Lejanias Coffee

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Asociacin de Caficultores de Lejanas

Carrera 16, #5-39

Lejanas, Meta, Colombia

Phone: (+57) 311-897-7207



1947 - 2017
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1947 - 2017
Our Story Our Products
ASOCAFE LEJANAS is located in the municipality of Lejanas, Meta, on terrain rising Caf Guayupe Profile
1,000-3,500 meters above sea level. The Association was founded in 1958, by displaced
farmers from a number of Colombias different regions, including Tolima, Valle del Aroma: citrus, sweet, herbal, and caramel
Cauca, Caldas, and Quindo, who fled the violence of the 1940s and initially settled Flavor: Softly sweet, citrusy
around the Ariari River (Meta), where the tropical climate and fertile mountainous lands Body: Medium, full, silky
were well suited to a variety of crops. Aftertaste: Sweet, dry, caramelly
Acidity: Medium high, uniform, balanced cup
During the 1990s, Colombias armed conflict extended into the region and the number
of illegal armed groups in the area increased. These groups encouraged the cultivation Characteristics:
of illicit crops, a phenomenon that resulted in the displacement, disappearance, and
massacre of local farmers over a period of ten years. After the Colombian government
Caf Guayupe Special Gourmet
offered crop substitution programs in an effort to reduce the violence, farmers in the
Ariari region motivated by a desire for peace began substituting illegal crops and
Classification: Grade 18
taking over existing plantations to grow, among other crops, coffee, which is referred to Aroma: Soft
throughout the region as a product of reparation in the countryside. Roast: Medium
Grind: Fine
On April 6, 2011, 36 coffee producers in the Lejanas area organized to form the Content: 454 g
Asociacin de Cafeteros de Lejanas (ASOCAF). The Association sought strategies for
dealing with the economic, social, and environmental problems caused by the armed Caf Guayupe Tradicional
conflict and the cultivation of illicit crops in the region. Classification: Grade 17
Aroma: Soft
ASOCAF has grown steadily from its original 36 members to 92 producers who are Roast: High
now capable of producing high-quality specialty coffee in a region where 90% of the Grind: Fine
economy was once based on illicit crops.
Content: 454 g
The organization is currently implementing strategies to raise awareness among the
regions young people and encourage them to continue the family business of coffee Description of the Production Process
production, empowering them by providing a roasting plant (owned by ASOCAF) and
furnishing proof of economic opportunities for young people in rural areas. Product: Coffee
Variety: Castilla, Caturra, F8, F6, Tab, Bourbon, Typical, Arabica
Women are a vital force in the organization. They have produced significant changes in Quantity: 337,500 kg/year
the cultural habits of members, ensuring financial recognition for work done by women Harvest season: 70% annual, production ending September-early December; 30%
on coffee plantations and strengthening a business plan that would allow this group of off-season, production May-June
women to create coffee shops and promote the Guayupe Coffee brand. Post-harvest processes and transformation: threshing, roasting and grinding
- Roasted and ground coffee in half-pound, 1-pound, and 5-kilo packages
- Green parchment coffee

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