I Search Paper

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Brianna Franco Period: 1 LA honors December 2, 2013

My goal for reading is to be able to read something and understand what I read without having to read it two or three times so I can maintain my score of 1400s on the SRI. My goal for writing is to grow my grammar and vocabulary understanding so that when I vocally speak I can come across as intelligent in the setting I am in. I also need to understand how to use citation when researching so I do not get mistaken for plagiarism. I plan to accomplish these goals by reading slower, looking up words I do not understand and not just read by it and ask the teacher, one on one, to explain how to citate. I must always give every assignment my best shot, do all my homework, be on time to class, ask questions when I do not get what I was taught and balance out my school life and my life that I have outside of school. I am different as a reader, writer and student than I was last year because in language arts last year we mainly annotated straight from the book and got a quote and did an analysis from that quote all year. Also in writing we did deep thinking about the book, the story line, characters, etc. but this year we became more universal probably because we are in honors but we do more of everything like computer research, group discussions, character analysis, how the story line affected the character, etc. Attention!, my teacher called. The classs side conversations stopped for the most part. She looked around the class and waited until there was nothing but the buzzing of silence in the room. Well, she exclaimed as she set a photo underneath the document camera, today we will be doing descriptive writing, write down everything you can to tell me about this picture or what you think is going on. And with that,

she turned toward her desk and walked in that general direction, out of my view point. While everyone started to write right away, I took a couple minutes to analyze the picture. I then wrote everything I saw and every emotion the photo communicated. I wasnt even finished when the teacher collected the papers. At the end of the day, without saying the name, she started reading the paper she thought was best but a smirk formed on my face because it sounded very familiar. Researching my person had grown me as a researcher by being in the library and actually seeing where to find the specific information that I needed and what place to find them at with the help of friends because I dont know how to use the school library. Also I have gotten better with citation skills and knowing where to go to get help or to guide me through doing it correctly. I learned about myself that I actually am not so bad at getting information off the internet, when I struggle with technology. In 5th grade when I moved to Snoqualmie, I approached and entered my new classroom. Naturally my new class mates turned to look at the new girl. The teacher saved me from turning bright red in the face and sat me down in the nearest open seat. Why is the class so quiet? I grabbed out whatever I thought I might need, I had everything, I was sure of it. Or so I thought. She leaned over and asked if I had a reading book and chuckled when a question mark remained on my face. She explained to me that once a day she gave us time to free read. Oh, I said feeling out of place. After school I insisted that I had to go get a book that day to my mom and she just couldnt go get one in that moment. I tried being understanding but I was too stubborn. I guess my cousin must have overheard our conversation because that night she walked into our room and tossed it at me. I looked at the thing that lay in my lap and I fell in love. It was the first Twilight book. I started digging into it that night and from then on, I realized I loved to read.

My goals were partially completed because I made progress with my reading skills because of the book club we did in class. I was able analyze with my peers about what we read and different points of views allowed me to receive the same information but in a different way and it grew my understanding of what I read. But I set this for a long term goal so it wont be accomplished until later in the year. I also have progressed with researching skills. When we did a paper on a famous persons success, I was able to narrow down to specific information I needed without grabbing every detail. Although, Im not very tech-savvy so I can grow and learn more so this is a longer term goal as well. If I could experience first term all over again, Id give everything my best effort and turn in everything in on time. What I wouldnt do for first term all over again is procrastinate. I kept myself so busy that I focused on finishing everything else and then say by the time Im ready for bed, Id remember I had homework or an assignment to finish for class. Sometimes Id do it and other times I wouldnt do it or sometimes I would just forget about it completely. So here is what I say to you students of the future, give yourself time management skills and dont wait until the last minute. Trust me, you will get overwhelmed if you dont manage or balance your life and school and waiting until the last minute creates a bad procrastination habit that is hard to stop once you start.

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