Ability Score: Heroic Fantasy Science Fiction
Ability Score: Heroic Fantasy Science Fiction
Ability Score: Heroic Fantasy Science Fiction
To resolve a difficult action, roll 2d6 and add the relevant ability score modifier. Roll 2 or less 3-5 6#-$$ $2 or more Result Disastrous failure Regular failure !ailure "ith a benefit Regular success %&ectacular success
Heroic Fantasy
'bility scores( %trength De2terity 3onstitution 4ntelligence 5isdom 3harisma *ealth
Science Fiction
'bility scores( /ody 7%trength8 /ody 7'gility8 9no"ledge 7Technical8 9no"ledge 7+ala2y8 '"areness 3harisma 0hysical *ealth ,ental *ealth
'bility scores( -; -3 -2 -$ C -$ -2 -3 -; %trength %tamina 'gility !ighting 4ntelligence '"areness 0resence 0hysical *ealth ,ental *ealth
To determine an initial ability score, roll 3d6. 'bility score modifiers( 'ttac)s normally deal $d6 damage and lo"er the a&&ro&riate *ealth score. *ealth is restored at a rate of $d3 &oints &er day. The +, can add -$ or -$ de&ending on the situation. .ach hero also has one catch&hrase, "hich can be used once &er session for -2 on a roll. 't the end of a story, the +, may re"ard each &layer "ith u& to 2 &oints to add to ability scores. This game "as "ritten by /rent 0. 1e"hall, ins&ired by the core rules by /rian Ta)le. 2-3 ;-5 6-B -# $C-$$ $2-$3 $;-$5 $6-$B $ -$#
Optional Rules
'dd another ability score( ,agic. To cast a s&ell, you must first s&end 2 &oints for a trivial s&ell 7brief light, tem&orarily vanish an ob:ect, thro" your voice8, ; &oints for a basic s&ell 7e<uivalent to "hat another &erson could do "ith s)ill and e<ui&ment, li)e a fireball that=s e<uivalent to a >aming arro"8, or 6 &oints for a ma:or s&ell 7crumbling a "all8. 'fter s&ending, re-calculate your ,agic modifier, then roll 2d6 and add your ne" ,agic modifier. ?se the normal resolution rules. ,agic &oints recharge $d3 &oints &er day.
'bility scores( %trength '"areness 6ore 0hysical 3onstitution ,ental 3onstitution 0hysical *ealth ,ental *ealth
'dd a *ealing ability score. @nce &er day, you can roll and add your *ealing modifier. Aou heal one-fourth the roll=s value in *ealth 7rounded do"n, minimum $8 on an ally or yourself 7no success or failure8.