E - Marketing
E - Marketing
E - Marketing
e-marketing or web marketing is the way of marketing product and services through advertisements posted on search engines, social media sites and websites. Example Google, Facebook, Rediff, other browsing and information websites. 90% of Googles revenues are derived from advertising programs.
Rest of World
2007 2010
If marketing is whatever you do to promote the sale of your products or services, then it should include : 1. Market research from competitive informationgathering to industry awareness to soliciting customer opinions and preferences. 2. Publicity from press releases to the positioning of your company and its offering in the marketplace. 3. Advertising that is textbased (classifieds) and graphicbased (displays). 4. Sales, included distribution and merchandising. 5. Customer service and customer support.
Traditional marketing seems to fall far short of three features. There are certain problems associated with it, which can be listed as follows: Traditional marketing is often expensive. Traditional marketing can be a very timeconsuming process. Traditional marketing often has a hit and miss quality.
Customer fulfillment
6. Maintaining a website
One of the best ways to accommodate a broad range of visitors needs is to build flexibility into the websites interface. Some sites offer separate version and give visitors the option of choosing either one.
To be successful in conveying an integrated image and information to potential customers, business should try to meet the following goals when constructing their websites :
Convey an integrated image of the organization. Offer easily accessible facts about the organization . Allow visitors to experience the site in different ways and at different levels. Provide visitors with a meaningful, two way (interaction) communication link with the organization. Sustain visitors attention and encourage return visits. Offer easily accessible information about products and services and how to use them.
Organization in the online customer acquisition phase have attempted to refine some of the indirect matrices to their needs, by understanding their limitations. These include the following 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Click through captures Time spent Time spent searching Time spent before click through E mails and telephone calls. Registered users.
Login to the site Register as a new user Search site database View one of the result of a search Follow links within the state Add items to shopping cart Remove items from shopping cart Check contents and value of shopping cart Create a gift registry Check status of previous order Pay for items in shopping cart Download software/report/music Subscribe to regular download Listen to real time audio Watch real time movie
Search Select Browse Add items Remove items See shopping cart Create registry Add to registry Check status Pay Download Subscribe Listen watch
Many metrics have been used to assess the success of site in terms of popularity and/or revenue generation Hits /second Page views / day Click through Unique visitors Revenue throughput Potential loss throughput
Online marketing
Online marketing means using the power of online networks, computer communications and digital interactive media to reach your marketing objectives. Cyberbuyers Cyberconsumers Cybersurfers
1. 2. 3.
The consumer leaves his credit card no, on an unsecure online order form. Consumer uses secure client software program to transfer his or her encrypted credit card number to a secure merchant server. The consumer exchanges traditional currency for some form of digital currency, and then spends unit of currency whenever and wherever he or she likes.
E advertising
Web based advertising has become an important part of a companys media mix. Numerous companies are committing large advertising budget to the Internet 1. People increasingly prefer to surf the Internet rather than watch TV. 2. The target audience goes to the advertisement , rather than the other way around. 3. Development of business search engines by companies such as C2B Technologies, which aim to link buyers with online bargain for a million products for comparison shopping purposes. 4. To play, participants must provide certain data, including their preference of advertisement and tastes, which presents a valuable database as to customer preference. 5. The growth of e-business. 6. The internet is not geographically restricted.
Personalized online Communication Reduce Mass mkting expenses and increase response rates 1. Permission marketing 2. Personalization recommendation 3. Personalization advertisement 4. Personalized Web pages 5. Personalized e- commerce stores
Steps in collecting market research data 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Define the research issue and the target market. Identify newsgroups and interest communities to study. Identify specific topics for discussion. Subscribe to the pertinent groups; register in communities. Search discussion group topic and content lists to find the target market. Search e-mail discussion group lists. Subscribe to filtering services that monitor groups. Enter chat rooms, whenever possible.
Content of the Research Instrument 1. Post strategic queries to group. 2. Post surveys on your websites. Offer rewards for participation. 3. Post strategic queries on your websites. 4. Post relevant contents to group with a pointer to your websites surveys. 5. Post a detailed survey in special e-mail questionnaires. 6. Create a chat room and try to build a community of consumers.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Target audience of the study Compare your audience with the target population. Determine your editorial focus. Determine your content. Determine what Web services to create. Tracking customer movements on the internet. Limitations of online research although web user demography is rapidly diversifying, it is skill skewed towards certain population groups, such as those with internet access.
4. Market Segmentation
Company breaks thousands of customers into smaller Demographic segments & tailors its campaigns to each of those segments.
Demographic Psychosocial
Age Population Sex Education Religion Income Social Classes Lifestyle Personality
Only 4% of housewives (i.e. most potential segment for FMCG market) are internet users
Professionals 29%
PG 26%
Graduates 37%
15 to 24 yr 42%
24 to 34 31%
Working Women 8%
o Hence from this data it can be concluded that India has immense potential for this field & is immerging as exceptionally high computer using population.
Banner ads are sold as Cost per thousand Impression Cost depends on how much demographic info can be collected about the visitor by the site Companies compare cost of acquiring one customer through web by with the same for acquiring through traditional channels
Criteria Advertising
Push & Sell a uniform message Provide info. In response to to all customers specific customer enquiries Market Segmentation Identifying and responding to specific customer behaviours & preferences Individually tailored to customers choice Direct or through Intermediaries Negotiated with each customer Created in response to customer demand Customer retention; total value of the indivisual customer relationship
Distribution Channel
Through Intermediaries chosen by the seller Set by the seller to all customers Determined by the seller for all customers Market share; profit
Product pricing
E Branding
Online Co. putting branding to work with remarkable success 7 top internet companies brands recognised by over 50mn. users only in U.S. making them Mega brands Eg. Microsoft.com, Amazon.com, yahoo.com,Netscape,
Priceline, Infoseek, Excite etc
E Branding Criteria
Element Differentiation Relevance Perceived Value Meaning to the customer In what significant way the product is unlike its competitor? How this product or service fit into my life? Is this product or service good?
Spiral Branding: Spiral branding includes the ability to identify your best customers or prospects immediately, deliver the common voice and serve relevant communication that is of specific interest to your target customer. Has 3 Stages: First use TV & Radio ads to attract peoples attention & send them to web Use Web to get those customers interested & gather there info. E-mail closes the loop & take people around the spiral again
Search Engine Optimization: Half of all web users cite search engines as their primary portals to new sites Marketers re-examine their strategies for optimizing their rankings in search results
Google Ads Placed above the normal search results with minor color diff. in background
Affiliate networks:
These typically reward referring to sites with commission based on click through or complete transactions
Advocacy Marketing:
Online marketers provide E news letters or incentives to pass on to there friends who act as marketing advocates to their friends. Word of mouth.
Permission E-mail:
Emails sent with customers permission opted for when making account on the site provide an option for Customer Relationship Building & maintenance by passing on special tailored offers.
Google is an eg of Brand leveraging From Search Engine to Email to media Streaming, Cloud Computing & Social networking Etc.
Affiliate-marketing Strategies: A web site affiliates it self to another site which may have more traffic. For every visitor who navigates from this to the sellers site the affiliate's site receives a commission.
Viral Media Marketing: Comprises of marketing techniques that use preexisting social networks and other technologies to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives through replicating viral processes. Viral marketing may take the form of video clips, interactive Flash games, ebooks, brandable software, images, text messages, email messages, or web pages.
Social Media Marketing & Content Marketing: Marketers post information, articles or interactive activities which would be of great interest or would enhance the knowledge of a potential customer from their companies webpage on to the social media sites so that interest is generated into their page and ultimately in their products.
A perfect Eg. Of this model is google.com Google.com which is a $72.5Bn. Organization mainly earns its profits from:
1. Charge advertisers for presenting online "banner" ads to users 2. Collect marketing data on consumer habits, then selling the data or using it for targeted advertising. 3. Charging websites to become listed 4. Charging websites for better placement in lists 5. Charging websites to purchase keywords for themselves 6. Charging other search engines to use their catalog