Expanded Prop and Sound List

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Expanded Prop and Sound List

Outstanding Farmer of the Year Props Dinner Plate- plain colour and medium to large size Soil Earth to place upon plate to grow vegetables in. Seeds. A small handful of seeds to plant in soil. Watering can Small watering can. Any kind will suffice. Cutlery spoons and forks to act as shovels and hoes. Root vegetables Carrots, potatoes, etc. Roughly three. Large root vegetable- A turnip or something similar would be good. This is the award winner. Blue Ribbon This will need to be hand crafted, and must have the ident title printed upon it.

Sounds Shovelling Digging in the soil to bury seeds. Raking Running fork along soil. Slap sound for the blue ribbon Pouring For the watering can Popping as vegetables rapidly sprout Comedic and anticlimactic Pop! Cheering as the award is presented. Small crowd cheers Other basic recorded foley for footsteps and general motion

Best Food Innovation Props Computer Monitor Any will suffice Printer Simple standard domestic printer. Burger A burger. Nice and easy. A picture of a burger A printed picture to deceive viewers with a perspective switch-out. The paper will also have the title printed upon it. Keyboard A keyboard to type on.

Sounds Printing whirring and clunking of a printer Typing Hands typing on a keyboard Mouse click clicking of a computer mouse. Other basic recorded foley for footsteps and general motion

Best Food Producer Props Bucket A bucket to throw food into A spade- A spade to pat down the food within the bucket Sandpaper a good material to give a rough texture to replace the flattened food. Ingredient assortment A plethora of strange ingredients to throw into the bucket. Cake- Fancy cake with title printed upon it.

Sounds Thudding and impacts Various impact sounds as objects at thrown into bucket. Loud thud A loud thud as the cake hits the surface. Other basic recorded foley for footsteps and general motion

Best Drink Producer Props Intact alcohol bottles Maybe five or six to scatter around the scene, and one to use. Martini shaker Ingredients go into a shaker Hops and grapes Theyll be inside a cracked beer/wine bottle or two. Sundered bottle A bottle thats been broken perfectly in half, which will be used in a switch upon the break. Martini glass Glass for the final drink Grape-vine coke bottles A small comedic grapevine made out of haribo style cola bottles. Handkerchief/serviette with ident title printed upon. Drink to pour A brightly coloured drink to pour into the glass.

Sounds Pouring solids Pouring of hops and grapes into a shaker Pouring liquids Pouring liquid into a glass Shaking solids Rattling within the container Plucking Plucking a berry from a bush for the coke vine Cracking/shattering of a bottle as its broken like an egg. Bar ambience The sounds of a bar/pub/inn *** Other basic recorded foley for footsteps and general motion

Cook of the Year Props Frying Pan Large frying pan to cook numbers Numbers 2 0 1 and 4 made from sturdy materials. Theyll slide around in the pan as theyre cooked.

Sounds Thudding- Thudding as numbers are thrown into pan Hissing Escalating hisses as numbers are fried. Kitchen ambience the sounds of a professional kitchen.*** Plucking Plucking a berry from a bush for the coke vine Cracking/shattering of a bottle as its broken like an egg. Other basic recorded foley for footsteps and general motion

Best Street Food or Takeaway Props Set made from food Set resembling a street made from food. Traditional Chinese take-away box to fold up and be taken away. The title must be printed upon the side

Sounds Time-lapse sounds, maybe Sounds to play over the time-lapsed build. Sound of box folding up Swoosh as the box is taken. Possibly ambience of a street played over the street-food shot. ***

Best Food Retailer Props Old cashiers till An old fashioned retailers till. *** Standard groceries Vegetables or fruits, possibly in a bag. Cornucopia Crafted horn of plenty filled with same vegetables previously mentioned. *** Stuffed or real animal Escalation gag calls for a creature *** Small props to add to shop ambience Maybe scales or plastic bags, etc. Possibly post production or stop motion set for till-pop up icons and ident title.

Sounds Cha-Ching The sound of a till being operated. Store ambience The sound of a small local shop.*** Other basic recorded foley for footsteps and general motion Possibly music over this scene.

Best Market Props Wooden surface to act as market stall Scales Scales to add to market ambience. Just a scene prop, wont be used. Two boxes Two market boxes to store food within. One of these boxes must have a sign within with the title upon it. Grassy texture cloth- Surface for the boxes to sit upon Crude signs Rubbish market signs Produce such as apples to fill both boxes Large marrow or melon within the box. Last thing to be picked up. Title will sit beneath it in the box

Sounds Swiping and snatching Items are taken rapidly with a sound effect Market ambience The sounds of a large bustling market.*** Other basic recorded foley for footsteps and general motion

Food Personality Award Props Set Crude stage set to be operated by Hands Food Vegetables and other foodstuffs to fill the stands and competitor roles. Peas and other smaller objects for the audience, and tomatoes/larger fruit for competitors. Sash and tiny tiara for the winner. Banner to lower The banner that lowers from above will have the title printed upon it. Other small props such as tiny podiums, scoring cards, tiny microphones, etc.

Sounds Squeaking and other poorly maintained sounds Sounds of the set operating, badly. The set is meant to be awful. Its a deliberately crude masterpiece. Maybe sounds of Hands making little sounds in place of the crowd and characters

Derek Cooper Lifetime Achievement Award Props Typewriter Typewriter for hands to type upon, preferably operational so we can use it to type the ident title. *** Relics Objects from previous idents, such as the cake, the cornucopia, the Chinese box and the martini glass to fill the area, dramatically lit. Lamp Lamp to light the workspace.

Sounds Typing and DING The classic, easily recognisable sounds of a traditional typewriter. Voice clip of Derek Cooper speaking about his role at the Broadcasting House. *** Small subtle sounds of chair creaking and general ambience.

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