Blue Book of Dangers & Dweomers

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The document provides an overview of the rules for character creation and gameplay in the Swords & Wizardry roleplaying game system.

The character attributes described are Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Constitution, Dexterity and Charisma.

The character classes mentioned as being included are Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Magic-user and Rogue.

The Blue Book of

Dangers and
Luigi Castellani

Based on the Swords & Wizardry: Core rules by Matthew J. Finch

Swords & Wizardry: White box rules by Marv Breig and Matthew J. Finch

Original System and Rules Authors: Dave Arneson and Gary Gygax
System Reference Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman,
Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, and James Wyatt

Revised—June, the 3rd, 2014

Swords & Wizardry, S&W, and Mythmere Games are the trademarks of Matthew J. Finch


Table of Contents
What This Game Is..........................................................................5 The Attack Roll.......................................................................28
Starting the Game............................................................................5 Melee Attack.....................................................................28
Rule Number One...........................................................................5 Missile Attack...................................................................28
The Dice..........................................................................................5 Unarmed Combat..............................................................28
Setting Up Your Character Sheet....................................................5 Critical Hits and Fumbles........................................................29
Creating a character.........................................................................6 Defending...............................................................................29
Ability Scores...........................................................................6 Saving Throws........................................................................29
Strength...............................................................................6 Special Situations....................................................................29
Intelligence.........................................................................6 Backstabbing and Flanking...............................................29
Wisdom...............................................................................6 Coup de grace...................................................................29
Constitution........................................................................6 Called Shots......................................................................29
Dexterity.............................................................................7 Firearms............................................................................29
Charisma.............................................................................7 Off-hand weapon fighting ................................................30
Universal Attribute Bonus..................................................7 Two-Weapon Fighting .....................................................30
Character Races........................................................................7 Charging and resisting charges.........................................30
Humans...............................................................................7 Invisible Opponent............................................................30
Dwarfs................................................................................8 Touch attacks....................................................................30
Elves...................................................................................8 Mounted Combat....................................................................30
Gnomes...............................................................................8 Dismounting riders............................................................30
Half-Elves...........................................................................9 Movement within Melee.........................................................31
Half-Orcs............................................................................9 Retreating..........................................................................31
Character Classes......................................................................9 Spacing.............................................................................31
Restrictions on weapons and armor...................................10 Spears and Polearms...............................................................31
Multi-classing...................................................................10 Subdual Damage.....................................................................31
The Cleric.........................................................................11 Terrain Features......................................................................31
The Druid..........................................................................12 Negotiation and Diplomacy.....................................................31
The Fighter.......................................................................12 Spells......................................................................................31
The Magic-user.................................................................13 Morale.....................................................................................31
The Rogue.........................................................................14 Damage and Death..................................................................32
Alignment...............................................................................15 Healing.............................................................................32
Languages...............................................................................16 Exhaustion, stunning.........................................................32
Secondary Skills......................................................................16 Attacking a Vehicle.................................................................32
Naming your character and other details.................................16 Repairing a Vehicle...........................................................32
Buying Equipment and Starting Silver....................................17 Turning the Undead................................................................32
Calculating Armor Class...................................................17 Energy Drain...........................................................................32
Masterwork equipment.....................................................19 Poison & disease.....................................................................33
Silver weapons..................................................................19 Magic ...........................................................................................34
Standard equipment packs.................................................19 Magic Users............................................................................34
Vehicles............................................................................20 Clerics (and Druids)................................................................34
Land Transportation....................................................20 Spellcasting.............................................................................34
Water Transportation..................................................20 Reversed Spells.......................................................................34
Siege Engines....................................................................21 Counter-spells.........................................................................34
The Game......................................................................................22 Multiple Spell effects..............................................................35
Gaining Experience.................................................................22 Clerical Spell List....................................................................35
Time........................................................................................22 Druid Spell List.......................................................................36
Movement Rate.......................................................................22 Magic-user Spell List..............................................................36
Survival...................................................................................23 Full list of spells......................................................................38
Action checks..........................................................................23 A.......................................................................................38
Traps and Pits..........................................................................23 B.......................................................................................39
Wilderness Encounters............................................................23 C.......................................................................................40
Dungeon Encounters...............................................................25 D.......................................................................................43
Encounter Reactions................................................................25 E.......................................................................................45
Retainers.................................................................................26 F........................................................................................45
Hiring Assistants.....................................................................26 G.......................................................................................47
Combat..........................................................................................27 H.......................................................................................47
Determine Surprise.................................................................28 I.........................................................................................49
Declare Spells.........................................................................28 K.......................................................................................50
Declare Initiative.....................................................................28 L.......................................................................................50
First Initiative Phase................................................................28 M......................................................................................51


N.......................................................................................53 K.......................................................................................91
O.......................................................................................53 L.......................................................................................91
P........................................................................................54 M......................................................................................92
Q.......................................................................................56 N.......................................................................................93
R.......................................................................................56 O.......................................................................................94
S........................................................................................57 P........................................................................................95
T.......................................................................................60 R.......................................................................................95
U.......................................................................................61 S........................................................................................96
W......................................................................................61 T.......................................................................................98
Spell failure table..............................................................63 U.......................................................................................98
Information for the Referee...........................................................64 V.......................................................................................99
Designing and Running an Adventure.....................................64 W......................................................................................99
Creating a Campaign...............................................................65 Y.....................................................................................100
Corruption.........................................................................65 Z.....................................................................................100
Magic and attunement to places, items and times .............67 Monster list...........................................................................100
Tide Magic........................................................................67 Better Monsters.....................................................................102
Bloodlines.........................................................................67 Creating Monsters.................................................................103
Combat options: healing and wounds................................68 Treasure......................................................................................103
Action resolution option: there's always a chance.............68 House Rule: Splitting the Take.......................................104
Monsters as character races...............................................69 “Trading” SP Value for Treasures.........................................104
Experience Points....................................................................71 Treasure Trade Out (Example #1)...................................104
Magical Research....................................................................71 Treasure Trade Out (Example #2)...................................104
Higher Level Adventuring......................................................72 Using Magic Items................................................................105
Strongholds.......................................................................72 Magic Potions.......................................................................105
Dominions........................................................................74 Potions descriptions........................................................106
The Planes.........................................................................75 Combining Potions..........................................................106
Transitive Planes ........................................................75 Scrolls...................................................................................107
Inner Planes ...............................................................76 Protection Scroll Descriptions.........................................108
The Energy Planes......................................................77 Magical Weapons and Armors..............................................108
Outer Planes ...............................................................77 Magical Armor ...............................................................108
Demiplanes ................................................................78 Magical Armor Descriptions...........................................109
Monsters........................................................................................78 Magic weapons...............................................................109
Monster “to-hit” Rolls.............................................................78 Magic weapon descriptions.............................................110
Reading Monster Entries.........................................................78 Wands...................................................................................111
Undead and constructs............................................................78 Wand Descriptions..........................................................111
A.......................................................................................79 Rings.....................................................................................112
B.......................................................................................80 Ring Descriptions............................................................112
C.......................................................................................81 Staffs.....................................................................................113
D.......................................................................................82 Staff Descriptions............................................................113
E.......................................................................................84 Misc. Magic Item Descriptions.............................................114
G.......................................................................................86 Cursed Items.........................................................................118
H.......................................................................................89 Cursed Item Descriptions......................................................118
I.........................................................................................90 OGL and Required Legal Notices...............................................120


What This Game Is The Dice

These rules are a doorway into a game like no other. You will only THE BLUE BOOK OF DANGERS & DWEOMERS uses several
need this book, some paper and pencils, some funny-looking dice, different kinds of dice, and we abbreviate them according to how
and your imagination. There are no playing pieces or permanent many sides they have. So, the four-sided die is called a d4, and if
game boards. Instead, you assume the role of an imaginary we’re telling you to roll 3 of them, we would say to roll 3d4. If we
character in a make-believe world of swords and wizardry, whether wanted to add or subtract from the total, we would say 3d4+3 or
it be a devout priest, a nomadic warrior, a wily rogue, or a powerful 3d4-2. The six-sided die is a d6, the eight-sided die is a d8, the
master of sorcerous arts. ten-sided die is a d10, the twelve-sided die is a d12, and the
One player must assume the role of the Referee. The Referee twenty-sided die is a d20. There is no die with 100 sides—what you
presents a creative world to the other players, issuing challenges do to roll a d100 is to roll two ten-sided dice, treating the first roll
and puzzles for them to solve, and taking on the role of its as the “tens” and the second roll as the “ones.” So, if you were to
imaginary inhabitants. The players in turn explore this world roll a 7 and then a 3, that would mean a 73. A roll of 0 and 0 means
through their characters, interacting with its inhabitants, creatures, a result of “100”. The same goes for the three sided dice (d3), just
and obstacles. roll 1d6 and halve the result rounding fractions up.

Starting the Game Setting Up Your Character Sheet

The first step in playing the game is to create a character. This is a Information about your character goes on a character sheet, which
simple matter of rolling some dice to determine your character’s can be as simple as an index card. You can see below what the card
strength and other basic attributes, picking a character class, using might look like, with your equipment (and maybe spells) jotted
your game money to buy some equipment, and then playing. down on the back.
If you’re the Referee, you’ve got a bit more preparation to do—
that’s covered later in a section especially for the Referee. Name:
Strength: Race: Base Hit Bonus:
Rule Number One Dexterity: Alignment: Saving Throw:
Constitution: Class: Hit Points:
The most important rule is that the Referee always has the right to
Intelligence: Level:
modify the rules. In fact, it’s encouraged. There are gaps in the
Wisdom: Current XP:
rules—holes which we did not fill on purpose because much of the
fun of “old school” gaming is being able to make rules up as you
Primary Weapon:
need them.
Secondary Weapon:
This could be as simple as “um, grab some dice, roll them, and tell
Armor: AC:
me the number” or more complex home-brew charts for the
smallest of details. Along the way we’ll be making suggestions,
Secondary Skills:
explanations, and giving ideas; feel free to use them or discard
Racial Abilities:
them as you like.
Class Abilities:
This is your game, after all.
Gold Pieces: Silver Pieces: Copper Pieces:


Creating a character Intelligence

Unless you’re going to be the Referee, you start by creating a Intelligence represents IQ, reasoning, and the ability to solve
character. You’ll roll some dice to determine your character’s puzzles or understand difficult concepts. Intelligence is the prime
strength and other basic attributes, pick a character class, use the attribute for Magic-user characters.
character’s game money to buy equipment, and then start to play. If
you’re the Referee, you’ve got a bit more preparation to do—that’s  You gain one extra language for every point above 10.
covered later in a section especially for you. Character creation is  Magic-users with a positive bonus get to memorize daily
subdivided in the following steps: an extra spell per spell level up to the bonus number (a +3
1.Roll ability scores modifier means one spell per level up to third level).
2.Choose a Character Race They can't, however, use these extra spells to memorize
3.Choose a Character Class spells they do not have access yet due to level
4.Select/write down class abilities and Saving Throw restrictions.
5.Determine Hit Points  Intelligence governs how many spells a Magic-user can
6.Select an Alignment learn (see Table below), to learn a spell the character
7.Determine starting languages must make an Intelligence Ability Check at +1.
8.Determine secondary skills  The Intelligence modifier is applied to saving throws
9.Roll starting money allowance made against attacks that try to trick the mind, like
10.Buy equipment illusions.
11.Determine encumbrance, movement rate and Armor Class
12.Write down attack bonus Intelligence Maximum Spells per Spell Level
2- 6
At this point, if you already haven't done so, name your character 3-5 7
and start playing! 6 -8 8
9 -12 9
Ability Scores 13-15 10
16 -18 11
The basic attributes are numbers which represent the strength,
+3 +1
intelligence, wisdom, constitution, dexterity, and charisma of the
character. Wisdom
The standard way to create ability scores is to roll 3d6 in the order
Wisdom determines a character’s insight, perception, and good
listed above. Once those rolls have been made, it is often obvious
judgment. Wisdom is the prime attribute for Clerics.
which type of character best fits the stats, but a player always has
the option to play any character class desired.
 Clerics (and Druids) with a positive bonus get to
Some Referees prefer to allow players to have more flexibility in
memorize an additional total of extra spells in the same
their choice of class. One option would be to roll 3d6 six times and
way a Magic-user does (see above).
“arrange to taste.” This allows the player to put the best rolls on the
 The Wisdom modifier is applied to saving throws made
attributes that best fit the character concept.
against spells and powers that try to control or manipulate
Strength the mind like Charm Person or Detect thoughts.

A high strength can give your character bonuses when attacking Constitution
with a sword or other hand-held weapon (called a “melee
Constitution is the health and endurance of the character. A high
weapon”), and lets him carry more weight. Strength is the prime
constitution gives your character extra hit points.
attribute for Fighters.

 The Constitution modifier is applied to each hit die up to

 The Strength modifier is added to melee attack and
9th level (with a minimum of 1 point of die).
damage rolls, it also applies to damage rolls with thrown
 The Constitution modifier is applied to saving throws
weapons (with a minimum of 1 point of damage).
made against poisons, diseases and powers that try
 The Strength modifier is applied to saving throws made
weaken your character.
against attacks that try to restrict freedom of movement
like paralysis or petrification.


Dexterity Universal Attribute Bonus

Dexterity is a combination of coordination and quickness. A high Each attribute has the potential to modify what you can do. The
dexterity score gives your character bonuses when attacking with a Universal Attribute Bonus table below gives some numbers to
bow or other ranged weapon. Dexterity is the prime attribute for consider:
Universal Attribute Bonus
 Your Dexterity modifier applies to all your “to-hit” Attribute Roll Description Bonus
number with all ranged (also called “missile”) weapons. 2- Subhuman -3
It applies to damage rolls (with a minimum of 1 point of 3–5 Inferior -2
damage) with device delivered missiles but not with 6-8 Below Average -1
thrown weapons. 9–12 Average –
 You can use your Dexterity bonus to improve your
13–15 Above Average +1
Armor Class.
16-18 Superior +2
 You can use your Dexterity bonus to improve your
19-21 Superhuman +3
Initiative roll.
 The Dexterity modifier is applied to saving throws made Every +3 -- add +1
against attacks that can be avoided like breath weapons,
fireballs and lightning bolts. Each Referee can decide how and when the Bonus is used, and
should feel free to tinker with the table if desired.
A highly charismatic character has a better chance to talk his way Character Races
out of trouble, and can lead more special followers than characters In a fantasy world, humans often aren’t alone. Elves may populate
with a low charisma. the great forests, Dwarfs may carve their halls and mines into the
You can use your Charisma to modify the number of loyal NPC heart of the earth, and Gnomes may reside in the comfortable
hirelings you can acquire. These hirelings include specialists and hill-houses of their bucolic shires.
non-human creatures, but do not usually include basic men-at-arms. Some fantasy worlds depict an isolated human race pitted against
You can use your Charisma to modify the loyalty of those NPC ancient pre-human evils and the grim, savage wilderness of worlds
hirelings. at the dawn (or dusk) of human civilization itself.
Other fantasy worlds, as a third example, accentuate the bizarre,
Charisma Bonus with a wide variety of fantasy races available to the players—such
Charisma Retainers worlds are filled with conflict and contradictions, always with a
2- 1 new wonder to be found beyond the next corner.
3-5 2 Since Demi-humans have all kinds of special abilities they have
6-8 3 restrictions on the classes they have access to.
9-12 4 The Referee determines what non-human races, if any, you can
13-15 5 choose for your character. In fact, the Referee might permit races
16-18 6 that aren’t covered here.
+3 +1
 The Charisma modifier is applied to reaction rolls made Humans constitute the baseline for all other races. They are the
by NPCs. most widespread and prolific of races, and the most ingenious as
 The Charisma modifier is applied to Morale and Loyalty well. Humans come in all sizes and colors.
rolls made by Hirelings and Henchmen.
 The Charisma modifier is applied to saving throws made Versatility: Humans have access to the following classes with no
against attacks that attack the soul like Energy Drain, restrictions: Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Rogue or Magic-User. In
Magic jar or Death spells. addition every class they chose is considered their Favorite Class.

The Referee may want to make a loyalty check for an NPC put into Focus: At the player's choice a Human character may either
a dangerous situation or one who is offered a bribe to change sides improve an Ability score by 1 or take a free Secondary skill.
in a conflict.


Dwarfs are a race of short stout humanoids that live in Fey: Elves are immune to the Charm and Sleep spell. Elves are also
underground cities. Dwarfs have a love for gold, gems, metals and immune to paralysis caused by undead such as ghouls.
Darkvision: Elves have the ability to see in the dark up to 60 feet
Dwarfs have the Constitution score improved by 2 and the away.
Charisma Score reduced by 2.
Keen Senses: Elves are good at spotting hidden and concealed
Darkvision: Dwarfs have the ability to see in the dark up to 60 feet things and hearing noises. They have a +1 modifier to all related
away. Action checks. Elves subtract 1 from enemy surprise checks.

Stonework: Dwarfs are good at spotting traps (in particular: falling Languages: For campaigns that give each race its own dialect,
blocks, rigged ceilings, and tiny arrow slits designed to release Elves should be able to speak with pixies, nixies, goblins, orcs, and
poison gas or darts), slanting passages, moving walls and new hobgoblins.
construction while underground. They receive a +1 bonus to related
Action checks. Character Advancement: The Druid class is their Favorite class. No
elf may be a Cleric.
Hard to Hit: Being small, Dwarfs typically are awarded some
defensive bonus in combat because they are hard to hit. (+2 to AC
against creatures larger than man-sized.)
Gnomes share some characteristics of both elves and dwarfs, they
Saving Throw: Dwarfs don’t use magic and as such are somewhat are small and stout but quick and thin. Most of all they are not as
immune to it; Dwarfs get +2 on saving throws vs. magic. Since they dour as dwarfs and tend to live in grassy hill lands.
are such hardy folk, Dwarfs also get +2 on saving throws against
death, disease and poisons. Gnomes have the Charisma score improved by 2 and the Strength
Score reduced by 2.
Arcane Smith: from 9th level onwards, the dwarf is so skilled that
he can -through a process akin to magical research- create magical Hard to Hit: Being small, Gnomes typically are awarded some
weapons, armors and rings just like a Magic-User. defensive bonus in combat because they are hard to hit. (+4 to AC
against creatures larger than man-sized.)
Languages: For campaigns that give each race its own dialect,
Dwarfs should be able to speak with gnomes, goblins, orcs, and Minor Illusions: Regardless of his character class and the wearing
kobolds. of armor, all gnomes can cast once per day the following spells as
first level spell-casters: Audible Glamer, Dancing Lights.
Weapon Restrictions: A dwarf's small size does not allow them to
use big weapons like battle axes, two handed swords, longbows or Near Invisibility: When not engaged in combat, Gnomes are hard to
polearms. see and move with almost total silence, they receive a +1 to Action
checks made to avoid detection like surprise checks.
Character Advancement: The Fighter class is their Favorite class.
No dwarf may be a Druid. Saving Throw: Gnomes are somewhat immune to illusions and get
a +2 on saving throws vs. illusionary magic or powers.

Elves Weapon Restrictions: A gnome's small size does not allow them to
Elves are thin and graceful humanoids with pointed ears and use big weapons like battle axes, two handed swords, longbows or
slanted features. Elves have a deep connection to nature and the polearms, they may employ medium sized weapons like
living world and a great love for arts and magic. longswords with two hands.

Elves have the Dexterity score improved by 2 and the Constitution Character Advancement: The Magic-user class is their Favorite
Score reduced by 2. class, no gnome may be a Cleric.

Animal Friendship: All Elves may control animals like 1st level
Druids. If the elf is a druid add 1 to his level.


Half-Elves Darkvision: Half-orcs have the ability to see in the dark up to 60

Half-elves are mixed-race beings usually much like their elven feet away.
parent in appearance but with the good features of each of their
races. Tracking scent: Half orcs have a powerful scent and can identify
They do not have all the abilities of the elf, nor do they have the smells within 30’, double this figure for very strong smells. This
flexibility of the human. sense is about as powerful as a dog’s. They receive a +1 to Action
They mingle freely with either race although in some of the Checks made for tracking.
less-civilized nations, half-elves are viewed with suspicion and
superstition. Half-elves do rarely form communities among Languages: Half-orcs should be able to speak with bugbears,
themselves; rather, they can be found living in both elven and goblins, orcs, and hobgoblins.
human communities or roaming free.
Saving Throw: Half-orcs get +1 on saving throws vs. poison and
Half-elves have the Dexterity score improved by 1 and the disease.
Constitution Score reduced by 1
Character Advancement: The Rogue class is their Favorite class.
Mixed blood: Half elves are considered both humans and elves No Half-Orc may be a Magic-user.

Darkvision: Half-elves have the ability to see in the dark up to 60 Character Classes
feet away. There are four character classes in this game: Cleric (or Druid),
Rogue, Fighter and Magic-user.
Keen Senses: Half-elves are good at spotting hidden and concealed
things and hearing noises. They have a +1 modifier to all related Primary attributes: To pick a class as his first class a character
Action checks. Half-elves subtract 1 from enemy surprise checks. needs a minimum score of 9 in the Primary attribute of the class
(Strength for Fighters, Intelligence for Magic Users, Dexterity for
Saving Throw: Half-elves get a +2 bonus on on saving throws Rogues and Wisdom for Druids and Clerics).
versus paralysis induced by ghouls and other lesser undead, Charm
A character that can not access any character class allowed by his
and Sleep spells.
race due to poor attributes may raise a primary attribute to 9 so to
be allowed access to a class of his or her choice.
Languages: Half-elves speak elvish, the language of pixies and
Level: Refers to the level of experience of the character.

Character Advancement: Half-elves have no Favorite class but may

XP: This is the number of Experience Points (XP) needed to
pick up any class.
advance to this level. If one of the character's classes is a favorite
class the character receives a 20% bonus on all gained experience.
BHB: This is the “Base Hit Bonus” added to the attack roll. (See
Another example of a hybrid, half-orcs are products of human and
orc parents. Of a height similar to half-elves, half-orcs usually
resemble their human parent enough to pass for a human in public.
Hit Dice: each class has a specific type of Hit dice (1d8, 1d6 or
Their skin ranges from peach to olive to deep tan, and their hair can
1d4) used to determine hit Points. A new hit dice is rolled at each
be blond, red, brown, black, gray, and shades in between.
level up to 9th level and added to the character's maximum hit
Half-orcs have a hard time getting along with other races due to the
general mistrust reserved to humanoids. Humans are the ones more
Every time a new Hit die is rolled the Constitution modifier is
likely to welcome them, and Gnomes.
applied to the roll, a character gains a minimum of 1 hit point per
Half-orcs have the Strength and Constitution scores improved by 1
First level characters may be granted -at the GM's choice-
and the Intelligence and Charisma scores reduced by 1.
maximum starting hit points for their class (8, 6 or 4 respectively)
plus the Constitution bonus.
Mixed blood: Half orcs are considered both humans and orcs


After ninth level Hit Dice are no more rolled and the character the eventuality of a character wielding a prohibited weapon all
gains a fixed amount of hit points at each level without the attack rolls suffer a -3 penalty.
Constitution modifier. The same penalty applies to a dwarf or Gnome that tries to use a
weapon of inadequate size. A character that tries to use a "doubly"
Saving Throws: A character's base Saving Throw Bonus is added inadequate weapon (like a dwarven cleric using a two handed
to all Saving Throws, it is equal to one half the character's level up sword) suffers a -6 penalty.
to a maximum of +10, round down.
Character Advancement When a character gains a new level he may increase the level of his
Level XP Fighter Saving Throw Magic User original class or she may take a level in a second class, but the class
BHB Rogue/ Cleric/ BHB he choses must be available to his or her race (so no Elven
Druid Fighter/Clerics...) and the character must have a Primary attribute
BHB score of 11 or more. Also no Cleric/druid multi-classing is possible.
1 0 +1 +0 +0
The GM may require that the players spend about 1000 Silver
2 1,250 +2 +1 +0 pieces in training and/or has access to a Master (9th level character
3 2,500 +2 +1 +0 of the class he wants to take) to instruct him or her.
4 5,000 +3 +2 +1
A Cleric or Druid for example should pick up his faith at a temple,
5 10,000 +4 +2 +1
while a magic-user should either find a teaching wizard or spend
6 20,000 +4 +3 +1
some time trying to decipher a spell book.
7 40,000 +5 +3 +2
8 60,000 +6 +4 +2 This training or instruction period should be from two weeks to
one month long.
9 90,000 +6 +4 +2
10* 120,000 +7 +5 +3 No character may ever have more than two classes, in addition
11 240,000 +8 +5 +3 characters with two classes suffer a -20% XP penalty. Obviously
12 360,000 +8 +6 +3 this penalty cancels out if the character is receiving a Favorite class
13 480,000 +9 +6 +4 XP bonus.
14 600,000 +10 +7 +4 Character Level and Class Level: "Character level" is a
15 720,000 +10 +7 +4 character’s total number of levels in all classes he or she has.
16 840,000 +11 +8 +5 "Class level" is a character’s level in a particular class.
17 960,000 +12 +8 +5 For a character whose levels are all in the same class, character
18 1,080,000 +12 +9 +5 level and class level are the same.
19 1,200,000 +13 +9 +6
Thus a Rogue 6/ Fighter 3 is a 9th level character just like a 9th
20 1,320,000 +14 +10 +6
level cleric.
* character stops rolling for hit dice and Constitution bonus thus no
longer applies The character gains spells and special abilities from all of his or her
classes at the appropriate class level and keeps a separate list for
Restrictions on weapons and armor each class.
Use of restricted Armor: Any character using prohibited armor for For example a multi-class Druid gets the Freedom ability at the 3rd
its class gains an additional -2 penalty to Attack rolls, Initiative Druid Class level.
rolls, and any Saving throws or Action checks (including surprise)
based on Strength, Constitution or Dexterity. Effects of spells and special abilities created by the character are
Magic-users can't cast any spells if wearing armor. Druids can't cast determined by the specific class level. The player must keep track
spells if wearing metal armor. of which class’s spell list the character is casting the spell from.
Optionally the Referee may allow magic-users and druids to cast Effects trying to affect the character that are level-dependant may
spells in forbidden armor, when this happens roll 1d6. If the roll is consider his class level or character level depending on description.
equal to, or less than, the AC bonus imparted by the armor worn,
the spell fails and spell memorization slot is expended. Weapons and armors, magic items: A multi-classed character can
use proficiently all weapons, armors and magic items allowed by
Use of restricted weapons: In some desperate cases a Magic-User both his classes. Spell-casting in armor affects Magic-users and
may try to use a sword to save his life and that of his comrades. In Druids as usual, regardless of proficiency.


Hit Points: A character gains hit points from each class as his or
her class level increases, adding the new hit points to the previous Establish Temple (10th): At tenth level, a Cleric character who
total. Once a character reaches the 9th character level he no more chooses to build a temple to their deity of choice may attract a
accrues Hit Dice but increases by the fixed amount dependant on body of loyal followers who will swear fealty to him.
the class he or she advanced in.
Clerical Advancement Spell Level
BHB and Saving Throws: Add the base attack bonuses acquired
Lvl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
for each class to get the character’s base attack bonus. The Saving
1 – – – – – – –
Throw bonus is determined by Character Level. Saving throw
bonusses by class do not sum: A Rogue Magic-User receives a +2 2 1 – – – – – –
-only- to Intelligence Saves, and +2 to Dexterity and wisdom 3 2 – – – – – –
Saving Throws. 4 2 1 – – – – –
5 2 2 1 – – – –
Energy Drain: When a multi-class character gets hit by an
6 2 2 1 1 – – –
energy-draining attack chose which class loses a level and change
his abilities(Saving Throw, BHB, Hit Points...) accordingly 7 2 2 2 1 1 – –
8 2 2 2 2 2 – –
The Cleric 9 3 3 3 2 2 – –
Clerics are armored priests who serve Law or Chaos. Most Clerics 10 3 3 3 3 3 – –
have a patron deity or serve a particular religion. Feel free to make 11 4 4 4 3 3 – –
up the details, if your Referee doesn’t use a particular mythology 12 4 4 4 4 4 1 –
for the campaign you’re playing in. 13 5 5 5 4 4 1 –
Regardless of the details, you are a champion of your faith and
14 5 5 5 5 5 2 –
moral alignment. You might be a sinister witch-hunter, an exorcist
15 6 6 6 5 5 2 –
of demons, a shining knight of the faith, or a secret agent of the
16 6 6 6 6 6 3 –
Temple hierarchy. Because most of a Cleric’s abilities are oriented
17 7 7 7 6 6 3 1
toward healing and protecting, Clerics tend to play a support role
during combat, backing up the front line. 18 7 7 7 7 7 4 1
19 8 8 8 7 7 4 2
Class Abilities 20 8 8 8 8 8 5 2
Hit Dice type: 1d6 plus Constitution modifiers per level up to 9th
level, Add 2 Hit points per level afterward without Constitution Non-standard Clerics
modifiers. Not all Clerics (and not all deities) are the same. GMs may want to
differentiate Clerics of specific deities from one another.
Weapon/Armor Restrictions: Because Clerics dislike the shedding First of all weapon restrictions may differ, a Cleric must have one
of blood, they may only use blunt weapons (club, flail, mace, of the following restrictions:
quarterstaff...) and the only missile weapon they are allowed is oil, • The cleric is limited to one weapon type: Slashing,
slings and holy water. Clerics have no armor restrictions. Piercing, Blunt.
• The cleric can only wear Light armor and shields.
Spell Casting: Clerics cast divine spells from a specific list, as per • The cleric can only wear Light and Medium armor but no
the Clerical Advancement Table. Each day, the Cleric prays for a shields.
certain set of spells, choosing any spells from the standard list.
Clerics of specific gods might have entirely different sets of spells Additionally the GM may remove the Turn Undead power and
as designed by the Referee, but the standard Cleric has the standard substitute it according to the deities area of influence.
list. You can find some suggestions for non standard Clerics:

Saving Throw: Clerics get +2 on saving throws based on Wisdom Deity of Crafts: the Cleric starts with an extra secondary skill
and Charisma. and gets a new one every 3 levels.

Banishing Undead: Clerics can “Turn” the undead, making them Deity of Communication/Languages: the Cleric starts with one
flee from the Cleric’s holiness (or, in the case of a Chaotic Cleric, extra language and learns a new language every level.
bringing them to heel as servants and minions). See the Turning
Undead Table in the Combat Chapter.


Deity of Disease: the Cleric can change any memorized spell Freedom (3rd): starting from this level the druid can not be stopped
to a Cause X spell of the same level at any time. by natural undergrowth, brushes or plants and moves at full speed
through it.
Deity of Healing: the Cleric can change any memorized spell
to a Cure X spell of the same level at any time. Languages (4th): Druids speak their own druidic language in
addition to the common tongue. At 4th level, and every level
Deity of Hunting: the Cleric can use piercing weapons instead gained above 4th, the druid may chose an extra language from the
of blunt weapons and receive a +1 to surprise checks. following: Pixies, Nixies, Dryad, Elvish, Treant, Giant (Hill),
Centaur, Manticore, or Dragon (Green).
Deity of Magic: the Cleric can use magic items that only
Magic-Users can use, also it can pray for the Read Magic spell Shape Change (6th): At this level, druids may take the shape of a
(as a 1st level spell) and use it to employ magic-user scrolls. mammal, reptile, or bird. The druid may shape change up to 3 times
per day, but is limited to one type (bird, reptile, mammal) per day.
Deity of Treachery: the Cleric can only use piercing weapons, The druid gets the animals AC, movement and attack forms but
also it gets an additional +2 to hit enemies from behind and retains his hit points and can not cast spells while shape-changed. If
inflicts double damage on this occasion. killed the druid will recover is natural form. The size of the animals
the druid shape changes into ranges from as small as a raven to as
Deity of War: the Cleric can induce Berserk rage to allies large as a small bear. Changing from one form to another heals the
within 60 feet three times per day. druid of 1d6 x 10% points of damage previously sustained.

Deity of Water: the Cleric can breath water and moves at full Nature Immunity (6th): Druids at this level are immune to charm
ground speed when swimming, OR it can Turn any water spells from woodland or water creatures such as nixies. Also druids
creature (crabs, squids, fishes, sharks, nixies, dragon turtles...) become immune to natural poisons and diseases.
as a standard Cleric turns the undead.
Establish Grove (10th): At tenth level, a Druid character may
sanctify a grove and attract a body of loyal followers who will
The Druid swear fealty to him.
Neutral Clerics may chose to be servants of nature instead of a
Chaotic or Lawful deity. These specialty clerics are called Druids. Graceful Aging (12th): At twelfth level, a Druid becomes immune
Druids can not Turn Undead and have different powers: to the effects of age (ability scores reduction) but will die
nonetheless when his natural lifetime has ended.
Hit Dice type: 1d6 plus Constitution modifiers per level up to 9th
level, Add 2 Hit points per level afterward without Constitution
modifiers. The Fighter
You are a warrior, trained in battle and in the use of armor and
Weapon/Armor Restrictions: Druids can use all weapons except weapons. Perhaps you are a ferocious Viking raider, a roaming
crossbows, longbows, polearms, battle axes, firearms and two samurai, or a medieval knight. Whatever type of Fighter you
handed swords. They can only wear padded or leather armor and choose to play, you will probably end up on the front lines of your
employ wooden shields only. adventuring party, going toe-to-toe with dragons, goblins, and evil
cultists, hacking your way through them and taking the brunt of
Saving Throw: Druids get +2 on saving throws based on Wisdom their attacks.
and Charisma. The Fighter character is best equipped of all the character classes to
dish out and absorb damage. Clerics heal, and Magic-users cast
Animal friendship: Starting from 1st level druids have power over spells, but the down-and-dirty hack and slash work is up to you.
animals similar to that of clerics over the undead. You’re going to serve as the party’s sword and shield, protecting
the weaker party members and taking down the enemies before
Spell Casting: Druids have their own spell list but get spells as you.
Clerics (see the Clerical advancement table above).
Class Abilities
Initiate Powers (2nd): At 2nd level the druid gains the following Hit Dice type: 1d8 plus Constitution modifiers per level up to 9th
abilities; identify pure water, identify plants, identify animals. level, Add 3 Hit points per level afterward without Constitution


He receives a +1 bonus to hit and damage against the chosen

Weapon/Armor Restrictions: Fighters are trained in warfare and as race, plus a +1 bonus to Ability checks made to trick, track, or
such have no armor or weapon restrictions. know about the chosen race.
The character suffers a -1 reaction roll penalty when dealing
Saving Throw: Fighters get +2 on saving throws based on Strength with characters of the chosen race. Can only be chosen once.
and Constitution.
Intimidating Presence: All foes of the fighter within 60 feet
Mastery: At first, fourth, eighth, twelfth, sixteenth and twentieth that can see him suffer a -1 penalty to morale and loyalty rolls.
level the fighter chooses one of the following abilities:
Leader: All allies of the fighter within 60 feet receive a +1
Arcane strike: The fighter's melee attacks are considered bonus to Saving Throws against Fear and to morale rolls.
magical. This Mastery requires either an Intelligence, Wisdom This is not cumulative with other Leader abilities: if two
or Charisma of 13 or more. characters with this ability are present they simply affect a
wider area.
Armor specialization: The fighter chooses an armor type, he
only counts half the weight of the armor. Mounted Combat: when fighting from a mount the character
receives a +1 bonus to attack rolls and Armor Class.
Berserk:Once per day the fighter gains a +2 bonus to hit and
damage in melee for ten combat rounds, but suffers a -2 Shield Master: The fighter gains an extra +1 bonus to his/her
penalty to his/her AC while berserk. AC when using a shield.
Entering berserk rage requires one round long action.
While berserk the character can not concentrate, use magic Toughness: The character gains 1 extra hit point per level,
items requiring clear thought or spells. including previously gained levels.
The berserk will attack the nearest enemy in melee, attacking
to kill. If no enemies are in sight, the character will attack the Two weapons combat: The character can wield two medium
nearest target available unless a Saving Throw on Wisdom is sized weapons (like long swords) instead of a medium and a
successful. light weapon.
The character may end prematurely the rage by rolling a
successful Wisdom based Saving Throw. Weapon specialist: The Fighter may select a weapon type of
Afterward, the character is exhausted, taking a -2 penalty to all choice. While wielding a weapon he has specialized in, the
actions. One hour of complete rest (no walking) eliminates the Fighter gets a +1 to hit and +2 to damage.
exhaustion. Each type of weapon may be chosen only once by a character.
A weapon specialist is considered as having two more levels
Combat Machine: Whenever a fighter downs an enemy in when determining the number of attacks he gets.
melee combat (i.e. reduces it to 0 or less hit points or knock A ranged weapon specialist increases his weapon of choice's
unconscious), he gets to execute a free melee attack against base range by 10 feet.
any target of his choice within 5 feet.
If necessary, the fighter is moved near the chosen target Establish Stronghold (9th): At ninth level, a Fighter character who
without granting enemies any parting-shots. chooses to build a castle is considered to have the rank of “Baron”
The fighter can repeat this up to a number of times per round bestowed upon him by the local ruler or monarch and may choose
equal to his or her level. to attract a body of loyal men-at-arms who will swear fealty to him.

Diehard: The character is extremely resistant and

strong-willed, it can keep moving, fighting and acting even at The Magic-user
0 or less Hit Points. The Magic-user is a mysterious figure, a student of arcane powers
and spell casting. Magic-users can be devastating opponents.
Guard: When taking a defense action, once per round, the However, they are usually physically weaker than other
character can become the object of an attack targeting any adventuring classes, and are untrained in the use of armor and
character of his choice within 10 feet. weapons.
As Magic-users progress in level, they generally become the most
Hunter: The character is good at fighting a specific race or powerful of the character classes, but at lower levels they are quite
type of monster. vulnerable and must be protected by the other party members.


Perhaps one day, though, you will rise to such heights of power that Magic-user Spell Level
you can build a mystically protected tower for your researches, Advancement
create fabulous magic items, and scribe new formulas for hitherto Lvl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
unknown spells. Such arch-mages can sway the politics of 1 1 – – – – – – – –
kingdoms, and command respect and fear across the realms. 2 2 – – – – – – – –
3 3 1 – – – – – – –
Class Abilities 4 4 2 – – – – – – –
Hit Dice type: 1d4 plus Constitution modifiers per level up to 9th
5 4 2 1 – – – – – –
level, Add 1 Hit points per level afterward without Constitution
6 4 2 2 – – – – – –
7 4 3 2 1 – – – – –
8 4 3 3 2 – – – – –
Weapon/Armor Restrictions: Magic-users tend to spend their
waking hours in study of arcane tomes and scrolls, and as such tend 9 4 3 3 2 1 – – – –
to not have much training in weapons. 10 4 4 3 2 2 – – – –
Magic-users may only use blowguns, burning oil, holy water, 11 4 4 4 3 3 – – – –
daggers, darts, clubs, slings or staves and are not allowed the use of 12 4 4 4 4 4 1 – – –
armor or shields. 13 5 5 5 4 4 2 – – –
14 5 5 5 4 4 3 1 – –
Spell Casting: Unlike the Cleric, a Magic-user owns a book of 15 5 5 5 5 4 4 2 – –
spells, which does not necessarily include all of the spells on the
16 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 1 –
standard lists.
17 6 6 6 5 5 5 2 2 –
Reading from the book, the Magic user presses his chosen spell
18 6 6 6 6 6 5 2 2 1
formulas into his mind, “preparing” these spells. Once a prepared
19 7 7 7 6 6 6 3 2 2
spell is cast, it disappears from the Magic-user’s ability to cast
(until it is prepared again). 20 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 2
It is possible to prepare a spell multiple times using the available
“slots” in the Magic-user’s memory/capability. If the magic user
The Rogue
finds scrolls of spells while adventuring, he can copy them into his
spell book. The Rogue is a figure in the shadows, an expert in stealth and
At first level a Magic User knows read magic and two random first delicate tasks. As a rogue, locks, traps, and scouting are your trade;
level spells, whenever a new spell level is gained access to, the you are the eyes and ears of the adventuring party, the one who
magic user may inscribe in his spell-book one spell of the handles the perils of the dungeon itself. In many ways, you are a
appropriate level for free. scholar of the world; in the course of your profession you pick up
knowledge about languages and even magic. True, in combat you
At each level after the first Magic-users may declare one spell they are not the equal of armored Fighters or Clerics, but they have to
know to be a Signature spell. Signature Spells can be cast even rely on your knowledge and specialized skills to get them safely
without the necessary material components (see the chapter on into and out of the dangerous places where treasure is to be found.
magic). You are the guide; the scout; and when necessary, the deadly blade
that strikes from the shadows without warning. In your profession,
Arcane Insight: Magic-users can, at any moment, use a memorized it takes great skill to survive – the life expectancy of most Rogues
spell to cast the Read Magic spell. is very short. However, if you rise to high level, your reputation in
the hidden community of tomb robbers and alley skulkers will
Saving Throw: Magic-users get +2 on saving throws based on attract followers to your side, often enough allies to place you in
Intelligence and Wisdom. power as a guildmaster of Thieves. A high-level Rogue is a deadly
opponent, for such an individual has learned subtlety and survival
in the game’s most difficult profession.

Class Abilities
Hit Dice type: 1d6 plus Constitution modifiers per level up to 9th
level, Add 2 Hit points per level afterward without Constitution


Weapon/Armor Restrictions: Rogues have only basic training with May only be chosen once and requires the character to have a
weaponry: they may use all weapons but are limited to Light Armor score of 10 or more in the Prime Attribute of the spell-casting
and no shields. class of choice.

Saving Throw: Rogues get +2 on saving throws based on Dexterity Lightning fast reflexes: the character receives a +1 bonus to
and Intelligence. individual initiative.

Craftiness: A Rogue receives a number of special skills in a Poison mastery: The fighter gains a +2 bonus to Saving
number of fields: throws against poison. Characters victim of poisoning attempts
on the rogue's part suffer a -2 penalty to Saving Throws.
Athletics:The Rogue gets a +1 to all checks made to jump and
tumble and to climb walls. Quick-footed: The rogue improves its movement speed by 1,
this applies after all calculations for armor and encumbrance
Awareness:The Rogue gets a +1 to all checks made to notice are made.
noises, find secret doors and traps. The rogue subtract this
modifier from enemy surprise checks. Secondary Skill: The rogue earns a new Secondary skill (or
language) of his choice.
Mechanical Manipulation:The Rogue gets a +1 to disarm traps
and open locks. Some kind of equipment is necessary. Secret communication: a Rogue that shares a common language
with another Rogue can communicate with him or her in a way that
Sleight of hand:The Rogue gets a +1 to all checks made to other listeners who are not Rogues will not understand.
pick pockets and perform little tricks.
Establish Guild (9th): At ninth level, a Rogue is well enough
Stealthy: The character receives a +1 to all checks made to known to assemble a small guild of Thieves if the character
avoid detection, including surprise. chooses, attracting a shadowy band of sneaks, thugs, and other
unsavory characters into his (or her) service.
These abilities improve with experience, at each odd level after the
first (3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th ... ) the Rogue gets to add an additional +1
modifier to one of the above skills of his or her choice. No skill Alignment
modifier may be improved above +3. Alignment is a way to describe the moral bend of a character. It’s a
simple way to identify what “side” the character or creature belongs
Mastery: The Rogue may chose a Mastery at 1st level. At 3rd, 7th, to and how they interact with the world in general.
11th, 15th and 19th level the rogue may chose one of the following
abilities instead of the usual +1 modifier to one of his skills: Lawful: A Lawful character believes in justice, civilization, and the
needs of the many over the individual. This is the alignment of
Backstabber:When attacking a surprised enemy from behind, rulers, tyrants, soldiers and paladins. This alignment is usually
the Rogue receives an additional +2 bonus to hit and adds described as "Good".
twice its level to damage inflicted on a successful hit.
Chaotic: A Chaotic character is free-spirited and champions the
Dodging: So long as the rogue is wearing Light armor or no rights of the individual over the many and the untamed wilds. They
armor, he gains a +2 bonus to his AC. This bonus is lost if the care little for laws or civilization. This is the alignment for loners,
rogue is surprised. bandits, and freedom fighters. This alignment is usually defined as
Evade: The character can disengage from combat without
granting an enemy the free "parting shot" if wearing Light Neutral: A Neutral character has chosen not to take sides. They
armor or no armor at all. only obey laws when it is convenient or necessary and are generally
unconcerned with the struggle between Law and Chaos, unless it
Initiate: The character has a smattering of arcane or divine affects their well being. This is the alignment of choice for lonely
training, and may employ either Cleric, Druid or Magic User hermits and the profiteering merchant.
scrolls with a base 5% of error plus 5% per spell level.


Languages 1d100 Secondary skill

All characters begin the game knowing their native language, a 01-04 Animal husbandry
common trade language, eventual bonus languages due to race 05-08 Armorer and weapon smith
abilities and a number of additional languages based on 09-12 Blacksmith
Intelligence. Characters may choose to learn any other language. 13-16 Bowyer
The player may choose to leave one or more bonus language 17-20 Farmer
“slots” open, to be filled during play. Some Game Masters may 21-24 Fisher
even allow player characters to learn exotic languages such as 25-28 Forester
Dragon; also, “dead” or otherwise archaic languages might be 29-32 Gambler
allowed to more scholarly characters. Characters with an 33-36 Hunter
Intelligence of 9 or more are literate, other characters are not 37-40 Jeweler
literate unless they take an appropriate secondary skill. 41-44 Leather working
45-48 Linguist (speak up to three extra languages)
Secondary Skills 49-52 Mason
53-56 Miner
A character class just represents an archetype and does not cover all
57-60 Sailor
possible pursuits a person follows in its life. Some minor
61-64 Savant (chose field of expertise)
knowledge of skills might belong to the player character - either
65-68 Shipwright
training from early years or incidentally picked up while the
individual was in apprenticeship. 69-72 Tailor
If your particular campaign is aimed at a level of play where 73-76 Teamster
secondary skills can be taken into account, then use the table below 77-80 Trader
to assign them to player characters, or even to henchmen if you so 81-84 Trapper/furrier
desire. 85-88 Woodworker
Assign a skill randomly, or select according to the background of 89-95 No skill
your campaign. 96-00 Roll twice ignoring this result hereafter
When secondary skills are used, it is up to the Referee to create and
adjudicate situations in which these skills are used or useful to the
Naming your character and other details
player character. You may want to fill in the details of your character. There are
As a general rule, having a skill will give the character the ability to many situations in which this information is vital or useful to
determine the general worth and soundness of an item, the ability to role-playing.
find food, make small repairs, or actually construct (crude) items. The sex and name of your character are up to you. Your character
For example, an individual with armorer skill could tell the quality can be of the same sex as yourself or of the opposite sex.
of normal armor, repair chain links, or perhaps fashion certain Naming a character is a momentous decision: a character's name is
weapons. the first give away of its outlook and personality: you can bet that
The character will also be able to double up as an assistant to other “Frund the barbarian” and “Bertram the thoughtful” are extremely
blacksmiths. different characters.
New secondary skills (or even languages) may be acquired through There are a number of other personal characteristics your character
training with a mentor: this will take no less than six months and has--hair and eye color, body shape, voice, noticeable features, and
the teacher will usually require payment in the range of 2d6x10 sp general personality.
per month. There are no tables for these things add these details at your whim,
Training in a skill must be thorough, the character must train daily thereby creating the type of character you want. You probably
for at least 4 hours but may take one or two days off every week. know some from the start others, especially your character's
Training in two different skills leaves just one free day a week. personality, will grow and take form as you play.
No character may pursue training in more than two skills at a time. The following tables can help you determine the physical attributes
of your character apart from Ability scores.
All aging adjustments to Ability scores are cumulative and the
character will die once Maximum Age is reached.


Average Height and Weight Armor

Height in Inches Weight in Pounds Armor AC Weight1 Cost
Race Base Modifier Base Modifier Shield [+1] 10 10
Dwarf 43/41 1d10 130/105 4d10 Light armor
Elf 60/58 2d6 110/85 3d10 Padded Armor [+1] 10 10
Half-elf 60/58 2d6 110/85 3d12 Leather [+2] 25 15
Half-orc 60/58 2d6 135/95 6d10 Medium Armor
Gnome 32/30 2d8 52/48 5d4
Ring [+3] 35 20
Human 60/59 2d10 140/100 6d10
Chain [+4] 50 30
Heavy armor
Starting Age
Starting Age Maximum Age Range Splint [+5] 60 40
Race Base Age Variable (Base+Variable) Plate [+6] 75 50
1 Magical armor weighs half normal.
Dwarf 40 5d6 350+2d20
Elf 100 5d6 900+1d100
Half-elf 15 1d6 180+3d20 Calculating Armor Class
Half-orc 12 1d4 60+1d20 An unarmored human has an AC of 10. Armor worn, instead of
Gnome 40 5d6 350+2d20 subtracting from this total, is added—making him more difficult to
Human 15 1d4 90+2d20 hit. Thus, a human (base AC 10) wearing Leather Armor (+2) has
an effective AC of 12 (10+2), a high AC is good.
Aging Effects
Middle Age* Old Age** Venerable*** Melee Weapons
Race (½ Base Max.) (2/3 Base Max.) (Base Max.) Weapon Damage Type Weight Cost
Dwarf 175 years 235 years 350 years Axe, Battle1 1d8 S 15 7
Elf 450 years 600 years 900 years Club 1d4 B 10 –
Half-elf 60 years 120 years 180 years Dagger 1d4 P 2 3
Half-orc 30 years 40 years 60 years Flail1 1d8 B 15 8
Gnome 175 years 235 years 350 years Axe, Hand 1d6 S 10 3
Human 45 years 60 years 90 years Halberd / Pole Arm12 1d10 P 15 7
* -1 Str/Con; +1 Int/Wis
Mace or Warhammer 1d6 B 10 5
** -2 Str/Dex, -1 Con; +1 Wis
Morning Star 1d6 B 15 6
*** -2 Str/Dex/Con; +1 Int/Wis
Spear2 1d6 P 10 2
Buying Equipment and Starting Silver Staff1 1d6 B 10 1

Roll 3d6 and multiply by 10. This represents the number of silver Sword 1d8 S 10 10
pieces (sp) that your character gets to have at the start of the Sword, Short 1d6 P 5 8
campaign. Sword, Two-handed 1
1d10 S 15 15
One gold piece (gp) is worth 10 silver pieces (sp) or 100 copper 1 Two-handed weapon
pieces (cp). Prices and weight for equipment are listed on the tables 2 Reaches 1 rank forward if used two-handed
Twenty coins and gems weighing a pound.


Missile Weapons
Weapon Damage Type Weight Cost Animal Cost
Blowgun By poison P 1 5 Boar 10 sp
Blunderbuss* 1d4 P 10 200 Bull 20 sp
Bow, long 1d8 P 5 40 Calf 5 sp
Camel 50 sp
Bow, short 1d6 P 5 25
Capon 1 cp
Quiver1 – 5 5
Cat 1 sp
Arrows (20) – 1 5
Chicken 1 cp
Arrow, silver (1) – – 5 Cow 10 sp
Crossbow, heavy 1d8 P 5 25 Dog --
Crossbow, light 1d6 P 5 15 Guard 25 sp
Case2 – – 5 Hunting 17 sp
Crossbow bolt (30) – 5 5 War 20 sp
Dagger 1d4 S 2 3 Donkey, mule, or ass 8 sp
Darts(10) 1d3 P 1 3 Elephant --
Musket* 1d8 P 10 120 Labor 200 sp
War 500 sp
Nets @ B 3 3
Falcon (trained) 1000 sp
Sling 1d4 B 1 2
Goat 1 sp
Stones (20) – 1 1
Goose 1 cp
Pistol* 1d6 P 3 80
Hunting cat (jaguar, etc.) 500 sp
Powder & Ball (10) - 1 10 Ox 15 sp
1 20 arrow capacity
Peacock 5 sp
2 30 bolt capacity
Pig 3 sp
*Firearm uses powder & ball Pigeon 1 cp
@ Grappling attack Pigeon, homing 10 sp
Type: B is Blunt, P is Piercing, S is Slashing Ram 4 sp
Sheep 2 sp
Missile Weapons Songbird 1 sp
Weapon RoF Range1 Swan 5 cp
Blowgun 1 10 ft
Blunderbuss ½ 20 ft Service Cost
Bow, long 1 70 ft Banquet (per person) 10 sp
Bath 1 cp
Bow, short 1 50 ft
City room (month) 6cp-20sp
Crossbow, heavy ½ 80 ft
Clerk (per letter) 2 cp
Crossbow, light 1 60 ft
Courtesan 2cp-20sp
Dagger 1 10 ft Doctor (per call) 3 sp
Darts 2 10 ft Guide(day) 2 sp
Holy water2 1 10 ft Inn lodging (day) 2cp-3sp
Net 1 10 ft Laundry (load) 1 cp
Musket ½ 100 ft Meals (day) 1cp-5 cp
Oil 3
1 10 ft Messenger, in city (per message) 1 cp
Pistol ½ 40 ft. Minstrel (per performance) 3 sp
Sling 1 30 ft Mourner (per funeral) 2 sp
1 -2 “to-hit” per increment, maximum three range increments Teamster w/wagon 1 cp/mile*
2 Holy water inflicts 1d6 damage to undead for two consecutive *Extra cargo space can be bought, doubling the allowed space for
rounds. a 20% increase in the fare
3 Oil inflicts 1d6 fire-based damage points for two consecutive



Item Weight Cost Torches burn for one hour and create a 30 ft radius of light. A pint
Backpack (30 pound capacity) 2 lbs. 5 sp of oil in a lantern burns for 4 hours.
Barrel 30 lbs. 2 sp Normal lanterns create a 30 ft radius of light, and bulls-eye lanterns
Bedroll 2 lbs. 2 cp create a beam of light 60 ft long but only 10 ft wide.
Bell 1 lbs. 1 sp
Block and tackle 5 lbs. 5 sp Transportation Type Cost
Bottle (wine), glass 1 lbs. 2 sp Cart, Hand 10 sp
Candle 1 lbs. 1 cp Horse, Riding 40 sp
Canvas (sq. yd) 1 lbs. 1 cp Horse, War 200 sp
Case (map or scroll) 0.5 lbs. 1 sp Mule 20sp
Chain (10 ft) 20 lbs. 30 sp Rowboat 20 sp
Chalk, 1 piece 0.1 lbs. 1 cp Wagon 50 sp
Chest 15 lbs. 2 sp
Crowbar 2 lbs. 2 cp Masterwork equipment
Fishing net (25 sq feet) 2 lbs. 4 sp Equipment of superior quality will grant a +1 bonus to all actions
Flask (leather) 5 lbs. 1 cp connected to its use: Masterwork weapons have a +1 bonus to hit
Flint & Steel 15 lbs. 1 sp and damage rolls, while masterwork armor adds an extra +1 bonus
Garlic (1 pound) 1 lbs. 1 cp to AC.
Grappling Hook 5 lbs. 1 sp GMs should remember that all these bonuses are non magical in
Hammer 1 lbs. 5 cp nature.
Holy Symbol, wooden 4 lbs. 1 sp A masterwork piece of equipment is rarely available on the
Holy Symbol, silver 4 lbs. 25 sp common market as such items are usually the work of superior
Holy Water 0.5 lbs. 25 sp craftsmen. Acquiring such items may require extra time in finding
Ink (1 oz) 0.5 lbs. 1 sp out the appropriate craftsman and giving him time to create the
Ladder (10 ft) 1 lbs. 3 cp masterwork item.
Lamp (bronze) 0.1 lbs. 5 cp Masterwork items cost ten times the cost of their standard
Lantern, bullseye 20 lbs. 12 sp equivalent.
Lantern, hooded 10 lbs. 7 sp
Lock 3 lbs. 20+ sp Silver weapons
Manacles 2 lbs. 15 sp Slashing and piercing weapons (but also arrows and firearm
Mirror (small steel) 1 lbs. 20 sp bullets) may be made out of an iron-silver alloy. Silver weapons
Musical Instrument 1 lbs. 5 sp cost ten times the cost of their standard equivalent. A masterwork
Oil (lamp), 1 pint 1 lbs. 1 cp silver weapon costs 100 times its base cost.
Parchment (sheet) 2 lbs. 2 cp
Pole, 10 ft 0.5 lbs. 2 cp Standard equipment packs
Pot, iron 1-3 lbs. 5 cp Below you will find a variety of pre-selected equipment packs
Rations, trail (day) 1 lbs. 5 cp which will permit players to quickly equip their characters.
Rations, dried (day) 0.5lbs. 1 sp Choosing equipment in this way replaces the standard method of
Rope, hemp (50 ft) 3 lbs. 1 sp rolling for starting money; if you use this system, do not also use
Rope, silk (50 ft) 2 lbs. 10 sp the starting money roll.
Sack (15 pounds capacity) 2 lbs. 1 sp All characters start with the Basic Pack and a class-based pack of
Sack (30 pounds capacity) 5 lbs. 2 sp their choice. They may also spend their additional silver on the
Shovel 20 lbs. 2 sp bonus packs, on items in the normal equipment list or to upgrade
Signal Whistle 8 lbs. 5 cp weapons or armor in their class pack. With the GM's approval, a
Spellbook (blank) - 25 sp character may swap a given weapon for one of similar power.
Spike, iron 0.5 lbs. 1 cp
Tent, Small (one man) 2 lbs. 10 sp Basic Pack: Backpack; Torches (6); Flint and steel; Waterskin;
Thieves Tools 5 lbs. 30 sp Bedroll; Rations, dry, one week; Sack, large; Sacks, small (2);
Torches (6) 2 lbs. 5 cp d6x10 silver pieces. Weight: 38.5 lbs + weight of money
Waterskin 5 lbs. 1 sp Fighter Pack 1: Chain Mail; Shield; Longsword. Weight: 70 lbs.
Wolvesbane 0.5 lbs. 1 cp
Fighter Pack 2: Chain Mail; Polearm. Weight: 65 lbs.


Fighter Pack 3: Leather armor; Longsword; Short bow; Quiver; 30 Thief Pack: Leather armor; Thieves' picks and tools; Short sword;
arrows. Weight: 46.5 lbs. 2 daggers; Rope, silk (50'). Weight: 41 lbs.

Magic User Pack 1: 1 scroll of random first level spell; 2 daggers; Bonus pack 1 (20sp): Chalk, small bag of 10 pieces; Grappling
Walking staff. Weight: 16 lbs. hook; Rope, hemp (2x50'); Lantern, hooded; Oil (3 flasks); Tent,
Small (one man). Weight: 27 lbs.
Magic User Pack 2: 2 daggers; Walking staff; 50sp. Weight: 17
lbs. Bonus Pack 2 – Ready for anything (10sp): Glass bottle; Iron
Spikes, 12; Pole, 10' wooden; Map or scroll case; Mirror, small
Druid Pack: Padded armor; Holy Symbol (wooden); Quarterstaff;
metal. Weight: 29 lbs.
Dagger. Weight: 26 lbs.

Cleric Pack 1: Leather armor; Shield; Holy Symbol (wooden); 1 Vehicles

vial Holy water; Mace. Weight: 49.5 lbs. The following tables give details of various land and sea vehicles.
Game Masters should feel free to create their own vehicles, in
Cleric Pack 2: Leather armor; Mace; 1 vial Holy water; Holy
which case the table can be used for guidance. Some of the
Symbol (wooden); Sling; Sling bullets, 30. Weight: 42 lbs.
statistics given below are explained in detail later.

Land Transportation
Vehicle Length x width* Weight Cargo Movement SHP Cost (sp)
Chariot 15’ x 6’ 300 750 lbs 12 5 400
Coach 30’ x 8’ 1,000 2,000 lbs 6 6 1,500
Wagon 35’ x 8’ 2,000 4,000 lbs 4 8 500
*Includes hitched horses or mules.

Water Transportation
Vehicle Length x Width Cargo Crew Movement Miles/Day SHP Cost (sp)
Canoe 15’ x 4’ ½ ton 1 4 30 3 50
Caravel 55’ x 15’ 75 tons 10 2 45 50 10,000
Carrack 60’ x 20’ 135 tons 20 3 50 90 20,000
Galley, Small 100’ x 15’ 210 tons 90 2 40 / 25 50 15,000
Galley, Large 120’ x 20’ 375 tons 160 3 45 / 25 90 30,000
Raft/Barge per 10’ x 10’ 1 ton 2 4 20 9 100
Riverboat 50’ x 20’ 50 tons 10 2 30 25 3,500
Rowboat 15’ x 6’ 1 ton 1 3 25 6 600
Sailboat 40’ x 8’ 5 tons 1 4 40 15 2,000

Notes Regarding Vehicles All vehicles have an AC of [10] and have Structural Hit Points, 5
The Crew figure given reflects the minimum number of sailors Hit points of damage make one S.H.P. of damage.
and/or rowers needed to operate the ship. Officers are not counted A chariot requires a single horse, generally a warhorse, to pull it.
among these numbers, and of course it is always a good idea to hire Both coaches and wagons require at least a pair of draft horses to
extra sailors and/or rowers to ensure that any casualties will not pull them.
slow down the ship. A caravel is a highly maneuverable sailing ship with two or three
Cargo for wagons is given in pounds, while for ships it is given in masts. Though superficially similar to the larger carrack, caravels
tons. If the ship sails night and day, each passenger requires living are capable of sailing up rivers, a task for which the larger ship is ill
space equivalent to one ton of cargo; in addition, provisions for one suited.
man for one month occupy 1/10 of a ton of space. A carrack is a large, ocean-going sailing ship with three or four
Movement is given separately here in feet as well as miles per day. masts.
The encounter movement of ships is not directly related to the Galleys are equipped with both sails and oars; the second listed
long-distance travel rate, since the crew must work hard to make movement rate for galleys is the rowing speed. A small galley will
the ship move quickly in combat, and this level of effort cannot be have around 20 rows of oars, with each oar pulled by two men (for
maintained day and night. a total of 80 rowers) while a large galley will have around 35 rows
of oars (for a total of 140 rowers). Galleys are generally much more


maneuverable than sailing ships such as the carrack or caravel, and Each subsequent attack by that weapon, fired by that crew, at that
may be outfitted with rams. same point in the wall, is made against an Armor Class one lower
The longship commonly used by northern raiders is very similar to than the previous shot, to a minimum AC of 10.
the large galley. However, where more civilized nations have Roll damage separately for each character in the 10’ square hit by
specialist rowers, sailors, and marines, the crew of a longship is the missile. Of course, the attack roll must be high enough to
more generalized; every crewman is usually qualified for all of damage each one; a roll of 19 against characters having Armor
these tasks. Classes of 18 and 20 would hit the former but not the latter.
Costs of passage on ships: First class passage costs 1 sp per mile
travelled (minimum 3 sp) and allows for good food, a personal Ballista shots cost 1 sp each, stones for onagers and trebuchets cost
cabin and up to a 1000 pounds of cargo. Second class passage costs 2 sp each, cannon shots and powder cost 5 sp each.
1 sp per 5 miles travelled (minimum 2 sp) and allows for good
food, a shared cabin and up to a 500 pounds of cargo. Third class Ballista: This is effectively a very large crossbow that may fire a
passage costs 1 sp per 20 miles travelled (minimum 2 sp) and spear-like bolt or a large stone. It is usually mounted on a tripod or
allows for meager food, a bunk in the common room and up to a 50 wagon, but may also be mounted on a ship. When firing bolts, a
pounds of cargo. Extra cargo space can be bought, doubling the ballista cannot damage brick or stone. A ballista requires a crew of
allowed space for a 20% increase in the fare. three to operate.
Battering Ram: These are usually operated under a sow (a sort of
Siege Engines portable roof). They require a crew of eight or more.
These are weapons used to attack strongholds, or sometimes ships. Cannon: This weapon fires balls of lead with flat trajectory, it is
Their cost may be up to twice as high in a remote location. A siege usually mounted on wheels and may be mounted on a ship.
engine that throws missiles (a ballista, cannon, onager or trebuchet) Cannons require a Crew of three. Cannons need to be cleaned
must have a trained artillerist to fire it; this is the character who regularly by an artilleryman every ten shots fired. An unclean
makes the attack rolls for the weapon. Missile-throwing engines cannon will explode on a natural roll of 1 inflicting its regular
have attack penalties, detailed below. Cannons, onagers and damage to all within a 5’ radius and becoming irreparably wasted.
trebuchets fire in a straight line and must be maneuvered to change Onager: This weapon throws a stone with a fairly flat trajectory.
direction of fire, a crew can turn a weapon by 45 degrees in a full An onager requires a crew of four to operate.
combat round. Trebuchet: This mighty weapon uses a counterweight to fling a
Cannons, onagers and trebuchets are considered “grenade-like stone on a high, arcing path. It cannot fire at targets within 100 feet.
missiles“ with a 10’ radius effect area. Placing the missile correctly If it is aimed at a target that is more than 20’ higher than the
against a wall or open ground spot requires an attack roll against an weapon, there is an additional –2 attack penalty. A trebuchet
AC of 15, missing the attack roll means the shot scatters 1d6x10 requires a crew of eight to operate.
feet in a random direction where it may hit other targets.

Rate Attack
Weapon Cost(sp) Weight of Fire Penalty Damage Type Range1
Ballista 100 600 1/4 -3 3d6 P 50’(-)
Battering Ram 200 800 1/3 +0 3d6 B N/A(N/A)
Cannon 2000 900 1/10 -2 6d6 P 40'(-)
Onager 300 1200 1/6 -6 4d6 B 100’(-)
Trebuchet 400 2400 1/10 -8 5d6 B 200'(100')
1 -2 “to-hit” per increment (minimum range under which the weapon is ineffective)


The Game Movement Rate

Once you’ve got a character, the Referee will describe where the Base movement rate for all races is calculated, on the table below,
character is, and what he sees. The game might start in a rural in terms of tens of feet per combat round. Each Referee is advised
peasant village, in a vast and teeming city spiked with towers and to alter the units of measurement to suit their own games and
minarets, in a castle, a tavern, or at the gates of an ancient tomb. situations.
That’s up to the Referee. From that point on, you describe what A character's carrying capacity is modified by its Strength Modifier
your character does. Going down stairs, attacking a dragon, talking times 10%, a character with Strength 13 would thus have a
to the people you meet (either the characters being run by the other maximum carrying capacity of 330.
players, or non-player characters controlled by the Referee): all of
these sorts of things are your decisions. The Referee then tells you Movement Rate
Weight Elf, human, Dwarf/Gnome
what happens as a result: the stirs lead down to a huge tomb, the
Carried half-elf or half-orc
dragon attacks your character, etc. The rules below are guidelines
0–50 lbs 4 3
for how to handle certain events; mainly combat, but also
experience, movement, healing, dying, and other important parts of 51–100 lbs 3 2
the game. 101–150 lbs 2 1
Basically, you and the Referee work together, with the Referee 151–300 lbs 1 1
handling the details of a dangerous fantasy world, and you
handling what your character does in it. The epic story of your Table 18: Movement Adjustment
character’s rise to greatness (or death in the effort) is yours to Movement Adjustment
create in the Referee’s world. Type
Careful Half of Average Mapping is permitted, and
Gaining Experience Rate normal chances for surprise
Characters are awarded experience points (XP) for killing monsters exist
and accumulating treasure. Monsters have a set experience point Normal Average Rate No mapping or careful
value (in the monster descriptions), and one silver piece is equal to observation is allowed
one XP. It may seem odd to award experience for treasure, but Running Double Average No mapping permitted,
keep in mind that every silver piece gained by the character is an Rate characters are automatically
index of the player’s skill. Awarding experience only for killing surprised, and have no chance
monsters fails to reward a party of adventurers that successfully to surprise others. The sound of
lures a dragon away from its hoard so that its treasure can be stolen their running may attract
without a fight, and it fails to reward characters that operate by enemies
intelligence, stealth, trickery and misdirection. No matter how little weight is carried, a character wearing medium
A character may receive a bonus on gained XP if he choose his armor can't move faster than it's maximum racial speed -1 (3 for
race's Favorite class, or suffer a penalty for Multi-classing, or both humans and elves and half-humans; 2 for the small races), this
in which case bonus and penalty cancel out. becomes maximum speed -2 for wearing heavy armor (2 for the
If a character receives a bonus (+20%), for example, and the medium sized races, 1 for the small ones). Elven chain -remember-
Referee awards 1000xp to each character, that particular character is considered as no armor.
would get 1200xp (20% of 1000 is 200, so the character gets a
bonus of 200xp). A penalty (-20%) means that the character earns Overland Movement
only 800xp out of 1000xp. Speed Results
Hiking Base movement ratex5 in miles/day
Time Forced March +50% Hiking speed/day requires a Strength
Sometimes the Referee will rule that “an hour passes,” or even, “a action check.
month passes,” in the life of our intrepid adventurers, but two
important time measurements need a quick explanation. These are Climbing, swimming or moving across difficult terrain may reduce
the “turn,” and the “combat round.” A turn represents ten minutes, the movement rates by half or more. In some cases the Referee
and a combat round is about 1 minute long. may require a dice roll to determine a character's success in this
Movement speed during a turn is ten times the movement rate per kind of actions.


Survival Armor and encumbrance may apply further penalties like -1 (for
Normal characters must consume one day’s worth of rations (or medium armor) or -2 (for heavy armor).
equivalent food) and a minimum of one quart of water per day. Some examples follow:
Failure to consume enough food does not significantly affect a
character for the first two days, after which he or she loses 1 hit Listening at Doors: Listening at a door is modified by wisdom,
point per day. Furthermore, at that point the character loses the elves and half elves receive a +1 as noted in their description.
ability to heal wounds normally, though magic will still work.
Eating enough food for a day (over the course of about a day, not Opening doors: Stuck doors (and many doors in an ancient
all at once) restores the ability to heal, and the character will dungeon may be stuck closed) require an action check modified by
recover lost hit points at the normal rate. Strength. Smashing through a door with (up to 3) characters gives
Inadequate water affects characters more swiftly; after a single day each character a normal chance of success, but they will spill into
without water, the character loses 1d6 hit points, and will lose an the room and should automatically lose initiative if there are
additional 1d6 hit points per day thereafter; healing ability is lost monsters within.
when the first die of damage is rolled.
Secret Doors, Traps and pits: These are not spotted by chance
Action checks while passing by; they must be searched for. Searching for a secret
door or trap takes a turn (10 minutes of game time) for a 10 ft
The following are few rules of thumb for resolving actions while
segment of wall and requires an Intelligence action check. Dwarfs
running an adventure; they are guidelines for the average or normal
receive a +1 as might Elves and half-elves.
situation and can (and often should) be altered to fit the
circumstances or setting.
Traps and Pits
Most actions can be resolved with a 1d6 roll. On a roll of 5 the Anyone passing over or through the trigger for a trap has a 2 in 6
action is successful. Easy actions receive a +1 modifier, difficult chance to spring the trap. It is suggested (but not required) that
actions suffer a -1 penalty to the roll, or more. traps involve a stone trigger (such as a pressure plate) or a hole or
The Referee may allow you to add 1 point if the character's race, gap in stonework (such as a falling block or an arrow-hole).
class or background somehow helps the character in his job. Identifying the features of a trap does not tell the character how to
Additionally your referee may require you to add an ability score disarm the trap (although in some cases the disarming mechanism
modifier to this base chance if the action warrants it, like adding might be obvious once the trap’s visible features are identified).
the Strength modifiers to rolls made to break down a door. Damage due to falls is 1d6 per 10 ft fallen.

Wilderness Encounters
Roll d6 twice per day to check for becoming lost and/or an encounter
Open Forest River,Coast Jungle,Swamp Hills,Mountains Desert Settled
Lost 1 1-2 1 1-3 1-2 1-3 -
Encounter 1 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-3 1-2 1
Encounter type
DiceRoll Open Forest River,Coast Jungle,Swamp Hills,Mtns Desert Settled
1 Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Undead
2 Monster Monster Monster Monster Monster Monster Humnd.
3 Animal Animal Animal Undead Animal Undead Men
4 Humnd. Animal Animal Animal Humnd. Animal Men
5 Men Humnd. Humnd. Humnd. Humnd. Humnd. Men
6 Men Men Men Men Men Men Humnd.
7 Humnd. Humnd. Animal Animal Humnd. Humnd. --
8 Animal Animal Animal Undead Humnd. Animal --
9 Monster Monster Monster Monster Animal Undead --
10 Lycanth. Lycanth. Lycanth. Lycanth. Giant Monster --


Dice Open,Forest River,Coast Jungle,Swamp Hills,Mtns,Desert Settled
2 Clerics Berserkers Mages Berserkers Bandits
3 Fighters Fighters Berserkers Fighters Clerics
4 Bandits Pirates Fighters Bandits Rogues
5 Commoner Pirates Bandits Bandits Commoner
6 Rogues Bandits Bandits Bandits Commoner
7 Soldiers Rogues Rogues Rogues Soldiers
8 Fighters Berserkers Berserkers Berserkers Soldiers
9 Berserkers Mages Mages Clerics Fighters
10 Mages Clerics Clerics Mages Mages
Dice Open,Forest River,Coast Jungle,Swamp Hills,Mtns,Desert Settled
1 Ogres Ogres Ogres Ogre Mage Goblins
2 Gnolls Gnolls Bugbears Gnolls Dwarfs
3 Hobgoblins Orcs Orcs Hobgoblins Elves
4 Elves Lizardmen Lizardmen Dwarfs Kobolds
5 Orcs Hobgoblins Lizardmen Kobolds Gnomes
6 Elves Trolls Kobolds Orcs Roll again
7 Gnomes -- Hobgoblins Goblins --
8 Kobolds -- Trolls Trolls --
9 Bugbears -- -- Ogres --
10 Trolls or Ettercap -- -- Minotaurs --
11 Nixies Troglodytes
12 Pixies Orcs
Dice Open,Forest River,Coast Jungle,Swamp Hills,Mtns,Desert
1 Worgs Rats Rats Snake,G
2 Snake,G Centipedes Snake,G Worgs
3 Bear, Black Bear, Black Scorpion Rats
4 Spiders Snake,G Spiders Spiders
5 Rats Beetle,G Centipedes Centipedes
6 Beetle,G Spiders Beetle,G Roll again
7 Centipedes Crocodile Crocodile --
8 Stag Roll again Roll again --
Dice Open,Forest Desert Hills,Mtns Jungle,Swamp River,Coast
1 Unicorns Salamander Basilisk Medusa Sea Serpent
2 Dryad Purple Worm Chimerae Dryad Basilisk
3 Centaur Basilisk Gorgons Basilisk Chimerae
4 Basilisk Gorgons Griffons Cockatrice Harpies
5 Wererat Manticore Harpies Chimerae Medusa
6 Cockatrice Medusa Werewolf Harpies Pegasi
7 Blink Dog Roc Hippogriffs Stirges --
8 Werewolf Roll again Manticore Will-o-the-Wisps --
9 Chimerae -- Medusa Bat, Monster --
10 Manticore -- Pegasi Roll again --
11 -- -- Roc -- --
12 -- -- Wererat -- --


Other types
Dice Dragon Undead Giant
1 Dragon,Gold Banshee Efreet
2 Dragon,Blue Wraiths Djinn
3 Dragon,Black Shadow Giant,Frost
4 Dragon,Green Ghouls Giant,Stone
5 Dragon,Red Skeletons Giant,Hill
6 Dragon,White Zombies Giant,Storm
7 Wyverns Wights Giant,Fire
8 Hydrae Mummies Giant,Could
9 Pseudodragon Spectre Treants or Roll again if out of woods
10 Roll again Vampires Titans
11 -- Liches --
12 -- Roll again --

Dungeon Encounters
For each turn of exploration without significant encounters roll 1d6, on a roll of 1 the adventurers encounter a party of wandering
monsters. Roll on the column appropriate to the dungeon level. Select monsters by HDE based on the setting your adventurers are
moving in.
Die Roll Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
1 3d8 HDE<1 creatures 6d8 HDE <1 creatures 12d8 HDE <1 creatures 2d100 HDE <1 creatures 3d100 HDE <1 creatures
2 3d6 HDE<1 creature 6d6 HDE <1creatures 12d6 HDE <1 creatures 1d100 HDE <1 creatures 2d100 HDE <1 creatures
3 2d6 HDE 1 creatures 4d6 HDE 1 creatures 8d6 HDE 1 creatures 16d6 HDE 1 creatures 32d6 HDE 1 creatures
4 1d6 HDE 2 creatures 2d6 HDE 2 creatures 4d6 HDE 2 creatures 8d6 HDE 2 creatures 16d6 HDE 2 creatures
5 1 HDE 3 creature 1d6 HDE 3 creatures 2d6 HDE 3 creatures 4d6 HDE 3 creatures 8d6 HDE 3 creatures
6 1 HDE 4 creature 1 HDE 4 creature 1d6 HDE 4 creatures 2d6 HDE 4 creatures 4d6 HDE 4 creatures
7 – 1 HDE 5 creature 1 HDE 5 creature 1d6 HDE 5 creatures 2d6 HDE 5 creatures
8 – Roll again 1 HDE 6 creature 1 HDE 6 creature 1 HDE 6 creature
9 – – – 1 HDE 7 creature 1 HDE 7 creature
10 – – – Roll again Roll again

Die Roll Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10

1 16d6 HDE 3 creatures 16d6 HDE 4 creatures 16d6 HDE 5 creatures 16d6 HDE 6 creatures 16d6 HDE 7 creatures
2 8d6 HDE 4 creatures 8d6 HDE 5 creatures 8d6 HDE 6 creatures 8d6 HDE 7 creatures 8d6 HDE 8 creatures
3 4d6 HDE 5 creatures 4d6 HDE 6 creatures 4d6 HDE 7 creatures 4d6 HDE 8 creatures 4d6 HDE 9 creatures
4 2d6 HDE 6 creatures 2d6 HDE 7 creatures 2d6 HDE 8 creatures 2d6 HDE 9 creatures 2d6 HDE 10 creatures
5 1d6 HDE 7 creatures 1d6 HDE 8 creatures 1d6 HDE 9 creatures 1d6 HDE 10 creatures 1d6 HDE 11 creatures
6 1 HDE 8 creature 1 HDE 9 creature 1 HDE 10 creature 1 HDE 11 creature 1 HDE 12+ creature

Encounter Reactions Adjusted Die Roll Result

When a group of player characters meet one or more monsters, it’s 2 or less Immediate Attack
important to know how the monsters will react to the party. In 3-7 Unfavorable
many cases, the reaction of the monster or monsters is obvious… 8-11 Favorable
zombies guarding a tomb will virtually always attack intruders, for 12 or more Very Favorable
In cases where the reaction of the monsters to the party is not A result of 2 or less means that the player characters have so
obvious, a reaction roll may be made. The Game Master rolls 2d6, offended the monsters that they attack immediately. An
adding the Charisma bonus of the “lead” character (or applying his Unfavorable result means that the monsters do not like the player
or her Charisma penalty) along with any other adjustments he or characters, and will attack if they may reasonably do so. A
she feels are reasonable, and consults the table below: Favorable result simply means that the monsters will consider
letting the player characters live if they choose to parley; it does not


necessarily mean that the monsters like the player characters. A

Very Favorable result means that the monsters (or perhaps only the Loyalty: Retainers will have different degrees of Loyalty. Loyalty
monster leader) do, in fact, like the player characters; this does not is checked just like Morale.
mean that the monsters will just hand over their treasure, but it does However, the Game Master should still apply penalties when the
indicate that they may choose to cooperate with the player player character instructs the retainer to do something which
characters in mutually beneficial ways. appears very risky, making a failed check possible.
As always, interpreting the results of this roll is left to the Referee,In addition, the Game Master should roll a Loyalty check for each
who may choose to alter the result if he or she believes a different retainer at the end of each adventure, after treasure is divided, to
result would be more enjoyable to play out than the one rolled. determine if the retainer will remain with the player character. The
GM may apply adjustments to this roll, probably no more than two
Retainers points plus or minus, if the retainer is particularly well or poorly
A retainer is a close associate of his employer. Retainers are hired paid.
for a share of treasure (typically at least 15% of the employer’s
income) plus support costs (weapons, armor, rations, and basic Maximum Number of Retainers: The maximum number of retainers
equipment provided by the employer). Retainers are typically very a player character may hire is determined by the character’s
loyal and are willing to take reasonable risks; in particular, they are Charisma. Any attempts to hire more than this number of retainers
the only sort of hireling who will generally accompany a player will be met with automatic refusals.
character into a dungeon, lair, or ruin.
Hiring a retainer is more involved than hiring other NPCs. First, the Level of Retainers: Normally, potential retainers will be one-half
player character must advertise for a retainer, typically by hiring a the level of the employer (or less). So, a first level character cannot
crier, posting notices in public places, or asking (and possibly hire retainers, second level PCs can only hire first level characters,
paying) NPCs such as innkeepers or taverners to direct potential and so on. Of course, there is no way for the retainers to directly
retainers to the player character. It is up to the Game Master to rule know the level of the PC employer, nor for the employer to know
on what must be done, and how successful these activities are. the level of the potential retainer; but the Game Master should
If the player character is successful, one or more NPCs will present usually enforce this rule for purposes of game balance. It shouldn’t
themselves to be interviewed. The Game Master should play out be surprising that first level characters can’t hire retainers, as they
the interview with the player, and after all offers have been made have no reputation to speak of yet.
and all questions asked, a reaction roll should be made. To check
the potential retainer’s reaction, the Game Master rolls 2d6 and Experience for Retainers: Unlike other hired NPCs, retainers do
adds the player character’s Charisma modifier. In addition, the gain experience just as other adventurers do; however, as they are
Game Master may apply any adjustments he or she feels are under the command of a player character, only one-half of a share
appropriate (a bonus of +1 for higher-than-average pay or the offer of XP is allocated to each retainer.
of a magic item such as a sword +1, or a penalty if the player
character offers poor terms). The roll is read as follows: Hiring Assistants
When the adventurers are just starting out, they will find it very
Adjusted Die Roll Result beneficial to bring along a few hirelings—if they can find anyone
2 or less Refusal, -1 on further rolls willing to risk life and limb in the sorts of places adventurers go. As
3-5 Refusal the characters gain levels, although it may no longer be so
6-8 Try again important to bring along men-at-arms or torchbearers (who likely
9-11 Acceptance wouldn’t survive in the deeper levels of dungeons), they may begin
12 or more Acceptance, +1 to Loyalty rolls routinely employing spies, servants, and guards while outside of the
dungeon, and at higher levels yet they may find themselves needing
Refusal, -1 on further rolls means that all further reaction rolls the services of small armies of sailors, soldiers, and servants for
made toward that player character in the given town or region will their ships, caravans, or castles.
be at a penalty of -1 due to unkind words said by the NPC to his As a general rule, the upkeep for a single person in a rural
fellows. If the player character tries again in a different town, the community such as a castle or village is about 1sp per month and
penalty does not apply. perhaps twice that in a city. This “upkeep” covers food and
If a Try again result is rolled, the potential retainer is reluctant, and incidentals, and does not include lodging, wages, or the purchase of
needs more convincing; the player character must “sweeten” the equipment. Note that for some professions the “incidental” cost can
deal in order to get an additional roll, such as by offering more pay, be quite high: blacksmiths use up a quantity of supplies just to keep
a magic item, etc. If the player character makes no better offer, treat a forge running. The cost of lodging (assuming the character does
Try again as a Refusal result. not own a stronghold where he can house his servants and


followers at no cost) is up to the referee, but staying in an inn, even

in a stable, will cost at least 1 sp per night. Purchase of equipment Sage
should be calculated using the equipment tables, and if the hireling Upkeep Cost: 2,000 sp/month
requires a great deal of initial equipment such as a forge or a Wage: N/A
library, the Referee will adjust the costs as needed. Wages depend Initial Equipment: Small library costs 2,000 sp.
upon the type of services being sought.
Alchemist Upkeep Cost: 10 sp/month
Upkeep Cost: 1,000 sp/month Wage: 2 sp/month
Wage: 500 sp/month if the alchemist maintains his own laboratory. Initial Equipment: None.
Half that cost if the character provides one for the alchemist.
Initial Equipment: Fully equipped lab costs 1,000 sp. Servant (Domestic)
Upkeep Cost: 10 sp/month
Animal Trainer Wage: 5 sp/month
Upkeep Cost: 500 sp/month Initial Equipment: None.
Wage: No cost if he is a part of the character’s stronghold retinue;
20 sp/month otherwise. Ship Captain
Initial Equipment: This depends on the animal. Upkeep Cost: 50 sp/month
Wage: 250 sp/month
Armorer Initial Equipment: A ship.
Upkeep Cost: 100 sp/month
Wage: None, if the armorer is a follower of a character with a Siege or Construction Engineer
stronghold. If not, wages are 100 sp/month, over and above the cost Upkeep Cost: 750 sp/month
of upkeep. Wage: 250 sp/month
Initial Equipment: A fully equipped forge costs around 100 sp. Initial Equipment: None.

Assassin Spy
Upkeep Cost: N/A Upkeep Cost: 10 sp/month
Wage: 2,000 per mission Wage: 500 sp per mission
Initial Equipment: None. Initial Equipment: None.

Blacksmith Torchbearer/Other Non-combatant

Upkeep Cost: 25 sp/month Upkeep Cost: Cost of rations.
Wage: 10 sp/month Wage: 1 sp/day
Initial Equipment: A fully equipped forge costs around 100 sp. Initial Equipment: Determine from equipment list.

Man-at-Arms (Battles/War) Combat

Upkeep Cost: 10 sp/month in camp or castle. Standard costs of
When the party of adventurers comes into contact with
rations if operating in the field.
enemies, the order of events is as follows:
Wage: If the man-at-arms is a part of the character’s stronghold
retinue, he costs nothing. Mercenary infantry cost around 2
 The Referee determines if one side or the other is
sp/month, archers 4 sp/month, and calvary costs 8 sp/month.
entitled to a free attack or move as a result of
Sergeants (one required for every 10 men-at-arms) cost twice as
surprise—this is either a judgment or a die roll of
normal. Lieutenants (required for every 20), cost three times as
some kind, depending on the circumstances.
normal, and Captains (required for every 60), cost four times as
 Declare Spells.
 Determine Initiative (d6, highest result is the
Initial Equipment: Determine from equipment list.
winner). One roll is made for each side, not for each
individual. Modifiers to initiative are applied
Man-at-Arms (Dungeon Adventuring)
Upkeep Cost: Cost of rations.
 Characters act in order of Initiative (casting spells,
Wage: 2 sp/day or upwards of 5 sp/day
attacking, etc.), and results take effect.
Initial Equipment: Determine from equipment list.


 Anyone who “held” initiative acts, and results take If the character runs it should not be able to execute any other
effect (both sides simultaneously). action except a charging attack in melee at the movement's
 The round is complete; roll initiative for the next end or a defense action.
round if the battle has not been resolved. Some actions, like spell casting, require all of a round's
length to be carried out and may not allow any movement or
Determine Surprise careful movement at best.
When one side of an encounter is unaware of another’s
presence, they may become surprised. A surprised party can The Attack Roll
take no action in the first round of combat. To attack with a weapon, the player rolls a d20 and adds any
To determine if a party surprises the other roll an Action bonuses to the result. These “to-hit” bonuses include the character’s
Check for each party. Base Hit Bonus (BHB), the strength bonus for attacks with hand
Some races have additional modifiers to surprise: gnomes roll held weapons, the dexterity bonus for ranged attacks, any bonuses
at +1, while elves in the other party impart a -1 (or more) for magic weapons, and any other bonus identified as a “to-hit”
modifier. bonus.
Rogues may add 1 or more to their surprise checks and If the attack roll is equal to or higher than the defender’s armor
subtract 1 or more from enemy surprise checks. class, the attack hit.
If the action check is a success the other party is surprised. Damage rolls for melee and thrown weapons are modified by
Surprise is lost once the surprising party attacks the other strength, while damage rolls with all other ranged weapons are
party. modified by dexterity.

Declare Spells Melee Attack

Any player whose character is going to cast a spell must say A melee attack is an attack with hand-held weapons such as a
so before the initiative roll. Spell casting begins at the sword, spear, or dagger. A character’s strength bonuses to-hit and
beginning of the round. Thus, if the enemies win the initiative on damage are added to melee attacks. Two combatants within ten
roll and damage the spell caster, the spell’s casting may be feet of each other are considered to be “in combat.”
Missile Attack
Declare Initiative Missile attacks are attacks with ranged weapons such as a
crossbow, sling, or thrown axe. A character’s dexterity bonus for
At the beginning of a combat round, each side rolls initiative
missile attacks is added to the to-hit roll when the character is using
on a d6. Apply any individual initiative modifiers such as
missile weapons. When using missiles to attack into a melee, it is
Dexterity. All characters now act in descending order of
not possible to choose which opponent (or friend) will receive the
initiative: moving, attacking, and casting spells.
Initiative rolls may result in a tie. When this happens, all
In general, missile weapons are allowed a single attack per round,
characters that rolled the same are considered to be acting
just as are melee weapons. However, crossbows are an exception,
simultaneously unless the Referee decides to allow another
as reloading a crossbow between shots is time-consuming.
die roll to break the tie. When two -or more- characters are
A Heavy crossbow or firearm can be fired once per two rounds, and
acting simultaneously, it is possible for two combatants to
the user may not perform any other actions (including movement)
kill each other in the same round!
during the “reloading” round. Conversely, a character can throw
First Initiative Phase two darts per round.

Winners of the initiative roll take their actions, including Unarmed Combat
moving, attacking, and anything else such as climbing onto Brawling attacks, such as those conducted with fist, foot or dagger
tables, swinging from ropes, pushing boulders off cliffs, etc. pommel, will normally inflict 1d2 points of damage, plus the
Characters can move and attack in the same round. attacker’s Strength bonus to damage (if any). If the damage from
In one combat round each character should be allowed to the attack inflicts more than half of the defender’s remaining hit
execute one action (typically an attack or defense) and move points, the defender is stunned. Anyone who is already stunned will
at walking speed. be knocked unconscious by the next successful attack for 1d6
Characters should move and then act or act and then move, it rounds.
should not be allowed to move part of your movement rate, Example: A fist deals 3 hit points of damage, and the defender has
act and then end your movement. 4 hit points. The defender is stunned and suffers the penalties for
being stunned. If the blow had only inflicted 2 points of damage


(exactly half), the defender would not be stunned. If the stunned Level/HD number Saving Throw Modifier
character is hit a second time, he will be knocked unconscious. 1-8 +0
Attempts to wrestle an opponent to the ground and pin him down, 9-12 -1
or attempts to smash into an opponent and push him backward, will
13-15 -2
be determined by the Referee’s common sense (dragons aren’t
16-18 -3
easily wrestled to the ground, unlike goblins). A good rule of
thumb is to require a successful attack roll. 19-21 -4
Wrestling attacks are mostly touch attacks and suffer a penalty to 22+ -5
the roll if the attacker is wearing armor: -1 for light armor, -2 for
medium armor and -5 for heavy armors. No matter how many modifiers apply to the roll, a natural 1 is
Attacks with nets are resolved as wrestling attacks without armor always a failure and a natural 20 is always a success.
penalty for the attacker.
Special Situations
Critical Hits and Fumbles
Backstabbing and Flanking
There is no official system for handling critical hits or fumbles, but
many Referees have rules that state that a “natural” roll of 20 is an The Referee will probably assign a bonus to hit for any attacks
automatic that it inflicts double damage, and that a natural roll of 1 made from behind (+2), or assign a smaller bonus (+1) to all
is an automatic miss and may result in the attacker dropping their attackers who manage to place themselves on opposite sides of a
weapon or suffering some other kind of problem. A strained muscle single defender.
might give a -1 penalty to damage rolls for the rest of a combat, or A backstabbed or flanked character's AC may not benefit of a
a helmet knocked awry might cover a character’s eyes until a round shield bonus.
is taken to fix it. This is up to the Referee.
Coup de grace
Defending A character can kill a defenseless (bound or sleeping) living (no
constructs, undead...) enemy in a single stroke regardless of hit
A character may decide to defend for its turn, his AC is improved
by its BHB +1, Weapon specialists wielding their weapon of choice
get a further +1 to AC. Called Shots
A character that has not yet acted may decide to burn his action by
Called shots are all those kind of attacks that are not dealt with the
declaring a defense if attacked.
intent of simply dealing damage but to achieve “special effects”
like tripping, disarming, subduing. Executing a Called shot inflicts
Saving Throws
a -4 to the attack roll. Here are some samples of called shots:
In many situations both Player characters and NPCs are required to
make a Saving Throw to resist the effects of magic or special Disarm: A touch attack, the attacker may chose to inflict no
powers or other kinds of Hazard. damage and simply disarm it’s enemy unless this succeeds in a
A saving throw is executed by rolling 1d20, if a 14 or higher is Saving Throw.
scored on a d20 roll, then the character has successfully negated or
minimized the effects. Subduing Damage: Attacks made with the “flat of the blade”
To the base roll many modifiers are added: half of a character's for non-lethal damage.
level or monster's HD number rounded down, up to a maximum of
+10, ability score modifiers, class or race ability modifiers ecc. Hook: Instead of making a normal attack, the character may
Magic items or spells can apply additional modifiers. attempt to hook and pull down a foe. The attacker must roll to
Saving throws caused by big monsters or experienced characters hit. This causes the minimum damage possible for the weapon;
receive a penalty based on their level/HD number as reported the victim must make a saving throw or fall down.
below: A + 4 bonus to attack rolls applies when attacking a fallen foe.
A fallen foe also has a -4 penalty to all saving throws and a – 2
penalty to attack rolls while on the ground. A character can
stand up in one round.

Firearms are rare and delicate objects, exposition to water requires
the weapon to be cleaned and dried for one full turn before it may


be used. Also exposition to water of gun powder makes it useless counts as holding an action: both attacker and defender act on the
till dried for one full turn. attacker’s Initiative number and are therefore simultaneous.
A blunderbuss shot has a cone shaped area of effect 5 feet wide for
each range increment: roll an attack for each character inside the Invisible Opponent
area of effect, friends and foes alike. An invisible opponent can only be attacked if the general location
Pistols and muskets, instead, are incredibly effective at inflicting is known, and the attack is at -4 to-hit. Note that more powerful
penetrating damage: whenever a natural 20 is rolled, the weapon monsters (those with sensitive smell or hearing, or more than six hit
inflicts triple damage (or double if the referee doesn't allow critical dice) will frequently be able to detect invisible opponents; the
hits). Referee should determine the chance of this according to the
Firearms need to be cleaned regularly by a proficient user every ten creature concerned and the situation.
shots fired. An unclean firearm will explode on a natural roll of 1
inflicting regular firearm damage to the user and becoming Touch attacks
irreparably wasted. Check for misfire and explosion only on the Some attacks may simply require to touch the target without
first attack every round. penetrating armor or natural defenses. In these cases the target's
Armor Class is considered as 10 plus modifiers for dexterity, magic
Off-hand weapon fighting or size. No AC modifier for armor or toughness for protections is
A character wielding a weapon in its off-hand suffers a -2 penalty applied.
to attack rolls.
Mounted Combat
Two-Weapon Fighting
Fighting on horseback is a lot harder than battling on solid ground.
Using two weapons, one in each hand, grants the character to The fighters must deal with their mounts and fighting on horseback
execute an additional attack roll per round using the second hand demands different tactics from foot combat.
weapon. The off-hand weapon must be a dagger or similar light
class weapon. The first hand weapon suffers a -2 penalty to the Mounts: Mounts trained for combat (a heavy warhorse, for
attack roll, while the off-hand weapon suffers a -4 to hit. A shield example) present few problems. These can be used in mounted
can be used as second hand weapon for 1d6-1 damage points, but combat with no penalties. However, steeds not trained for combat
the AC bonus is forfeit till the next round. are easily frightened by the noise and confusion.
A second hand weapon can otherwise be used for parrying Those fighting from the back of untrained creatures suffer a -2 on
improving the AC by +1 against melee attacks. their chance to hit, since much of their time is spent simply trying
to keep the mount under control.
Charging and resisting charges
Under some circumstances, characters or creatures may be allowed Fighting from Horseback: A man on horseback gains a +1 bonus to
to attack after a running move. This is called a charge, and some his attack rolls against all man-sized creatures such as other men,
specific limitations apply. First, the charging character or creature but would not gain this bonus against another rider or a giant.
must move at least 10 feet, and may move at running speed, as Those on foot who fight against a mounted rider, have a -1 penalty;
given above. The movement must be in a more or less straight line this not applied to attacks against the mount, however.
toward the intended target, and the path to the target must be
reasonably clear. Finally, the attacker must be using a weapon such Missile fire: Only short bows, composite short bows, and light
as a spear, lance, or pole arm which is suitable for use while crossbows can be fired from horseback.
charging. Certain monsters, especially including those with horns, Long bows and Heavy crossbows require bracing or greater
are able to use natural attacks when charging. If the attacker does freedom of movement to operate.
not have line of sight to the opponent at the start of the charge, that If the mount is not moving, the rider can fire normally.
opponent can’t be charged. When firing while on the move, the rider's chances to hit drop by
The attack made after the charge is made at +2 on the attack roll. -2, -4 if the mount is running.
The charging character or creature takes a -2 penalty to Armor
Class for the remainder of the round. If the attack hits, it does Dismounting riders
double damage. The other great hazard and difficulty of mounted combatants is the
risk of being dismounted.
Spears, pole arms, and certain other piercing weapons deal double
damage when “set” (braced against the ground or floor) and used Death of the Mount: Once the horse (or other mount) is dead, the
against a charging creature. For this to be done, the character or rider is automatically dismounted. The steed automatically falls to
creature being charged must have equal or better Initiative; this the ground.


The character also falls to the ground and suffers 1d3 points of Subdual Damage
damage. The character cannot take any action that round and must A weapon may be used to beat down, rather than kill, an opponent.
spend another entire round gathering himself back up and getting to When the player desires, damage inflicted can be composed of half
his feet. “real” damage and half “subdual” damage that does not kill, and
A Saving Throw modified by Dexterity may allow the character to such points are recovered at a rate of 1 hp per hour. If the
avoid damage and losing the next round. opponent’s hit points, including the subdual damage, fall to zero,
the opponent is knocked unconscious rather than killed (unless the
Weapon Impact: Riders also can be knocked off by successful real damage actually reduces real hit points to zero, in which case
attacks. Any time a rider hits another mounted character or creature the opponent is accidentally killed).
with a melee weapon for 6 or more damage points, the other Not all monsters may be subdued. Generally only humanoids and
character is knocked from the saddle, suffering 1d3 points of special creatures such as dragons will be subject to such attacks.
damage (if from the back of a normal horse).
Foot soldiers with long or heavy weapons greater have the same Terrain Features
Characters and monsters will hide behind things, stand on things,
A saving throw modified by dexterity may allow the character to
lie prone, fight from higher ground, shoot arrows from within
avoid falling from its mount.
concealing mists or tree branches, and take every possible
advantage of the combat terrain. The Referee will assign bonuses
Wrestling: Finally, those on horseback (or on trees or elevated
and penalties for terrain features. Most such bonuses will only be a
ground) can attempt to dive on a rider by making an attack roll.
+/-1 or 2, depending on the degree of cover or the benefit of higher
If the attack roll misses, the attacker falls to the ground, suffering
ground. Trying to hit someone through an arrow slit in a castle wall
1d3 points of damage (or more, at the GM's discretion).
might have a penalty of -3. Remember, however, that the penalty to
If the attack roll succeeds, the target must roll a successful Saving
hit an invisible opponent is only -4, so a +/- 4 is about the outside
Throw (modified by Dexterity) to keep its balance. If this roll
limit for terrain adjustments on the to-hit roll.
succeeds, the rider remains mounted, but the attacker is hanging on
his side. Negotiation and Diplomacy
If the attack succeeds and the Saving throw fails, both characters
Some combats can be averted with a few well-chosen words
fall to the ground for 1d3 damage points and have to stand up next
(including lies). If the party is outmatched, or the monsters don’t
seem likely to be carrying much in the way of loot, the party might
Movement within Melee elect to brazen their way through in an attempt to avoid combat (or
at least delay it until favorable conditions arise).
A defender effectively blocks an area about three feet to either side,
and enemies cannot move through this area. Alternatively, the Spells
Referee might allow such movement but grant a free attack to the
Spell casting begins at the beginning of the round. It is possible to
defender(s) who cover these areas.
cast a spell while within melee range of an opponent (10 ft), but if
Retreating the spell caster suffers damage while casting a spell, the spell is
Most Referees allow the enemy a free attack if the character (or lost. Unless the spell description states otherwise, the spell takes
effect in the caster’s initiative phase.
monster) moves away by more than its “Careful” movement of base
movement rate in feet.
Spacing Certain monsters, such as mindless or undead creatures, are fearless
Because most movement and combat increments are divisible by and always fight to the death. The majority, however, will not
three, it is easiest to assume that a character “occupies” an area continue to fight a hopeless battle, seeking to retreat, surrender or
about three feet across for purposes of marching and fighting. flee. The Referee will decide when monsters abandon the battle and
retreat, based on the situation and the monster’s intelligence.
Spears and Polearms
Spears and polearms in the second rank of a battle formation can The Referee may wish to make “loyalty checks” for NPCs put into
attack by reaching through the first rank of Fighting-men. dangerous situations or ones offered bribes to change sides during a
conflict. When a loyalty check is made, roll 2d6 and consult the
Loyalty table for the result.


Remember that these checks can be modified by a Player’s or a Turning the Undead
leading character's Charisma score. On a roll of 7 or more the NPC Clerics have the ability to turn undead, causing them to flee or even
keeps his loyalty. outright destroying them.
When a turning attempt is made, a 1d20 roll should be made and
Good treatment, respect, and a fair share of treasure earned should the Turning table consulted for the result. The roll is modified by
garner bonuses to loyalty checks, while abuse, physical or the Cleric's Charisma.
otherwise, will bring about penalties, abandonment, or worse. Druids do the same when dealing with animals.
NPCs should be treated as distinct individuals, and not mere
extensions of the Player Character. Turning Undead Table
Undead Clerical Level
Damage and Death HD
When a character (or creature) is hit, the amount of damage is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9–13 14-18 19+
deducted from his hit points. When hit points reach 0, the character 1 10 7 4 T D D D D D D D
is unconscious and starts losing an additional hit point per round 2 13 10 7 4 T D D D D D D
unless another character binds his wounds. A character is 3 16 13 10 7 4 T D D D D D
irrevocably dead when a he reaches a negative number of hit points 4 19 16 13 10 7 4 T D D D D
equal to its Hit Dice (for monsters) or level (for characters).
5 20 19 16 13 10 7 4 T D D D
Healing 6 – 20 19 16 13 10 7 4 T D D

In addition to the various magical means of restoring hit points, a 7 – – 20 19 16 13 10 7 4 T D

character will recover 1 hit point per day of uninterrupted rest. This 8 – – – 20 19 16 13 10 7 4 T
becomes 2 hp per day after one week of uninterrupted rest and 3 hp 9 – – – – 20 19 16 13 10 7 4
per day after two weeks of uninterrupted rest. 10 – – – – – 20 19 16 13 10 7
11 – – – – – – 20 19 16 13 10
Exhaustion, stunning
12 – – – – – – – 20 19 16 13
An Exhausted or stunned character suffers a -4 to all Ability rolls, Demon – – – – – – – – 20 19 16
attack rolls and Saving Throws.
Exhausted characters can’t move at running speed, while Stunned
If the “number” on the die is equal to or greater than the number
characters move at half speed and can not cast spells or concentrate
shown on the table, all undead creatures of the targeted type within
in any way. Recovering from Exhaustion requires one turn of rest,
40' feet are turned and will flee for 3d6 rounds, or will cower
while stunning lasts a precise number of rounds. A character that
helplessly if they cannot flee.
gets stunned or exhausted twice or stunned and exhausted falls
A T result means that the undead (or animals) of that Hit Die type
within range are automatically turned.
Attacking a Vehicle
Attacks against vehicles (such as wagons or ships) are made against For Lawful Clerics, if the table indicates “D”, the undead creature
Armor Class 11. Each vehicle has listed Structural Hit Point values, is automatically destroyed and will crumble to dust. For Chaotic
each SHP is worth 5 normal Hit Points, so a damage roll of 4 would Clerics (and druids), a result of “D” indicates that the undead
deal no damage to a vehicle and a damage roll of 6 to 9 would deal (animals) are forced into the Cleric’s command for a period of 24
only 1. If the vehicle takes damage equal to or greater than the hours. A cleric or druid may not control more than (levelx2) Hit
listed SHP on one side, it is reduced to half speed due to wheel Dice of undead/animals at the same time, the priest can let go this
damage or a hull breach; if it takes this much again, it is control by simply willing it.
immobilized, and this much damage will sink a ship.

Repairing a Vehicle Energy Drain

Damage done to a vehicle may be restored at a rate of 2 structural This is a feature of powerful undead (and other particularly nasty
hit points per crew member per hour of labor. However, a vehicle monsters). The energy drain is a horrible power, since it causes the
can only be restored to 90% of its maximum hit points by field loss of one or more experience levels.
repairs; a damaged ship must be put into drydock and repaired by a When a character is hit by an energy-draining creature, he suffers
shipwright and his crew, while a wagon, cart or chariot will require normal damage from the attack.
a wagonmaker to repair them. Costs of such repairs are left to the In addition, the character loses one or more levels (and thus Hit
Game Master to decide. Dice and hit points).


When levels are lost, roll the Hit Dice appropriate to the character's He possesses great hatred and contempt for his former colleagues,
class and subtract it from the character's maximum Hit points. weaklings who failed him in his time of need.
If the level(s) lost was one in which the character received a set Indeed, his main ambition could be to destroy his former
number of hit points rather than a die roll, subtract the appropriate companions or cause them as much grief as possible.
number of hit points. Further, the newly undead NPC is under the total control of the
The adjusted hit point total is now the character's maximum (i.e., undead who slew it.
hit points lost by energy drain are not taken as damage but are lost If this master is slain, its undead minions of lower level or fewer
permanently). Hit Dice gain one level or Hit Die for each level they drain from
The character's experience points drop to halfway between the victims until they reach the maximum Hit Dice for their kind.
minimum needed for his new (post-drain) level and the minimum Upon reaching full Hit Dice, these undead are able to acquire their
needed for the next level above his new level. own minions by slaying characters.
All powers and abilities gained by the player character by virtue of Appropriate actions on the part of the other player characters can
his former level are immediately lost, including spells. prevent a drained comrade from becoming undead.
The character must instantly forget any spells that are in excess of
those allowed for his new level. Poison & disease
In addition, a magic-user loses all understanding of spells in his Poisons usually kill characters instantly if they fail a Saving Throw,
spell books that are of higher level than he can now cast. but different kinds of poison may exist: drugs that cause sleep or
Upon regaining his previous level, the spellcaster must make new blindness (either temporary or permanent) or 1d6 damage points
rolls to see if he can relearn a spell, regardless of whether he knew per round for ten rounds upon a failed Save.
it before.
Also handling poisons is a very dangerous business: a character
If a character is drained to 0-level but still retains hit points (i.e., he
fumbling an attack with a poisonous weapons might well mean that
is still alive), that character's adventuring career is over.
he or she has poisoned herself and must roll a Saving Throw.
He cannot regain levels and has lost all benefits of a character class.
Diseases may be treated similarly, however diseases have an onset
A restoration or wish spell can be used to allow the character to time of one to six days once contracted.
resume his adventuring career. If a 0-level character suffers another
Keep in mind that diseases are contagious, protracted physical
energy drain, he is slain instantly.
contact with an ill character may require a Saving Throw to avoid
If the character is drained to less than 0 levels (thereby slain by the
contracting the same disease if no precaution is taken.
undead), he returns as an undead of the same type as his slayer in
2d4 days. The new undead is automatically an NPC.


Magic A cleric can use any spell of a given level when he is able to cast
spells of that level due to its experience.
The number of spells of each level which a Magic-User, Cleric or
Clearly then, it behooves the priest to maintain himself in good
Druid may cast per day is shown on the appropriate table in the
standing with this power, through word and deed. Priests who slip
Characters section, above.
in their duties, harbor indiscreet thoughts, or neglect their beliefs,
Each day, usually in the morning, spellcasters prepare spells to
find that their deity has an immediate method of redress.
replace those they have used: Magic Users do so by studying their
If the priest has failed in his duties, the deity can deny him spells as
spell-books, Priests do this by praying.
a clear message of dissatisfaction.
Preparation requires 15 minutes per spell memorized.
For minor infractions, the deity can deny minor spells first and
Spells prepared but not used persist from day to day; only those
second level spells).
actually cast must be replaced. A spellcaster may always choose to
dismiss a prepared spell (without casting it) in order to prepare a Spellcasting
different spell of that level.
To complete a spell successfully the caster must be able to speak,
Spells can be taken as many times as the spellcaster wants as long
move his hands and brandish materials.
as it has free spell slots of the appropriate level. Also, spellcasters
Bound, blocked or gagged spell casters can thus not use their
may use spell slots of a higher level to memorize an extra lower
powers and a silence spell will thus make impossible any
level spell (I.e.: use a 2nd level spell slot to memorize an 1st level
spell-casting in its area of effect.
If the caster is disturbed before he has finished the ritual the spell
Magic Users slot has been used up but the spell fails.

Magic-Users cast spells through the exercise of knowledge and

Material Components: Clerics of all faiths typically need just the
holy symbol of their faith to call on their divine powers. Folklore
They prepare spells by study of their spellbooks; each Magic-User
and legends tell us that “historical” wizards used all weird sorts of
has his or her own spellbook, containing the magical formulae for
material to cast their spells. Magic users need to use special
each spell the Magic-User has learned, written in a magical script
material components to create their powerful spells: A pack
that can only be read by the Magic-User who wrote it, or through
material components for arcane magic costs 20 sp and weights
the use of the first-level spell read magic.
about 5 pounds. Any time a magic user casts a spell he must
All Magic-Users begin play with read magic as their first spell plus
consume 1 silver piece worth of spell components per level of the
two additional first level spells.
spell he or she is casting.
Magic-Users may learn spells by being taught directly by another
If at any time the magic user has no material components with him
Magic-User, by studying another Magic-User’s spellbook or by
or her he can not cast any spells.
copying a spell scroll (in this case the scroll is used up as the
scroll's energy is “imbued” in the spellbook). Reversed Spells
If being taught, a spell can be learned in a single day; researching
Some spells are reversible or have multiple purposes, this means
another Magic-User’s spellbook takes one day per spell level while
they can be cast in a different form from the base one.
copying from a scroll takes one hour per spell level.
Magic-Users must be memorize a spell in reversed form to cast it
A Magician can also try to research a spell on its own as explained
that way, while Clerics may decide on the spot which version to use
under Magical research.
but may be restricted by their deity and/or alignment from using a
Clerics (and Druids) spell in reversed (or maybe in regular) form.

The spells of a priest, while sometimes having powers similar to Counter-spells

those of the wizard, are quite different in their overall tone. The
Prepared Spells can also be used to counter the casting of the same
priest's role, more often than not, is as defender and guide for
spell on the part of another spell-caster.
Using spells to counter an opponent’s spell-casting takes an action
Unlike the wizard, the priest needs no spell book and does not roll
and the countering spell-caster must not be interrupted.
to see if he learns spells. Priest spells are obtained in an entirely
Countering is very much like setting a spear against charging
different manner. To obtain his spells, a priest must be faithful to
enemies, the countering character must have equal or better
the cause of his deity. If the priest feels confident in this (and most
Initiative than the spell-caster he or she wants to counter; this
do), he can pray for his spells. Through prayer, the priest humbly
counts as holding an action. Both casters will act on the original
and politely requests those spells he wishes to memorize. Under
caster’s Initiative number and are therefore simultaneous.
normal circumstances, these spells are then granted.


If the countering spell-caster finishes its counter-spell, he expends Level 3

the spell and negates his enemy’s own spell, otherwise the spell is 1. Animate Dead
lost without countering the enemy’s. 2. Cure (Cause) Blindness
The chance of successfully countering a spell is a percentage based 3. Cure (Cause) Disease
on the ratio of the level of the caster trying to dispel over the level 4. Light (Dark) II
of the caster (or HD of the monster) who cast the original magic. 5. Locate Object
Thus, a 6th level caster attempting to dispel a charm cast by a 12th 6. Prayer
level caster has a 50% chance of success (6/12 = 1/2, or, 50%). If 7. Remove (Bestow) Curse
the 12th level caster were dispelling the 6th level caster’s spell, the 8. Speak with Dead
chance would be 200% (12/6 = 2, or, 200%).
The Dispel Magic spell can also be used as a sort of universal Level 4
counter-spell. 1. Cure (Cause) Wounds II
2. Dispel Magic
Multiple Spell effects 3. Imbue With Spell Ability
While you can be healed twice or smitten twice by fireballs, 4. Neutralize Poison
lingering magical enhancements do not stack. 5. Protection from Chaos (Law) II
As a general rule casting multiple times the same spell on a person 6. Speak with Plants
does not combine, even if cast by different persons: you can’t get to 7. Sticks to Snakes
Fly twice as fast. 8. Tongues (Garble Speech)
The only effect you get from this is that the second spell will
simply make the effect last longer. Level 5
Different spells, on the other hand -or the effect of different magic 1. Commune
items will stack successfully: a character wielding a +1 weapon 2. Create Food and Drink
gets to be blessed twice by different clerics. 3. Dispel Chaos (Law)
The character has +2 to hit (+1 weapon, +1 for bless), this drops to 4. Insect Plague
+1 as soon as the last bless spell cast on him drops. 5. Plane Shift
6. Quest
Clerical Spell List 7. Raise (Cause) Dead
8. True Seeing
Level 1
1. Augury
Level 6
2. Command
1. Animate Object
3. Cure (Cause) Wounds I
2. Blade Barrier
4. Detect Chaos (Law)
3. Conjure Animals
5. Detect Magic
4. Find the Path
6. Light (Dark) I
5. Forbiddance
7. Protection from Chaos (Law) I
6. Heal (Harm)
8. Purify (Putrefy) Food and Drink
7. Speak with Monsters
9. Remove (Cause) Fear
8. Word of Recall
10. Sanctuary

Level 7
Level 2
1. Aerial Servant
1. Bless (Blight)
2. Astral Spell
2. Find Traps
3. Control Weather
3. Hold Person
4. Earthquake
4. Remove Paralysis
5. Holy Word
5. Silence 15 ft Radius
6. Restoration
6. Slow Poison
7. Resurrection (Absolution)
7. Snake Charm
8. Symbol
8. Speak with Animals
9. Wind Walk


Druid Spell List 8. Sticks to Snakes

Level 1 9. Transform
1. Charm Animal 10. Wall of Defense I
2. Detect Magic
3. Detect Snares & Pits Level 6
4. Entangle 1. Conjure Animals III
5. Faerie Fire 2. Anti-Animal Shell
6. Know weather 3. Conjure Elemental
7. Locate Animals 4. Find the Path
8. Purify (Putrefy) Food and Drink 5. Feeblemind
9. Sanctuary 6. Summon Weather
10. Shillelagh 7. Transport via Plant
8. Turn Wood
Level 2
1. Cure (Cause) Wounds I Level 7
2. Create Food & Drink 1. Animate Rock
3. Heat Metal 2. Confusion
4. Locate Plants 3. Control Weather
5. Obscuring Mist 4. Earthquake
6. Produce Flames 5. Reincarnation
7. Speak with Animals 6. Symbol
8. Warp Wood 7. Transmute

Level 3 Magic-user Spell List

1. Call Lightning Level 1
2. Cure (Cause) Disease 1. Audible glamer
3. Hold Animal 2. Charm Person
4. Neutralize Poison 3. Dancing Lights
5. Plant Growth 4. Detect Magic
6. Protection from Fire 5. Disguise Self
7. Pyrotechnics 6. Feather Fall
8. Water Breathing 7. Find Familiar
8. Hold Portal
Level 4 9. Light (Dark) I
1. Conjure Animals 10. Magic Missile
2. Cure (Cause) Wounds II 11. Message
3. Dispel Magic 12. Protection from Chaos (Law)I
4. Hallucinatory Terrain 13. Read Languages
5. Insect Plague 14. Read Magic
6. Produce Fire 15. Shield
7. Protection from Lightning 16. Sleep
8. Speak With Plants 17. Unseen Servant
9. Walk through Flora
Level 2
Level 5 1. Detect Chaos (Law)
1. Animal Growth 2. Detect Invisibility
2. Anti-Plant Shell 3. Detect Thoughts
3. Conjure Animals II 4. Invisibility I
4. Commune with Nature 5. Gust of wind
5. Control Winds 6. Knock
6. Hold Plant 7. Levitate
7. Pass Plant 8. Light (Dark) II


9. Locate Object 9. Monster Summoning III

10. Magic Mouth 10. Passwall
11. Mirror Image 11. Telekinesis
12. Phantasmal Force 12. Teleport
13. Pyrotechnics 13. Transform
14. Strength 14. True Seeing
15. Stinking Cloud 15. Wall of Defense II
16. Web
17. Wizard Lock Level 6
1. Anti-Magic Shell
Level 3 2. Control Weather
1. Alter Time 3. Contingency
2. Crystal Ball 4. Death Spell
3. Dark Vision 5. Disintegrate
4. Dispel Magic 6. Enchant Item
5. Explosive Runes 7. Geas
6. Fireball 8. Guards and wards
7. Fly 9. Invisible Stalker
8. Hold Person 10. Legend Lore
9. Invisibility II 11. Monster Summoning IV
10. Lightning Bolt 12. Move Earth
11. Monster Summoning I 13. Project Image
12. Protection from Chaos (Law) II 14. Stone to Flesh (Flesh to Stone)
13. Protection from Normal Missiles
14. Suggestion Level 7
15. Water Breathing 1. Cacodemon
2. Charm Plants
Level 4 3. Delayed Blast Fireball
1. Charm Monster 4. Limited Wish
2. Confusion 5. Mass Invisibility
3. Dimension Portal 6. Monster Summoning V
4. Hallucinatory Terrain 7. Phase Door
5. Ice Storm 8. Power Word, Stun
6. Massmorph 9. Simulacrum
7. Mnemonic Enhancer
8. Monster Summoning II Level 8
9. Plant Growth 1. Clone
10. Polymorph 2. Mass Charm
11. Remove Curse 3. Mind Blank
12. Stoneskin 4. Monster Summoning VI
13. Wall of Defense I 5. Permanency
14. Wizard Eye 6. Symbol

Level 5 Level 9
1. Animal Growth 1. Astral Spell
2. Animate Dead 2. Gate
3. Cloudkill 3. Maze
4. Conjure Elemental 4. Meteor Swarm
5. Contact Other Plane 5. Power Word, Kill
6. Feeblemind 6. Prismatic Sphere
7. Hold Monster 7. Time Stop
8. Magic Jar 8. Shapechange


9. Wish This spell animates skeletons or zombies from dead bodies. 1d6
undead are animated (per level of the caster above 8 th). The corpses
Full list of spells remain animated until slain.

Animate Object
Aerial Servant Spell Level: C6
Spell Level: C7 Range: 60 ft
Range: NA Duration: 1 hour
Duration: Until completed or insanity
The Cleric “brings to life” inanimate objects such as statues, chairs,
This spell summons a powerful creature from the elemental planes carpets, and tables. The objects follow the Cleric’s commands,
of air, to fetch and return one thing (or creature) to the caster. Only attacking his foes or performing other actions on his behalf. The
a creature with a Strength of 18 can fight its way from the servant’s Referee must determine the combat attributes of the objects, such
grasp, and even then the chance is not likely to be greater than as armor class, speed, hit dice, and to-hit bonuses on the spur of the
50%. The servant can carry up to 500 pounds in weight. An aerial moment. A stone statue, as a basic example, might have AC of
servant has the following attributes: HD 16, AC [16], Atk 1 (4d4), [18], attack as a creature with 7–9 HD, and inflict 2d8 points of
Move 8. If the servant is frustrated in its efforts to bring the desired damage. Wooden furniture would be considerably less dangerous.
object to the caster, it will become insane, returning and attacking
him. Animate Rock
Spell Level: D7
Alter Time Range: 40 ft
Spell Level: M3 Duration: 6 turns
Range: 240 ft
Duration: 30 minutes Similar as the Animate Object spell, Animate Rock affects only
stone. The druid may animate up to 2 cubic feet of stone per druid
The caster must announce which of the two options are being cast. level and the animated stone will move at a pace of 20' to 40' (GM's
As a Haste spell, an area of radius of 60 ft around the point where discretion). there is a 1-14 chance on d20 that the animated stone
the spell is targeted, as many as 24 creatures become able to move will obey the druid.
and attack at double normal speed. All targets receive a +1 bonus to
Attack and initiative rolls and AC. Haste doesn't quicken Anti-Animal Shell
spellcasting. Spell Level: D6
As a Slow spell, an area of radius of 60 ft around the point where Range: covers a 20ft hemisphere
the spell is targeted, as many as 24 creatures failing a saving throw Duration: 3 + druid level turns
can only move and attack at half speed. All targets receive a +-
penalty to Attack and initiative rolls and AC. Slow does affect Same as the Anti-Plant Shell spell, but focuses on natural or giant
spellcasting. animals. While affected by this spell, those inside the shell are
protected from all animal attacks (excluding fantastic or magical
Animal Growth creatures), but are unable to attack, be it
Spell Level: D5, M5 by normal or magical means.
Range: 120 ft
Duration: 2 hours Anti-Plant Shell
Spell Level: D5
This spell causes 1d6 normal creatures to grow immediately to Range: self
giant size. The affected creatures receives 2 extra hit dice and Duration: 2 hours
inflicts an extra d6 of damage per attack.
Similar to the magic-user spell Anti-Magic Shell but instead of
Animate Dead protecting from spells, it protects against attacks from plants and
Spell Level: M5, C3 living vegetables.
Range: 60 ft
Duration: Permanent


Anti-magic Shell Augury

Spell Level: M6 Spell Level: C1
Range: Caster Range: Caster
Duration: 2 hours Duration: instantaneous

An invisible bubble of force surrounds the caster, impenetrable to An augury tells the caster whether a particular action will bring
magic. Spells and other magical effects cannot pass into or out of good or bad results in the immediate future.
the shell. The base chance for receiving a meaningful reply is 70% + 1% per
caster level, to a maximum of 90%; this roll is made secretly. A
Astral Spell question may be so straightforward that a successful result is
Spell Level: C7, M9 automatic, or so vague as to have no chance of success. If the
Range: 100 miles (above ground), 100 yards (below) augury succeeds, you get one of four results:
Duration: 2 hours • Weal (if the action will probably bring good results).
• Woe (for bad results).
The caster projects his astral form into other places; the astral form • Weal and woe (for both).
is invisible to all creatures but those also traveling the astral plane • Nothing (for actions that don’t have especially good or bad
of existence. The spell has a duration of two hours. If the caster’s results).
physical body is moved more than 100 miles from its original If the spell fails, the caster gets the “nothing” result.
location while the astral form is away, the link is sundered and the The augury can see into the future only about half an hour, so
caster’s soul becomes lost in the beyond; and if the caster’s body is anything that might happen after that does not affect the result.
underground, it need only be moved 100 yards before the Thus, the result might not take into account the long-term
connection is broken. consequences of a contemplated action. All auguries cast by the
The astral form is capable of casting spells, but there is a 5% same person about the same topic use the same dice result as the
chance per spell level that the spell will fail. Additionally, there is a first casting.
2% chance per spell level of the attempted spell that the astral spell
itself will falter as a result of the spell casting, and the astral form
will return to the physical body. When traveling in astral form upon Blade Barrier
the earth, the astral form may travel as fast as 100 miles per hour Spell Level: C6
per level above 18th. If the form is traveling underground, its top Range: 60 ft
speed is much slower: 120 ft per 10-minute turn. When traveling Duration: 2 hours (12 turns)
into the deeper regions beyond the earth, speed and distance are
obviously not measured in miles. Mystical blades, whirling and thrusting, form a lethal circle around
the spell’s recipient, at a radius of 15 ft. The barrier inflicts 10d6
Audible glamer points of damage to anyone trying to pass through.
Spell Level: M1
Range: 60 ft Bless (Blight)
Duration: 2 rounds/level Spell Level: C2
Range: up to 6 targets within 40 ft
Audible glamer allows the caster to creates a volume of sound that Duration: 1 hour (6 turns)
rises, recedes, approaches, or remains at a fixed place. The caster
chooses what type of sound he or she creates when casting the This spell of Law grants its recipient a +1 to attack rolls and Saving
spell, and cannot thereafter change the sound’s basic character. Throws (and improves morale, if the recipient is not a player
The volume of sound created is equivalent to the noise of two character). The recipient cannot already be in combat when the
normal humans per caster level. Thus, talking, singing, shouting, spell is cast.
walking, marching, or running sounds can be created. The noise an The Chaotic spell is Blight and is similar to Bless except imparts a
audible glamer spell produces can be virtually any type of sound -1. As with Bless, the recipient cannot already be in combat when
within the volume limit. the spell is cast.


C low intelligence (8 or less) are allowed a new Saving throw once

Cacodemon every two weeks. Characters with average intelligence (9-12) are
Spell Level: M7 allowed a new Saving throw once every week. Very intelligent
Range: 10 ft targets (Intelligence of 13 or more) get a new Saving throw once
Duration: Until task is completed or dispelled per day. Behavior inappropriate to a friend on the caster's part (like
attacking the target) will either grant a new Saving throw or break
This spell summons a demon or other fiend (such as a devil) from the spell outright as decided by the Game Master.
the lower planes of existence. The spell provides no protection
whatsoever against the wrath of the summoned creature, and the Charm Plants
magic user should be versed in the lore of pentacles and other Spell Level: M7
magical means of hedging out demons. Gaining the demon’s Range: 120 ft
assistance is beyond the spell’s power, coming down to a matter of Duration: Until dispelled
negotiations and threats between the caster and the fiend.
If the plant fails a saving throw (and it need not be intelligent), it
Call Lightning will obey the caster to the extent of its ability. The spell affects one
Spell Level: D3 large tree, six man-sized plants, twelve plants three feet tall, or
Range: 360 ft twenty-four flower-sized plants.
Duration: 1 turn per level
In order for this spell to occur, the druid must be within 360' of Spell Level: M8
stormy weather. The lightning bolt inflicts 8d6 + druid level points Range: Close
of damage (GMs may wish to allow a successful saving throw to Duration: Permanent
half the damage). The caster may target anyone within the spell's
range. The druid may call down 1 bolt of lightning per turn. This By this eerie and disturbing spell, a piece of flesh, taken from a
spell is only usable outdoors. living person, is grown into an exact duplicate of the person at the
time the flesh was removed (whether this requires a laboratory and
Charm Animal how much time is required to regrow the clone depend upon the
Spell Level: D1 spell formula and the Referee’s discretion). If a clone is created
Range: 120 ft while its parent-creature still lives, the clone will seek to kill its
Duration: Special original. If it fails to achieve this goal, both the clone and the
original will become insane.
This spell works exactly like Charm Person but affects
animals instead. Cloudkill
Spell Level: M5
Charm Monster Range: Moves 6 ft per minute
Spell Level: M4 Duration: 1 hour
Range: 60 ft
Duration: Special Foul and poisonous vapors boil from the thin air, forming a cloud
15 ft in radius. The cloud moves directly forward at a rate of 6 ft
This spell operates in the same manner as Charm Person, but can per minute unless its direction or speed is affected by winds.
affect more powerful monsters. For monsters of fewer than 3 HD, Unusually strong gusts can dissipate and destroy it. Poison-laden,
up to 3d6 can be affected. the horrid mist is heavier than air, and thus sinks down any pits or
stairs in its path. This spell affects only creatures 5 HD or fewer.
Charm Person
Spell Level: M1 Command
Range: 120 ft Spell Level: C1
Duration: Special Range: 10 ft
Duration: 1 round
This spell affects living bipeds of human size or smaller, such as
goblins or dryads. If the spell succeeds (saving throw allowed), the When a cleric casts this spell, he may give the subject a single word
unfortunate creature falls under the caster’s influence. Characters of command, which it obeys to the best of its ability. The single word


must make sense as a single command, such as approach, drop, fall, confusion, for they must continue to make another saving throw
flee, halt, surrender, sleep, etc. Although a target could be every 10 minutes until the spell’s 2 hour duration has run its course.
instructed to die, this will only make the target take on a comatose
state for a single round. Note that the caster must be able to speak Contingency
the language of the target. Any intended target who has more than 5 Spell Level: MU6
HD or an INT of over 12 is entitled to a saving throw versus spells. Range: Caster
This spell is ineffective against undead. Duration: 1 day/level

Commune The Magic-user can place another spell upon his person so that it
Spell Level: C5 comes into effect under some condition he dictates when casting
Range: Caster contingency. The contingency spell and the companion spell are
Duration: 3 questions cast at the same time.
The spell to be brought into effect by the contingency must be one
Higher powers grant an answer to three questions the caster poses that affects the caster's person and be of a spell level no higher than
to them. Higher powers don’t like constantly being interrogated by one-third his level (rounded down, to a maximum 6th level).
mere mortals, so the spell should be limited to once per week or so The conditions needed to bring the spell into effect must be clear,
by the Referee. although they can be general.
Once per year, the Referee may rule that a caster may cast a In all cases, the contingency immediately brings into effect the
“double strength” Commune spell composed of six questions. companion spell, the latter being “cast” instantaneously when the
prescribed circumstances occur. If complicated or convoluted
Commune with Nature conditions are prescribed, the whole spell combination
Spell Level: D5 (contingency and the companion magic) may fail when called on.
Range: self The companion spell occurs based solely on the stated conditions,
Duration: 3 questions regardless of whether you want it to.
Only one contingency spell can be in effect at a time; if a second is
Same as the spell Commune but must be performed outdoors and cast, the first one (if still active) is dispelled.
the answers received will only pertain to Nature.
Conjure Animals
Confusion Spell Level: D4, C6
Spell Level: D7, M4 Range: 30 ft
Range: 120 ft Duration: 1 hour
Duration: 2 hours
The Cleric conjures up normal animals to serve as his allies: 1
This spell confuses people and monsters, making them act creature larger than a man (such as an elephant), 3 animals the size
randomly. Roll 2d6 to determine the creature’s behavior: of a man or horse (such as a lion), or 6 animals smaller than a man
(such as a wolf). The animals obey the caster’s commands.
Table 22: Confusion Reaction
Roll (d12) Reaction Conjure Animals II
2–5 Attack the caster and his allies Spell Level: D5
6–8 Stand baffled and inactive Range: 30 ft
9–12 Attack each other Duration: 1 hour

The effects of the confusion may shift every ten minutes or so, and Similar to the Conjure Animals except that 2 creatures larger than a
the dice are rolled again to determine any change. man may be summoned, or 6 creatures the size of a man or horse,
The spell affects 2d6 creatures, plus an additional creature for every or 12 animals smaller than a man.
caster level above 8th. Creatures of 3 HD or fewer are
automatically affected by the spell, and it takes effect immediately. Conjure Animals III
Creatures of 4 HD or more automatically resist the confusion effect Spell Level: D6
until it builds up to its full power (which takes 1d12 minutes, minus Range: 30 ft
the caster’s level), but are required to make a saving throw at this Duration: 1 hour
time. Eventually, these creatures are likely to succumb to the


Similar to the Conjure Animals except that 4 creatures larger than a

man may be summoned, or 12 creatures the size of a man or horse, Control Winds
or 24 animals smaller than a man. Spell Level: D5
Range: 120 ft
Conjure Elemental Duration: 6 turns, plus 6 turns per level
Spell Level: D6, M5
Range: 240 ft A druid my employ this spell to increase the force of, or calm,
Duration: Until dispelled winds within 120 ft of the druid. The center-point of the spell's
effect is the druid and follows the druid's movements. Such affected
The caster summons a 16 HD elemental (any kind) from the winds may influence flying creatures and sailing ships (forcing
elemental planes of existence, and binds it to his commands. Each them out of the air or halting their maritime travel). A Control
type of elemental may only be summoned once per day. Winds spell cast upon an existing Control Winds spell will negate
The elemental obeys the caster only for as long as the caster it. The spell's range is increased to 320 at 11th level, 400 at 12th
concentrates on it; and when the caster ceases to concentrate, even level, and 480 at 12th druid level.
for a moment, the elemental is released and will attack him.
Create Food and Drink
Contact Other Plane Spell Level: C4, D2
Spell Level: M5 Range: 10 ft
Range: None Duration: Immediate
Duration: See Table
This spell creates a one-day supply of simple food and drinking
The caster creates a mental contact with the planes, forces, powers, water for 24 men (or horses, which drink the same amount as a man
and geometries of the beyond, in order to gain affirmative or for game purposes).
negative answers to the questions he contemplates. The spell’s
effect depends on how deeply the caster delves into the planes of Crystal Ball
existence. Spell Level: M3
The caster must decide how “far” into the planes of existence he Range: 240 ft
wishes to make contact. Duration: 2 hours
Table 23: Contact Other Plane
Plane1 Insane2 Right Wrong3 The caster must announce which of the two options are being cast.
1 1-2 3-11 12-20 Cast as Clairaudience, the caster can hear through solid obstacles.
2 1-4 4-13 14-20 Cast as Clairvoyance the caster can see through solid obstacles.
3 1-6 7-16 16-20 Even the thinnest layer of lead blocks the spell.
4 1-8 9-17 18-20
5 1-10 11-18 19-20 Cure (Cause) Blindness/Deafness
6 1-12 13-19 20 Spell Level: C3
1 Planes are the “depth” that he chooses to seek truth, also the Range: Touch
Duration: Immediate
number of Yes/No questions asked.
2 Temporary insanity lasts for as many weeks as the “number” of
This spell cures a person of blindness or deafness, including
the plane where the caster’s sanity failed.
magically inflicted ones.
3 This is the chance of receiving a misinterpreted or “wrong”
The Chaotic spell, Cause Blindness/Deafness, infects a
person with deafness (the character is surprised 4 times out of
6) or blindness (-4 to all melee attack rolls, no ranged
Control Weather attacks).
Spell Level: D7, C7,M6
Range: Special Cure (Cause) Disease
Duration: 3 turns per level Spell Level: C3, D3
Range: Touch
The caster can summon or stop rainfall, create unusually high or Duration: Immediate
low temperatures, summon or disperse a tornado, clear the sky of
clouds, or summon clouds into being.


This spell cures a person of any diseases, including magically Dark II

inflicted ones. Spell Level: C3, M2
The Chaotic spell, Cause Disease, infects a person with a disease to Range: 120 ft
be determined by the Referee. Duration: Permanent until dispelled

Cure (Cause) Wounds I The targeted person or object is enshrouded in globe of darkness
Spell Level: C1, D2 with a radius of 40 ft. A Light II spell or Dispel Magic can be used
Range: Touch to counteract the darkness.
Duration: Immediate
This spell cures 1d6+1 hit points of damage. Spell Level: M3
The spell of Chaotic, Cause Wounds 1, inflicts 1d6+1 hit points of Range: Touch
damage. Duration: 1 day

Cure (Cause) Wounds II The recipient of the spell can see in total darkness for the length of
Spell Level: C4, D4 the spell’s duration up to a range of 60 feet.
Range: Touch
Duration: Immediate Death Spell
Spell Level: M6
This spell cures 3d6+3 hit points of damage. Range: 240 ft
The spell of Chaos, Cause Wounds II, inflicts 3d6+1 hit points of Duration: Instantaneous
Within a 60 ft radius, up to 2d6 creatures with fewer than 7 hit dice
(or levels) perish.
Dancing Lights Delayed Blast Fireball
Spell Level: M1 Spell Level: M7
Range: 120 ft Range: 240 ft
Duration: 2 rds./level Duration: Up to 10 minutes, as chosen by caster

When a dancing lights spell is cast, the wizard creates, at his This spell creates a normal fireball, but the blast can be delayed for
option, from one to four lights that resemble either torches or a period of up to 10 minutes. The burst radius, per a normal fireball,
lanterns (and cast that amount of light), glowing spheres of light is 20 ft, and damage is 1d6 per level of the caster. The blast shapes
(such as evidenced by will-o-wisps), or one faintly glowing, itself to the available volume (33,000 cubic feet), filling 33
vaguely manlike shape, somewhat similar to that of a creature from ten-by-ten-by-ten cubical areas.
the Elemental Plane of Fire. The dancing lights move as the
spellcaster desires, forward or back, straight or turning corners, Detect Chaos (Law)
without concentration upon such movement by the wizard. The Spell Level: C1, M2
spell cannot be used to cause blindness, and it winks out if the Range: 120 ft (C), 60 ft (M)
range or duration is exceeded. Duration: 60 min (C), 20 min (M)

Dark I The caster detects any creatures of Chaotic alignment, or those with
Spell Level: C1, M1 chaotic enchantments, evil intentions, evil thoughts, or chaotic
Range: 60 ft auras within the spell’s range. Poison is not inherently evil or
Duration: 2 hours (C) 1 hour+10 min/level (M) chaotic, and cannot be detected by means of this spell.
The reverse spell, Detect Law, works the same way except that it
The target person or object (at a range of up to 120 ft) is detects creatures of Law.
enshrouded in globe of darkness with a radius of 20 ft. A Light I
spell or Dispel Magic can be used to counteract the darkness.


Detect Invisibility —. The caster can seem 1 foot shorter or taller, thin, fat, or in
Spell Level: M2 between. The caster can add or obscure a minor feature or look like
Range: 10 ft per caster level an entirely different person.
Duration: 1 hour The spell does not provide the abilities or mannerisms of the
Caster can perceive invisible creatures and objects. form, nor does it alter the perceived tactile (touch) or audible
(sound) properties of the appearance faked.
Detect Magic
Spell Level: C1, D1, M1 Disintegrate
Range: 60 ft Spell Level: M6
Duration: 20 minutes Range: 60 ft
Duration: Instantaneous
The caster can perceive, in places, people, or things, the presence of
a magical spell or enchantment. As examples: magical items may The caster defines one specific target such as a door, a peasant, or a
be discovered in this fashion, as can the presence of a charm statue, and it disintegrates into dust.
secretly laid upon a person. Magical materials are not disintegrated, and living creatures (such
as the aforementioned peasant) are permitted a saving throw.
Detect Snares & Traps
Spell Level: D1 Dispel Chaos (Law)
Range: 60 ft Spell Level: C5
Duration: 2 hours Range: 30 ft
Duration: 10 minutes
This spell allows the caster to discover snares, pits, and other
outdoor traps. This spell is similar to the arcane spell Dispel Magic, but affects
Chaotic magic. This spell works against items, spells, or agents of
Detect Thoughts chaos. Unlike Dispel Magic, this spell functions against chaotic
Spell Level: M2 “sendings,” possibly including spells, dreams or supernatural
Range: 60 ft hunting-beasts.
Duration: 2 hours The reverse spell, Dispel Law, works the same way except it affects
creatures of law instead.
The caster can detect the thoughts of other beings. The spell cannot
penetrate more than two feet of stone, and is blocked by even a thin Dispel Magic
sheet of lead. Spell Level: C4, D4, M3
Range: 120 ft
Dimensional Portal Duration: 10 minutes against an item
Spell Level: M4
Range: 10 ft casting (360 ft teleport) Dispel magic can be used to completely dispel most spells and
Duration: Immediate enchantments.
The chance of successfully countering a spell is a percentage based
Dimensional Portal is a weak form of teleportation, a spell that can on the ratio of the level of the caster trying to dispel over the level
be managed by lesser magicians who cannot yet manage the of the caster (or HD of the monster) who cast the original magic.
Teleportation spell. The caster can teleport himself, an object, or Thus, a 6th level caster attempting to dispel a charm cast by a 12th
another person with perfect accuracy to the stated location, as long level caster has a 50% chance of success (6/12 = 1/2, or, 50%). If
as it is within the spell’s range. the 12th level caster were dispelling the 6th level caster’s spell, the
chance would be 200% (12/6 = 2, or, 200%).
Disguise Self
Spell Level: M1 Dispel Magic Example: The chance of successfully dispelling is a
Range: Personal percentage based on the ratio of the level of the caster trying to
Duration: 1 turn./level dispel over the level of the caster (or HD of the monster) who
hurled the original magic.
This spell allows the magic User to look different changing his Thus, a 6th level magic user attempting to dispel a charm cast by a
appearance —including clothing, armor, weapons, and equipment 12th level Magic-user has a 50% chance of success (6/12=1/2). If


the 12th level magic user were dispelling the 6th level Magic-user’s rune’s creator has a 4 in 6 chance to detect it, a 4 in 6 chance to
charm, the dispelling caster’s chance of success would be 200% bypass it (if it is detected), and a 100% chance to remove it (if it is
(12/6=2). successfully detected and bypassed).

E Faerie Fire
Earthquake Spell Level: D1
Spell Level: D7, C7 Range: 60 ft
Range: 480 ft Duration: 6 turns
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell lines the target in a luminescent glow. This makes the
In an area 60x60 ft plus an additional 10 ft (in both length and target highly visible in darkness.
width) per three levels above 17th, the Cleric causes a powerful
earthquake. The quake topples walls, causes rock-slides, and opens Feather Fall
gaping fissures in the earth. Any creature caught in the quake has a Spell Level: M1
1 in 6 chance of falling into the depths of the earth and killed. The Range: 30 ft
earthquake’s tremors do not extend in any way beyond the spell’s Duration: Until landing or 1 round/level
area of effect.
The spell allows one human-sized creature or object per level to fall
Enchant Item slowly. Feather fall instantly changes the rate at which the targets
Spell Level: M6 fall to a mere 60 feet per round (equivalent to the end of a fall from
Range: Touch a few feet), and the subjects take no damage upon landing while the
Duration: Permanent spell is in effect. However, when the spell duration expires, a
normal rate of falling resumes.
This spell is used in the creation of a magical item, in addition to The spell affects one or more human-sized or smaller creatures
whatever research, special ingredients, and other efforts the Referee (including gear and carried objects up to each creature’s maximum
may determine are necessary for the task. load) or objects, or the equivalent in larger creatures: A Large
creature or object counts as two Medium creatures or objects, a
Entangle Huge creature or object counts as two Large creatures or objects.
Spell Level: D1 This spell can be cast with an instant utterance, quickly enough to
Range: 80 ft save yourself if you unexpectedly fall. Casting the spell is a free
Duration: 1 turn action, you may even cast this spell when it isn’t your turn.

Grasses, weeds, bushes, and even trees wrap, twist, and entwine Feeblemind
about creatures in a 40' diameter area or those that enter the Spell Level: D6, M5
designated area, holding them fast and causing them to become Range: 240 ft
entangled. A creature may move half its normal movement if it Duration: Permanent until dispelled
succeeds in a saving throw.
Feeblemind is a spell that affects only Magic-users. The saving
Explosive Runes throw against the spell is made at a -4 penalty, and if the saving
Spell Level: M3 throw fails, the targeted Magic-user becomes feebleminded until
Range: Written parchment the magic is dispelled.
Duration: Permanent until dispelled or triggered
Find Familiar
The magic-user scribes a rune onto parchment, vellum, or paper as Spell Level: M1
a deadly trap. If anyone other than the caster reads the rune, the Range: Caster
sigil explodes into fire, automatically dealing 4d6 points of damage Duration: permanent
to anyone directly in front of it. The parchment or book upon which
the rune was scribed will also be destroyed. An explosive rune can This spell conjures a familiar to act as the caster's companion.
be detected, bypassed, and even removed by a higher-level Familiars are typically small creatures, such as cats, frogs, ferrets,
magic-user. Any magic-user more than one level higher than the crows, hawks, snakes, owls, ravens, toads, weasels, or even mice.


A magic-user can have only one familiar at a time, and he has no Find Traps
control over what sort of creature answers the summoning, if any at Spell Level: C2
all. Familiars often act as scouts and spies for their masters. Range: 30 ft around caster
Familiars have standard statistics for creatures of its type (AC 13, Duration: 20 minutes (2 turns)
HD 1, Move 3 or 4, Attacks: 1 for 1d3 if none are given) but is
always more intelligent than others of its type, and its bond with the The caster can perceive both magical and non-magical traps at a
wizard confers upon it an extended lifespan. distance of 30 ft.
The magic-user that has successfully summoned a familiar shares
with him its heightened senses. Find the Path
Conversely, the familiar has a number of bonus hit points equal to Spell Level: D6, C6
twice the caster's level. When the magic-user earns a level, the Range: Caster
familiar gains 2 Hit Points. Duration: 1 hour +1 turn per level, up to one day outdoors
When the magic-user and the familiar are within 1 mile of each
other, the magic-user can send mental commands to his or her The caster perceives the fastest way out of an area, even if the area
servant and receive basic empathic responses from the familiar. is designed to be difficult to navigate (such as a labyrinth). In the
The caster cannot see through the familiar's eyes or ears. outdoors, the spell has greater power, lasting a full day.
If separated from the caster by more than 1 mile, the familiar loses
1 hit point each day, and dies if reduced to 0 hit points. Fireball
While the magic-user and the familiar are within 10 feet of each Spell Level: M3
other, the familiar gains its master's level-based saving throw Range: 240 ft
bonus. Duration: Instantaneous
If a special attack would normally cause damage, the familiar
suffers no damage if the saving throw is successful and half A missile shoots from the caster’s finger, to explode, at the targeted
damage if the saving throw is failed. location, in a furnace-like blast of fire. The burst radius is 20 ft, and
While the magic-user and the familiar are in physical contact, they damage is 1d6 per level of the caster. The blast shapes itself to the
can share damage points they receive with one another. available volume. A successful saving throw means that the target
If the familiar dies, its master must successfully roll an immediate only takes half damage.
Saving throw or die. Even if he survives this check, the wizard
loses 1 point from his Constitution when the familiar dies. Fly
This spell is so powerful that it can be attempted only once a year Spell Level: M3
and requires an expenditure of 500 s.p. of materials. Range: Touch
The GM will always secretly the spell results, once the summoning Duration: 1d6 turns plus 1 turn/level
is cast the familiar will arrive usually within 1d10 hours.
Note that familiars are not inherently magical and a dispel magic This spell grants the power of flight, with a movement rate of 4.
spell will not break the tie between a familiar and its master. The Referee secretly rolls for duration; the player does not know
Mistreatment, failure to care for the familiar, or continued exactly how long the power of flight will last.
unreasonable demands have adverse effects on the familiar's
relationship with its master.
Purposely arranging the death of one's own familiar will affect the
Spell Level: C6
master as if a Curse had been cast on him or her.
Range: 30'
Duration: Permanent
D20 Roll Familiar Sensory Powers
1-5 Cat, black Excellent night vision & superior hearing
This spell can be used only to secure a consecrated area 20' by 20'.
6-7 Crow Excellent vision
The effect on the enchanted area is based on the alignment of those
8-9 Hawk Very superior distance vision
trying to enter it, relative to the caster’s.
10-11 Owl Night vision equals human daylight vision, superior
• Identical alignment: Cannot enter area unless password is
known (no saving throw).
12-13 Toad Wide-angle vision
• Different alignment: Save vs. Spells to enter the area; if
14-15 Weasel Superior hearing & very superior olfactory power
failed, take 2-12 points of damage.
16-19 No familiar available within spell range
• Opposite alignment: Save vs. Spells to enter the area; if
20 Special (a 1hd monster or minor devil)
failed, take 4-24 points of damage.


Once a saving throw is failed, a intruder can never enter the 3. Stairs are filled with webs from top to bottom. These act as
forbidden area until the dweomer ceases. the 2nd-level Web spell, except that they regrow within one
Effects are cumulative, and multiple required saving throws are turn if destroyed.
certainly possible. The caster is immune to the spell’s effect. 4. Where there are choices in direction--such as a cross or side
Intruders who enter by making saving throws will feel uneasy and passage--a minor confusion-type spell functions so as to
tense, despite their success. make it 50% probable that intruders believe they are going
in the exact opposite direction.
G 5. The whole area radiates magic. The normal use of the
Gate detect magic spell becomes impossible for those of less
Spell Level: M9 than the caster's level and difficult for others.
Range: 10ft 6. One door per level of experience of the wizard is covered
Duration: See below by an illusion to appear as if it was not there.
7. The wizard can place one of the following additional
A gate spell creates an opening to another plane of existence, and magical effects:
summons forth a specified, tremendously powerful being from the A. Dancing lights in four corridors.
other plane, including gods and demi-gods. The caster must know B. A Magic mouth in two places.
the name of the creature he is attempting to summon, or the spell C. A Stinking cloud in two places.
will fail. There is a 5% chance that the wrong being may be D. A Gust of wind in one corridor or room.
summoned, and (regardless whether the summoned being is the E. A Suggestion in one place.
right one or not) there is a 5% chance that it will lack interest in the
situation and return through the gate. The summoned being is not Dispel magic can remove one effect, at random, per casting. A
necessarily friendly to the caster, and may even be extremely remove curse spell will not work.
Gust of Wind
Geas Spell Level: M2
Spell Level: M6 Range: 0
Range: 30 ft Duration: 1 round.
Duration: Until task is completed
This spell creates a strong blast of air originating from the caster
If the spell succeeds (saving throw), the caster may set a task for affecting everything in its path.
the spell’s victim. If the victim does not diligently work at The gust is 10 feet wide and 10 feet per level long.
performing the task, he will suffer weakness (-2 to all attack and The force of this gust of wind is strong enough to extinguish
damage rolls, -2 to saving throws and movement reduced by 50%), candles, torches, and similar unprotected flames. It causes protected
and trying to ignore the geas causes death within 1d6 days. flames--such as those of lanterns--to dance wildly and has a 50%
to extinguish even such lights.
Guards and Wards It has the effects expected of any strong wind like: blowing over
Spell Level: M6 light objects, disperse most vapors, and force away gaseous or
Range: 0 unsecured levitating creatures.
Duration: 1 hr./level Also it fans large fires, and disperse dust or papers outward for 1d6
feet in the direction of the wind's movement.
This spell is primarily used to defend the wizard's stronghold. The It forces back small flying creatures 1d6 x 10 yards and causes
ward protects 200 square feet per caster level. The warded area can man-sized beings to be held motionless if attempting to move
be as much as 20 feet high, and shaped as you desire. The caster against its force.
can ward several stories of a stronghold by dividing the area among It slows larger-than-man-sized flying creatures by 50% for one
them; you must be somewhere within the area to be warded to cast round.
the spell. The spell creates the following magical effects within the
warded area.
1. Fog fills all corridors; visibility is reduced to 10 feet. Hallucinatory Terrain
2. All doors are wizard locked. Spell Level: D4, M4
Range: 240 ft
Duration: Until touched (other than by an ally) or


Similar to the magic-user spell Hold Monster, Hold Animal affects

This spell changes the appearance of the terrain into the semblance 1d4 mammals, reptiles, birds, and fish within range or targets a
of what the caster desires. A hill can be made to disappear, or could single creature imparting a -2 save penalty in this case.
be replaced with an illusory forest, for example.
Hold Monster
Heal (Harm) Spell Level: M5
Spell Level: C6 Range: 120 ft
Range: touch Duration: 1 hour+10 min/level
Duration: Permanent
The caster targets 1d4 creatures (saving throw applies). The caster
Heal enables the caster to wipe away injury and afflictions. It may instead target a single creature, in which case the saving throw
immediately ends any and all of the following adverse conditions is made with a penalty of -2.
affecting the target: ability damage, blindness, confusion, deafness,
disease, exhaustion or fatigue, feeblemind, insanity, nausea, and Hold Person
poison. It also restores all but 1d4 of the target’s hit points. Heal Spell Level: C2, M3
does not remove negative levels or restore permanently drained Range: 180 ft (C), 120 ft (M)
ability score points. Duration: 90 minutes (C)
The reversed spell, harm, injures the creature touched so horribly 1 hour+10 minutes/level (M)
that it is left with only 1d4 hit points. The caster must succeed at a
normal attack roll in this case; failure means the spell is wasted. The caster targets 1d4 persons (the same parameters as the Charm
Note that, if the victim has fewer hit points remaining than the Person spell; saving throw applies). The caster may also target a
number rolled, he or she will take at least one point of damage (and single person, in which case the saving throw is made at -2.
this is the only case in which harm may kill a creature).
Hold Plant
Heat Metal Spell Level: D5
Spell Level: D2 Range: 30 ft + 10 ft/druid level
Range: 30 ft Duration: 6 turns + druid level
Duration: 2 rounds
Heat Metal makes metal extremely warm. This spell affects 1 metal Similar to the magic-user spell Hold Monster but affects living,
item weighing ½ pound per level of the caster. A creature takes magical or animated plants. This spell affects both treants and
damage if it's holding or wearing equipment that is targeted by this fungoid life forms.
spell. On the first round of the spell, the metal becomes searingly
hot to the touch. Heated objects Hold Portal
in contact with hands make the hand unusable for 1 day. If another Spell Level: M1
body part, other than hands or head, is affected, the victim will Range: Referee’s discretion
suffer 1d2 points of damage. If the searing metal is in contact with Duration: 2d6 turns
the victim's head, he'll take 1 point of damage and be dizzy.
A victim still in contact with the searing metal for a second This spell magically holds a door or gate in position for the spell’s
consecutive round will receive further damage. Hand held objects duration (or until dispelled). Creatures with magic resistance can
will render the victim's hand useless for 1d3 weeks. shatter the spell without much effort.
Other body parts (other than hands or head) receive an additional
1d2+1 points of damage. A head in contact with heated metal for a Holy Word
second round receives an additional 2 points of damage and the Spell Level: C7
creature affected is struck unconscious for 2d4 turns. Range: 40 ft radius
Duration: Instantaneous
Hold Animal
Spell Level: D3 The speaking of a holy word dramatically affects all those within
Range: 120 ft the range of its divine power. Creatures of fewer than 5 hit
Duration: 1 hour + 10 minutes per level dice/levels are slain, creatures of 5 to 8 hit dice/levels are stunned
for 3d6 turns, and creatures with 9–12 hit dice/levels are deafened


for 1d6 turns. Creatures with 13+ hit dice/levels are unaffected but This spell only works outdoors. A storm of insects gathers, and
probably impressed. goes wherever the caster directs. The cloud is approximately 400 sq
ft (20 ft by 20 ft, with roughly corresponding height). Any creature
I of 2 HD or fewer that is exposed to the cloud of insects flees in
Ice Storm terror (no saving throw). The insects obscure vision, limiting it to
Spell Level: M4 10 feet. Spellcasting within the cloud is impossible. Creatures in the
Range: 120 ft insect plague, regardless of Armor Class, sustain 1 point of damage
Duration: 1 round for each round they remain within, due to the bites and stings of the
insects. Invisibility is no protection.
A whirling vortex of ice, snow, and hail forms in a cube roughly Heavy smoke drives off insects within its bounds. Fire also drives
thirty feet across. Massive hailstones inflict 6d6 hit points of insects away.
damage (no saving throw applies) to all within the area. Movement
in the area is impaired as is vision. Invisibility I
Spell Level: M2
Imbue With Spell Ability Range: 240 ft
Spell Level: C4 Duration: Until dispelled or an attack is made
Range: Touch
Duration: Special The object of this spell, whether a person or a thing, becomes
invisible (to both normal vision and to darkvision). If the Referee is
The cleric can bestow the ability to cast a particular spell upon a using the invisibility rules unchanged, the result is that an invisible
character normally unable to cast spells. creature cannot be attacked unless its approximate location is
The magic is only effective on fighters and rogues, nor will it known, and all attacks are made at -4 to-hit.
function upon a monster or any individual with less than one full hit If the invisible creature makes an attack, the spell is broken.
die. The spell's recipient must have a WIS score of 9 or higher. Otherwise, it lasts until dispelled or removed by the caster.
The spells to be imbued in the subject must be ones that the cleric
has currently memorized, and can only be defensive, healing or Invisibility II
detection spells. An attempt to transfer any other sort of spell will Spell Level: M3
cause the spell to fail. Range: 240 ft
Up to three spells can be transferred, no spell must be of 3rd level Duration: Until dispelled or an attack is made
or higher.
Like the Invisibility I spell, this makes the target creature or object
HD/Level of invisible to normal sight and to darkvision. It also, however, throws
Spells Imbued
Recipient a 10 ft radius sphere of invisibility around the recipient, which
2 or lower One 1st-level spell moves with him/it. If the Referee uses the game’s invisibility rules
3-4 One or two 1st-level spells unchanged, the invisible creature cannot be attacked unless its
One or two 1st-level spells and one 2nd-level approximate location is known, and all attacks against him/it are
5 or higher
made at -4 to-hit. If the invisible creature makes an attack, the spell
is broken. Otherwise, it lasts until dispelled or removed by the
Variable spell characteristics (range, duration, area of effect, etc.) caster.
are based on the cleric's level, not the recipient's.
All other spell details (e.g., casting time, components, etc.) apply Invisible Stalker
Spell Level: M6
When a cleric casts imbue with spell ability upon another character,
Range: 40 ft
the cleric loses that particular spell from his or her memory and
Duration: Until mission is completed
cannot replace those spell slots until the recipient uses all of the
spells that were transferred.
This spell summons (or perhaps creates) an invisible stalker, an
invisible being with 8 HD. The stalker will perform one task as
Insect Plague commanded by the caster, regardless of how long the task may take
Spell Level: D4, C5 or how far the stalker may have to travel. The stalker cannot be
Range: 480 ft banished by means of Dispel Magic; it must be killed in order to
Duration: 1 day deter it from its mission.


Knock Light II
Spell Level: M2 Spell Level: C3, M2
Range: 60 ft Range: 120 ft
Duration: Immediate Duration: Permanent until dispelled

This spell unlocks and unbars all doors, gates, and portals within its The targeted person or object produces light about as bright as a
range, including those held or locked by normal magic. torch, to a radius of 120 ft.

Know Weather Lightning Bolt

Spell Level: D1 Spell Level: M3
Range: 2 miles X 2 miles/ druid level Range: 240 ft
Duration: instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous

The druid may forecast the weather in a given location (see A bolt of lightning extends 60 ft from the targeted point, almost ten
range) with a chance of accuracy of 1-19 on d20. feet wide. Anyone in its path suffers 1d6 points of damage per level
of the caster (half with a successful saving throw). The bolt always
extends 60 ft, even if this means that it ricochets backward from
L something that blocks its path.
Legend Lore
Spell Level: M6 Limited Wish
Range: Caster Spell Level: M7
Duration: See below Range: Referee's discretion
Duration: Changes reality
Over the course of long and arduous magical efforts (3d6 days), the
caster gains knowledge about some legendary person, place, or This spell is an extremely weak version of the “wish” spell. Limited
thing. The spell’s final result may be no more than a cryptic phrase wish is not even powerful enough to create or bring treasure to the
or riddle, or it might be quite specific. caster, and under some circumstances only a part of the wish might
actually be fulfilled. The spell does have the power to reach for a
limited period of time into the past or future as well as the present.
Spell Level: M2
Range: 20 ft/level
Locate Animals
Spell Level: D1
Duration: 1 turn/level
Range: 60 ft + 10 ft per level
Duration: 1 round per level
This spell allows the magic user to levitate himself, moving
vertically up or down, but the spell itself provides no assistance
This spell is identical to the Locate Objects spell but deals with
with lateral movement. A wall, cliff side or ceiling could, of course,
animals as opposed to objects.
be used to pull along hand-over-hand.
Levitation allows up or downward movement at a rate of up to 6 ft
per minute (60 ft per turn), and the caster cannot levitate more than Locate Object
20 ft per level from the ground level where the spell was cast (such Spell Level: C3, M2
range being applied both to movement into the air, and to Range: 90 ft (C) 60 ft+10 ft/level (M)
downward movement into a pit or chasm). Duration: 1 minute/level

Light I This spell gives the caster the correct direction (as the crow flies)
toward an object the casters specifies with a description. The object
Spell Level: C1, M1
cannot be something the caster has never seen, although the spell
Range: 60 ft
can detect an object in a general class of items known to the caster:
Duration: 2 hours (C) 1 hour+10 min/level (M)
stairs, gold, etc.
The target person or object (at a range of up to 120 ft) produces
light about as bright as a torch, to a radius of 20 ft.


Locate Plants Mass Charm

Spell Level: D2 Spell Level: M8
Range: 60 ft Range: 120 ft
Duration: 20 minutes Duration: Until dispelled

This spell is identical to the Locate Objects spell but deals with This spell operates in the same manner and with the same
plants as opposed to objects. restrictions as Charm Person. However, it affects a total of 30 HD
of creatures, in any combination. All saving throws are made with a
M penalty of -2.
Magic Jar
Spell Level: M5 Mass Invisibility
Range: See Below Spell Level: M7
Duration: See Below Range: 240 ft
Duration: See below
This spell relocates the caster’s life essence, intelligence, and soul
into an object (of virtually any kind). The jar must be within 30 ft This spell makes 1d3 hundred man or horse-sized creatures (or
of the caster’s body for the transition to succeed. objects) invisible, as if they had been affected by a single
Once within the magic jar, the caster can possess the bodies of invisibility spell. The spell can also affect up to 6 creatures of
other creatures and people, provided that they are within 120 ft of dragon size. As with the invisibility spell, the enchantment lasts
the jar and fail a saving throw. The caster can return his soul to the until dispelled or until the creature makes an attack.
magic jar at any time, and if a body he controls is slain, his life
essence returns immediately to the jar. If the caster’s body is Massmorph
destroyed while his soul is in the magic jar, the soul no longer has a Spell Level: M4
home other than within the magic jar (although the disembodied Range: 240 ft
wizard can still possess other bodies as before). If the jar itself is Duration: Until negated or dispelled
destroyed while the Magic-user’s soul is within, the soul is lost.
The magic user can return from the jar to his own body whenever One hundred or fewer man-sized creatures are changed to appear
desired, thus ending the spell. like innocent trees. The illusion is so perfect that creatures moving
through the “forest” will not detect the deception.
Magic Missile
Spell Level: M1 Maze
Range: 150ft Spell Level: M9
Duration: Instantaneous Range: 60 ft
Duration: Depends on intelligence
A magical missile flies where the caster directs, with a range of 150
ft. The missile hits automatically, doing 1d6 points of damage. The targeted creature disappears into a gap in reality, where strange
The magic user casts an additional two missiles for every 5 levels curving and branching passages conceal the way out. Creatures
of experience. Thus, at fifth level, the caster is able to hurl 3 magic with intelligence lower than 6 require 2d4 x3 rounds (minutes) to
missiles, and 5 missiles at 10th level. escape the interdimensional prison. Creatures with Intelligence
scores 7–11 require 2d4 rounds, and creatures with an intelligence
Magic Mouth of 12+ require only 1d4 rounds to puzzle the way back into normal
Spell Level: M2 reality. Although monsters aren’t described with specific
Range: Touch Intelligence scores, it shouldn’t be hard to determine into which
Duration: Permanent until triggered or dispelled category any specific monster falls. Unless ruled otherwise by the
Referee, there is no saving throw to avoid the spell.
This enchantment is set upon an object, and the magic is triggered
when certain conditions established by the caster are met. When
that happens, a mouth appears in the object and speaks the message
it has been commanded to speak. The message may be up to thirty
words long.


Message Casting this spell allows the caster to prepare additional spells or
Spell Level: M1 retain spells recently cast. Pick one of these two versions when the
Range: 100 ft + 10ft/level spell is cast.
Duration: 1 turn/level
Prepare: The caster prepares up to three additional levels of
spells. The magician prepares and cast these spells normally.
Through this spell the caster can whisper messages and receive
whispered replies with little chance of being overheard. The caster Retain: the caster retains any spell of 3rd level or lower that he
can include in the network up to one creature per level. When he or has cast up to 1 round before he started casting the mnemonic
she whispers, the whispered message is audible to all targeted enhancer. This restores the previously cast spell to his mind.
creatures within range. Magical silence, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of
In either event, the spell or spells prepared or retained fade after 24
common metal (or a thin sheet of lead), or 3 feet of wood or dirt
hours (if not cast).
blocks the spell. The message does not have to travel in a straight
line. It can circumvent a barrier if there is an open path between the
caster and the subject, and the path’s entire length lies within the Monster Summoning I
spell’s range. The creatures that receive the message can whisper a Spell Level: M3
reply that the caster hears. The spell transmits sound, not meaning. Range: N/A
Duration: Six rounds
Meteor Swarm
Spell Level: M9 The caster summons allies, who serve him until slain (or until the
Range: 240 ft duration of the spell expires). The allies do not appear immediately;
Duration: Instantaneous there is a delay of 1 turn (10 minutes) before they appear.

Tiny meteors swarm from the caster’s hands and explode into Die Roll Monster Summoned1
fireballs where he desires. The caster may hurl 4 normal fireballs 1 1d6 Giant Rats
for 10d6 damage or 8 fireballs of 10 ft diameter that inflict 5d6 2 1d3 Dwarfs (Goblins)
points of damage. A saving throw is permitted in order to take half 3 1d3 Elves (Hobgoblins)
damage. 4 1d6 Kobolds
5 1d3 Orcs
Mind Blank 6 1d3 Skeletons
Spell Level: M8 1 Chaotic casters may get the monster in parenthesis, at the
Range: 10 ft radius Referee's discretion
Duration: 24 hours
Monster Summoning II
The spell protects against all magic spying, including crystal balls, Spell Level: M4
spells (including wish), and even magical scrying by minor deities. Range: N/A
Duration: Six rounds
Mirror Image
Spell Level: M2 The caster summons allies, who serve him until slain (or until the
Range: Caster duration of the spell expires). The allies do not appear immediately;
Duration: 1 hour or until destroyed there is a delay of 1 turn (10 minutes) before they appear.

The spell creates 1d4 images of the caster, acting in perfect Die Roll Monster Summoned
synchronization with him like mirror images. Attackers cannot 1 1d2 Hobgoblins
distinguish the images from the caster, and may attack one of the 2 1d2 Zombies
images instead of the caster himself (determined randomly). When 3 1d2 Gnolls
a hit is scored upon one of the images, it disappears. 4 1d2 Bugbears
5 1d6 Orcs
Mnemonic Enhancer 6 1d6 Skeletons
Spell Level: M4
Range: Caster
Duration: 2 turns per level


Monster Summoning III Monster Summoning VI

Spell Level: M5 Spell Level: M8
Range: N/A Range: N/A
Duration: Six rounds Duration: Six rounds

The caster summons allies, who serve him until slain (or until the The caster summons allies, who serve him until slain (or until the
duration of the spell expires). The allies do not appear immediately; duration of the spell expires). The allies do not appear immediately;
there is a delay of 1 turn (10 minutes) before they appear. there is a delay of 1 turn (10 minutes) before they appear.

Die Roll Monster Summoned Die Roll Monster Summoned

1 1d4 Bugbears 1 1 Black Dragon
2 1d2 Harpies 2 1 Chimera
3 1d2 Ochre Jellies 3 1 Efreeti
4 1d2 Were-rats 4 1 Flesh Golem
5 1d2 Wights 5 1 Frost Giant
6 1d2 Wild Boars 6 1 Hill Giant
7 1 Hydra (7 Heads)
Monster Summoning IV 8 1 Mummy
Spell Level: M6 9 1d2 Ogre-Mages
Range: N/A 10 1 White Dragon
Duration: Six rounds
Move Earth
The caster summons allies, who serve him until slain (or until the Spell Level: M6
duration of the spell expires). The allies do not appear immediately; Range: 240 ft
there is a delay of 1 turn (10 minutes) before they appear. Duration: 1 hour

Die Roll Monster Summoned This spell allows the caster to move hills and other raised land or
1 1 Gargoyle stone at a rate of 6 ft per minute (60 ft per turn).
2 1 Ogre
3 1 Owlbear N
4 1 Shadow Neutralize Poison
5 1 Werewolf Spell Level: D3, C4
6 1 Wraith Range: Referee’s discretion
Duration: 10 minutes
Monster Summoning V
Spell Level: M7 This spell counteracts poison, but does not bring the dead back to
Range: N/A life.
Duration: Six rounds
The caster summons allies, who serve him until slain (or until the Obscuring Mist
duration of the spell expires). The allies do not appear immediately; Spell Level: D2
there is a delay of 1 turn (10 minutes) before they appear. Range: 20 ft
Duration: 1 turn per druid level
Die Roll Monster Summoned
1 1 Cockatrice A misty vapor arises around the druid. It is stationary once created.
2 1 Manticore The vapor obscures all sight beyond 5 feet. The cloud covers 100
3 1 Minotaur cubic feet per druid level.
4 1 Ogre Mage
5 1 Salamander
6 1 Troll


P magic spells can close the passage, but only if the combined level
Pass Plant of the dispelling casters is twice that of the portal’s creator.
Spell Level: D5
Range: 480 ft Plane Shift
Duration: 10 minutes Spell Level: C5
Range: Touch
Use of this spell allows the druid to enter one tree and emerge from Duration: Permanent
another of the same species. The distance traveled this way is 480
yards. This spell allows the caster to move himself or some other creature
The tree's girth must be large enough to engulf the druid. to another plane of existence or alternate dimension. If several
Travel must be from one living tree to another. If no such tree willing persons link hands in a circle, as many as eight can be
exists within the range of the spell, then the spell fails and the druid affected by the plane shift at the same time. Note that plane shift
simply re-emerges from the starting tree. transports creatures instantaneously and then ends.
The creatures need to find other means if they are to travel back.
An unwilling creature is entitled to a saving throw versus spells to
negate the effects of this spell.
Spell Level: M5
Range: 30 ft
Duration: 30 minutes (3 turns)
Plant Growth
Spell Level: D3, M4
This spell creates a hole through solid rock. The hole or tunnel is up Range: 120 ft
to 10 feet deep, and is large enough for the passage of a man. Duration: Permanent until dispelled

An area of 300x300 ft of ground can be affected by this spell;

undergrowth in the area suddenly grows into an impassable forest
Spell Level: M8
of thorns and vines. The caster can decide the shape of the area to
Range: See below
be enchanted.
Duration: Permanent until dispelled by an opponent
of twice the caster's level
This spell makes the effect of another spell permanent—unless a Spell Level: M4
Magic-user of twice the caster’s level dispels it. No more than one Range: See Below
permanency is ordinarily possible on any one object, and no more Duration: See Below
than two upon a creature. Considerable Referee discretion is
required for the use of this spell: many spells should not be subject The caster must announce which of the two options are being cast.
to being made permanent. The caster assumes the form of any object or creature, gaining the
new form’s attributes (the use of wings, for example), but not its hit
Phantasmal Force points or combat abilities. The Referee might allow the benefit of
Spell Level: M2 the new form’s armor class, if it is due to heavily armored skin. A
Range: 240 ft great deal of the spell’s effect is left to the Referee to decide. This
Duration: Until negated or dispelled form of the spell lasts for roughly one hour plus one additional hour
for each level of the caster.
This spell creates a realistic illusion in the sight of all who view it. Alternately, this spell allows the caster to turn another being into a
The illusion disappears when it is touched, but if the viewer different type of creature (such as a dragon, a garden slug, and of
believes the illusion is real, he can take damage from it. course, a frog or newt). The polymorphed creature gains all the
abilities of the new form, but retains its own mind and hit points.
Used in this way, the range on this spell is 60 ft. This form of the
Phase Door
spell lasts until dispelled.
Spell Level: M7
Range: 10 ft
Duration: Seven uses
Power Word, Kill
Spell Level: M9
The phase door is an invisible portal about 7 feet high, 10ft wide, Range: 120 ft
and 10ft deep, accessible only to the caster. A barrage of dispel Duration: Immediate


the sphere, each layer must be destroyed in turn from Red to

The caster speaks a word of power to a particular creature. If that Orange, to Yellow, to Blue, to Indigo, and then to the innermost
creature has fewer than 50 hit points, it is slain by the word it hears; Violet layer. Any creature of 7 or fewer hit dice that looks upon the
if it has more than 50 hit points it is not affected by the spell. No sphere will be blinded for 1d6 turns. (see accompanying table for
saving throw is permitted the effects of this spell).

Power Word Stun Produce Fire

Spell Level: M7 Spell Level: D4
Range: 120ft Range: 30 ft
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 1 turn

The caster speaks a word of power to a particular creature. If that This spell creates fire (dealing 1d4 damage points per round to
creature has fewer than 35 hit points, it is instantly stunned for 2d6 those within) covering an area of 10 ft X 10 ft. This spell may be
turns; if the creature has from 36 to 70 hit points, it is stunned for reversed to extinguish fires covering the same area.
only 1d6 turns. If the creature has more than 70 hit points it is not
affected by the spell. No saving throw is permitted. Produce Flame
Spell Level : D2
Prayer Range: caster
Spell Level: C3 Duration: 2 turns per level
Range: 30ft
Duration: Following melee round This spell allows the druid to produce a small flame in the palm of
his hand which illuminates as a small lantern. The flame may be
The prayer spell seeks short-term favor from the gods to help some hurled for 1d4 damage requiring an attack roll, it has the same base
other spell or attack to succeed. Prayer affects a 20x20 ft area, range of a thrown dagger and may cause inflammables to combust.
causing a saving throw penalty to all creatures in that area. The The flame reforms 1 round later in the caster's hand.
penalty is a -1, plus an additional -1 for every ten caster levels.
Thus, a 10th level Cleric causes a saving throw penalty of -2. The Project Image
penalty actually takes effect in the melee round following the one Spell Level: M6
in which it was cast. Range: 240ft
Duration: 1 hour
Prismatic Sphere
Spell Level: M9 The caster projects an image of himself, to a maximum range of
Range: 10ft sphere 240 ft . Not only does the projected image mimic the caster’s
Duration: 1hour sounds and gestures, but also any spells he casts will appear to
originate from the image.
A sphere of seven colors whirls about the Magic-user, with a radius
of ten feet. The glowing colors form a layered spectrum; to destroy
Effects of Prismatic Sphere
Layer Effects of Color Negated By
Red Causes 12 points of damage to the touch. Stops any magic arrows or missiles Ice Storm or other cold-based attack
(including the spell Magic Missile).
Orange Causes 24 points of damage to the touch. Stops Lightning Bolt or other electrical attack
arrows and any other non-magical missile.
Yellow Causes 48 points of damage to the touch. Blocks all breath weapons. Magic Missile spell or a magical arrow
Green Causes death (saving throw allowed) to the touch. Blocks any scrying and Passwall spell or other earth-moving magic
detection-type spells from seeing within.
Blue Turns flesh to stone when touched (saving throw allowed). Blocks all divine Disintegrate spell (or from a wand or item)
(Clerical) magic from passing through.
Indigo Causes death and destroys the soul utterly when touched (saving throw allowed). Dispel Magic
Violet Causes permanent insanity when touched. Blocks all arcane (Magic-user) spells. Continual Light


Protection from Chaos (Law) I

Spell Level: C1, M1 Enough food and water for up to a dozen people is made pure,
Range: Caster only removing spoilage and poisons.
Duration: 2 hours (C), 1 hour (M)
Creates a magical field of protection around the caster to block out Spell Level: M2, D3
all chaotic monsters, who suffer a -1 penalty to-hit the caster, and Range: 240ft
the caster gains +1 on all saving throws against such attacks. Duration: 1 hour
The opposite spell, Protection from Law, does the same thing
except that lawful creatures suffer the -1 penalty. The caster creates either fireworks or blinding smoke from a
normal fire source such as a torch or campfire.
Protection from Chaos (Law) II The Referee will decide exactly how much light, flame and smoke
Spell Level: C4, M3 are produced, what effect it has, and what happens to it as it’s
Range: 10 ft radius around caster produced, but the amount of smoke and light will definitely be
Duration: 2 hours more than 20 cubic feet.

The spell has the same effect as Protection from Chaos I, except
that its effect covers an area rather than an individual. Quest
The opposite spell, Protection from Law II, does the same thing, Spell Level: C5
except that it affects lawful creatures within the area. Range: 30 ft
Duration: Until completed
Protection from Fire
Spell Level: D3 If the spell succeeds (saving throw), the caster may set a task for
Range: touch the spell’s victim.
Duration: 3 turns + druid level If the victim does not diligently work at performing the task, the
result is a curse to be determined by the Referee.
This spell renders the target invulnerable to normal fire. This spell
also protects from magical fire, but such magical flames will
immediately cancel the spell on the next turn. Raise Dead
Spell Level: C5
Protection from Lightning Range: Line of sight
Spell Level: D4 Duration: See Below
Range: touch
Duration: 6 turn + druid level Raise Dead allows the Cleric to raise a corpse from the dead,
provided it has not been dead too long. The normal time limit is 4
This spell negates the effects of electrical attacks. The spell ceases days, but for every caster Level higher than 8th, the time limit
after such an attack. extends another 4 days. Characters with low constitution might not
survive the ordeal; and even for those with a strong constitution, a
Protection from Normal Missiles period of two weeks is required before they can function normally.
Spell Level: M3 This spell only functions on races that can be used for player
Range: 30 ft characters (i.e., “human-like”).
Duration: 2 hours
Read Languages
The recipient becomes invulnerable small non-magical missiles. Spell Level: M1
Only those missiles projected by normal men and/or weapons are Range: Reading distance
affected. Duration: 1 or two readings

Purify Food and Drink This spell allows the caster to read directions, instructions, and
Spell Level: C1, D1 similar notations that are written in unfamiliar or even unknown
Range: Close/Touch languages. It is especially useful for treasure maps.
Duration: Immediate


Read Magic Remove Paralysis

Spell Level: M1 Spell Level: C2
Range: Caster only Range: 25 ft
Duration: 2 scrolls or other writings Duration: instantaneous

This spell allows the caster to read magical writings on items and This spell frees one or more creatures from the effects of any
scrolls. Magical writing cannot be read without the use of this spell. temporary paralysis or related magical effects (like a ghoul's touch).
Up to one creature for every three levels can be affected by the
Reincarnation spell, all targets must be within range.
Spell Level: D7
Range: touch Restoration
Duration: instantaneous Spell Level: C7
Range: Touch
This spell brings a dead character’s soul back from the dead, but Duration: Immediate
the soul reappears in a newly formed body. If the resulting creature
is a normal character race, roll 1d6 to determine the character’s new This spell restores levels lost to such horrible creatures as wraiths
level. and shadows. A chaotic reversal of the spell allows a Chaotic Cleric
to drain a level from his target. The “Lawful” version of the spell is
1d20 Die Roll Reincarnated as... exhausting to the caster, incapacitating him for 3d6 days. It is in the
1 Bugbear 11 Human discretion of the Referee to allow this spell to restore lost points of
2 Centaur 12 Kobold ability scores as well as lost levels.
3 Dog, Cat, or Wolf 13 Lizard man
4 Dwarf 14 Lycanthrope (Werewolf or other) Resurrection (Absolution)
5 Elf 15 Minotaur Spell Level: C7
Range: Close/Touch
6 Gnoll 16 Ogre
Duration: Immediate
7 Goblin 17 Ogre Mage
8 Half-orc 18 Orc
This spell (also called “Raise Dead Fully”) raises the dead back to
9 Harpy 19 Troll life, in the same manner as the Raise Dead spell. It is, however,
10 Hobgoblin 20 Wyvern considerably more powerful: the person raised from the dead needs
no time to recuperate from the experience of death, and suffers no
Remove (Bestow) Curse other penalties. A chaotic reversal of the spell -Absolution- can also
Spell Level: C3, M4 be cast, which causes death with no saving throw.
Range: Close/Touch
Duration: Immediate S
This spell removes or (causes) one curse from a person or object. Spell Level: C1, D1
Range: Self
Remove (Cause) Fear Duration: 2 rounds + 1/level
Spell Level: C1
Range: Close/Touch (120 ft) This spell forces all opponents to make a save in order to attack the
Duration: Immediate (2 turns) caster. If the save isn’t made, the attacker will ignore the caster.
The effect does not prevent effects of area attacks (fireball, ice
This spell will calm the creature touched. If the target creature is storm, etc.). While under protection from the spell, the caster can’t
currently subject to any sort of magical fear, it is allowed a new perform offensive acts (GM’s discretion), but may take any other
save to resist that fear, at a bonus of +1 per level of the caster. action.
The reverse of this spell, cause fear, causes one target creature
within 120’ to become frightened; if the target fails to save vs.
Spells, it flees for 2 turns. Creatures with 6 or more hit dice are
immune to this effect.


Shape Change Simulacrum

Spell Level: M9 Spell Level: M7
Range: Caster Range: Touch
Duration: 1d6+10 turns (+1 turn/level) Duration: Permanent

When the caster casts this spell upon himself, he is able to turn at The caster creates a duplicate of himself or some other person. The
will into a variety of creatures. In each form, he gains the basic form is created from snow and ice, and must then be animated
characteristics of the creature (much as with the polymorph others (Animate Dead is an acceptable means). A Limited Wish (along
spell). Thus, turning into a dragon actually allows the caster to use with the actual simulacrum spell) is then used to imbue the
the dragon’s breath weapon. The caster might then choose to turn animated form with intelligence and certain knowledge of the
into a raven, then a frog, and whatever other creatures he might person being simulated. The simulacrum gains 30–60% (use a d3)
choose. It is not, of course, required that the caster use more than of the simulated creature’s knowledge and experience. The
one shape—if he wants to remain as a dragon for the duration of simulacrum follows its creator’s orders. It is worthy of note that the
the spell, that’s fine. simulacrum is not a perfect representation of the original. Side by
side, the differences are obvious, and the simulacrum is a magical
Shield creature detectable with a detect magic spell. If the original of the
Spell Level: M1 simulacrum dies, a strange effect begins: the simulacrum begins to
Range: Caster gain the knowledge and experience of the dead individual at a rate
Duration: 2 turns of 1% per week (to a maximum of 90%).

The caster conjures up an invisible shield that interposes itself in Snake Charm
front of attacks. The shield improves the caster’s armor class by Spell Level: C2
[+3]. Also, the caster may roll an unmodified Saving Throw to Range: 60 ft
avoid taking damage from Magic Missile spell, one Saving Throw Duration: 1d6 turns
is required for each missile.
One hit die (1 HD) of snakes can be charmed per level of the caster.
Shillelagh The snakes obey the caster’s commands.
Spell Level: D1
Range: Touch Sleep
Duration: 1 round per level Spell Level: M1
Range: 240 ft
The caster's own non-magical club or quarterstaff becomes a +1 Duration: Referee’s discretion
weapon in regard to attack and damage rolls. These effects only
occur when the weapon is wielded by the caster. This spell puts enemies into an enchanted slumber. It affects
creatures based on their hit dice, a saving Throw is allowed to resist
Silence, 15 ft Radius the effect.
Spell Level: C2 Table 25: Affected by Sleep
Range: 180 ft Victim’s HD Number Affected
Duration: 12 turns Less than 1 to 1+ 2d6+3
1+ to 2 2d6
Magical silence falls in an area 15 ft around the targeted creature or 3+ to 4+1 1d6
object, and moves with it. Nothing from this area can be heard
outside, no matter how loud. No spell-casting is possible within the Slow Poison
area of silence.
Spell Level: C1
Range: Touch
Duration: 12 turns (2 hours)

When this spell is placed upon a poisoned individual, it greatly

slows the effects of venom. While this spell does not neutralize the
venom, it does prevent it from substantially harming the individual


for the duration of its magic in the hope that, during that spell
period, the poison can be fully cured. The caster may turn as many as 2d8 normal sticks into snakes, each
one having a 50% chance of being venomous. The snakes follow
Speak with Animals his commands, but turn back into sticks at the end of the spell (or
Spell Level: C2, D2 when killed).
Range: 30 ft
Duration: 6 turns Stinking Cloud
Spell Level: M2
The caster can speak with animals within range. There is a chance Range: 30 ft
that the animals will assist him, and they will not attack him or his Duration: 1 round/level
party (unless he’s got something particularly offensive to say).
This spell creates a roiling cloud of noxious vapors, 10ft in radius.
Speak with Dead The gas is poisonous, but not lethal; anyone in the cloud who fails a
Spell Level: C3 saving throw will be racked with nausea for 1d6 melee rounds,
Range: 10 ft unable to act in any way. The cloud also affects those who succeed
Duration: 3 questions in making the saving throw, but they can stumble out of the cloud
and recover after a full melee round of gasping and coughing for
The caster can ask three questions to a corpse, and it will answer, fresh air.
although the answers might be cryptic. Only higher-level Clerics
have enough spiritual power to command answers of long-dead Stone to Flesh
corpses. Clerics lower than 8th level can only gain answers from Spell Level: M6
bodies that have been dead 1d4 days. Clerics level 8–14 can speak Range: 120 ft
to corpses that have been dead 1d4 months. Clerics of level 15+ can Duration: Permanent until dispelled or reversed
gain answers from a corpse of any age, including thousand-year old
relics (as long as the body is still relatively intact). Take note that This spell transforms flesh into stone or stone into flesh, as desired
there’s a die roll involved here: for example, a seventh level Cleric by the caster. A saving throw is permitted to avoid being turned
attempting to speak with a 2 day old corpse might still fail—his d4 into stone, but if the spell succeeds the victim is transformed into a
roll might indicate that he can only speak to a 1 day old corpse with statue (until the stone-to-flesh version of the spell is cast).
this attempt at the spell.
Speak with Monsters Spell Level: M4
Spell Level: C6 Range: touch
Range: speaking range Duration: special
Duration: 3d4 questions
The spell's target becomes immune to any attack by cut, blow, or
The caster can speak with any type of monster, for the duration of a projectile. The spell will protect the recipient even from attacks
certain number of questions. The monster is not forced to answer. such as vorpal weapons or a rock hurled by a giant etc.
However, magical spell attacks (like fireball, magic missile,
Speak with Plants lightning bolt...) have their normal effects.
Spell Level: C4, D4 The spell's effects are not cumulative with multiple castings.
Range: 30 ft The spell blocks 1d4 attacks, plus one attack per two levels of the
Duration: 6 turns magic-user (a stoneskin spell cast by a 9th-level MU protect against
1d4+4 attacks).
The caster can speak to and understand the replies of plants. Plants One protection is consumed whenever a physical or magical attack
will obey his commands as far as they are able (e.g. twisting or is aimed at the spell's target, regardless of the result (attack rolls,
bending aside to ease his passage, etc.). saving throws...).
A creature with four attacks per round, would thus consume four
Sticks to Snakes protections each round; four magic missiles would count as four
Spell Level: D5, C4 attacks in addition to inflicting their normal damage.
Range: 120 ft Please take note that the spell's recipient can still be wrestled,
Duration: 1 hour suffocated, poisoned or infected with disease.


Strength Symbol of Sleep: Casts a Sleep spell affecting double the

Spell Level: M2 normal number of creatures and with double the normal
Range: Touch duration.
Duration: 1 hour Symbol of Stunning: 150 hit dice/levels (HD) of creatures are
affected as per a Power Word, Stun.
This spell increases the target's strength score by 1d6. Creatures Divine symbols cannot be crafted in such a way that would cause a
with no Strength score receive a +1 bonus to hit and damage in permanent effect (such as insanity) upon those affected.
melee combat. Magic Users can create these additional kinds of symbols:
Symbol of Death: Deals 80 hit points of damage
Suggestion Symbol of Insanity: Up to 100 HD of creatures are driven
Spell Level: M3 insane by a curse.
Range: 40 ft
Duration: 1 week
The caster speaks a hypnotic suggestion to his intended victim. If Spell Level: M5
the victim fails a saving throw, he will carry out the suggestion (as Range: 120 ft
long as it can be performed within a week). The suggestion might Duration: 6 turns (1 hour)
not call for the action to be carried out immediately. A suggestion
that the victim kill himself is only 1% likely to be obeyed. The caster can move objects using mental power alone. The amount
of weight he can lift and move is 20 pounds per level.
Summon Weather
Spell Level: D6 Teleport
Range: 5 miles radius Spell Level: M5
Duration: varies Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Through this spell the druid may call for any weather desired,
limited by the current season and climate. Extreme weather This spell transports the caster or another person to a destination
conditions, such as blizzards, heat wave of +15 degrees, hail, that the caster knows (at least knowing what it looks like from a
torrential rains, may only be summoned by an 11th level druid. The painting or a map). Success depends on how well the caster knows
altered weather is not under the control of the druid. It takes 3 + the targeted location:
5d4 - druid level turns for the altered weather to arrive, but will If the caster has only seen the location in a picture or through a map
become apparent after only 3 turns. (i.e., his knowledge is not based on direct experience), there is only
The duration of this spell varies according to the climactic changes a 25% chance of success, and failure means death.
brought about by the druid. A tornado may last a few turns, while If the caster has seen but not studied the location, there is a 20%
torrential rains might last a few hours or day (GM's choice). chance of error. If there is an error, there is a 50% chance that the
traveler arrives low, 1d10 x10 ft below the intended location (with
Symbol death resulting from arrival within a solid substance). If the error is
Spell Level: D7, C7, M8 high (over the 50% chance for a “low” arrival), the traveler arrives
Range: Touch 1d10 x10 ft over the targeted location—probably resulting in a
Duration: Permanent until triggered deadly fall.
If the caster is familiar with the location, or has studied it carefully,
A symbol spell creates a deadly magical trap, written into the shape there is only a 5% chance of error—a 1 in 6 chance of teleporting
of a divine or Arcane rune. The rune’s magic is activated when any low—or else high. In either case, the arrival is 1d4 x10 ft high or
person or creature hostile to the caster reads it, or passes over, low.
under, or past it. Various different runes are known, and others may
be possible: Time Stop
Symbol of Discord: Causes all creatures in the hostile group to Spell Level: M9
begin arguing, and possibly fighting amongst themselves with Range: Caster
lethal intent. Duration: 1d4+1 rounds
Symbol of Fear: Casts a Fear spell.
The caster stops the passage of time in a radius about 15 ft around
himself (the time-stopped area does not thereafter move with the


caster. Any creatures within this area are suspended in time, unable
to act. The caster is not stopped in time while in the area or beyond. This spell confers on the target the ability to see all things as they
actually are. The subject sees through normal and magical
Tongues (Garble Speech) darkness, notices secret doors, sees the exact locations of displaced
Spell Level: C4 creatures or objects, sees through normal or magical disguises, sees
Range: Caster invisible creatures or objects normally, sees through illusions, and
Duration: 1turn sees the true form of polymorphed, changed, or transmuted things.
The range of true seeing conferred is 120 feet.
This spell grants the caster the ability to speak and understand the True seeing, however, does not penetrate solid objects. It in no way
language of any intelligent creature within a 60' diameter area, confers X-ray vision or its equivalent. It does not negate
whether it is a racial or alignment tongue. The reverse, garble, concealment, including that caused by fog and the like. In addition,
makes all language incomprehensible within the affected area, or the spell effects cannot be further enhanced with known magic, so
may be used to negate a tongues spell. No saving throw is one cannot use true seeing through a crystal ball or in conjunction
permitted. with clairvoyance.

Transform Turn Wood

Spell Level: D5, M5 Spell Level: D6
Range: 120 ft Range: 20 ft x druid level
Duration: 3d6 days, or spell reversal Duration: 1 turn + level of the druid

This spell transforms rock (and any other form of earth) into mud, This spell creates a wall of force which moves away from the druid.
or mud to rock. An area of roughly 300x300 ft becomes a deep Any wooden objects in the wall's path (weapon hafts, spear shafts,
mire, reducing movement to 10% of normal. arrows) are pushed back, dragging back any creature holding such
items. The length of the wall runs 60 ft to either side of the druid,
Transmute and moves at a rate of 40 ft per turn.
Spell Level: D7
Range: 60 ft
Duration: permanent Unseen Servant
Spell Level: M1
This spell allows the druid to transform 5 pounds of metal per druid Range: 40 ft
level into wood. Duration: 1 hour per level

Transport Via Plant An unseen servant is an invisible, mindless, shapeless force that
Spell Level: D6 performs simple tasks at the caster's command. It can run and fetch
Range: unlimited things, open unstuck doors, and hold chairs, as well as clean and
Duration: instantaneous or up to 24 hours mend. The servant can perform only one activity at a time, but it
repeats the same activity over and over again if told to do so as long
A more powerful version of Pass Plant, Transport Via Plant allows as the caster is within range. It can open only normal doors,
the druid to pass from one plant to any other plant of similar drawers, lids, and the like. It is very weak and can lift 20 pounds or
species anywhere, as long as the druid has seen the plant at one drag 100 pounds. It can’t perform any task that requires a
time. Should the emergence fail, the druid will instead emerge from Secondary skill, racial or class ability. Its speed is 6 and ceases to
another plant which may be miles away. exist if sent beyond the spell's range.
A druid may choose to remain inside a plant instead of transporting The servant cannot attack in any way; and dissipates if it takes 6
from it, and may remain so for up to 24 hours. points of damage from area attacks. (It gets no saves against
While within a plant in this manner, the druid is completely aware attacks.)
of his surroundings. This spell is usable but once per day.

True Seeing Walk Through Flora

Spell Level: C5, M5 Spell Level: D4
Range: touch Range: 10ft
Duration: 1 round/level Duration: 3 turns + druid level


This spell allows the druid to pass through thick/dense vegetation. Warp Wood
This "doorway" (3' X 6') is usable only by the caster, but another Spell Level: D2
druid or a dryad may follow. This spell may also be used to pass Range: 30ft
through solid trunks. The druid may decide to stay within the truck Duration: permanent
for up to the duration of the spell as an effective way to hide from
others. This spell allows the druid to cause straight wooden shafts to bend.
This spell affects an amount of wood equal to 1 spear shaft or 6
arrows per 2 druid levels.
Wall of Defense I
Spell Level: D5, M4
Range: 60 ft
Water Breathing
Spell Level: D3, M2
Duration: Concentration
Range: 30 ft
Duration: 2 hours
The caster must announce which of the two options are being cast:

This spell grants the ability to breathe underwater until the spell’s
1. The caster conjures a wall of fire that flares into being
duration expires.
and burns for as long as the caster concentrates upon it.
Creatures with 3 or fewer hit dice cannot pass through it,
and no creature can see through it to the other side.
Passing through the fire inflicts 1d6 hit points of damage Spell Level: M2
(no saving throw) and undead creatures sustain twice the Range: 30 ft
normal damage. The caster may choose to create a Duration: 8 hours
straight wall 60 ft long and 20 ft high, or a circular wall
with a 15 ft radius, also 20 ft high. Fibrous, sticky webs fill an area up to 10x10x20 ft. It is extremely
difficult to get through the mass of strands—it takes one turn if a
2. The other option is that the caster conjures up a wall of torch and sword (or a flaming sword) are used, and creatures larger
ice, six feet thick. The caster may choose to create a than a horse can break through in 2 turns. Humans take longer to
straight wall 60 ft long and 20 ft high, or a circular wall break through—perhaps 3–4 turns or longer at the Referee’s
with a 15 ft radius, also 20 ft high. Creatures with 3 or discretion.
fewer hit dice cannot affect the wall, but creatures of 4+
hit dice are able to smash through it, taking 1d6 points of Wind Walk
damage in the process. Creatures with fire-based Spell Level: C7
metabolisms take 2d6 instead of the normal 1d6. Fire Range: Touch
spells and magical effects are negated in the vicinity of Duration: 1 day
the wall.
The caster and one other person in contact with him become
Wall of Defense II incorporeal and mist-like, able to travel through walls and other
Spell Level: M5 obstacles. The Cleric can bring this companion along, traveling at a
Range: 60 ft speed of 16.
Duration: 2 hours (iron) or Permanent (stone)

The caster must announce which of the two options are being cast:

1. The caster conjures an iron wall from thin air. The wall is
3 inches thick, with a surface area of 1,000 sq ft.

2. The other option is for the caster to conjure a wall of

stone 2 inches thick, with a surface area of 1,000 sq ft.

In both options, the caster might choose to make the wall 50 ft long
(in which case it would be 20 ft tall), or 100 ft long (10 ft tall).


Wish D100 Result

Spell Level: M9 01-03 Random spell of level 1D6 is cast on the Caster, spell is
Range: Unlimited controlled by the GM and is of the same type (Druid, Cleric
or Magic-user) as the one that was cast
Duration: See below
04-06 Caster can not cast spells for 1d6 turns
07-09 Spell effect has 60’ radius centered on Caster , spell is
This spell is not all-powerful; it grants wishes of limited scope
controlled by the GM
(although more powerful than a Limited Wish). The Referee’s
10-12 Caster pivots 180 degrees
discretion will rule what sort of wishes are within the spell’s power
13-15 Caster is stunned for 1d4 rounds
(one possible guideline—not official—might be that a wish can
16-18 Spell cannot be canceled at will by the Caster
grant effects that would be similar in power to a spell of level 8 or
19-21 Caster suffers same spell effect as target
lower, with permanent effect in many cases). After casting a wish
22-24 Caster ages 10 years
spell, the Magic-user is too mentally drained to cast spells for a
25-27 Spell effect rebounds on Caster
period of 1d4 days.
28-30 Caster releases random spell of level 1D6 with 60' effect
centered on random target, spell is controlled by the GM
Wizard Eye 31-33 One magical item within 30’ of Caster (randomly chosen) is
Spell Level: M4 permanently drained
Range: 240 ft 34-36 One normal item within 30’ of Caster (randomly chosen)
Duration: 1 hour becomes permanently magical
37-40 All normal doors, secret doors, portcullises, etc. (including
The caster conjures up an invisible, magical “eye,” that can move a those locked or barred) within 60’ of the Caster swing open
maximum of 240 ft from its creator. It floats along as directed by or close (50% of each happening)
the caster, at a rate of 120 ft per turn (12 ft per minute). 41-43 Caster and target exchange places
44-46 Spell affects random target within 60’ of Caster
Wizard Lock 47-49 Spell fails but is not used up.
Spell Level: M2 50-52 Spell fails and memory slot is used.
Range: Close 53-55 Spell coalesces in the form of a gem worth 20 s.p. per level
within 1d6x10 feet in a random direction.
Duration: Permanent until dispelled
56-59 Caster turns ethereal for 1d6 rounds
As with a hold portal spell, but it is permanent until dispelled. 60-62 Spell functions
Creatures with magic resistance can shatter the spell without effort. 63-65 Spell effectiveness (range, duration, area of effect, damage,
etc.) decreases by 50%
Any Magic-user three levels or higher than the caster can open the
66-68 Spell reversed, if reverse is possible
portal, and a Knock spell will open it as well (although the spell is
69-72 Spell takes the form of an uncontrolled 8 HD elemental;it
not permanently destroyed in these cases).
remains for the duration of the spell and its touch causes the
spell effect
Word of Recall 73-75 Spell functions; any applicable saving throw is not allowed
Spell Level: C6 76-78 Spell appears to fail when cast, but occurs 1d4 rounds later
Range: Indefinite 79-81 All magical items within 60’ of Caster glow for 1d6 days
Duration: Immediate 82-84 Caster and target switch personalities for 2d6 rounds
85-87 Spell is cast but not erased from scroll or memory
The Cleric teleports without error back to his prepared sanctuary.
88-90 Target is stunned for 1d4 rounds
Spell failure table 91-93 Target is unable to cast spells for 1d6 turns
94-96 Spell effect has 60’ radius centered on target (all within
Optionally, whenever a spell fails (due to interruption, lack of skill,
suffer the effect)
backfiring scroll or armor) the DM may want to roll on this table.
97-99 Target turns ethereal for 1d6 rounds
00 Spell effectiveness (range, duration, area of effect, damage,
etc.) increase 200%


Information for the Referee new things as you go. Just as you challenge the players with the
adventure, they’ll challenge you to keep up with their collective
Running a game of THE BLUE BOOK OF DANGERS &
DWEOMERS is a lot easier than running most other RPGs, simply
because there aren’t many rules, and your discretion overrides them
When creating an adventure, the first question you must answer is:
Why will your player characters risk going into this venture risking
Most situations are handled by making "common sense" decisions
life and limb? Here are some possible scenarios:
about what would happen next. If there are a bunch of zombies
around the next corner, and the players decide to not go around that
To Explore the Unknown: This is common in pulp fiction. One or
corner, it's up to the Referee to determine whether or not it makes
more of the player characters has heard of some ancient site, and
sense for the zombies to come out and attack—or whether their
wishes to explore purely for knowledge. Possibly some of the other
orders are simply to stay where they are. If a player decides that his
player characters are involved for other reasons.
character is going to jump through a wall of fire, with several
bottles of flammable oil in his backpack, it's up to the Referee to
To Battle A Chaotic Incursion: Goblins are raiding farms in the
determine whether or not they explode. This means "making up" a
area, and the Baron has offered a reward for stopping the raids; the
lot of stuff on the spot. If you're not a good storyteller or if you're
player characters are happy to help.
not up to doing a lot of creative thinking on the fly, it might be
better that you try a different game—one that provides more rules
To Rescue A Kidnapped Victim: Some friend of the player
and guidance for every little situation that might arise. But if you’re
characters has been kidnapped, and they must sneak into or storm
a good storyteller, creative and fair, THE BLUE BOOK OF
the villain's tower/cave/dungeon to rescue the victim. Or, perhaps,
DANGERS & DWEOMERS’s small, spartan, rule-set frees up
the victim is the son or daughter of the local Baron or a wealthy
your creativity to create a fantasy role-playing experience
merchant who offers a reward for the safe return of his or her
completely different from the type of game that depends on a
multitude of rules.
To Fulfill A Quest: The local church, to whom the player characters
your creativity in terms of customizing the game. You can add
owe a favor, would like an ancient relic recovered from a lost
house rules wherever you want to without accidentally messing up
mountain fortress, and the High Priest asks them to look into it; or
something else buried in the rules of a more complex game. If your
some similar task might be assigned, depending on who the player
campaign needs a special set of rules for Asian spell casting, plug
characters owe a favor.
them in as a replacement for the normal Magic-user character class.
If you want to use critical hits and fumbles in the game, add ‘em in.
To Get Loot: This is a surprisingly common scenario (well, perhaps
You won’t break anything because there’s not much to break.
not so surprising). The dungeon is rumored to contain a hidden
The rest of the book contains information for the following aspects
treasure of great value, and the first characters to find it will be
rich! Of course, the treasure might not be that huge, and might be
guarded by any number of horrific monsters…
 Designing and Running an Adventure
 Creating a Campaign
To Escape Confinement: The player characters have been captured
 Experience Points
by an enemy, and find themselves incarcerated without their
 Magical Research
weapons, armor, or equipment. This scenario must be used with
 Higher Level Adventuring
care, as the GM must not be seen to be “railroading” the characters
 The Planes of existence
into the adventure.
 Monsters
There are many other possible scenarios, and each has many
 Treasure
variations. Knowing the answer to this question will make the next
questions easier to answer.
Designing and Running an Adventure
Basically, the “adventure” is just the setting for the game, usually a Is the dungeon beneath a ruined fortress, or an ancient wizard's
map and your notes about certain locations on the map. As the tower? Or perhaps it's a natural cave, which has been expanded by
players tell you where their characters go and what they do, you’re kobolds… or the tomb of an ancient barbarian warlord, guarded by
referring to the map and your notes to describe what happens as a undead monsters…
result. Don’t try to plan for all contingencies—it’s guaranteed that Or maybe your characters are in for an urban adventure in the most
the players will do something unexpected during the adventure, and decadent town of The Old Empire, full of intrigue and magic.
you’ll just have to roll with it, thinking on your feet and making up


Try to detail any relevant encounter they might have. 10.An area that has items of value. but they are too large to
There is lots of room for creativity here: a distant, unfamiliar town transport. or cause someone to have his hands full at an
may have different laws, traditions, or currency. ambush.
You should also describe key NPCs and their connections to each 11. A creature that appears to be something it is not. Some
other. NPCs have their own goals and plans, which may or may not examples: Wolf in sheep's clothing, doppelganger, etc.
involve the PCs, and the actions of player characters toward one 12.One encounter (no more, no less) that makes absolutely no
person will often influence how others treat them. logical sense, that the GM completely leaves up to the players'
Don't go overboard trying to detail every single place in your imagination to explain.
mind… leave some room for expansion later, after you have a feel
for your players. For the basic dungeon adventure, draw the dungeon floor plan on
graph paper, number the rooms (or other important locations), and
None of the elements mentioned below are part of a magic formula. then write yourself a “key” to remind yourself what monsters,
You can include every single one of them and still fail to capture treasures, traps, and tricks are found in these numbered locations.
that elusive old school essence. The traditional dungeon, which many people on the internet call a
These are "guidelines," not requirements. Use them more as a tool “megadungeon” is a vast labyrinth of underground tunnels, rooms,
than as a checklist of things you must include in every adventure corridors, and chambers, extending many levels down beneath the
and you'll find them very useful indeed. surface. It might contain subterranean lakes, rivers, chasms, and
cave-ins, and it is certain to contain traps for the unwary, monsters
1.Environmental hazards -- slippery floors, rooms that flood, in their multitudes, and most importantly: treasure beyond the
narrow ledges over steep drops, rooms that are excessively hot wildest dreams of the players—if they can bring it out safely.
or cold, rooms or corridors filled with poison (or otherwise
magical) gasses, etc. Creating a Campaign
2.Combat encounters should generally be with baseline (or A campaign is the world beyond the adventure, the cities and
near-baseline) monsters with difficulty enhanced by the forests and coastlines and kingdoms of the fantasy world.
circumstances of the encounter (i.e. monsters have set up The players will almost certainly want their characters to explore
ambushes, monsters forcing the PCs to fight in unfavorable wildernesses, visit cities, and do all sorts of things in the fantasy
surroundings, teams of similar (or dissimilar) monster-types world. At the beginning of the game, you might want to sketch out
working together, etc.) rather than through templates or a map of a single village (as a starting point) and some of the
class-leveling. surrounding area. (The location of the first adventure—a dark forest
3.At least one encounter that if played as a straight combat —perhaps?) As players move their characters around from
will totally overmatch the party, but which can be avoided or adventure to adventure, you can expand the little map into an entire
circumvented by some clever means fantasy world—with continents, kingdoms, and great empires at
4.At least one puzzle, trick, or obstacle that requires the your disposal.
players to figure it out, rather than being solvable by a die-roll If you want to take a shortcut, you can set your entire campaign in a
5.At least one item, location, or creature that causes some kind fictional world created by the author of one of your favorite fantasy
of significant permanent effect (permanently raise/lower stats books. Most of these have maps, and the author has already created
or hp, permanently change race, gender, or alignment, the details and the feel of the world for you. The worlds of Conan’s
permanently grant or take away magic items, etc.) determined Hyboria (Robert E. Howard), of Elric and the eternal champions
by a random roll on a table -- with possibilities for both good (Michael Moorcock), and of the Dying Earth (Jack Vance) are
and bad effects, depending on the roll popular fictional settings ready for gaming. Indeed, publishers have
6.At least one item of treasure that is cursed or has other already created pre-packaged campaigns for all three of those
detrimental side-effects on the owner/possessor examples. Some optional rules, mostly regarding magic, for
7.Some sort of "false climax" where inattentive players will adapting THE BLUE BOOK OF DANGERS & DWEOMERS to
think they've won the adventure and either let their guard specific campaign settings follow.
down or go home, while clever players will realize this
couldn't have really been the climax Corruption
8.At least one disorienting effect. teleporter, mirror trap, Corruption represents moral decay and the physical transformation
[swiveling] floor, or maze like monster. up is down too. a character acquires while getting in touch with Corrupting powers.
9.An area where resources are an issue. wet torches or wind The use of Corrupting magic -or the commitment to foul deeds- ,
blowing them out. oxygen low or having to hold your breath to can bring forth both moral and mental decay quite readily.
swim [through] a tunnel. The possibility of gaining Corruption occurs whenever a character
performs one of the following corrupt acts:


•Using magic in a corrupt place. These penalties reflect the impact of Corruption on the character’s
•Using magic while in contact with a corrupt item. physical and mental well-being.
The loss of Constitution and Wisdom through Corruption can not
•Committing an evil action while in a corrupt place.
be halted by Restoration magic, not even Wishes.
• Committing an evil action while in contact with a corrupt Only redemption can lessen the Corruption Score of a Character
item. and thus restore its health.
• Learning, casting or inventing a Corrupting spell (no save A character reduced to a Constitution of 0 dies and can not be
allowed) resurrected or raised from the dead in any way, while a character
•Being a Priest of a Corrupt deity (no save allowed) reduced to a Wisdom Score of 0 goes irreparably mad.
Characters that die due to Corruption will raise as undead within
•Creating a Corrupt magic item (no save allowed)
24 hours unless a Dispel Chaos spell is cast on them.
The GM has final authority on what constitutes a corrupt act or The character will raise as an undead with Hit Dice equal to its
corrupt magic. Level but not stronger than a Mummy unless a wizard, in that case
Typically Corrupting Magic are considered all “Cause” Clerical the character may become a Vampire or even a Lich.
spells, spells made to control another creature's will, those that
inflict damage or deal with animating the dead (typically all Redemption
Necromancy spells). Other kinds may include spells that bend time Eliminating Corruption takes time. Each time a character goes up
and space like summoning and teleportation spells. one level without ever gaining a Corruption point, it can lessen its
When a character commits a corrupt act, make a Saving throw Corruption score by 1.
(modified by Charisma) for the character except for the cases The following spells can reduce Corruption scores when cast
specified. outside Corrupt areas. No character can have his Corruption score
Already gained Corruption points are applied as an additional reduced by any particular spell more than once per day.
penalty. Heal: This spell reduces a character’s Corruption score by 1 point
A successful save means there is no effect other than the per three caster levels, but it cannot reduce a Corruption score
consequences of the character’s action. A failed save means the below 1.
character acquires 1 point of Corruption. Remove curse, remove disease: These spells reduce a character’s
The maximum Corruption score is 20. Corruption score by 1 point, but they cannot reduce a Corruption
GMs should take note that possession of spell-like abilities that score below 1.
simulate corrupting magic does not impart Corruption, using such a Restoration: This spell reduces a character’s Corruption score by 1
power in contact with corrupt places or items, however, does. point per four caster levels, it can reduce a Corruption score to 0.
Wish: These spells cannot remove Corruption except by
Corrupt places and items duplicating the effects of other spells mentioned here.
Places and items can become tainted with Corruption over time.
Houses where multiple murders occurred, or Black magic has been Embracing Corruption
used repeatedly, knives used for necromantic rituals for generations Corruption may eventually lead to insanity or death.
are all good examples of this. Characters exposed to its effects have to find ways to eliminate it,
A corrupt place or item can spread their evil to those who spend or embrace it. Some will choose the path of the light, but some, for
their time there or use them. whatever reason, will not.
Death in a Corrupt place will cause the victim to raise as undead Characters Embracing corruption gain the following advantages
within 24 hours unless a Dispel Chaos spell is cast on them or they and disadvantages:
are resurrected from the dead. 1.The character no longer suffers any Constitution or Wisdom
penalties from accumulated Corruption.
The character will raise as an undead with Hit Dice equal to its
Level but not stronger than a Mummy. 2.The character cannot be healed by magic unless it comes from
a Corrupt caster or item. Magic will simply have no effect. A
caster who has embraced Corruption can use Cure spells on
Effects of Corruption other corrupt characters, including himself.
A character’s Corruption score applies as a penalty to the
3.Targets of his magic suffer a -1 to Saving Throws and -10% to
character’s Constitution and Wisdom scores. Monsters will usually
Magic Resistance.
have a Wisdom of 10 (or 7+1d6) and a Constitution equal to 9 plus
its Hit Dice number. This means a character with Constitution 10, 4.A Cleric or Druid of a Lawful or Neutral deity loses all of its
powers becoming a fighting man with a level comparable to its
Wisdom 8, and 2 points of Corruption has an effective Constitution XP.
8 and Wisdom 6.


5.The corrupt character is affected by Protection from chaos “Remove” spells cast within the forest. The GM could also have
spells and all other spells specifically targeting magical chaotic
certain places/items nullify spells from certain schools, like a
chamber that prevents spells like Detect Thoughts or Crystal Ball
6.Upon its death the character can not be resurrected or raised effects.
from the dead in any way. The character will raise as an undead
with Hit Dice equal to its Level but not stronger than a Mummy The same modifiers to magic can be applied to Cleric spells of
unless a spell-caster, in that case the character may become a specific deities.
Vampire or even a Lich.
Tide Magic
7.Animals, children and extremely sensible creatures will feel
something wrong in the character. In some campaign settings arcane (or priestly) magic may be
connected to the ebb and flow of mystical energies or the phases of
8.The character gains a special ability and a special
disfigurement connected to its base nature. the moon or the fact that the magic user is stepped in darkness (or
light). Depending on the conditions set by the GM the targets of the
Special ability Disfigurement caster's spells may have their Saving Throws and magic Resistance
Darkvision up to 60 feet Smells of sulfur modified. Tides may change every 1d4 to 1d20 days,

Base speed of 5 if running on four Red, shining eyes Conditions Modifier

Bright daylight/continual light- New Moon or Low Tide +1/+5%
Waste food or water on touch once per Running sores Weak daylight/dusk/light- Wanning or Waxing none
day Twilight/moonlight/lantern light- Full Moon or Peak Tide –1/-5%
Speak with Animals once per day Color-blind Total darkness- Conjunction -2/-10%

Claws or fangs inflicting 1d4 damage Forked tongue Bloodlines

+1 to saving throws against magic, Pants like a dog Some campaigns will allow players and the GM the choice of a
poison or disease, fire... whatever magical origin for their character. This choice will only be granted
(choose one) at first level, and once done is for life.
+1 to Armor class Six fingered or palmed A character born from a magical Bloodline suffers a 10%
hands Experience penalty in exchange for its powers, GMs may also have
the character meet a minimum requirement of a Charisma score of
5% magic resistance Pointed ears
11 or more before he can choose a Bloodline.
Immunity to critical hits and backstabs Scaly or furry At the GM's discretion, characters from a Bloodline may be
Short tail considered enchanted creatures for rules effects and spells such as
Protection from Chaos/Law and extra damage bonus from magical
Feet become animal hoofs weapons.
Blinded by light
There is a taint in your blood, your ancestors include alien creatures
A character embarking on redemption after he has Embraced or creatures that are product of magical experiments.
Corruption will immediately suffer from Constitution and Wisdom Unusual Anatomy: The character is immune to critical hits and
penalties and cannot be healed by non corrupt magic. backstabs.
Still he loses the benefits of Corruption on spell casting and is not
more affected by spells specifically targeting magical or extraplanar Arcane
evil creatures. Magic has infected your family's blood.
As soon as the character raises a level without gaining corruption Magical gift: Once per day you can cast a random first level
points the character can finally take benefit from healing magic. Magic-User spell with a caster level of 1.
The character also keeps the advantage and disadvantage gained by
point 8 and can only get rid of it through a wish or divine Celestial
intervention. Your bloodline is blessed by a celestial power, either through
having a celestial relative or through divine intervention.
Magic and attunement to places, items and times Ascension: Once per day you can cast a random first level Cleric
The GM can have certain places, times of the year or items attuned spell with a caster level of 1. Otherwise you can Turn Undead as a
to a particular school of magic. For example, a magical forest level 1 Cleric, if already a Cleric add 1 to your level for turning
which doubles the range and duration of all “Dispel” and purposes.


Fey presence: You may become invisible (as for the magic-user
Demonic spell) for up to one turn per day.
One of your ancestors fooled around with demons. Some would say
you are possessed. Undead
Demon Resistances: You gain a +1 bonus on saving throws made The touch of the grave runs through your family. Perhaps one of
against poison, disease and fire. your ancestors became a powerful lich or vampire, or maybe you
were born dead before suddenly returning to life.
Destined One of Us: Unintelligent undead do not notice you unless you
Your family is destined for greatness in some way. Your birth attack them. You receive a +2 bonus on saving throws made against
could have been foretold in prophecy, or perhaps it occurred during spell-like abilities and powers used by undead.
an especially auspicious event, such as a solar eclipse.
It Was Meant To Be: You may re-roll any one attack roll, Saving Verdant
Throw ability check or check made to overcome magic resistance. In your family a strong tie with the forces of nature is present, you
You must decide to use this ability after the first roll is made but can feel the breathing of the mother-earth and have a deep
before the results are revealed. You must take the second result, connection with all living things.
even if it is worse. You can use this ability once per day. Connected: Once per day you can cast a random first level Druid
spell with a caster level of 1. Otherwise you may Turn Animals as a
Draconic level 1 Druid, if already a Druid or Elf add 1 to your level for
At some point in your family’s history, a dragon interbred with turning purposes.
your bloodline, and now its ancient power flows through your
Breath Weapon: You gain a breath weapon. This breath weapon Combat options: healing and wounds
deals 2d6 points of fire damage in a 60 feet long, 5 feet wide line. Stunned: Whenever a character or creature suffers more damage
Those caught in the area of the breath receive a Save for half points than half its maximum hit points in a single blow or from a
damage. You can use this ability once per day. single source, he or she is stunned and loses its next action round.
Undead, oozes, elementals, constructs and other non-living or
Elemental non-material being ignore stunning.
The power of the elements resides in you, and at times you can
hardly control its fury. This influence comes from an elemental Death to Massive Damage: Whenever a character or creature
outsider in your family history or a time when you or your relatives suffers 40 or more damage points in a single blow or from a single
were exposed to a powerful elemental force. Chose an Elemental source, and is not killed by that, he must roll a Constitution based
type (water, fire, earth, air) Saving Throw to avoid being reduced to 0 Hit Points.
Primordial essence: According to the elemental type chosen you Undead, oozes, elementals, constructs and other non-living or
may: non-material being may ignore Death to massive damage at the
Air: Levitate once per day. GM's choice.
Earth: Passwall once per day.
Fire: Produce flame once per day. Second Wind: Once per day each character may take 1 turn to rest,
Water: Breath water freely and swim at full ground movement sip some water and bandage wounds. The character heals 50% of
rate+1 or 5, whichever is higher. all the suffered damage. If this optional rule is in use Fighter
You are considered to have a caster level of 1 for the above characters may learn a new mastery: Reserve.
spell-like abilities. Also you never lose control of elementals of Reserve: the character may take an additional Second Wind
your chosen type. action per day.

Action resolution option: there's always a chance
The savage blood of orcs, giants and goblinoids runs in your veins.
Savage Fury:You can get in a Berserk fury once per day for 10 Whenever rolling the d6 for an action consider a 6 as a 5 and re-roll
combat rounds without getting exhausted. the die adding the total. Keep rolling (and adding 5 to the total) as
long as you get a 6 on the die.
Fey This option gives a chance of success to character's that are greatly
The capricious nature of the fey runs in your family due to some penalized or have very low ability scores.
intermingling of fey blood or magic.


Monsters as character races Languages: Centaurs speak Common, centaur and the languages of
Some campaigns may allow the choice of a player character's race satyrs and harpies.
to be made from humanoid races as well. Some monsters receive
Racial Hit Dice, the Constitution modifier is not added to these Hit Level caps: Favorite Fighter, Forbidden Magic-user.
Dice. Racial Hit Dice are always d8s.
Also, when calculating the experience necessary to raise in level,
add the Racial Hit Dice to the creature's current level to determine Goblins
it's actual level. A first level bugbear fighting-man would thus need +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution,-2 Charisma.
8000 xp to raise to second level. A goblin has a base land speed of 3 and Darkvision out to 90 feet.
No race should be allowed in play if its Racial Hit dice total is
higher than the actual lowest level in play. If this requirement is Hard to Hit: Being small, Goblins typically are awarded some
met, the monstrous character should have a class level of (lowest defensive bonus in combat because they are hard to hit. ( +4 to AC
level in play minus its Racial Hit Dice). against larger than man-sized creatures.)

Bugbears Weapon Restrictions: A goblin's small size does not allow them to
+4 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, –2 Charisma. use big weapons like battle axes, two handed swords, longbows or
A Bugbear has a base land speed of 4 and Darkvision out to 90 feet. polearms, they may employ medium sized weapons like
longswords with two hands.
Racial Hit Dice: Bugbears receive 2 additional racial Hit Dice at
first level. Light sensitivity: Goblins suffer a -1 to all attack rolls, saving
throws and ability checks while exposed to daylight.
Stealthy: Bugbears surprise, roll for surprise at +1, and are
notoriously and surprisingly stealthy for their size. Miners: Goblins can detect new construction, sloping passages, and
shifting walls as dwarfs do.
Languages: Bugbears speak common, goblin and hobgoblin.
Languages: Goblins speak common, goblin and hobgoblin.
Advancement: Favorite Fighter , Forbidden Magic-user.
Level caps: Favorite Rogue, Forbidden Magic-user.
+8 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, –2 Intelligence, +2 Gnolls
Wisdom. Strength +2, Constitution +2, Intelligence –2, Charisma –2.
A centaur has a base land speed of 6. A gnoll has a base land speed of 4 and Darkvision out to 90 feet.

Racial Hit Dice: Centaurs receive 3 additional racial Hit Dice at Racial Hit Dice: Gnolls receive 1 additional racial Hit Dice at first
first level. level.

Armor restrictions: Centaurs may only wear armor that has been Bite: Instead of using weapons to attack a gnoll may use its fangs to
tailor made for them, such armors are a cross between horse bite for 1d4 damage points.
barding and human armor. Centaur armor costs and weights four
times the normal cost and weight. Due to their tough skin, Centaurs Tracking scent: Gnolls have a powerful scent and can identify
have a base AC of [13]. smells within 60’, double this figure for very strong smells. This
sense is about as powerful as a dog’s.
Bad Climbers: Due to their peculiar and massive anatomy centaurs
may not be able to climb very steep or slippery surfaces. Languages: Gnolls speak common and gnoll.

Carrying capacity: Due to their peculiar and massive anatomy Level caps: Favorite Fighter, Forbidden Magic-User.
centaurs have four times the basic carrying capacity of a human.
Kicks: Instead of using weapons to attack a centaur may attack +2 Constitution.
twice with its hooves for 1d6 damage points each. A hobgoblin has a base land speed of 4 and Darkvision out to 60


Miners: Hobgoblins can detect new construction, sloping passages, Languages: Lizardmen speak lizardmen and common.
and shifting walls as dwarfs do.
Level caps: Favorite Druid, Forbidden Magic-user.
Languages: Hobgoblins speak Common, orcish, goblin and
hobgoblin. Ogres
+10 Strength, –4 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, –4 Intelligence, –4
Level caps: Favorite Fighter, Forbidden Druid. Charisma.
An ogre has a base land speed of 3 and Darkvision out to 60 feet.
-2 Strength, +4Dexterity, -2 Constitution. Racial Hit Dice: Ogres receive 3 additional racial Hit Dice at first
A kobold has a base land speed of 3 and Darkvision out to 60 feet. level.

Hard to Hit: Being small, Kobolds typically are awarded some Huge: Due to their massive anatomy ogres have four times the
defensive bonus in combat because they are hard to hit. ( +4 to AC basic carrying capacity of a human. However ogre-sized armor
against larger than man-sized creatures.) costs and weights four times as much.

Weapon Restrictions: A kobold's small size does not allow them to Weapon restrictions: Ogres have a hard time wielding human-sized
use big weapons like battle axes, two handed swords, longbows or small weapons as daggers, darts and shortswords. They may,
polearms, they may employ medium sized weapons like however, wield two handed maces, swords and axes with a single
longswords with two hands. hand. They may also employ giant-sized weapons with two hands,
these deal an additional dice of damage and cost and weight four
Lightweight: Kobolds are so small they have half the carrying times the standard cost and weight.
capacity of other races (0-25, 26-100, etc...).
Tough skin: Ogres have a base Armor Class of [13].
Light sensitivity: Kobolds suffer a -1 to all attack rolls, saving
throws and ability checks while exposed to daylight. Languages: Ogres speak Common and ogrish.

Miners: Kobolds can detect new construction, sloping passages, Level caps: Favorite Fighter, Forbidden Magic-user.
and shifting walls as dwarfs do.
Languages: Kobolds speak Common, kobold and goblin. +2 Strength, –2 Intelligence,–2 Charisma.
An orc has a base land speed of 4 and Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Level caps: Favorite Magic-User, Forbidden Druid.
Light sensitivity: Orcs suffer a -1 to all attack rolls, saving throws
Lizardmen and ability checks while exposed to daylight.
+2 Constitution, –2 Intelligence.
A Lizardmen has a base land speed of 2, a swimming speed of 4 Miners: Orcs can detect new construction, sloping passages, and
and Darkvision out to 60 feet. shifting walls as dwarfs do.

Racial Hit Dice: Lizardmen receive 1 additional racial Hit Dice at Tracking scent: Orcs have a powerful scent and can identify smells
first level. within 30’, double this figure for very strong smells. This sense is
about as powerful as a dog’s.
Claws: Instead of using weapons to attack a lizardmen may attack
twice with its claws for 1d3 damage points or they may bite for Languages: Orcs speak Common and orcish.
Level caps: Favorite Fighter, Forbidden Magic-user.
Natural armor: An unarmored lizardmen has an Armor Class of
[12]. Troglodyte
+2 to Constitution, –2 Intelligence and Charisma.
Waterbreathing: A lizardmen can breath water for one hour before A Troglodyte has a base land speed of 4 and Darkvision out to 60
he needs fresh air. feet.


Racial Hit Dice: Troglodytes receive 1 additional racial Hit Dice at Experience Points
first level. The player’s section of these rules gives some information about
gaining XP. Most XP are awarded for Treasure and Monster kills,
Fangs and Claws: Instead of using weapons to attack a troglodyte but there are more options a Referee can consider. For example:
may attack twice with its claws for 1d3 damage points or once with
its bite for 1d4.  Active participation in the campaign could earn a player
XP for each hour of real-time play.
Natural armor: An unarmored troglodyte has an Armor Class of  Casting a spell, finding a hidden door, disarming a trap,
[15]. figuring out a puzzle, aiding an ally, etc. could earn a
player XP.
Chameleon skin: Troglodyte skin is slightly chameleon-like, which  A particularly clever solution or epic victory could earn
allows them to mount very effective ambushes surprising enemies double the normal XP amount, while an abysmal failure
with a +1 to the surprise check. could merit half.

Stench: A troglodyte emits a horrible smell that weakens most other Some Referees make all earned XP a part of a community total to
races. Failing a saving throw against the smell causes the victim to be divided evenly, since not all characters have the same
suffer a -1 penalty to all attack and damage rolls and saving throws opportunities in a given adventure. Others prefer a more
for 10 rounds thereafter. competitive game, whereby each player earns XP according to
individual accomplishment.
Languages: Troglodytes speak troglodyte only. To reduce the cash flow and imitate training some GMs allow
experience for Silver Pieces to be gained only when the money is
Level caps: Favorite Fighter, Forbidden Magic-user. spent on training.
This is simply a decision each individual Referee will have to make
Monstrous characters average height and weight
for their own games.
Height in Inches (M/F) Weight in Pounds (M/F)
Race Base Modifier Base Modifier
Bugbear 72/68 2d10 210/180 6d10 Magical Research
Centaur 84/80 3d12 1000/960 6d20 Magical research is another area in which higher-level characters
Goblin 43/41 1d10 72/68 5d4 will begin to grow beyond the scope of the rules. Even fairly
Gnoll 84/80 1d12 180/160 4d10 low-level Magic-users may want to develop new spells, and
Hobgoblin 72/ 68 1d8 150/130 5d10
higher-level Magic-users might become involved in all kinds of
Kobold 32/30 3d4 52/48 5d4
research from potion formulae to creating magical items, to
Lizard man 60/60 2d12 170/170 3d10
creating golems, to breeding monsters.
Ogre 96/93 2d12 320/280 3d20
Orc 58/56 1d12 130/90 6dl0 Clerics and Druids will be able to create magical items in line with
Troglodyte 58/56 1d12 130/90 6dl0 their faith but should not be allowed to research new spells.
First of all a special laboratory (or Sancta Sanctorum) is required
Monstrous character ages (with a minimum cost of 2,000 sp).
Race Base Modifier Maximum age range Spell development should usually require about one week of
Age (base+ Variable)
uninterrupted work and 500 sp per spell level.
Bugbear 10 1d6 65+2d10
Centaur 18 1d4 75+2d20 Remember that new spells should be carefully reviewed to make
Goblin 12 1d6 40+1d20 sure they aren’t too powerful—the spell’s level should reflect the
Gnoll 7 1d4 33+1d4 spell’s power. If a spell turns out to be unexpectedly powerful to
Hobgoblin 14 1d6 50+1d20 the point where it endangers the game, it is always the referee’s
Kobold 12 1d4 95+2d20 prerogative to protect the game by adjusting the level of the new
Lizard man 15 1d4 110+2d10 spell.
Ogre 15 1d4 90+2d20 In addition the Magic user must pass an Intelligence action check
Orc 10 1d4 35+1d10
on 1d6, (+1 for 1st and 2nd level spells, -1 for 5th and 6th level
Troglodyte 15 1d4 110+2d10
spells, -2 for 7th or higher level spells), if the roll fails time and
Middle Age is one-half the base maximum age, Old Age is 2/3 the
money are wasted and the spell is not learned.
base maximum age and Venerable Age is equal to the base
The details of item creation projects are left to the Referee: as a
maximum age.
guideline the cost and time of such research should be at least equal
to the Trade Out value of the item (see the part on Treasures): 100


sp and 1d6 days of work for Minor Magic Items, 1,000 sp and 1d6 for help, and they will hear of mysterious places and rumors far
weeks of work for a Medium Magic Item and 5,000 sp and 1d6 beyond the normal fare of less renowned adventurers.
months of work for a Major Magic item.
Only spell-casters of at least 9 th level should be allowed to create Strongholds
magic items like potions and scrolls and 12 th level (and knowledge Strongholds and (sometimes) politics begin to dominate the game
of the Enchant item spell for Magic-users) is required for more after the characters reach 9th level or higher—assuming that the
permanent items like wands, staffs, rings... players don’t retire their characters at this point, which most do.
Item creation requires a successful Ability check modified by Adventurers can start building strongholds before they have
intelligence (or wisdom if the Referee allows clerics to create reached name level, of course, but they don’t get the followers (or
items) with base value by item type: Minor items roll at +1, necessarily the recognition of other nobles in the area) until
Medium items roll at +0, Major items roll at -1. reaching a level where their renown is enough to attract villagers
Some secondary skills may apply their modifier to this roll and troops to their protection.
depending on the kind of item created. These followers will assist the character, but will not usually go on
All kinds of Magical research will probably involve finding books adventures away from the stronghold in most cases (especially
of lost lore (yup, in dungeons, although perhaps the Wizard has dangerous dungeon adventures).
henchmen to retrieve them by this point), as well as hiring the Among the standard followers a character also receives special
services of an alchemist or sage and strange components ranging followers: 2d6+6 first level characters of the same class as the
from eye of newt up to the heart of a dragon. player character, 1d6 second level characters of the same class and
1d6 characters of level 1d6+1 (these can be also monsters of
Higher Level Adventuring equivalent HDE for Magic-Users-).
THE BLUE BOOK OF DANGERS & DWEOMERS usually isn’t Followers live from the income generated by the stronghold. The
played just once for a single adventure—it is usually a weekly or primary sources of this income are taxes on peasants for castles,
monthly series of sessions in which the characters continue to fees for magical services and students' tuition for towers, tithing
adventure, gaining experience and power. Eventually, the more from the faithful for temples, and criminal activities for hideouts.
powerful characters will begin to make a mark on the game world A stronghold must have 200 square feet of living space for each
itself; they may take control of a castle, build armies, and even, if follower, as well as quarters for guests, stables for horses, and so
the game goes on long enough and the group decides not to retire on.
the characters, name kingdoms after themselves or venture into A player who wants to build a stronghold should draw its floor
other worlds, realms, or dimensions. Perhaps they will do battle plan. Each story is usually 10' tall. The construction costs for the
with demon princes, maybe they will forge artifacts of great power stronghold are determined by the square footage of its walls, floors
—even unite great empires beneath their banners on the field of and roofs, the materials used, and the thickness of the walls.
war or through diplomacy in grand courts. Later “generations” of Make sure not to double-count corners on walls that are 5' thick or
characters might even be serving as henchmen for the old, retired thicker – count the length of only one face. When determining wall
greats of the game! length for round walls and towers, approximate pi by 3, since the
inner face of the wall has a shorter circumference. The table below
The first several levels of playing the game are mainly devoted to gives costs in silver pieces for each 10’ square section of wall. All
the characters becoming more powerful, bringing back treasure to walls stand Structural Hit Points, which means that it takes 5 full hp
buy better equipment, finding magic items, learning spells, and of damage to inflict 1 damage point to the wall.
getting more hit points as they gain levels. Often these adventures
are expeditions into an underground dungeon complex, but might Wall material 1' thick 5' thick 10' thick 15' thick
also be a series of voyages on a ship or any number of other Maximum height 40' 60' 80' 100'
adventures—whatever the players decide to embark upon. As the Wood 10 n/a n/a n/a
game reaches higher level, the players will most likely begin Brick 20 50 n/a n/a
projects that aren’t specifically covered by the rules. Perhaps the Soft stone 30 70 200 n/a
Magic-user wants to build an army of magically animated iron Hard stone 40 90 260 350
warriors, but needs to figure out how to do it. Maybe the Fighter
wants to establish a small, fortified manor in the wilderness hills, A 1' thick wall is made of solid pieces of material held with mortar
but needs to hire some troops and clear out the area. This side of (or pegs and ropes for wooden walls); such walls may be at most
the game is only limited by your collective imaginations. Of course, 40' tall.
as the characters become better known (or more notorious), they A 5' thick wall consists of two 1’ thick walls sandwiching 3’ of
will be petitioned by all manner of people from kings to peasants earth and rubble; such a wall may be at most 60' tall.


A 10' thick wall consists of a 4’ thick outer wall and a 2’ thick inner fourth floors will be 40’ square or 1,600 square feet. With a total
wall sandwiching 4’ of earth and rubble, and may be built up to 80' floor area of 5,000 square feet, Molthvan’s keep will house him
tall. and up to 24 other people (or animals such as horses, which during
A 15' thick wall consists of a 6’ thick outer wall and a 2’ thick inner an attack may be stabled in the great hall!) in acceptable comfort.
wall sandwiching 7’ of earth and rubble; these walls may be built
up to 100' tall. To attain the maximum height, thinner walls can be The first floor has 30 (= 5 [for 50’ length] x 2 [for 20’ height] x 4
used on upper stories. walls, minus 8 sections double-counted at the corners and 2
For example, an 80 ft. tower must have at least 20’ of 10’ thick sections for the entrance) 10’ square sections of 10’ thick hard
walls at the base, but more could be used. stone walls, which cost 7,800 sp, and 9 10’ square sections of floor,
The character will have to pay engineering costs for designing the which cost 90 sp, for a total cost of 7,890 sp.
stronghold, and tall structures are more difficult to design and to The second floor is the same as the first, except that the walls are
build. For each portion of the stronghold (wall, tower, and so on), 10’ high and there is no deduction for an entrance, giving a cost of
each 10' of height adds 10% to the costs in both time and money. 4,250 sp.
The GM should feel free to add a multiplier to reflect the The third and fourth floors each require 18 sections of 5’ thick
difficulties of building in a remote area, obtaining materials, etc. hard stone walls, costing 1,620 sp, and 16 sections of floor, costing
In particular, if materials need to be transported, they require 1 ton 160 sp, for a total of 1,780 sp per floor.
of cargo space per 5 sp of wood or stone construction. (The The 50’ square roof costs 4 x 25 x 10 = 1,000 sp, and the 40'
increased weight of stone compensates for its compactness square attic floor adds 160 sp.
compared to wood.) The design calls for a total of 770’ of 1’ thick interior walls and
A building over 40’ high must have a solid foundation, and if over doors, which would cost 30,800 sp if made of hard stone; Molthvan
60’ high, it must rest on bedrock. uses wood, which costs only 7,700 sp.
A stronghold requires one worker-day of construction labor for These costs total 24,560 sp, but since the keep is 60’ high, its cost
every sp it costs to build. Adding more workers reduces is increased by 60% to 39,296 sp.
construction time, but the time cannot be reduced below the square The keep will require 39,296 workerdays.
root of the time for one worker to build the stronghold. Assume that
there are 140 working days per year (seven months of 20 working Molthvan may employ up to 198 workers to build the keep, in
days each) in temperate climates. which case it will take 198 working days to build, or a year and
Floors and thatched roofs cost as much and take as long to build as three months’ time. Keep in mind what might happen in this time,
it would take to build the square footage of their bases of 1’ thick given that the area is dangerous enough to warrant building a
wood walls. Wood-shingled roofs cost twice this amount and take castle.
twice as long to build, while slate-shingled roofs cost four times as
much and take four times as long. (You don't need to calculate the Dungeons: A stronghold may also have a dungeon excavated under
greater surface area of a pitched roof, since the increased height it. A dungeon is an excellent place to store perishable supplies, a
increases construction costs enough to cover this.) good shelter if the castle is overrun, and often incorporates an
These costs include normal features of construction such as stairs, escape route if all is lost for the castle’s defenders or a secret way
doors and windows. Interior walls are not included; they are usually out for raids is desired.
1’ thick. Parapets, which provide cover for defenders atop castle Magic-Users sometimes encourage monsters to take up residence in
walls and towers, are usually 1' thick and 5' high (so they are their dungeons, as they provide a convenient source of supplies for
half-cost). magical research and help keep away unwanted guests. Use the
Note that hideouts are almost always built in cities and thus are following figures for skilled workers, such as dwarfs or goblins, to
usually built with 1’ thick exterior walls. create dungeons; double the times for less skilled miners.
Traps or secret doors cost 200 to 500 silver pieces each at the GM's
discretion. Material Time for one worker to excavate a 5’ cube
Earth 5 days (supports are required)
For example, Molthvan, a 9th-level Fighter, desires to build a 60’ Soft stone 10 days
tall square keep (50’ walls with a 10’ peaked slateshingled roof) Hard stone 20 days
that is 50’ square. The keep will have four stories and an attic, and
the first story, which will contain the great hall, will be 20’ high. Structural strength and breaches: A section of stronghold wall
Sir Percy wishes his keep to be strongly built, so he tells his has as many hit points as its base cost in sp divided by 5 (for
architect to build with hard stone and use 10’ thick walls for the example, a section of 10’ thick soft stone wall has 40 structural hit
first two stories and 5’ thick walls for the rest. The first and second points).
floors will thus be 30’ square or 900 square feet, and the third and


Stone and brick walls only take damage from crushing blows, while Dominions
wood walls are also affected by fire and chopping attacks. Characters may become rulers of land in their own right, dominions
If a given section of wall loses all of its hit points, it is breached, can range from small towers on an acre of land, to sprawling
allowing attackers to pass through. If a breach occurs on a lower kingdoms with thousands of citizens.
course of wall, there is a 40% chance that the 10’ section above it Most dominions are part of larger territories; the ruler of the
will be breached by collapse, and a 20% chance that the section dominion typically swears an oath of service and fealty to a greater
below it will be breached. ruler.
These secondary breaches have the same chances of affecting the Dominions are subdivided in smaller areas measuring 400 square
next 10’ section above or below them, and so on until the top or miles. Wilderness areas are usually less populous than Civilized
bottom course of wall is reached. If a breach occurs on a right or ones, but consider each area to be populated by 10 to 5000 families.
acute corner (90 degrees or less), the chances of breaches double in Rulers of small dominions are usually called Barons or Counts,
each direction. larger rulers of larger dominions have titles like Duke or Marquis.
To claim the title of Prince, King or Emperor one is expected to
Attacking a Castle: Siege engines are difficult to aim, but as have a really huge dominion, and not to pay homage to any other
castles don't dodge around, each successive shot by a given siege Liege.
engine with a given crew has an increasing chance of hitting. To
reflect this, the first attack on a castle's walls is made against Armor Ruling and duties
Class 15; each subsequent attack by that weapon, fired by that Tax rates, laws and the peasant population are all under control of
crew, at that same point in the wall, is made against an Armor Class the local ruler to be set as desired. The ruler is thus both judge,
one lower than the previous shot, to a minimum AC of 10. lawmaker and accountant to its dominion.
Attacks on a castle's defenders are at -4 on the attack roll if they are Rulers are expected to hold courts of law so to settle disputes and
standing on the parapets, and at -10 if they are behind arrow slits. judge criminals.
Since characters defending the castle do move around, the odds of In the same way rulers are expected to be present at festivities and
hitting them with a siege engine do not improve from shot to shot. be personal host when a ruler from another dominion -or his liege-
There is an additional -2 on the attack roll for missile attacks if the comes visiting.
defenders are more than 20' higher than the attackers; this is not Lieges rarely interfere with local matters unless the local situation
specifically due to altitude, but rather because the defenders can use is getting out of hand and risks of meddling national affairs.
more of the wall for cover. The defenders can take advantage of Also, all rulers are expected to give full military support to their
their height by dropping objects on attackers near the castle's base; own liege in case of war.
these missiles do 3d6 points of damage, but they have a -2 attack Beware that failure to attend to a visiting ruler is considered an
penalty if dropped from a height of 30' or more. insult, while failure to attend to your own liege (or paying taxes to
Siege engines can damage several adjacent characters; roll damage him) is treason.
separately for each character in the 10' square hit by the missile. Of In absence of the dominion's ruler a seneschal or a council of
course, the attack roll must be high enough to damage each one; a nobles may be appointed take on the ruler's role.
roll of 19 against characters having Armor Classes of 18 and 20
would hit the former but not the latter. Income and benefits
A castle may also be attacked by mining. This method of attack A ruler receives income -on a monthly basis- in three different
involves tunneling under the castle wall, then setting fire to the ways: Goods, Taxes and Services.
supports of the tunnel to cause the wall to collapse. It is also slow, Taxes are paid by each family in the dominion, the usual rate is 1
and if the castle has a moat, the tunnel must avoid it, which requires silver piece per family, the exact rate is set by the ruler but higher
that it be dug deeper, requiring twice the time. A mine is dug like a rates may cause malcontent. This money is cash and goes to the
dungeon, and once its supports are fired, the wall above is dominion's treasury.
breached; if the mine is only 5’ wide, there is only a 50% chance of Goods are equal to 2 silver pieces per family: beware these are not
causing a breach. cash money. GM's should consider these as food, weapons, items,
Finally, a screw may be used to attack a stronghold. This device, ships, books or any other kind of object or commodity. For
which costs 200 sp, is used to bore through castle walls. A crew of example all -or part of- the money necessary to build a stronghold
at least eight is required to operate it. It is only used at the base of a could be taken from this income.
wall, and it is usually operated under a sow, or portable roof, as it is Services represent the work force generated by each family and is
slow. (A sow typically costs about 100 sp.) The device does 1d6 rated at 10 silver pieces per family. As for Goods this does not
points of structural damage per turn. A breach caused by a screw is represent cash. This kind of income could be used to pay for
small, so it has only half the usual chance of spreading to the next building strongholds and roads or to generate a militia (using the
course of wall, unless widened by miners.


costs for mercenaries above as a guideline), a dominion may not Occasional bits of solid matter can be found here, but most of the
generate a militia greater than two men per family. astral plane is an endless, open domain.
This plane serves as a connector between the different realities. It
Costs links the various Planes to each other (one travels from one Plane to
The basic costs for a dominion take four forms: Upkeep, Taxes, another by crossing the Astral plane).
Army, Holidays. The astral Plane is invested in an eternal twilight as the cascading
Upkeep is required for all strongholds and works of engineering light of Positive Energy from above tries to break the darkness of
like dams, temples, towers, roads and bridges. Negative Energy below.
Upkeep of each item is paid separately and the cost is equal to 10% The Astral plane is a barren place with only rare bits of solid
of the building cost. For each month without upkeep there is a matter. Indeed, the most common feature is the silver cords of
cumulative 1% that the building will collapse. travelers in the plane. These cords are the lifelines that keep
Taxes should usually be paid: 20% of all income (Goods, Taxes travelers of the Plane from becoming lost, stretching all the way
and Services) must go every month to the to the ruler's liege. Not back to the traveler's point of origin.
paying taxes to your liege lord may result in open war, You Have The plane is timeless: Age, hunger, thirst, poison, and natural
Been Warned. Usually 5 to 10% of all income goes to the local healing don’t function in the Astral Plane, though they resume
temples (or Magic user guild) as well, not paying for the temples' functioning when the traveler leaves the Astral Plane.
(or Guild) upkeep may bring the Clerics (or Magic Users) to retire The Astral Plane has no real gravity each individual chooses the
their services to the ruler and/or the populace. direction of gravity’s pull. Such a plane has no gravity for
Armies may be made up either by a local militia (see above) or unattended objects and nonsentient creatures.
mercenaries, the cost for mercenaries is indicated above. Characters on this plane can move normally along a solid surface
Holidays are more an occasional kind of expense, they happen by imagining “down” near their feet. If suspended in midair, a
when the ruler's liege comes to visit the dominion or the ruler needs character “flies” by merely choosing a “down” direction and
to keep his subjects happy: the costs of such events range from 100 “falling” that way.
silver pieces per day -for small festivities- to 2000 or more silver
pieces. Ethereal Plane: The ethereal plane is coexistent with the material
plane and often other planes as well. The material plane itself is
visible from the ethereal plane, but it appears muted and indistinct,
The Planes its colors blurring into each other and its edges turning fuzzy. Each
The following description of the major planes of existence is only plane's ethereal plane is usually the door to the Astral plane, but
one possible scheme or interpretation. some spells allow powerful casters to skip it. The ethereal planes
The referee should feel free to use this as written, alter it, or can also hide little demi-planes, small pockets of matter. These
disregard it completely depending on the needs of the milieu. demi-planes are sometimes the creations of extremely powerful
wizards, technologists, or demi-gods.
Material Plane : The material plane is the plane most campaign In an ethereal plane time passes at the same rate of the Prime plane
worlds are on. There are an infinite number of material planes, each it is attached to.
of which may be wildly or subtly different from one another, and While it is possible to see into the material plane from the ethereal
each one may operate under different magical or physical laws. plane, the ethereal plane is usually invisible to those on the material
Each material plane consists of its own universe, with the planet the plane. However, the gray fog of the Ether may be dense or thin,
characters are from, a sun, a solar system, and so on. varying by what is nearby on the Prime Plane. Nearby rock, earth
and wood as thicker ether. Fire on the nearby Prime Plane appears
Transitive Planes as bright Ether. Normally, creatures on the ethereal plane cannot
These three planes are used to get from one place to another. The attack creatures on the material plane, and viceversa. A traveler on
astral plane is a conduit to all other planes, while the ethereal plane the ethereal plane is invisible, incorporeal, and utterly silent to
and the plane of shadow both serve as means of transportation someone on the material plane.
within the material plane they're connected to. The ethereal plane is mostly empty of structures and impediments.
These planes have the strongest regular interaction with the However, the plane has its own inhabitants. Some of these are other
material plane and are often accessed by using various spells. They ethereal travelers, but the ghosts found here pose a particular peril
have native inhabitants as well. to those who walk the fog.

Astral Plane: The astral plane is the space between the planes. It is Plane of Shadow: The plane of shadow is a dimly lit dimension
a great, endless sphere of clear silvery sky, both above and below. that is both coterminous to and coexistent with the material plane. It
overlaps the material plane much as the ethereal plane does, so a


planar traveler can use the plane of shadow to cover great distances Elemental Plane of Earth: The elemental plane of earth is a solid
quickly. This plane is also coterminous to other planes. place made of rock, soil, and stone. An unwary and unprepared
The plane of shadow is a world of black and white; color itself has traveler may find himself entombed within this vast solidity of
been bleached from the environment. It otherwise appears similar material and have his life crushed into nothingness, his powdered
to the material plane. Despite the lack of light sources, various remains a warning to any foolish enough to follow.
plants, animals, and humanoids call the Plane of Shadow home. Despite its solid, unyielding nature, the elemental plane of earth is
All light sources have their ranges halved on the Plane of Shadow. varied in its consistency, ranging from relatively soft soil to veins
Parts of this plane continually flow onto other planes: as a result, of heavier and more valuable metal.
creating a precise map of the plane is next to impossible, despite Travelers who arrive run the risk of suffocation if they don’t reach
the presence of landmarks. a cavern or other pocket within the earth. Worse yet, individuals
Spells that make use of shadows have range and duration doubled without the ability to burrow are entombed in the earth and must
on this plane, while spells that use or generate light or fire may dig their way out (5 feet per turn). Creatures connected to the air
fizzle when cast on the Plane of Shadow. The GM may allow an elementals are uncomfortable on earth dominant planes because
Ability check to cast the spell with success. If the check fails the these planes are tight and claustrophobic to them. But they suffer
spell is lost. no inconvenience beyond having difficulty moving.
Despite the dark nature of the Plane of Shadow, spells that produce, Spells and spell-like abilities that use, manipulate, or create earth
use, or manipulate darkness are unaffected by the plane. have twice the basic range and duration.
Spells and spell-like abilities that use or create air require the caster
Inner Planes
to pass an Ability check to actually work. If the check fails the spell
These four planes are manifestations of the basic building blocks of
is lost.
the universe. Each is made up of a single type of energy or element
that overwhelms all others. The natives of a particular Inner plane
Elemental Plane of Fire: Everything is alight on the elemental
are made of the same energy or element as the plane itself.
plane of fire. The ground is nothing more than great, ever shifting
Where the elemental planes touch each other there arise the
plates of compressed flame. The air ripples with the heat of
para-elemental planes—Smoke, Ice, Ooze, and Magma.
continual firestorms, and the most common liquid is magma, not
The quasi-elemental planes exist where the elemental planes touch
water. The oceans are made of liquid flame, and the mountains
the Energy planes (see below)—Lightning, Steam, Minerals, and
ooze with molten lava. fire survives here without need for fuel or
Radiance around the Positive Energy plane, and Salt, Vacuum,
air, but flammables brought onto the plane are consumed readily.
Ash, and Dust around the Negative Energy plane.
The plane is composed of flames that continually burn without
consuming their fuel source.
Elemental Plane of Air: The elemental plane of air is an empty
Unprotected wood, paper, cloth, and other flammable materials
plane, consisting of sky above and sky below. The elemental plane
catch fire almost immediately, and those wearing unprotected
of air is the most comfortable and survivable of the Inner planes,
flammable clothing catch on fire. In addition, individuals take 3d6
and it is the home of all manner of airborne creatures.
points of fire damage every round.
Indeed, flying creatures find themselves at a great advantage on this
Creatures connected to the water elementals are extremely
plane. While travelers without flight can survive easily here, they
uncomfortable on the plane of fire. Those that are made of water
are at a disadvantage.
take double damage each round.
Mostly open space, this plane has a breathable atmosphere, though
Spells and spell-like abilities that use, manipulate, or create fire
it may include clouds of acidic or toxic gas. Creatures connected to
have twice the basic range and duration.
the earth elementals are uncomfortable this plane because they have
Spells and spell-like abilities that use or create water require require
little or no natural earth to connect with. They take no actual
the caster to pass an Ability check to actually work. If the check
damage, however.
fails the spell is lost.
Unlike other Elemental Planes, the Elemental Plane of Air has
subjective directional gravity like the Astral Plane. Inhabitants of Elemental Plane of Water: The elemental plane of water is a sea
the plane determine their own “down” direction. Objects not under without a floor or a surface, an entirely fluid environment lit by a
the motive force of others do not move. diffuse glow. It is one of the more hospitable of the Inner planes
Spells and spell-like abilities that use, manipulate, or create air have once a traveler gets past the problem of breathing the local medium.
twice the basic range and duration. The eternal oceans of this plane vary between ice cold and boiling
Spells and spell-like abilities that use or create earth require the hot, between saline and fresh. They are perpetually in motion,
caster to pass an Ability check to actually work. If the check fails wracked by currents and tides. The plane's permanent settlements
the spell is lost. form around bits of flotsam and jetsam suspended within this


endless liquid. These settlements drift on the tides of the elemental Then, her mortal frame unable to contain that power, she immolates
plane of Water. as if she were a small planet caught at the edge of a supernova.
Visitors who can’t breathe water or reach a pocket of air will likely Visits to the Positive Energy plane are brief, and even then travelers
drown. Creatures connected to the fire elementals are extremely must be heavily protected.
uncomfortable on water-dominant planes. Those made of fire take The plane is timeless: no aging, natural healing and hunger exist.
3d6 points of damage each round. A creature on a major positive-dominant plane must make a Saving
Spells and spell-like abilities that use, manipulate, or create water Throw to avoid being blinded for 10 rounds by the brilliance of the
have twice the basic range and duration. surroundings. Simply being on the plane grants regeneration at a
Spells and spell-like abilities that use or create fire require the rate of 2 points per round.
caster to pass an Ability check to actually work. If the check fails In addition, those at full hit points gain 2 additional temporary hit
the spell is lost. points per round. These temporary hit points fade 1d20 rounds after
the creature leaves the major positive- dominant plane. However, a
The Energy Planes creature must make a Constitution save each round that its
The Energy planes are the Positive Energy plane (also called the temporary hit points exceed its normal hit point total. Failing the
Plane of Life, “up and above” the upper planes) and the Negative saving throw results in the creature exploding in a riot of energy,
Energy plane (the source of entropy, “down and below” the lower killing it.
planes). The light seeping from the Plane of Life illuminates the Spells or abilities that use positive energy (cure wounds, blindness,
darkness of the Plane of Entropy, the twilight in between these raise) have double duration, range and always have the maximum
planes is the Astral space in which all other planes float. possible effect.
The energy planes have no real gravity each individual chooses the Using spells and powers that use negative energy (all cause wounds
direction of gravity’s pull. Such a plane has no gravity for spells, finger of death, energy drain...) on this plane often produces
unattended objects and nonsentient creatures. no effect whatsoever o this plane. The GM may allow an Ability
Characters on one of these planes can move normally along a solid check to cast the spell with success. If the check fails the spell is
surface by imagining “down” near their feet. If suspended in lost.
midair, a character “flies” by merely choosing a “down” direction
and “falling” that way. Outer Planes
The deities live on the outer planes, as do creatures such as demons.
Negative Energy Plane: To an observer, there's little to see on the Each of the outer planes has an alignment, representing a particular
negative energy plane. It is a dark, empty place, an eternal pit moral or ethical outlook, and the natives of each plane tend to
where a traveler can fall until the plane itself steals away all light behave in agreement with that plane's alignment. The outer planes
and life. The negative energy plane is the most hostile of the Inner are also the final resting place of souls from the material plane,
planes, and the most uncaring and intolerant of life. whether that final rest takes the form of calm introspection or
Only creatures immune to its life-draining energies can survive eternal damnation.
On this plane living creatures take 1d6 points of damage per round Name Alignment Description
unless somehow protected by magic. When a character dies here, it Elysium Law The plane of peace and
crumbles into ash and can not be raised from the dead. unadulterated goodness where all
Spells or abilities that drain energy or use negative energy(cause live in harmony.
wounds, blindness, finger of death) are saved at -5 on this plane. Arborea Neutral Fey realm of passion, abundance and
nature's caprice.
Using spells and powers that use positive energy (all cure spells,
Ysgard Chaotic The eternal battleground where true
regeneration, restoration, raise dead...) produce no effect most of heroes prove their valor.
the time. The GM may allow an Ability check to cast the spell with
Limbo Chaotic An alien, anarchistic and
success. If the check fails the spell is lost. unpredictable plane.
The plane is timeless: no aging, natural healing and hunger exist. Pandemonium Chaotic An infinite network of pitch-black
catacombs, with winds that drive
Positive Energy Plane: The positive energy plane has no surface men mad. Liars, cheats and traitors
and is akin to the elemental plane of air with its wide-open nature. are imprisoned here by their own
However, every bit of this plane glows brightly with innate power.
Mechanus Lawful This clockwork plane is the ultimate
This power is dangerous to mortal forms, which are not made to in order; scholars and constructs live
handle it. Despite the beneficial effects of the plane, it is one of the here.
most hostile of the inner planes. An unprotected character on this The Outlands Neutral The plane between all other outer
plane swells with power as positive energy is force-fed into her. planes.


Up to base cc x3 -2
Demiplanes Up to base cc x6 -3
This category covers all extradimensional spaces that function like
planes but have measurable size and limited access. Other kinds of Total Hit Bonus: This is the number the monster adds to its attack
planes are theoretically infinite in size, but a demiplane might be roll to see if it scores a hit. It is exactly the same as the creature’s
only a few hundred feet across. Any demiplane could have the hit dice up to a maximum of 15.
characteristics of any other plane. Demiplanes can be found
"floating" freely within the astral or ethereal planes. Attacks: This entry shows you the number of attacks and the
damage they inflict. Most monsters have 1 attack and inflict 1d6
Monsters damage—but there are exceptions.

Some creatures may have “magic resistance.” The given percentage

Saving Throw Bonus: This is the number the monster adds to its
chance is the likelihood that any magic used against the creature
Saving Throws to see if it avoids peril. It is half creature’s hit dice
(other than weapon bonuses) will fail to take effect. Roll a d100,
rounded down up to a maximum of +10.
and the magic will fail if the result is less than the given percentage.
Add one to the d100 roll per level of the spell caster above 10, also
Special: This is just a “flag” for the Referee to remind him that the
add its Wisdom (for Clerics and Druids) or Intelligence (for Magic
monster has a special ability. Darkvision always has a range of 60
Users) bonus
feet unless otherwise noted.
There’s not a lot of detail given about the monsters, because the
more detail given, the more your own mental image of the fantasy
Move: This number is the monster’s movement rate, and it’s
world is going to be locked into a single track. We’re not going to
handled just as movement rates are handled for characters.
say that giant ants are red, nocturnal, three feet long, and fond of
eating Elves. Because in your mind, they might be blue, diurnal,
Alignment: This is the typical alignment of the monster. The
five feet long, and eat only plants unless they’re attacked. Details
Referee may change this if desired.
about monsters toss roadblocks in front of your imagination. Yes,
details can also inspire the imagination, but we’re making the
Hit Dice Equivalent (HDE): This is used to separate the monsters
assumption that if you’re interested in fantasy gaming in the first
into “difficulty levels,” so that when you’re creating an adventure
place, you’ve got a good imagination that doesn’t need details
you’ve got some guidelines about what the characters can handle.
about the size of a giant ant.
XP tells you how many experience points the adventuring party
Monster “to-hit” Rolls gains as a result of killing the creature.
Some monsters have multiple saving throws and HDE's listed. This
Monsters roll a d20 to attack, add their Hit Dice to the number
is because certain monsters have a range of hit dice. Order is
(maximum bonus of +15), and if the result is equal to or higher than
always from lowest HD to highest HD.
the defender’s AC, the attack hits and does damage.
Skills, weapons and armor: Unintelligent monsters have no
Reading Monster Entries
secondary skills, and are not proficient with any kind of weapon or
Armor Class: See the section on Combat. This lists the armor wor armor. Intelligent monsters will posses any secondary skills as
-if any- by the monster and its unarmored AC determined by the Referee and are usually considered proficient
with all armors and weapons unless they are described as being part
Hit Dice: This is the number of dice (d8) rolled to determine an of a character class (Cleric, Magic User...) in that case they usually
individual creature’s hit points. If there is a plus or minus next to abide by class restrictions for weapons and armor. All intelligent
the number, you add or subtract that number from the total, only monsters know how to speak common and their native language.
once. For a creature with 4+1 hit dice, you’d roll 4d8, and then add
one more HP. Undead and constructs
A monster's carrying capacity is based on its Hit Dice, a monster
Undead and constructs (golems and other machine like creatures)
with less than 1 hit dice has a base carrying capacity of 40 pounds,
are not actual living beings, they do not need to breath, eat, drink or
bigger monsters have a base carrying capacity of 50 pounds per hit
They are immune to poison, disease and mind affecting spells like
Detect Thoughts, Hold Person, Charm person or Sleep.
Weight carried Movement (minimum 1)
Healing magic has no effect on constructs and Cure (Cause)
Base carrying capacity +0
wounds spells affect undead in reverse fashion.
Up to base cc x2 -1


Extra-planar creatures like angels, demons and elementals may

share some of these immunities as well as the GM sees fit..
Armor Class: [17], underside [15]
Aboleth Hit Dice: 6
Armor Class: [16] Attacks: bite (3d6)
Hit Dice: 9 Special: spits acid (5d6 1/day, save for half damage)
Attacks: 4 tentacles (1d6 + slime) Move: 4 (2 if Burrowing)
Special: Charm monster (3/day), Phantasmal force (3/day), Alignment: Neutral
Mucus cloud in water (save or cannot breathe air for HDE/XP: 7/600
3 hours), special disease upon successful hit (save or
must be immersed in water every hour). Ankhegs are huge insects, 10 to 20ft long, resembling grasshoppers
Move: 3 (Swim 4) with vicious mandibles. They burrow through the ground, often in
Alignment: Chaotic farmlands as well as in caverns. Once per day, an ankheg can squirt
HDE/XP: 12/2000 digestive acids for 5d6 points of damage (save for half), but this is a
defense not used in normal hunting.
The aboleth is a revolting fish-like amphibian, primarily
subterranean, roughly the size of a killer whale. It vaguely Ants, Giant (Worker)
resembles a catfish, but has four long tentacles and four orifices Armor Class: [16]
along its belly. The tentacles can be used to drag its bulk across Hit Dice: 2
dry land. These horrid abominations are extremely intelligent: an Attacks: Bite (1d6 + poison)
aboleth can cast charm monster three times per day, and create a Special: None
phantasmal force three times per day. In the water, an aboleth Move: 6
surrounds itself with a cloud of mucus that requires anyone inhaling Alignment: Neutral
it to make a saving throw or become unable to breathe air for 3 HDE/XP: 2/30
hours. Finally, the slime on an aboleth’s tentacles causes disease if
a saving throw fails. Those afflicted suffer a change to their skin, Giant ants live in vast subterranean hives tunneled through soil and
which must be immersed in water every hour, or the victim suffers even stone. A hive can hold as many as 100 ants, in a
1d6 points of damage. worker-to-warrior ratio of 1:5.

Angels Ants, Giant (Warrior)

Angels inhabit the upper planes of existence, but they may be Armor Class: [16]
encountered almost everywhere as they are often sent on a mission Hit Dice: 3
by the deities they serve. Attacks: Bite (1d6 + poison)
Special: None
Angel, Messenger Move: 6
Armor Class: [20] Alignment: Neutral
Hit Dice: 7 HDE/XP: 2/30
Attacks: sword (1d10+2)
Special: See Below, darkvision, immune to non-magical Giant ants live in vast subterranean hives tunneled through soil and
weapons even stone. A hive can hold as many as 100 ants, in a
Move: 4 (8 when flying) worker-to-warrior ratio of 1:5. The poison of a warrior ant does 2d6
Alignment: Lawful points of damage if a saving throw is failed, 1d6 points of damage
HDE/XP: 11/1700 if the saving throw succeeds.

The least powerful of all angels, messenger angels appear as Ants, Giant (Queen)
beautiful androgynous humans with a single pair of peacock wings
Armor Class: [16]
dressed in flowing robes and surrounded by a halo of light.
Hit Dice: 10
They have 50% magic resistance immune and are immune to
Attacks: Bite (1d6)
non-magical weapons.
Special: None
A Messenger Angel can cast spells and Turn undead as a 7th level
Move: 1
Cleric, and if forced to fight materializes a flaming sword.


Alignment: Neutral Basilisks are great lizards whose gaze turns to stone anyone
HDE/XP: 8/800 meeting its eye (one way of resolving this: fighting without looking
incurs a -4 penalty to-hit). If the basilisk’s own gaze is reflected
Giant ants live in vast subterranean hives tunneled through soil and back at it, it has a 10% chance to force the basilisk into a saving
even stone. The queen of a giant ant colony is larger, tougher, and throw against being turned to stone itself.
slower than the average giant ant.
Bat Monster
B Armor Class: [13]
Badgers, Giant Hit Dice: 8
Armor Class: [15] Attacks: Bite (2d8), claws (1d6)
Hit Dice: 3 Special: None
Attacks: 2 claws (1d3), bite (1d6) Move: 1/6 (when flying)
Special: None Alignment: Neutral
Move: 2 HDE/XP: 9/1,100
Alignment: Neutral
HDE/XP: 3/120 These creatures attack with claws as well as a bite. They are twice
the size of a man, with a tremendous wingspan. Fearful peasants
These subterranean predators are the size of a full-grown human, might even mistake them for small dragons when they fly by at
and quite aggressive when defending their territory. night.

Banshees Bear, Black

Armor Class: [20] Armor Class: [12]
Hit Dice: 7 Hit Dice: 4+1
Attacks: claw (1d6) Attacks: 2 claws (1d3), bite (1d6)
Special: See Below Special: Bear hug
Move: 4 Move: 3
Alignment: Chaotic Alignment: Neutral
HDE/XP: 11/1700 HDE/XP: 4/120

Banshees are horrid fey (or undead) creatures that live in swamps If a black bear hits with both claws, it hugs for an additional
and other desolate places. They can only be harmed by magical or 1d6 hit points of damage.
silver weapons. Banshees have a 49% resistance to magic, and they
are immune to enchantments. Their shriek (once per day)
necessitates a saving throw versus death or the hearer will die in Beetles, Giant Fire
2d6 rounds. They can travel over water and other terrain as if it Armor Class: [15]
were land, but crossing running water causes it to lose its magic Hit Dice: 1+3
resistance for 3d6 hours. They look like gaunt humans with long, Attacks: bite (1d4+2)
stringy hair and glowing yellow eyes. They often wear hooded Special: None
cloaks. At the Referee’s discretion, such creatures might be undead Move: 4
rather than faerie-folk, and are considered Type 9 undead for Alignment: Neutral
turning purposes. HDE/XP: 1/15

Basilisks A giant fire beetle’s oily light-glands glow reddishly, and continue
Armor Class: [15] to give off light for 1d6 days after they are removed (shedding light
Hit Dice: 6 in a 10 ft radius).
Attacks: bite (2d6)
Special: Petrifying gaze Black Puddings
Move: 4 Armor Class: [13]
Alignment: Neutral Hit Dice: 10
HDE/XP: 8/800 Attacks: strike (3d8)
Special: Acidic
Move: 2


Alignment: Neutral C
HDE/XP: 11/1700 Centaurs
Armor Class: [14] – leather [12]
Black puddings are amorphous globs with an acidic surface. They Hit Dice: 4
are subterranean predators and scavengers. Any weapon or armor Attacks: 2 kicks (1d6) or weapon (+2 for strength)
contacting a black pudding will be eaten away by the acid as Special: None
follows: weapon (1 hit by weapon), chainmail or lesser armor (1 hit Move: 6
by pudding), plate mail (2 hits by pudding). If a weapon or armor is Alignment: Neutral
magical, it can take an additional hit per +1 before being dissolved. HDE/XP: 5/240
They are immune to cold, and divide when attacked by lightning.
Half man, half horse, centaurs are fierce warriors and well-known
Blink Dogs creatures of mythology. The Referee may choose any “version” of
Armor Class: [14] the centaur from myth or folklore for his campaign: some are evil,
Hit Dice: 6 some aloof, and some are soothsayers.
Attacks: bite (1d6)
Special: Teleport Centipedes, Giant
Move: 4 Listings are for: small, medium, and large
Alignment: Lawful Armor Class: [10], [14], [20]
HDE/XP: 4/240 Hit Dice: (1d2 HP), 2, 4
Attacks: bite: 0, 1d8, 2d8
Blink dogs are pack hunters, intelligent and usually friendly to Special: Poison (save): +4, +6, +4
those who are not of evil intent. They can teleport short distances Move: 4,5,6
(without error) and attack in the same turn—in most cases (75%) a Alignment: Neutral
blink dog will be able to teleport behind an opponent and attack HDE/XP: 2/30, 4/240, 6/400
from the rear (with bonuses).
Small: Giant lethal centipedes of the small size inflict a lethal
Boars, Wild amount of poison with a +4 modifier to opponent’s saving throw,
Armor Class: [12] but inflict no damage if the saving throw is successful.
Hit Dice: 3+3
Attacks: gore (3d4) Medium: This man-sized giant centipede is a deadly predator with
Special: Continues attacking 2 rounds after death armored segments, a deadly bite, and a lethal (though relatively
Move: 5 weak) poison.
Alignment: Neutral
HDE/XP: 4/240 Large: A twenty-foot long horror of chitin, multiple legs, and
clashing pincers dripping with venom.
Boars continue to attack for two rounds after they are actually
killed before they drop dead. These stats might also be used for Chimera
your “blue tusken-hogs of the Ymar Plains” or whatever’s Listings are for: goat, lion, dragon
appropriate for your campaign. Armor Class: [13], [14], [17]
Hit Dice: 9
Bugbears Attacks: 2 claws (1d3), 2 goat horns (1d4), 1 lion bite
Armor Class: [14]- Ring mail and shield [10] (2d4), and 1 dragon bite (3d4)
Hit Dice: 3+1 Special: Breathes fire, flies
Attacks: weapon (+1 for strength) Move: 3 (6 when flying)
Special: Surprise opponents (+1), darkvision Alignment: Chaotic
Move: 3 (4 unarmored) HDE/XP: 11/1700
Alignment: Chaotic
HDE/XP: 3/120 The chimera has three heads; one is the head of a goat, one the head
of a lion, and one the head of a dragon. Great wings rise from its
These large, hairy, goblin-like humanoids are stealthier than their lion-like body. The dragon head can breathe fire (3 times per day)
size would suggest, almost always getting the chance to surprise with a range of 50 ft, causing 3d6 damage to anyone caught within
even alert opponents rolling their surprise check at +1. the fiery blast (saving throw for half damage).


the whip can be used to reach great distances—on a successful hit

Cockatrices the victim is pulled close to the baalrog and burned by the fires of
Armor Class: [13] the demon’s body (3d6 hit points). Baalrogs are sometimes referred
Hit Dice: 5 to in ancient texts as Balor or Baalor, which may be the name of a
Attacks: bite (1d3+special) single demon rather than a term for all of them. A baalrog could be
Special: Bite turns bitten into stone forced or tricked into the service of a powerful wizard, but the risk
Move: 2 (6 when flying) would be immense.
Alignment: Neutral
HDE/XP: 7/600 Demon, Lemure
Armor Class: [17]
Resembles a bat-winged rooster with a long, serpentine tail. Its bite Hit Dice: 3
turns enemies to stone unless a successful saving throw is made. Attacks: claw (1d3)
Special: Regenerate (1 HP/round), darkvision
Crocodile Move: 1
Armor Class: [15] Alignment: Chaotic
Hit Dice: 3 HDE/XP: 4/120
Attacks: bite (1d6)
Special: None Lemures are vaguely humanoid, but their flesh is mud-like, shifting
Move: 2 (4 when swimming) and soft upon their horrible bodies. Like manes and wretches,
Alignment: Neutral lemures are lower forms of demons, the fleshly manifestations of
HDE/XP: 3/60 damned souls. These demons can only be permanently destroyed by
sprinkling their disgusting bodies with holy water.
Some normal crocodiles are man-eaters; all are dangerous and can
conceal themselves well. Demon, Quasit
Armor Class: [17]
D Hit Dice: 3
Demons Attacks: 2 claws (1d2 + non-lethal poison), 1 bite (1d3)
Special: Regenerate (1 HP/round), poison, magic
Demons are creatures of the lower planes of existence, but they are
resistance, magic
occasionally encountered in places where they have been enslaved
Move: 3
to serve as guardians by powerful Magic-users or Chaotic priests.
Alignment: Chaotic
The more intelligent varieties might also be interrupted while
HDE/XP: 7/600
carrying out plots of their own. There is no meaningful game
distinction between demons and devils; all are creatures of the
Quasits are demon familiars, much like imps but without wings and
lower planes.
with a less human-like shape. A quasit can polymorph into two
other forms (commonly a giant centipede and a bat). These demons
Demon, Baalrogs
are 25% resistant to magic, regenerate at 1hp per round, can
Armor Class: [17]
become invisible at will, and once per day can cast a Fear spell.
Hit Dice: 9
Their claws are laden with poison that reduces an opponent’s
Attacks: sword (1d10+2) and whip
dexterity by 1 point (saving throw applies, lasts for 2d6 rounds).
Special: See Below, darkvision, immune to non-magical
Move: 2 (5 when flying)
Alignment: Chaotic Armor Class: [15]
HDE/XP: 10/1400 Hit Dice: 7+3
Attacks: fist (1d6) or weapon (1d10)
The Baalrog’s name means, roughly, the Bull of Baal: the Special: Flight, magic, whirlwind
Baal-aurochs (the aurochs was a bull that stood twelve feet tall at Move: 3 (8 when flying)
the shoulder, and Baal is an ancient and evil pagan deity). These Alignment: Neutral
powerful demons somewhat resemble vast minotaurs with great, HDE/XP: 9/1100
spreading bat-wings; they burn with the fires of hell and are
wreathed in flame. They are 75% immune to all spells and to Djinn are one of the genies of folklore, creatures of the air (and
non-magical weapons. In combat, a baalrog uses whip and sword; possibly of the elemental planes). They can carry 700 pounds of


weight, and have a number of magical powers. A djinni can create  Old: 5 hit points per hit die, 5 hit points per die inflicted
food and water of high quality, as well as wooden and cloth objects. by breath weapon.
They can also create objects of metal (including coins), but all such  Very Old (100+ years old): 6 hit points per hit die, 6 hit
magically created metals disappear in time. Djinn can call up points per die inflicted by breath weapon.
illusions, and although these are quite excellent they disappear  Aged (101-400 years old): 7 hit points per die; 7 hit
when touched. Djinni can turn themselves into gaseous form points per die inflicted by breath weapon.
(cannot attack or be attacked, can enter any area that is not airtight),  Ancient (401+ years old): 8 hit points per die; 8 hit points
and can become invisible at will. Finally, a djinni can turn itself per die inflicted by breath weapon.
into a whirlwind much like an air elemental, sweeping away any
creature with one or fewer hit dice (the diameter of the whirlwind is Note that dragons, while they are dangerous opponents, are not by
10 ft. More powerful types of djinn might be capable of granting any means invincible. In a medieval-type fantasy world, dragons
limited wishes or even true wishes. are a common problem rather than a godlike creature of legend—so
the statistics for dragons reflect a deadly but not mythical foe. The
Doppelgangers Referee is, of course, free to create stats for a more “mythical”
Armor Class: [14] conception of dragons. Since dice aren’t rolled for dragon hit
Hit Dice: 4 points, it is possible for a truly mythical dragon to have more
Attacks: claw (1d6) “numbers” per die than it’s actually possible to roll on a hit die.
Special: See Below, darkvision Breath weapons come in three different types:
Move: 3 1. A cloud-shape for gaseous exhalations.
Alignment: Chaotic 2. A cone shape for fiery-type breath.
HDE/XP: 5/240 3. A line for spitting dragons. The dimensions of a dragon’s
breath differ according to the dragon’s type.
A doppelganger can change its form to resemble the physical
appearance (including clothing and gear) of any person. These Dragon, Black
creatures are immune to sleep and charm, and are considered magic Armor Class: [17]
resistant for purposes such as breaking through wizard locks and Hit Dice: 6–8
similar spells. They have a very good saving throw (+5) against Attacks: bite (3d6), 2 claws (1d4) , or tail (1d4)
magic of all kinds. Special: Spits acid
Move: 4 (8 when flying)
Dragons Alignment: Chaotic
All dragons have a breath weapon of some kind, which can be used HDE/XP: 8/800, 9/1100, 10/1400
three times in a day. The Referee chooses when a dragon will use
the breath weapon, or may roll a 50% chance in any given round. Black dragons spit a deadly, corrosive acid rather than breathing
All dragons have darkvision with a 120 feet range and can spot the fire. The acid covers everything in a line 5 ft wide and 60 ft long.
presence of invisible beings within 120 by smell.
Creatures with than 3 levels or Hit Dice in sight of a dragon must Dragon, Blue
make a Saving Throw modified by wisdom or flee for 3d6 rounds. Armor Class: [17]
If cornered these creatures will fight with a -1 modifier to all attack Hit Dice: 8–10
rolls. Attacks: bite (3d6), 2 claws (1d6) , or tail (1d6)
Do not roll hit points for dragons as normal. Instead, determine the Special: Spits lightning
age category of the dragon, and that will tell you both the dragon’s Move: 4 (8 when flying)
hit points per die and how many points of damage per hit die the Alignment: Chaotic
dragon’s breath inflicts: HDE/XP: 10/1400, 11/1700, 12/2000

 Very young dragon: 1 hit point per hit die, 1 hit point per Blue dragons spit a blast of electric lightning in a line 5 ft wide and
die inflicted by breath weapon. 100 ft long, affecting everything in its path. A saving throw
 Young: 2 hit points per hit die, 2 hit points per die indicates half damage.
inflicted by breath weapon.
 Immature: 3 hit points per hit die, 3 hit points per die
inflicted by breath weapon.
 Adult: 4 hit points per hit die, 4 hit points per die inflicted
by breath weapon.


Dragon, Gold They breathe a cone of intensely cold air and frost, with a length of
Armor Class: [17] 70 ft and a base of 30 ft.
Hit Dice: 10–12
Attacks: bite (2d10), 2 claws (1d8) , or tail (1d6) Dryads
Special: Breathes poisonous gas or fire Armor Class: [10]
Move: 4 (8 when flying) Hit Dice: 2
Alignment: Lawful Attacks: wooden dagger (1d3)
HDE/XP: 12/2000, 13/2300, 14/2600 Special: Charm Person
Move: 4
Gold dragons are of lawful nature, can always speak, and cast Alignment: Neutral
spells as if they were a Magic-user of equal level to hp per die of HDE/XP: 3/60
their age category (so that very old Gold Dragons are 6th level
Magic-users). They can choose to either breathe fire in a cone 90 ft Dryads are beautiful female tree spirits, and do not venture far from
long and roughly 30 ft wide at the base, or breathe chlorine gas in a their home trees. They can cast (as a native magical power) a strong
cloud 50 ft long, 40 ft wide, and 30 ft high. charm that operates as a charm person spell with a -2 saving throw.
Those who are charmed seldom return, or might be kept for a
Dragon, Green hundred years and a day within the dryad’s tree.
Armor Class: [17]
Hit Dice: 7–9 Dwarfs
Attacks: bite (2d10), 2 claws (1d6) , or tail (1d6) Armor Class: [15] – Chain mail and shield [10]
Special: Breathes poisonous gas Hit Dice: 1+1
Move: 4 (8 when flying) Attacks: By weapon
Alignment: Chaotic Special: Stonework insight, darkvision and hardiness
HDE/XP: 9/1100, 10/1400, 11/1700 Move: 2 (3 unarmored)
Alignment: Any (usually Neutral or Lawful)
Green dragons breathe a cloud of poisonous gas, 50 ft in diameter. HDE/XP: 1/15
A successful saving throw indicates half damage.
Dwarfs have 60 feet darkvision and receive a +2 bonus to Saving
Dragon, Red Throws versus magic, poison and disease.
Armor Class: [17] The above abilities are those of standard dwarf warrior, dwarf
Hit Dice: 9–11 leaders are usually high level Fighters or Clerics.
Attacks: bite (3d10), 2 claws (1d8) , or tail (1d6)
Special: Breathes fire
Move: 4 (8 when flying) E
Alignment: Chaotic Efreet
HDE/XP: 11/1700, 12/2000, 13/2300 Armor Class: [17]
Hit Dice: 10
Red dragons are the fire-breathing wyrms of legend. They breathe Attacks: fist (1d6) or sword (1d10)
fire in a cone-shape 90 ft long and roughly 30 ft wide at the base. Special: Wall of Fire
Move: 3 (8 when flying)
Dragon, White Alignment: Chaotic
Armor Class: [17] HDE/XP: 12/2000
Hit Dice: 5–7
Attacks: bite (2d8), 2 claws (1d4) , or tail (1d4) Efreet are a type of genie, associated with fire (unlike the djinn,
Special: Breathes cold who have powers over the air). Efreet can carry up to a thousand
Move: 4 (8 when flying) pounds of weight, and under the right circumstances they can be
Alignment: Neutral forced to serve as a slave (until they figure out how to free
HDE/XP: 7/600, 8/800, 9/1100 themselves). An efreeti can cast Wall of Fire (per the spell Wall of
Defense I). They appear as giant humans with cruel features, their
White dragons are usually found in cold regions, where they can skin flickering with flames.
camouflage themselves in ice and snow, lying in wait for prey.


Elementals Elemental, Water

Elementals are living manifestations of the basic forms of matter; Armor Class: [17]
earth, air, fire, and water. They are usually summoned from their Hit Dice: 8, 12, 16
native planes of existence to do the bidding of a powerful wizard. Attacks: strike (3d6)
These beings can also be “chained” within objects or structures to Special: Can overturn ships
give the objects magical properties. Elementals are barely Move: 2 (6 when swimming)
intelligent at all, but they are as powerful as the forces of nature Alignment: Neutral
that they actually are. HDE/XP: 9/1100, 13/2300, 17/3400

Elemental, Air Water elementals cannot move more than 60 ft from a large body of
Armor Class: [17] water, and their damage is reduced by 1d6 if the opponent is not
Hit Dice: 8, 12, 16 standing in water (or swimming, etc). These powerful beings can
Attacks: strike (2d8) overturn small boats, and can overturn a ship if given 1d4+4
Special: Whirlwind minutes to work at it. On water, they can attack ships, battering
Move: 12 (Flight) them to pieces within one hour if not prevented or distracted.
Alignment: Neutral
HDE/XP: 9/1100, 13/2300, 17/3400 Elves
Armor Class: [14] -Leather and shield [11]
Air elementals can turn into a whirlwind of air with a diameter of Hit Dice: 1
30 ft, hurling any creature of 1 HD or less for great distances Attacks: sword or longbow
(almost certainly killing them). Elemental whirlwinds are Special: Darkvision, turn animal, fey, alert
approximately 100 ft high. Move: 4
Alignment: Any (usually Neutral or Chaotic)
Elemental, Earth HDE/XP: 1/15
Armor Class: [17]
Hit Dice: 8, 12, 16 The example above is for a typical elf warrior; elven leaders are
Attacks: fist (3d6) usually high level druids.
Special: Tear down stone All Elves have 60 feet darkvision, can use the Animal Friendship
Move: 2 special ability of Druids at level 1 and are surprised only 1 time out
Alignment: Neutral of 6.
HDE/XP: 9/1100, 13/2300, 17/3400 Furthermore elves are immune to Charm person and Sleep spells
plus the paralyzing effects induced by a ghoul's touch.
Earth elementals are hulking man-shapes of rock and earth. They
batter opponents with their great fists, although damage is reduced Ettercap
by 1d6 if the opponent is not standing upon earth or rock. Earth Armor Class: [13]
elementals can tear apart stone structures, able to rip down even a Hit Dice: 5
castle wall in a matter of 1d4+4 minutes. Attacks: 2 claws (1d3) or bite (1d6+poison)
Special: Poison, traps, web
Elemental, Fire Move: 4
Armor Class: [17] Alignment: Chaotic
Hit Dice: 8, 12, 16 HDE/XP: 6/400
Attacks: strike (2d6)
Special: Ignite materials Ettercaps are a strange race of spindly, long-armed bipeds about
Move: 4 seven feet tall. They have spider-like spinnerets, and are often
Alignment: Neutral found in the company of giant spiders. Ettercaps are flesh-eating
HDE/XP: 9/1100, 13/2300, 17/3400 predators who use their spinnerets to create traps of various kinds
such as web-filled pits or deadfall traps with silken ropes.
Fire elementals are formless masses of flame, perhaps with a
vaguely human shape. Their attacks cause flammable materials to
ignite if the material fails a saving throw (as determined by the


G Giants
Gargoyles Giants are a staple of fantasy gaming, huge and dangerous creatures
Armor Class: [14] that often have a taste for human flesh. Most are not particularly
Hit Dice: 4+4 intelligent.
Attacks: 2 claws (1d3), 1 bite (1d4), 1 horn (1d6)
Special: Flight, darkvision Giant, Cloud
Move: 3 (5 when flying) Armor Class: [17] – plate mail [11]
Alignment: Chaotic Hit Dice: 13
HDE/XP: 6/400 Attacks: weapon (6d6) or fist (1d6)
Special: Hurl boulders
Gargoyles are winged creatures resembling the carven Move: 5 (7 unarmored)
monstrosities that bedeck the walls of cathedrals and many Alignment: Neutral
subterranean dungeons. They can be vicious predators. HDE/XP: 13/2300

Gelatinous Cubes Cloud giants are cunning beasts, often living in cloud-castles in the
Armor Class: [11] sky (hence their name). They throw rocks for 5d6 hit points of
Hit Dice: 4 damage. Cloud giants are famous for their ability to smell out food,
Attacks: attack (2d4) enemies, and Englishmen.
Special: Paralysis, lighting and cold immunity
Move: 2 Giant, Fire
Alignment: Neutral Armor Class: [16] – splinted armor [11]
HDE/XP: 5/240 Hit Dice: 12
Attacks: weapon (5d6) or fist (1d6)
Gelatinous cubes are semi-transparent cubes that slosh through Special: Hurl boulders, immune to fire
subterranean passages, engulfing debris and carrion to digest. Their Move: 4 (6 unarmored)
entire substance is acidic: if the cube hits successfully, the victim Alignment: Chaotic
must make a saving throw or become paralyzed (6 turns) for the HDE/XP: 12/2000
cube to devour. Most gelatinous cubes contain various metallic
treasures or gems that they have engulfed but not yet digested. Fire giants are usually found near volcanic mountains, in great
castles of basalt or even iron. They throw boulders for 4d6 hit
Ghouls points.
Armor Class: [13]
Hit Dice: 2 Giant, Frost
Attacks: 2 claws (1d3), bite (1d4) Armor Class: [15] – chain mail [11]
Special: Immunities, paralysis, darkvision Hit Dice: 11
Move: 3 Attacks: weapon (4d6) or fist (1d6)
Alignment: Chaotic Special: Hurl boulders, immune to cold
HDE/XP: 3/60 Move: 4 (5 unarmored)
Alignment: Chaotic
Ghouls are pack-hunting undead, corpse eaters. They are immune, HDE/XP: 12/2000
like most undead, to charms and sleep spells. The most dangerous
feature of these horrid, cunning creatures is their paralyzing touch: Frost giants dwell in cold regions, where they build (or conquer)
any hit from a ghoul requires a saving throw or the victim becomes castles in remote places of ice and snow. They throw boulders or
paralyzed for 3d6 turns. great chunks of ice for 4d6 points of damage.


Giant, Hill Gibbering mothers are amorphous blobs of flesh with

Armor Class: [15] – leather [13] multiple eyes and mouths appearing and disappearing from
Hit Dice: 8+2 the quivering mass of the body as it moves along. The
Attacks: weapon (2d8) or fist (1d4) mouths gibber and babble meaningless, speech-like noises;
Special: Hurl boulders the monster is perpetually accompanied by this disturbing and
Move: 4 inhuman sound except when it is waiting to ambush prey, in
Alignment: Chaotic which case the eyes and mouths are all kept closed, and the
HDE/XP: 9/1100 monster appears to be nothing more than an oozy pile of
earth. When the mouther spots prey, it begins gibbering
Hill giants are the least of the giant races; most are brutish loudly, causing anyone within 60ft to make a saving throw or
cave-dwellers who dress in pelts and uncured hides. They throw become confused (per the spell). Each round spent listening
rocks for 2d8 points of damage. to the mouther requires another saving throw. In any given
round, the mouther will have six mouths available either to
Giant, Stone spit or to bite. The creature’s spittle flashes brightly upon
Armor Class: [20] impact with most surfaces, causing anyone nearby to make a
Hit Dice: 9+3 saving throw or be blinded for one round. The mouther’s
Attacks: club (3d6) or fist (1d6) bites are not particularly deadly in and of themselves, but
Special: Hurl boulders once a mouth hits it fastens on and continues to do automatic
Move: 4 damage thereafter. Also, if a character has 3 or more mouths
Alignment: Neutral fastened to him, there is a risk of slipping and being covered
HDE/XP: 10/1400 by the mouther (which allows the mouther to attack with 12
additional mouths on its underside). The chance of slipping is
Stone giants dwell in caves, isolated in the mountain fastnesses. 5%, and if more than 3 mouths are attached the chance
They throw rocks for 3d6 points of damage, and can be quite crafty increases by 5% per additional mouth. The ground around a
in setting up ambushes in their native mountains—travelers who gibbering mouther, in a radius of 5ft, will be soft and
wander into the territory of stone giants seldom return. mud-like, for the mouther changes the consistency of the
ground beneath itself.
Giant, Storm
Armor Class: [18] – plate mail [12] Gnolls
Hit Dice: 16 Armor Class: [14] -ring mail and shield [10]
Attacks: weapon (7d6) or fist (1d6) Hit Dice: 2
Special: Hurl boulders, control weather Attacks: bite (1d4) or weapon
Move: 5 (7 unarmored) Special: Darkvision, tracking scent
Alignment: Lawful Move: 3 (4 unarmored)
HDE/XP: 16/3200 Alignment: Chaotic
HDE/XP: 2/30
Storm giants are the largest of giants, the most intelligent, the most
magical, and the most likely to talk with humans rather than simply Gnolls are tall humanoids with hyena-like heads. They may be
devour them. Storm giants can live in underwater sea-castles as found both above ground and in subterranean caverns. They form
well as on the heights of mountains. They throw boulders for 7d6 into loosely organized clans, often ranging far from home to steal
points of damage, and have the power to control weather (as per the and kill with rapacious ferocity.
Gibbering mouther Armor Class: [12] -leather armor [10]
Armor Class: [18] Hit Dice: 1
Hit Dice: 4+4 Attacks: weapon (1d6)
Attacks: 6 bites (1 point) Special: Illusionism, stealthy
Special: Gibbering, spit, pull prey underneath. Move: 3
Move: 1 Alignment: Neutral
Alignment: Neutral HDE/XP: 1/15
HDE/XP: 6/400


Gnomes are small rural humanoids. Gnomes are natural illusionists Iron golems are huge moving statues of iron. They can breathe a 10
gaining a +2 bonus to saving Throws against illusion magic and ft radius cloud of poison gas as well as attacking with great power.
powers. All gnomes can cast once per day Audible Glamer and Weapons of +2 or less do not affect them. These hulking statues are
Dancing Lights as first level magic-users, also gnomes roll for slowed by lightning spells, but fire-based spells actually restore hit
surprise at +1. points to them. No other type of spell affects them.

Goblins Golem, Stone

Armor Class: [12] -padded and shield [10] Armor Class: [14]
Hit Dice: 1d6 hit points Hit Dice: 16
Attacks: weapon (1d6) Attacks: fist (3d8)
Special: -1 “to-hit” in sunlight, darkvision Special: See Below
Move: 3 Move: 2
Alignment: Chaotic Alignment: Neutral
HDE/XP: < 1/10 HDE/XP: 16/3200

Goblins are small creatures (4 ft tall or so) that inhabit dark woods, Stone golems are massive stone statues animated by very powerful
underground caverns, and (possibly) the otherworldly realms of the magics (much more than just animate object, in other words). They
fey. They attack at -1 in the full sunlight and are gifted with 90 feet are slowed by fire spells, and damaged/healed by rock to mud
darkvision. spells and the reverse. Spells that affect rock (and fire spells) are
the only magic that affects them. They can only be hit by +2 or
Golems better weapons.
Golems are man-shaped creatures built to serve their masters,
usually powerful wizards or high priests. They are often used as Gorgons
guardians. Golems cannot be hit with non-magical weapons, and Armor Class: [17]
are immune to the sorts of spells used to create them (iron golems Hit Dice: 8
being immune to fire, for instance). You can find the details in the Attacks: gore (2d6)
specific monster descriptions. Special: Breath turns to stone
Move: 4
Golem, Flesh Alignment: Neutral
Armor Class: [10] HDE/XP: 10/1400
Hit Dice: 12
Attacks: fist (2d8) Gorgons are bull-like creatures with dragon-like scales. Their
Special: See Below breath turns people to stone (60 ft range, saving throw applies).
Move: 3
Alignment: Neutral Grey Oozes
HDE/XP: 12/2000 Armor Class: [12]
Hit Dice: 3+3
A creation stitched together from human limbs and other parts, like Attacks: strike (2d6)
a Frankenstein monster. Damage inflicted by lightning heals the Special: Acid, immunities
golem, and it is slowed by fire and cold spells. No other type of Move: 1
spell than lightning, fire, or cold affects a flesh golem. Only +1 or Alignment: Neutral
better magic weapons can harm a flesh golem. HDE/XP: 5/240

Golem, Iron Grey ooze is almost identical to wet rock, but is a slimy, formless
Armor Class: [16] substance that devours prey and carrion with its acidic secretions,
Hit Dice: 13 lashing forward to strike enemies. Grey ooze is immune to spells,
Attacks: weapon or fist (4d10) heat, and cold damage. Metal (but not stone or wood) must make a
Special: See Below saving throw vs. acid when exposed to grey ooze (even if the
Move: 2 contact is as brief as the strike of a sword) or be rotted through.
Alignment: Neutral When the grey ooze hits a character in metal armor, the armor must
HDE/XP: 17/3500 make an item saving throw. Only cutting and piercing damages a
grey ooze—it is impervious to blunt or crushing attacks.


Hell hounds are fire-breathing dogs of the underworlds or lower

Green Slime planes. In addition to biting, they can breathe fire each round,
Green slime isn’t technically a monster, just an extremely inflicting 2 HP damage per hit die (10 ft range, saving throw for
dangerous hazard in underground tombs and other such places. Any half damage).
metal or organic substance it touches begins to turn to green slime
(saving throw). It can be killed with fire or extreme cold, and the Hippogriffs
transformation process can be arrested by the use of a Cure Disease Armor Class: [14]
spell. Hit Dice: 3+3
Attacks: 2 claws (1d6) plus 1 bite (1d10)
Griffons Special: Flight
Armor Class: [16] Move: 4 (9 when flying)
Hit Dice: 7 Alignment: Neutral
Attacks: 2 claws (1d4) plus 1 bite (2d8) HDE/XP: 3/60
Special: Flight
Move: 4 (9 when flying) The hippogriff is similar to a griffon, having the head, foreclaws,
Alignment: Neutral and wings of an eagle, but instead of the body of a lion, it has the
HDE/XP: 8/800 body of a horse. The poem Orlando Furioso (written in 1516)
suggests that the hippogriff is the offspring of a griffon and a horse
Griffons have the body of a lion, with the wings, head, and —but they are apparently an independent breed, for folkloric
fore-talons of an eagle. These creatures can be tamed and ridden as tradition holds that griffons frequently attack hippogriffs.
mounts. They usually nest in high mountain aeries, where they lay Hippogriffs are not as hard to train as griffons.
their eggs and hunt their prey. Because the fledglings can be tamed,
young griffons and griffon eggs command a very high price in the Hobgoblins
marketplaces of the great cities, or to barons and wizards. Armor Class: [14] – ring mail and shield [10]
Hit Dice: 1+1
Attacks: weapon
H Special: Darkvision
Harpies Move: 3 (4 unarmored)
Armor Class: [12] Alignment: Chaotic
Hit Dice: 3 HDE/XP: 1/15
Attacks: 2 talons (1d3) or weapon
Special: Flight, siren song Hobgoblins are simply large goblins, possibly a separate breed
Move: 2 (6 when flying) living apart from their smaller cousins. As a matter of the
Alignment: Chaotic campaign’s flavoring, the Referee might choose to make
HDE/XP: 4/120 hobgoblins the “fey” goblins of Irish legend, while regular goblins
are the more Tolkien-style underground-dwellers.
Harpies have the upper body of a human female and the lower body
and wings of a vulture. Their song is a charm that draws its victims Horses
to the harpy (saving throw applies), and the harpy’s touch casts the Horses are AC [12], riding horses have 2 HD while warhorses have
equivalent of a charm person spell (again, saving throw applies). 3 HD and 2 hoof attacks (1d4). Horses move at a speed of 6.

Hell Hounds Humans

Armor Class: [15] Humans are such a versatile race that any number of “monsters”
Hit Dice: 4–7 and NPCs can be made from them. Berserker warriors, tribesmen,
Attacks: bite (1d6) cavemen, princesses, chaotic high priests, captains of the guard,
Special: Breathes fire, darkvision foot-soldiers, and tavern-keepers are all different human
Move: 4 “monsters.”
Alignment: Chaotic Don’t try to build your non-player characters according to the rules
HDE/XP: 5/240, 6/400, 7/600, 8/800 for player characters. Here are some samples, otherwise just make
up their stats and abilities as you see fit.


Human, Bandit Human, Soldier

Armor Class: [12] – leather [10] Armor Class: [12] – leather [10]
Hit Dice: 1 Hit Dice: 1
Attacks: weapon Attacks: weapon
Special: None Special: None
Move: 4 Move: 4
Alignment: Neutral or Chaotic Alignment: Any
HDE/XP: 1/15 HDE/XP: 1/15

Bandits are roving groups of thieves, sometimes organized into Human soldiers serve as city guardsmen, mercenaries, and
small armies led by more powerful bandit chiefs and captains with men-at-arms. They are generally armed with leather armor and a
higher hit dice. mace, sword, or spear. For every five guardsmen there is usually a
Human, Commoner
Armor Class: [10] – None Hydrae
Hit Dice: 1d4 Hit Points Armor Class: [14]
Attacks: weapon Hit Dice: 5–12 (equals # of heads)
Special: None Attacks: 5–12 bites (1d6 each)
Move: 4 Special: None
Alignment: Neutral Move: 3
HDE/XP: <1/10 Alignment: Neutral
HDE/XP: 7/600, 8/800, 9/1100, 10/1400
Commoners are everyday people with jobs and families: farmers, 11/1700, 12/2000
blacksmiths, scribners...
Hydrae are great lizard-like or snake-like creatures with 5–12
Human, Berserker heads. Each head has one hit die of its own, and when the head is
Armor Class: [12] – leather [10] killed, that head dies. The body has as many hit dice as the total of
Hit Dice: 1+2 the heads, so it is a matter of good strategy for adventurers to focus
Attacks: weapon either on killing heads (when all the heads are dead the body dies)
Special: Berserking or killing the creature by attacking the body (in which case the
Move: 4 heads die, too). Hydrae that breathe fire or regenerate their heads
Alignment: Neutral are also known to exist.
HDE/XP: 2/30

Berserkers are normal humans, but they fight with astounding I

ferocity. A bonus of +2 is added to their attack rolls. They do not Invisible Stalkers
wear armor heavier than leather armor. Armor Class: [16]
Hit Dice: 8
Human, Sergeant-at-Arms Attacks: bite (4d4)
Armor Class: [14] – ring mail and shield [10] Special: Invisible, flight
Hit Dice: 3 Move: 4
Attacks: weapon Alignment: Neutral
Special: None HDE/XP: 9/1100
Move: 3 (4 unarmored)
Alignment: Any Invisible stalkers are magical servants summoned by powerful
HDE/XP: 3/60 Magic-users. They are invisible flying beings created to follow a
single command made by the caster.
Human sergeants are normally found in command of 1d6+5 human
soldiers. These are the leaders of city guard units and other small
military groups in castles and armies.


K —far faster and agile than the male lion. Lionesses often coordinate
Kobolds with others in their pride to bring down prey.
Armor Class: [13] – leather and shield [10]
Hit Dice: 1d4 hit points Lizardmen
Attacks: weapon (1d6-1) Armor Class: [14] – leather [12]
Special: Darkvision Hit Dice: 2+1
Move: 2 Attacks: 2 claws (1d3) or 1 bite (1d6) or 1 weapon
Alignment: Chaotic Special: Underwater
HDE/XP: < 1/10 Move: 2 (4 when swimming)
Alignment: Neutral
Kobolds are subterranean, vaguely goblin-like humanoids. They HDE/XP: 2/30
have a -1 penalty when fighting above ground. Many use slings or
short bows, and they fight with short swords or spiked clubs in Lizardmen are reptilian humanoids, usually living in tribal villages
melee combat. in the depths of fetid swamps. Some can hold their breath for long
durations (an hour or more), while other can actually breathe
L Some lizardmen wield a wicked sword made of sharp bone.
Armor Class: [20] Lycanthropes
Hit Dice: 12–18 Lycanthropes are were-creatures, particularly those in whom the
Attacks: touch (1d6+paralysis) disease permits assumption of a hybrid form of the human and
Special: See Below, darkvision animal. They can be hit by normal weapons, but silver weapons
Move: 2 might inflict additional damage. If any character is brought low
Alignment: Chaotic 50% hit points by a lycanthrope, the character will become a
HDE/XP: 15/2900. 16/3200, 17/3500, lycanthrope himself.
18/3800, 19/4100, 20/4400,
21/4700 Lycanthrope, Werebear
Armor Class: [17]
Liches are the undead remnants of wizards, either made undead by Hit Dice: 7+3
their own deliberate acts during life, or as the result of other Attacks: bite (2d4) plus 2 claws (1d3)
magical forces (possibly including their own magics gone awry). A Special: Lycanthropy
liche has the same spell-casting powers as the original Magic-user Move: 3
(the same level as the liche’s hit dice). A liche’s touch causes Alignment: Lawful
paralysis with no saving throw, and the very sight of one of these HDE/XP: 8/800
dread creatures causes paralysis in any being of 4 HD or below.
Liches are highly malign and intelligent. Werebears are mostly found in wilderness areas.

Lions Lycanthrope, Wererat

Armor Class: [13]
Armor Class: [13]
Hit Dice: 3
Hit Dice: 5+2
Attacks: bite (1d3) or weapon (1d6)
Attacks: 2 claws (1d4), 1 bite (1d8)
Special: Lycanthropy, control rats
Special: None
Move: 4
Move: 4
Alignment: Chaotic
Alignment: Neutral
HDE/XP: 4/120
HDE/XP: 5/240

Wererats are mostly found in cities, lurking in shadowy alleyways.

Male lions are noticeably larger than their female counterparts, and
Wererats can control rats, and are extremely stealthy (surprising
easily identified by their manes. They are usually solitary beasts,
opponents on 1–4 on a d6).
found leading a pride only in their prime. The lioness, while
smaller and having an AC of [12], is an indisputably skillful hunter


Lycanthrope, Werewolf Mind Eaters

Armor Class: [14] Armor Class: [15]
Hit Dice: 3 Hit Dice: 8
Attacks: bite (2d4) Attacks: 4 tentacles (2hp) or weapon
Special: Lycanthropy, control rats Special: Magic resistance (90%), Mind blast, mental
Move: 4 powers, eat brains
Alignment: Chaotic Move: 4
HDE/XP: 4/120 Alignment: Chaotic
HDE/XP: 12/2000
Werewolves are the traditional Lycanthropes seen in horror movies.
They are often only affected by silver or magical weapons, often Mind eaters are a deep-dwelling, chthonic race of ancient and very
are humanoid except for during a full moon, and so on. evil beings. They have a tentacled, cephalopodic head upon a tall
but human-like body coated in protective slime. This race
considers all other intelligent races as nothing more than a source
M of slaves and of the mind eaters’ food source – brains. Mind eaters
Manticores attack with their four face-tentacles. If even one of these hits, it
Armor Class: [15] worms its way toward the victim’s brain, yanking it forth from the
Hit Dice: 6+4 skull in 1d6-1 rounds. In addition, the mind eater uses a powerful
Attacks: 1d6 tailspikes (1d6 damage each) mental blast, a 60ft cone 5ft wide at the point of emanation and 20ft
Special: Flight wide at the end. This power can be used once per day (see effects
Move: 4 (3 when swimming) below). Mind eaters have magic resistance of 90%, and their
Alignment: Chaotic mental powers allow them to evoke the effects of the following
HDE/XP: 8/800 spells: Levitate, Charm Monster, Detect Thoughts, and Astral Spell.

A horrid monster with bat wings, the face of a feral human, the Effect of Mental Blast:
body of a lion, and a tail tipped with 24 iron spikes. The manticore 1-2 creatures in area: Natural 1 on saving throw = death,
can hurl up to 6 of the iron spikes from its tail per round, at a Failed save = stunned 3d6 turns, Successful save = panic for
maximum range of 180 ft. 1d10 rounds.
3-4 creatures in area: Natural 1 on saving throw = stunned 3d6
Medusa turns, Failed save = panic for 3d6 turns, Successful save =
Armor Class: [14] confused for 1d10 rounds.
Hit Dice: 6 5+ creatures in area: Natural 1 on saving throw = panicked for
Attacks: weapon 3d6 turns, Failed save = confused for 1d6 turns, Successful
Special: Petrifying gaze save = confused for 1d6 rounds.
Move: 3
Alignment: Chaotic Minotaurs
HDE/XP: 8/800 Armor Class: [13]
Hit Dice: 6+4
Medusae are horrid creatures from Greek mythology with a female Attacks: weapon (+2 for strength)
face but hair of writhing snakes; they have no legs, but the body of Special: Never lost in labyrinths, darkvision
a serpent. The gaze of a medusa turns anyone looking upon it into Move: 4
stone. In addition to the medusa’s relatively weak melee-weapon Alignment: Chaotic
attack, the snake-hair makes one attack per round, causing no HDE/XP: 6/400
damage but lethally poisonous with a successful hit (saving throw
applies). The minotaur is a man-eating predator from Greek mythology, with
the head of a bull and the body of a massive human, covered in
shaggy hair. Sometimes they wield large axes. Most are not
particularly intelligent.


Mummies Naga, Spirit

Armor Class: [16] Armor Class: [15]
Hit Dice: 6+4 Hit Dice: 9
Attacks: touch (1d6+special) Attacks: 1 bite (1d3 + poison)
Special: Rot, hit only by magic weapons Special: Poison, charm gaze, spells.
Move: 2 Move: 4
Alignment: Chaotic Alignment: Chaotic
HDE/XP: 13/2300
HDE/XP: 7/600
Spirit nagas are malicious, evil creatures. Their gaze has the effect
Mummies cannot be hit by normal weapons, and even magical of a charm person spell, their bite is poison, and they cast both
weapons inflict only half damage against them. Their touch also magic user spells (4/2/1) and cleric spells (2/1). Such nagas are
inflicts a rotting disease which prevents magical healing and causes from 10 to 20ft in length, and have a human head.
wounds to heal at one-tenth of the normal rate. A Cure Disease
spell can increase healing rate to half normal, but a Remove Curse
Naga, Water
spell is required to completely lift the mummy’s curse. Armor Class: [14]
Hit Dice: 7
Attacks: Bite (1d4 +poison)
N Special: Poison, spells
Nagas Move: 4 (Swim 6)
“Naga” is the Sanskrit word for dragon or snake. In Alignment: Neutral
mythology, the naga are benevolent and very powerful, HDE/XP: 10/1400
equivalent to Asian dragons. The nagas portrayed here are
more serpentine and less powerful; all have the body of a Water nagas might be of any alignment. They do not ordinarily
snake, although the head is not necessarily that of a serpent. have human heads, but like the guardian nagas they will have some
All kinds of interesting abilities could be added to physical attributes separating them clearly from normal serpents.
“customized” nagas, from breathing fire to moving in and out In the case of water nagas, this might be the color of the scales or
of strange planes of existence. the presence of flowing beard-like fins, perhaps. Water nagas are
from 10 to 15ft long. Water nagas cast magic-user spells (4/2/1).
Guardian Naga
Armor Class: [16] Night Hag
Hit Dice: 11 Armor Class: [11]
Attacks: 1 bite (1d6 + poison), 1 constrict (1d6+1), 1 Hit Dice: 8
spit (poison) Attacks: Bite (2d6)
Special: Poison, constriction, spells. Special: Magic, Magic resistance (65%), requires magic
Move: 6 weapons to hit
Alignment: Lawful Move: 3
HDE/XP: 13/2300 Alignment: Chaotic
HDE/XP: 11/1700
The largest and noblest of the naga, guardian nagas are from
20 to 25ft in length. They do not necessarily have a Night hags come from beyond the material plane: perhaps
human-like head, but some characteristic (a flowing mane of from the realms of dream, perhaps from the demonic pits of
hair, for instance) will immediately set their appearance apart the underworlds. These creatures prey upon the souls of those
from normal serpents. They can bite or spit with lethal who are Chaotic: they can cause enchanted sleep once against
poison, and if they hit with their coils they automatically such individuals (saving throw, affects up to 12 th level), or
cause 1d6+1 points of constriction damage per round visit the victim’s dreams nightly (no saving throw) to leech
thereafter. Guardian nagas cast clerical spells (2/2/1/1). away a point of constitution per night until the attribute
reaches 0 and the hag can steal away the soul. In combat,
night hags can magically weaken an opponent to half normal
strength (saving throw) three times per day; additionally, they
can use a spell that automatically inflicts 2d6 points of
damage against a single opponent. Both of these abilities
have a range of 100ft. A hag can also also become ethereal


and incorporeal at will, summon a demon ally once per day Ogres
(with only a 50% chance of success), and cannot be hit by Armor Class: [14] – leather [12]
non-magical weapons. They are highly resistant to magic, as Hit Dice: 4+1
well. Attacks: weapon (+2 for strength)
Special: Darkvision
Nightmare Move: 3
Armor Class: [23] Alignment: Chaotic
Hit Dice: 7 HDE/XP: 4/120
Attacks: Bite (1d8), 2 hooves (1d6)
Special: Become incorporeal, breath smoke Ogres are normally quite stupid, but more intelligent versions might
Move: 6 ( 12 flying) be encountered here and there. Sometimes Ogres are mistaken for
Alignment: Chaotic trolls.
HDE/XP: 10/1400
Ogre Mages
Nightmares are the steeds of night hags and other demons; black Armor Class: [15]
horses with flaming hoofs and mane. Their breath is a cloud of Hit Dice: 5+4
brimstone smoke, which causes any nearby opponent to attack at –2 Attacks: weapon (+2 for strength)
(saving throw). These horrible creatures can become incorporeal Special: Magic use, darkvision
and travel between the planes of existence bearing their chaotic Move: 4 (6 when flying)
riders. Alignment: Chaotic
HDE/XP: 7/600
Armor Class: [12] The ogre mage is an ogre with magic powers, based on Japanese
Hit Dice: 1d4 hit points legend. An ogre mage can fly, turn invisible (per the spell), create a
Attacks: Weapon (1d6) 10 ft radius circle of magical darkness, change into human form,
Special: Charm cast sleep and charm person once per day, and cast a cone of frost
Move: 2 (4 when swimming) with a range of 60 ft to a base of 30 ft, causing 8d6 damage to any
Alignment: Neutral caught within (saving throw applies). Western folklore also
HDE/XP: <1/10 contains many examples of shape-shifting, magical ogres (the most
famous example being the one in Puss-in-Boots), so there might be
Nixies are weak water fey creatures. One in ten of them has the many different interpretations of magical ogres whether or not they
power to cast a powerful Charm Person (-2 on saving throw) that are called “ogre mage.”
causes the victim to walk into the water and join the nixies as their
slave (1 year). Casting Dispel Magic against the curse has only a Orcs
75% chance of success, and once the victim is actually in the water Armor Class: [13] – leather and shield [10]
the chance drops to 25%. Nixies are ordinarily friendly, but they Hit Dice: 1
are capricious. Attacks: weapon
Special: Darkvision
Move: 4
Ochre Jelly Alignment: Chaotic
Armor Class: [11] HDE/XP: 1/15
Hit Dice: 6
Attacks: acid strike (3d4) Orcs are stupid, brutish humanoids that gather in tribes of hundreds.
Special: Lightning divides creature Most are subterranean dwellers, and fight with a penalty of -1 in
Move: 1 sunlight. Occasionally, war-bands or even entire tribes of orcs issue
Alignment: Neutral forth from their caverns to raid and pillage by night. Orcish leaders
HDE/XP: 6/400 are great brutes with additional hit dice, and magic-using shamans
may also be found in the larger tribes. Orcish tribes hate each other,
Ochre jellies are amorphous oozes that damage opponents with and will fight savagely unless restrained by a powerful and feared
their acidic surface. They dissolve any adventurers they kill, commander, such as a Chaotic high priest or a mystic sorcerer.
making a raise dead spell impossible.


Owlbears Pseudodragon
Armor Class: [14] Armor Class: [17]
Hit Dice: 5+1 Hit Dice: 2
Attacks: 2 claws (1d6), 1 bite (2d6) Attacks: bite (1d3) or tail sting (1d3+poison)
Special: Hugs for 2d8 damage on attack of 18+ Special: Poison sting, chameleon, Magic resistance
Move: 4 Move: 2 (8 flying)
Alignment: Neutral Alignment: Neutral
HDE/XP: 5/240 HDE/XP: 5/240

Owlbears have the body of a bear, but the beak of an owl (with Pseudo-dragons are tiny relatives of dragons or wyverns, less than
some feathers on the head and places on the body as well). On an 2ft long. Like wyverns, they have a tail stinger: the poison is not
attack roll of 18+ (natural roll), the owlbear grabs its victim and lethal in 75% of cases, but it induces catalepsy for 1d4 days (saving
hugs it for an additional 2d8 points of damage. throw). When they desire, pseudo-dragons can become almost
invisible (80% chance not to be seen). They are somewhat resistant
P to magic (25%), and this resistance extends to any human touching
Pegasus the creature (if the pseudo-dragon desires).
Armor Class: [13]
Hit Dice: 4 Purple Worms
Attacks: 2 hooves (1d6) Armor Class: [13]
Special: Flight Hit Dice: 15
Move: 8 (16 when flying) Attacks: bite (2d12) or sting (1d8)
Alignment: Lawful Special: Poison sting, swallow
HDE/XP: 4/120 Move: 3
Alignment: Neutral
Pegasus was the winged horse from Greek mythology. Other HDE/XP: 17/3500
Pegasus creatures might have bat wings, some might be Chaotic;
such choices are left to the Referee. Purple worms are massive annelids that grow 40 ft and more in
length, and sometimes exceed ten feet in width. They are
Pixie subterranean, chewing tunnels in rock (or through sand, in deserts,
Armor Class: [14] where they are a tan color). These beasts swallow their prey whole
Hit Dice: 1d4 hit points on a roll 4 higher than the needed number, or if the worm rolls
Attacks: 1 dagger (1d4), arrow or Magic double the number required to-hit. They can swallow anything the
Special: Magic size of a horse or smaller. In addition to the worm’s dreaded bite, it
Move: 2 (5 when flying) has a poison stinger on its tail, the length of a sword and just as
Alignment: Neutral deadly even from the piercing wound it inflicts. The poison injected
HDE/XP: 5/240 by the stinger is lethal if the victim fails a saving throw. What prey
the purple worms once hunted (or perhaps still do, in deep places)
Pixies are nasty, treacherous creatures of the fey, resembling tiny, with such natural weapons must have been terrifying indeed.
winged people. They attack with a +4 bonus to hit with arrows. A Aquatic versions of the purple worm might also exist.
pixie speeds each arrow on its way with a charm, which reduces
rate of fire to one arrow per round, but enchants the arrow in one of
three ways. A pixie arrow, at the pixie’s choice, (1) is enchanted R
with a +1 to hit and damage, for 1d4+1 points; (2) causes sleep for Rats, Giant
3d6 turns (saving throw); (3) causes total amnesia (saving throw). Armor Class: [12]
Pixies are magic resistant (25%), can polymorph themselves as Hit Dice: 1-1
many times per day as they desire, can become invisible at will, can Attacks: bite (1d3)
cast dancing lights at will, can dispel magic once per day, and can Special: 5% are diseased
cause permanent Confusion once per day with a successful hit Move: 4
(saving throw). Alignment: Neutral
HDE/XP: < 1/10


Giant rats are often found in dungeons, and are about the size of a 50% larger than the one described here. A sea serpent would
cat or a lynx. The bite of some (1 in 20) giant rats causes disease. A undoubtedly be capable of swallowing a human whole, probably on
saving throw vs. poison is allowed. The effects of the disease are a natural attack roll of no more than 14. A character swallowed
decided by the Referee. whole would be digested within, perhaps, three hours.

Rocs Shadows
Armor Class: [15] Armor Class: [12]
Hit Dice: 12 Hit Dice: 3+3
Attacks: Bite (3d12), 2 claws (3d6) Attacks: touch (1d4+strength drain)
Special: None Special: See Below, double range darkvision
Move: 1 (10 when flying) Move: 4
Alignment: Neutral Alignment: Chaotic
HDE/XP: 12/2000 HDE/XP: 4/130

Rocs are the mythological great birds of legend, large enough to Shadows may or may not be undead creatures: they are immune to
prey upon elephants. They can be trained as fledglings to serve as sleep and charm, but the Referee may decide whether they are
steeds, so roc eggs or fledglings would be a prize indeed, worth undead creatures subject to turning or whether they are some
great sums of gold. Rocs might grow as large as 18 HD, with horrible “other” thing, a manifestation perhaps, or a creature from
commensurately increased statistics. another dimension. Shadows are dark and resemble shadows,
though they may be darker. They are not corporeal, and can only be
harmed with magical weapons or by spells. Their chill touch drains
S one point of strength with a successful hit, and if a victim is
Salamanders brought to a strength of 0, he becomes a shadow. Strength points
Armor Class: [14], [16] return after 90 minutes (9 turns).
Hit Dice: 7
Attacks: constrict (2d8+1d6) or weapon Skeletons
Special: Heat, constrict Armor Class: [11], [12] with shield
Move: 3 Hit Dice: 1
Alignment: Chaotic Attacks: weapon or strike (1d4)
HDE/XP: 8/800 Special: Darkvision
Move: 4
Salamanders are intelligent creatures of the elemental planes of fire. Alignment: Neutral
They have the upper body of a human (AC [14]) and the lower HDE/XP: 1/15
body of a snake (AC [16]), and give off tremendous, intense heat.
The very touch of a salamander deals 1d6 hit points of fire damage, Skeletons are animated bones of the dead, usually under the control
and they wrap their tails around foes to cause an additional 2d8 of some evil master.
points of crushing damage per round. Salamanders cannot be
enslaved in the same manner djinn and efreet might be. Snake
Armor Class: [14]
Sea Serpents Hit Dice: 1d4 hit points
Armor Class: [17] Attacks: bite (1d3+poison)
Hit Dice: 30 Special: poison (+2 to save)
Attacks: bite (4d10) Move: 4
Special: Swallow Alignment: Neutral
Move: 6 (Swim) HDE/XP: 2/30
Alignment: Neutral
HDE/XP: 30/8400 Normal snakes are not particularly dangerous, with these
exceptions. Vipers are highly poisonous, and about a foot or two in
The size and nature of sea serpents is a matter for the Referee to length. Their poison is lethal, but the saving throw is at a bonus of
determine. The sea serpent depicted here would be about middle +2.
size, about sixty feet in length, with smaller ones being half that
size (with adjusted statistics, of course), and large ones being about


Snake, Giant damage a specter. In some cases, these terrifying creatures may be
Listings are for: poisonous, constrictor, and spitting mounted upon living beasts, if the beasts have been trained to
Armor Class: [14], [14], [14] tolerate proximity to the undead. Any being killed (or drained
Hit Dice: 4, 6, 4 below level 0) by a specter becomes a specter himself—a pitiful
Attacks: bite: 1d3+poison, bite: 1d3 or constrict: 1d6, thrall to its creator.
bite: 1d3+poison
Special: Poison ,Constrict, Poison bite or spit Spiders, Giant
Move: 4,4,4 Armor Class: [13]
Alignment: Neutral Hit Dice: 2+2
HDE/XP: 6/400, 7/600, 6/400 Attacks: bite (1d6+poison)
Special: Surprise, webs, poison
This entry covers three kinds of giant snakes: giant Move: 6
vipers/cobras, giant constrictor snakes, and the giant spitting Alignment: Chaotic
snake (similar to the spitting cobra). Giant vipers and cobras HDE/XP: 5/240
are about ten feet long, giant constrictors are twenty to thirty
feet long, and giant spitting snakes are about ten feet long Giant spiders are aggressive hunters. Only the greater giant spiders
(these are identical to regular giant poisonous snakes, with are web builders. Giant spider webs require a saving throw to avoid
the exception of the poison spit). The constrictors do becoming stuck. Those who make their saving throw can fight and
automatic constriction damage after hitting, and may also move (5 ft per round) in the webs. Giant spiders surprise enemies
manage to pinion an arm or leg (1 in 6 chance). The spitting very easily, rolling for surprise at +2, being able to hide well in
snakes have a range of 40ft, aiming at one target with the shadows. A spider’s bite is very poisonous, adding +1 to save vs.
poison. There are aquatic versions of each of these (except poison.
the spitting snake); aquatic varieties swim at 1.5 times the
speed noted for land movement. Stag
Armor Class: [12]
Slug, Giant Hit Dice: 2
Armor Class: [11] Attacks: Antlers (1d8)
Hit Dice: 12 Special: None
Attacks: bite (1d6) Move: 6
Special: Spits acid for 6d6 damage Alignment: Neutral
Move: 2 HDE/XP: 2/30
Alignment: Neutral The largest stags stand up to 7ft at the shoulder, and have antlers
HDE/XP: 13/2300 spreading 6ft across. Elven lords typically ride such ponderous
beasts in battle.
These tremendously large masses of slimy, rubbery flesh are
completely immune to blunt weapons. In addition to their powerful Stirges
bite, giant slugs can spit their acidic saliva (one target at a time). Armor Class: [12]
The base range for spitting is 20 ft, Hit Dice: 1+1
Attacks: Sting (1d3 + blood drain)
Specters Special: Drain blood 1d3/round
Move: 1/6 (when flying)
Armor Class: [17]
Alignment: Neutral
Hit Dice: 7
HDE/XP: 1/15
Attacks: touch (1d6+level drain)
Special: Drains 2 levels per hit, double range darkvision
Resembling small, feathered, winged anteaters, stirges have a
Move: 5 (10 when flying)
proboscis which they jab into their prey to drain blood. After a
Alignment: Chaotic
stirge’s first hit, it drains blood automatically at a rate of 1d3 per
HDE/XP: 9/1100
Specters are wraith-like undead creatures without corporeal bodies.
When a specter hits an opponent, either with hand or weapon, the
touch drains two levels from the victim. Only magical weapons can


T and possibly to attack (no more than two trees at a time can be
Ticks, Giant awake at the behest of a single treant).
Armor Class: [15]
Hit Dice: 3 Troglodyte
Attacks: Bite (1d4) Armor Class: [15]
Special: Drains blood Hit Dice: 2
Move: 1 Attacks: 2 claws (1d3) or weapon (1d6) or bite (1d4)
Alignment: Neutral Special: Stench, Chameleon skin
HDE/XP: 3/60 Move: 4
Alignment: Neutral
Giant ticks drain blood at a rate of 4 hit points per round after HDE/XP: 3/60
a successful hit. Their bite causes disease, which will kill the
victim in 1d6 days (Cure Disease spells will remove the Troglodytes are subterranean reptile-people. In battle, they emit a
infection). A giant tick can be forced off a victim by fire as horrible smell that weakens most other races. Failing a saving
well as by killing the beast. throw against the smell causes the victim to suffer a -1 penalty to
all attack and damage rolls and saving throws for 10 rounds
Titans thereafter. Troglodyte skin is slightly chameleon-like, which allows
Armor Class: [17-22] them to mount very effective ambushes surprising enemies 1-3
Hit Dice: 17–22 times in 6. Troglodytes despise the civilized races and seek to
Attacks: 1 weapon (2d8) or fist (1d6) annihilate them, but different clans do not ordinarily work well
Special: Spells together. Troglodytes have 60' darkvision.
Move: 5
Alignment: any Trolls
HDE/XP: 19/4100, 20/4400, 21/4700, 22/5100, 23/5400, Armor Class: [15]
24/5700 Hit Dice: 6+3
Attacks: 1bite (1d8) and 2 claws (1d4)
Titans are incredibly powerful beings, almost as powerful as the Special: Regenerates, darkvision
gods (and possibly they are older than the gods themselves). A Move: 4
titan has 2 spells of each spell level from first level magic user Alignment: Chaotic
spells to 7th level magic user spells, and 2 clerical spells of each HDE/XP: 8/800
spell level from first to 7 th. The GM might choose to substitute
other magical abilities for spells – these creatures vary considerably Trolls are as tall as ogres and just as strong. Unlike ogres, however,
in powers and personalities from one to the next. they attack with claws and teeth instead of weapons. Trolls
regenerate, which is to say that any damage inflicted upon them
Treants heals within minutes (3 hit points per round). The only way to
Armor Class: [17] utterly kill a troll is to submerse it in acid or burn it. Trolls can even
Hit Dice: 7–12 re-grow lopped-off heads and limbs.
Attacks: strike (2d6, 3d6, 4d6)
Special: Control trees
Move: 4
Alignment: Lawful Unicorns
HDE/XP: 7/600, 8/800, 9/1100, 10/1400 Armor Class: [17]
11/1700, 12/2000 Hit Dice: 4+1
Attacks: 2 hooves (1d6) or horn (1d8)
Treants are tree-like protectors and “shepherds” of forest trees. Special: See Below
Depending upon their size, they have different hit dice and damage; Move: 8
treants of 7 to 8 hit dice inflict 2d6 points of damage with each Alignment: Lawful
strike of their branch-like hands, treants of 9–10 hit dice inflict 3d6 HDE/XP: 5/240
points, and treants of 11–12 hit dice inflict 4d6 points. All treants
can “wake” trees within 60 ft, allowing them to walk at a rate of 1, Unicorns are generally shy and benevolent creatures, who will only
allow a chaste maiden to approach them. They can teleport once per


day to a distance of 360 ft, with a rider. When they charge, their Wights live in tombs, graveyards, and burial mounds (barrows).
horn can deal double damage. Unicorns are 25% resistant to magic. They are undead, and thus not affected by sleep or charm spells.
The unicorn’s horn has healing properties according to legend (the Wights are immune to all non-magical weapons, with the exception
details of this, if any, are left to the Referee). There is considerable of silver weapons. Any human killed or completely drained of
room to create variant sorts of unicorns: evil ones, flying ones, etc. levels (1 level per hit) by a wight becomes a wight.

V Armor Class: [27]
Vampires Hit Dice: 9
Armor Class: [17] Attacks: Shock (2d6)
Hit Dice: 7–9 Special: None
Attacks: bite (1d6+level drain) Move: 6
Special: See Below, darkvision Alignment: Chaotic
Move: 4 (6 when flying) HDE/XP: 10/1400
Alignment: Chaotic
HDE/XP: 9/1100, 10/1400, 11/1700 Will o’ the wisps are phantom-like shapes of eerie light, creatures
that live in dangerous places and try to lure travelers into
Vampires are some of the most powerful of undead creatures. They quicksand, off the edges of cliffs, etc. They usually inhabit swamps
can only be hit with magic weapons, and when “killed” in this way or high moors. They can brighten or dim their own luminescence,
they change into a gaseous form, returning to their coffins. and change their shapes as well, to appear as a group of lights, a
They regenerate at a rate of 3 hit points per round, can turn into wisp of light, or in the glowing wraithlike shape of a human (often
gaseous form or into a giant bat at will, and can summon a horde of female). They will generally depart if the attempt to lead victims
bats or 3d6 wolves out from the night. Looking into a vampire’s into danger fails, but if they are attacked they can defend
eyes necessitates a saving throw at -2, or the character is charmed themselves with violent shocks of lightning-like power. These
(as per the spell Charm Person). Most terrifyingly, a vampire’s bite creatures are intelligent, and can be forced to reveal the location of
drains two levels from the victim. their treasure hoards.
Fortunately, vampires have some weaknesses. They can be killed
(these are the only known methods) by immersing them in running Wolf, Winter
water, exposing them to sunlight, or driving a wooden stake Armor Class: [14]
through the heart. They retreat from the smell of garlic, the sight of Hit Dice: 5
a mirror, or the sight of Lawful holy symbols. Any human killed by Attacks: Bite (1d6+1)
a vampire becomes a vampire under the control of its creator. This Special: Icy breath weapon 1/turn
description will be recognized easily as the “Dracula” type of Move: 6
vampire. Alignment: Neutral
Many other possibilities for vampires exist in folklore: those who HDE/XP: 6/400
drink blood rather than level drain (Nosferatu), those vampires
more feral than intelligent. Plus, other cultural templates with Winter wolves are as intelligent as humans, and many packs
different attributes could be created—how about an ancient Aztec or their leaders are not friendly to humankind. Some, indeed,
vampire? are actively malevolent and hostile, hunting humans as prey
and stalking arctic villages for lone victims. Winter wolves
can breathe frost at a range of 10ft, blasting anything in front
of them in a wide area for 4d6 points of damage (save for
Wights half). This ability can only be used once per turn (10 rounds).
Armor Class: [14] Winter wolf pelts are very valuable (1d6 x1000sp).
Hit Dice: 3
Attacks: claw (1 HP+level drain)
Special: See Below, darkvision
Move: 3
Alignment: Chaotic
HDE/XP: 5/240


Wolves mention that they do not have a breath weapon. Wyverns have a
Armor Class: [12] poisonous sting at the end of their tails, but they are not coordinated
Hit Dice: 2+2 enough to attack with both bite and sting in a single round. In any
Attacks: Bite (1d4+1) given round, the wyvern is 60% likely to use its tail, which can lash
Special: None out to the creature’s front even farther than its head can reach.
Move: 6
Alignment: Neutral
HDE/XP: 2/30
Yellow Mold
Wolves are pack hunters, and may be found in large numbers. Male Armor Class: n/a
wolves weigh from 80 to 100 pounds. Hit Dice: n/a
Attacks: 1d6 damage if touched
Worgs Special: Poisonous spores
Armor Class: [13] Move: 0
Hit Dice: 4 Alignment: Neutral
Attacks: bite (1d6+1) HDE/XP: 3/60
Special: None
Move: 6 Yellow mold is a subterranean fungus; it neither moves nor attacks.
Alignment: Chaotic However, if it is poked or struck, it may (50% chance) release a
HDE/XP: 4/120 cloud of poisonous spores, roughly 10 ft in diameter. Failing a
saving throw against the spores means that the character dies a
Worgs are large, intelligent, and evil wolves. They may have rather horrible death. Touching yellow mold causes 1d6 points of
supernatural origins. acid damage. These growths can be destroyed with fire.

Wraiths Z
Armor Class: [16]
Hit Dice: 4
Armor Class: [11]
Attacks: touch (1d6+level drain)
Hit Dice: 2
Special: See Below, darkvision
Attacks: weapon or strike (1d6)
Move: 3
Special: Darkvision
Alignment: Chaotic
Move: 2
HDE/XP: 6/400
Alignment: Neutral
HDE/XP: 2/30
Wraiths are powerful wights, immune to all non-magical weapons
other than silver ones (which inflict only half damage). Arrows are
Zombies are mindless creatures, the walking dead. These are
particularly ineffective against them, for even magical and silver
merely animated corpses, not carriers of any sort of undead
arrows inflict only one hit point of damage per hit. They drain 1
contagion as ghouls are. If their undeath is contagious, they should
level per hit. Wraiths can be found riding well-trained battle steeds
be worth a few more experience points than described here, and if a
or more unusual mounts that will tolerate their presence.
single hit from a zombie causes contagion or any other sort of
disease they should be worth considerably more experience.
However, the standard zombie is simply a corpse animated to do its
Armor Class: [16]
creator’s bidding.
Hit Dice: 8
Attacks: bite (2d8) or sting (1d6)
Special: Poison, sting, flight
Monster list
Move: 2 (8 when flying)
HDE <1
Alignment: Neutral
HDE/XP: 9/1100
A wyvern is the two-legged form of dragon, and these creatures are Nixie
smaller and less intelligent than true four-legged dragons, not to Rats, Giant


HDE 1 Grey Oozes

Beetles, Giant (Fire) Hell Hounds
Centipedes, Giant (Small, non-lethal) Lions
Dwarfs Lycanthrope, Werewolf
Elves Owlbears
Gnomes Pixie
Hobgoblins Pseudodragon
Human, Bandit Spiders, Giant
Human, Soldier Unicorns
Orcs Wights
Stirges HDE 6
Centipedes, Giant
HDE 2 Ettercap
Ants, Giant (Worker) Gargoyles
Centipedes, Giant Gibbering mouther
Gnolls Hell Hounds
Human, Beserker Lycanthrope, Wereboar
Lizardmen Minotaurs
Snake Ochre Jelly
Wolves Snake, Giant poisonous
Zombies Wolf, Winter
Badgers, Giant HDE 7
Bugbears Ankheg
Dryads Cockatrices
Ghouls Demon, Quasit
Human, Sergeant Dragon, White
Stag Hell Hounds
Ticks, Giant Hydrae
Troglodyte Lycanthrope, Weretiger
Yellow Mold Mummies
Naga, water
HDE 4 Ogre Mages
Ants,Giant (Warrior) Snake, Giant constrictor
Bear, Black Treant
Blink Dogs
Boars, Wild HDE 8
Centipedes, Giant Ants, Giant (Queen)
Demon, Lemures Basilisks
Harpies Dragon, Black
Hippogriffs Dragon, White
Lycanthrope, Wererat Griffons
Ogres Hell Hounds
Pegasi Hydrae
Shadows Lycanthrope, Werebear
HDE 5 Medusae
Centaurs Salamanders
Dopplegangers Treants
Gelatinous Cubes Trolls


Golem, Flesh
HDE 9 Hydrae
Bat Monster Mind Eater
Djinn Rocs
Dragon, Black Treants
Dragon, Green
Dragon, White HDE 13
Elemental, Air Dragon, Gold
Elemental, Earth Dragon, Red
Elemental, Fire Elemental, Air
Elemental, Water Elemental, Earth
Giant, Hill Elemental, Fire
Hydrae Elemental, Water
Invisible Stalkers Giant, Cloud
Specters Hydrae
Treants Naga, guardian
Vampires Naga, spirit
Wyverns Slug, Giant

HDE 10 HDE 14–16

Demon, Baalrochs Dragon, Gold
Dragon, Black Giant, Storm
Dragon, Blue Golem, Stone
Dragon, Green Hydrae
Giant, Stone Liches
Hydrae HDE 17+
Nightmare Elemental, Air
Treants Elemental, Earth
Vampires Elemental, Fire
Will-o-the-Wisps Elemental, Water
Golem, Iron
HDE 11 Liches
Angel, MessengerBanshees Purple Worms
Black Puddings Sea Serpents
Chimerae Titans
Dragon, Blue
Dragon, Green
Dragon, Red Better Monsters
Giant, Frost There is really no limit as to how high monsters can go, and often
Hydrae it’s fun to trick the players by throwing uber-monsters at them. The
Night Hag Referee should feel free to adjust AC, HD, or other factors to make
Treants monsters more challenging.
Vampires Also, feel free to try new options like a super strain of orcs, goblin
spider-riders, or fire-resistant mummies just to keep the players on
HDE 12 their toes.
Aboleth Groups of most intelligent monster types can be lead by heroic
Dragon, Blue types not dissimilar to player characters, such extraordinary
Dragon, Gold individuals will usually have up to 3 HD more than the usual
Dragon, Red specimen and a +1 or +2 to damage rolls.
Efreet Monster leaders will also wear better armor than their followers,
Giant, Fire raising AC by one or two points.


It's not uncommon for run-of-the-mill monsters to roll for Morale at Undead or construct (subject to banishment but immune to +0 HD
+1 or +2 in presence of such heroic individuals. sleep, charm, hold)
Very large groups of monstrous humanoids under the leadership of Uses a spell-like power level 3 equivalent or above +2 HD
a King will probably include one or more monstrous spell casters Uses multiple spells level 2 or lower +1 HD
called Warlocks, Shamans or Witch Doctors. Uses multiple spells level 3 or above +2 HD
These have the same abilities of a Cleric, Druid or Magic-User with Uses multiple spells level 5 or higher +3 HD
1d6 Levels: add to the standard monster's HD, ST and BHB those Poison +1 HD
due to class levels, subtracting 1 form the number of HD and ST if Miscellaneous other +1 HD
they are more than 1. Otherwise refer to the GM's section on
creating campaigns for a more detailed solution.
Creating Monsters <1 +0/0 10
1 +1/0 15
The HDE Modifications table contains guidelines for how many
additional HDE to add to a monster’s hit dice, based on special 2 +2/1 30
abilities if you really need guidelines. 3 +3/1 60
Monsters are not player characters, and their abilities are not at all 4 +4/2 120
determined by the rules for player characters—not even the stats for 5 +5/2 240
races that can have player characters, such as Dwarfs. A monster’s 6 +6/3 400
abilities are determined by the Referee, not by any rules! 7 +7/3 600
Feel free to add wings, breath weapons, extra hit dice, wounded 8 +8/4 800
versions, or whatever suits your adventure and your campaign.
9 +9/4 1100
Toggle and tweak, imagine and invent!
10 +10/5 1400
You are responsible for the quality of the swords and sorcery in
11 +11/5 1700
your game, not the rules. So don’t try to create monsters according
to any sort of power formula. 12 +12/6 2000
Create monsters based on how they feel and how they play at the 13 +13/6 2300
gaming table. 14 +14/7 2600
Create challenges for the players, not headaches for yourself. 15 +15/7 2900
Your job is to imagine and create, not to slave at rulebooks +1 + 0.5 to ST(max +10) +300/HD
finding out what you’re “allowed” to do.
HDE Modifications
4+ attacks per round (minimum d6 or saving throw each) +1 HD The amount of treasure a monster owns or guards is usually related
AC 20 or higher +1 HD to the monster’s HDE. That’s not necessarily realistic, but keep in
Automatic damage after hit +1 HD mind that treasure is one of the ways the game reflects what a
Breath weapon 25 points max or below +1 HD character has done: it’s used in awarding experience points. Too
Breath Weapon 26 points max or more +1 HD many large treasures and the characters will become powerful
Disease +1 HD without actually having done very much. Too many monsters with
Drains level with no save +3 HD small treasures and the characters won’t gain levels to reflect their
Drains level with save +2 HD achievements.
Flies, or breathes water +1 HD As a general guideline, the monetary value of a treasure ought to be
Greater than human intelligence +1 HD about 2–3 times the monster’s value in experience points, and keep
Immune to blunt/piercing (including half damage) +1 HD in mind that hunting and patrolling monsters likely won’t be carting
Immune to energy type (acid, fire, etc) +1 HD their treasure around with them. Here is a possible table a Referee
Immune to non-magic weapons +1 HD can use as a guideline:
Magic resistance 50% or below +1 HD
Magic resistance higher than 50% +2 HD
Massive attack for 20+ hps +1 HD
Paralysis, swallows whole, immobilizes enemies (web, +1 HD
Petrifaction, poison, or death magic +2 HD
Regenerates +1 HD


Treasure Values Treasure Trade Out (Example #1)

Roll Possible SP Value for CP SP GP If you populate an area with 5 skeletons, their total XP value would
Treasure be 75. If you were to roll against the Treasure Values table and get
1 1x XP value of the monsters 50% 40% 10% a 4, the total treasure value for that encounter would be (rounded
2–3 2x XP value of the monsters 20% 60% 20% down): 9 gp, 112 sp, and 250 cp. There is a 10% chance of trading
4–5 3x XP value of the monsters 10% 50% 40% out 100 sp of that treasure for one minor item. If, on a d100, you
6 4x XP value of the monsters - 35% 65% roll under 10%, then the treasure value of that encounter would be,
102 sp, 250 cp, and one minor item (as rolled on the Minor
If the characters can’t find the monster’s lair, they may get none of Gem/Jewelry or Minor Magic table).
the treasure. Also, it obviously doesn’t make sense for every wild
Treasure Trade Out (Example #2)
boar and wolf to have a cache of treasure hidden away somewhere.
Averaging the treasure out over several of the monsters in an You place a fearsome minotaur in a locked dungeon room for a
adventure is a good way of making sure the characters get the righttotal of 400 XP. Rolling against the Treasure Values table, if you
amount of experience points from treasure. Perhaps the goblin were to roll a 6, the total treasure value for this encounter would be:
treasure hoard contains some “extra” treasure to account for the 104 gp and 560 sp. There is a 10% chance of trading out 1,000 sp
wolves in the area. If the characters avoid the wolves and kill theof that treasure for one medium item. If, on a d100, you roll under
goblins, so much the better. If they have to fight the wolves and 10%, then the treasure value on that encounter would be 4 gp, 560
never find the goblins, that’s the breaks. sp, and one medium item (as rolled on the Medium Gem/Jewelry or
You can’t make the game perfectly fair. Medium Magic table). With the remaining silver, there could either
be a 60% chance to trade out 600 sp for one minor item, six 10%
House Rule: Splitting the Take chances to trade out 600 sp for a total of six minor items, or some
Once the monsters are slain and the wounds are bound, it’s time to other variant like one 10% chance to trade out 100 sp for one minor
divide up the treasure. item (keeping the remaining 500 sp).
It is suggested that the total sp value of the loot is totaled and
divided up among the participants with each getting an equal 5,000 SP Trade Out
“share.” A roll of 1–19 on a d20 means a roll on the Major Gem/Jewelry
Many Referees rule that treasure must be shared with NPCs getting table. A roll of 20 results in rolling on the Major Magic Item table.
either a full or half share, depending upon their level.
It is also customary for fallen (dead) comrades to still get a share of Table 28: Major Gem/Jewelry
the take to be given to their next of kin. Roll Possible SP Value for Treasure
1 Gem or jewelry worth 1d1000 sp
“Trading” SP Value for Treasures 2–3 Gem or jewelry worth 1d1000 x8 sp
In addition to coins, treasures might contain gems, jewelry, and 4–5 Gem or jewelry worth 1d1000 x12 sp
magical items. Treasures have got to be interesting: endless series 6 Gem or jewelry worth 1d1000 x20 sp
of “another treasure worth 100 sp in total” is a surefire recipe for
boring your players. Table 29: Major Magic Item
Roll Possible SP Value for Treasure
 For every 100 sp in value, there is a 10% chance of a 100 1 Roll six times on the potions table
sp trade-out. 2–3 Roll 1d6+12 on the scrolls table
 For every 1,000 sp in value, there is a 10% chance of a
4–5 Roll 1d6+12 on the weapons and armor table
1,000 sp trade-out.
6 Roll 1d20+40 on the miscellaneous table (includes rings and
 For every 5,000 sp in value, there is a 10% chance of a
5,000 sp trade-out.

It is suggested that the Referee begin with the major sp values first 1,000 SP Trade Out
and work down to the lesser ones. “Jewelry” refers to a single item A roll of 1–19 on a d20 means a roll on the Medium Gem/Jewelry
of jewelry. table. A roll of 20 results in rolling on the Medium Magic Item
Also, always trade gold pieces first, then silver and last copper. table.


Table 30: Medium Gem/Jewelry Command word activation means that a character speaks the word
Roll Possible SP Value for Treasure and the item activates. No other special knowledge is needed.
1 Gem or jewelry worth 1d100 sp The command word is usually some seemingly nonsensical word,
2–3 Gem or jewelry worth 1d1000 + 250 sp or a word or phrase from an ancient or dead language.
4–5 Gem or jewelry worth 1d1000 + 750 sp Learning the command word for an item may be easy (sometimes
6 Gem or jewelry worth 1d10,000 sp the word is actually inscribed on the item) or it may be difficult,
requiring the services of a powerful wizard or sage, or some other
means of discovery.
Table 31: Medium Magic Item
Roll Possible SP Value for Treasure
Only the character holding or wearing a magic item may activate it.
1 Roll three times on the potions table
A character that has been gagged or silenced may not activate a
2–3 Roll 1d6 +6 on the scrolls table
magic item which requires a command word.
4–5 Roll 1d6 +6 on the weapons and armor table
6 Roll 1d20 +20 on the miscellaneous table (includes rings and Articles of magic armor, clothing or jewelry (including rings) have
staffs) a special power they can adjust themselves for wearers from as
small as Gnomes to as large as Humans.
100 SP Trade Out
A roll of 1–19 on a d20 means a roll on the Minor Gem/Jewelry Only one magical item of a given type may be worn at the same
table. A roll of 20 results in rolling on the Minor Magic Item table. time (one suit of armor, one necklace, one shield, a pair of boots at
a time and so on). However, a character may wear one magical ring
Table 32: Minor Gem/Jewelry per hand.
Roll Possible SP Value for Treasure If a character wears more items of a given type, the items will
1 Gem or jewelry worth 1d6 sp usually fail to function due to interference with one another; for
2–3 Gem or jewelry worth 1d100 +25 sp instance, wearing two rings on the same hand normally results in
4–5 Gem or jewelry worth 1d100 +75 sp both rings failing to operate.
This limitation can not be used to disable cursed magic items.
6 Gem or jewelry worth 1d1000 sp
For example, wearing a cursed ring would prevent another magic
ring from being worn and used on that hand, but the curse would
Table 33: Minor Magic Item
not be lifted by donning a second magic ring.
Roll Possible SP Value for Treasure
1 Roll 1d12 on the potions table
Any item (potion, scroll, ring...) capable of casting spells is
2–3 Roll 1d6 on the scrolls table considered to be a spell caster of the minimum required level to
4–5 Roll 1d6 on the weapons and armor table cast the spell unless specified otherwise.
6 Roll 1d20 on the miscellaneous table (includes rings and
staffs) When considering class restrictions for magic items, treat Druids as
Clerics. However Druids can't use Cleric scrolls nor Clerics can use
Using Magic Items Druid scrolls.
To be used, magic items, must be activated.
Magic Potions
Some items like rings or cloaks, once donned, function constantly.
Some items are activated just by using them. For instance, a A potion is an elixir concocted with a spell-like effect that affects
character has to drink a potion, swing a sword, interpose a shield to only the drinker. Unless otherwise noted, a potion grants its
deflect a blow in combat, wear a ring, or don a cloak. benefits for 1d6+1 turns (even if the duration of an associated spell
Using such a magic item, does not automatically confer knowledge is longer or shorter).
of its powers, as some of its powers may require that the character Potions can be used by all classes.
knows (or guesses) them and wills them active (as in the case of
cloaks of invisibility). Table 34: Magic Potions

If no activation method is suggested either in the magic item

description or by the nature of the item, assume that a command
word is needed to activate it.


Roll Magic Potion1 Gaseous Form: The user’s body turns to a mist that he controls,
1–3 Animal Control allowing him to access any place that isn’t airtight. Equipment is
4–6 Clairaudience left behind; only the body becomes gaseous.
7–9 Clairvoyance
10–12 Diminution Giant Strength: Character gains a Strength score of 30 (+6 bonus)
in place of his own.
13–15 Dragon Control
16–18 Ethereality
Growth: Character grows to 30 ft in height.
19–21 Fire Resistance
22–24 Flying Healing: Cures 1d6+1 HP of damage.
25–27 Gaseous Form
28–30 Giant Strength Heroism: +2 to attacks and damage.
31–33 Growth
34–36 Heroism Invisibility: Results as per the spell.
37–39 Invisibility
40–42 Invulnerability Invulnerability: +2 saving throws, opponents attack at -2.
43–45 Levitation
Levitation: Results as per the spell.
46–48 Plant Control
49–55 Poison
Plant Control: Results as per the spell.
56–58 Slipperiness
59–61 Treasure Finding Poison: Save or die.
62–64 Undead Control
65–75 Extra Healing Slipperiness: Except for the soles of the feet and the palms of the
76–00 Healing hands, the character has a virtually frictionless surface.

Potions descriptions Treasure Finding: Character can detect hoards of treasure within
Animal Control: Results as per the spell. 400 ft.

Clairaudience: Results as per the spell Crystal Ball. Undead Control: 1d6+1 undead of fewer than 4 HD and
1d6-1(minimum 1) undead of 4+ hit dice fall under the imbiber’s
Clairvoyance: Results as per the spell Crystal Ball. control as per the control animals spell.

Diminution: Imbiber shrinks to 6 inches tall for 2d6 hours.

Combining Potions
Dragon Control: 1d6/2 dragons of a specific type (determined Whenever two potions are mixed, or a potion is consumed by a
randomly by the Referee) are affected as per the spell Charm creature while another potion, already consumed, is in effect the
Monster. GM must test for compatibility of the liquids.
Secretly roll 1d20 for potion compatibility, giving no clues until
Ethereality: The imbiber of this potion can move through solid necessary. The effects of combining specific potions can be pre-set
objects but cannot attack. Equipment also becomes ethereal. as a plot device, at the GM's option, but the PCs can never foretell
the outcome of mixing potions due to different fabrication methods,
Extra Healing: Cures 3d6+3 HP of damage. and the quality of components employed by different mages.

Fire Resistance: Grants immunity to normal fire, +2 saving throws

against fire attacks, half damage to magic fire attacks that do not
permit saving throws.

Flying: Results as per the spell.


12 Protection Scroll (double duration)

Table: Potion Compatibility 13 5 spells, level 1d6-1 each (minimum of 1)
D20 Result 14 6 spells, level 1d6-1 each (minimum of 1)
Roll 15 7 spells, level 1d6-1 each (minimum of 1)
1 Explosion: If two or more potions are swallowed together, 16 8 spells, level 1d6 each
internal damage is 10d6 hit points. Anyone within a 5-foot 17 Cursed scroll
radius takes 2d6 points of damage. If the potions are mixed
18 Protection Scroll (triple duration and double effect if
externally, all within a 10-foot radius suffer 4d6 points of
damage, no saving throw.
2 Poisoning: Imbiber dies by poisoning unless a Saving
Throw is made. If externally mixed, a poison gas cloud of Table 36: Protection Scrolls
Roll Scroll
10-foot diameter results. All within the cloud must roll
successful saving throws or die. 1 Demons
3 Poisoning: Mild poison causes nausea and the loss of 1 point 2 Drowning
each of Strength and Dexterity, no saving throw. One potion 3 Elementals
is canceled and the other is at half strength and duration. 4 Magic
(Determine randomly which potion is canceled). 5 Metal
4 Potions can't be mixed, one cancels the other. 6 Poison
5-6 One potion is canceled, but the other remains normal 7 Undead
(random selection). 8 Were-creatures
7-9 Both potions function at half normal efficacy.
10-18 Potions can be mixed and work normally, unless their effects Spell Scrolls are enchanted with one or more Cleric or Magic-User
are contradictory. spells (never both sorts on the same scroll).
19 One potion (randomly selected) has 150% its normal One Cleric scroll out of 6 is actually a Druid scroll.
efficacy. The GM can rule that only the duration of the Each spell can be used just once, though of course the same spell
augmented potion is extended. may appear multiple times on a single scroll.
20 The mixing of the potions creates a special effect—only one Only a Cleric can use a Clerical scroll, only a Druid may use a
of the potions will function, but its effects upon the imbiber Druid scroll and only a Magic-User can use a Magic-User scroll.
are permanent. (Note that some harmful side effects could Magic-Users must cast read magic on a spell scroll before being
well result from this, at the GM's discretion.) able to use or copy it; each scroll needs to be treated in this way
just once, and the effect lasts indefinitely thereafter.
If a Magic-User attempts to cast a spell from a scroll, and he or she
Scrolls does not know that spell, there is a 5% chance the spell will fail. If
Most scrolls contain some sort of magic which is activated when a spell on a scroll is of higher level than the highest level spell the
read, and which may only be used once; the characters burn away Magic-User can cast, for each spell level of difference, add 5% to
as the words are read. the chance of failure.

Table 35: Scrolls For example, Aura the 3rd level Magic-User attempts to cast
Roll Scroll (Roll 1d6 :1-3 Arcane, 4-5 Clerical, 6 Druidical) Polymorph from a scroll. Aura is able to cast, at most, 2nd level
1 1 spell, level 1 spells. Polymorph is a 4th level spell, so Aura has a chance of
2 1 spell, level 1d3 failure of 5% (she doesn’t know the spell) plus 10% (2nd level
3 2 spells, level 1d2 each maximum vs. 4th level spell), for a total of 15%.
4 3 spells, level 1 each
A Magic-User may copy spells from a scroll to its spellbook, this
5 Cursed Scroll
takes hour per spell level. The procedure effectively erases the spell
6 Protection Scroll (normal duration)
from the scroll.
7 2 spells, level 1d4
Clerical and Druidic scrolls are written in a normal language (being
8 2 spells, level 1d6-1 each (minimum of 1) just specially enchanted prayers), so the Cleric merely needs to
9 1 spell level 1d3+2 know the language in which the scroll is written in order to use it.
10 5 spells, level 1d3 each Clerics and Druids suffer the same chance of failure as do
11 Cursed scroll


Magic-Users, save that the 5% penalty assigned for not knowing Magic: Anti-magic shell surrounds and moves with the reader,
the spell does not apply. having a radius of 10 ft. Spells cannot pass in or out of the shell.
Duration: 1 hour.
A Cursed Scroll inflicts some curse upon whoever reads it. It need
not be read completely; in fact, merely glancing at the text is Metal: Metal cannot harm the reader for a duration of 1 hour.
enough to inflict the curse. A saving throw may or may not be
allowed, as determined by the Referee (though a save should Poison: Poison cannot harm the reader for a period of 6 hours, and
usually be allowed). The Referee is encouraged to be creative when any poison in his system is removed.
creating curses; the following list can be used for inspiration, but
cursed scrolls can contain more powerful or inventive curses at the Undead: All within a 10 ft radius of the reader are protected against
Referee’s discretion. undead, but only to a limited degree. In any given round, 2d12
•Bad luck (-1 on attacks and saving throws). undead with HD fewer than 4, and 2d6 undead with hit dice 4–5,
•The character is teleported away from the rest of the party. and 1d6 undead with hit dice of 6+ are foiled by the protection of
•Random monster appears and attacks. the scroll. Thus, the scroll is effective against all but a true horde of
•The character is polymorphed into a mouse. undead.
•The character shrinks to half his normal size.
•The character is stricken with weakness, halving his Strength Were-creatures: All within a 10 ft radius around the reader, for a
score. duration of one hour, are protected from lycanthropes.
•The character falls into a deep sleep from which he can't be
roused. Magical Weapons and Armors
•The character develops an uncontrollable appetite. Table 37: Magical Weapons and Armor
•The character must always talk in rhyme (preventing Roll Magical Weapon/Armor
spellcasting). 1 Cursed armor or shield
•The character is stricken with cowardice and must make a 2 +1 missile weapon(s)
saving throw or flee every time a monster is encountered.
3 +1 shield
•The character suffers amnesia.
4 +1 melee weapon
•The character feels compelled to give away all his
5 +1 armor
•The character must save vs. paralyzation or petrification. 6 Cursed weapon
7 +2 missile weapon(s)
Protection Scrolls can be read by any character class, assuming the 8 +2 shield
character can read the language the scroll is written in (see the 9 +2 melee weapon
notes under Language in the Character section for details). When 10 +2 armor
read, a protection scroll creates a 10’ radius protective circle around 11 +2 melee weapon
the reader; preventing the warded creatures from entering. The 12 +1 melee weapon with minor ability
circle moves with the reader. Any creature other than the sort the
13 +3 missile weapon(s)
scroll wards may enter, including of course the allies of the
14 +3 melee weapon
scroll-reader, who are themselves protected so long as they remain
15 +3 shield
entirely within the circle. If any creature within the circle performs
a melee attack against any of the warded creatures, the circle is 16 +3 armor
broken and the warded creatures may freely attack. 17 Unusual weapon
18 Unusual armor
Protection Scroll Descriptions
Demons: All within a 10 ft radius around the reader are protected Magical Armor
from the attacks of 1 demon per round for a period of 40 minutes. Magic armor (including shields) offers improved, magical
protection to the wearer. In general, magic armor grants the normal
Drowning: All within a 10 ft radius of the reader gain the ability to Armor Class for its type, plus the magical armor bonus, as rolled on
breathe underwater for 1 full day. the Magic Armor table; for example, Plate Mail +2 provides an
Armor Class bonus of 8.
Elementals: This scroll protects against a single elemental, and lasts There are different varieties of cursed armor: Cursed Armor that
for a duration of 40 minutes. imparts penalties to AC, Cursed Armor that attracts attacks or that
force a certain behavior.


Cursed armor cannot be removed from the wearer once the curse is no armor at all for what regards movement rates and Ability check
proven, that is, once the wearer is hit in combat. Once the curse has or movement modifiers. All character classes are considered
taken effect, only a remove curse spell, or some more powerful proficient with Elven chain mail. Magic-Users and Druids can cast
magic (such as a wish), will enable the wearer to remove it. spells without problems while wearing Elven Chain mail.
The armor will detect as magical, like any other magic armor; the
curse cannot be detected by any means other than wearing the Ethereal armor: +3 plate mail that also allows the wearer to
armor in combat. become insubstantial and incorporeal 50 times, at which time it
reverts to normal +3 plate mail. In ethereal form, the wearer cannot
Table 38: Cursed Armors and Shields be hit and cannot attack (unless the opponent is also ethereal).
Roll Cursed Armor/Shield1
1 -1 weapon or armor Fiery Armor: +1 armor that is surrounded by flames. These flames
2 -2 weapon or armor deal 1d3 damage to melee attackers.
3 -3 weapon or armor
Magic weapons
4 Attracts missiles
Magic weapons are created with a variety of powers and will
5 Causes wearer to run away from combat
usually aid the wielder in combat. A magical weapon’s bonus is
6 Causes wearer to charge into combat
applied to all attack and damage rolls made with the weapon.
1 Cannot be put down without remove curse.

Table 39: Melee Weapons

Table 43: Unusual Armor Roll Melee Weapon
Roll Unusual Armor 1 Axe, Battle
1-2 Armor of Arrow Deflection 2-3 Axe, Hand
3 Demonic Armor 4 Club
4 Elven Chain 5-7 Dagger
5 Ethereal armor 8 Flail
6 Fiery armor 9 Warhammer
10 Halberd/Polearm
Table 38A: Magical Armor Type 11 Mace
Die Roll (1d20) Armor type
12 Morningstar
1-6 Padded
13-14 Spear
7-10 Leather
15 Staff
11-14 Ring mail
15-17 Chain mail 16-18 Sword, Long
18-19 Splint mail 19 Sword, Short
20 Plate mail 20 Sword, Two-handed

Magical Armor Descriptions Table 40: Missile Weapons

Armor of Arrow Deflection: +2 AC against missile fire. Die Roll Magic Missile Weapon
1 Firearm (1d6: 1-2 Blunderbuss, 3-4 Musket, 5-6 Pistol)
Attracts missiles: This item attracts missile fire (even those fired at 2–6 Short bow
others nearby), and grants +1 to-hit on such missiles. 7-8 Long bow
9–10 Sling
Demonic Armor: Possessed by a spirit or demon, Roll 1d3 for its 11 javelin
AC bonus. There is a 10% chance that such an armor may have the 12–14 2d4 darts
ability to cast a spell once per day. Such armors generally can 15–17 Light crossbow
communicate with their bearers, and often (25% chance) can speak 18-19 Heavy Crossbow
audibly. 20 Missiles (roll below)

Elven Chain mail: This is magical armor so fine and light that it
can be worn under normal clothing without revealing its presence.
Elven Chain mail weighs nothing and is encumbering as wearing


Table 40A: Missile Projectiles +1, +4 vs. particular type of foe: This weapon provides +1, +2 vs.
Roll Missile Weapon a particular type of foe (were-creatures, undead, giants, orcs,
1–10 2d6 arrows dragons, etc.) to be determined randomly.
11–15 1d10 sling stones
16-19 2d6 crossbow bolts +2, +3 vs. particular type of foe: This weapon provides +1, +2 vs.
20 2d6 bullets a particular type of foe (were-creatures, undead, giants, orcs,
dragons, etc.) to be determined randomly.

Table 41: Minor Abilities for Melee Weapons

Flaming Weapon: This weapon flames for additional 1d6 points of
Roll Melee Weapon
damage. Roll 1d6-1 for its to-hit bonus.
1–4 Additional damage (+1)
5 Sheds light, 15 ft radius
Freezing Weapon: This weapon is freezing cold, inflicting an
6 Sheds light, 30 ft radius additional 1d6 points of damage. Roll 1d6-1 for its to-hit bonus.

Table 42: Unusual Weapons Dancing Weapon: This dancing weapon fights beside its owner in
Die Roll Unusual Weapon the air after 3 rounds as a +1d3 weapon.
1 +1 blunt weapon that destroys undead
2 +1 thrown weapon that returns to hand Defending weapon: This +4 weapon allows the wielder to use all,
3 +1 weapon, extra attack some, or none of its magical bonus to improve his Armor Class
4 +1, +4 vs. particular type of foe instead of his attack rolls. For example, the wielder can opt to have
5 +2, +3 vs. particular type of foe +2 to AC and +2 to attack rolls or +4 to AC and +0 to attack and
6 +4 weapon damage rolls and any possible combination. The wielder can move
7 +5 weapon its bonus each round.
8 Flaming weapon
9-12 +1, +2 vs. particular type of foe Holy/unholy weapon: In the hands of any character other than a
13 Freezing Weapon cleric of the appropriate deity, this weapon is a normal +2 magical
14 Dancing Weapon weapon. In the right hands it will create a 5-foot radius area
15 Defending Weapon covered by 50% magic resistance and will dispel magic at will as a
16 Holy/Unholy Weapon caster of the same level as the wielder. In addition, against all
17 Intelligent Weapon followers and servants of deities opposed to the one to whom the
18 Lifestealer Weapon weapon is sacred it inflicts a +10 points of bonus damage. The
19 Vorpal Weapon weapon inflicts 2d6 damage points without save against such
20 Wounding Weapon characters if they touch it.

Magic weapon descriptions Lifestealer: This +2 weapon will drain one level of experience (or
+1 Blunt weapon that destroys undead: Can be a mace, hammer, Hit Die) and accompanying hit points and abilities when it strikes
sling, or staff (determine type randomly). Lesser types of undead any opponent on a natural roll of 20. This function is the same as
don’t get a saving throw, though more powerful types do. the level-draining ability of certain undead creatures. The weapon's
wielder can gain as many hit points as an opponent loses to this
+1 thrown weapon that returns to hand: This axe, javelin, or function of the weapon, up to the maximum number of hit points
hammer (determine type randomly) will eventually return to the the character is allowed (i.e., only a character who has suffered loss
throwers hand. of hit points can benefit from the function).

+1 weapon, extra attack: This weapon grants 1 additional attack Intelligent Weapon: Roll 1d3 for its to-hit bonus. There is a 10%
for the user once per day. chance that such a weapon may have the ability to cast a spell once
per day. Such swords generally can communicate with their
+1, +2 vs. particular type of foe: This weapon provides +1, +2 vs. bearers, and often (25% chance) can speak audibly.
a particular type of foe (were-creatures, undead, giants, orcs,
dragons, etc.) to be determined randomly. Vorpal weapon: This +3 slashing weapon will sever an extremity—
arm, leg, neck, tail, tentacle on any natural attack roll of 19-if
enough to hit the target- or the head on a roll of 20 -always if
enough to hit the target-. Note that many creatures are headless,


limbless or can shapechange and thus cannot suffer decapitation or 46-60 Misc. Greater Magical Item
the severing of limbs. There are also creatures that have heads but
will not necessarily be killed by decapitation (like golems, trolls or Wands
the undead). A wand is a short stick, generally 12 to 18 inches long, imbued
with the power to cast a specific spell or spell-like effect.
Wounding weapon: This is a +1 slashing weapon (sword, dagger, If a wand generates an effect equivalent to a spell, assume the spell
axe...). Wounds inflicted by this kind of weapon cannot be healed functions as if cast by a 6th level caster, or the lowest level caster
by regeneration, magic or potions of any kind. Damage from a who could cast that spell (whichever is higher), unless otherwise
wounding weapon can only be healed through rest and time. In noted.
subsequent rounds, the opponent so wounded loses one additional Wands become useless when they reach zero charges, but can be
hit point for each wound inflicted by the sword. Successive wounds recharged by casting the spell into the wand. Each such recharge,
will damage in the same manner as the first. Loss of the extra point where a spell is cast into the wand, has a 5% chance of destroying
stops only when the creature so wounded bandages its wound or the wand irrevocably. In some cases, a non-rechargeable wand
after 10 melee rounds (one turn). Undead, constructs, oozes, plant might be found with a large number of charges (e.g., 100).
creatures and other immaterial or non-living creatures are immune
to this weapon's special power. Table 45: Lesser Wands
Roll Lesser Wand
Cursed Weapons: inflict a penalty to the wielder’s attack rolls, of 1–2 Spell, level 1, holds 10 charges
1d3. The curse causes the afflicted character to be unable to get rid
3–4 Spell, level 2, holds 5 charges
of the weapon. There are two possible forms the curse may take:
5–6 Spell, level 3, holds 2 charges
Obsession and Affliction. The GM may decide which to use at his
or her option.
Table 46: Greater Wands
Roll Greater Wand
Obsession: Regardless of how severe the penalty is, the character
wielding the weapon will believe it is a bonus and refuse to use any 1 Spell, level 3, holds 10 charges
other weapon in combat. A remove curse spell is the only way to 2 Spell, level 4, holds 10 charges
rid a character of such a weapon; but as he or she will believe the 3 Wand of Detection, enemies
weapon is the best magical weapon ever, the character receives a 4 Wand of Detection, metal
saving throw vs. Spells to resist. 5 Wand of Detection, magic
6 Wand of Detection, traps and secret doors
Affliction: The character knows the weapon is cursed as soon as he 7 Wand of Polymorph
or she uses it in combat; however, any attempt to throw it away
8 Wand of Fear
fails, as the weapon magically appears back in the character’s hand
9 Wand of Cold
whenever he or she tries to draw any other weapon. In this case, the
10 Wand of Paralyzing
remove curse spell needed to rid the character of the weapon will
be unopposed (i.e. no saving throw).
Wand Descriptions
Table 44: Miscellaneous Items Wand of Detection, enemies: Detects enemies in a radius of 60 ft,
Roll Miscellaneous Item provided that the enemies are actually thinking hostile thoughts.
1 Lesser Wand Always active when held, does not use charges.
Usable by: All Classes.
2 Lesser Ring
3-20 Misc. Lesser Magical Item
Wand of Detection, metal: Detects large caches of metal, with a
21-22 Lesser Wand
range of 20 ft. The wand’s user also gets a vague sense of the
23 Greater Wand metal’s type. Always active when held, does not use charges.
24-25 Lesser Ring Usable by: All Classes.
26 Greater Ring
27-40 Misc. Medium Magical Item Wand of Detection, magic: Functions as a detect magic spell with a
41-42 Greater Wand range of 20 ft. The wand’s user gets a vague sense of what sort of
43-44 Greater Ring magic is being detected. Always active when held, does not use
45 Staff charges.
Usable by: All Classes.


Table 48: Greater Rings

Wand of Detection, traps and secret doors: Detects traps and secret Roll Greater Ring
doors with a range of 20 ft. Always active when held, does not use 1 Human Control
charges. 2 Three Wishes
Usable by: All Classes. 3 Regeneration
4 Djinni Summoning
Wand of Polymorph: Casts either polymorph self or polymorph
5 Shooting Stars
other, carries 10 charges.
6 X-ray vision
Usable by: Magic-Users.
7 Telekinesis
Wand of Fear: Causes creatures in a cone-shaped path to flee 8 Spell Turning
(saving throw). There is a 60% chance that they will drop whatever 9 Spell Storing, arcane
they are holding. The cone extends 60 ft to a base 30 ft across. 10 Spell Storing, Clerical
Holds 25 charges (cannot be recharged).
Usable by: All Classes. Ring Descriptions
Djinni Summoning: The wearer of the ring can summon a djinni,
Wand of Cold: Casts a cone of cold 60 ft to a base 30 ft across. who will do his bidding.
Creatures in the cone take 6d6 damage (saving throw for half Usable by: All Classes.
damage). Holds 25 charges (cannot be recharged).
Usable by: Magic-Users. Fire Resistance: +5 to saving throws versus magical fire, immune
to normal fire.
Wand of Paralyzing: Casts a cone of paralysis 60 ft to a base 30 ft Usable by: All Classes.
across. Creatures in the cone are paralyzed for 3d6 turns. Holds 25
charges (cannot be recharged). Human Control: Allows the wearer to cast Charm Person once per
Usable by: All Classes. day, and maintain the charm on up to 3 individuals at a time.
Usable by: All Classes.
Wand of Spell: Casts random spell of determined level. Holds
variable amount of charges (cannot be recharged). Poison Resistance: +5 to saving throws versus poison.
Usable by: Magic-Users. Usable by: All Classes.

Rings Regeneration: The wearer regenerates one hit point per combat
No more than two magic rings may be worn at a time (one on each round, and thus cannot die unless the ring is removed or his body is
hand) without unpredictable and potentially dire consequences. burned.
Usable by: All Classes.
Table 47: Lesser Rings
Roll Lesser Ring Shooting Stars: Once per day this ring can summon d6 flaming
1 Protection, +1 meteors from the depths of space. Each meteor can target a separate
2 Protection, +2 enemy and does 3d6 damage. If used underground or indoors the
3 Invisibility meteors will strike whatever is directly above their target.
Usable by: All Classes.
4 Mammal control
5 Fire Resistance
Spell Storing, arcane: The ring contains 1d6 magic-user spells. Roll
6 Poison Resistance
1d6 for each spell to determine the spell level. The wearer (if he is
a magic-user) can cast these spells as if they were his own
memorized and prepared spells. Once the spell is cast, it cannot be
cast a second time until the wearer has rested for 8 hours.
Usable by: Magic-Users.

Spell Storing, clerical: The ring contains 1d6 clerical spells. Roll
1d6 for each spell to determine the spell level. The wearer (if he is
a cleric) can cast these spells as if they were his own memorized
and prepared spells. Once the spell is cast, it cannot be cast a


second time until the wearer has rested for 8 hours. One ring out of
six is destined to Druids. Usable by: Clerics or Druids. Command: A charge can be used to control humans (as per Charm
Person), plants, or animals.
Spell Turning: Any spell (other than from a wand or other item) Usable by: All Classes.
directly aimed at the wearer of the ring is partially reflected back at
the caster. Roll a percentile die to see how much of the spell’s Healing: Cures 1d6+1 hit points of damage per charge.
power bounces back; the exact determination of what happens is up Usable by: Clerics and Druids.
to the referee.
Usable by: All Classes. Power: Casts Light (no charge used), casts Fireball (6d6 damage),
cold as a Wand of Cold, Lightning Bolts (6d6 damage), acts as a
Telekinesis: The wearer can mentally lift and move 200 pounds of ring of Telekinesis (costs one charge) and hits for 2d6 damage (no
weight at a range of 120 ft. charge used).
Usable by: All Classes. Usable by: Magic-Users.

Three Wishes: Grants the wearer three wishes. Beware of Lordly Might: These staffs only carry 10 charges, but a charge may
outrageous wishes; they backfire. be used to cast Raise Dead.
Usable by: All Classes. Usable by: Clerics and Druids.

Staffs Snake, the: +1 to hit and +1 damage. When commanded (by using a
Like wands, most staffs operate by using up charges. charge) the staff coils around the target with a successful hit and
Spell effects generated by a staff operate at 8th level, or the lowest pinions the victim for 1d4 x10 minutes. The victim must be about
caster level the spell could be cast by, whichever is higher, unless the size of a human or smaller to use this power. The staff will
otherwise stated. slither back to its owner afterwards at a speed of 24. Only clerics
However, staffs are not as easily rechargeable as wands. can employ a Staff of the Snake.
Magic-users will have to figure out how it’s done, or hire a wizard Usable by: Magic-Users, Clerics and Druids.
to do it (if even they know how). Most staffs carry 200 charges.
Striking: Inflicts 2d6 points of damage with a successful hit (does
Table 49: Staffs not use charges)
Roll Staff Usable by: Clerics and Druids.
1 Healing
2 Command Withering: Adds ten years of physical aging with a successful hit.
Usable by: Magic-Users, Clerics and Druids.
3 Snake, the
4 Striking
Wizardry: The most powerful of staffs. It is a staff of power with
5 Withering
additional abilities. At the cost of one charge, it allows invisibility,
6 Power summoning elementals (calling 1d4 at a time), Hold Person, a Wall
7 Wizardry of Fire (See Wall of Defense I), Passwall, a Web spell, or Fly.
8 Beguiling Usable by: Magic-Users.
9 Absorption
10 Lordly Might

Staff Descriptions
Absorption: Absorbs spells cast directly at the wielder, and allows
the wielder to cast a spell from his own memory using that power
(and thus not losing the spell from memory). Once the staff has
absorbed 50 levels of spells (whether or not the power has been cast
back out again), it no longer absorbs spells.
Usable by: Magic-Users, Clerics, Druids.

Beguiling: Casts Charm Person in a radius of 20ft from the wielder

(uses one charge). The duration of the charm is one hour.
Usable by: All Classes.


Table 50: Misc. Magic Items (Lesser Items) Table 52: Misc. Magic Items (Greater Items)
Roll Lesser Magic Item Roll Greater Magic Item
1 Arrow of Direction 1 Amulet of Demon Control
2 Bag of Holding 2 Beaker of Potions
3 Boots of Elvenkind 3 Censer, Bowl, Brazier, or Stone of Controlling Elementals
4 Boots of Speed or Boots of Leaping (50%) 4 Crystal Ball
5 Bracers of Defense, AC [13] 5 Efreeti Bottle
6 Chime of Opening 6 Figurine of the Golden Lions
7 Cloak of Elvenkind 7 Gauntlets of Dexterity
8 Cloak of Protection, +1 8 Gem of Seeing
9 Cursed Item 9 Girdle of Giant Strength
10 Decanter of Endless Water 10 Helm of Fiery Brilliance
11 Dust of Appearance or Disappearance (50%) 11 Helm of Teleportation
12 Dust of Sneezing and Choking 12 Horn of Blasting
13 Gauntlets of Swimming and Climbing 13 Horn of Valhalla, Iron
14 Horseshoes of Speed 14 Lenses of Charming
15 Luckstone (+1 saving throws and attack rolls) 15 Libram, Magical (level gain)
16 Manual of Beneficial Exercise 16 Manual of Golems
17 Pipes of the Sewers 17 Manual of Intelligence
18 Rope of Climbing 18 Manual of Wisdom
19 Rope of Entanglement 19 Necklace of Fireballs
20 Spade of Excavation 20 Symbol-scarab of Insanity

Table 51: Misc. Magic Items (Medium Items) Misc. Magic Item Descriptions
Roll Medium Magic Item The following descriptions are in alphabetical order:
1 Amulet Against Scrying
2 Boots of Flying Amulet Against Scrying: Protects the wearer from all scrying, such
3 Bracers of Defense as Detect Thoughts or being viewed through a crystal ball.
4 Carpet of Flying Usable by: All Classes.
5 Cloak of Displacement
Amulet of Demon Control: Functions as a Protection From Chaos
6 Cloak of Protection, +2 or +3
spell, and allows the wearer to attempt to “Charm Monster” upon a
7 Deck of Many Things
demon. Success means that the demon is enslaved for 1d6 weeks,
8 Figurine of the Onyx Dog
whereupon it becomes free.
9 Gauntlets of Ogre Power Usable by: Magic-users and Clerics.
10 Helm of Reading Magic and Languages
11 Hole, Portable Arrow of Direction: Points the direction of whatever the owner
12 Horn of Valhalla, Bronze requests. Cannot be used more than seven times in a single week.
13 Horn of Valhalla, Silver Usable by: All Classes.
14 Jug of Alchemy
15 Manual of Quickness Bag of Holding: The inside of this bag is larger than the outside.
The inside dimensions are roughly 10x5x3 ft, but the bag cannot
16 Medallion of ESP
carry more than 1,000 pounds of weight. If it is not empty, the bag
17 Mirror of Mental Scrying
weighs 50 pounds, no matter how much weight it actually contains.
18 Robe of Blending
Usable by: All Classes.
19 Robe of Eyes
20 Robe of Wizardry


Beaker of Potions: This small jug fills itself with the requested Chime of Opening: Sounding this small chime opens any door,
potion, out of the 1d4+1 potions it knows how to produce. The jug even if the door is barred or wizard locked.
can be used as many times per week as the number of different Usable by: All Classes.
potions it can produce.
Usable by: All Classes. Cloak of Displacement: The wearer appears to be in a slightly
different location than he really is. His armor class improves by 2,
Boots of Elvenkind: The wearer moves with complete silence. and he gains a +2 bonus saving throw against any targeted attack
Usable by: All Classes. upon him.
Usable by: All Classes.
Boots of Levitation: These boots allow the wearer to levitate as per
the spell, with unlimited duration. Cloak of Elvenkind: The wearer is almost, but not quite, invisible.
Usable by: All Classes. Usable by: All Classes.

Boots of Speed or Boots of Leaping (50%): Boots of speed double Cloak of Protection, +1: This cloak improves the wearer’s armor
the wearer’s movement rate, but require complete rest for a period class by 1, and grants a bonus of +1 on saving throws.
of time equivalent to the amount of time they were used. Boots of Usable by: All Classes.
Leaping allow the wearer to make prodigious leaps 10 ft high and
up to 30 ft horizontally. These boots also double movement rates, Cloak of Protection, +2 or +3 (50%): This cloak improves the
but outdoors only. They do not require the wearer to rest after using wearer’s armor class by 2 (or 3), and grants a bonus of +2 (or +3)
them. on saving throws.
Usable by: All Classes. Usable by: All Classes.

Bracers of Defense, AC [15] or AC [17] (50% chance): These Crystal Ball: Allows the user to see what he desires to see, over a
bracers improve the wearer’s armor class (whatever part of it is due considerable distance. A crystal ball may not be used more than
to actual armor) to the stated level—there is no effect if the wearer thrice per day, or the user will be driven mad. Certain spells and
is already armored to the same or higher degree. The armor class other precautions may be used to prevent being seen through a
granted by the bracers can be increased by magical rings or other crystal ball. Some crystal balls communicate sound or even
protective magics. thoughts from the area being scryed, although these are rare.
Usable by: All Classes. Usable by: Magic-users.

Bracers of Defense, AC [13]: These bracers improve the wearer’s Cursed Item: (See Cursed Items at the end of this section.)
armor class (whatever part of it is due to actual armor) to the stated
level—there is no effect if the wearer is already armored to the Decanter of Endless Water: This jug pours out one gallon of water
same or higher degree. The armor class granted by the bracers can per minute when unstoppered.
be increased by magical rings or other protective magics. Usable by: All Classes.
Usable by: All Classes.
Deck of Many Things: An ordinary-seeming deck of hand-painted
Carpet of Flying: the carpet can carry as many as three people, and cards, this item bears tremendous and varied enchantments, one per
travels at a speed of 6 when it has more than one passenger. With placard in the deck. The deck contains all the aces and face cards,
only one rider, the carpet moves at a rate of 10. plus one Joker (the Fool). A character may draw as many cards as
Usable by: All Classes. he likes (with the deck re-shuffled each time), but once he stops
drawing cards, the deck disappears in a sound of faintly malevolent
Censer, Bowl, Brazier, or Stone of Controlling Elementals: Censers laughter. The results of the cards are as follows:
control air elementals, Bowls (when filled) control water
elementals, braziers control fire elementals, and Stones control The Hearts ()
earth elementals. These items can be used to summon a 12 HD Ace: Gain 50,000 XP.
elemental of the appropriate type. Generally, it takes 10 minutes to King: Gain magic item from the Misc. Greater Magical Items
prepare the object for use. Table.
Usable by: Magic-users. Queen: Gain 1d3 wishes.
Jack: Gain the ability to summon an 8 HD warrior with +3
weapon, shield, and sword, to serve for a total of 1 hour.


The Clubs () Figurine of the Golden Lions: A small stone figurine that
Ace: The character’s alignment is changed. If the game does transforms into a lion when the command word is spoken, fighting
not use alignment, the character receives a dangerous Quest at the owner’s orders. If they are slain, they turn back into
(per the spell). figurines, but may be used again. The figurine may be used once
King: The character’s most powerful magic item is sucked per week, and no more.
into the void and disappears. Usable by: All Classes.
Queen: The character is instantly turned to stone, a look of
great surprise upon his face. Figurine of the Onyx Dog: This stone figure transforms into a
Jack: The character loses one point from his Prime Attribute. living hound of stone when its command word is spoken. It will
seek whatever the owner tells it to find, without stopping until it
The Spades () succeeds or is killed. It has a 75% chance to detect objects that are
Ace: Lose a level of experience. invisible or hidden (and of course its sense of smell detects
King: A warrior with 9 HD, a +4 weapon, +4 shield, and +4 invisible and hidden creatures with almost perfect success). For
armor appears and attacks. When he is killed, his body and all purposes of defense and attack, the stone dog is treated as a wolf. It
his possessions disappear again. may be used twelve times before the statuette becomes
Queen: The character dies instantly. non-magical.
Jack: The party is attacked by a random monster, with 1d4+6 Usable by: All Classes.
HD. The monster gains one round of surprise, for it appears
from thin air. Gauntlets of Dexterity: When worn, these gloves grant a bonus of
+2 to the wearer’s dexterity (to a maximum of 18).
The Diamonds () Usable by: All Classes.
Ace: Gain a map to a significant treasure.
King: Gain 5d6 items of jewelry. Gauntlets of Ogre Power: These gauntlets raise the wearer’s
Queen: Gain a scroll of seven spells, all 2nd level or higher. Strength to 19 (+3 bonus not cumulative with the wearer’s existing
Jack: Add one point to a single attribute of the player’s choice. strength bonus, if any).
Usable by: all but Magic-users.
The Joker: Gain 25,000 XP or choose to draw two more cards.
Usable by: All Classes. Gauntlets of Swimming and Climbing: These gloves permit the
wearer to swim at a rate of 18, and climb sheer walls with a 95%
Dust of Appearance or Disappearance (50%): Dust of Appearance chance of success per ten feet of climbing.
is tossed in a radius of 10 ft around the user, and makes any Usable by: all but Magic-users.
invisible, astral, displaced, out-of-phase, or dimensional thing
completely visible. The dust generally comes in a pouch, with Gem of Seeing: A gem of seeing is used as a lens, and shows the
enough for 20–30 uses. Dust of Disappearance works in the truth of what it sees, cutting through illusions of all kinds, even
opposite way: when it is sprinkled in a 10 ft radius, everything very powerful ones.
therein becomes invisible for 5d6 turns. Normal means of detecting Usable by: All Classes.
invisibility (such as a Detect Invisibility spell) are not strong
enough to work against the dust’s powerful enchantment. Girdle of Giant Strength: This wide belt grants the wearer a
Usable by: All Classes. Strength of 30 (+6 strength bonus, not cumulative with any existing
strength bonuses).
Dust of Sneezing and Choking: Pouches containing this dust Usable by: All but Magic-Users.
ordinarily contain only enough for one “dose.” When scattered in a
radius of 10 ft, the dust causes all in the area to make a saving Helm of Fiery Brilliance: This prodigiously powerful helm grants
throw or die. If the nature of the dust is identified before it is many benefits to the wearer. He gains a +10 on saving throws
experimented with, it can be used as a devastating thrown weapon. against fire damage, and can create a wall of fire himself (as per the
Usable by: All Classes. spell Wall of Defense I). Fighters or Rogues wearing the helm may
command a weapon in hand to flame (+1d6 damage). Magic-users
Efreeti Bottle: The efreeti of the bottle will serve the bottle’s owner wearing the helm can add +1 to each die of damage inflicted by a
for a year and a day unless it is accidentally released from fireball or delayed blast fireball spell. Clerics wearing the helm can
servitude. ignite objects within 30 ft at will, and may cast two light or
Usable by: All Classes. continual light spells for each one actually prepared. The wearer of
this ring is likely to be attacked by any air elemental creatures, but


fire elemental types (such as efreet or salamanders) will be day, and will only produce the liquid first requested in that day. It
favorably disposed toward the wearer. does not produce magical liquids.
Usable by: All Classes. Usable by: All Classes.

Helm of Reading Magic and Languages: The wearer can read all Lenses of Charming: These lenses, when placed over the eyes, give
languages, including magic script. the wearer the ability to charm those who look into his eyes (as per
Usable by: All Classes. the spell Charm Person). The saving throw against the power of the
lenses is made at-2.
Helm of Teleportation: When the wearer casts a teleportation spell Usable by: All Classes.
on himself, while wearing the helm, he may teleport himself
without error, anywhere he desires. The helm does not permit the Libram, Magical (level gain): Magical librams grant a level of
casting of a teleportation spell on anyone other than the wearer. experience to the reader, if the reader is of the right class.
Usable by: Magic-users. Randomly determine the class for which the libram is written.
Usable by: varies.
Hole, Portable: A piece of dark cloth about five feet in diameter. It
is actually the mouth of an inter-dimensional hole 10 ft deep— Luckstone: This stone grants +1 to saving throws and attack rolls.
items and people can fall through it or climb down into it once it is Usable by: All Classes.
placed on the ground. The piece of cloth can actually be pulled in
from the inside to close the hole off entirely, although there is no Manual of Beneficial Exercise: Reading this tome increases the
source of fresh air within, and staying inside will asphyxiate the reader’s strength by 1 point (to a maximum of 18).
inhabitant in a short time. The piece of cloth can be picked up and Usable by: All Classes.
carried off whenever desired—hence the name “portable.”
Usable by: All Classes. Manual of Golems: This book contains the basic instructions and
formulae for creating a single type of golem. The process is
Horn of Blasting: This horn, when blown, has the same effect on expensive, and the creator must have achieved a certain level of
structures as a catapult, and causes 2d6 points of damage to magical expertise in order to use the book, but these are priceless
creatures, deafening them for 10 minutes as well. The cone of repositories of forgotten lore. Such books are often warded, by the
sound is 100 ft long, and widens to a base of 20 ft (the “point” of original owner, from the touch of anyone not of the Magic-user
the cone, at the horn’s mouth, is 10 ft wide). After use, roll 1d6: if class, enchanted to inflict damage or even the loss of a level.
the result is lower than the number of times the horn has been Usable by: Magic-users.
blown today, it explodes causing its usual effects on the blower and
within 20 feet of him or her. Manual of Intelligence: Reading this tome increases the reader’s
Usable by: All Classes. intelligence by 1 point (to a maximum of 18).
Usable by: All Classes.
Horn of Valhalla, Bronze: Once per week summons 2d4 berserk
warriors (3 HD) to assist the one who winded the horn. Manual of Quickness: Reading this tome increases the reader’s
Usable by: Fighters, Rogues and Clerics. dexterity by 1 point (to a maximum of 18).
Usable by: All Classes.
Horn of Valhalla, Iron: Once per week summons 2d4 berserk
warriors (4 HD) to assist the one who winded the horn. Manual of Wisdom: Reading this tome increases the reader’s
Usable by: Fighters. wisdom by 1 point (to a maximum of 18).
Usable by: All Classes.
Horn of Valhalla, Silver: Once per week summons 2d4 berserk
warriors (2 HD) to assist the one who winded the horn. Medallion of ESP: Functions as a Detect thoughts spell within 30 ft
Usable by: All Classes. (75%) or 90 ft (25%).
Usable by: All Classes.
Horseshoes of Speed: These double a horse’s movement rate.
Usable by: horses. Mirror of Mental Scrying: This hand-mirror (it might also be found
as a smaller mirror on a necklace) allows the user to cast Crystal
Jug of Alchemy: This jug produces whatever liquid is desired, in a Ball, with the normal range, but for an unlimited time. The mirror
commonly used large quantity (e.g., 10 gallons of water, but only will also answer a question about what it portrays (the answer is
five gallons of wine). It may be used no more than seven times per


likely to be cryptic), but only one question per week is possible. Spade of Excavation: This ordinary-looking spade digs by itself
Usable by: All Classes. when commanded, shoveling out one cubic yard (27 cu ft.) per ten
minutes (1 turn).
Necklace of Firebaubles: This necklace is hung with 3d4 little Usable by: Fighters and Rogues only.
baubles. When thrown, the baubles explode into 6d6 fireballs (per
the spell). Symbol—Scarab of Insanity: This is a carving of a scarab-beetle, or
Usable by: All Classes. perhaps the petrified remains of a real one. When the scarab is
displayed, all creatures with 9 or fewer hit dice, within a radius of
Pipes of the Sewers: These pipes summon 10d6 giant rats. The 30 ft, fall into temporary insanity lasting for 2 hours. Creatures with
piper does not need to concentrate once the rats arrive (which takes 10+ hit dice still do not receive a saving throw, but have a 25%
1d6x5 minutes), but it is wise to do so. When the rats arrive, there chance to overcome the scarab’s insidious influence. The scarab
is a 5% chance that they will not obey him, and if he ceases to may be used 12 times, after which it crumbles to dust. At the option
concentrate on his tune there is a 10% chance that he will lose of the Referee, it might be recharged using a Symbol of Insanity
control of them. Every subsequent round in which he fails to spell, but with a 5% chance per charge that the item will be
concentrate there is another chance to lose control, and the chance destroyed.
increases by 10% each time it is made (first round, 10%, second Usable by: All Classes.
round 20%, etc.).
Usable by: All Classes. Cursed Items
Cursed items come in many shapes and forms—most likely they
Robe of Blending: These robes make the wearer appear to be a part are ancient magical items whose magic has deteriorated or changed
of his surroundings, including the ability to appear as another one with age, although some of them were clearly fashioned to serve as
of a group of nearby creatures. He will appear to be a small tree traps for the unwary (or for the maker’s enemies, perhaps).
when in forest surroundings, a sand formation in the desert, etc. Characters of all classes and races are affected by Cursed Items.
Creatures with 10+ hit dice (or levels of experience) have a 1 in 6 Note that cursed items cannot usually be dropped or removed
chance per level (or HD) above 9th to perceive the wearer as a without the assistance of a Remove Curse spell. Although the
robed figure rather than a part of the surroundings. Referee is encouraged to create his own cursed items, the samples
Usable by: All Classes. on the following page should prove useful guidance:

Robe of Eyes: Hundreds of eyes are woven and embroidered into Table 53: Cursed Items
the fabric of these magical robes, granting the wearer tremendous Roll Cursed Item
powers of supernatural perception. In a radius of 240 ft, anything 1 Bag of Devouring
he looks upon is seen for what it is: he sees invisible creatures, he 2 Censer of Hostile Elementals
perceives illusions, and his sight even extends into the astral plane.
3 Cloak of Poison
He cannot be ambushed or otherwise taken by surprise, and he can
4 Crystal Ball of Suggestion
follow the trail of anything that has passed by within the last day.
5 Dancing Boots
Usable by: Magic-users only.
6 Flask of Stoppered Curses
Robe of Wizardry: This robe grants the wearer the ability to cast 7 Horn of Collapse
Charm Person, Polymorph, and Hold Person once er day each. The 8 Medallion of Projecting Thoughts
robes may be tied to specific alignments. 9 Mirror of Opposition
Usable by: Magic-users only. 10 Robe of Feeblemindedness

Rope of Climbing: A 50 ft length of rope that leaps magically Cursed Item Descriptions
upward and can tie and untie itself upon command.
Bag of Devouring: Functions as a bag of holding, but devours any
Usable by: All Classes.
item placed into it within 1d6 hours.

Rope of Entanglement: This rope, on command, twines itself

Censer of Hostile Elementals: A censer (or brazier, bowl, or stone)
around as many as 1d6+1 human-sized foes. The rope cannot be hit
that summons elementals—but the elementals are hostile instead of
except with a natural roll of 20 (it is magical), and can sustain 20
under the summoner’s control.
hit points of damage before fraying and becoming useless.
Usable by: All Classes.


Cloak of Poison: Upon donning this cloak, the wearer’s body is

suffused with magical poisons of many kinds, and dies instantly,
without the chance of a saving throw.

Crystal Ball of Suggestion: Does not function as a crystal ball, but

implants a suggestion in the viewer’s mind. Powerful versions of
this item might even implant a Quest.

Dancing Boots: These boots function as boots of Elvenkind or

speed, until the wearer is in combat or fleeing. Suddenly at that
point he will begin to dance a jig, or perhaps a stately waltz.

Flask of Stoppered Curses: This flask releases a curse of some kind

when its seal is broken.

Horn of Collapse: When sounded, this horn causes a blast of

destruction straight upwards, destroying any ceiling overhead and
causing it to collapse.

Medallion of Projecting Thoughts: The wearer’s thoughts can be

“heard” by all nearby.

Mirror of Opposition: All persons looking into this mirror are

attacked by Chaotic (or Lawful if the gazer is Chaotic) versions of
themselves, exact duplicates including spells and magic items.
When the mirror-opposites are slain, their bodies and equipment
disappear into mist, and return to the mirror.

Robe of Feeblemindedness: Anyone donning this cloak has his

intelligence reduced to that of a garden snail.


OGL and Required Legal Notices from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms
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THE BLUE BOOK OF DANGERS & DWEOMERS is based on Swords & this License.
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Monster Compendium: 0e, Copyright 2008, Matthew J. Finch Game Content.
Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game Copyright © 2006-2008 Chris
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White Box Heroes Copyright © 2009 Salvatore Macrì. original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your
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Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker,
Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D.


Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary White Box Heroes Copyright © 2009 Salvatore Macrì.
Gygax and Dave Arneson. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Beta playtest edition. Copyright 2008, Paizo
Swords & Wizardry, S&W, and Mythmere Games are the trademarks of Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn
Matthew J. Finch, Copyright © 2008 -2012 Matthew J. Finch Unearthed Arcana Copyright 2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Andy
Monster Compendium: 0e, Copyright 2008, Matthew J. Finch Collins, Jesse Decker, David Noonan, Rich Redman.
Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game Copyright © 2006-2008 Chris


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