Beanbug Newsletter1

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al unrise Festiv B e a n b u g S
magna lacus tempus 12:00 Noon

W W W. B E A N B U G . C O . U K B E A N B U G T R I K E @ YA H O O. C O. U K

April 2014


.. . S T N EVE
Sunday 6th April 14
Good Food at the Yard Market Plymouth, Royal William Yard.
Sister event to Award Winning Totnes Good Food Sunday Market A very tasty family event. 1st Sunday of every month.

IFIED COFFEE T R I P L E C E RCT le offee Tricyc


Sunday 20thApril14
Totnes Good Food Sunday Market, Totnes Market Square
Award Winning event. Always busy and great atmosphere, live music and lots of wonderful food & best of all amazing coffee!

We are very proud to announce that Beanbug has won NMTF National Greenest Trader 2013 Award!!!
* Ha n d C ra f te d Re al C o f f e e *
Welcome & thankyou for reading the rst Beanbug newsletter! To start with, I like to thank all our valuable and loyal customers who have supported us in the rst 20 months of trading. Its been a big learning curve, however we are now condent our co!ee is some of the best being served in Devon! By using premium quality co!ee beans and ingredients, wholeheartedly trying to make the best co!ee every time, beanbug now have a reputation to be proud of. Im always learning new Barista skills to improve our drinks so they can always be as good as possible. Im passionate and enjoy what I do, and take pleasure in building on what has become a talking point in Totnes and the South West. "Rich Taylor, Beanbug Co!ee Tricycle. Winning the Greenest Trader in UK award by National Market Traders Federation is just amazing! However this is due to our strong ethics ingrained in every aspect of the co!ee trike, our menu, the events we attend, and the support of our customers who believe we are doing a good thing! Features that helped us win this award include: *Solar Powered Co!ee Grinder *Triple Certied Organic Co!ee; Organic & Local Milk & Snack menu; Organic & Fairtrade in every drink! *Pedal Assisted Tricycle containing entire Co!ee Bar, built using o! grid renewable energy. *Biofuel used to help transport trike to events, when transported.

Saturday 3rd May14

Bovey May Fair -Festival of morris and other dancing.
Celebration of Beltane and the coming of spring. Beanbug fuel the dancing and it seems Morrismen and women enjoy a scrummy coffee! Family event.

Saturday 24th May

Kingsteignton Street Celebration
A street party for all the family. Good coffee too!

Check our website for more events.....

beanbug pure Arabica Triple Certied Organic Fairtrade Blend from small co!operative farms
About Our Coffee Beans...
50% Fairtrade Organic Purosa SHB Papua New Guinea Washed Arabica La Central de Cooperativas Cafeteleras de Honduras!(CCCH) Strictly High Grown (SHG)
The Co-op

In the past few years, the coffees of Honduras have received increasing accolades in international competitions. 15% Fairtrade Organic Coopervitae Strictly high grown or (SHG) coffee grows Minas Gerais Brazil Washed Arabica at a slower rate than coffee beans grown at lower altitudes. The higher the elevation the 35% Fairtrade Organic Rainforest denser the bean and the better the coffee. Alliance CCCH SHG Honduras Altitude: To meet the SHG (or SHB) criteria, the coffee must be grown at 4900 to Semi-Washed Arabica 6400 feet. The coffee is grown on ground that!has been naturally fertilized, by time and seasons.!The good taste though does not come from the fact that organic farming has taken place, but by the shade, cool weather, and expert processing. Natural fertilizers are added, such as a mixture of sawdust and Purosa Coffee chicken manure that has been properly - Papua New Guinea aged. CCCH was founded in 1998 and comprises Certied organic and Fairtrade over 10,000 farmers in 80 co-operatives registered green coffee based in the 12 mountainous states of Honduras.! CCCH seeks to produce high The Purosa region is a picturesque area of quality coffee whilst improving the quality the Eastern Highlands Province of Papua of life of its members.! CCCH's New Guinea where plentiful rain and rich programmes include micro-credit and volcanic soils provide ideal growing savings, sustainable development and conditions for traditional varieties of agricultural diversication. arabica coffee. The production of coffee from Honduras Villages are usually only comfortably has grown in such a way that there are accessed in the "dry" season being June 110,000 thousand coffee producers through September coinciding with the registered in the country, with 92% of them peak coffee harvest period. being considered small producers. In total, As the area is isolated and difcult to they generate over one million jobs during access it was decided some years ago to the coffee picking season, which happens follow an organic coffee stream so as to between November and March every year, add value to the coffee and to compensate creating employment for over 12.5% of the for the difcult access and the historically total population of eight million people in low prices persisting at that time. With the Honduras. recent introduction of Fairtrade coffee to During the last 25 years, both the coffee the area there has been a burst of producers and the Government of Honduras enthusiasm by growers to contribute to the have made a quest to improve the quality of Fairtrade program. coffee from Honduras. Beanbug Blend... .....Taste Balance:The vast majority of coffee from Honduras is Arabica, with several different strains Beginning with citrus notes of Clementine grown that have been identied as the best sweetness and seville orange acidity before for the climate conditions and geographic creamy pepperiness begins to dominate, characteristics of Honduras, the most ending on dark chocolate notes. This goes common being the Bourbon, Catuari, particularly well with milk to make a beautiful Caturra, Typica and Pacas strains. strong and refined flat white. .... Aroma .... A gentle aroma of natural yoghurt and roasted peanuts predominate. Also a subtle dried cranberry aroma can be found...

Coopervitae Minas Gerais Brazil

Based in Guaxup, Minas Gerais, at the heart of one of Brazils and the worlds prime coffee growing regions, Cooxup is the largest privately owned coffee cooperative in the world. Cooxup has grown into Brazils Number One coffee exporter; over 10 percent of all the Arabica coffee produced in the country passes through the cooperative. The emphasis on international trade stems from the fact that beans grown in the Cerrado and south of Minas Gerais as well as the north of So Paulo are the nest coffees in Brazil. Around 95 percent of our producers operate small, family-owned farms, says da Costa. Our technical assistants play a key role in that theyre aware of all the latest machines and technology and they bring them to the producers who dont always have the same access that major growers do. By organizing seminars and other events throughout the region, they also enable producers to exchange information and learn new techniques, with the goal of increasing quality and productivity. Such incentives have had a major impact. Today, for example, close to 45 percent of the co-ops 12,000 members participate in sustainable programs that adhere to strict standards in terms of quality, environmental friendliness, and social responsibility. Other distinctive benets that Cooxup offers producers include liquidity and security. With respect to liquidity, the coop purchases beans every day, based on the given market price of coffee at the moment, and producers are free to sell as much or as little as they want, when they want. According to da Costa, this type of exibility is rare, as is the degree of security the co-op offers producers. Sometimes cultivators can encounter problems commercializing their harvest, he explains. But with us, growers can be certain they will receive payment. This sense of security is highly valued by small farmers.

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