Jennifer Boisvert Resume
Jennifer Boisvert Resume
Jennifer Boisvert Resume
Masters of Science in Clinical Nutrition New *or+ ,nstitute of -echnolo.y /01 2 #.! Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Science 5niversity of New ampshire )ay 2!12 New *or+, N* )ay 1334 6urham, N
So"e#o Distance E"ucation Dietetic Internshi$ 7eptember 2!12 8 November 2!1" Completed ##! hours of clinical dietetic wor+ at 7t. 9oseph ospital in Nashua, N o 1ccomplished 4! hours of clinical staff relief on )edical/7ur.ical :ncolo.y 5nit Completed #! clinical specialty hours at 7t. 9oseph ospital Cancer Center o 1ssessed nutritional status, provided nutrition education and counselin. to outpatient oncolo.y patients 6eveloped and presented nutrition education classes to .roups ;up to 2< people= of various Completed 2!! elective hours at Catholic )edical Center :besity -reatment Center o 0rovided nutritional loss and behavior modification counselin. to patients o >ducated patients on postoperative bariatric sur.ery diets
Learn to Rea" )anchester, N 1dult ?iteracy -utor 6ecember 2!!3 8 7eptember 2!12 @or+ed in a one on one settin. helpin. adults improve their readin., writin. and math s+ills Share Our Stren'th(s Coo)in' Matters New ampshire Nutrition ,nstructor 1ssistant Aebruary 2!1! 8 9une 2!11 1ssisted Nutrition ,nstructor in plannin., or.aniBin. and facilitatin. nutrition education to low income class participants 0lanned and led nutrition education discussions and activities @or+ed in collaboration with team members to plan participant appropriate class menus Ne* En'lan" Re'ional S$inal Cor" In+ur, Center Coston, )1 Consultant 2!!# 8 2!!3 @or+ed as part of a team helpin. to create a website that provides peer reviewed informational sites to those with spinal cord injury. www.sci.uide.or.
1cademy of Nutrition and 6ietetics -he New ampshire 6ietetic 1ssociation N Chapter of the National 7pinal Cord ,njury 1ssociation ;Coard 6irector= N 7tatewide ,ndependent ?ivin. Council ;Coard )ember=