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FIELD STUDY 3 Technology in the Learning Environment Episode 1 LOOK DEEPER INTO THE CONCEPTS, NATURE, AND PURPOSES

OF THE CURRICULUM Name of FS Student: Lani Jean A. Galagar Course: Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Year: 3rd year Resources Teacher: Ms. Rheazel Laude Cooperating School: Arriesgado College Foundation Incorporated My Performance (how I will be rated) Field Study 4, Episode 1 Look deeper into the concepts, nature and purpose of the curriculum. Focus on: The concepts, nature and purposes of the curriculum and how these are translated into the school community. Tasks Observation/ Documentation : Exemplary 4 All tasks were done with outstanding quality; work exceeds expectation 4 Analysis questions were answered completely; in depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theories / Exemplary grammar and spelling. Superior 3 All or nearly all tasks were done with high quality Unsatisfactory 1 Fewer than half of tasks were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality 3 2 1 Analysis Analysis Analysis question were question question were answered were not not answered completely answered completely Clear connection Vaguely Grammar and with theories related to the spelling are theories unsatisfactory. Grammar and spelling are Grammar superior. and spelling are acceptable. 3 Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode. 2 Reflection statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the episode. 1 Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and not supported by experiences from the episode. 1 Satisfactory 2 Nearly all tasks were done with acceptable quality

My Analysis

My Reflection

4 Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode.

My Portfolio

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and all supporting documentatio n are located in sections clearly designated.


4 Before deadline 4

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and most supporting documentatio n are available and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. 3 On the deadline 3

Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentatio n is organized but is lacking.

Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear.

2 1 A day after 2 days or more the deadline after the deadline 2 1

Sub Totals

Over-all Score

Rating (Based on Transmutation)

MR. DOMINIC M. DIZON, MAEd___________________________ Signature of FS Teacher Date above Printed Name

Transmutation of score to grade/rating Score 20 18-19 17 16 15 14 Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 Score 12-13 11 10 8-9 7-below Grade 2.50 - 81 2.75 - 78 3.00 - 75 3.5 - 72 and - 5.00 - below

99 96 93 90 87 84

My Map

To reach my target of getting the different concepts, nature and purposes of the curriculum, do the following tasks:

4. Request for a sample of their curriculum:, 2. Interview the school community and ask views about the traditional/ progressive curriculum 3. Inquire on the type of curriculum used in their school. 4.1 Scope/ Sequence Chart 4.2 Teaching Guide 4.3 Sample Lesson Plan

1. Visit the school

My Tools Interview an administrative or a faculty member. Get their ideas/ views of curriculum. Write the differences both side and the similarities at the center and then write social insight.

Traditional curriculum is an educational curriculum that is designed to follow certain guidelines and established practices.

The similarities of Traditional and Progressive curriculum are the classroom setting.

Progressive curriculum is based on the students insight.

My Personal Insight : As what Ive learned in my curriculum subject traditional curriculum is a course of study that the teachers are the center of the curriculum and progressive curriculum is the total learning experiences of the students.

Find out what curricula is being used in the school/ colleges/ universities near your place. Check the corresponding column. Types of Curricula
Name of School/ College/ University Recomme nded Curricula Written Curricula Taught Curricula Assessed Curricula Learned Curricula Supported Curricula Hidden Curricula

Arriesgado College Foundation Inc.

My Personal Insight

They use all types of curriculum since it is recommended by the Deped, it is written curricula, it is implemented by the teacher before it is taught and it is supported by the staff and the institution, the students will evaluated if they acquired learning so there is an assessment. Students also learned, teacher motivate the students to pursue their dreams and to become a lifelong learners. Every teachers conveys awareness about the real life aside from the subjects coverage of the lesson even though how short a sentences it was, its still a good purpose to the learners.

My Enriching Activities

If you are to design a curriculum for your own school, what are the things you need to consider? Accomplish the graphic organizer below.

The learners needs and interest and the teachers also.

The Vision, Mission, Goals and the Core Values.

Things I Need to Do to Consider in Preparing My Schools Curriculum

The support of my teachers and the administrative staff in my institution

The strategies and method to be use.

The Best Instructional Materials for teaching.

My Analysis

1. Why do we need to consider the traditional and progressive points of view of the curriculum? It is because we need to transform the traditional curriculum to progressive, nowadays we need to considered the progressive curriculum wherein the students at the centered or let us say the total learning experiences of the learners (Learning by Doing), we need to consider the learners if what suited curriculum for them.

2. How do the different educational philosophies relate to curriculum in the schools you visited? Cite examples/ situations? The educational philosophies are related to the school curriculum that Ive visited because teachers engage students activities, and it enhances their learning capabilities and aside from that teacher motivate the students to strive hard.

3. Why is there a need to revise the curriculum from time to time? There is need to revise the curriculum from time to time its because of the new generations, we need to considered the time in revising our curriculum if what would be the suitable curriculum for that generation and how the learners adapt the curriculum in that time.

My Reflection/ My Insights

In exploring the curriculum Ive found out that they use the progressive curriculum. Why is it that they use progressive not traditional curriculum? Because nowadays students are very curious and explorative they want to learn by their own discovery or they can learned easily based on their experiences. Furthermore teachers use progressive curriculum since they know already the needs and interest of the learners, if they use traditional set up the students get boring because they are only listening, so for this generation teachers uses progressive curriculum. For me I prefer to use also the progressive curriculum because through your experiences you can learned, and through discovering new things you can easily acquire knowledge that you will never forgot. As future teacher, my first thing to do, if what would be the suited curriculum should be used, I will know first the needs and interest of my students.

My Portfolio Traditional Curriculum

Progressive Curriculum

FIELD STUDY 3 Technology in the Learning Environment Episode 2 WHATS THE CURRICULUM MADE OF? Name of FS Student: Lani Jean A. Galagar Course: Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Year: 3rd year Resources Teacher: Ms. Rheazel Laude Cooperating School: Arriesgado College Foundation Incorporated My Performance (how I will be rated) Field Study 4, Episode 2 WHATS THE CURRICULUM MADE OF? Focus on: The component of the curriculum and curricular approaches

Tasks Observation/ Documentation :

Exemplary 4 All tasks were done with outstanding quality; work exceeds expectation 4 Analysis questions were answered completely; in depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theories / Exemplary grammar and spelling.

Superior 3 All or nearly all tasks were done with high quality

My Analysis

Unsatisfactory 1 Fewer than half of tasks were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality 3 2 1 Analysis Analysis Analysis question were question question were answered were not not answered completely answered completely Clear connection Vaguely Grammar and with theories related to the spelling are theories unsatisfactory. Grammar and spelling are Grammar superior. and spelling are acceptable. 3 Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode. 2 Reflection statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the episode. 1 Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and not supported by experiences from the episode. 1

Satisfactory 2 Nearly all tasks were done with acceptable quality

My Reflection

4 Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode.


My Portfolio

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and all supporting documentatio n are located in sections clearly designated.


4 Before deadline 4

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and most supporting documentatio n are available and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. 3 On the deadline 3

Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentatio n is organized but is lacking.

Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear.

2 1 A day after 2 days or more the deadline after the 2 deadline 1

Sub Totals

Over-all Score

Rating (Based on Transmutation)

MR. DOMINIC M. DIZON, MAEd___________________________ Signature of FS Teacher Date above Printed Name

Transmutation of score to grade/rating Score 20 18-19 17 16 15 14 Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 Score 12-13 11 10 8-9 7-below Grade 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 - 5.00

99 96 93 90 87 84

81 78 75 72 and - below


My Map For this concept, go through the following steps

1. Visit school and find out how they attain the aims of elementary, secondary and tertiary education.

2. Interview a school administrator/ faculty about how they concretize their schools vision and goals into the curriculum.

3. Record the different methods/ strategies that they employed to 4. Interview one or two students and ask them their schools vision/ mission. attain their schools objectives.


My Tools For this Episode, visit a school/ university or get a copy of the school brochure. Copy the school, universitys vision, mission and goals on this page.

VISION Arriesgado College Foundation Inc.is a culture-friendly center for excellence and achievements. It envisions providing globally competent professionals responsive to the changing society, environment and culture, spiritual and economic condition.

MISSION To provide a safe, orderly environment where students master their academic skills, become productive citizen and lifelong learners, thereby transforming our graduates into empowered, inspired, and pro-active citizen.

GOALS To attain our vision we hereby commit ourselves. To love and serve God and the community. To provide a pro-active academic institution highly conducive to learning. To develop young men and women into useful highly skilled and selfreliant citizens. Strengthen Filipino values and cultures. To preserve and actively conserve our environment and natural resources.


My Analysis 1. How important is the schools vision, mission and goals in designing the curriculum? It is important in designing the curriculum because it serve as the symbols to be accomplish by the school it served as the basis on what quality they have in their institution. They have the Vision, Mission and Goals that will maintain the standard of the school. 2. What methods and strategies were employed by the school community to realize these goals? In selecting the strategies and methods we need to consider the level of our learners and their learning style. Teachers must teach the students what are those moral values so that they can use it in future.The school community is responsible for the students if that VMG are suited to them, and they also served as a model to the students. 3. How did the students manifest that they have internalized their vision, mission and goals? Through following the rules and regulation implemented by the school, in that manner they value the vision, mission and goals. Appreciate the vision, mission and goals helps the learners to have good moral values, being responsible, and disciplinary students.

My Reflection/ My Insights

School really needs the Vision, Mission and Goal in order for the students to be guided and has a rules to be followed. Vision, Mission and Goal it helps us to become a better person through engaging ourselves in other activities. Through that we have a lot of Dos and Donts to be followed to achieve that all. We need to follow the school rules and regulations.


My Portfolio Paste the schools brochure on this page


FIELD STUDY 3 Technology in the Learning Environment Episode 3 WHATS NEW IN TEACHING AND LEARNING? Name of FS Student: Lani Jean A. Galagar Course: Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Year: 3rd year Resources Teacher: Ms. Rheazel Laude Cooperating School: Arriesgado College Foundation Incorporated My Performance (how I will be rated) Field Study 4, Episode 3 WHATS NEW IN TEACHING AND LEARNING? Focus on: The teaching and learning process in curriculum Tasks Observation/ Documentation : Exemplary 4 All tasks were done with outstanding quality; work exceeds expectation 4 Analysis questions were answered completely; in depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theories / Exemplary grammar and spelling. Superior 3 All or nearly all tasks were done with high quality Unsatisfactory 1 Fewer than half of tasks were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality 3 2 1 Analysis Analysis Analysis question were question question were answered were not not answered completely answered completely Clear connection Vaguely Grammar and with theories related to the spelling are theories unsatisfactory. Grammar and spelling are Grammar superior. and spelling are acceptable. 3 Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode. 2 Reflection statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the episode. 1 Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and not supported by experiences from the episode. 1 Satisfactory 2 Nearly all tasks were done with acceptable quality

My Analysis

My Reflection

4 Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode.


My Portfolio

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and all supporting documentatio n are located in sections clearly designated.


4 Before deadline 4

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and most supporting documentatio n are available and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. 3 On the deadline 3

Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentatio n is organized but is lacking.

Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear.

2 1 A day after 2 days or more the deadline after the deadline 2 1

Sub Totals

Over-all Score

Rating (Based on Transmutation)

MR. DOMINIC M. DIZON, MAEd___________________________ Signature of FS Teacher Date above Printed Name

Transmutation of score to grade/rating Score 20 18-19 17 16 15 14 Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 Score 12-13 11 10 8-9 7-below Grade 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 - 5.00

99 96 93 90 87 84

81 78 75 72 and - below


My Map

In order to reach my target I should do the following steps using the given pyramid.

3. Write your insights on teaching and learning

2. Observe a Class

1. Write your ideas on teaching and learning


My Tools For This Episode, I will use the activity from given below. Interview a teacher. Ask if they perform these series of actions in the teaching process


Yes, because planning involves the needs of the students, the selection of content to be taught, motivation and the evaluation process to measure learning outcomes.


It requires the teacher to implement what has been plan, implementation means put in to action in order to achieve your objectives


Evaluation will answer the question if the plans and implementation have been successfully achieved.


Observe a class, record the situations where these behavioral learning theories are applied in real classroom work.

Behavioral Learning Theoriesemphasize observable behavior such as new skills, knowledge or attitudes which can be demonstrated.

When the teacher gives activity to the students such as demonstration, role playing and research work that will help the students to examine their behavior. Cognitive Learning Theories unobservable mental process are used to learn and remember new information or acquire skills.

When the teacher let the students to give their insight about the topic, and during quizzes wherein the teacher could be able to measure the capacity of the learners.

Discovery Learning Individual learns from his discovery of the environment.

It can be seen, during the experimentation, wherein the teachers let the students to explore or discovered new things and get some ideas of there on, or what we called Learning by Doing.

Reception Learning learners involved in their own learning.



It can be seen during the teacher will give such as role playing, dramas, reciting etc. In which the interaction students teacher and student student will developed and their motivations.


My Analysis

1. Explain why teaching and learning give life and meaning to the curriculum.

It gives life and meaning to the curriculum because students and teachers will interact with each other, they develop their communication skills on how they communicate with others. If there is an effective teaching learning process, it really helps the curriculum, and also to the learners. The good curriculum will help the students/teachers/institution to learn such thing, not only to learn but to develop students self-reliant.

2. Discuss why the deluge of information poses a great challenge to both teaching and learning.

Its because there are too many subjects to be discuss, even though that subject are not related to the course. Just like what Ive experiences in my college year there are some subjects that are not related to my courses but the institution place it in the prospectus in which we cannot use that in future, then the arrangement of subjects every semester has not accurate because there are some subjects that must be tackle in 1stsemester but they place in the 2nd semester, so the students will not easily cope up the topic, it really difficult to adjust that kind of situations.


My Reflection/ My Insights

I LIKE TEACHING BECAUSE For me, teaching is a noblest profession of all. They said that it is the most laborious, yes it is laborious but my heart really loves teaching especially when you share your knowledge to your students. I choose this profession because since I was a child I said to my-self that I want to become a teacher, I want to share my knowledge and to be a 2 nd mother to them. If you are an effective teacher you could touch the lives of your students, you will served as their inspiration and motivation aside from their family. Thats the reason why I really love teaching.


My Portfolio Make a collage of pictures of the teaching process


FIELD STUDY 3 Technology in the Learning Environment Episode 4 LETS CRAFT THE CURRRICULUM Name of FS Student: Lani Jean A. Galagar Course: Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Year: 3rd year Resources Teacher: Ms. Rheazel Laude Cooperating School: Arriesgado College Foundation Incorporated My Performance (how I will be rated) Field Study 4, Episode 4 Lets Craft the Curriculum Focused on. The different curriculum design models Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory 4 3 2 Observation/ All tasks were All or nearly Nearly all Documentation done with all tasks were tasks were : outstanding done with done with quality; work high quality acceptable exceeds quality expectation 4 Analysis questions were answered completely; in depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theories / Exemplary grammar and spelling.

My Analysis

Unsatisfactory 1 Fewer than half of tasks were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality 3 2 1 Analysis Analysis Analysis question were question question were answered were not not answered completely answered completely Clear connection Vaguely Grammar and with theories related to the spelling are theories unsatisfactory. Grammar and spelling are Grammar superior. and spelling are acceptable. 3 Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode. 2 Reflection statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the episode. 1 Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and not supported by experiences from the episode. 1

My Reflection

4 Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode.


My Portfolio

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and all supporting documentatio n are located in sections clearly designated.


4 Before deadline 4

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and most supporting documentatio n are available and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. 3 On the deadline 3

Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentatio n is organized but is lacking.

Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear.

2 1 A day after 2 days or more the deadline after the deadline 2 1

Sub Totals

Over-all Score

Rating (Based on Transmutation)

MR. DOMINIC M. DIZON, MAEd___________________________ Signature of FS Teacher Date above Printed Name

Transmutation of score to grade/rating Score 20 18-19 17 16 15 14 Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 Score 12-13 11 10 8-9 7-below Grade 2.50 - 81 2.75 - 78 3.00 - 75 3.5 - 72 and - 5.00 - below

99 96 93 90 87 84


My Map To reach my target, I should do these steps.

Observe a class

My Tools

Identify the curriculum design used by schools

Reflect and write my insights/ learning gained from the activities

A curriculum can be organized either horizontally or vertically. Write samples of them on the illustrations. Horizontal Articulation English

Lesson: Pandiwa


Social Studies

Mathematics Vertical Articulation Wastong gamit ng panidiwa sa

pangungusap (Grade 8)

Mga Uri ng Pandiwa (Grade 7)



My Analysis

1. Examine the Basic Education Curriculum. What aspects do you want to modify. Why? I suggest that allotted time in subjects should be change in lower years and the number of topics should be lessen for those in lower grades and be focus on the subjects that are useful and most important such as Language, Sciences, and Mathematics through this subjects it will develop their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. The proper distribution of time will help the students and teachers to achieve the goals in implementing it correctly.

2. What curriculum models do you prefer? Why? The learners centered curriculum because it is based on the students learning experiences and nowadays students has already involved the progressive process wherein the learners are the center of the learning environment.Through activities learners can create new things and it developed their communication to others. As future teacher you can easily integrate knowledge to your students through hands on activities and through the experiences that youve share to them they can also learn.


My Reflections/ My Insights

Subject-Centered Design Model Problem- Centered Design Model This model focuses with the content of the curriculum such as textbook. This model focuses the needs, interest, motivation and the abilities of the students.

What do I lie best in these curriculum designs?

Learner-Centered Design Model This model focuses on the students and they are the center of the educative process. The teacher will evaluate the students about the skills that they acquired in teaching process.


My Portfolio Make an illustration of any of the three curriculum design models. Be sure to incorporate the salient features of the design. Student-centered model

Subject-centered model

Problem-centered model


FIELD STUDY 3 Technology in the Learning Environment Episode 5 WHATS THE BASIC OF THE CURRICULM? Name of FS Student: Lani Jean A. Galagar Course: Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Year: 3rd year Resources Teacher: Ms. Rheazel Laude Cooperating School: Arriesgado College Foundation Incorporated My Performance (how I will be rated) Field Study 4, Episode 5 Whats the bas2ic of the curriculum? Focused on. Cite the dimensions of curriculum design. Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory 4 3 2 Observation/ All tasks were All or nearly Nearly all Documentation done with all tasks were tasks were : outstanding done with done with quality; work high quality acceptable exceeds quality expectation 4 Analysis questions were answered completely; in depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theories / Exemplary grammar and spelling.

My Analysis

Unsatisfactory 1 Fewer than half of tasks were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality 3 2 1 Analysis Analysis Analysis question were question question were answered were not not answered completely answered completely Clear connection Vaguely Grammar and with theories related to the spelling are theories unsatisfactory. Grammar and spelling are Grammar superior. and spelling are acceptable. 3 Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode. 2 Reflection statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the episode. 1 Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and not supported by experiences from the episode. 1

My Reflection

4 Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode.


My Portfolio

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and all supporting documentatio n are located in sections clearly designated.


4 Before deadline 4

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and most supporting documentatio n are available and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. 3 On the deadline 3

Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentatio n is organized but is lacking.

Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear.

2 1 A day after 2 days or more the deadline after the deadline 2 1

Sub Totals

Over-all Score

Rating (Based on Transmutation)

MR. DOMINIC M. DIZON, MAEd___________________________ Signature of FS Teacher Date above Printed Name

Transmutation of score to grade/rating Score 20 18-19 17 16 15 14 Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 Score 12-13 11 10 8-9 7-below Grade 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 - 5.00

99 96 93 90 87 84

81 78 75 72 and - below


My Map To hit my target, I must do the following task.

Examine a Curriculum

Identify the dimensions of the curriculum design

Give some situation samples of each dimension

My Tools Borrow a curriculum from the school near your place. Accomplish the samples to show the dimensions of curriculum design.


Equitable assignment of content, time, experiences and other elements.

Write the contents in one (1) subject area for the first grading period.



Curriculum is arranged vertically or horizontally.

VERTICAL ARTICULATION Write a sample content of one (1) topic in a subject area from level to level or grade to grade.


Association happens among or between elements that happens at the same time. Examples:


The content, topics, learning experience and organizing threads of an educational plan

Write sample topics in a subject area.


Content and experiences are arranged in a hierarchical order. 33

Write a topic arranged from simple to complex.

Everything is integrated and interconnected. INTEGRATION


Vertical repetition and recurring approaches of the content provide continuity.

Examples of topics in a subject area where content is organized in a spiral fashion increasing in breadth and depth.


My Analysis 1. Why is there a need to articulate the lessons from grade school to high school? It is very important to articulate the lesson from grade school to high school because the subject are interconnected they are connected to each other from low to higher years but it is more complex in higher years so that the students will master the lesson and become a success in higher years. These repetitions of lessons help the teachers to teach the most important thing to become lifelong learners. Since the lessons are recurring, students can easily recall their past lesson and they can easily answer the question asked by the teacher.

My Reflection / My Insights

As a teacher, I need to understand fully well the dimensions of curriculum design because it will help us to be an effective teacher, on what should be the appropriate sequences in conducting a lesson, an appropriate lesson in different school levels. In this episode I learned the dimension of curriculum designs and Ive found out that as teacher you should have first your plan so that you have a guide on the things that you want to do, a flexible teacher and when you make a Lesson plan it should be SMART, and appropriate.


FIELD STUDY 3 Technology in the Learning Environment Episode 6 TELL ME YOUR FEATURES Name of FS Student: Lani Jean A. Galagar Course: Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Year: 3rd year Resources Teacher: Ms. Rheazel Laude Cooperating School: Arriesgado College Foundation Incorporated My Performance (how I will be rated) Field Study 4, Episode 6 Tell me your features Focused on. The six (6) features of the curriculum Tasks Exemplary Superior 4 3 Observation/ All tasks were All or nearly Documentation done with all tasks were : outstanding done with quality; work high quality exceeds expectation 4 Analysis questions were answered completely; in depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theories / Exemplary grammar and spelling.

My Analysis

Unsatisfactory 1 Fewer than half of tasks were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality 3 2 1 Analysis Analysis Analysis question were question question were answered were not not answered completely answered completely Clear connection Vaguely Grammar and with theories related to the spelling are theories unsatisfactory. Grammar and spelling are Grammar superior. and spelling are acceptable. 3 Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode. 2 Reflection statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the episode. 1 Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and not supported by experiences from the episode. 1

Satisfactory 2 Nearly all tasks were done with acceptable quality

My Reflection

4 Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode.


My Portfolio

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and all supporting documentatio n are located in sections clearly designated.


4 Before deadline 4

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and most supporting documentatio n are available and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. 3 On the deadline 3

Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentatio n is organized but is lacking.

Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear.

2 1 A day after 2 days or more the deadline after the deadline 2 1

Sub Totals

Over-all Score

Rating (Based on Transmutation)

MR. DOMINIC M. DIZON, MAEd___________________________ Signature of FS Teacher Date above Printed Name

Transmutation of score to grade/rating Score 20 18-19 17 16 15 14 Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 Score 12-13 11 10 8-9 7-below Grade 2.50 - 81 2.75 - 78 3.00 - 75 3.5 - 72 and - 5.00 - below

99 96 93 90 87 84


My Map To get on task, I should know the answers to these questions.

My Tools Interview a teacher in the school you visited and inquire how they have utilized their parents as a school partners in-education.

By regular checking of their childs grades or performances and set aside homework time each night. Parental involvement is one of the keys to students success. Encourage their children to read if they want to improve their scores on standardized test, and encouraged their children to keep trying when facing the challenges. Remind their children also that parents and teachers are available to provide extra help. Communicate with their children about their homework, and what large project and test are upcoming.


My Analysis

As a future teacher, need to know and understand the six (6) features of the curriculum because it serves as my basis on how to transform my learners into lifelong learners, to develop their self-reliant and to be a patriotic citizen, and most of all their creative and critical thinking. As teachers we serve as a model of our students, we know the capabilities of our students on what would be their strength and weaknesses. And last is teachers are the one who can determine/choose which method of instruction would be best suited to the class so as to achieve the larger curricular objectives.

My Reflections

As a future teacher this is the biggest challenge that Ive experience . I want to be an effective and efficient teacher someday, I want to transform my learners into a proactive citizens and full of knowledge, to looks on a students face when they found out that theyve learn something, is priceless. Helping my students will make me feel better not only imparting knowledge for them but also in giving advice in terms of difficulties, we serve as their second mother that will give an advice when they have a problem in their home.


My Portfolio Make two (2) posters/ placards on the features/ approaches of the curriculum.

If we teach todays students As we taught yesterdays We rob them of tomorrow

John dewey

One child, one teacher, One pen and one book can change the world.


FIELD STUDY 3 Technology in the Learning Environment Episode 7 THE Wh- OF THE CURRICULUM Name of FS Student: Lani Jean A. Galagar Course: Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Year: 3rd year Resources Teacher: Ms. Rheazel Laude Cooperating School: Arriesgado College Foundation Incorporated My Performance (how I will be rated) Field Study 4, Episode 7 THE Wh- OF THE CURRICULUM Focused on. The different curriculum design models Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory 4 3 2 Observation/ All tasks were All or nearly Nearly all Documentation done with all tasks were tasks were : outstanding done with done with quality; work high quality acceptable exceeds quality expectation 4 Analysis questions were answered completely; in depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theories / Exemplary grammar and spelling.

My Analysis

Unsatisfactory 1 Fewer than half of tasks were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality 3 2 1 Analysis Analysis Analysis question were question question were answered were not not answered completely answered completely Clear connection Vaguely Grammar and with theories related to the spelling are theories unsatisfactory. Grammar and spelling are Grammar superior. and spelling are acceptable. 3 Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode. 2 Reflection statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the episode. 1 Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and not supported by experiences from the episode. 1 41

My Reflection

4 Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode.

My Portfolio

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and all supporting documentatio n are located in sections clearly designated.


4 Before deadline 4

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and most supporting documentatio n are available and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. 3 On the deadline 3

Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentatio n is organized but is lacking.

Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear.

2 1 A day after 2 days or more the deadline after the deadline 2 1

Sub Totals

Over-all Score

Rating (Based on Transmutation)

MR. DOMINIC M. DIZON, MAEd___________________________ Signature of FS Teacher Date above Printed Name

Transmutation of score to grade/rating Score 20 18-19 17 16 15 14 Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 Score 12-13 11 10 8-9 7-below Grade 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 - 5.00

99 96 93 90 87 84

81 78 75 72 and - below


My Map To attain my target, I should do the following:


My Tools 1. Explain ways on how to effectively implement the curriculum. Interview the school administrator/ principal.

Learner Being a follower of the rules and regulations.

Faculty Members By guiding the students about the Donts and Dos of the school.

Parents By engaging their children in schools activities.

State the roles of the following in curriculum implementation

Community Member They also give supports to the students.

Administrators By making rules and regulations of the school in order that student will be guided.

Other Stakeholders Will help the curriculum to improve it.


1. Visit the learning resource center of a school. Interview the media/ learning resource staff. How does the technology help in the delivery of the curriculum? For this generation, technology is very useful because they use progressive curriculum, through the use of technology students really like that in teaching process, it catches their interest and it will more convincing. 2. Interview a faculty member or an administrator. Ask what criteria they use in evaluating their school curriculum. During my observation, I asked one of the member of the administration and I asked about the criteria that they use in evaluating the school curriculum and they answer that it depends on the immediate supervisor, she also said that its better to ask the immediate supervisor for more information but I havent talked to the immediate supervisor because shes busy.

My Enriching Activities Complete the graffiti wall and ask students to write what tools they learned in assessing the curriculum.

Through the Vision, Mission and goals it is one tool to assess the students, it will help us to be guided and has a rule to follow, and it will motivate us to be a proactive citizens in future years. Teachers, administrative staff, Students, etc. are also a tools to assess the curriculum without them, the curriculum will not improve and not useful, they help the students to learned, value, and to integrate the curriculum in teaching process.


My Portfolio Write the acronym for Curriculum Assessment


ttainable pecific tudent-centered


ufficient tandarized easurable valuative orm-references ime bounded


FIELD STUDY 3 Technology in the Learning Environment Episode 8 WHATS NEW IN THE CURRICULUM Name of FS Student: Lani Jean A. Galagar Course: Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Year: 3rd year Resources Teacher: Ms. Rheazel Laude Cooperating School: Arriesgado College Foundation Incorporated My Performance (how I will be rated) Field Study 4, Episode 8 Whats New in the Curriculum Focused on. Curricular issues and concerns Tasks Exemplary Superior 4 3 Observation/ All tasks were All or nearly Documentation done with all tasks were : outstanding done with quality; work high quality exceeds expectation 4 Analysis questions were answered completely; in depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theories / Exemplary grammar and spelling.

My Analysis

Unsatisfactory 1 Fewer than half of tasks were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality 3 2 1 Analysis Analysis Analysis question were question question were answered were not not answered completely answered completely Clear connection Vaguely Grammar and with theories related to the spelling are theories unsatisfactory. Grammar and spelling are Grammar superior. and spelling are acceptable. 3 Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode. 2 Reflection statements are shallow; supported by experiences from the episode. 1 Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and not supported by experiences from the episode. 1

Satisfactory 2 Nearly all tasks were done with acceptable quality

My Reflection

4 Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode.


My Portfolio

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and all supporting documentatio n are located in sections clearly designated.


4 Before deadline 4

Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and most supporting documentatio n are available and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. 3 On the deadline 3

Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentatio n is organized but is lacking.

Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear.

2 1 A day after 2 days or more the deadline after the deadline 2 1

Sub Totals

Over-all Score

Rating (Based on Transmutation)

MR. DOMINIC M. DIZON, MAEd___________________________ Signature of FS Teacher Date above Printed Name

Transmutation of score to grade/rating Score 20 18-19 17 16 15 14 Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 Score 12-13 11 10 8-9 7-below Grade 2.50 - 81 2.75 - 78 3.00 - 75 3.5 - 72 and - 5.00 - below

99 96 93 90 87 84


My Map To attain my target, I should do the following:

3. Write insights/ reflection on these innovations

2. Interview faculty members on the merits and demerits of these innovations.

1. Visit DepEd or interview school administrators on various curricular issues and concerns.

My Tools Interview school officials, faculty members or read education journals and magazines to complete the matrix. Curricular Innovations Revision Advantages (Merits) Disadvantages (Demerits) My Insights

of You can adapt the Laborious on the This revision of new techniques in making the syllabus. part of teachers syllabus will help who worked in a the new teachers long time. to learn more about it the old and new syllabus. This revision of

the syllabus

Revision the strategies

of It is good for the students because the strategies use by the teachers is new for them.

Arduous part teachers of


the strategies has a the good who impact and to bad the

teach in a long teachers and also time, it is hard for to the students, it them to adapt the depends to them changes. on how they their

handle students.


My Enriching Activities Select one innovation and completes the discussion web below. Interview Education students to get their ideas on curricular innovations. YES Yes, because through that the student has an opportunity to work after they graduate. would be able to produce skilled individual. Yes, because it could help in innovating also the students, their minds and skills in which it helps them as theytake the career they have chosen. (K + 12) Do we really need to innovate? NO No, because through this we

My Conclusions

Therefore there are some students answered yes and some are no, they have different idea in answer the question. For me I yes from time to time we need to revise it not for the bad but for the good, students also can benefit those changes. We innovate to be more pleasant and to improve the quality of teaching.


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