a) )n energy a$ditor is trying to estab*ish the o/erating /ower -actor o- a 1( "F<11.2 'D ind$ction motor with -$** *oad e--iciency o- 903.The motor is not connected with any F= correction ca/acitors at motor termina*s. The instr$ment to meas$re in/$t e*ectric /arameters to the motor dis/*ays the three n$mbers ( 'D2 2 '>)r and 0.92; F=. )s an ,nergy %anger<,nergy )$ditor2 do yo$ -$**y agree with the instr$ment dis/*ay o- Fower =actor reading and its correctness@ b) 5rie-*y mention abo$t /rimary so$rces o- energy@ a) Re.tan01-ar tr3an0-e an2 Pytha0$ras y3e-2s =76A; ) 9 =7I;) M =76Ar;) > F1rther&$re( PF 9 7IK76A( an2 .$nseL1ent-y

76A 9 ==76Ar;) M =7I;) ;9 =);) M =5;) 9 5>AB51C

_________________________ 5$rea$ o- ,nergy ,--iciency ;

Paper 1 Set A Answer Key

PF 9 5K5>AB51C 9 *>E)B Th3s .a-.1-at3$n a0rees w3th the 23sp-ay $/ *>E)B>> :$we%er 3t 3s 1n-37e-y that a 15 :PK11>) 7I &$t$r $perat3n0 at D*F -$a2 w3-e%er a.h3e%e a PF $/ *>E)B> C$nseL1ent-y s$&eth3n0 3s s1sp3.3$1s w3th the 3nstr1&ent> There/$re the answer 3s NO>

b) Frimary energy so$rces are those that are either -o$nd or stored in nat$re. 0ommon /rimary energy so$rces are coa*2 oi*2 nat$ra* gas and biomass. 1ther /rimary energy so$rces -o$nd on earth inc*$de n$c*ear energy -rom radioacti4e s$bstances2 therma* energy stored in earthLs interior and /otentia* energy d$e to earthLs gra4ity.

G!2 a) De-ine M*atent heat o- -$sionL and M*atent heat o- 4a/oriAationL@ b) 5rie-*y de-ine acti4e2 a//arent and reacti4e /ower Answer a) Latent heat $/ /1s3$n =L; $/ a s1'stan.e 3s the L1ant3ty $/ heat reL13re2 t$ .$n%ert 1 70 $/ s$-32 t$ -3L132 state w3th$1t .han0e $/ te&perat1re> Latent heat $/ %ap$r3<at3$n =L; $/ a s1'stan.e 3s the L1ant3ty $/ heat reL13re2 t$ .han0e 1 70 $/ the s1'stan.e /r$& -3L132 t$ %ap$r state w3th$1t .han0e $/ te&perat1re>


_________________________ 5$rea$ o- ,nergy ,--iciency

Paper 1 Set A Answer Key

A.t3%e p$wer, 7I 3s the a.t3%e p$wer $r the w$r7#pr$21.3n0 part $/ apparent p$wer Apparent p$wer =K3-$%$-t A&pere =76A;; It 3s the pr$21.t $/ 73-$%$-ts an2 a&peres Th3s &eas1res the e-e.tr3.a- -$a2 $n a .3r.13t $r syste&> . Rea.t3%e p$wer Reacti4e /ower (76Ar ; is the /ortion o- a//arent /ower that does no wor'. This ty/e o- /ower m$st be s$//*ied to a** ty/es o- magnetic e+$i/ment2 s$ch as motors2 trans-ormers etc. .

G! a) b) c) d) e)

5rie-*y e&/*ain the -o**owing terms: ,nergy %anagement ,nergy a$dit (as de-ined in ,0 )ct 2001) Frod$ction -actor Re-erence year ,+$i4a*ent ,nergy 8se F*ant energy /er-ormance

a; Ener0y Mana0e&ent The judicious and effective use of energy to costs% and enhance co #etitive #ositions& =OR; NThe strate0y $/ a2G1st3n0 an2 $pt3&3<3n0 ener0y( 1s3n0 syste&s an2 pr$.e21res s$ as t$ re21.e ener0y reL13re&ents per 1n3t $/ $1tp1t wh3-e h$-23n0 .$nstant $r re21.3n0 t$ta- .$sts $/ pr$21.3n0 the $1tp1t /r$& these syste&sO '; Ener0y a123t =as 2e/3ne2 3n EC A.t; As per the Ener0y C$nser%at3$n A.t( )**1( Ener0y A123t 3s 2e/3ne2 as Nthe %er3/3.at3$n( &$n3t$r3n0 an2 ana-ys3s $/ 1se $/ ener0y 3n.-123n0 s1'&3ss3$n $/ te.hn3.a- rep$rt .$nta3n3n0 re.$&&en2at3$ns /$r 3&pr$%3n0 ener0y e//3.3en.y w3th .$st 'ene/3t ana-ys3s an2 an a.t3$n p-an t$ re21.e ener0y .$ns1&pt3$nO>
_________________________ 5$rea$ o- ,nergy ,--iciency 10

a!i i"e #rofits $ ini i"e

Paper 1 Set A Answer Key

.; Pr$21.t3$n /a.t$r Pr$21.t3$n /a.t$r 3s 1se2 t$ 2eter&3ne the ener0y that w$1-2 ha%e 'een reL13re2 t$ pr$21.e th3s yearHs pr$21.t3$n $1tp1t 3/ the p-ant ha2 $perate2 3n the sa&e way as 3t 232 3n the re/eren.e year> It 3s the rat3$ $/ pr$21.t3$n 3n the .1rrent year t$ that 3n the re/eren.e year>
Pr oduction factor = Current year ' s production Re ference year ' s production

2; Re/eren.e year EL13%a-ent Ener0y !se The re/eren.e yearHs ener0y 1se that w$1-2 ha%e 'een 1se2 t$ pr$21.e the .1rrent yearHs pr$21.t3$n $1tp1t &ay 'e .a--e2 the Nre/eren.e year ener0y 1se eL13%a-entO $r Nre/eren.e year eL13%a-entO /$r sh$rt> The re/eren.e year eL13%a-ent 3s $'ta3ne2 'y &1-t3p-y3n0 the re/eren.e year ener0y 1se 'y the pr$21.t3$n /a.t$r =$'ta3ne2 a'$%e; Re/eren.e year eL13%a-ent 9 Re/eren.e year ener0y 1se 8 Pr$21.t3$n /a.t$r

e;P-ant ener0y per/$r&an.e The 3&pr$%e&ent $r 2eter3$rat3$n /r$& the re/eren.e year 3s .a--e2 Nener0y per/$r&an.eO an2 3s a &eas1re $/ the p-antHs ener0y &ana0e&ent pr$0ress> It 3s the re21.t3$n $r 3n.rease 3n the .1rrent yearHs ener0y 1se $%er the re/eren.e( an2 3s .a-.1-ate2 'y s1'tra.t3n0 the .1rrent yearHs ener0y 1se /r$& the re/eren.e years eL13%a-ent> The res1-t 3s 23%32e2 'y the re/eren.e year eL13%a-ent an2 &1-t3p-3e2 'y 1** t$ $'ta3n a per.enta0e>
Plant energy performance = Reference year equivalent - Current year's energy x 100 Reference year equivalent

The ener0y per/$r&an.e 3s the per.enta0e $/ ener0y sa%e2 at the .1rrent rate $/ 1se .$&pare2 t$ the re/eren.e year rate $/ 1se> The 0reater the 3&pr$%e&ent( the h30her the n1&'er w3-- 'e>


The detai*s o- acti4ities -or im/*ementation o- an energy e--icient /ro.ect is gi4en be*ow: A.t3%3ty Pre.e23n0 a.t3%3ty "1rat3$n =2ays; ) ! 10 5 ) 9 0 ) 6 D 0 7 , 0 2 = , ? 52 D ; " D 6 9 =2?2" 1

_________________________ 5$rea$ o- ,nergy ,--iciency

Paper 1 Set A Answer Key

a) draw a F,RT chart b) -ind o$t the d$ration o- the /ro.ect c) identi-y the critica* /ath. a)

(=10 C=

B=9 !=" $=% #=



'; "1rat3$n 9 A* 2ays .; Cr3t3.a- Path, A#C#"#G#I G!( )n in4estment o- Rs. 1.10 Ga'h is made -or a 4ariab*e s/eed dri4e at the beginning othe year2 which is a*so the date o- -irst o/eration. #a4ings e&/ected o4er 6 years are Rs. 2;20002 Rs. (20002 Rs. 602000 and Rs. 602000 res/ecti4e*y. =ind o$t the 9RR othe /ro.ect. 1(1*(*** 9 )B(***K=1MrK1**; M A5(***K=1MrK1**;) M D*(***K=1MrK1**;A M D*(***K=1MrK1**;D 9 11 F =app;


G!: a) Determine the amo$nt o- moist$re on a wet and dry basis -or a waste s*$dge that has 0 'g o- water and 20 'g o- so*ids. b) %i*' is e4a/orated in a steam .ac'eted 'ett*e at atmos/heric /ress$re. 1000 'g mi*' is charged /er batch in the 'ett*e. %i*' is heated -rom 0N0 to 100N0 and boi*ed contin$o$s*y ti** 2(3 o- the mass is e4a/orated. Determine the amo$nt o- dry sat$rated steam at 1 'g<cm2 g re+$ired /er batch e&c*$ding the heating o- 'ett*e. #/eci-ic heat o- mi*' H 0.9 '0a* < 'g10 Gatent heat o- e4a/oration o- water ! (60 '0a* <'g Gatent heat o- steam at 1 'g<cm2 g ! (2( '0a*< 'g

a) D,T 5)#9# K 0 O 100 <( 0P20) K :03 DRQ 5)#9# K

_________________________ 5$rea$ o- ,nergy ,--iciency

0 O 100<20

K 1(03

Paper 1 Set A Answer Key

b) #,N#95G, ",)T R,R89R,D K 1000 S 0.9 S (100 H 0) K CA*** 7Cawater e4a/orated K 1000 & 0.2( K 2(0 'g *atent heat -or e4a/orating 2(0 o- 'g o- water K 2(0 & (60 K 1A5*** 7CaTota* heat re+$ired #team re+$ired at 1 'g <cm2 g K 1 (000 P : 000 K 1EB*** 7CaK 19;000 < (2( K A++ 70

-------- End of Section - III ---------

_________________________ 5$rea$ o- ,nergy ,--iciency

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