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20 The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2014 ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVES
... For only then we truly live.
Otherwise we only pretend to live....
It happened at an international inter-faith conference. The
organisers decided to end the conference with readings from
the scriptures of major religions, done by followers of other reli-
gions. As it happened, an Arab Christian read a passage from
the Quran. He was a good reciter. Every one seemed to be
moved by his heart-rending reading, including the reciter him-
self. Immediately afterward, prominent Muslim thinker and
writer, Maulana Waheeduddin Khan, who narrated this story,
asked him: Do you think Quran is the Word of God? In a
moment of truth he said: Yes. But, then, he had second
thoughts so he added: But only for the Arabs.
Actually not only the Quranic message keeps attracting
people all over the world, its words also move people who may
not know a word of Arabic language. Famous Egyptian reciter
Qari Abdul Basit reportedly once accompanied President Gamal
Abdul Nasser to a meeting with the Soviet leaders. During a
break in the meeting, Nasir asked him to recite the Quran
before the top Soviet leaders. When he finished the recitation,
Qari Abdul Basit saw four of them shedding tears. We dont
know what it was, they later explained. But there was some-
thing touching in those Words!
Ironically, at that time Quran was the forbidden tree for the
Muslims in the Soviet Union. Reading, teaching, or even pos-
sessing a copy of the Quran resulted in the most severe pun-
ishments. The KGB was always on the lookout. Its agents could
enter any house, any time, if they suspected anyone inside of
reading Quran or offering prayers. Religious leaders were draft-
ed for compulsory labour. Mosques and Islamic schools were
closed down and turned into cinema houses, factories and
offices. One could not find a copy of the Quran anywhere. The
ruthless state machinery did everything within its power to extin-
guish the flame of Quran from the empire. Yet during those sev-
enty dark years Muslims kept the flame burning. They devel-
oped elaborate camouflage mechanisms, at tremendous risks,
to teach Quran to their children. Little children had to stay away
from their parents for months at a time as they retired to secret
hujras (rooms) where they memorised Quran and received reli-
gious instructions without ever having looked at a printed page.
Their stories remain a neglected but extremely bright part of our
recent history.
What kind of Book can command such devotion and sacri-
fices? Only the Book that begins by asserting:
This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to
those who fear Allah. (Al- Baqarah 2:2).
And then each and every line of it attests to that assertion.
It declares:
The Most Gracious! It is He Who has taught the Quran.
(Al- Rahman 55:1-2).
It challenges: Say, If the whole of mankind and Jinn were
to gather together to produce the like of this Quran, they could
not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other
with help and support. (Banu Israel 17:88).
It claims: Verily it is We Who revealed the Remembrance
and verily We are its guardians. (Al-Hijr, 15:9).
Quran is the first document in the Arabic language. There
is no other language of the world that has withstood the pas-
sage of over fourteen centuries. Over the centuries, rivers
change courses, civilisations rise and fall, and languages
become extinct and new ones develop. Consider the expression
faeder ure on heofonum from Lords Prayer in Matthew 6 from
a Bible of 900 CE. We are told it means: Our father in heaven.
It also means that any writing from that time cannot be read by
an English speaker today. But any Arabic speaker can open the
Quran today and understand its message, as did all the people
in the intervening centuries!
Prominent scholar Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah tells of an
effort in Germany by Christian scholars to gather all the Greek
manuscripts of Bible as the original Bible in Aramaic is extinct.
They gathered all manuscripts in the world and after examining
them reported: Some two hundred thousand contradictory nar-
rations have been found... of these one-eighth are of an impor-
tant nature. When the report was published, some people
established an Institute for Quranic Research in Munich with
the goal of examining Quran the same way. A gigantic research
project was started that continued for three generations. By
1933, 43,000 photocopies of Quranic manuscripts had been
collected. A report published shortly before World War II showed
the results of the examination of these manuscripts. While some
minor mistakes of calligraphy were found, not a single discrep-
ancy in the text had been discovered!
Of course, the love, devotion and care that Muslims showed
toward the Quran, and that became the immediate cause of its
miraculous preservation, was inspired by the Prophet
Muhammad, peace be upon him. On one occasion he asked the
companions in Suffa: Which of you would like to go out every
morning to Buthan or Al-Aqiq (two markets near Madina) and
bring two large she-camels without being guilty of sin or without
severing the ties of kinship?
Camels were the most valuable commodity of the time, she-
camels even more so. Its equivalent today may be a brand new
automobile. As they showed their interest, Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) explained: To teach or recite two verses of the Quran is
better than getting two she-camels. And three verses are better
than three she-camels (Muslim).
And so, for centuries this Ummah displayed an unprece-
dented love and devotion for the Book of Allah Taala. It began
the education of its children by teaching them how to read
Quran. It began its day by reciting from the Quran. Quran was
divided into seven parts, each called a manzil, so it could be
read completely every week. It was divided into thirty parts,
each called a juz, so it could be read completely every month.
Quran is the most read and memorised book in the world!
Today, though, we see a change. Thanks to the twin
scourges of a colonial education system and the television,
today we find millions of Muslim children for whom learning to
read the Quran is not part of their education. We find millions of
Muslim homes where Quran is read only on special occasions
when someone dies, for example. This despite the fact that
in most parts of the world today, unlike the Soviet Union of yes-
terday, reading the Quran is no longer a high risk proposition.
How unfortunate is the person who should die of thirst while
holding the refreshing glass of water in his hands! How unfortu-
nate the person who should die of disease while holding the
perfect medicine in his hands!
Of course, we must read it, understand it, and put it into
practice. But we must also remember that reading with full def-
erence and proper etiquettes is a pre-requisite for understand-
ing the Quran, just as understanding its message is a pre-req-
uisite for practicing it. Our goal must be to live by the Quran.
For only then we truly live. Otherwise we only pretend to live.
The Miracle of the Quran
Famous Egyptian
reciter Qari Abdul
Basit reportedly
o n c e
ac c o mpani e d
President Gamal
Abdul Nasser to a
meeting with the
Soviet leaders.
During a break in
the meeting,
Nasir asked him
to recite the
Quran before the
top Soviet
leaders. When he
finished the
recitation, Qari
Abdul Basit saw
four of them shedding tears. We dont know what it
was, they later explained. But there was something
touching in those Words!
Ironically, at that time Quran was the forbidden tree
for the Muslims in the Soviet Union. Reading,
teaching, or even possessing a copy of the Quran
resulted in the most severe punishments. The KGB
was always on the lookout. Its agents could enter any
house, any time, if they suspected anyone inside of
reading Quran or offering prayers.
Germany by Christian scholars to gather all the Greek
manuscripts of Bible as the original Bible in Aramaic
is extinct. They gathered all manuscripts in the world
and after examining them reported: Some two
hundred thousand contradictory narrations have been
found... of these one-eighth are of an important
nature. When the report was published, some people
established an Institute for Quranic Research in
Munich with the goal of examining Quran the same
way. A gigantic research project was started that
continued for three generations. By 1933, 43,000
photocopies of Quranic manuscripts had been
collected. A report published shortly before World
War II showed the results of the examination of these
manuscripts. While some minor mistakes of
calligraphy were found, not a single discrepancy in
the text had been discovered!
BOOKS The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2014 21
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), the third president of the USA, is
said to have compiled several lists of great books or best
books. Since then, the concept of a list of 100 best books or
1,000 great books has been popular in the western culture.
Some have prepared a list of books they wish to read before they
die. Many have prepared their own lists of best books. Also, there
are best book lists that have been prepared by teams of scholars.
Last week a friend of mine asked if there were any such lists
in Urdu. I said as far as I could recall there were none and there
could hardly be any list on which everyone agreed. She suggest-
ed somebody should start compiling a list of best Urdu books and
others would join in. My idea was to start a list of the best books
on the basis of genres.
So here is a list of the 10 best Urdu autobiographies.
Compiled in chronological order and not in order of preference, it
is based on the importance, relevance, readability and literary and
cultural value. A good book does not have to be a bestseller and
may not be liked by everyone. You may differ or even be surprised
at some of the titles that others declare as favourites, as Andre
Maurois has said: "In literature, as in love, we are astonished at
what is chosen by the others". But you have a right to prepare your
own list or amend this one.
Kaala paani: First published in 1884, the full title is Tavaareekh-
i-Ajeeb almaroof be kaala paani. Jaafar Thanesari (1838-1905)
penned this slim volume when he returned from Andaman Islands,
where he was imprisoned in January 1866 for about 20 years on
the charges of treason against the British. It may not be a com-
plete autobiography in the real sense of the term, but it is a first-
hand account of the life on these islands and gives a political and
historical background of the 1857 war of freedom. It is one of the
earliest Urdu autobiographies and makes a good reading, too.
Recently, Sang-i-Meel Publications, Lahore, has reprinted it.
Aamaal nama - Known for its chaste Urdu and literary style, the
book discusses political, social and literary issues of the late 19th
and early 20th centuries. Written by Sir Raza Ali (1880-1849),
who held important posts such as a member of the Indian
Legislative Council and Agent General in South Africa, the book
was first published in 1943. The author has described his life in
detail and in such a candid manner that few Urdu autobiographies
can offer such frank insights. The book had been out of print for a
few decades but Patnas Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library
published a new edition in 1992.
Mushahadaat: One of the Urdu books banned because of their
contents is the autobiography of Nawab Hosh Yaar Jang Hosh
Bilgirami (1894-1955). The book (1955) describes, in addition to
other things, the royal courts and royal lives in princely states of
Hyderabad Deccan and Rampur. Since it revealed some parts of
personal lives of those who mattered, its publication provoked
uproar from readers. Many pages had to be removed and stickers
had to be pasted to hide many lines. But the high-ups were not
satisfied and it was finally banned and confiscated in Deccan. The
writer was shocked and died a few days later. Today its copies are
extremely hard to find.
Naqabil-i-Faramosh: Sardar Divan Singh Maftoon (1890-1975),
a journalist, began writing his memoirs while in jail in 1943. It was
serialised in his newspaper Riyaasat in 1944. When published
later in a book form it became much popular. Maftoon decided to
rewrite it and the second, expanded edition was published in
1957. It narrates some very interesting, and true to the books
name, unforgettable events. Maftoon had written the sequel, titled
Saif-o-Qalam, but it could not get published. A Lahore publisher
had reprinted Naqabil-i-Faramosh a few years ago.
Khoon baha: Hakeem Ahmed Shuja (1893-1969), a playwright,
journalist and poet, grieves in this autobiography the death of
some friends, relatives and dear ones. This in some ways has
overshadowed the entire book but still it is an interesting account
of his era and contemporaries. It has a literary and scholarly touch
and is valued for its flowing prose, too. First published in 1962, it
ran into multiple editions, but is now out of print, though some
public libraries treasure it.
Sarguzasht: Syed Zulfiqar Ali Bukhari, popularly known as Z. A.
Bukhari, began writing his autobiography in 1962. Serialised in the
daily Hurriyet, it was published in book form in 1966. A witty and
somewhat naughty fellow as Bukhari was, the book offers good
glimpses of his wit, repartee and pranks. It is also part a history
of broadcasting in India and Pakistan, not to mention the beautiful
Yaadon ki dunya: It is a well-thought-out and well-written autobi-
ography by Dr Yousuf Hussain Khan, an Indian scholar. Published
in 1967 and beginning from the Mughal era, the book describes
the authors life and then the vast canvass reflects the entire soci-
ety. A beautiful combination of literature, history and sociology,
the book is not easy to come by these days.
Yaadon ki baraat: Often dubbed as a controversial book by Josh
Maleehabadi (1898-1982), it appeared in 1970 and was criticised
for some of its contents that discuss Joshs innumerable love
affairs. Known for his command of the Urdu language, Josh has
definitely written beautiful and inimitable prose. The narration of
his early life and the environment is absorbing. Recently, Dr Hilal
Naqvi found its missing pages and published them. "Yaadon ki
baraat" is definitely one of the most interesting biographies of
Jahan-i-Danish: Ehsaan Danish (1914-1982) was a self-made
poet who earned his bread as a labourer. A self-taught man, he
was ultimately recognised as a poet and scholar. The autobiogra-
phy teaches lessons in courage. One learns to face the world in
extreme poverty and rise. First published in 1975, a few years ago
it was reprinted with its second part.
Zarguzasht: Mushtaq Ahmed Yousufi is today considered Urdus
foremost humorist. His autobiography first appeared in 1976 and
has been reprinted many times over. Yousufi Sahib believes that
sense of humour is in fact the sixth sense and if one possesses
this sixth sense, one can go through all the hardships of life smil-
ingly. That is exactly what he has done while narrating his career
as a banker: he smiles at difficulties and laughs troubles off. Its a
"must read" for anyone.
Shahab nama: Qudratullah Shahab (1917-1986) was a top
bureaucrat, but in essence he was a fiction writer. This has also
reflected in his autobiography and Mushfiq Khwaja, a close friend
of Shahabs, has also called it fiction. Some unbelievable inci-
dents apart, it reveals the sorry state of affairs of a nascent coun-
try whose people were deprived of democracy. The early portion
describing the British Raj also makes an absorbing reading. It is
one of the bestsellers in recent history. (
MG: We would like to add to this list Karamatullah Ghoris
Baar-e Shanaasaaee, just published by Pharos Media.
Though not a complete autobiography, it contains personal
experiences of the author with some of the top people who
ruled and influenced Pakistan. The refreshing style and the
authors command over pristine Urdu is refreshing and sel-
dom seen these days. This book has now been published in
Pakistan too.
The 10 best Urdu autobiographies
Godse ki aulaad
Bharat mein Bhagva dahshatgardi
First exhaustive work on Hindutva terror
Urdu translation of Godses Children
by Subhash Gatade
Pages: 388 Price: Rs 300
(English edition: 446 pages/ Rs360)
To order please see page 19 of this issue
A good book does not have to be a best-
seller and may not be liked by everyone.
You may differ or even be surprised at
some of the titles that others declare as
favourites, as Andre Maurois has said: "In
literature, as in love, we are astonished at
what is chosen by the others". But you
have a right to prepare your own list or
amend this one.
Developed societies and developed minds own and
deserve developed countries. India was always in
shambles for ages due to a discriminatory and
caste-based society. There is no integration of
Indian society and economy - we all think in differ-
ent directions.
The book "India in Shambles, Only the
Judiciary can save us" by KC Agarwal is in itself in
shambles. Not a single page in the book reflects
developed and matured thoughts. All chapters
reflect very low level of understanding of the real sit-
Knowledge is built brick by brick, step
by step, and to write about a society one
must be interacting with society on day-
to-day basis and problems of India are to
be addressed one by one and India
needs to organise 1250 million brains
with many billion problems to be
addressed and managed in an organised
and systematic manner applying right technologies.
It is true, all four pillars of the Indian Republic can individually
address most of our problems but they all are very weak and
incompetent. Press, Judiciary, Executive and Legislature are all
very weak and immature.
How can we consider our judiciary strong when it cant
improve consumer courts, for example, which come directly
under their domain at the lowest level? Other than constitution,
judges know little else or pretend to know little else - it is peti-
tioners and professional pleaders, whom we call advocates,
who guide them through the case to procure court orders for
their clients.
This is weakness of our judiciary which KC Agarwal didnt
experience so far. For example, riots in Gujarat or UP were broad-
cast in real time but Supreme Court was silent until some petition
was moved. Occasionally judges do take suo moto actions which
are just initiation of investigation but orders follow only on the basis
of evidence.
SY Quraishi, former CEC, the chief guest
during the release of this book on 7 March, 2014
disappointed people by first claiming that con-
ducting elections and counting of votes is the
ultimate level of governance but did nothing to
first keep out incompetent and criminals from
contesting elections, second, failed to make
party politics transparent and, third, refused to
make registered political parties release their
Election Manifestos & Party Constitution Public,
say six months in advance.
EC had failed to act on petitions directly or
indirectly to make party politics transpar-
ent and election manifestos and party
constitution public.
Things rather progressed in the
backward direction. Topics of contest in
this forthcoming election are Sardar Patel
or who organised more riots or who is
more corrupt, etc.
Indian governors, ministers, judges, civil servants of secretary
level do not present their credentials to the superior appointing
authority and this lets in incompetent and corrupt assume impor-
tant positions in government. This alone shall clean up 90 percent
of our constitutional authorities and functionaries.
Few good lines in the book are per capita income of small
farmers or labourers is Rs. 5000 and Rs. 6000 which is $90 to
$100 annually for over 70% population. But the chapter on distri-
bution of wealth is weak. Black money is generated due to leak-
ages in tax collections (72%), middlemen not adding value and fail-
ure of banks to serve the people of India who have to depend on
moneylenders. Indians have practically no equity in listed compa-
nies and no share in natural resources, otherwise the minimum
income of Indians would have been over Rs. 20,000 per capita
which is well above poverty line.
Book: India in Shambles - Only the Judiciary Can
Save Us
Author : K.C. Agrawal
Year : 2013 Price: 370
ISBN : 9788192816609
Distributor: Jain Book Agency
India in shambles, only the Judiciary can save us
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Urdu Ghazal
Dont tinker with Ghazal. Marathi is no need to follow any language for
ghazal... We have our own essence and understanding of ghazal...
Basically, we should not compare any language for any music genre...
Urdu is different and Marathi is different.. Let them grow separately with
their own colours.
S Panjari
Media exposed by former media persons
Ashutosh, the eminent journalist of IBN-7 group, joined AAP. While in a
debate on Aaj Tak (13/02/14 / 11 am), he said: when you take on
Ambani, Modi and Rahul head on, then you be ready to face planted
news in media to malign your image. S. Shahnawaz Hussain (BJP)
Rajiv Shukla (Cong) were present in the debate. Another former media
debater, Yogendra Yadav, said about media: it was very fruitful of being
in media because media person had both cards in their pockets and
media is spreading false and fake news against AAP. He dared media if
they insist on naming the mediamen who are spreading false he would
name them in a press conference.
S. Haque, Patna
The Whole Truth About AIDS
In my opinion, it is very important that parents talk to their children
about the dangers of using condoms, contraceptives and abortion
methods, as the morning-after pill or RU-486. Today, young people are
constantly besieged from the media and schools. They tell them that
using condoms will prevent unwanted pregnancies, AIDS and other sex-
ually transmitted diseases. Likewise, they are besieged by television
programs where it is normal to see infidelity, pornography, explicit sex
and all those degrading programs of junk TV. Health campaigns based
on condoms distribution to prevent AIDS led into deception. These con-
ceal information and do not contribute towards prevention, but a greater
spread of risk behaviours, since they imply that health authorities are
giving their approval to the behaviours and lifestyles that are responsi-
ble for the epidemic. It has long been known that the condom has a rel-
ative effectiveness as a contraceptive. Statistics show that this prophy-
lactic failure in 15% of cases as a contraceptive and therefore we can
not believe that AIDS virus that is 450 times smaller than sperm can be
stopped by the latex barrier as if by magic. Uganda is the only African
country where this problem has decreased because the system of
abstinence and faithfulness to one partner was adopted. When sexual
promiscuity decreased, the HIV infection rate dropped from a peak of
15% in the early 90s to approximately 4% in 2003. Would it cost so
much to educate young people in this regard? In this very sensitive mat-
ter, the numbers prove it.
Isabel Costa, Fraga, Huesca (Spain)
Aah Naogaonavi!
May the noble soul of Br. Kaif Naogaonvi rest peacefully in Jannatul-
Firdos and may all of his near and dear ones have Sabre-Jameel. That
the mentality of the rulers who hesitate to ban the RSS but continue to
suppress SIMIi has not changed at all can be seen from the fact that, at
the time of the first Indo-Pak war of 1965, when thousands of
Maharashtian Muslims, including the khadi-clad and gandi-capped
ones were imprisoned for months, Kaif was not allowed even to attend
his wifes funeral!! Down with such stone-hearted secularism.
S. Akhtar, Khanpur Deh - 392150
The myth of Modis clean chit
Those who have been brandishing the "clean chit" to Narendra
Damodardas Modi do not understand the situation. The S.I.T., as its
name tells us, was only a team of investigators, not a court of law; and
the court which accepted that body's recommendations was merely
that of a Metropolitan Magistrate. When passing judgment the MM told
Zakia Jafri's lawyer that his team "have the liberty to approach a higher
court" (Indian Express, 27 December 2013). This tells us that India's
judicial structure has many levels, with an appeal possible at each.
Thus it is absurd to see any kind of finality in the MM's judgment. The
door is wide open through which Mr. Modi and many of his "parivar" will
walk to the gallows.
Mukul Dube, Mayur Vihar 1, Delhi 110091
Episode of ND Tewari & Islam
ND Tiwari was bestowed by God with three important characters 1)
handsomeness 2) sexual vitality 3) political power. To satisfy his sexu-
al desire he had number of ladies were at his disposal. The political
power helped him and no authority could stop him. But in his old age
when he was governor of AP he was caught red-handed and was com-
pelled to resign. The important part of this episode was his illegitimate
wife and son who claimed in the court if law that he was the biologi-
cal son of Mr. Tiwari .But Tiwari denied. After six years court litigation
Tiwari accepted Rohit Shaker is his son his mother was his keep. One
cannot imagine the disrespect and mental torture the mother and son
had to bear years to gather. Still Rohit and his mother has to get share
in his property .The dignity and honour can never be restored. The
question arise why Tiwart did not dare to marry the mother of Rohit ?
it is only because Hindu Dharma does not allow second marriage. But
the history reveals that Lord Ram had three wives and Lord Krishna had
thousands of Gopies. According to historical examples every Hindu
could marry more than one wife. The Hinduism has been modified
many times and its teachings are not in its original form .The Hindus are
following wrong version of dharma which cannot safeguard the rights
of people like Rohit and his mother. There are millions of such examples
in the society leading the life of disrespect If you look into the teachings
of Islam it has permitted such men like ND Tewari to marry four wives
and have legitimate children. All Mughal kings had more than one wife.
In Islam whoever develops illicit sexual relations is punished. With this
rule one can understand how Islam has safeguard the respect and mod-
esty of women folk. It is in practice since last1400 years
Dr AH Maqdoomi, Hyderabad
Half historical truths are in school syllabus
Kids are taught in schools that Shershah built the grand trunk road from
Kolkata to Peshawar but it is half fact. Shershah built the G.T Road from
Chitogong (now Bangladesh) to Kabul. Prabhat khabar (Hindi daily)
published this fact.
S. Haque, Patna
Comparison between - they - and - we
Just or unjust, right or wrong is not the matter or subject of considera-
tion but importantly the way the weird and warmly played tactics adopt-
ed by crooked Hindutva fraternity with the object to turn vengeances
into voraciousness and vice-versa which is under process since the
dawn of Independence in all respects. Soon after the arrest of Hindutva
elements in bomb blasts in Samjhouta Express, Mecca Masjid, Ajmer
Shareef, Malegaon and other places, RSS, BJP and other allied forces
immediately came out openly with the denial of involvement of any
member of their family in any terrorist and disruptive activity claiming
themselves to be innocent, peace loving and patriotic. They also want
to the length of turndown the admission of Aseemanad before the Court
and media calling the same absolutely false. Recently, a delegation of
LT. Col. Prasad Prohit which includes Aparana Prohit and VAsanti Prohit
met President of India at RAshtrapati Bhavan on 18th, Fem: 14 and
sought his intervention towards the immediate disposal of the case
relate to Malegaon blast couple with other maters relate to accused.
Such tactics are continue in practice since long obviously to prove the
culprits innocent by hook or crook. Back to home, hundreds of inno-
cent, educated and well settled Muslim youths have been implicated
and languishing behind bars by the anti Muslim bias men in khaki under
the nose of union and state home ministries without any trial for years
to gather whereas many have been killed in the name of fake encoun-
ters and the process continued but no public (Muslim) agitation or even
strong country wide protest is held or even no bandh and other mode
of agitations have been adopted by general members of Ummah which
is a matter of great concern. The so-called Muslim leaders, MPs, MLAs,
dared not to speak on the subject or went or raising the voices the floors
LS, RS, and state assemblies atleast for name sake. Baring JIH, JUH
and one or two such organisations like AIMPLB no organisation specif-
ically taken up the matter seriously objectively to represent the Muslim
grievances before higherups IUML, claimant of only Muslim represen-
tative political organisation of National status appeared to have taken U
turn from its basic object and virtually not exists. Muslim representation
in L.S., R.S., or state assemblies look like soulless creature, a show
cased commodity hold no water are always at the heels of their party
bosses acting in scion fashion. Notably with the aim was drawn, this
time, in M. P., Chhatisgarh, Maharashtra to arrest Muslim youths in the
name of anti National activities being members of SIMI to level the
ground for extension of ban which is done ultimately but no Muslim rep-
resentative, minister, leader, organisation, group and activists came
openly to condemn the illegal action of Central government which
shows where we stand.
Faheemuddin, Nagpur - 13
Somnath temple - facts versus lies
Mr. Narendra Modi - the BJPs prime ministerial candidate who has
earned notoriety for his colossal ignorance of facts and coming out with
fabricated statements has said in one of his speeches that the Somnath
temple had been reconstructed by Sardar Patel. But says Sardar Patel
last year when I came to Saurashtra, I went to Somnath. I was then
accompanied by Jam Saheb (Ruler of Nawa Nagar) and Mr. Gadgil (a
central minister and father of Mr. V. N. Gadgil, a union minister in the
Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi Govts.) when we saw the ruined temple
of Somnath and walked on those sacred precincts and surveyed that
historical and religious place, vision of the past spread itself before us.
We then resolved to renovate its ancient glory. The Jam Sahib con-
tributed a lakh of rupees, Samal Dass (The chief minister of Saurashtra)
on behalf of the provincial Govt. contributed rupees 50,000 But to
implement our decision we felt necessary to take expert opinion. We
also sought the advice of elderly people of Jaunagarh. We have now
decided to constitute a committee to draw up plans and to create a trust
for the supervision of the work. Two trustees will be nominated from the
centre, two by the Saurashtra Govt., two will be selected from the
donors and the remaining will be nominated from the rest of India. After
my visit to Jaunagarh I went to Calcutta and spoke to some friends
there. They have promised to donate Rs 25 lakhs. We have Rs 21 lakhs
already. Our aim is to collect a crore atleast so that not only would we
be able to renovate the temple but also to improve its surroundings and
open certain institutions as well. (Sardar Patel in tune with millions
edited by G. M Tendulkar, Volume-III pp.52-3). Earlier Jawaharlal Nehru
himself and contradicted Mr. Advanis contention that the inaugural
function of the temple was a governmental function. This is evident
from the following quotation from Nehrus letter to chief minister of May
2, 1951, you must have read about the coming ceremonies at the
Somnath temple. It should be clearly understood that this function is not
governmental and the Govt. of India as such has nothing to do wit it (let-
ters to chief minister volume - II pp. 388-389).
Dr. M. Hashim Kidwai, ex-MP, New Delhi - 110091
Aam Aadmi Party - a party opposed to our system
Our media has been showering praises on the newly formed Aam Admi
Party ignoring the fact that this party has neither a glorious past which
can nor a charismatic precedent which can inspire Indian people.
Communal fascism or politics of communal hatred which is being prac-
ticed by BJP is the gravest menace not only to Indian democracy and
secularism but to be very existence of our country, but this party and
neither condemns it nor intends to fight it. Minorities, especially
Muslims and OBCs are extremely backward in all aspects of life and
therefore they need reservations in government jobs, educational insti-
tutions and other walks of life and welfare majors but this party has not
a work about minorities and OBCs. Bureaucracy is the main hurdle in
the second working of Indian democracy. But this party has no plan of
effectively controlling it or scrapping red-tapism. The party has rightly
been described by Mr. Salman Khurshid, External Affairs Minister as an
anarchist party with Jurassic ideas deadly opposed to our system it is
extremely harmful to the country.
Dr. M. Hashim Kidwai, ex-MP,
Delhi - 110091
RSS stalwarts, no chagrin please
In an interview to Caravan Magazine, Aseemanand an accused in
Samjhouta Express, Mecca Masjid and Ajmer Shareef blast confessed
that planning for blast was evolved and sanctioned by the RSS
Leadership thus admitting the direct involvement of fascit Organisation
in disdainful act of blast at the said places. The statement sparked of a
controversy leading RSS big-wig to reject and rebut the interview in
usual stereotype manner by questioning its veracity and publication in
Caravan. Soon followed by Hindutva fraternity from low to high level the
interview came to be attacked in defence or the parental body under the
habitual denial of truth by charging the Caravan Magazine and authen-
ticity of the interview in question. On the other side the so-called secu-
lar political groups like Congress, BSP, SP supported by CP-I spared no
time by condemning the RSS and its involvement in the anti-National
and terrorist activities. The condemning appears to be a drama to get
Muslim favour during the ensuing election on one hand and to prove
that till this date they were unaware of the disruptive incursion of RSS
and that for the first time they have come across the devilished
designed of RSS. What is the necessity of staging such drama as
Muslims have full knowledge that all are birds of same feather. Such
denial and condemnations are not new as they are the part and parcel
of old strategy as far Muslims are concerned. It is admitted position that
very foundation of RSS is laid on distortion, distraction, deception and
decaying plannings and demureness can go any extent to achieve its
goal in a most ugly way. It is to be noted with all drearily that on vari-
ous occasions, specially gathering of National importance, our intelli-
gence agencies are bulging out with fake inputs of terrorist activities
which they gleefully beefed to the Union and state home ministries with
around the clock publicity by electronic media which later on reach
them to well educated and well settled innocent Muslim youth under the
instruction of the said ministries and thus trap them maliciously.
However in the case of blast on Samjhouta Express, Mecca Masjid,
Ajmer Shareef, Malegoan, Gujarat, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Patna the
same intelligence agencies are bulging out with fake inputs of terrorist
activities which they gleefully briefed to the union and state home min-
istries with around the clock publicity by electronic media which later on
reach them to well educated and well settled innocent Muslim youth
under the instruction of the said ministries and thus trap them mali-
ciously. However in the case of blast on Samjhouta Express, Mecca
Masjid, Ajmer Shareef, Malegaon, Gujarat, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore,
Patna the same intelligence agencies failed to get any input.... so sur-
prising. Whereas Congress and other parties continued to remain in
darkness. It is therefore advisable to RSS and other Hindutva forces
need no apprehension for any legal action against the out-fit being
patronized and protected by police around the Country, Law of the Land
and all major political parties by making the State a safe heaven for the
Saffron Brigade despite it stigmatized for the assassination of the Father
of Nation, still no one is there to question the patriotism of RSS and
allied forces. Jai Bharat.
Faheemuddin, Nagpur - 13
Advertising campaigns about the false paradises of drug evasin
Dance Music for you not to dance is the slogan of the last campaign
of the Spanish Foundation Against Drug Addiction (FAD) to raise aware-
ness of the risks associated with driving under the influence of drugs ,
for young people aged 16 to 24.. According to the National Department
of Traffic (DGS), about 23 % of drivers up to 30 years who died in a traf-
fic accident had consumed drugs. Bad night. Tonight may be your
turn is the slogan of another FAD campaign, which seeks to educate
the youth against the alkaloids that cause hallucination or distress and
can lead to suicide. Out partying until dawn can move in a bad experi-
ence because these concentrates, can be your worst enemy. Drugs
have stayed in the fun of teenagers. Reaching a state of rapture in a few
minutes and feel the effect of joy for an hour, is the type of hallucina-
tions that causes fentanyl a synthetic drug derived from opium that
has set off alarms at the UN, so that the International Narcotics Control
Board, in its annual report, devotes a chapter to this concentrate, a
synthetic opioid 80 times more potent than heroin, and that is causing
serious damage in the United States and Mexico. The European
Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, also exhibited a painful
horizon, whereby drugs are cheaper than ever in all countries of the
European Union, a circumstance that has led to a frightening increase
in cocaine use, particularly among adolescents. The investigation
exposes the rawness of the situation in Europe: each year alkaloids
consumption causes more than 8,000 deaths. Drugs, sex, terror and
fanaticism spiral will not succeed in his claim to be havens of escape.
Young naive believe the drug will lead to Heaven and what it gives to
them is their own self-destruction, a physical and mental deterioration
that will transform the paradise of a moment, in a prolonged and
unbearable hell.
Clemente Ferrer
Animal slaughtering: different action
There is a picture of four headless Bali (Slaughtered religiously) of he
buffaloes at Dariyapur areas of Ahmedabad on public road thorough-
fare. The G. T. report datelined, Ahmedabad, 25th January 14 inter
alia, states that ten Devi Pujak Samaj people did the slaughtering (Bali)
quite openly; that the police mute a mockery of justice by merely not-
ing a complaint under CRPC 157; that people here discuss a serious
community-based discrimination because, day in and day out, Muslim
butchers are being wrongly arrested after allowing the so-called Gau
Rakshak (cow savers) to bent the qassabs who are then severely beat-
en by police who also clamp PASA etc. etc.
S. Akhtar, Patna
BJP carved Modi into Ram
Through Ram Rath, Ram mandir, etc BJP could not achieve absolute
power, therefor it shunned Ram mandir agenda to achieve power shar-
ing with other parties. Now BJP is again perusing Ram issue not by
mandir but by carving Modi as Ram. BJP national president Raj Nath
Singh said bhagwan ram ki tarah avatar puruhi hein Modi
S. Haque, Patna
Batakh Mians family in great distress
Batakh Mian was a British officers cook. Under his English employers
pressure he mixed poison in the milk which was to be served to
Mahatma Gandhi when he visited Motihari (Champaran) to experience
oppression of farmers in 1917. But Batakh Mian silently revealed the
English secret plan to Gandhiji. Rajendra Prasad was witness of the
episode. English government sent Batakh Mian to jail and badly treated
him and confiscated his land. In India followers of the killers of Gandhi
are prospering but descendents of Gandhis saviour are reeling under
poverty and their family is in great distress. Government promised to
give Batakh Mian agricultural land as token of gratitude but the promise
was forgotten.
S. Haque, Patna
Left as third alternative
The Left must be applauded for trying to bring as many as eleven polit-
ical parties to come together as a third alternative in the 2014 General
elections. One need not pooh-pooh the idea, as we have seen how a
novice in politics like Arvind Kejriwal has proved in the Delhi assembly
elections that there is a vast political space for new experiments. The
common man is disgusted with the policies of the neo-liberalism pur-
sued by the UPA and the erstwhile NDA government and there is hard-
ly a thin line between the two as regards corruption. It would be desir-
able if Aam Admi Party can be drawn in the third-front.
Syed Sultan Mohiddin, Kadapa - 516001
Politicians involved in riots
Rahul Gandhi in his first-ever interview said that some Congressmen
were involved in the 1984 anti-Sikh riots. Former CM of Bihar
Satayandera Narayan Sinha in his autography Meri yadein meri bhulein
wrote that some Congress leaders were involved in 1989 Bhagalpur
anti-Muslim genocide. Gujarats Narendra Modis cabinet minister Maya
Kodnani supervised killings of Muslims and she is languishing in jail.
S. Haque,
REJOINDERS/OPINION/LETTERS The Milli Gazette, 16-31 March 2014 23
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24 The Milli Gazette,16-31 March 2014
Printed, published and owned by Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan and printed at Vibha Publication Pvt Ltd., D-160B, Sector-7, Noida, U.P. and published at D-84 Abul Fazal Enclave-I, New Delhi 110025.
Editor: Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan
best compliments
Kaleem Kawaja , Washington DC
Without your support CHARITY ALLIANCE cant complete the above
Donations, Zakat, Sadaqat, Charity and bank interest.
Accepted by cheque / online Internet Banking transfers
or credit card payments / Money Order. See page 17 inside.
Registered trust
Alliance School Murshidabad
needs your help
With great pleasure. we inform you that West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
has issued a one-year provisional No Objection Certificate to Alliance School
Murshidabad thereby giving us a one-year provisional CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION
as an upper primary school (Classes V to VIII). This provisional certificate lays down
certain criteria which have to be met within a year. Alliance School in Murshidabad
(West Bengal) needs your help to get pucca classrooms for students and to be able to
get permanent certificate of recognition. Please donate for this cause. Approx. Rs 10
lakh is needed to start construction work for the first phase. Please see page 17 inside.
Construction of homes for Muzaffarnagar
riot victims by Charity Alliance
On 18 February 2014, by the grace of Almighty, and support of our donors, we were
able to start the construction work on the 38,642 square feet land purchased in
Kairana. We started the work only once the purchase process was officially over. All
labourers are from the relief camps and hence a source of livelihood for some of the
Earlier we had planned to make tent-like sheds for the victims. But now we intend
to make small pucca dwellings for most deserving families among the riot victims.
Depending on the amount of funds raised, we are studying what type and kind of
dwellings we can afford. See page 17 inside. Donations in kind are also welcome, like
bricks, cement, iron bars, drainage pipes, doors, windows, sanitaryware etc.
If you are an architect/engineer you may want to give your inputs in the
design/planning/execution and also volunteer to visit the site and oversee the work.
Construction of homes near Sunethi Camp (Shamli) for Muzaffarnagar riots victims, 9 March 2014
Does your research involve the Palestinian issue
or do you have keen interest in the region?
We have issues of the monthly newspaper The Palestine Times. The issues are dated between 1999-2006. Only a few limited
sets of these issues are available with us and we want them to reach the most suitable people or institution/
organisation/library. Readers interested may write to us if they need this set and let us know how they intend to use it. Please
note that issues in this set are not continuous as they might not have been printed or lost in post before they could reach us.
Organisations/institutions/libraries which want to preserve these copies will be given preference. Once we get enough requests
we will select the best suitable to receive them and our discretion will be final. Please mention your mobile number and email
address so that we may convienently inform those selected. Please note: postage and handling of Rs 150 will have to be paid
by those selected. Write to or Milli Gazette, D-84 Abul Fazal Enclave-I, New Delhi 110025
Fire in Forajipara,
Murshidabad District (West
Bengal): your kind and
generous help is awaited
The village has turned into ashes by a blazing fire on 28 February
2014. About 125 people (45 families) have been affected. Many
domestic animals were burnt to death by the fire. Food grains, clothes,
furniture including cash and other materials household things have
been converted into ashes. All the 125 people have become shelter
less and without any spare clothes to change. Food is being arranged
by the locals. At the moment now they need immediate help.
Government officials have visited but no compensation has been pro-
vided yet. A set of galvanised corrugated iron sheets will help them
construct their bamboo dwellings again. As the existing sheets get
crumbled and get holes due to fire. Some clothes also need to be pur-
chased. The cost will be about Rs 7000 per family, that is a total of
Rs 315,000 is needed. Please see donation details on page 17 inside.
These are verses of the Qur'an, a book that makes (things) clear;
A guide: and glad tidings for the believers. Those who establish regular
prayers and give in regular charity, and are sure of the Hereafter.
Quran 27:1-3