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24 pages ` 15 ISSN 0972-3366 FORTNIGHTLY

Vol. 16 No.5

Issue Serial # 363

www.milligazette.com 1-15 March 2015







A Muslim Cap would have been more effective, Mr Modi

Mr. Narendra Modi, Indias Prime Minister,
does not take kindly to advice, specially of the
unsolicited variety. But let me risk it.
Mr. Prime Minister, you would have done
better, achieved a thousand times more, and
helped Indias cultural integrity, unity and
amity - and therefore its prosperity - by the simple visual action
of putting on a Muslim prayer cap, delicately crocheted in white
cotton thread, in front of the global TV news cameras. You need
not have gone to a Juma Masjid, or even to a meeting of your
favourite Muslim leaders in Gujarat, or a private function at the
homes of the three Muslim ministers in the Union government
and the Bharatiya Janata Party top leadership.
That would have perhaps undone much of the damage to
Muslims are the second largest majority in India,
your reputation among religious minorities since you infamously refused to wear a cap innocently offered with much love by as they say, five times larger than the Christians in
the land. They came a few decades after Islam
an insignificant moulvi some time ago. It could not have undone
culpability in the 2002 massacre of Muslims, but would have was founded, and are indistinguishable from anybeen a salve, no doubt about. One of the fascinating things
one of us. They have beards, but both you and I
about you is how impressive and even magnificent you look
sport facial hair, albeit neatly trimmed. In the
wearing the various head-dresses of various communities and
or so cases of targetted violence against
groups in the beautiful and diverse country that is your and my
minorities, Muslims have been victims
Muslims are the second largest majority in India, as they perhaps 8,500 times. Christians about 150... But
say, five times larger than the Christians in the land. They came you, Sir, chose a Christian, a Catholic, platform to
a few decades after Islam was founded, and are indistinguisharticulate your commitment to secularism.
able from anyone of us. They have beards, but both you and I
many ways, at an audience of your choosing. There was no
also sport facial hair, albeit neatly trimmed. In the 1,000 or so
cases of targetted violence against religious minorities, Muslims occasion for questions, no opportunities to request you to explain
have been victims perhaps 8,500 times. Christians about 150, as some ambiguities in your address, deliberate it would seem, and
recorded by the Evangelical Fellowship of India report for 2014. a few omissions. A major omission is any reference to the 60They are subject of much targetted hate. They have been called year-old issue of Dalit Chrisians [and Muslims] and their demands
traitors by your ardent followers and political aides, Pakistani for parity in Scheduled Caste rights with Sikhs and Buddhists [and
agents, breeding like rabbits to overwhelm the One Billion Hindu of course Hindus] of Dalit origin.
But your statement now is a change from what you had said
population, and seducing young Hindu women in Love Jihad.
after first ordering the cameras to be switched off. I would
In contrast, Christians are accused merely of using dollars to harvest souls. Just two Christians have been killed last year. We are like to hope you want it to address the trust deficit of religious
minorities - not just Christians in your Bharatiya Janata Party
still awaiting data on the number of Muslims killed.
But you, Sir, chose a Christian, a Catholic, platform to artic- and the Sangh Parivar, now certainly quite the mainstream of
political discourse with its religious nationalism, which claims to
ulate your commitment to secularism.
The Syro-Malabar Catholic Church invited you to a function have brought it to power. In many ways, however, it is addressed
to celebrate the canonization of two Catholic saints born in Kerala. to an international audience, and specially the investing bankers
We would be ingrates if we did not therefore thank you for speak- and corporate giants, whose concern at the human rights and
ing up at last on hate crimes, as we had been urging you to do for freedom of faith issues in India - which ranks as a Country of
the past six months, and specially as we requested you to do Concern in many international lists - was articulated by United
when a delegation met you at your residence on Christmas eve States President Mr. Barack Obama as much as by the editorial in
last. You were not exactly very warm at that meeting, blaming the the New York Times. The Indian development agenda depends on
Christian community of exaggerating minor incidents in the massive infusions of western capital.
It will be of abiding intellectual speculation why you did not
international media, even insinuating their compulsions which
to make your statement at public meeting of the Muslim
prevented them from standing with you on your development
Ulama. Muslims outnumber Christians in India by a factor of five
You made the statement now, at a time of your choosing, and as I said earlier. That may have been more effective in repairing


Cannot accept violence against any religion,

will act strongly in this regard.

the damage done to your image by the 2002 Gujarat riots and the
recent abuse on Muslims by popular BJP leaders in the partys
electoral campaigns and public programmes. But perhaps it may
not have helped you in the context of the current wave of
Islamophobia in parts of the Western world and its media.
Freedom of Faith is a part of the Indian Civilisation, of that
there can be no doubt. Buddha and Mahaviras rejection of Vedic
hegemony is a part of that intellectual and expressional freedom.
And the birth, much later, of the Sikh faith. The incorporation of
freedom of faith and expression in the Constitution of India was
also a consequence of the Freedom Struggle that saw the participation of all ethnic, linguistic and religious communities in the
cause of Independence, equality and justice. India is also a signatory to the United Nations Charter and its Declarations on
Freedom of Faith and on Civil Liberties, stressed once again in
the documents of the Hague convention which was called to celebrate them.
As Prime Minister, you and your government have taken an
oath to protect the Constitution, and all that it guarantees to citizens of India, and in fact, to even others who may be resident in
the land.
There has been much tragedy and human suffering
because the Constitutional guarantees have not been fully
practiced. And because some political groups with an ideology of religious nationalism and peculiar definition of patriotism have enjoyed immunity and government patronage, and
We are happy that you did not call for a ten-year moratorium as you had in your speech on Independence Day last year,
but said, We cannot accept violence against any religion on any
pretext and I strongly condemn such violence. My government
will act strongly in this regard. The talk of moratorium had not
gone down well with civil society, and had seemed very cynical.
The minorities have not been attacking anyone. Neither have
they exceeded, or violated, the limits set by the law of the land in
their exercise of their rights to profess, practice and propagate
their faith. You nonetheless brushed over the warning against both
minority and majority intolerance. The attempt at parity has its
own meaning, and implications in small towns and villages where
police seem to believe it is the Muslim, or the Christian, who is the
cause of all troubles.
Despite the existence of laws against religious conversions,
called Freedom of Relgion Acts, in six states - and with your government ministers demanding such a law for the entire country - even politically hostile governments have not been able to indict
anyone for inducing anyone to become a Christian through force
or through fraudulent means. Yet you chose to allude to fraud. It
was clear where your mind lay. You did not refer to the issue of
Dalit Christians, raised by Bishops who spoke before you at the
function. Your party and your government are opposed to restoring Dalit Christians [and Dalit Muslims] rights given to others of
these castes, arguing this would open the floodgates of conversions out of Hinduism.
Continued on page 21

Inside MG

Tipu Sultan





J&K 10 Analysis 11 Special Reports 3,13 Issues 2,11,13

Speaking Out 11 Books 21 Newsmakers 12 Health 8
Leadership 9 International 16-20 Community News 14-15
Islamic Perspectives 20 Our Publications 19 Letters 23

Whats in Gods names? 22

The Milli Gazette, 1-15 March 2015



The Deterioration of Urdu Literature

I get about three dozen Urdu magazines from
India and Pakistan. These include Kitab Numa,
Naya Waraq, Shair, Mobahisa, Sabaq-i-Urdu,
Asbaque, Intisab, Zehn-i-Jadeed, Isbaat, Ajkal,
Bebaak, Adab-Saaz, Insha, etc. from India and
Kaghazi Paerahan, Montaj, Symbol, Chahaar
Soo, Tasteer, Manshoor, Roshnai, Nazm-i-Nau,
Nukaat, Dunia Zad, Aaj, Qirtaas, Seep, Urdu
Dost, Mukaalma etc. from Pakistan. Money-wise
(and I am wise in that respect!), I never send a
penny as subscription but they keep on air-mailing these to me hoping that I might condescend
to contribute a poem or a story.
In each issue of these magazines, names of
the contributors apart (for they are top, mid and
low - all levels) poetry (particularly ghazals and
nasri nazms) bemoans the constant and continuous deterioration of standards - inhitaat - as it
is called in Urdu - and it is getting worse. Of
course, it is more evident in India than in

Pakistan for Urdu is no longer the high-pedestal

rider there.
Easy does it is the corner stone of each
couplet in each one of the semi-classical ghazals. The same hackneyed metaphors, the same
saliva-coated mouthfuls of verbiage, and the
same rhyming words - nothing seems to have
changed in the last one century or so.
I believe most of these ghazals are composed, nay machine-crafted, keeping in view the
exigencies of mushairaas - the audience being
easy-to-grab simple subjects and simpler Urdu
vocabulary. Then there are the modern masters
of the ghazal format, who have nothing better to
offer than such couplets, as Bakra minminata hai
/ Bakri maiN maiN karti hai (Zafar Iqbal) Or
Sooraj ko chonch meiN liye murgha khara raha
(Nida Fazli). Less said about the dead burden of
ghazal format Urdu has to bear, better it would
Of the nasri nazm variety, there are jumbled
up lines of just plain trash! For one, the term is a

After sending about Rs 11,00,000/- (for Prizes for best
students and Awards for learned teachers/lecturers who have
improved their respective subject-results) in 57 institutions
of U P, Awards are being considered for institutions with the
best results in X & XII 2014 and, particularly for
institutions in which the education of Muslim children
progressed at a fast pace.
We would consider upto four Awards of Rs. 1,00,000/each, four of Rs. 50,000/- each, four of Rs. 25,000/- each
and upto fifteen Consolation Awards of Rs, 20,000/- each.
Thus, roughly, one out of each five institutions, may win an
Award and one more may win a Consolation Award.
Obviously, the first criterion will be the total results in
the board examinations of 2014. We will also see how much
have the results improved as compared with the results in
2013 and 2012. What is the result? Some Principals &
Managers still seem to think that result means pass
percent. It does NOT. Now, for us, RESULT means the
proportion of students getting : Grades A1 & A2 in X and
75% marks or more in XII.
Then we will see how fast Muslim children have
progressed in education at the level of the X & XII board
examinations in each institution. It will also be seen which
institution sent the results to us promptly and properly.
Last, but not the least, we would like each Manager (who
wishes his institution to be considered for an Award) to
please quickly favor us with a comprehensive report about
what the Management did for the progress of the institution
in the academic year 2013-14 and during the current
academic year.

Ahmad Rashid Shervani

12 - A, Connaught Place, New Delhi 110001
arshervani@gmail.com, mobile: 9871062424 between 10 & 11.30 a.m.





D-84 Abul Fazl Enclave-I, Jamia Nagar,

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Editoral desk email: edit@milligazette.com
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Website: milligazette.com; Group: pharosmedia.com
Media database support: Orient Press International
Subscription rates on page 20

Advertisements rates on page 22

contradiction in itself. How can there be prose

poetry as a genre of literature? There, of
course, can be poetic prose. Abulkalam Azads
prose is one of a highly Persianized poetry in
Krishan Chanders is an overflow of romantic phraseology with sweet nothings, as it were,
of colourful warp and woof of a myriad pattern.
What we get, by way of nasri nazm in our magazines today, is neither prose nor poetry; it is
something of a dubious genealogical patrimony,
It is the afsana (i.e., short story or short fiction that could mean a long short story) that I am
much bothered about. It is as if stories written in
the first half of the last century are embracing the
experimental stories of the sixties and seventies.
The latter variety has characterization liquefied,
plot thrown to the four winds, flow of time from
past-to-present- to-future all mixed up in a jumble. The sad part of the story is that the same
issue of a magazine might include a traditional



DISTRIBUTORS: (Alphabetical - statewise and then citywise)

story or two alongside a jumbled up plethora of

insane stuff packed up in a hold-all.
One saving grace is that the nazm category
is now slowly but assuredly getting out of the
sweet opiate of the Faiz tradition. Noon Meem
Rashid is once again installed at the pedestal of
uniqueness. If one picks up Naya Waraq or
Isbaat published from India or Symbol, Tasteer,
or Kaghazi Paerahan from Pakistan, one would
see that the theme, subject, treatment, phraseology, or use of similes and metaphors are once
again akin to the tradition of Rashid and Majeed
Amjad. The title of this piece might be a little too
harsh, but if one has to be honest, one must call
a spade a spade!
For almost seven decades, Prof Satyapal Anand
has lived a wandering minstrels life in half a dozen
countries in three continents, writing in Urdu, English,
Hindi and Punjabi, curriculum planning, course designing, teaching and researching. Comparative Literature
has been his forte. His lasting love for Urdu has made
him an icon for younger poets and writers. Now
retired, he lives alternately in Washington DC,
Cambridge and Ontario, Canada. (caravandaily.com)


























































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Goodwill Yatra to
stop fascist forces

Uttar Pradesh Goodwill Yatra was taken out for strengthening national integration and communal harmony. The yatra, through various public gatherings and
seminars, was an attempt to create awareness among people against fascism in
the country. The 18th Goodwill Yatra was taken out under the leadership of
Yogal Kishor Saran Shastri, an Ayodhya temple mahant, who believes that the
yatra will succeed if people reject the fascist ideology. During this yatra, lectures
and meetings were arranged at many places and pamphlets were distributed and
posters pasted on a widescale which was appreciated by people.
The yatra started on 8 February from the Suryu Kunj Temple in Ayodhya in
the presence of people from different religious backgrounds which gave a boost
to the goodwill effort and to the common heritage of the city of Ayodhya. The
yatra reached Lucknow in the afternoon where it was welcomed warmly by the
volunteers of Shudr Mahasabha. The yatra received a cordial welcome from
Jamiat Ulama-e Hind in Kanpur in the evening where Yugal Kishor, Muzammil
Fida, Sunil Dutta and others appealed to the people to be careful about the communal forces. The yatra was welcomed by the principal and thousands of students at St. Marys School in the morning of 9 February. During a programme in
the honour of the yatra, Ram Prasad, an artist from the All India Radio, presented a bhajan of Kabir which was admired by the audience.
The yatra reached Kannuaj on 9 February and Firozabad on 10 February
where people applauded the cause behind this effort. The goodwill yatra was
welcomed by father Mathew of St. Francis Inter College on 12 February in
The yatra reached Rampur on 13 February and Shahjahanpur on 14 February
where the delegates of the yatra gave the message of harmony and peace and
tried to create awareness against fascist forces by distributing posters and stickers and delivering public speeches. The delegates of the yatra also visited the
tomb of the freedom fighter Ashfaqullah Khan to pay homage. The yatra passing
through Shahjahanpur reached Lakhimpur on 15 February where local people
welcomed the delegates at a grand gathering and the message of national integrity, equality and peace was sent out. The organisers believe that the yatra was a
driving force to bring people of different religions, castes and creeds under a single umbrella of equality and peace to fight the fascist forces of the country. This
yatra was jointly organised by Sarv Dharm Sadbhavna Trust, New Delhi, Ayodhya
Ki Awaz, Ayodhya, Asha Parivar, Varanasi, Sadbhavna Library, Kanpur and The
Milli Gazette.(Jawed Akhter)

The Milli Gazette, 1-15 March 2015


Respond if you care about your community

White Paper on Terrorism

The issue of fake terrorism charges and the unjust arrests and defamation of our community, especially since 2001, is
the biggest challenge facing the community ever since. A grand conspiracy hatched by the powers that be, IB, Police
and media, has sullied and defamed our community. This campaign has affected our lives, peace of mind and has
thwarted our efforts to progress and educate our children to join the national mainstream.
Our efforts so far to present our case, to bring out our innocence and force the national and state governments to
listen to our grievances have mostly failed. All we have received are a few words of solace which have no real meaning
and have not changed the situation on the ground. Our children by their thousands are still languishing in jails on the
basis of fake confessions obtained through torture and blackmail.
As a long-term solution and a serious response to this problem thrust upon us, AIMMM decided last year to bring
out a white paper on the Muslim-related terrorism in the country. The work is going on with all seriousness and many
researchers, scholars and journalists are busy preparing writeups on various aspects of this issue, covering the history, genesis, communalism, vested interests in various related fields, analysis of various laws like TADA, POTA and UAPA,
fake encounters, narco tests, torture, acquittals, IB & Police role, media attitude, case studies, statewise surveys, SIMI,
Indian Mujahidin, Hindutva terror, individual tragedies of victims, Azamgarh, Bhatkal, Malegaon, Darbhanga modules,
some basic documents, etc., etc.
The target is to bring out this white paper during the next few months and to release it in a big convention at Delhi
as a combined effort of major Muslim and civil rights organisations, and thereafter present this huge document of over
600 large format pages to politicians, media, human rights organisations, especially outside the country, in order to
enlighten public opinion at home and abroad as well as to build pressure on our blind and deaf government.
The estimated cost of this white paper is Rs 35 lakh divided as follows: Rs 15 lakh cost of preparation and payments to contributors plus six months salaries to researchers and experts; Rs 15 lakh for designing and printing the
document in a world-class format; while the grand convention at Delhi will cost at least 5 lakh. Effort will be made to
release the White Paper in some state and world capitals also.
You can help this effort in four ways,
1. To buy copies of the White Paper on Terrorism in advance to help defray part of the huge cost of research, printing,
publication and distribution of at least one thousand complimentary copies. The estimated price of the white paper is
Rs 2000 per copy in India. You may place an advance order by paying Rs 1000 only per copy in India including postal
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Delhi 110025. Email: edit@milligazette.com. Individuals and organisations ordering a minimum of 100 copies in
advance will be included as Sponsors of the White Paper.
2. Contribute to the cost of the grand convention to be held in Delhi. This should be payable to the All India Muslim Majlise Mushawarat, D-250, Abul Fazal Enclave, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-110025. Tel.: 011-26946780 Fax: 011-26947346.
Email: mushawarat@mushawarat.com.
3. Donate your time: If you are a scholar, researcher, journalist: join our team for a few months working in our Delhi
office or from your own home to complete this project - write to the Editor, MG now at edit@milligazette.com.
4. Contact us if you have vital information/documents about this issue.


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Basic requirements for all the above: good command over English, interest in and knowledge of
Muslim community issues, working knowledge of Urdu and Hindi

Covering hair, not brains

World Hijab Day India

Congress leader Shashi Tharoor on 9 February termed Parliament attack convict

Afzal Gurus hanging as wrong and badly handled. Mr. Tharoor has written on
his twitter account that the way Afzal Guru was hanged was wrong. He further
wrote that the dead body of Afzal Guru should have been handed over to his relatives and they should have also been allowed to meet him before his hanging.
But his family was informed only a day before his death, and the whole matter
was badly handled, Mr. Tharoor tweeted. Even former Home Minister, Sushil
Kumar Shinde had said on 25 March, 2014 while speaking to NDTV that the controversial hanging of Afzal Guru could have been handled better. But the very
same Mr. Shinde had wondered after his defeat in last Mays election, how he
could be defeated when he had done such big deeds as hanging Afzal! Afzal
Guru, who was handed a death penalty in the 2001 Parliament attack case, was
hanged on February 9, 2013 after President Pranab Mukherjee rejected his mercy

Bijapur, Karnataka (31 January 2015): On the occasion of

World Hijab Day, an annual event every 1st February, some
students here from Al-Ameen Medical & Dental College
decided to celebrate the eve to encourage both Muslim and
non-Muslim girls to wear headscarves, and experience life
of a Hijabi woman at least for a day.
The main objective of this event was to showcase freedom and traditional aspect of hijab to the people, who misinterpret scarves as method of oppression & ill-treatment of
females by males in the Muslim societies. At the same time,
it also aimed to stop the physical judgment of a female student, & promote judgment based on intellectual abilities.
To achieve these goals the programme was ornamented by several activities like social experiment, quiz, scarf tryout & refreshments giving girls an opportunity to wear scarf
for some time in the day, & get real life experience of hijab
for them. It also created a connection between Burqa-clad
and non-covering women. In other words it provided support for the hijabis, which they lack in many campuses.
This World Hijab Day platform was a source for the

hijabi lasses to have their opinions heard. Many of them

gave their feedback in writing and verbally as well.
Numerous non-hijabis tried different forms of hijab in various styles for the first time.
Even boys of the colleges were invited to the event.
Though few attended but they visited the venue only to discover a warm welcome by innumerable placards that
scratched their conscience, wall charts that inspired them to
sport beard and question chits that they needed to respond
instantly. Lads were enthused by some vivid presentations,
which had a niqabi and a jeans girl standing alongside asking who you would rather choose as their life-partner?
The event started in the afternoon and went until sunset.
Positive responses were received from the participants who
were subjected to various experimentations and had participated in tests and questionnaires.
Students of final year B.D.S. were among the main
organisers. The event was appreciated and lauded by the
College officials.

Advocate defending Muslim youth attacked

Quote, Unquote

must also announce a zero-tolerance approach to attacks on

Many sensible leaders in the BJP abhor the utterances
and activities of the extremists in their parivar. However, they
are loath to recognise that the ideological roots of Hindu
intolerance lie in the parivars pet concept of Hindu rashtra,
which violates the letter and spirit of the Indian Constitution
and has given rise to understandable concern and ire among
non-Hindus. BJP leaders inability and unwillingness to
confront the core of the RSS ideology is the cause of their split
personality. Take Modis own example. He has surprised his
critics as well as his supporters by repeatedly invoking the
name of Mahatma Gandhi, even making him the icon of his
flagship Swachh Bharat mission. Yet, neither he nor any of his
colleagues in the party or the government has publicly praised
Gandhijis lifelong mission for communal harmony, for which
he sacrificed his life. Perversely, some BJP supporters have
been emboldened to eulogise Godse. Modi should know that
the stakes are high, very high SUDHEENDRA KULKARNI
The Indian Express, 9 February, 2015

Hanging of Afzal Guru was wrong and

badly handled: Shashi Tharoor

Mumbai: Senior criminal lawyer, Tahwur

Khan Pathan, who is defending a number of
Muslim youth implicated in terror cases, was
injured alongwith his wife Anza Khan early
morning on 18 February when their motorcycle was hit from the rear by a car while they
were on their way to the railway station to
catch a train to Mumbai. Both were rushed in
critical condition to a local hospital. Tahuwar
Khan has suffered multiple injuries and a leg
fracture. Earlier too his car was hit in a similar manner last year causing him injuries. It is
believed these attempts on his life are related
to his defending the falsely implicated youth
in terror cases. Jamiat Ulama Maharashtra
has asked the state government to provide

security to the advocate.

The responsibility of introspection falls primarily on Modi and
his party. To be fair to him, he has not uttered anything
objectionable on religion-related matters since becoming PM
in May 2014. Indeed, in his Independence Day address, he
wisely appealed to the people to put a moratorium for 10
years on communalism and casteism. Yet, he has not
deemed it necessary to publicly rebuke communal voices in
the Sangh Parivar, of which his own party continues to be a
member. It is not enough for him to convey, behind closed
doors, his displeasure over the ghar wapsi campaign
launched by VHP functionaries, which was endorsed by none
other than Mohan Bhagwat, the RSS chief. As PM, it is his
duty to let the nation know that both conversions and
reconversions which use fraudulent means and spread
bigotry are illegal, unacceptable and heavily punishable. He


The Milli Gazette, 1-15 March 2015



Communal forces keep the pot boiling

Communal forces stoke violence in Nandurbar
Clashes between Muslims and Hindus erupted on 4 February in
Nandurbar town of Maharshtra after a row over a cricket match.
Sensing the intensity of the clash, police imposed a curfew in
the town which had already been tense following the protests by
the activists of VHP and Bajrang Dal against slaughter houses.
The VHP and Bajrang Dal were demanding the administration to
close down slaughter houses. Following this, the district administration imposed prohibitory orders. However, the VHP and
Bajrang Dal activists tried to forcibly close down the slaughter
houses. This resulted in clashes between the two groups. The
clashes broke out in the Kali Masjid area of Nandurbar at around
4.30 pm on 4 February, and within no time, rumours spread and
stone pelting was reported in different parts of the town.
A match was underway on a cricket ground near the Kali
Masjid area of the city when a person got hit by the cricket ball.
Things took an ugly turn with two groups pelting stones at each
other. The police had to use tear gas to disperse the mob. By late
evening, things were under control, said Superintendent of
Police M Ramkumar.
Five police personnel were injured in the incident, while 52
people were arrested in connection with the riots. Curfew was
imposed at around 6 pm and was supposed to be lifted next
evening. But another minor incident of stone pelting in the Alisa
Mohalla led to the extension of the curfew. According to
sources, the main culprit of the incident is one Ravi Pawar, a
VHP member, who ran away from the town.
On the other hand, on 5 February, when Muslims were
returning after the funeral of an elderly lady in the locality of
Maniyar, stones were thrown on the ambulance, but no action
was taken against the culprits. Some police personnel were also
injured in this stone-pelting.
Meanwhile, Samajwadi Party leader, Abu Asim Azmi,
demanded that the state government should ban Hindu extremist groups like Hindu Janjagruti Samiti and Gau Raksha Samiti.
He stressed that police should be impartial and should take
action against the culprits. He added that the communal forces,
in the name of cow-slaughter, targeted Muslims by marching
and shouting anti-Muslim slogans through Muslim-dominated
Nandurbar had earlier witnessed communal clashes in
September 2011 when a tussle between police and members of
a local Ganesh Mandal turned into a communal violence in
which one person was killed.
Muslim youth dies, kin allege police apathy
Saharanpur: Police apathy allegedly led to the death of a Muslim
youth in the Civil Lines police station area in Saharanpur district
on 17 February. Jahangir (24) was reportedly assaulted by a
group of Hindu youths on 16 February over a parking dispute.
While the police got him medically examined, Jahangir was
allegedly sent home without being administered proper treatment. He later succumbed to his injuries. The post-mortem
report stated that Jahangir died of ante-mortem injuries.
The police lodged a murder case against the four youth only
after Jahangirs family and relatives blocked Chilkana Road in
Mandi by placing the body there. No arrests were made in the
case yet. Sub-Inspector Jitendra Kumar of Civil Lines police station said, according to the complaint - lodged by Jahangirs
brother Dilshad - the victim had an altercation with Sarang Joshi,


(Islamic) violence
It seems to have become fashionable to conclude that all violence
comes out of the womb of Islam. Granted, a few Islamic outfits
are out-heroding each other in violent acts, but then the whole
world and other faiths are also not lagging behind in this respect.
In fact, dove-tailing a universal human emotion to a particular
faith or a group of people is parochialism of the worst kind. Were
all violent and this is embedded in our collective psyche. First of
all, how comprehensively have we learnt from the cult of violence
as to include certain acts as violent and exclude others as nonviolent? Are just killing, maiming and blood-letting violent manifestations just because weve conditioned ourselves to calling
them acts of cruelty? Then Im afraid, were limiting the ambit of
violence. Even to hurt someone with (harsh) words is akin to violence, opined the Persian mystic poet Hafiz Shirazi in a letter to
his friend Vaziq Nishapuri who replied in the same vein, Thinking
bad about someone is violence in my opinion. Though its wellnigh impossible to be so non-violent in words and deeds in these
gory times, the very realization of it can uplift the ethics of whole
mankind. Human life is constantly in the penumbra of violence
and it transcends the precincts and fringes of all faiths. A quick
act of public beheading is as cruel as the systematic public apathy towards a group/community or even a person. The latter is
even more evil because its an endless process of degradation of
a large group of human beings. Its a state of eternal condemnation. The day well realise that any act of discretion that may hurt
someone can be branded violent, well automatically stop categorizing in terms of Islamic or Hindu violence. Mankind needs to

Shashank Singhal, Anoop Garg and Nitin at Pansari market over

the parking of his motorcycle.
The youths allegedly assaulted Jahangir and later handed
him over to the police, who had arrived after coming to know of
the scuffle. The police took Jahangir to the district hospital.
There, his medical examination was conducted, following
which, he was allegedly brought to the police station. In the
meantime, the families of Jahangir and the four accused
reached the police station and entered into a compromise.
After reaching home, Jahangirs condition deteriorated and
he was admitted to the hospital. From there, he was referred to
Chandigarh PGI on 17 February but he died on the way.
DIG A K Raghav claimed that Jahangir was admitted to the
hospital by the police on 16 February. From there he was
referred to Chandigarh PGI. The allegations against the police
are false.
Meanwhile, on 18 February, traders of Pansari market and
Loha Bazar in the Civil Lines area shut shops in protest against
the murder. Shailendra Bhushan Gupta, a shopkeeper, said they
have met Saharanpur Range DIG A K Raghav and registered their
Jahangirs brother Mohammad Umar said that he has come
to know from shopkeepers that the four youths had assaulted
his brother over the parking of his motorcycle. The policemen
too are responsible for my brothers death as they did not admit
him to the hospital when he was taken there for medical examination, he said.
Imam beaten up by police in Moradabad
Police picked up an imam of a mosque in the night of 17
February in Moradabad for allegedly misbehaving with a woman
constable. He is a student of Jamia Nayimia who works as an
imam in a mosque called Loharon.
The imam, Maulana Manzar Nayimi, went to the Moradabad
railway station with two of his friends, Dilshad Nayimi and Bilal
Nayimi, to receive money from his brother who was about to pass
through the station around midnight. When they were returning from
the station they went to Budh Bazar to have some snacks. They
were talking to each other while a woman was standing nearby. The
woman, a constable, thought they were teasing her and she immediately called the police station. Police reached the place and they
were picked up and were tortured the whole night in a cell. When
this information spread through the town, head of the madarsah
Jamia Nayimia along with thousands of local people reached the
police station and requested the Circle Officer to dispose the matter.
But the CO did not listen to them. Even the head of the madarsah,
Maulana Rafiq, apologised to the lady constable and she readily forgave them. But the CO was not ready to release them. This caused
resentment among Muslims. Somehow, these three youth were
later released on bail after a crowd protested against this act by
blocking roads.
In a separate incident, atmosphere got tense in Moradabad
when Hindus and Muslims resorted to stone-pelting in the area
of Pakbara police station after a row over using loud music on
the occasion of Mahashivratri. When Hindus were returning
home during the festival, they used loud music which was
objected to by Muslims, but they did not heed to the objection
and continued their loud music. This incident created tension in
the village of Bhanewda where stone-pelting was exchanged
between the two communities. Police reached the place and
evolve further to be completely emancipated from all sorts of violence. Am I being a Utopian? Youd better decide and let me know.

Cringing with embarrassment

Any Indian with a semblance of self-respect will cringe with
embarrassment to the prostrating welcome accorded to Barrack
Obama on his official visit as a state guest on the occasion of
Indias 66th Republic Day. This is typical of a third world country
to go ga-ga over someone coming from England/America. When
Queen Elizabeth visited India in 1961, the ever-genuflecting PM of
India, Jawaharlal Nehru even opened the door for her. This is not
chivalry. This is sheer slavery. Modi and his ministers did the
same thing. We must have at least an iota of self-respect and
present ourselves as people with a spine. Im sure, many Indians
will concur with me on this count that Modi compromised on his
and countrys image in going out of his way to welcome the US
President. The colonial hangover seems to have become our second nature. Its now engrained in the national psyche. This is
indeed pitiable. Is India still the country of slaves?

I always wonder, whore those absolute apple-polishers who go
to the extent of buying suits and apparels of their icons? One
Hindu sycophant in Surat is willing to shell out a few crores to buy
the suit Narendra Modi wore recently. A bunch of nincompoops
built a temple to worship Modi somewhere in his home state,
Gujarat. Though ostensibly, Modi disapproved of it! Fawning has
a limit. Here in India, people vie for the top slot in toadyism. This
is disgusting, to say the least. Im sure, all these acts of rank idiocy will soon pave the way for sane Indians to realise that its time,
they emulated Delhites and voted other parties in, instead of BJP.

tried to control the situation.

Bijnor: In an incident of causing damage to the eidgah [mosque
used for Eid prayers] by some miscreants in Nagina in the district of Bijnor on 17 February. It enraged the local Muslims.
When this information spread though Sheikhpura Turk where the
eidgah is situated, Muslims gathered at the place and police officials also rushed there and tried to mollify the enraged crowd.
Muslims demanded that the miscreants should be brought to
justice. The damaged part of the eidgah was repaired by the
local administration to cool down the locals.
Tension over body thrown into a gravyard in Khagaria
In the area of Gogri Jamalpur police station of Khagaria district
in Bihar, the atmosphere got tense on 17 Fabruary, after a class
six student was raped and killed and her dead body was thrown
into a Muslim graveyard. Jamalpurs DSP, Sanjay Kumar Jha,
said that when a 12-year old girl went to Dayara area to bring
some grass, four youth raped her and later strangled her. The
protesting people blocked Maheshwarpur-Aguwani Ghat Road
and demanded the arrest of the culprits.
Local people said that the miscreants threw the dead body
of the girl in a graveyard to blame the Muslim community. Police
camped there to prevent any untoward incidents.
Tension over mosque in Sirhind Sharif
In the district of Fatehgarh Sahib of Punjab, some miscreants on
17 February damaged badly a mosque called Masjid-e-Umar
causing communal tension in the village of Halutali. Police
rushed to the place to control the situation and stopped the
Muslim community from repairing the mosque for the time
being. The police told Muslims to perform namaz in a room in
their village. According to sources, in the month of November
last year, the foundation stone of the mosque was laid by
Maulana Abdul Khaliq from Darul Uloom Deoband in the presence of many villagers. But some miscreants later destroyed the
walls of the mosque and issued a warning against reconstruction of the same. There is not a single mosque in the village
where 11 families of Muslim community live.
Muzaffarpur ritos: police officers suspended
Muzaffarpur (Bihar): Ranjeet Kumar Sharma, a top police officer
of Muzaffarpur, suspended one police inspector, one Thana
Incharge and the investigation officer on 3 February on the
charge of dereliction of duty and carelessness in Azizpur communal riots last month (January) in which 5 persons (all
Muslims) were killed and more than 24 houses were set on fire.
He said that in this case of negligence and dereliction of duty,
the Thana Incharge Ashutosh Kumar, police inspector Sudhakar
Nath and investigation officer Sandeep Kumar were suspended
with immediate effect. According to him, it was found during
investigation that if all these three officer would have investigated the kidnapping incident of Bharatendu, he would not have
been murdered, the guilty persons would have been arrested
and the bloody riots between the two communities would not
have taken place. He said that during investigation negligence of
these officers has come to light. He further said that orders have
also been given to take departmental action against these officers.
Compiled by JAWED AKHTER

Whenll rapes end?

We seem to be living in a country of dangerous rapists. The
latest Rohtak rape case in which a mentally unstable Nepali
woman was gang-raped and brutally killed is yet another addition to the interminable list of rape cases. One may sound a bit
regional but its an uncomfortable reality that most of the
heinous rape cases take place in the northern India. Sexual
frustration and desperately defiant attitude of the youth in India
result in such grisly crimes. Law is so ramshackle and has so
many loopholes that its pretty easy to dodge it. Theres no
exemplary punishment that can serve as a deterrent to wouldbe rapists and transgressors. This is sheer sickness and it
doesnt seem to have a definite solution.

Hari Om, not hello!

A couple of days ago, I phoned a lady whos in her late 40s. She
hails from Bombay. Instead of the universal hello, she said, Hari
Om. This got my goat. This is a new and disgusting trend of telephone zealotry. Theres a large group of such imbecile fanatics,
who unfailingly say, Hari Om/Jai Jinendra/Hare Krishna/Jai Shri
Ram and all that sickly religious rubbish. Luckily, Ive not yet
heard any Christian saying Jesus, instead of hello. Were living in
religiously polluted times and people are becoming more and
more fanatics by the day. The lady I phoned is fairly educated but
hasnt gone beyond her stupid Hinduism. In fact, education
makes people all the more hard and religiously regressive.
Agreed, it needs a highly evolved mind to rise above all religious
pettiness and most of us are morbidly religious, but does it have
to be so obvious and must one wear it on ones sleeves? Im really clueless and feel terribly sad to see such brainlessly religious



The Milli Gazette, 1-15 March 2015


Support to ISIS: Clarification by Maulana Salman Al-Husaini

Maulana Salman Husaini Nadwi, a prominent
scholar and teacher at Darul Uloom Nadwatul
Ulama of Lucknow has been in the news for his
supposedly supportive letter to ISIS selfappointed Khalifa, for which he was criticised.
He has now issued the following clarification:
All Muslims are informed that the popular
armed campaign that is going on against
the cruel and tyrant rulers of Syria and Iraq
and on the basis of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadis
movement Daaishs success after liberating many areas of Syria, Iraqs Mosul and
other cities from the occupation of a cruel
and oppressive criminal like Noori Maliki, I
had made a demand to Al-Baghdadi in an
open letter to fulfil his responsibility to establish an atmosphere of
peace and justice, to declare amnesty in the conquered areas and
bring an end to the Shia-Sunni differences. I had written this letter
on 7 July against which some people started a campaign in order
to preach and spread communalism. The [Lucknow] newspaper
Aag in its headline on the first page had spewed venom of communalism, after which I had made statements in newspapers saying that it is the worst form of journalistic dishonesty to distort and
misinterpret the call for peace, justice, Shia-Sunni brotherhood
and hatching a conspiracy to harm peace.
In any case I had been watching the conditions and I am sorry
to say that the request made by me on humanitarian grounds were
not fulfilled. Rather, Daishs subsequent activities dashed all my

Burdwan blast: NIA

picks up madrasa
owner from
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) arrested
Mufazzal Haque, the owner of a madrasa, in the
night of 3 February from Mukimnagar in
Murshidabad. NIA has alleged that he was running a recruitment and training camp for the terror outfit Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh
(JMB) from his madrasa situated in the Lalgola
area of Murshidabad district. After Mufazzal, the
total number of arrests in this case has risen to

hopes. Acts of murder on religious and sectarian grounds, fanatical and violent stands and attitudes about other Islamic organisations and movements, talk of apostasy, particularly extremely
misplaced and violent views about Muslim Brotherhood and
Jabhtul Nusrah movements, barbarous behaviour against the
Christians of Mosul which is wrong in the light of the events after
the conquest of Jerusalem by Hazrat Umar who not only protected the Christian Church but also offered prayer outside the church
lest Muslims should subsequently convert it into a mosque by
force. And when Hazrat Amr ibn Al-Aas conquered Egypt, he did
not demolish the pyramids inside which there were graves of the
Pharaohs, and other idols of that region. When the respected
Companions conquered Afghanistan, they did not break Buddhas
statues and adopted a kind and affectionate attitude towards the
minorities in consequence of which the entire country entered the
fold of Islam. Hence the activities of Daaish are wrong from the
Islamic point of view and only help to defame Islam.
What is more dangerous and condemnable is that, instead of
repairing mosques and tombs, it considered it an Islamic act to
demolish them, which too is not proper. Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) said I have been ordered to fight the people in the context of the polytheists of Arabia only, which was ordained in Surah
Baraat. Hence, whatever orders, the Prophet had given were particularly for that place because the Arabian island was accorded a
special status. The Companions did not do it when they conquered other countries. Because of these activities, the leadership
of Daish appears to be narrow-minded, violent and a false reprehensive of Islam which is harmful to Islam and to the world of

The NIA alleged that Mufazzal was a close associate of Sajid, who was arrested by the NIA in
November last year. His name had not cropped
up during the interrogation of Sajid but when NIA
arrested four other people from various parts of
West Bengal, they gave some evidence to the
probe agency against him. A blast took place
inside a house in the area of Khagragarh in
Burdwan on 2 October last year, leaving two persons dead.
NIA took over the case from West Bengal
police a few days after the explosion after international links were claimed. Investigators have
found that Improvised Explosive Devices (IED)
were being fabricated in the house and later
smuggled to the neighbouring Bangladesh.
The NIA claimed that members of JMB had
established its network in different places like

After these incidents coming to light, I inform and warn all

Muslims not to be cheated by the slogans of Daish and till they do
not prove their sense of justice and broad-mindedness required by
Islam, people should not be influenced by this group. At the same
time, I also want to request Shia brethren not to consider injuring
the feelings of Sunnis as a part of their faith, to follow the Quranic
teachings and not differentiate between the Companions and Ahle Bait. I am a son of Husain and this has been the way followed
by our forefathers and all Ahl-e Bait. Sayyidna Hasan and
Sayyidna Husain are leaders of the youth in Paradise. With whomsoever Sayyidna Hasan entered into peace treaty, we too are in
agreement with them and with whomsoever Sayyidna Husain
fought in war, we too are at war with them. Muslims and Islamic
world should follow and adopt these common views and strengthen their unity.
I appeal to all Muslims to stand by Hamas, Al-Qassam and the
Muslim Brotherhood against Israel and help them in every possible way and express their opposition, disapproval and hatred
against the present pro-Israel, rather Jewish agent, government of
Egypt. What English newspapers have written about my alleged
calling for half a million peoples army to fight against Saudis in
Iraq is stupid and mad. I was holding the view that journalism of
English newspapers [in our country] is more reliable and
respectable but it has now been exposed that it lies and its no better than the chatterings of an old village hag.
I hope that this statement of mine will be considered as my
last one and no false statements will be ascribed to me.
(Translated from Urdu by MG staff)

Murshidabad, Nadia, Malda, Birbhum and

Burdwan in West Bengal, Barpetta in Assam, and
Sahibganj and Pakur in Jharkhand. The NIA also
claimed that senior members of JMB have
established terrorist training centres and bombmaking units in Beldanga and Mukimnagar of
Murshidabad, Nanur of Birbhum and Khagragarh
and Simulia of Burdwan district.

Raj. HC orders probe into

murder of Muslim youth
Jaipur: Rajasthan High Court on 17 February has
ordered a CBI probe in the murder by police of
the 22-year-old Muslim student, Muhammad
Arif. This came after a judicial intervention by
Jamiat Ulama Rajasthan. Both Police and the
state government were not ready to order a

probe in this murder incident. Rajasthan HC has

now ordered a CBI enquiry into the students
murder which took place at 10 pm on 20
October, 2014 when the student, belonging to
Tapokra, was killed by police using an AK-47 rifle
after stopping the car in which Arif was travelling. He died on the spot. An FIR (No. 371/2014)
was registered. Constable Rohtash was said to
be responsible for the murder. Muslim community leaders approached state CM Vasundra,
home minister Gulab Chand Kataria and PWD
minister Yunus Khan but all attempts proved
futile. The state home minister had even promised a government job for a next of kin of Arif and
a compensation of Rs 5 lakh to his family. But
this was quickly forgotten once the dust died
down. Thereafter, JUH approached the

Rajasthan HC.

Deconstructing Mr. Modis speech

In his early-bird take on Mr. Modis speech at the
National Celebration of the Elevation to sainthood of Kuriakose Elias Chavara and Mother
Euphrasia in New Delhi, the editor-in-chief of the
news and opinions portal First Post got it right.
He writes that while Modi actually meant,
Tolerance has to cut both ways, it is not quite
the way his speech will be interpreted in newspapers tomorrow.
Indeed, the media has taken a positive view
of Mr. Modis speech and the chief ministerial
candidate in J&K, hoping to justify his faustian
pact with the BJP there has gone on to advertise
his appreciation. That the speech that is otherwise loaded with double meaning can get such
a reception indicates less clairvoyance on the
editor-in-chiefs part and credulity on part of
others, but a Stockholm syndrome in which captives learn to love their captors, in this case a
nation held hostage to Hindutvavadi antics over
the past year ends up seeing light seemingly at
the end of the tunnel while it has only just
entered it.
Jagannathans article with unconcealed glee
brings out two hidden points Mr. Modi makes.
One that Modi finds conversion without coercion or inducement acceptable. This may have
had greater relevance for his audience comprising Christians, worried over the spate of attacks
on churches in Delhi in the run up to the election
there. Whereas they are worried of their right to
practice and propagate their religion under the
circumstance, Mr. Modi is highlighting alongside
inducement that is alleged to accompany such
However, for the audience of this publication, the second one is consequential, which in
Jagannathans words is that, Tolerance has to
cut both ways. The message, therefore, for the
Muslim audience from Mr. Modi is in his parting
words: We cannot accept violence against any
religion on any pretext and I strongly condemn
such violence. My government will act strongly
in this regard. This, as Jagannathan wholly in

It cannot be that Mr. Modi has suddenly realised the need for strong
action against religion-inspired violence. He spent three terms in Gujarat
without appropriate action (to put it generously) against those who spilt
blood (to put it mildly) on his watch in the Gujarat carnage. Therefore, his
message - My government will not allow any religious group, belonging to
the majority or the minority, to incite hatred against others, overtly or covertly. Mine will be a government that gives equal respect to all religions. - is
surely not directed at his support base in Hindutvawadis.
agreement, points out, can only be intended for
This is easy to surmise, given that Mr. Modi
takes pains to bring out that tolerance is intrinsic
to India since ancient times, when presumably
there were no Muslims in either India or the
world. Tolerant India accepted all religions that
have come from without. Further, it is this tolerance in Indias ancient cultural traditions (read
Hindutva, since it is a way of life, cultural tradition, according to the Supreme Court) that has
been embedded in the Indian Constitution.
Therefore, India is tolerant because the majority,
owing to its religion and culture, is tolerant.
In other words, intolerance can only be of
religions that have come from without. This he
takes pains to highlight, referring to the turmoil
in the Middle East using the phraseology: The
world is at cross-roads which, if not crossed
properly, can throw us back to the dark days of
bigotry, fanaticism and bloodshed. Since tolerance must be in Indians DNA, it is so presumably also in the case of Muslim Indians because
they are taken as converts for most part and
therefore having tolerant Hindu forebears.
Nevertheless, they need reminding that his government will act strongly.
It cannot be that Mr. Modi has suddenly
realised the need for strong action against religioninspired violence. He spent three terms in Gujarat
without appropriate action (to put it generously)
against those who spilt blood (to put it mildly) on
his watch in the Gujarat carnage. Therefore, his
message - My government will not allow any religious group, belonging to the majority or the
minority, to incite hatred against others, overtly or

covertly. Mine will be a government that gives

equal respect to all religions. - is surely not directed at his support base in Hindutvawadis.
Also, note he and his political party have spent
a quarter century highlighting that the Congress
treated the Muslim minority differently (appeasement is the term used). So when he and his party
mention equality it implies taking Muslims down
a peg or two for equality. Lastly, he will not
allow incitement of hatred. He does well to use the
future tense since that absolves him of inaction in
the case of his worthy ministers colourful description for the minority.
Sure, he has called the Delhi DGP and
emphasized that Christians need due protection.
This concern may well be Obama induced in that
the US President has on two occasions - in his
town hall speech when in Delhi and at his prayer
breakfast meeting when back in Washington voiced concern on rising Hindutvawadi impertinence. Being responsive to Barack can be
expected, especially in light of the defence and
nuclear-related goodies India expects in return.
While the tolerance-related part of Mr.
Modis speech has drawn attention - much of it
misguided - what has been missing in the ensuing commentary is his concluding portion: I
have a vision of a Modern India. I have
embarked on a huge mission to convert that
vision into reality. My mantra is Development for
all - sabka saath, sabka vikaas . I sincerely
request all Indians, and all of you present here to
support me in this huge task. Italics capture the
megalomania dripping in the extract.
Clearly, with the budget up soon, the decks are
being cleared. Social unrest can put paid to devel-

opment. Development is needed to justify the Modi

era, set to last a decade as per the moratorium on
casteist and social unrest Modi had sought in his
speech on 15 August last year. Therefore, Mr.
Modis Behave or else speech, is also a Behave
and I will be the saviour speech.
Finally, is Mr. Modis appeal to all religious
groups to act with restraint, mutual respect, and
tolerance in the true spirit of this ancient nation
which is manifest in our Constitution and is in
line with the Hague Declaration. The reference
to the Hague Declaration is to guide the
Christians in his audience. The reference to the
Constitution presumably is to inspire Muslims,
for whom their religions intrinsic resources are
presumably not enough. The true spirit of
ancient nation as guide is perhaps intended for
the majority. Whereas Hinduism is notably tolerant, its political avatar, Hindutva, as with political
usage of any religion, is certainly not so.
It would not do to attribute this speech to
Mr. Modis speech-writer alone. It cannot readily
be said that while Mr. Modi has turned a new
leaf, his speech-writer is still stuck in the
Vivekananda International Foundation groove.
These are very well Mr. Modis own sentiments.
He cannot be blamed for inconsistency. Since
future events may make of this a landmark
speech, it is as important that it is neither misconstrued nor misunderstood.
That said, there is no reason for Muslim
Indians to give scope to the government to come
down strongly on them. Nor need they practice tolerance because Mr. Modi is a late convert
to it, but must continue to do so because it is
both strategic and a religious duty. Clearly, there
is no place for violence. Such recourse will leave
Mr. Modi only one option: to put his money
where his mouth is and instead come down
strongly on his support base. Mr. Modi may
like to tune into his one-man-army cheerleader,
Mr. Bhagats latest piece of advice: Shut up
regressive Hindutva fanatics.
Firdaus Ahmed, author of Think South Asia and
Subcontinental Musings
blogs at www.subcontinentalmusings.blogspot.in.

The Milli Gazette, 1-15 March 2015



The Mission of Asghar Ali Engineer

I had the rare privilege of working with my dear friend,
Dr Asghar Ali Engineer for
close to two decades.
Dr. Engineer was a unique
scholar-activist, committed to
the dream and vision of a humane society that
honours the values of diversity and where
human rights are the defining point.
In this regard, he may have been among the
first persons who realised the dangers of communal politics. It was he who set the trend seeking the causal factors behind communal violence, doing his own meticulous investigation
after such riots. He contributed massively to
reforms that took place in the Bohra community,
on the issues of secularism and finally, the interpretation of Islam. We need to learn a lot from
him in order to strive for a society that values
peace, amity and compassion.
Where are we standing today? What are the
major threats to Indian democracy, especially
with the coming of the Modi government?
The factors contributing to his victory have
been several. The unstinted support given to him
by Indias corporate, the fanatical zeal of the
RSS and its lakhs of volunteers, the role of corporate media, the false projection of the Gujarat
model of development, the polarisation of society along religious lines, and last, but not the
least, the discrediting of the Congress through
the campaigns launched by Anna Hazare, Baba
Ramdev and Arvind Kejriwal that culminated in
the formation of AAP.
The promise of Achhe Din - Good Times has vanished into thin air. Despite the steep fall
in the international prices of crude oil, the overall cost of living continues going up. The promise that all the black money stacked abroad will
be brought back within six months or so and that
we would be surprised to see Rs 15 lakh
deposited in every Indians bank account has
been forgotten. The pattern of (good?) governance is only visible in the centralisation of
power around one person. Gradually, the cabinet
system of governance is giving way to one
mans autocratic ways, with secretaries of government departments reporting directly to the
Obstacles are being created in the funding of
NGOs, Greenpeace being a major victim. The
welfare schemes begun by the previous government have been put on the chopping block. The
corporate world, that richly funded Modis campaign, smiles all the way to their coffers, given
the no holds barred permission for reckless
industrialisation that bypasses all environmen-

A democracy has to ensure that the values of liberty, equality

and fraternity are paramount. With the Modi governments
Hindutva agenda, they have now attempted to tamper with the
Constitution by trying to remove the words Secularism and
Socialism, albeit surreptitiously.
tal, social and economic controls. There has
been a great amount of pomp and show on display, around the persona of the new prime minister.
The losers in all of this have been the weaker sections of society. The labour reforms
brought in by this government will do away with
whatever little protective clauses are there for
them. Land acquisition by industrialists is being
made easy at the cost of those who own the
lands. Other social welfare schemes needed for
the poor like, the right to food and health, are
under threat of being done away with.
Intimidation of religious minorities has been
stepped up. One Central minister, Sadhvi
Niranjan Jyoti, was emboldened enough to call
all non-Hindus haramzade, illegitimate. Another
saffron-robed BJP leader went on to glorify
Nathuram Godse for his patriotism while also
advising Hindu women to produce more children. Godse, the murderer of Mahatma Gandhi,
has now been glorified by Hindutva elements,
emboldened as they have been by the current
government. Christmas Day was declared as
Good Governance Day in a move to undermine
this festival. Demands are made that the Gita, the
Hindu holy book, be made the national book of
India. Attacks on churches and mosques have
been taking place at regular intervals.
Statements like We are Hindus and this is a
Hindu Rashtra have become more and more
Through all this Narendra Modi has maintained a studious silence endorsing all this, as an
integral part of the agenda of the BJP and its parent organization, the RSS.
In this context, it helps to recall that the
streams of religious nationalism in India came
up as a reaction to the rise of Indian nationalism,
when the feudal lords and kings came together
to form the United India Patriotic Association
(UIPA) in 1888, later joined by elites from the
middle class and the upper castes. From the
UIPA, on one side emerged the Muslim League
and on the other, the Hindu Mahasabha, both
positing a religious nationalism.
Taking up the goal of a Hindu nation formulated by the Hindu Mahasabhas Savarkar, the
RSS was formed in 1925 and began indoctrinating in the ideology that India was a Hindu
nation, where Christians and Muslims were foreigners. This was in sharp contrast to the inclusive notions of nationalism articulated by other

Aam Aadmi Party:

Victory of Common Man
The stunning victory of AamAadmi Party in Delhi
state assembly elections within less than a year
of its fiasco is, historic, a milestone in Indian politics. With arrival of Arvind Kejriwal as Chief
Minister 2.0 of Delhi, be prepared to witness a
paradigm shift in Indian politics.
It is not only a resounding verdict on the steadfastness, selfbelief and hard work of the largely volunteer-driven AamAadmi
Party, it is equally a reminder to the BJP at Centre that public
goodwill cannot be sustained if promises are not kept.
At national level, Modi -who came into power with a thumping majority on the plank of clean governance and development
was soon seen as a man not willing to look at the issue of corruption and black money through common mans lens. Rather
than focusing on governance that brings reprieve to the common
man, Modi has so far chosen to craft symbolic pillars and exhibits
for the slogan of development and governance.
Even at the state level in Delhi, BJP never walked the talk.
Despite initially refusing to form government as it was short on
numbers, why did it make frantic attempts to form government in
Delhi state by horse-trading in last several months? Secondly,
general public ever suffocated with simmering corruption and
inefficiency in offices, and MCD (BJP-controlled) found no
improvement in quality of local infrastructure. Instead, all it got
was a larger-than-life portrayal of the PM.
It goes to the credit of Kejriwal that his party was able to highlight this duplicity and at the same time thwart the efforts of government formation by BJP by hook or crook. Despite the fact that

leaders from Mahatma Gandhi to Bhagat Singh

to Dr. Ambedkar.
It helps to keep in mind that the colonial
British policy of divide and rule was ably
assisted by communal organisations on both
sides of the fence. It was an RSS-indoctrinated
pracharak, a preacher, Nathuram Godse, who
murdered Mahatma Gandhiji - the first major
attack of Hindu nationalism on a broader Indian
RSS volunteers infiltrated the police, bureaucracy and other components of state machinery.
They also spawned subordinate organisations the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad, Vanvasi
Kalyan Ashram, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Bajrang
Dal and its womens wing Rashtra Sevika Samiti
under the guidance of RSS.
Right through this, the RSS harped on
issues of identity - like the one related to cow
protection, intimidating religious minorities with
the Indianization of Muslims campaign as if
Muslims were not already Indian.
By the 80s, the Hindutva battalions word of
mouth propaganda, aided by sections of the
media and the re-writing of history in our school
books, led to social common sense with
Muslims presented in negative light. This presence was enhanced along even narrower lines
when they shamelessly demolished the Babri
Masjid, leaving a trail of violence in its wake.
This only ensured the violence would intensify. The so-called identity was now projected
as the only Indian identity. This deepened polarisation along religious lines, leading to massive
violence in Mumbai, Surat, and Bhopal in 199293, culminating in the now infamous Gujarat violence in 2002.
Not only Muslims were being targeted. From
the late 80s, another minority community,
Christians, were also brought into the vortex of
communal violence, accused of indulging in
conversions. This divisive violence in Adivasi
areas led to the brutal killing of Pastor Graham
Staines along with his two innocent sons in
1999, and later to the horrific killings in
Kandhamal in 2008.
Today, for the second time BJP is in the seat
of power. When it ruled in 1998, with a coalition
NDA, the BJP as a party did not have a simple
majority, so its agenda was low-key. It was not
quite though. It communalised the school text
books, saffronized education, and gave importance to faith-based subjects like astrology and

media and intellectuals had written off Kejriwals politics, the

diminutive figure kept his pace and kept demanding what a common man aspires to-right to better civic facilities and some grace.
Then came the para-dropping of KiranBedi by BJP. What initially seemed to be a masterstroke, in retrospect turned out to be
a disservice by Ms Bedi to her new-found love by needless utterances, grumbling tone and tenor. Similarly, Mr. Modi on a path to
leverage Obamas visit to impress Delhi voters, went on to wear a
Rs 10 lakh suit with embroidered pinstripes with his name in golden colour. It left the common man gasping for breath.
With BJP ascending to power in Delhi in May last year, the
local state unit was in a formidable position to serve the public
through its MLAs and a supportive Lieutenant Governor, but it
chose to direct its energies to personally attacking Arvind Kejriwal
and continue labelling him as a bhagoda (absconder). Rather than
taking a cue from the transparent manner of fund raising by a
fledgling AamAadmi Party, BJP on the opposite chose to vilify
AAP. Buoyant on Lok Sabha victory, BJP also chose to rake up
divisive politics based on religion.
Slowly and steadily, it is becoming clearto the public that Mr.
Modi is not a reformer. He wants to maintain a status quo with a
little dose of development. Had he been serious about reforms,
the crucial appointments of Chief Information Officer (CIC), and
Lokpal would have been done without delay. Similarly, what is
preventing him from bringing legislation through Parliament leading to transparency in political finance?
Delhi assembly elections 2015 are a watershed in the history
of Indian politics. What started as hiccups and bumpy experiment
in 2013, has now got an approval stamp on a few defining characteristics in Indian politics.
AamAadmi Party has amply proved that elections can be
fought with white money donated by public. It also has exemplified that if there is a will, money influence can be decreased in
AAP also set a new standard in Indian politics by advocating
primaries or caucuses to choose candidates for elections. While

paurohitya, the training of Hindu priests. It also

tested the waters to change the Constitution and
formed a Constitution Review Committee.
While the promotion of a scientific temper is
the guiding principle of our Constitution, this
government now promotes an orthodox, obscurantist ideology as being central to the arena of
science. We are now told that ancient India had
all the technology in aviation science and plastic
surgery - all intended to show primacy over current developments in science and technology.
India has contributed much by way of the works
of Charat, Sushrut and Aryabhat but to claim
ancient Indian science as more advanced than
the current knowledge is denial of human
A democracy has to ensure that the values
of liberty, equality and fraternity are paramount.
With the Modi governments Hindutva agenda,
they have now attempted to tamper with the
Constitution by trying to remove the words
Secularism and Socialism, albeit surreptitiously.
We need to wake up in right earnest and face
this threat. What is required is a multi-pronged
movement based on the rights and concerns of
Dalits, women, workers, Adivasis and minorities,
in particular. We need to form alliances and platforms to coordinate our campaigns for the
defence of our democratic rights. All those
standing for democracy and secularism need to
come together in solidarity. We have to hold
hands and march together to protect our democracy. We need to work towards isolation of communal forces by pushing for alliance of non
communal political formations.

Tussle over Tipu Sultan

A tug of war has started
about a decision of
Government to celebrate
Tipu Sultan Jayanti. The BJP
has alleged that the aim is to
strengthen vote bank. Chief
Minister Siddharamaiya has recently announced
that the celebration date would be announced
shortly. During the vimochan (release) of Tipu
Sultan: A Crusader for Change written by the
historian B. Sheik Ali, he said that various
groups were putting pressure for the celebration. But the BJP has disliked the idea. Their
senior leaders claim that Tipu was a cruel ruler
who had made forced conversions in Karnataka
and Kerala. Suresh Kumar said: Tipu is not
worth such Jayanti. He had oppressed the
Kodas of Mysore. Tipu was a staunch opponent of the British East India Co. and was killed
by the British army while defending the fort of
Srirangapatanam. (Gujarat Guardian, Surat, 14
Jan. 2015 - sent by Sultan Patel)

AAP itself has not been able to put this fully in practice, the party
has given people a talking point about concepts like internal
democracy and primaries.
AAP also stirred Indian politics by rejecting the caste and
community equation in fielding the candidates. In Delhi elections,
caste and religion were not the primary basis of selecting a candidate and the election results have shown that it went well with
the electorate.
These elections have reinforced another interesting phenomenon of what we can call citizen politics. AamAadmi deciding to
take a plunge in politics, Aam Admi deciding to contest elections
and successfully winning several seats gave a jolt to the usual
stereotypes that politics was a domain of the wealthy and the privileged few. Also, the methods adopted by AAP like door to door
campaigning, engaging people in nukkad meetings, music walks,
metro train campaigns not only gave them time to connect to the
electorate, they also proved to be economical models of campaigning. Topi (cap) and jhadoo (broom) were good eye-catchers
for the public.
The spirit of volunteerism in politics is another fascinating
aspect that AAP has been able to successfully demonstrate and
sustain. The overwhelming response of people coming from out
of Delhi and even abroad to volunteer their time and skills is a testimony to mass mobilisation. Whereas other parties have an
established culture of paid workers, AAP was able to mobilise
public participation for political action.
With the emergence of what AamAadmi Party terms as clean
politics, the other political parties would be forced to adopt the
agenda. AAP has come in clear support of measures like political
parties coming under RTI scanner, a stronger Lokpal Bill, electoral
reforms like right to reject and right to recall. Thus, other political
parties will be forced to re-examine their stands.
Let us hope an era of new politics demanding more accountability and transparency has arrived.
The author is a practising doctor in Chicago and a member of
AamAadmi Party. Email ID: pedia333@gmail.com



The Milli Gazette, 1-15 March 2015

Muslims should take part in politics with their identity

Following is a translation of an interview with
Mujtaba Farooq who recently resigned as
President of the Welfare Party of India raising
issues about the partys core policies
Q: You recently resigned from the Welfare
Partys presidentship. Was there any particular
reason behind this?
A: I resigned on my own and I had made up my
mind a long time ago. There was no demand for
my resignation by anybody or any group. I
resigned because of some personal reasons,
though it took some time to hand over the charge to my successor. Meanwhile, there were speculations about it in the media but
I paid no attention to such news. Truly speaking, Urdu media
unnecessarily made wild speculations, leading to some misunderstandings and ill-feelings and even now some such news is coming out at times, though that chapter is now closed.
Q: It is said that the first term was ad hoc till the complete structure of the party was finalised. Was there any such decision at the
time the party was founded?
A: Truly speaking, there was some confusion about the whole
affair. This is not a big problem, it is only a matter of understanding and making others understand. In the partys constitution, a
term of four-years was fixed and at that time the only possible
method was adopted. This method of election can be called ad
hoc and, truly speaking, today also the position is the same. Even
now the state structure of the party could not be completed. No
such decision was taken by the party at any level. The term was
for four years. When I expressed my inability to continue a year
back, the formula of four-years has been adopted for the new
incumbent. This was not ad hoc then and it is not ad hoc now. The
partys network was not complete earlier and it is not so even

was reason behind not allowing members to cast their votes and
there was a reason when it was decided to allow members to cast
their votes in elections. There was justification for this. This justification can be understood by us in the form of a brief fatwa of one
sentence, i.e., the present system is un-Islamic and participation
in it is illegal but for safeguarding the interests of Islam and
Muslims we can participate in this system. This is the fundamental point which we should remember. When we see it from a religious point of view, and when religious needs demand that for
safeguarding the interests of Muslims and Islam, any kind of strategy can be adopted and to adopt any strategy or policy, formation
of a political party is needed. When we get a political party registered, we have to fulfil certain conditions such as declaration of
loyalty to the Indian Constitution, secularism and democratic system. In this way, our party too will have to be based on secularism. For us, secularism does not mean atheism or not following
any religion but inclusion of all sections of society in the polity.
Unfortunately in India, politics is based on caste, creed, fraternity
etc. and every party is engaged in this sort of politics and even the
leftist parties are not free from this kind of politics. But we cannot
promote or base our politics on caste, fraternity etc and hence we
will try to free our domestic politics from the considerations of
caste, creed and fraternity.

Q: What should be the strategy and priorities of Muslim political

leaders in India?
A: We are counted among the deprived sections of the country,
hence we can get the support of deprived sections of society, but
it must not be forgotten that the deprived sections, about whom
we are talking today, have already secured political empowerment
much before us and are active in politics under one banner or
other. They have their own parties or they are part of some party
and enjoying their political rights. Hence they are not totally free
but are associated with some party or the other and are benefiting
from this alignment. If there is any deprived section, it is Muslims
only. We can call it compulsion of circumstances or need of the
hour. If we want to indulge in politics, Muslims should first of all
Q: Under what circumstances was the Welfare Party set up and be taken into consideration and if we dont do this, we can very
what were its aims and objectives? What priorities of work were well run an NGO but not a political party. Since people running
decided, what was the role of Jamaat-e Islami in seting up the such a party are Muslims, we will predominantly get Muslim votes
party? What steps did you take to carry the party forward on the only and our identity will be that of a Muslim political party. For
lines decided at that time?
this, we shall have to focus our attention on the problems being
A: I think that the movement for setting up the party was started faced by Muslims. If we succeed in getting the support of
by Jamaat-e Islami. Both our priority and foundation is Jamaat-e Muslims, we will also fight for the causes and problems of others.
Islami. In fact, there are two problems before us: the first problem In that case, others also will support us. But without strengthenis of our philosophy or views and the second problem is its imple- ing ourselves, others cannot join and support us. If we think that
mentation. For a long time, the Jamaat was not involved in elec- by raising the issues of Muslims or if we take up the cases of
toral politics but later, it not only decided to allow members to cast Muslims we will be dubbed as communalists and hence we
their votes but also decided and worked to set up a party. There
should abandon this mission, it
would be unfair on our part
because those who believe in
Lucknow: Vice Chancellor of Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) Muhammad Mian in
Islam and understand it can never
the meeting of this Universitys Academic Council had recently proposed that Lucknow Satellite
be communalists. Our belief is
campus of MANUU will be wound up and shifted to Sambhal (UP). Since no member of the Council
that all human beings are progeopposed this proposal, it was finally approved. This was probably before the appointment of Zafar
nies of Adam and Islam teaches
Sareshwala, an industrialist of Ahmadabad, as Chancellor of this University. When he took over as
us about the good and welfare of
Chancellor and came to know about this decision, he was surprised and opposed it, saying that he
the entire humanity. Time
would not allow the closure of Lucknow campus because this city is the cradle of Urdu and moredemands that we should have a
over, Maulana Azad was also associated with this city. He also said that efforts will be made to
strategy to create our vote bank
expand Lucknow campus of MANUU. It may be stated in this connection that Lucknow satellite
campus had formally started functioning in 2012 when teachers were appointed on a permanent
basis, though it was set up in 2009, because of carelessness of local authorities teaching work
could not proceed properly. After 2012, courses of MA Urdu, Arabic, Persian and English were started but authorities at the headquarters in Hyderabad wanted to shift the Lucknow campus to
Sambhal. When this news spread and voices against this decision were raised, VC Muhammad
Mian clarified in Hyderabad that Lucknow campus will not be closed but in spite of his declaration,
steps were surreptitiously being taken, gradually to shift the entire campus to Sambhal.
Reason behind shifting of Lucknow campus was because of non-availability of land in Lucknow
but VC and other authorities never talked to UP government to provide land for the Lucknow campus. There must have been some vested interests and pressure for shifting Lucknow Centre to
Sambhal. One Nadeem Tareen who has been working and living in the Gulf offered land for MANUU
centre in Sambhal. With this offer, VC Muhammad Mian decided to shift the Lucknow centre to
Sambhal, without realising that Lucknow is a much better place for MANUU campus than Sambhal,
with suitable infrastructure and being a central and important place. There are many other universities in Lucknow. If courses like M. Phil, Ph D or English, foreign languages etc are introduced in
Lucknow centre, large number of students would like to seek admission here. Because of mismanagement and indifference of the VC and other higher authorities at Hyderabad, degrees and certificates of important religious institutions like Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama, Lucknow, Jamiatul Falah,
Bilarya Ganj etc were not recognised, though paradoxically enough, certificates of smaller and relatively unimportant religious institutions were recognised and products of these institutions were
given admission also. Moreover, fees of some central universities near Sambhal like AMU, Jamia
Millia Islamia are much more than those at MANUU. Hence Lucknow is a better place for MANUU
centre than Sambhal but it is difficult to understand why the VC and those at Hyderabad are giving
much more importance to Sambhal than Lucknow and want to shift the Lucknow complex to
For the first time with the efforts of some schoalrs, certificates of Nadwa, Lucknow and
Jamiatul Falah, Bilarya Ganj were recognised by MANUU for academic session 2014-15 but unfortunately MA Arabic and correspondence or distance education courses in Lucknow were closed. An
idea of mismanagement in MANUU at Hyderabad can be had from the fact that printed forms for
correspondence course could not be published in time and there is delay of about 3 months. VC
Muhammad Mian also appears to be insensitive about this. Zafar Sareshwala is sincerely interested in MANUU campus being at Lucknow and says that he will insist on UP government to provide
land for MANUU campus at Lucknow and also will do every thing possible to expand it. He says that
Nadwa and Bilarya Ganj are important centres of religious education and their degrees / certificates
should have been recognised by MANUU much earlier so that students of these and other religious
educational institutions could get admission in modern educational institutions. He said that mainstreaming of madrasas can be brought about in this way only and he would discuss these points
with VC and other top authorities at Hyderabad.

MANUUs Lucknow campus being shifted to Sambhal

because without it we cannot get the support of others. We should

no doubt take interest in others problems but our priority should
be to consolidate Muslims votes.
Q: Did you raise these points in the party meetings?
A: We always tried to bring the above issues in party meetings but
unanimity or consensus could not be achieved. One reason of my
resignation was also that when I realised that I, as President, was
unable to solve this problem it was better that I should keep myself
away from this responsibility. Another reason was that the cooperation of Jamaat leaders, as I expected, could not be obtained.
Those who came from the Jamaat, confined the party to themselves and did not go out. Because of this, those who had come
from outside the Jamaat started leaving the party. Nothing could
be done to bring in people from outside. In spite of repeatedly
inviting their attention, no warmth or effort in them could be seen.
Q: What, in your opinion, should be the strategy of Muslims in the
present political scenario in the country?
A: The situation at present is that no body wants to respect or give
any importance to Muslims, hence Muslims are keen to create
their own political identity. Results of Maharashtra assembly elections are witness to it. Muslims cast their votes in favour of a new
political party like MIM. If we focus our attention now on Muslims,
our party stands a fair chance. We had decided from day one that
we shall not confront the Muslim political parties which are
already working for Muslims and we shall not put up our candidates at places where their candidates are contesting. We did this,
in accordance with our policy, but those parties tried to prevent us
because of which we also put up our candidates at some places
against them. At present, people want their political share. In
Bengal we have tried to build a platform of some small parties. We
also tried to work with some other parties and there are some
good chances now.
Q: What will be your political and social activities and programmes in future?
A: There is no question of associating ourselves with any other
party. We are members of Jamaat-e Islami and Jamaat allows us
to work with and for Welfare Party only. New office-bearers of
Welfare Party are working and if they need our services, we shall
cooperate with them. As far as I am concerned, for me there are
milli and social issues on which I intend to work wholeheartedly. I
want to work in the field of media and education and I am working for this. In media, I plan to work in Urdu, Hindi and electronic
media in stages. At the same time, I want to establish educational institutions all over the country where there may be arrangements from basic to higher education. For basic education, I plan
to build English-medium schools where the syllabus should provide for religious education also and where high standard of education could be provided at reasonable cost because a very large
number of our people, due to the rising cost of living, cannot make
arrangements for high standard education for their children. We
propose to work for these people. There are already schools providing quality education for affluent people. Hence a beginning in
setting up such schools for providing higher and quality education
will be made in some selected cities. (Sehroza Dawat, Delhi,
4 Feb 2015 - translated by MG staff)

Help ood affected

people of Kashmir

The Milli Gazette, 1-15 March 2015



Love Godse, Hate Tipu Sultan: Why the

Tiger of Mysore Still Troubles Saffronites
The saffronites have once again showed utter
contempt for the legacy of the legendary Tipu
Sultan, (20 November 1750 - 4 May 1799) who
was martyred while fighting Britishers at the historic battle at Srirangpatnam, an event that preceded the revolt of the 1857 by 58 years. Not
very many people know that he had even sacrificed his children in the war.
The immediate reason for stigmatisation of
Tipu Sultan by the leaders of Hindutva Brigade
concerns a move by the Karnataka state government led by the Congress to celebrate Tipu
Jayanti, or Tipus birth anniversary. Chief Minister
Siddaramaiah had made this announcement
releasing a book, Tipu Sultan: A Crusader for
Change, by historian Prof B. Sheik Ali.
A ruler much ahead of his times, Tipu
Sultan, a scholar, soldier and poet, was an apostle of Hindu-Muslim unity, was fond of inventions, and is called innovator of the worlds first
war rocket, one who felt inspired by the French
Revolution and who despite being a ruler called
himself Citizen. He had planted a tree of Liberty
in his palace.
Tipu had sensed the designs of the British and
tried to forge broader unity with domestic rulers
and to connect with the French, the Turks and the
Afghans to give a befitting reply to the British. He
had defeated the British army twice with his superior planning and better techniques earlier.
An interesting episode in his eventful life
throwing light on his character is worth emphasising. It was the year 1791 when Maratha army raided the Sringeri Shakaracharya mutt and temple,
plundered the monastery of all its valuables and
killed many. The incumbent Shankaracharya wrote
to Tipu Sultan for help. He immediately ordered
Asaf of Bednur to provide help to the mutt. Around
thirty letters exchanged between Tipu and the
Shankracharya, written in Kannada, are available.
The letters were discovered in 1916 by the
Director of Archaeology in Mysore.
Expressing his indignation at the raid, Tipu
People who have sinned against such a holy
place are sure to suffer the consequences of their
misdeeds at no distant date in this Kali age in
accordance with the verse: Hasadbhih kriyate
karma rudadbhir-anubhuyate (People do [evil]
deeds smilingly but suffer the consequences crying).
The proposal to celebrate Tipu Jayanti has
stirred a fresh controversy in the state. The BJP,
the main opposition party, has termed it vote collection exercise. One of their senior leaders called
Tipu a tyrant and even questioned the governments move to celebrate the day. Another saffron
leader, D H Shankaramurthy, called Tipu antiKannada as he was not a Kannadiga. He also
blamed him for replacing Kannada (which was
supposedly the official language before Tipu ruled
Mysuru) with Persian. People can brush up their
memories and can find that this was the same
man who as higher education minister had
announced his move to obliterate Tipu Sultans
name from the pages of Kannada history. It is a
different matter it was a time when BJP shared
power with JD(S) then and this move faced stiff
opposition from different sections of society and
had to be dropped.
It need be reminded that last year the decision
of the Karnataka government to honour him with a
tableau at the Republic Day parade had provoked
the Hindutva Brigade. They had also felt agitated
when the then centre was contemplating naming a
Central university after him.
Two years back, when the countdown had
already begun for the BJP-led government in the
state another stalwart from the saffron family - the
then education minister of Karnataka - had
unashamedly compared Tipu to Britishers and
called him a foreigner like the British (Jan 25,
2013, 16:38 IST , DNA).
Here it would be opportune to look into how
falsification of history to suit the divide-and-rule
policy of the Britishers vis-a-vis Tipu has been
going on since quite some time. Prof
B. N. Pandeys speech in the Rajya Sabha, titled
History in the Service of Imperialism is worth
quoting (1977). Professor B. N. Pandey, professor
of history at Allahabad University, who later
became Governor of Orissa, had narrated his
experience in his speech. He said how way back
in 1928:

The continued stigmatisation of Tipu by the saffronites and their

refusal to honour the sacrifices he made fighting the Britishers presents
before the Hindutva Brigade another dilemma. What to say of all those
Hindu kings and warriors- whom they rever who committed atrocities
on ordinary people and looted them. In fact, one of their most revered
Maratha king had raided Surat a main trading town in those times and plundered it like a marauder more than once.
If Tipu was a bigot in their view then what would they say about
the Marathas led by the Peshwas who had raided the Sringeri
Shakaracharya mutt and temple and plundered it? And it was not the
only attack by Hindu kings on Hindu religious places. One can cite number of examples from pages of history which demonstrate other similar
attacks undertaken by these kings at different places.
[W]hen I was a professor of history in
Allahabad University some students came to me
with a book written by one Professor Harprasad
Shastri, professor of Sanskrit of Calcutta
University in which it was mentioned that Tipu
Sultan told 3,000 Brahmins to convert to Islam.
Otherwise, they will be killed, and those 3,000
Brahmins committed suicide rather than becoming Muslims.
On reading this, Professor B. N. Pandey wrote
to Professor Harprasad Shastri asking him on
what basis had he written this? What was the
source of his information? Prof. Harprasad Shastri
wrote back that the source of information was the
Mysore Gazetteer. Then Prof. Pandey wrote to
Prof. Shrikantia, professor of history at Mysore
University asking him whether it was correct that
in Mysore Gazetteer it was mentioned that Tipu
Sultan told 3,000 Brahmins to convert to Islam.
Prof. Shrikantia wrote back that it was false. He
had worked in this field and there was no such
mention in the Mysore Gazetteer, rather the correct
version was just the reverse, namely, that Tipu
Sultan used to give annual grants to 156 Hindu
temples and he used to send grants to the
Shankaracharya of Shringheri, etc.
It is perhaps ironic that the aggressive
Hinduism of some members of the Indian
Community in the 1990s should draw upon an
image of Tipu which, as we shall see, was initially constructed by the Subcontinents colonisers.
(Page 2, Brittlebank, Kate (1999). Tipu
Sultans Search for Legitimacy. Delhi: Oxford
University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-563977-3
Anyone who has closely followed stories of
Tipu Sultans alleged religious persecution of
Hindus and Christians would find that works of
early British authors like Kirkpatrick and Wilks
acts as a basis for all of them. These falsifiers
were very much against Tipu Sultan. In fact, they
had strong vested interest in presenting Tipu
Sultan as a tyrant and project Britishers as liberators.
In her recent work Brittlebank also writes that
both Wilks and Kirkpatrick had taken part in the
wars against Tipu Sultan and were closely connected to the administrations of Lord Cornwallis
and Richard Wellesley, 1st Marquess Wellesley
and, therefore must be used with particular
Mohibbul Hasan, in his monograph The
History of Tipu Sultan (Delhi, 1971, p 36,) sheds
light on this demonisation of Tipu. He writes:
The reasons why Tipu was reviled are not far
to seek. Englishmen were prejudiced against him
because they regarded him as their most formidable rival and an inveterate enemy, and because,
unlike other Indian rulers, he refused to become a
tributary of the English Company. Many of the
atrocities of which he has been accused were
allegedly fabricated either by persons embittered
and angry on account of the defeats which they
had sustained at his hands, or by the prisoners of
war who had suffered punishments which they
thought they did not deserve. He was also misrepresented by those who were anxious to justify the
wars of aggression which the Companys government had waged against him. Moreover, his
achievements were deliberately belittled and his
character blackened in order that the people of
Mysore might forget him and rally round the Raja,
thus helping in the consolidation of the new
regime. (The History of Tipu Sultan, Delhi 1971
This one-sided presentation of history is not
limited to Tipu only. In fact, on further studies one
finds a deep resemblance between how the colo-

nial historians understood/packaged Indian history and how the communalists used it to their convenience. James Mill in his book The History of
British India divided Indian history into three periods Hindu, Muslim and British. This problematic
division not only silenced/invisiblised the
Buddhist/Jain and various other groups role/contribution, but it also tried to present a very
homogenised view of the periods, discounting any
possibility of fissures within them. Interestingly, it
also took care not to mention Christian in case
of British while dividing Indian history.
Prof D N Jha in one of his interviews
Majumdar authored a multi-volume Indian history
published by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, he devoted
much space to Hindu period, promoting revivalism and communalism. It was the communal history produced by colonial historians that influenced views about Muslims being foreigners
and Hindus being indigenous.
History writing in post-Independence India,
which drew on colonial writings, did talk about
the great Indian past. RSS and its ideologues
today are busy propagating this myth of Greater
Prof D N Jha further says: The anti-Muslim
attitude of the RSS was shaped by colonial historians such as H. M. Elliot and John Dawson,
who compiled The History of India as Told by Its
Own Historians . They denounced Muslims,
contending that they destroyed temples and
prosecuted Hindus. The real purpose of Elliots
formulation was to inject a heavy dose of communalism in the minds of people of the 19th
The colonials distorted our history to suit their
imperial interests. One very well knows they called
our uprisings as mutinies, our heroes as villains,
and our freedom fighters as usurpers and terrorists.
For a formation like RSS and its allied organisations, which kept away from the heroic anticolonial struggle supposedly to concentrate on
building organisation and were in fact engaged in
breaking broad unity of people cutting across faith
community lines against the Britishers, this move
to have a biased view of Tipu does not appear surprising. Perhaps by attacking Tipu Sultan, and presenting a distorted version of his legacy, the saffronites think that they would be able to avoid discussion on their not so glorious role in the anticolonial struggle. But can anyone forget that there
is enough documentary evidence to prove that
Hedgewar, the founder of RSS and Golwalkar, one
of its chief ideologues, who shaped the organisation, asked/instructed RSS members not to participate in the anti-British campaigns/struggles.
Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, who is held in
high esteem by them, even went to the extent of
asking Hindus to join the British led military
when on the one hand the Quit India movement
was at its peak (1942) which had posed tremendous challenges before the Britishers and on the
other Azad Hind Fauj led by Subhash Chandra
Bose was delivering mortal blows to it in the
war. In fact, Savarkar went on an all India tour
holding public meetings with due support from
the rulers and tried to mobilise the Hindus under the slogan Hinduise the Military,
Militarise Hinduism - to join British forces. Not
only that the Hindutva forces had no qualms in
joining hands with Muslim League and other
Islamist parties to form coalition governments in
Bengal and Punjab and other adjoining states
during that tumultuous period.
Shyama Prasad Mukherjee instrumental in
establishing Bharatiya Jan Sangh, the first political

outfit launched by RSS. Mukherjee, who is revered

by saffronits was a member of the Cabinet led by
Shahid Suhrawardy in Bengal. It is clear that when
there was time to fight the anti-colonials, the saffronites stayed away from it and when they were
facing crisis because of peoples struggles they
went to the extent of propping up the regime by
providing legitimacy to their actions.
The continued stigmatisation of Tipu by the
saffronites and their refusal to honour the sacrifices he made fighting the Britishers presents
before the Hindutva Brigade another dilemma.
What to say of all those Hindu kings and warriorswhom they revere who committed atrocities on
ordinary people and looted them. In fact, one of
their most revered Maratha king had raided Surat
a main trading town in those times - and plundered it like a marauder more than once.
If Tipu was a bigot in their view then what
would they say about the Marathas led by the
Peshwas who had raided the Sringeri
Shakaracharya mutt and temple and plundered it ?
And it was not the only attack by Hindu kings on
Hindu religious places. One can cite number of
examples from pages of history which demonstrate other similar attacks undertaken by these
kings at different places. What would they say
about the Peshwas under whose regime ShudrasAtishudras were denied all human rights and Dalits
were even compelled to wear an earthen pot so
that even their spit did not fall on the streets?
We plan to lay the foundation stone of a temple for Akhand Bharat Mata and Godseji on
January 30. We also plan a big congregation of
people where the ashes of Godse Ji, currently kept
in Pune, will be brought to this temple in Sitapur.
We are working towards creating a Hindu Rashtra
and an undivided Bharat is our dream. We will
immerse his ashes only after his dream has been
realised, Hindu Mahasabhas working president
Kamlesh Tiwari told Headlines Today. (http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/godse-temple-hindu-groupgandhi-killer-nathuram-ghar-wapsi-akhil-bharatmahasabha/1/408811.html)
The Hate Tipu syndrome much visible in the
ranks of the RSS and all its affiliates as well as like
minded organisations needs to be seen also in the
backdrop of the growing euologisation of
Nathuram Godse, the Hindutva terrorist who
assassinated Mahatam Gandhi. (For more details
Some time ago, BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj
stirred a controversy when he called Godse a
nationalist and a patriot. In October, a Malayalam
mouthpiece of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
had said that Nathuram Godse should have killed
former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and not
Gandhi. The writer was none other than a BJP
leader who had contested elections to the
Parliament . Forget taking any action against this
glorification of Godse, RSS tried rather unsuccessfully to distance itself from this article saying
that it was his private opinion. We also know that
moves are afoot to build this great patriots temples all over the country.
(http: //www.
The Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha whose
most prominent leader Savarkar was the main
conspirator in Gandhis assassination (brought to
light thanks to the painstaking investigation done
by Jeevanlal Kapoor Commission) - also plans to
establish Godses busts at different places in the
A close look at this Love Godse campaign
and RSS-BJPs silence over it can be construed in
two ways.
One, they want to send a message to the core
constituency which yearns to carve out a Hindu
Rashtra that they should not get misled by the talk
of development which became necessary
because of electoral compulsions.
Two, by avoiding discussion on Gandhis
assasination and the role of Godse and other
Hindutva organisations in it, they want to move
ahead unhindered in co-opting Gandhi.
It is a different matter that people are slowly
waking up to the real meaning of glorification of
Godse and are coming forward to challenge their
machinations. A rally held in Meerut recently,
attended by thousands of people, is an indication
of the brewing storm.



The Milli Gazette, 1-15 March 2015

The Gaw Kadal Massacre and exodus of Kashmiri Pandits

While going back to the Gaw Kadal massacre in 1999 in the heart
of Srinagar, one remembers the Jallianwala Bagh killings. It was
indeed one of the darkest days in the history of Kashmir.
The mass exodus of Kashmir Pandiths had started only a few
days before this ghastly incident which shaped the future policy of
the government in the Valley, sharpening these divides and leaving
behind bitter memories that have become difficult to reconcile
even after two and half decades.
The Gaw kadal massacre is named after the Gaw Kadal Bridge
in Srinagar, where, on 20 January, 1990, soldiers of the Central
Reserve Police Force (CRPF) opened fire on a group of Kashmiri
protesters in which more than 50 protesters were brutally killed
according to the official figures but, according to survivors, the
actual death toll might have been as high as 280. This gruesome
incident has been described by some authors as the worst massacre in Kashmir history. Similar was the Bijbehara Massacre of
October 1993 in which 51 people, who were protesting against
the Hazratbal siege, were killed by Border Security Force soldiers.
The blame for the mass exodus of Kashmiri Pandits has always
been a question in a society which lived together for centuries.
Every year, while the Pandit community mourns 19 January as
the darkest day of history, the Kashmir Muslims remember the Gau
Kadal massacre of 20 January as the day of mass murder which led
to more massacres in the years to come.
Eye-witnesses of that day, while recalling the incident say that
the gory incident of Gau Kadal still gives them sleepless nights. The
blood spilled all around, dead bodies lay on the ground, the blood
was oozing from the wounded and the cries of the people for help
still haunt those who survived the massacre.
It was like doomsday, recalls Shafiqa of Gau Kadal while
speaking to the Milli Gazette. The injured were asking for help and
those who were trying to save the wounded too were showered to
bullets. The whole scene was terrifying, gunshots forced the people
to stay indoors and helplessly watch the horrific actThe wounded were begging for life but this was of no avail before the brute
army. They spared none; people who were trying to come out of
homes were also shot. Some of the wounded jumped into the
Jehlum to save their lives, she said adding, I tried to move out of
my house to look for my husband Shabir Ahmad Dar, who was part
of the protest march. For three days the whole area was under strict
curfew. I was trying hard to know about the whereabouts of my
husband. After three days I came to know that he was dead,
These varied events, the exodus and the massacres, were taking place simultaneously but this was not a matter of coincidence.
Neither the roots of the Kashmir conflict nor that of the mutual
suspicions between Kashmiri Muslims and Kashmiri Pandits, not
even the threat perception suffered by the minorities after youth
from the majority community picked up guns and raised the slogans of azadi, lie at the heart of the events that happened in that
short span of a week.

Muslim clerics posers

leave RSS clueless

A group of Muslim clerics led by Sunni Ulama Council general

secretary Haji Mohammed Salees met with the RSS leadership at
Kanpur and asked if it has prepared a plan to turn India into a
Hindu Rashtra. The clerics met with senior RSS functionary
Indresh Kumar at Kanpur on 16 February and sought answers to
their queries. The clerics later told reporters that Mr Indresh
Kumar had not responded to their queries. We met Mr Indresh
Kumar with a set of questions but got no answers. He said that a
conference of Muslim organisations would soon be convened and
all clarifications would be given there, Haji Mohammed Salees,
Secretary General of Ulama Council said.
The council has posed the following questions to the RSS:
1. Does RSS consider India a Hindu country?; 2. Have they formulated any plan to turn India into a Hindu Rashtra?; 3. Will the
Hindu Rashtra be according to the Hindu religious texts or has the
RSS prepared any new philosophy?; 4. What do you want to
achieve through religious conversions?; 5. What kind of patriotism do you want from Muslims?; 6. How does RSS view Islam?
and 7. Why the RSS-men are issuing statements against
RSS-man Indiresh Kumar replied: 1. I will answer the questions
on religious conversion and Love Jihad in public; 2. Discussions
from both sides should be with an openness of heart; 3. Before
blaming the RSS, tell me if Akbaruddin Owaisi says let the police
be kept aside for 25 minutes, how do you see Owaisis statement?
Explaining further, Mohammad Salees said that if the RSS
was building its Hindu rashtra on religious texts, this would mean
that dalits would not be allowed to enter temples. When the


Images of some victims of the Gau Kadal massacre

Eighty-year-old Jalaluddin of Srinagar believes it were external
factors which led to the schism between the two communities.
After the mass rigging of the elections, the separatist movement
became strong. Instead of joining this movement, some of the
Pandits started working for government agencies. Muslims
became very sceptical about the intentions of the Pandits. They
were occupying higher positions in government sector at the
time, he told the Milli Gazette. Pandits became a prey for people
who wanted to demonise the Kashmir movement and divide the
community. They were also the targets of the non-state actors,
he said.
To counter the rebellion, government needed people who
would support them to counter the insurgency. They found none
but the Pandits who were a microscopic community which was
psychologically marginalised and felt threatened by the unfolding
Says Raj Kumar Tikoo, a Pandit migrant who nowlives in
Jammu city, Very few Kashmiri Pandits came forward to support
the armed rebellion. This was actually a reaction to the action
which was initiated by the Muslim separatists who were influenced by the Islamist propaganda unleashed by non-state actors.
People of our community occupied the larger section of government jobs and high administrative posts. Obviously, our presence
in the so-called freedom struggle was missing and many other
factors became the reason why Muslims became sceptical about
us. The major reason of the conflict was of course external.
Jammu & Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), which was very
active in early 1990s, has always denied its hand in the communal killings in Kashmir and exodus of the Pandits as a result. JKLF
blames the Government of India for hatching the conspiracy to
portray the freedom movement as communal and this was
Constitution provides for freedom of religion, why is the RSS
afraid of bringing a bill? We are not afraid. If any Muslim does not
like Islam and wants to leave, he can go. We do not have any law
to keep anyone Muslim by compulsion, he said.
Mohammad Salees further said that in 1947, when the concept of two countries was decided, our ancestors rejected
Jinnah and Pakistan and accepted Gandhiji as our leader, India as
our country and expressed faith in the Constitution.

IS has no widespread pull in India: ex-RAW chief

There has been a hot discussion in almost every media that
Muslim youth from India are desperate to join ISIS, causing
apprehensions of many Muslim youth in Karnataka, Hyderabad,
Mumbai and other places.
While this issue raged, came the statement of the former
RAW chief, Alok Joshi, who said on 11 February that the cases of
youth joining ISIS were only stray incidents and there was no
widespread pull of the terrorist group in India. Joshi, who retired
on 31 December and is presently posted as an Officer on Special
Duty in the National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO),
stressed that the incidents of youth joining IS/ISIS were mainly
out of curiosity I will contest the point that there is widespread
pull of the ISIS (in India) We are not in agreement with that.
Now, I am not there (in RAW), but certainly when I was, we didnt see the kind of spread that people generally believed to be
there. That is just not there, Joshi said on the sidelines of a conference to discuss counter-IED strategies by the National Security
Guard (NSG).
Joshi, who is set to take over as the NTRO chairman on 1
April, further said that those who were probably swayed by the
ideology of the IS have since been taken care of. There is a certain curiosity element as to what the ISIS is all about. But there is
no sign of any great involvement of Indian youth with ISIS One

The Power of Saying No

Weve all had times when we say yes to someone but really want to
say no. Its often difficult to say no because of the desire to be loved:
we want to be helpful, we want to show we care, but we may have
little to give, are tired, overworked, or need time alone.
Do you feel that if you arent there for someone, they may reject
you? Or that youre somehow obliged to help as it makes you a good
person, parent or friend? Do you ever feel validated by being needed ?
Its easy to believe that any time you take to relax or meditate is
time that could be used elsewhere. But taking time out doesnt mean

it is selfish or even wasted. Think

about what happens when your day
is spent constantly caring for others.
Do you get resentful, irritated, or even angry? Do you find stress
building up? Does the quality of care that you offer become affected
by that inner tension? Or are you so used to being this way that it
seems impossible to imagine being any other way? You may even
think youre not the relaxing type, or that if you do relax you wont be
able to cope with all the things you have to do.
However, by taking time for yourself, by lowering your blood
pressure and releasing stress, you are immediately creating a more
harmonious environment that can only benefit you and all those

responsible for the mass exodus of the Kashmiri Pandits from the
There have been different narratives into the killings of
Pandits. While Muslims and the separatist organisations have
been blaming the then governor, Jagmohan, for the killings and
exodus of Pandits, the organisations of Pandits, like Panun
Kashmir, blames Kashmiri militants for killing 2000 Pandits which
is an exaggerated figure contradicted by Kahmir-based Pandit
organisation like Kashmiri Pandit Sangarsh Samiti (KPSS) which
comprises of people who never fled Kashmir.
Sanjay Tickoo, who heads the KPSS, has been quoted in
Aljazeera on 2 August, 2011 as saying that Over the past 20
years, we estimate that 650 Pandits were killed in the valley. He
adds that The figures of 3,000 to 4,000 killings as suggested by
some Pandit organisations is propaganda, which we reject.
Tickoos organisation says that 399 Pandits were killed
between 1999 and 2008, and 650 in total. This pales in comparison with the high estimates of some Pandit organizations but
exceeds the states official figures which say that 219 Pandits
were killed between 1990 and 2008.
Motilal Bhat, the president of the Pandit Hindu Welfare Society,
while speaking to Aljazeera, rejected the figures presented by the
KPSS and said, I think the governments figure of 219 is correct.
Bhat says, I reject this figure of 650 and even the figure of 399.
The mass exodus of Pandits and the Gaw Kadal massacre
happened just a day after the Government of India appointed
Jagmohan as the Governor for a second time in a bid to curb the
separatist movements in Kashmir. Due to the ongoing unrest, violence erupted in the Valley in November 1989. The anger among
people had been simmering in the state just since the 1987 elections which people believed were heavily rigged by the central
government and the then ruling National Conference to ensure the
defeat of a coalition of political parties which were pro-independence and pro-autonomy.
In a bid to arrest the Separatist movements and militant activities which increased in September and December 1989, New
Delhi rushed extra reinforcements of armed forces and troops to
the Valley. The government machinery had totally collapsed by
end of December 1989. Jagmohan tried to bring the situation control. He began his tenure by placing the Valley under unprecedented strict curfew for days on end. In the intervening night of 19-20
January, amid strict curfew, buses of the government-controlled
State Road Transport Corporation started ferrying thousands of
Pandits from Kashmir to Jammu. On 20 January, house-to-house
searches, raids, cordons, random arrests coupled with atrocities
started in many areas of Srinagar. Defying the curfew, people took
to the streets in the morning on 21 January. In retaliation they
were fired upon by CRPF leaving many dead and hundreds
injured, many of whom later succumbed to their injuries. This was
followed by the massacres in Alamgari Bazaar on January 22, and
in Handwara on January 25. This was the situation under which

the Pandits fled the Valley.
or two stray cases may be there But people have been suitably
cautioned, informed and assisted, he said.
On the other hand, a 13 February report in the Delhi tabloid
Mail Today claimed that IS sympathisers active in Indian metros,
hunting for potential recruits among the youth, are on the radar of
the intelligence agencies. The report claimed that according to a
new intelligence dossier, nearly 35 self-radicalised jehadis have
been identified for spreading the doctrines of the IS. Some elements seen as IS sympathisers and mentioned on the
Intelligence list are on a recruitment spree in Mumbai, Chennai,
Kolkata, Bangalore and Hyderabad, the report claimed. It said that
based on inputs from the Intelligence Bureau and state intelligence units, a dossier has been shared with the Union Home
Ministry on these persons who are now under surveillance, the
said newspaper has reported, adding that the dossier mentions
that the IS sympathisers are physically moving around to find
recruits. The campaign is being carried out by word of mouth,
not through the internet, the report said quoting the intelligence
report. Mail Today further claimed that there is also a possibility
that outfits like the Indian Mujahideen and Students Islamic
Movement of India (SIMI) could be using the name of IS to recruit
Indian youth. Earlier, two youth from Tamil Nadu were arrested by
the state police for openly supporting the group. Abdul Rehman
and Rilvan were accused of allegedly distributing T-shirts with an
ISIS logo to garner support for the group. Similarly, four youth
from Hyderabad were detained in Kolkata. They claimed that they
were going to Iraq via Bangladesh. These students were not
arrested but investigations revealed that they were recruited in the
name of the IS. The Intelligence agencies have been tracking local
support for the IS after four men from Kalyan, Maharashtra,
allegedly joined the ISIS while on a pilgrimage to Iraq.

around you. When you take time out to be quiet it means you dont
get so angry, resentful, or frustrated; instead, you connect with who
you really are. Then what you share with others is coming from that
peaceful space. When you are energized and feeling good you will
be able to do far more than if you are dragging yourself through your
day with little energy or in a bad mood.
So, rather than being selfish, such activity is actually the least
selfish thing you could do! This is when saying no to others means
you are affirming yourself. The power of saying no is that you are



The Milli Gazette, 1-15 March 2015



these prisoners about their future,

the reports added, February 9. The
team visited the jail on February 2
and 3.
The team, as stated by the
report, was told that the accused persons are
being tried by NIA courts in their home states, but
in case of Kashmiri prisoners, no NIA court has
been established in the state and anyone arrested by NIA is immediately brought to Delhi.
The Bar Association in its report has urged
human rights groups and associations and other
organizations to take strong note of the happenings and come to the rescue of prisoners. It has
also decided to agitate in the matter before the
court of law.
In its another report pertaining to the condition of prisoners in district jail Baramulla, Febrary
20, the High Court Bar Association stated that
condition of prisoners in the jail is pathetic as
they face problems with respect to food, drinking
water, medical facilities and likewise. The team
visited the jail, February 13 and assured prisoners to highlight their problems through the press
and other modes. The report informed that out of
163 prisoners in the jail, 50 are involved in militancy related cases and the rest are facing trial in
different civil cases.
The Bar Association, February 13, released
another report pertaining to condition of prisoners lodged in several jails in Jammu region. A sixmember Bar team met jail inmates and tried to
ascertain as to what kind of facilities of food,
clothing, medical aid, health and hygiene and
legal aid were available to them.

Political stalemate broken in J&K


Murder of youth

Srinagar: The stage is all set for the formation of

Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)-Bharatiya
Janata Party (BJP) coalition-government in
J&K. Both the parties have reportedly reached
an agreement on a Common Minimum
Programme, which is understood to have dealt
with contentious issues including Article 370
and AFSPA.
Senior leaders of both the parties are
expected to soon hold a meeting with Prime
Minister Narendra Modi and PDP patron Mufti
Mohammad Sayeed. Sayeed is expected to be
the Chief Minister for the entire six-year term.
The meeting would be followed by a formal
announcement on government formation. The
state has been under Governors rule for more
than a month now. The recently-concluded
State Assembly elections threw up a fractured
mandate with PDP winning 28 seats, BJP 25,
National Conference 15, Congress 12 and others seven in the 87-member State Assembly.
Both PDP and BJP entered into a dialogue
process on government formation soon after
the election results were declared on December
PDP patron has been maintaining that his
party will not be going for any sell out on the
issues concerning the state. National
Conference working president and former Chief
Minister Omar Abdullah, wrote on micro-blogging site Twitter, February 20, Dear Mufti
Sahib, please dont say you wont sell out
because youve already done that by helping
BJP in the Legislative Council elections. You
already sold out by demanding Article 370 status-quo when you had sold Self Rule to people
in J&K, please stop playing the martyr.
Reacting to this, PDPs chief spokesperson
Naeem Akhtar, February 21 told local news
agency KNS that National Conference has
already made a sellout of the state. Theyve not
left anything to sell. What we (PDP) are trying to
do is retrieve what they (NC) have given and
sold out. We are committed to safeguard the
interests of people of Jammu and Kashmir.
Earlier, National Conference, February 17,
said that PDP is attempting to fool people by
enacting a drama of overnight lack of interest in
government formation. The party alleged that
the drama is a theatrical act by PDP to bargain
for a six-year Chief Minister term for PDP
patron. PDP had on February 16 said that it is
not in a hurry to form the government in the
state and wont budge an inch on its proposed
agenda of alliance.
BJP, February 15, said that revocation of
AFSPA can take place only after the consent of
security agencies and decline in the militancy
graph. A day before PDP had made its alliance
agenda public, stating therein that the party
wants complete withdrawal of AFSPA from the
state within a year and immediate withdrawal
from certain areas of the state.

Killing of a youth in north Kashmirs PalhallanPattan in Baramulla district, early February, triggered clashes, protests and wide-spread condemnations across the Valley. FIR has been
lodged and inquiry ordered into the incident.
Farooq Ahmad Bhat, 22, was killed and two
others injured after police allegedly opened fire
on protesters in the area, February 9. A police
spokesperson claimed that two persons sustained injuries in a firing incident in a law and
order incident in Palhallan and one of the injured,
Farooq Ahmad Bhat succumbed to injuries on the
way to hospital. FIR has been registered and the
incident is being investigated, the spokesperson
Shattered by the killing of their son, Bhats
family is struggling to come to terms with the
tragedy. The family is already living in abject
poverty and his killing has devastated it, said
Mohammad Ramzan, a local resident.
Terming the incident inhumane and barbaric PDP president Mehbooba Mufti, February 9,
said that security forces have to be restrained in
their approach and they must deal with human
life with respect and consideration for consequences. Expressing grief over the killing,
National Conference Working President Omar
Abdullah, February 9, demanded a probe. The
truth should be revealed without any delay.
Expressing anguish over the killing, president
J&K Pradesh Congress Committee, Prof
Saifuddin Soz, February 10, said, To open fire
like this can be avoided and surely the aim to kill
is different from the aim to injure.
Terming the incident as unfortunate, BJPs
State General Secretary (Organizations) Ashok
Koul, February 10, said such incidents shouldnt
happen and security forces should restrain themselves while dealing with law and order issues.
Awami Ittehad Party president Er Abdul Rashid
Sheikh, February 10, asked the Governor to
resign or sack the officer who followed the
precedence of drawing sadistic pleasure out of
the cold-blooded murder of Kashmiris.
Separatists, while condemning the killing
urged people to observe a shutdown on February
10. Terming the killing as part of a conspiracy to
quell the aspirations of Kashmiris Hurriyat (G)
chairman Syed Ali Geelani, February 9, said,
The trigger-happy police and security agencies
have been targeting our youth to suppress the
ongoing movement for right to self-determination. Killing of innocent youth has become routine in Kashmir. These killings are avoidable but in
the absence of any accountability, the triggerhappy forces kill our youth without any fear, said
Hurriyat (M) chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq.
Various political, social and religious organizations too have condemned Bhats killing and
demanded punishment to those involved.
In view of the shutdown call by separatists,
state government, February 10, imposed restrictions in several areas of the old city and in

Palhallan and Sopore areas of Baramulla district.

Several separatists participated in Bhats funeral,
with Geelani addressing the gathering on phone,
February 10.
The Government, February 10, ordered an
enquiry into the killing and the enquiry committee
has been directed to submit its report at the earliest. Regretting the killing, DGP K Rajendra
Kumar, February 10, said police has lodged FIR in
the case and whosoever is found guilty will be
punished. Deputy Inspector General of Police
(North Kashmir), Gareeb Das, has been reportedly quoted as saying that the youth killed in
Palhalan was innocent and nothing adverse
against him was found in police records,
February 15.
In another incident, police on February 13
arrested three cops in connection with the mysterious killing of a prisoner allegedly in the custody in border district Kupwara. A police
spokesperson here said that arrests have been
made with reference to FIR number 41/2015 registered in police station Kupwara in connection
with the death of an arrested person who was
accused in a murder case.
The deceased prisoner Nazir Ahmad
Moughal was under detention at police chowki
Awoora and his body was found from the premises of district hospital Kupwara. His family
alleged it was a custodial death. The police however, claimed that Moughal complained of chest
pain and was taken to a hospital from where he
escaped. His wife, Naseema alleged that some
police officers are shielding the cops involved in
his killing.
The incident triggered clashes between
security forces and protesters. Though authorities imposed restrictions in the area, protesters
defied these restrictions and took to the streets
and held anti-government protests. Police fired
teargas shells to disperse them. Deputy
Commissioner Kupwara Rajiv Ranjan Kumar and
Superintendent of Police Kupwara Rahul Malik,
February 12, in a joint media briefing, said an FIR
has been lodged and an inquiry ordered.
Meanwhile, Governor, N N Vohra, February
13, directed stern action in the Palhallan and
Kupwara incidents. The Governor, as per Raj
Bhavan spokesperson, asked DGP for detailed
reports on the two incidents.

Kashmiri prisoners in Tihar

Kashmiri prisoners lodged in Tihar jail suffer from
feeling of deprivation and helplessness, said a
report by Jammu and Kashmir High Court Bar
The report prepared by a three-member High
Court Bar Association team comprising of its
president, Mian Abdul Qayoom, General
Secretary Mohammad Ashraf Bhat and executive
member Arshid Andrabi stated that the prisoners
arent able to meet their lawyers and receive
medical care. The trauma of the fate of the trial of
Parliament attack convict, Mohammad Afzal
Guru has raised serious doubts in the minds of

Mushawarat state units reactivated, Mujtaba Farooq appointed Working President

New Delhi: The All India Muslim
Majlis-e Mushawarat, the umbrella
body of Indian Muslim organisations, has reactivated its units in
various states and appointed senior
community leader Mujtaba Farooq
as a Vice President with the designation of Working President to
speed up this process. Mushawarat
constitution allows the President to
designate one of the vice presidents
as working president.
In order to continue the expansion of Mushawarat and to make
state units working, the national
president of the organisation has
appointed Mujtaba Farooq as its
working president. Farooq was until
recently the President of the
Welfare Party of India and one of
the key leaders of Jamaat-e-Islami

H i n d
with vast
experience of
commun i t y
has been
t h e
of activating state units and strive
for establishing organisational units
in the states where AIMMM has no
presence, form district and city
units and to make new organisational and individual members of
the apex organization. Farooq is
also expected to assist in organis-

ing the programme for the golden

jubilee of Mushwarat in coming
Dr Zafarul Islam Khan, national
president of Mushawarat, recently
toured Kolkata, Chennai and
Lucknow, where he activated the
state units to be in tune with the
ongoing developments in national
Abdul Aziz and Dr Eyaz Ahmad
Islahi have been appointed as conveners of West Bengal and Uttar
Pradesh state units. Both are
expected to shortly call a meeting
and elect office-bearers of the state
units. Elections were held in
Chennai in which Hakeem Dr
Khalifatullah was elected as state
president and SM Pasha as state
general secretary.

Mushawarat has already

finalised office-bearers for its
Gujarat unit by appointing
renowned cleric Maulana Abdul
Raheem Matadar as its president,
who is carrying out AIMMM activities successfully in the state.
Bihar unit is also expected to be
made working in the next few
weeks with the help of
Mushawarats active members at
Patna. Some more state units are
expected to be made active shortly
by electing working committees
Mushawarat has completed 50
years of its existence. For its celebration, preparations are in
progress and a number of publications including its history and documents are being finalised.

Guj. police under scanner

The Panchmahals police have arrested a subinspector under the Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act
for willfully neglecting his duty and allegedly
altering an FIR on a complaint of gangrape by a
Dalit girl and deleting certain names from the
report. All those whose names were excluded
from the FIR were local BJP leaders. The police
action came after the Gujarat State Human
Rights Commission last year ordered the
Panchmahals DSP to register an FIR against
Gadhvi and constable Arjun Koyabhai. The
SHRC had passed the order while acting on a
complaint by Ahmedabad-based human rights
activist Valjibhai Patel. Patel had moved the
SHRC after the Panchmahals police authorities
only took departmental action against the two
policemen, ignoring their criminal culpability.
This is for the first time in Gujarat that policemen were booked and arrested under the provisions of Section 4 of the SC & ST (Prevention of
Atrocities) Act.
The Indian Express had first reported on
2 November 2011, on how Gadhvi and Arjun
tore the original FIR of the victim and then registered a new FIR. Following the SHRC order, an
FIR was registered against Gadhvi and Arjun at
Shehra police station by the district police
authorities in September last year. In the FIR,
apart from Section 4 of the Act, the two have
been booked under various sections of IPC,
including destruction of evidence, disobeying
law and framing incorrect record.
DSP (SC/ST Cell, Godhra) JV Raval said
that following the registration of the FIR, Gadhvi
had proceeded on sick leave while evading
arrest. Later, a team of police caught Gadhvi
from Amaraiwadi area of Ahmedabad from a flat
and after producing him before a competent
court, Gadhvi was sent to Godhra jail.
In another incident, Gujarat High Court
ordered to re-investigate the charges against the
former DGP of the state, OP Mathur, for allegedly breaking into the house of a female lawyer
and intimidating her, apart from assaulting her
sexually. In 1996, a female lawyer named Sarita
Sharma had lodged a complaint at Vatva police
station saying that OP Mathur, a senior IPS officer, assaulted her sexually by breaking into her
home and intimidated her as well. But, police
investigated the matter in haste and submitted
the closure report giving Mathur a clean chit.
The lawyer of the complainant, Virat Popat said
that her client had proclaimed in the court that
police was not investigating the matter as the
accused was a senior police officer.

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First English Newspaper of Indian Muslims. Telling the Muslim side of the story fortnight after fortnight since January 2000

Speaking Out

The Milli Gazette, 1-15 March 2015



Political Drama in
Bihar Has Begun!
Though political crisis in Bihar appears to have
ended with Janata Dal-United (JD-U) leader
Nitish Kumar having taken charge of state government once again as its chief minister, the
real political test for him and other politicians
begins now. And this also implies that the state
politics is likely to witness considerable political upheavals till
Bihar assembly elections in November 2015. It may be recalled
that Kumar decided to quit states chief ministerial position
around a year ago following his partys miserable performance
in Lok Sabha elections. Out of 40 Lok Sabha seats from Bihar,
JD-U could win only two, while Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
succeeded in winning 22. JD-U apparently could not digest this
shock and chose to hand over the reins of Bihar government
into the hands of Jitan Ram Manjhi. The political importance of
Manjhi was weighed in keeping with his backward caste.
Manjhi belongs to a Mahadalit caste, which constitutes around
15 percent of population in Bihar. At that time, the JD-U leader
apparently gave considerable importance to attempts being
made by BJP to win Dalit vote-bank in the Hindi belt, particularly Uttar Pradesh. JD-U then gambled on Manjhi as politically essential to check BJPs success in the coming assembly
Political developments in around nine months time have,
however, compelled JD-U to reconsider its earlier strategy of

giving too much importance to Manjhi. A majority of JD-U

members and its associates were not too pleased with Manjhi
trying to assume greater political importance than expected.
Besides, it is well known that casteist politics plays a great role
in Bihar. There lurked the political fear that in a bid to please a
particular caste, JD-U may lose support of others. In all probability, the defeat faced by BJP in Delhi assembly elections
prompted JD-U to revise its political strategy for Bihar assembly polls. It cannot be ignored that despite having won all seven
seats from Delhi in Lok Sabha polls, BJP failed miserably in
Delhi assembly elections. BJPs strategy of promoting a chief
ministerial candidates name during its campaign also failed to
help it. JD-U apparently realized that if after nine months, voters in Delhi have changed their political attitude towards BJP,
the same was possible in Bihar assembly elections.
It may be recalled that in Lok Sabha polls, though BJP
won 22 of 40 seats, it secured support of less than 30 percent voters. In contrast, though JD-U, Laloo Prasads
Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) and Congress won only eight
seats, the combined votes secured by them were around 45
percent. This also implies that had these parties contested
together, the results would have been different. This point
bears crucial political significance for regional parties in
Bihar and other states in the context of the victory of Aam
Admi Party (AAP) in Delhi. This partys grand success was
considerably decided by the strategy exercised by Delhi voters. A number of factors compelled the Delhi voters to vote
for AAP, primarily because they did not want the state government here to be led by BJP.
JD-U and other regional leaders are apparently hopeful that
BJP may meet the same fate in Bihar. Yet, it cannot be ignored
that in 2010 Bihar assembly elections, BJP had performed well.

In the 243-member Bihar assembly, against 115 seats won by

JD-U, BJP had won 91, RJD - 22 and the Congress - four. In the
race for power, BJP finished second. And the BJP performed
well even though at that time it was not in power at the Centre
and its campaign did not bank on Modi-wave. AAP had also not
emerged during that period.
The political scene at the centre is now totally different. If
Delhi assembly elections had not been marked by a crushing
defeat of BJP, JD-U may still have been in two minds about its
political strategy in Bihar. There is a possibility that JD-U may
have been waiting for Delhi results before taking the major
decision of Nitish Kumar heading the state government again
as the chief minister. Even if JD-U had not been waiting for
Delhi results, the miserable performance of BJP would probably have compelled it to reconsider its strategy for Bihar
assembly elections.
With Nitish Kumar assuming office as Bihar chief minister,
JD-Us electoral campaign for assembly elections has begun.
In essence, the real political game has just begun. The coming
weeks and months are likely to witness considerable political
developments. Though caste-politics plays a decisive role in
Bihar, Muslim vote-bank has its own importance. Muslims in
Bihar retain a strong anti-BJP attitude. Muslims constitute
around 17 percent of the states population. It varies from 30 to
40 percent in certain areas and is around 70 percent in
Kishanganj. It may be recalled, BJPs prominent Muslim member, Shahnawaz Hussain failed to win the 2014 Lok Sabha elections. In Bihar, a lot is dependent on whether regional and other
anti-BJP parties decide to contest elections as a coalition or
not. If they dont, they face the risk of cutting into each others
vote banks and Lok Sabha scene may be repeated in assembly


Congress held back by indecision

Congress seems to have lost its direction. The dilemma of
leadership remains unresolved. The interesting part is that the
media, the experts as well as some Congressmen seem to hold
Rahul Gandhi responsible for what is happening. The truth on
the other hand is that he is the least responsible, and if he is
being singled out by the corporate media, it is simply because
they want to destroy the future of Congress. Rahul Gandhi is not
being given credit for what he richly deserves and is being
discredited for the failures of others.
Kejriwals unprecedented triumph over both BJP and
Congress has excited the
masses and unnerved the
major political parties. BJP is
worried because within 9
months of his rule its star leader Narendra Modi
seems to have lost his lustre. It faces the
prospects of all others uniting against it, and
giving a crushing blow to its divisive politics,
which plays for the upper Hindu castes and even
among them for the few richest. Modis confidence of continuing to rule for at least 10 years
has surely been jolted, and he must have known
by now that the mood in India seems to swing
too fast to prejudge.
But the biggest jolt is for Congress because
it now faces question mark on its very survival.
The other day I was talking to one of the ideologues of Congress and he compared Congress
with Kurta Pyjama to suggest that trendy suits
can give comfort only for a short time and people ultimately feel comfortable in the Kurta
Pyjama. This sums up the negative mood in the
Congress think tank which is hoping for the fall
of the trendy BJP, giving it a chance to make
a comeback. This might be the reason why
Congress stalwarts seemed to have taken hardly any part in the Delhi elections. They thought
that more important than their own performance, it is the defeat of BJP which would benefit them. They forgot to foresee that, in the
process, the party that would emerge on the
national horizon as a new star may ultimately
seek to replace Congress instead of becoming
merely an alternative.
In the aftermath of election results, pundits
are debating the prospects of Arvind Kejriewal
becoming a fulcrum for the socialist and leftist
parties. But in debating this they are misjudging
the intentions and plans of Kejriwal & Co.
Kejriwal does not want to be another V P Singh
who succeeded in uniting every other party
against Congress. Kejriwal has larger and more
long-term plans. His AAP seeks not to become
an alternative to BJP but to become a replacement for Congress. More than BJP, it is AAP
which wants to see a Congress-mukt Bharat.
Ironically, Congress is not thinking on these

Kejriwals party does not want casteist or
communal politics to play any role in its scheme
of things. It does not seek to attract the Dalit,
Backward and Muslim votes at the cost of the
upper class votes. He wants some support from
all of them rather than total support from some
of them. With their aggressive style of functioning, they hope to make Congress dysfunctional
by the time next elections come.
Congress seems to have lost its direction.
The dilemma of leadership remains unresolved.
The interesting part is that the media, the
experts as well as some Congressmen seem to
hold Rahul Gandhi responsible for what is happening. The truth on the other hand is that he is
the least responsible, and if he is being singled
out by the corporate media, it is simply because
they want to destroy the future of Congress.
Rahul Gandhi is not being given credit for what
he richly deserves and is being discredited for
the failures of others.
He has played a positive role in so many
projects that anyone else could have become a
hero even if he had taken up the cause of any
one of them. He played an important role in RTI,
almost singlehandedly pushed the Land
Acquisition Act, his support to Food Security
Act was crucial, made sure that Lok Pal Bill was
passed in time and his defiant, public tearing of
the ordinance was an act that could have under
normal circumstances transformed him into a
hero overnight. Nobody doubts his intentions
and straightforwardness. He is not blamed for
being after the Chair, but for running reluctant to
accept it.
There is no doubt about his secular credentials. Still he continues to be portrayed negatively in the media, and the chief reason for this is
that he has shown no interest in the corporatedriven agenda in recent times. Convinced that
he is no friend of them, and is always looking for
people-friendly schemes, they are in no mood to
let him influence the direction of the socioeconomic policy of the country. The recent
Jayantirajan statement has also confirmed how
much concerned he remains for the environment, Adivasis and the poor, and that he does
not care a wee bit of how a few corporates
Instead of getting the credit for his behind-


the-scene, low-profile activism, the pundits

keep blaming him for the failure of SoniaManmohan duo. Technically speaking, Rahul
Gandhis position in Congress has not been better than that of Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi in BJP. His
position is even weaker because unlike Naqvi he
has not even been a minister. Nobody seems to
question the lacklustre approach of Manmohan
Singh in the final days of his regime despite his
being Prime Minister of the country, and nobody
questions Sonia Gandhi for her full support to
Manmohan Singh and her failure to explain the
UPA governments achievements to the masses. Even when Rahul made that dramatic move
on the Ordnance on Corruption, Ms Gandhi reprimanded him, giving an opportunity on a platter
to BJP for making an all-out him. When
Congress lost, again instead of blaming the
head of the government and the head of the
party, Rahul was targeted.
If Congress has to revive, it will have to have
a single source of power without delay. You cannot have three centres of power, and another
one in the waiting. Akhilesh Yadav cannot
emerge as a national leader till Mulama Singh
Yadav is president of the party. Anyone else
cannot hope to lead BJP till Modi is there.
Congress will have to take a decision sooner
than later. Either they should install Rahul
Gandhi as president or they should abandon
resting hopes in him. It is so straight and simple.
Rahul Gandhi will have to take tough decisions himself. He should either resign from all
party posts, concentrating on popular campaigns or should ask for undiluted authority. He
will have to lead from the front rather than from
behind. His vision and actions must be seen by
all as his, and he should openly disown the failures of others. He should make sure that he
unfolds his economic agenda for the people
fast, and must start mobilising the people in its
favour without any delay. Hoping to beat BJP
only on its communal agenda will backfire. The
most effective antidote of Communalism is a
people-friendly socio-economic agenda.
If the party does not act now, it will be all
over for it.
The author is Delhi-based thinker and writer
with over a dozen books including his latest Quranic
Paradigm of Sciences & Society (First Vol: Health).
He can be contacted at doctorforu123@yahoo.com

Difficulties of
Indian Muslims
Sixty seven years have passed since India got
independence from British rule. During these
years we have scaled many heights in science
and technology, education, economy and life
expectancy. Today, we are among the nuclear
powers. Being the biggest democracy of the world
with great natural resources at our disposal, we
play a vital role in international affairs.
However socially and ethically we remain
backward. Casteism and religious bigotry have
grown along with our economy. This is against the
expectations of our freedom struggle, which
envisaged equality of opportunity for all citizens
as enshrined in the Constitution later. However,
today the society stands divided on religious and
caste lines.
Vicious, divisive propaganda by communal
organisations has polarised the minds and led to a
wide gulf between Hindus and Muslims. People
who used to take part in each others festivals and
ceremonial functions now do not look eye to eye
and suspect each other. This is evident in every
field and is reflected in the extremely poor condition of the Muslim community. Institutionalised
bias has drastically reduced job opportunities for
A majority of Muslims are searching their destiny in small hotels, garages and auto rickshaws
etc. where even after working day and night rigorously they remain hand to mouth. Their children
cant go to good schools and are compelled to
work as child labour to make both ends meet.
Higher education has certainly gone out of reach.
Forced into slums, excluded from reliable
sources of livelihood, Muslims are living under a
constant threat of anti-Muslim riots which take a
huge toll on life and property. Such riots are frequent. The people behind these acts win elections
and come to power, making it difficult for law to
reach them.
Sachar Committee and Mahmood-urRahman Committee suggested that some reservation in jobs would be of help for Muslims, but
even a 5 percent reservation has not been
granted. The population of Muslims in jails in
often higher than their share in the countrys
population. Since BJP came to power at the
Centre, horrors like hate speech and forcible
conversion of Muslims and Christians to
Hinduism have increased. To compound it, now
they are calling Mahatma Gandhis killer a patriot.
An extremist ideology has taken over the
country. We have already witnessed the destruction of such ideologies in countries like Germany,
Italy and Japan in recent past. To rescue the country we would have to strengthen its democratic
and pluralistic tradition and join such groups that
stand for these values.




The Milli Gazette, 1-15 March 2015




Mumbai) who is almost 90 percent paralysed created a record
of sorts by travelling a distance of about 6000 kilometres in 8
days in order to draw the attention of the government and people towards the pitiable condition of handicappted and physically challenged people. He started his memorable journey
from Mumbais Santa Cruz domestic airport on 29 January
15 where he was seen off with a green flag by Mumbai
Municipal Corporations Dy Mayor Ms Alka Subhash Kelkar.
From there he travelled to Ahmadabad, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai
and back to Santa Cruz airport, Mumbai on 5 February at 5.30
pm where he was received and welcomed by Ville Parles
Senior Police Inspector (Public Relations) Ms Alka Maandway
and a large number of people. He said that during his marathon
journey, most difficult journey was from Chennai to Mumbai,
23.5 hours non-stop, which is probably a record for a physically handicapped person. He said that by undertaking this
journey he wants to draw the attention of people, particularly
governments towards the plight of such people and make
many concessions and facilities for such helpless people such
as facilities for their boarding in buses, trains etc and deboarding, ensuring concessions to them for jobs in public and
private offices, relaxing rules and regulations for their jobs etc.
Regarding his handicap he said that way back on 16 May
2002 he had gone along with his family members for a promenade near a river. When he wanted to take a bath and dived,
his head struck against a rock in the river because of which his
neck bone and backbone got broken. Though he survived the
accident, almost 90 percent of his body below the neck,
including many fingers got paralysed. After about 3 years
treatment and struggles, exercise etc he somewhat recovered
but not fully and is in this condition ever since.
M. AFZAL, noted Urdu journalist, former Rajya Sabha MP and
former ambassador of India to at least a couple of countries
and presently Congress Partys spokesperson created a
record of sorts by taking part in more than one thousand successful discussions and dialogues on different private news
channels on behalf of Congress in 21 months. While talking to

AMUs Girls High School held inter-school
Seeratun Nabi competitions in essay writing,
Naat Khwani and Qirat, on 10 February. Boys
and girls who participated in these competitions
and selected for good performance were honoured with first, second, third and consolation
prizes separately in each category. Accordingly,
a total of twelve (12) boy and girl students were
honoured with prizes.
Utsahi, famous Urdu, Hindi poet (literature),
HAMID Hindi (literature), Prof. SYED ZILLUR
KHAN (artist), RAHAT ALI KHAN SAABRI (ghazal and Sufi singer) and NAWAZUDDIN SIDDIQI
are among the 56 litterateurs, artists, singers,
sportspersons, film actors etc who were honoured by UP government in two years 2013-14
and 2014-15 with Yash Bharti Awards at a function held in Lucknow on 9 February. Each Yash
Bharti Award consists of Rs 11 lakh. In addition
to the above (Yash Bharti) Award, another
award, Rani Lakshimi Bai Award for Bravery was
given to Ms RESHAM FATEMA and Ms SEEMA
TIWARI on the same occasion. This Award consists of Rs one lakh. UP chief minister Akhilesh
Yadav called the award winners as Ambassdors
of Utttar Pradsesh.
NAWAZ SHAIKH, now 33, son of a daily wage
earner who used to earn an average of Rs 10 per
day to support his family in a Sholapur
(Maharashtra) village, recently won first Prize in
National Logo Design Competition (in which
about 3000 candidates had participated) for
central governments new education policy. In
spite of very difficult life in his early age he had
ambition to move forward in life through educa-

media persons he said that his

1000th debate or discussion
was on ABP private news
channel. He also said that he
gets lot of invitations for discussions from different TV
channels for which people
give credit to me but the truth
is that my demands from TV
channels are because of my
discussion, debates and dialogues being in refined and
polished Urdu which people
like and want to hear. He said that because of my knowledge
of Urdu and my correct pronunciations of words people want
to hear me and hence there is great demand for me from TV
news and other channels.
JAVED USMANI, retired IAS officer, former chief secretary of
UP and thereafter Chairman of UP Revenue Board has been
appointed Chief Information Commissione (CIC) UP. In fact, he
was appointed State CIC much earlier but was administered
oath of office on 17 February by UP Governor Ram Nayek. He
is the third CIC of UP.
Prof RAEESUR RAHMAN, a reputed unani physician and
(Unani) adviser in Department of Ayush, Govt of India, has
been appointed Director General of CCRUM, (Central
Council of Research in Unani Medicines) in addition to his
post as adviser in Ayush. He is simultaneously a member
of CCRUMs Scientific Advisory Committee, Standing
Finance Committee and many other committees also and
has about 30 years teaching and administrative experience.
SYED MOHIBBUL HASAN has been appointed Chairman of
Bihar State Madrasa Board by Bihar government.
BISMIL AARIFI, poet and journalist was conferred Ph D
Degree by Jamia Millia Islamia University for his research
paper on Review of Literary services of Prof. Abdul Moghni
which he completed under the supervision of Dr. Mahfooz. 

tion and with his uncle, Jahangir Mulani, a primary school teachers guidance, his teachers
positive and sympathetic attitude and his own
hard work of, on a average, 15 hours daily study,
enabled him to obtain his Masters Degree in
Microbiology to become a technical officer in
National AIDS Research Institute in Pune.
Simultaneously, he was also doing PhD in
Immunology. Not forgetting his being a man of
rural background and in order to serve an example to others who though belonging to villages
but after becoming educated and holding high
posts forget about their villages, he got his son
admitted in a Zila Parishad school, though he
could very well afford to provide education to
him in a reputed convent school in any urban
K. K. MUHAMMAD, former Director (North) of
Archaeological Survey of India, Ratish Nanda,
Director (India) of Agha Khan Trust for Culture
and P. S. Krishnan, IAS (Retd) were honoured
with India Harmony Foundations Chishti India
Harmony Award-2014 in recognition of these
peoples selfless work and services in building
bridges between different communities. The
Award, instituted by former (late) Cabinet
Secretary Zafar Saifullah in 2010, was given by
union minister for minorities affairs Mrs Najma
Heptullah at a function held at India International
Centre, New Delhi on 5 February.
Dr. SYED FAROOQ, Chairman of Himalaya Drug
Chairman of Herbal Remedies and Prof (Dr) M S
BASU (of Bareilly) were honoured with Lifetime
Achievement Award, Hakim Ajmal Khan Award
for production of standard Unani medicines and
with Lifetime Achievement Award for promotion
of Ayurvedic medicines respectively on the
occasion of World Unani Medicines Day on 12
February. Many other Unani physicians also


Founder Chairperson of AMUs
Ismat Literacy and Handicrafts
Centre of Ladies Club died in
Aligarh recently. In a condolence
meeting held at AMU, Vice
Chancellor Zamiruddin Shah said
that she and her family members
had close relationship with this
University seeing that her father
Prof Abdul Aleem was former VC
of AMU, her husband Prof. Maajid
Siddiqi was Founder Dean of Life
Science Faculty and her daughter
Dr. AfshaaN Hashmi donated a
valuable necklace to the University
towards her contribution to
Universitys fund. He said that she
was totally devoted to humanity
who also opened a school for
daughters of weaker sectios of
society and in Literacy and
Handicrafts Centre professional
and technical education is imparted to enable them build their
ASHRAFI of Rampur, former
Chairman of UP Arabic Persian
Board and a social worker died of
Cancer in a Bareily hospital on 8
February. He was confined to bed
for about a year.
Mewat (Haryana), a teacher in
Madrasa Kashiful Uloom at
Nizamuddin Markaz, New Delhi
died on 11 February at the age of

were honoured with awards named after famous

Unani physicians. World Unani Medicines Day
was sponsored by All India Tibbi Congress at
New Delhi.
Glokal University of Saharanpur has been honoured with Natya Academys 21st Dr. Lakshmi
Narain Lal Awards-2014 in recognition of this
Universitys achievements in imparting world
level education to boy and girl students and to
promote their educational faculties. The Award
was presented at a function held at a local college on 15 February. Haji Muhammad Iqbal is
the Chancellor of this University.
Protection Department
has been honoured
with Prof. M. H. Shah
Memorial Award for his
valuable researches in
the fields of seasonal
changes and bio control and nematode diseases of crops. The
Award, jointly sponsored by Nemotological Society of India and
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi,
consisted of a certificate, memento and cash
prize and was given to him at a symposium on
Nematology at Pune.
NAKHAT PARVEEN of Patna was honoured with
Laadli Media and Advertising Award for the second year in succession by UNFPA for good performance in journalism, unbiased reporting and
writing of articles at a function held at Raipur,
capital of Chhattisgarh on 11 February. As many
as 293 names were forwarded for this Award of
whom 19 names were selected by a jury. This
award, known as Charkha Award and started in
2007 in Mumbai for honouring journalists in
Urdu, Hindi and English for good work in journal-

90 years. He was a great and

respected personality of Mewat
who spent greater part of his life in
Dawat and Tabligh. He leaves
behind his wife, three sons one
Chaandpur a religious scholar died
on 5 February at the age of 60
years in a Dehradun hospital
where he was under treatment.
ANJUM, noted lawyer and advocate, poet and historian of Sant
Kabeer Nagar died and was laid to
rest in his ancestral village on
10 February amidst thousands of
mourners. He was a man of multisided personality as a prominent
religious scholar, lawyer, historian,
man of letters and intellectual. He
had been writing a book on the
character (seerat) of Prophet
(PBUH) in versified form but could
not complete it because of his
death. He leaves behind two sons
and two daughters.
religious scholar and a teacher at
Jamia Rahmani, Moonger died
here on 3 February at the age of
76 years. He was laid to rest in his
ancestral home at Bhagalpur. After
retirement from Madrasa Board he
joined Jamia Rahmani and taught
there for about 14 years. He leaves
behind four sons and six daugh

ism, was won more by journalists of Urdu language than by those of any other language.
Ms NABILA, research assistant in the
Department of Microbiology of AMUs Medical
College was honoured with First Prize at National
Conference of Chest Physicians held at Agra.
She is working for research on the new technique used for early diagnosis of MDRTB and
Extra Pulmonary TB which can prove very useful in the preparation of new a vaccine for treatment of TB in future, which is taking a dangerous form in India and spreading at an alarming
MUHAMMAD MATLOOB of Nagina (UP) who is
now settled in Jaffarabad (Delhi) was honoured
with the traditional Paramparagat Award at
Haryana stae-sponsored 29th International
Surajkund Mela, which is held every year at
Faridabad, at the end of this Mela (Fair) which
mainly consists of arts and handicrafts works.
The Award was given to him by Haryanas
Governor, Prof Kaptaan Singh, for his Moghul
Art Work. It may be stated that this year only
two awards, one to India (Muhammad Matloob)
and the other to Afghanistan, were given.
Hadees of Jamia Ashrafia, Mubarakpur
(Azamgarh) was honoured with Hafiz-e Millat
Award for his teaching and training services on
the occasion of Jashn-e Eidul Milad and Naat
programme on 10 February. Also, blankets and
valuable books, woollen shawls and prayer carpets were presented to 16 persons and others of
this town (Mubarakpur). At the end, one person
was selected on lottery basis for sending him to
Saudi Arabia for Umrah and another person was
selected on the lottery basis for being sent to
Ajmer Sharif for pilgrimage. All expenses of both
selected persons were to be borne by the host
committee, Anjuman-e Jawanaan, Lal Chowk.

Renowned Urdu poet and litterateur died in Hazari Bagh (Bihar)
on 15 February at the age of 95. Born in a village in Nalanda
district of Bihar and educated at Patna College and University
from where he did his PhD in Urdu on "Evolution of Urdu
Literature in Bihar". Author of more than a dozen books which
include poetry, prose, essays, travelogue, letters, autobiography, he was honoured with many awards, including Padma
Shri, in recognition of his multi-directional literary works. He
saw large-scale death and destruction with his own eyes in
1946-47 pre- and post-Independence communal riots, including the deaths of 22 members of his family including his
mother, sister and other relatives which impelled him to write
his first anthology of poetic works "Woh jo Shaairi ka Sabab

hua". Riots disrupted his education which he

resumed a few years later. His first anthology of
poems titled "Jab Fasl-e Bahar Aayee thi" was
released in 1976. He was a retired professor of
Patna University. Currently he was Chairman, Urdu
advisory committee, Government of Bihar. He was
also honoured with the honorary citizenship of
Oklahoma state of USA. He left behind four sons and
two daughters. He was a classical poet of the school
of Mir Taqi Mir. He was very popular at mushairas,
poetic meets, but for some years stopped attending
them saying that their standards have gone down

immensely. He served Urdu all his life.



The Milli Gazette, 1-15 March 2015


JIH hands over 88 houses to riot victims

Mzaffarnagar: Amir Jamaat-e Islami
Hind (JIH) Maulana Syed Jalaluddin
Umari inaugurated the Falah-e Aam
Colony near the police station at village
Parasoli in Muzaffarnagar district on 22
February. The colony has been built to
rehabilitate the riot victims who lost
their homes and hearth during the riots
of September 2013 which occurred in
and around Muzaffarnagar, Shamli and
Baghpat districts. During the function,
the Amir handed over keys of 88 houses to riot-victim families and said that
rehabilitation needs vast resources and
is actually a responsibility of the government. However, if the government
fails to provide or facilitate rehabilitation, the society is not relieved of its
duties. That is why JIH took up this
responsibility to provide some relief to a
few victims. In this humble effort cooperation of the local people has been
most important, he said adding that
from now on the responsibility would be
upon the residents to live peacefully
with their new neighbours adhering to
an Islamic way of life which is one of
the clauses of the agreement to allow
them to live in the colony. Maulana
Umari said that JIH is planning many
other projects for the riot-affected peo-

ple not only in Muzaffarnagar and

Shamli but also at other places
across the country. The Amir
expressed gratitude to people like
Chaudhry Saheb Sigh and
Shobha Ram Saini who helped
their Muslim neighbours during
the riots and felicitated Chaudhary
Saheb Sigh who was present at
the function with a shawl. Syed
Umari later inaugurated a mosque
at the colony. Earlier, Mr Shafi
Madani, JIH secretary for social
welfare informed that the colony is built
on a plot of 8 bighas (two acres) and
each dwelling measures between 50-60
square meters consisting of one room,
one kitchen, one bathroom and a lavatory in addition to a small open space.
East dwelling has cost Rs 2,60,000.
The recipients are those who are still to
get relief from the government. The
recipients will enjoy only the dwelling
rights. Any alteration requires prior permission, Moreover, the occupants have
to arrange for their own electricity connection, Mr Madani said. According to
the agreement signed between the allotees and JIH, the occupant has to surrender his dwelling right as soon as he
receives compensation meant for the
riot victims from the government.
Speaking at the function, chairman of

the Sardhna Nagarpalika, Asad Ghalib,

praised the works of JIH and contributed Rs One lakh to its welfare
fund. One of the victims, Qadir son of
Firdous of Phugana village, who has
been alloted dwelling number 3 at the
colony, said that they have lost everything at Phugana village. Their house
still stands there but they cannot live
there out of fear of being killed or looted. Qasim used to work as a painter on
contract basis before the riots. Now he
works as a daily wages worker and
recently started working at a brick kiln.
Earlier, that he had lived at a relief
camps and after that at many other
places. Now he has a permanent
house to live in and is very happy. He
thanked God and those who have
helped him get it.

Left: A riot victim receiving keys from Maulana Jalaluddin Umari.

Above: Inaugaration of the Falah-e-Aam Colony.

15th century Persian marsiya on Karbala, translated into Hindi, Urdu


Prof. Azizuddin speaking

Auto major BMW appreciates work of AMU Students


Agra (15 February, 2015): Dawazdeh Band was the first

Marsiya [elegy] written in recorded history describing the sacrifice of Imam Hussain (A.S.) and his family. This Marsiya was
written in the 16th century by the Persian poet Mohtashim
Kashani. Since this Marsiya was written in Persian, a need was
felt to translate it into Urdu and Hindi so that a wider audience
could understand this famous Marsiya. Prof. Syed Azizuddin
Hussain Hamdani, Director of Rampur Raza Library and former
Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Languages, Jamia Millia
Islamia, started a project to fulfill this need in the form of a book
titled Dawazdeh Band-Mohtashim Kashani. This
book was released in a programme at the famous
Dargah of Shaheed-e-Salis, Qazi Nurullah Shustari
(a 16th century scholar), in the historic city of
Agra at the invitation of Maulana Shauzab Jarvali.
Imam Hussain (A.S.), the grandson of Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh), and his family were killed in
the Batlle of Karbala by the forces of Yazeed, the
tyrant ruler who ruled the Muslims at the time.
Many poets have written Marsiyas which describe
the tragic events of that battle. One of the earliest
Marsiyas was written by Mohtashim Kashani in
the 16th century. Mir Anees and Mirza Dabeer, two
famous Marsiya writers from India, had taken the
art of Marsiya writing to its pinnacle. However, the
Marsiya written by Mohtashim Kashani is still well
known throughout the Muslim world. It still is recited in its original form during Muharram at Jalali in
Aligarh district.
Unfortunately, people having knowledge of
Persian have dwindled in modern India and it was
imperative to have this Marisya translated into
Urdu and Hindi for the future generations. Prof.
Azizuddin has included the Urdu translation done

by his grandfather late Hakim Syed Riazuddin Hussain

Hamdani in this book. The Hindi translation was done
by Prof. Balram Shukla of Sanskrit Department,
University of Delhi. Prof. Azizuddin has given a
detailed introduction about this Marsiya. Another
important aspect of his book is the replication of a
historic manuscript present in the Rampur Raza
Library of this Marsiya. Maulana Shauzab Jarvali
thanked Prof. Azizuddin for his effort. Prof. Azizuddin
said that the translation by Dr. Balram Shukla is one of
the biggest achievements of the 21st century in literature because his translation of the Persian Marsiya in
Hindi is also in poetic form. A student of Jamia Millia
Haider presented his
thoughts on the


Three Aligarh Muslim University Engineering students, Faraz Islam (Computer Engineering Final
Year), Mohammad Adil (Electronics Engineering Final year) and Sayeed Akhtar Alvi (Electrical
Engineering 6th semester), represented AMU at the International Conference of Computer Modelling
and Simulation held at Amsterdam, Netherlands during 12-13 February, 2015.
Their contribution included a paper presentation on Smart automated car parking system using
PLC (programmable logic controller). This is related to book a vacant parking on the move, just like
we book movie tickets from our computers or mobile phones.
Their paper was appreciated by the scientists, especially by Mr. Florian Niedermeier, representative of BMW group who chaired the conference. He was impressed with the concept of the research
paper and appreciated the work of the young scientists. He suggested implementing the concept. The
students received their certificates of appreciation for their extraordinary work in the field of automation and simulation. In future they would like to implement the idea on a small scale in India. For this
they will be developing a mobile app soon.
These young researchers are not at all geeky. When The Milli Gazette contacted one of them, he
said he was busy watching the world cup cricket match. Please contact later! (Picture: Extreme left
is Saeed Akhtar Alvi, Faraz is the one in the centre with beard, Adil the right most.)



The Milli Gazette, 1-15 March 2015

Dr. Azharis help to the families of two

non-Muslims killed in S. Arabia
Luckonw: Dr. Abdul Hakeem Azhari, Director of Calicut (Kerala)s
religious and modern Islamic university, Jamia Markaz Al
Saqafatus Sunnia, after meeting Mulayam Singh Yadav, UPs CM
Akhilesh Yadav and minister Azam Khan handed over two cheques
of Rs 8 lakh each to Mulayam Singh as financial assistance for
passing these on to the families of two non-Muslim employees
who had died in an accident in Al Jubail Co. in Saudi Arabia two
years ago. Chief minister Akhilesh Yadav while highly appreciating
Dr. Hakeem Azharis financial assistance to non-Muslim families
purely on humanitarian ground said that selfless service to human
beings is the greatest service, adding that this should serve as a
lesson and advice to communal elements who spread hatred and
division in society on grounds of caste and religion. Azam Khan
while speaking on this occasion said that this Jamia Markaz of
Kerala is rendering great educational, social and milli services in
Kerala and other parts of the country. According to the spokesperson of this organisation (Jamia Markaz Al Saqafat) under the leadership of its Sheikh Abu Bakar more than a dozen mosques have
been built, hundreds of wells have been dug up in UPs rural areas,
at least half a dozen schools have been opened in different parts
of UP and financial assistance is being provided to poor and
orphan children.

West is adopting Islamic banking

Deoband: Chairman of All India Economic Council, Maulana
Haseeb Siddiqi said in a statement here recently that in view of the
growing popularity of Islamic banking system, RBI had announced
some time ago it would present State Bank of Indias Islamic
investment plan in India in early December 2014 but even after
more than two months no positive steps have been taken in this
matter by RBI. He said this is a fact that Islamic economy is based
on the principle of profit and loss but instead of Muslim countries,
western countries have taken the initiative in the field of Islamic
banking. This is why Islamic banking system, from the point of
view of its utility, has become a practicable option in England. In
addition to England, in America also more than 200 Islamic banking institutions have been set up and these are so popular that
even in the initial stage their growth rate is more than 20 percent.
In this connection, SBI Mutual Funds Managing Director and CEO
Dinesh Khara had stated while talking to media persons that in a
country like India the future of Islamic banking is bright. After this
declaration (by RBI) a large part of the countrys economy (industrial, business, financial etc sectors) are anxious to know when the
government will start this system. He said that in our country the
tradition of announcements is very old but in view of the usefulness of Islamic banking system and its popularity in western
countries, attention needs to be paid towards this to know how
serious are those high-ups in government for foreign investment
in India. He said that Muslims in India are privately operating interest free banking system on the pattern of Islamic banking system,
though on a small scale and these institutions, without caste and
creed discrimination have freed the people from the traditional
moneylenders interest system. He said that by raising the moral
principles on which the foundation of Islamic banking system is
laid, the difficulties being faced by banks and consumers can be
removed and simultaneously the performance of those financial
institutions can be improved. He said that a planned and consistent struggle is needed to widen the scope of Islamic banking system.
Free coaching of CTET in Jamia Nagar Police Station
New Delhi: Free Coaching for CTET (Central Teachers Eligibility
Test) is being provided by Shikhar Organisation in Jamia Nagar
Police Stations Police Public Library. According to Shikhars secretary, Muhammad Nadeem Akhtar, government has made passing of CTET course compulsory for a teaching job (for a teacher)
without which no body can be appointed a teacher in any government school. Because of this condition, coaching for CTET course
is quite costly but Shikhar, in accordance with its traditions is providing free coaching for this course. At present there are more
than 40 boy and girl students who are attending this coaching,
majority of whom is of girls. Duration of this course is one month
and it is known as crash course which will be completed on
21 February and next day i.e. on 22 February examinations will be
held. This coaching course is being conducted by Muhammad
Rizwan, a teacher of Plazma Coaching Centre. In this course lectures are delivered and written notes also are given to students
with the help of which students make prepare for these exams.
Jamia Nagar police stations SHO Narendra Kumar Sharma while
offering his good wishes for this coaching course said that the way
Shikhar has taken the initiative in starting this course free of cost for
competitive examinations with the objective of providing teaching jobs
to boys and girls is a laudable step, the results of which are being felt
and seen. He said that this step is good particularly for girls because
teaching job is more suitable for girls and women.
Judicial Services Guidance Centre set up in IIC Centre
New Delhi: In accordance with the decision taken in the meeting
of India Islamic Cultural Centre (IICC)s, Board of trustees, a
Judicial Services Guidance Centre was recently opened for providing guidance and all possible help to candidates who want to
appear for Judicial Services examinations. According to the convener of this Guidance Centre, Mushtaq Ahmad, Supreme Court
advocate and acting secretary of AICC, for this purpose (providing
guidance) a committee consisting of Justice Fakhruddin,
Chaudhari Shamsuddin (advocate), Muhammad Aslam Khan
(advocate), President of AMU Lawyers Forum, advocates Sheikh
Imran and Athar Alam has been constituted. Those interested in
appearing for judicial services examinations will have first to fill up



Need to promote education as well as

humanism: symposium on Education &
Mainstreaming of Indian Muslims
New Delhi: A symposium on Education and Mainstreaming of
Indian Muslims sponsored by Muslim Youth of India was held at
Jamia Millia Islamia Universitys Ansari Auditorium in which Prof
Akhtarul Wasey, Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities said that
the interests of the country as a whole as well as those of Indian
Muslims are not two different things and hence no country and
community / nation can progress unless all the citizen of the
country are educated. Therefore, India also can progress if all its
citizens become educated. He said that the population of Muslims
in India is about 16% and by ignoring them India cannot progress.
He said that leaders very often speak about the educational backwardness of Muslims but very little is done practically in this
direction, i.e. to remove it and one of the reasons for the educational backwardness of Muslims is that in Muslim-populated
areas not as many schools have been opened as police stations
have been set up. He said that we expect the government to
empower Muslims and improve their lot without any discrimination, adding that we are not begging for alms but asking for our
rights and share in the government and economy of the country.
Describing Mrs Smriti Irani, HRD or education minister as mother of the country from educational point of view he said that a
mother cannot keep her children away from education and in
The minister, Mrs Smriti Irani said in her speech on this occasion that by being called the mother of the country in her capacity as HRD or education minister she feels proud and in that
capacity she feels that her responsibility has increased all the
more. She said that her effort is to provide free education to every
body upto 12th class but in todays times it is equally necessary
along with education to be human so that the dream of an educated and progressive India could be materialised. She said that
in addition to the steps being taken for the educational progress
of Muslims, not particularly as Muslims but as citizens of the
country, schemes and plans for the progress and modernisatin of
a form of IICC which can be downloaded from
www.jiccentre.com. He said that for the present candidates from
neighbouring states i.e. UP, Haryana, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan and
of course Delhi will be given preference and subsequently those
from other states will also be included. For admission to this
Guidance Centre, candidates will have to appear for written test
and interview and thereafter guidance and assistance will be provided according to their needs. Further information can be
obtained from (IICC) employee Muhammad Nausherwaan,
Manager (Admn)-Ph: 011 43535332. AICC Chairman Sirajuddin
Qureshi said that this work will be promoted on priority basis and
effort will be made that every year large number of candidates
could succeed in judicial examinations. It may be added that candidates belonging to minority communities, scheduled castes and
scheduled tribes only will be considered for admission in this
PIL to be filed for making Urdu official language in J&K
Rajouri: Movement for the Survival of Urdu has decided to file a
PIL (Public Interest Litigation) in Jammu & Kashmir High Court to
make Urdu an official language of the state in the true sense of the
word so that justice could be done to this language. In addition to
this, demands have also been made to open Urdu University in this
state and also for the expansion of Peer Panchaal region and district branches of the Movement (for Survival of Urdu). In accordance with the directives of Sponsors of the Movement, Farooq
Shah Bukhari and Chairman Irfan Ali Arif, a meeting of this movement was held at Rajouris Dak Bungalow in which general secretary and spokesman Aftab Minhas and others were present. In this
meeting of the Movement it was decided that a PIL will be filed in
the state High Court for making Urdu the official language of this
state. An 8-member committee was also constituted for this purpose whose president is Irfan Ali Arif and vice president is
Muhammad Saghir Mirza to draw up the PIL for filing in the High
Court. In this meeting a demand was also made to set up an Urdu
University just as Urdu Universities have been set up in non-Urdu
states like Telangana and UP.
Agha Khan Foundations scholarship programme
Agha Khan Foundation provides financial assistance every year to
promising students of developing countries for education in postgraduate and research courses. This assistance consists of 50
percent grants and 50 percent loans for enabling students to build
their future. Courses for which assistance is provided: The
Foundation provides scholarships to students desirous of education
for Masters Degree and Ph D. Under this facility the Foundation bears
the educational expenses of students, though such scholarship is not
given for short-term courses and also to students who have already
started their education. Under this scholarship scheme, applications
of students from countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh,
Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Syria, Kenya, Uganda, France, Portugal,
England, USA, Canada etc are accepted. For selection of students,
four conditions are taken into account which are first, the academic record of applicants should be good, second, his economic
needs should be justifiable, third his admission in any reputed
educational institution should have been approved and lastly,
applicants progressive thinking and accordingly his future plans.
Applicants for such scholarships should be of 30 years or less.
Under the fellowship, the Foundation bears the cost of his

madrasas have been finalised and signed also but could not be
implemented lest this would be considered a violation of election
code of conduct. Soon after elections, these will be put into practice, she said.
Chancellor of Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Zafar
Sareshwala said in his speech that representation of Muslims in
the countrys administration and economy is very insufficient.
Therefore this programme has been arranged here in Jamia Millia
to create educational awareness (in Muslims) so that their share
in these fields could be increased. He said that Muslims also are
eager to hold important posts in all government departments and
play their role in making the country developed and progressive.
He said that prime minister Modi says that Muslim children are
skilled by birth and hence there is great need to develop their
skills in all fields including professional and administrative fields.
He also said as a piece of advice to Muslims that those who spew
venom and fire against Muslims, let them do so but Muslims
should not react to it, and be provoked because soon they themselves will become silent when they see that their unholy effort to
provoke them (Muslims) is not having any effect and is going
It may also be stated by the way in this connection the HRD
minister Mrs Irani appeared visibly annoyed when Waqf Board
member, Maulana Aejaz Arshad Qasmi accused the central government of not doing and having done any thing for the education
and progress (of Muslims). Again, she again appeared to be displeased when Prof Mujtaba Khan recited some couplets in praise
of her. Senior IPS officer Akhtar Ali Farooqi, who is also a noted
novelist, said that progress of Muslims is possible only when
Muslims themselves come forward and sincerely try to improve
their lot. He said that government is providing many opportunities
to them but it is our misfortune that in spite of many opportunities, facilities and incentives a large section of Muslims is away
from education even today. (N. A. Ansari)
tuition fees and lodging or residential expenses. Expenses on sight
seeing etc are not covered. The applicant, however, is free to collect funds from other sources. Half of the scholarship consists of
loans for which 5% interest per annum is charged towards service charges. For such loans a guarantor is also needed. This loan
amount is returnable in 5 years starting, six months after receipt
of the loan. For further information please contact: Agha Khan
Foundation (India), Sarojni House, 6 Bhagwan Das Road, New
Delhi website: www.akdn.org/akf.
Admissions to AMUs Bridge Course
Aligarh: Details of Madrasa passouts admission in AMUs Bridge
Course for 2015-16 academic session have been made available
on this Universitys website. According to the information issued
by Bridge Course office the last date for submission of admission
/ application forms is 15 May and written examinations will be held
on 23 July. Students (boy and girl) passing written test will be
called for interview after which 70 successful candidates will be
selected for admission. It may be stated that this year the number
of selected candidates for admission in Bridge course has been
increased to 70. According to Bridge Courses Public Relations
Office, for written and oral tests, in addition to elementary English,
questions about Islamic sciences i.e. Quran, Hadeeths, jurisprudence, Islamic books, names of authors of these books etc will be
asked in order to know how much knowledge they have about
their course books and also how much knowledge they have
about modern times and events.
According to Dr. Muhammad Ahmad, Incharge of Bridge
Courses Public Relations Office, efforts will be made this year to
make possible the representation of students from madrasas from different parts of the country like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Kashmir, Karnatak,
Maharasthra, Assam, Bengal and so on irrespective of the schools of
thought and sects like Shia, Sunni, Deobandi, Bareilvi, Ahle Hadees,
Bohra etc they belong to, so that all could take advantage of this facility. He said that the objective of introducing this one-year course is to
produce a generation of students and religious scholars who may
become well versed in English language as well as modern sciences,
like information technology and problems and requirements of modern times. He further said that our experiment of the last two years
was very successful and a target of 100 percent success was
achieved. He cautioned such students to ensure before filling up and
submitting of forms that certificates of Alimiyat and Fazilat of
madrasas are recognised by AMU or their madrasas should be affiliated to recognised state Madrasa Boards. Also, such students should
not be more than 22 years old.
Mashaaikh Board member sacked
Lucknow: All India Ulama and Mashaaikh Board, considered to be
an organisation of Sufi Muslims, including Masjid Imams,
Sajjadanasheens dismissed its general secretary, Babar Asharf for
accepting membership of Maulana Azad Education Foundation
which works under the Union ministry for minorities affairs.
According to Boards principles, its members or office bearers do
not and should not accept government posts. The Board accused
Bahar Ashraf of accepting membership of Maulana Azad
Education Foundation in spite of asking him to desist from accepting this post but he accepted it and without informing it (Board).
Hence, according to the Board, there was no alternative but to
sack him.

Associating education with industry,
biggest need of today
Aligarh: President of a 16-member team of National Assessment
and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Prof G. N. Qazi who is also the
Vice Chancellor of Hamdard University, Delhi while addressing the
Deans of all Faculties and Heads of Departments of AMU on
12 February said that this institution (AMU) has its own culture
and civilization with a grand history with which every body is very
well aware and it is hoped of this institution that in future also it
will continue presenting a high standard on the educational horizon. He said that NAAC teams assessment about this University
will be submitted to NAAC Board and this University will also be
informed about it. He said that hidden faculties of this University
should be brought before the academic world and associating
education with industrial world has become todays greatest need.
He said that research work of world standard is being done in this
institution. He suggested that AMU should start consultancy services in research. He further said that Bridge Course started by this
University for students of religious madrasas should be expanded
so that admission facilities to these students could be made available in other universities of the country also. In his capacity as
President of NAAC Prof Qazi said that this University has totally
become wi-fi and it is playing leadership role in the field of information technology. He said that this Universitys Maulana Azad
Library has been found to be the best amongst those of all universities of the country and the documents preserved here are priceless assets. The campus of this University creates a good impression on every body and particularly, greenery is everywhere here.
He said that Jamia Hamdard also has been set up on the AMU
model and Chancellor of both Jamia Hamdard and AMU at one
time was the same simultaneously. He said that moral character
and manners of the students of this university are laudable. Old
students of this university are spread all over the world and are
occupying high posts, he said. He specially thanked all AMU
teachers and non-teaching staff who ar associated with NAAC
team. Vice Chancellor of AMU Lt Gen (Retd) Zamirudidn Shah said
that whatever advice and suggestions are made by the NAAC team
will be implemented and all members of this intuition have worked
in a team spirit. He said that the initiative taken by this university
in the introduction of Bridge Course is being appreciated everywhere. He disclosed that he is having a meeting with union minister for minorities affairs tomorrow (on 13 February) on this issue
(Bridge course) so that it could be given a better form. He also
said that the Centre for the Quranic Studies, Wild Life and Nano
Technology are our proud assets. Pro Vice Chancellor, Brig (Retd)
S. Ahmad Ali said that this institution had been actively working
for the preparation of NAAC team for the past two years and we
hope that their efforts will be successful.
Awards to successful students for promotion of Urdu
Calicut: Kerala Education Board set up by the present government
under Markaz Higher Secondary School held its 55th School
Festival competition on 6 February and those successful in this
competition were honoured with awards. Speaking on this occasion, local MLA, PTA Rahim, advocate said that present position
of Urdu in the state is very satisfactory and its future also is bright,
adding that Kerala has played an important role in the progress of
Urdu and this language enjoys a special importance in many
schools and institutes of this state. Praising Dr. Abdul Hakeem
Azharis services to Urdu he said that there are thousands of Urdu
students in Markaz Campus because of whom people in neighbouring areas also have started associating with Urdu. General
Manager of Jamia Markaz, Muhammad Faizi said in his presidential address that because of the students of northern India who are
studying in Markaz Higher Secondary School, Jamia has become
very famous. He said that UP, Bihar and Jammu & Kashmir have
shown laudable progress in Urdu at the state level for four years
at a stretch which is a matter of pride. Many important personalities including Maulana Moosa Saqafi, PTC Muhammad Ali Master
and others also expressed their views on this occasion. It was
stated that in the 55th annual school festival of Kerala Education
Board, students of Markaz Higher Secondary School achieved
grand success in Urdu at the state level. Their names are Tahir
Sultan (poetry, Urdu composing), Inayatullah (essay writing),
Safdar Imam Yazdani (Urdu debate, Urdu story writing) and
secured A grade marks, trophy, cash prizes, certificates etc. PKC
Muhammad Master also was honoured with a shawl, award and
trophy for very good training and teaching children / students Urdu
for four years.
Representatives of industries visit MANUU for placements
Hyderabad: A delegation of representatives of different industries
toured Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) with the
Universitys Chancellor Zafar Sareshwala who himself is an industrialist, when a Memorandum of understanding (MoU) between
the University and industrial institutions was signed. Among the
industrialists were of Binani Cement, Bombay Stock Exchange,
Sanatan Education (P) Ltd, Valuable Educament Pvt Ltd, ISTTM
Technology and Business School of Hyderabad. Speaking on this
occasion Zafar Sareshwala said that in order to familiarise MANUU
students with industries they need to be imparted training on the
pattern of IITs, IIMs and in order to further promote their faculties
and capabilities, Universitys affiliation with industrial houses will
be beneficial. He further said that there is a direct relationship
between students and job market. He said that when he discussed
this problem with his industrialist friends, they expressed their
willingness to tour the University on their own expenses and today
they are here to sign the MoU. It may be stated here that within
one month of his appointment as MANUUs Chancellor he invited
his industrialist friends here so that students of this university


The Milli Gazette, 1-15 March 2015


Building of Maulana Mazharul Haq

University to start soon in Meethapur
Phulwari Sharif: Vice Chancellor of Maulana Mazharul Haq Arabic
and Persian University, Prof Aejaz Ali Arshad said in his presidential address in the Universitys executive councils meeting on 7
February that a large piece of land measuring 5.4 acres had been
allotted to this University in Meethapur on which its own building
will be built soon. He said that Bihars chief minister Jeetan Ram
Manjhi had announced on 22 December (2014), birthday of the
freedom fighter Maulana Mazharul Haq, the allotment of this land
and now work will soon start. He said that the Department of
Land Reforms and Tax had issued an order to this effect and after
measurement of the land by the DM of Patna, building work will
start soon. He also made an appeal to people for their cooperation in the construction of this Universitys building after which
members of Universitys Senate, messrs Haroon Rashid, Manzar
Alam, Abdul Ghafoor, Izhar Ahmad and others assured their financial cooperation.
VC, Prof Aejaz said that a meeting chaired by state education
ministry's Principal Secretary on 3 February was held in which
decision about a six-storied building in this Universitys campus
was taken, expenses for which will be provided by the education
ministry. A proposal for two hostels, one for boys and the other
for girls belonging to minority communities in the university campus was also made, for which funds will be provided by the
Department of Minorities Welfare, Bihar.He said that in addition to

approval for 10 administrative posts and 42 teaching posts,

approval for additional 16 teaching and 54 non-teaching posts
has also been given. Appointments to all posts will be made by
BPSC. A proposal for the appointment of 7 lecturers for Alim and
Fazil classes in 118 madrasas has also been approved.
Presenting the annual budget of the University, the VC said
that expenses on salaries of university officers and employees
and other expenses are about Rs 1.6 crore and an amount of Rs
2 crores has been received from government as grant. He also
said that in the 2014-15 budget an expenditure of rs 1.54 crore
on University officers salaries and other cultural programmes for
non-planned and about Rs 56.50 lakh for plan items is expected.
In the estimated budget of 2015-16 expected expenses on
salaries of university authorities, employees and teachers from
non-plan budget will be about Rs 8.32 crores and salaries / honorariums of employees from the planned budget will be about Rs
58 lakh. A plan has also been made for more comprehensive
coaching and training of boy and girl students belonging to minority communities for different competitive examinations in financial
cooperation with the department of minorities welfare so that free
coaching / training could be provided to poor and backward
classes of students of minority communities so as to provide
maximum benefits to them. He also announced the plan of introducing some new courses in this university. (N. A. Ansari)

could easily procure jobs or internship or training. He emphasised

the point that the process of decision making should be quick and
delay in decision making or red tapism should be avoided. This is
advisable for quick progress in every field.
While talking to media persons he said that he wants to promote self confidence and expertise in students of MANUU and
promised that he will invite more industrialists here soon.
Managing Director of Binani cement Joy Ghosh laid emphasis on
professional education. He said that production of cement apparently appears to be simple and easy but for producing it, difficult
and complicated processes have to be adopted. He said that we
need skilled and trained persons for cement, zink and other industries, adding that he will make arrangements for training to the students of Urdu University and provide a platform for them so that
they could build good careers. Prof Muhammad Abdullah,
Professional Chair, Faculty of Economics and Islamic University of
Malaysia and Advisor, Islamic Research & Training Institute,
Islamic Development Bank, Jaddah said that Islamic Banking and
Finance sector will be very useful for students of MANUU. He also
said that he will give his full cooperation for developing contact
between MANUU and Islamic University of Malayasia. He said that
at present world Islamic finance market is worth 1.6 trillion US
Dollars which will reach 6 trillion US Dollars in a few years. One
representative of the industrial delegation said while expressing
his views that students and teachers of this university have great
capabilities. They simply need a bit of motivation and training.

join JMB besides providing tactical and material support to senior

leaders of the outfit in Bangladesh to spread the network in India.
Sources said that acting on a tip-off, NIA officers arrested Motiur
who was close to Shakil Gazi, a JMB member who was killed in
the blast inside a house on 2 October 2014 at Khagragarh of
Burdwan district. It is claimed that he was the main person behind
maintaining hideouts, training and bomb making centres at
Beldanga in Murshidabad. NIA claimed that its probe has revealed
that members of JMB had established their network in different
places like Murshidabad, Nadia, Malda, Birbhum, Burdwan in
West Bengal, Barpeta in Assam and Sahibganj in Pakur
(Jharkhand).NIA took over the case from West Bengal police a few
days after the explosion following revelations of a foreign linkage
behind the incident. NIA has claimed that improvised explosive
devices (IEDs) were being manufactured in the house and later
smuggled to neighbouring Bangladesh.

NHRC seeks reports on church attacks

After protests from the Christian community and frequent media
reports of attacks and vandalism on the religious places of
Christians and Muslims, the National Human Rights Commission
has taken suo motu cognisance of a report about Our Lady of
Graces Church in Vikaspuri which was vandalized by two men in
the early hours of 14 January. The Vikaspuri church authorities
claimed that the attack was carried out to stoke communal tension. The church was vandalized, its front window pane was broken and some statues were damaged. The police arrested three
men for the incident who, police claimed, were inebriated mischief-makers with no political affiliations. Prior to this, four other
incidents of attacks and arson at Christian religious institutions
have occurred in Dilshad Garden, Rohini and Jasola since 1
December, 2014. The NHRC has observed that these frequent
attacks on religious institutions of a minority community, if true,
violate the fundamental right to freedom of religion and cause
immense harm to the countrys social fabric. It said that the culprits involved in these incidents should be brought to justice. The
commission has issued a notice to the Delhi Chief Secretary calling for a report on these incidents within four weeks. The Chief
Secretary was also directed to submit a report about the action
proposed to prevent recurrence of such incidents in the capital.
On 3 January, the Christmas Crib at the Church of Resurrection at
Rohini was mysteriously burnt down. The window panes of Our
Lady of Fatima Church in Okhla were broken during evening Mass
on 7 December last year by some unidentified persons. Earlier on
1 December, the St Sebastians Church in Dilshad Garden was
damaged. Besides, many religious places of the Muslim community too were damaged, but these failed to attract the attention of
NHRC. But, after facing criticism from the US, European Union
and intervention of NHRC, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, broke
his silence and issued his statement for religious tolerance.
Burdwan blast: 4 more JMB activists arrested
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has arrested four more
activists of the Jamatul Mujahideen (JMB) on 28 January from
different parts of West Bengal. The four accused are Dalim Sheik
alias Faijul Hoque Sheik, Motiur Rahman alias Noor Alam, Habibur
Rahman and Ghiyasuddin Munshi. NIA had earlier arrested 12 persons in connection with the Khagragarh blast that took place in
Burdwan. Dalim is said to be an active member of JMB who was
given the task to set up new bases and hideouts for JMB activists.
Investigators claimed that he used to motivate Indian citizens to

Justice delayed, justice denied

Innocent Muslims are arrested and then acquitted years later
when courts do not find evidence against them. It happened in
many cases and it is taking place now, too. The case of
Mohammad Maqsood of Rampur is one of those stories in which
the accused spend years behind bars and then are acquitted, but
governments do not rehabilitate nor compensate them. They are
forced to live in isolation and neglect, but who cares! Sessions
Court of Moradabad acquitted Mohammad Maqsood in 2014 after
he had spent 12 years in jail under POTA for a crime he never
committed. He has now threatened to commit suicide after he
failed to attract the attention of the government towards his deteriorating conditions. Mohammad Maqsood, a resident of Nalapar
area in Rampur, was arrested by the then Superintendent of Police
in 2002 for terrorist activities. He was put behind bars under
POTA. Maqsood was arrested at the time while he was searching
for a job, and had already received a letter from the Railways
Recruitment Board (Ajmer) where he had applied for the post of
gaugeman. If Maqsood had not been arrested, he would have
been employed in the Indian Railways. Maqsood not only lost his
job, but his father also died of grief and pain after his son was
implicated. His mother lost her vision due to incessant crying.
Maqsood puts the blame on both the state and the Central governments for wasting his life. Now Maqsood has threatened to
commit suicide if he is not provided with a certificate of patriotism, Rs. 50 lakh as compensation for unfair incarceration and a
government job. He has also appealed to the members of the state
assembly and Parliament to raise his matter on the floor of the
house. He said he has nothing to lose more except his blind mother.
Muhammad Jamal Asami gets bail after 20 months
Jamal Asami
was finally
released on
11 February
by a Mumbai
c o u r t .
arrested him
on 3 August,
2013 illegally
charges and had to release him shortly thereafter. Shortly, on 6
August, it re-arrested him claiming that he had illegal arms in his
possession. He belongs to Assam and had no one in Mumbai to
take care of his case. He was finally adopted by Jamiat Ulama
Maharashtra which entrusted his case to senior criminal lawyer
Tahwar Khan Pathan who works with senior advocate Mahmood
Pracha. Pathan expressed his hope that Asamis alleged accom
plice too will soon be released on bail.


The Milli Gazette, 1-15 March 2015



White House hosts anti-terrorism summit

A number of national faith groups have questioned the framing of the summit. In an open letter to
President Obama, the Interfaith Alliance protested White House press secretary Josh Earnest's
statement formally announcing the event, which the group said "mentions only acts of violence
perpetrated by individuals who self-identify as Muslims, and it holds up as examples of prevention only
CVE pilot programs directed at American Muslims."
Muslims....It's important that we at least admit that what
Washington: The White House held a three-day anti-terrorism
summit dubbed as "Countering Violent Extremism Summit," from
Tuesday to Thursday (Feb. 17-19).
Addressing the summit on Wednesday, President Barack
Obama said the United States is not at war with Islam. He told the
summit that he wants to discredit the belief that Americans and
Westerners in general are at odds with Muslims. He said this
narrative helps extremists radicalize and recruit young Americans
and others.
He also said that the world is at war with those who have
"perverted Islam," and stressed the importance of reaching out to
young people most at risk of being recruited by radical groups.
"No religion is responsible for terrorism, people are responsible
for violence and terrorism," Obama said.
Speaking at the anti-terrorism summit on Thursday, President
Obama reiterated that any contention by terrorist groups that
Western nations are fighting a war against Islam is an "ugly lie."
"The notion that the West is at war with Islam is an ugly lie," he
said. "And all of us, regardless of our faith, have a responsibility
to reject it."
Obama urged summit delegates to "confront the warped
ideology" espoused by terror groups, particularly efforts to use
Islam to justify violence. "These terrorists are desperate for
legitimacy and all us have a responsibility to refute the notion that
groups like ISIL somehow represent Islam, because that is a
falsehood that embraces the terrorist narrative,'' Obama said.
According to a White House statement, the purpose of the
summit is to "highlight domestic and international efforts to
prevent violent extremists and their supporters from radicalizing,
recruiting, or inspiring individuals or groups in the United States
and abroad to commit acts of violence, efforts made even more
imperative in light of recent, tragic attacks in Ottawa, Sydney, and
This summit will build on the strategy the White House
released in August of 2011, Empowering Local Partners to
Prevent Violent Extremism in the United States, the first national
strategy to prevent violent extremism domestically.
Keith Ellison: Speaking at the summit on Wednesday, Rep.
Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) denounced the United States' targeting of
Muslim populations and argued that by failing to prosecute hate
crimes against Muslim communities the U.S. government is only
furthering extremists' cause.
Recalling the shooting of three young Muslim students in
Chapel Hill, North Carolina on Feb 10, and official reluctance to
question the shooter's motive, Ellison told the assembly, "It's
important that law enforcement prosecute hate crimes against

Dubai's Holy Quran Park to

open next September
Dubai: The opening of the Holy Quran Park in Dubai is in sight,
and final touches are being given to the park. Paving of the roads
and parking construction is currently ongoing, the Dubai
Municipality has announced. "The General Maintenance
Department is currently preparing for the construction of the
pavement and parking at the Holy Quran Park in Al Khawaneej,"
the concerned department said.
The 64-hectare park is expected to be completed and opened
for public in September this year. The new attraction is intended
to educate the public about the Holy Quran and its miracles, and
will showcase all plants mentioned in the Holy Quran and
available in the UAE. Fig, pomegranate, olive, corn, leek, garlic,
onion, lentil, barley, wheat, ginger, pumpkin, watermelon,
tamarind, seder, vineyards, bananas, cucumbers and basil are
some of the species that will be planted in the theme park. Of the
54 species mentioned in the Holy Quran, 35 will be showcased
inside the park while the remaining 15 species will be grown in
green houses and 20 outside. The park will also have a tunnel
which will exhibit the miracles described in the Holy Quran in the
form of images and audio material, in addition to tracks for
running, cycling and sand walking, an Umrah corner, outside
theatre, fountains, desert garden, palm oasis and a lake. The total
cost of the project is estimated at around Dh. 27 million.

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happened in Chapel Hill probably was not only about a parking

space." He added, "This defies our sense of logic and common
Ellison, who is the first Muslim elected to Congress, said that
the incident is emblematic of how the United States' targeting and
prosecution of Muslims only reinforces extremist behavior. "This
actually helps to support the false narrative of violent extremism;
[extremists] want to make the case that America hates you, is
against you, join us," he said.
"Razan, Yusor and Deah-the three student victims-were living,
walking, breathing examples of countering violent extremism until
their lives were taken away," added the congressman. "Let us not
slip into a mistaken idea that terrorism is somehow a Muslim
Ellison also criticized recent moves by U.S. banks to stop all
money transfers between the U.S. and Somalia. "On February 6,
our financial services system stopped working with Somali
money-wiring services to send money to Somalia," said Ellison,
whose home state has the largest Somali-American population in
the country. "This is important because in the region, the violent
extremist wants to be able to say 'See, they won't even let your
relatives send you money.' They want to be able to say that and
we have got to be able to stop them from saying that." "The violent
extremist makes the case that America is at war with Islam and
Muslims, and we have to assert that this is not true; not just in
word, but in deed," he said.
Joe Biden: Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday opened the
three-day White House summit by pointing to the U.S. experience
with assimilating immigrants as a factor in helping it prevent the
terrorist attacks that have hit Europe. Biden took part in a roundtable discussion with local leaders from Boston, Los Angeles and
Minneapolis. The three cities have programs to counter extremism
that the White House wants to promote as examples. Officials say
they hope to replicate those programs in other places around the
countries with populations that could be prone to radicalization.
Biden, in his remarks, held up Boston, Los Angeles and
Minneapolis as examples of communities moving ahead with
programs to counter extremism locally. He said the goal was to
bring together broad coalitions of community leaders so that all
Americans - and particularly Muslims - would feel like "we see
them." "We haven't always gotten it right," Biden said. "But we
have a lot of experience integrating communities into the
American system, the American dream."
American Muslim reaction
The CVE summit has drawn criticism from civil rights
organizations, who say the government risks alienating Muslim
communities by partnering with religious and cultural
organizations to identify potential extremists. "From
conceptualization to implementation, the CVE strategy raises
significant constitutional and privacy concerns. It is not based on
empirical evidence of effectiveness. It threatens to do more harm
than good," Hina Shamsi, the director of the American Civil
Liberties Union National Security Project, was quoted by CNN as
American Muslim leaders have also warned that the White
House conference to 'counter violent extremism' is well
intentioned but risks stigmatizing and endangering Muslims in
America. They say whatever the summit's intentions, it will
reinforce a message that American Muslims are to be hated and

Who is Netanyahu and why

should the US Congress
boycott his speech
Netanyahu) was born to Benzion
Mileikowsky (later changed names to
Netanyahu), a polish immigrant. His
American father became secretary to
Yevgenyevich Zhabotinsky (aka Zeev Jabotinsky) founder of "revisionist" Zionism and supported groups like Irgun terrorist organization during the mandate in Palestine. His son continues to idolize these early Jewish terrorists. Both Benjamin and his brother
served in units of the Israeli forces responsible for assassinations
on foreign lands (in violations of international law) and committed
other war crimes. Benjamin Miliekowsky (Netanyahu) is known
both among Israelis and globally as a consummate liar who
refused to accept the Oslo accords (even though they were partial to Israel) and has gotten rich off of his political activities. Here
is a video of him thinking the camera was off explaining his true
contributions during his first stint as Israeli prime minister in the
1990s. youtube. com/watch? v=JrtuBas3Ipw. see also this
report: http://972mag.com/netanyahu-clinton-administrationwas-%E2%80%9Cextremely-pro-palestinian%E2%80%9D-istopped-oslo/135/
This is after all the same terrorist who gave a speech to
dozens of Likud Party members in Eilat in which he admitted this
is his strategy. According to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz (15
July 2001): "... giving his audience a bit of advice on how to deal

feared, a spark in what they consider to be a powder-keg of

Islamophobia in the media and online.
A number of national faith groups have questioned the
framing of the summit. In an open letter to President Obama, the
Interfaith Alliance protested White House press secretary Josh
Earnest's statement formally announcing the event, which the
group said "mentions only acts of violence perpetrated by
individuals who self-identify as Muslims, and it holds up as
examples of prevention only CVE pilot programs directed at
American Muslims."
The letter signed by 18 organizations notes that: " As you
know, studies by the FBI and the Southern Poverty Law Center
have shown that the overwhelming majority of terrorist incidents
in the United States were committed by non-Muslims."
Rabbi Jack Moline, executive director of Interfaith Alliance,
said, The White House must make sure not to unfairly single out
American Muslims as it seeks to confront violent extremism
perpetrated in the name of any faith or ideology."
While Muslim Advocates has been critical of the summit, it
was also invited to attend. It sent legal director, Glenn Katon, to
share the group's viewpoint. "They seem to focus primarily on
Muslim communities, which account for only a small fraction of
terrorist activities carried out in the United States," Farhana Khera,
executive director of the group Muslim Advocates, said in an
interview with Washington Post. She added that any faith
community - including Christians and Jews, "would be horrified to
learn that their religious leaders were asked by law enforcement
to monitor their congregants' religious views and opinions and
report back to them."
The killing of Deah Barakat, 23, his wife Yusor Mohammad
Abu-Salha, 21, and her sister Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19,
"really underscores how dangerous it is for the US government,
including the White House, to focus its countering violent
extremism initiatives primarily on American Muslims", said
Farhana Khera.
The US Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), a
coalition of several leading national and local Muslim
organizations, gathered around fifty U.S. Muslim leaders at a fullday forum on countering violent extremism (CVE) in Washington,
D.C. on February 10, 2015. The forum adopted the following
points on CVE:
(a) The USCMO endorsed an ACLU-led letter addressing the
current countering violent extremism initiative that was sent to the
Obama administration. We are disappointed that the
administration has not responded to the fair concerns raised in the
letter. (b) Based on the shared experience of summit attendees
and recent media revelations, the USCMO is very concerned that
law enforcement outreach and CVE programs may be
accompanied by intelligence gathering activities or other abusive
law enforcement practices. The concern is particularly acute in
relation to the FBI. (c) The USCMO is concerned that the Muslim
community has been singled out by the administration for CVE.
This singling out is Constitutionally-questionable and morally
While the first two days of the three-day summit primarily
focused on domestic extremism while the final day saw full
participation of more than 60 countries including several
ministers. According to the White House Fact Sheet the "Summit
offers an opportunity to approach CVE in a comprehensive way
and build upon the framework of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism
Strategy, which encourages the UN and other multilateral bodies
to intensify efforts to identify and address the local drivers of
violent extremism. "
Abdus Sattar Ghazali is the Chief Editor of the Journal of America
(www.journalofamerica.net) Email: asghazali2011@gmail.com
See President Obamas sppech on page 18

with foreign interviewers (Netanyahu said): 'Always, irrespective

of whether you're right or not, you must always present your side
as right.' In 2011, the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy,
described Netanyahu as a liar in a private exchange with US
President Barack Obama at the G20 summit (it was inadvertently
broadcast to journalists). "I cannot stand him. He's a liar," Sarkozy
told Obama. The US president Obama responded by saying:
"You're fed up with him? I have to deal with him every day."
Rajai Masri wrote "The world, as I am sure you would agree
with me, is made up of a cluster of Zones termed Spheres of
Influence. No small fish, like a miniscule Jordan for example, can
ever survive without falling under one of these spheres of influence. Israel with the vanity of access to the Exceptional powers,
resources and reaches of the world Jewry imagines that through
the fragmentation of the Middle Eastern region into sectarian and
ethnic constituency. Given Israel's exceptional military prowess, it
could ultimately dominate the whole Middle East and render, in the
example of Sparta in the old history, the fragmented entities of the
Middle East vassal clients rendering the region Israel's Sphere of
I would agree and add that Israel (Netanyahu's last tirade) fixation on Hizbollah, Syria, Hamas, and Iran only shows who actually stands in resistance to this blood-drenched scenario planned
by the Zionist movement. As I always said, Zionism as a racist
movement built with ethnic cleansing will lose either way it chooses: by being forced with BDS and world outrage as happened in
South Africa or violently in conflict. Most of humanity prefers the
non-violent pressure and we must act to pressure.
Mazin Qumsiyeh is Professor and Director Palestine Museum of Natural
History Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability at Bethlehem
University http://palestinenature.org


The Milli Gazette, 1-15 March 2015



Is Saudi Arabia reviewing anti-MB approach?

Occupied East Jerusalem
Signs are rife that the new ruler of Saudi Arabia, King Salman, may
be reconsidering his predecessor's decision to outlaw the Muslim
Brotherhood (MB).
The late King Abdullah was apparently under the influence of
"bad advisors" when he issued a hastily-prepared decree,
classifying the MB, along with several other groups, as a terrorist
The MB is the biggest and by far most moderate
contemporary Sunni Islamic movement, with followers and
supporters spread all over the globe. Its ideological and political
enemies, who include secularists, Shiites, Leftists and Arab
nationalists, accuse it of extremism and violence. However, these
enemies are yet to produce any concrete and irrefutable evidence
corroborating their claims.
That is why the decision by King Abdullah in March raised
many eyebrows in the Arab region, including Saudi Arabia itself.
It is widely believed that the Saudi government has come to,
more or less, regret the decision. Some reliable sources close to
the decision-making process in Riyadh have indicated that that
the government is studying ways and means to "deactivate" the
decision, but without making "dramatic repercussions internally
or externally."
Positive signs
This week, Saudi Arabia's veteran foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal
was quoted as telling a Saudi journalist that is blatantly hostile to
the Ikhwan that Saudi Arabia "has no problem with the Muslim
The remarks made by Saud Al-Faisal, suggest some pundits,
may signal that the new ruler of the Kingdom will be more tolerant
toward the group than his predecessor.
"We don't have a problem with the Muslim Brotherhood; our
problem is with a small group affiliated to this organization."
The foreign minister's remarks carry more weight than usual,
given the fact that he himself requested the interview with a

journalist notorious for her dislike for the Islamist movement.

Last week, Khalid al-Tuwaijri, widely viewed as the leader of
the campaign against the MB, toned down his erstwhile vitriolic
criticisms of the Ikhwan, arguing that the Ikhwan was a diverse
"The Brotherhood includes nations and states, so no mindful
man can designate the whole group as a terrorist organization."
He further pointed out that the MB was "stretching from
Indonesia to Morocco."
He carefully added that those seeking reforms in their
societies and trying to introduce Sharia-based laws in state
constitutions "were not included in the original banning decree."
According to a Saudi news website, Al-Khalij Al-Jadeed, alTuwaijri, has been under house arrest since the death of the late
King Abdullah.
The website reported that al-Tuwaijri was barred from
travelling pending investigations into financial and political
Al-Khalij Al-Jadeed also reported other Saudi media sources
saying that the UAE authorities had asked the Bahraini King to
mediate with Saudi Arabia to allow al-Tuwaijri to travel to the
Emirates. Bahrain reportedly refused the mediation saying that alTuwaijri is wanted for interrogation over political and financial
scandals. It also expressed displeasure over the request,
regarding it interference into the internal affairs of Saudi Arabia.
A few weeks ago, Egyptian sources believed to be
sympathetic with the ousted democratically-elected resident
Muhammad Mursi reported that al-Tuwaijri had "questionable
financial dealings" with Egypt's coup leader, Abdul Fattah al-Sissi.
Egyptian officials and media have refused to comment on the
latest developments in Saudi Arabia. The Sissi coup regime is
believed to have received more than $10 billion from Saudi Arabia
under the late King Abdullah.
The massive and almost totally unconditional aid package
drew angry reactions from Islamists and their supporters who
charged the late king Abdullah was effectively betraying the
Kingdom's long-standing principles by supporting and abetting an
anti-Islamic tyranny.

Putin Threatens to Release Satellite Evidence of 9/11

Moscow (Pravda): American experts believe
that despite the fact that relations between the
US and Russia reached the worst point since
the Cold War, Putin delivered Obama only
minor troubles until now. Analysts believe that
this is the "calm before the storm." Putin is
going to hit once, but he's going to hit hard.
Russia is preparing the release of evidence of
the involvement of the US government and
intelligence services in the September 11
attacks. The list of evidence includes satellite
images. Published material can prove the US
government complicity in the 9/11 attacks
and the successful manipulation of public
opinion. The attack was planned by the US
government, but exercised using her proxy,
so that an attack on America and the people
of the United States looked like an act of
aggression by international terrorist organizations. The motive for deception and murder its
own citizens served US oil interests and the
Middle East state corporations.
The evidence will be so convincing that it
utterly debunks the official 9/11 cover story
supported by the US government. Russia

proves that America is no stranger to using

false flag terrorism against its citizens in order
to achieve a pretext for military intervention in
a foreign country. In the case of "the
September 11 attacks," the evidence will be
conclusive satellite imagery.
If successful, the consequences of
Putin's tactics would expose the US government's secret terrorist policies. The government's credibility will be undermined and
should bring about mass protests in the cities
leading to an uprising, according to American
And as the United States will look on the
world political arena? The validity of
America's position as a leader in the fight
against international terrorism will be totally
undermined giving immediately advantage to
rogue states and Islamic terrorists. The actual development of the situation could be much
worse, experts warn. (veteranstoday.com)
Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of
the Vietnam War.He is a disabled veteran and has
worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
The Russian satellite evidence proving the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center using
"special weapons" was reviewed by a VT editor
while in Moscow.



Israel is distorting reality of

Iran talks: U.S. officials

The Obama administration on 18 February accused the Israeli government of misleading the public over the Iran nuclear negotiations, using unusually blunt and terse language that once again
highlighted the rift between the two sides. In briefings with
reporters, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki and White
House spokesman Josh Earnest suggested Israeli officials were
not being truthful about how the United States is handling the
secretive talks. "I think it is safe to say not everything you are hearing from the Israeli government is an accurate reflection of the
details of the talks," said Psaki.
Earnest said U.S. officials routinely speak with their Israeli
counterparts. But, he added, the administration "is not going to be
in a position of negotiating this agreement in public, particularly
when we see that there is a continued practice of cherry-picking
specific pieces of information and using them out of context to
distort the negotiating position of the United States."
The immediate cause of the dual rebukes is the administration's unhappiness over Israeli leaks of some details on the nuclear
talks, shared by U.S. negotiators in private conversations with
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other officials.
Netanyahu considers a deal being worked on with Iran an existential threat to Israel and has made clear his intention to voice his
concerns during an address to Congress on March 3.
Obama has said he will not meet with Netanyahu while he is
in town, citing the coming Israeli elections and precedent whereby
a U.S. president does not meet with foreign leaders close to balloting. The United States, France, Britain, China, Russia and
Germany have spent more than a year negotiating with Iran about
ways to curtail its nuclear program so it cannot develop nuclear
weapons - arms that Iran contends it has no desire to build. In
exchange for limits and monitoring, Iran would have sanctions
eased and eventually lifted. (Excerpted from a report in the
Washington Post, February 18)

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The Milli Gazette, 1-15 March 2015



We are not at war with Islam; We are at war

with people who have perverted Islam: Obama
Following are excerpts from President Barak Obamas address
in Closing of the Summit on Countering Violent Extremism at
the White House on February 18, 2015:
The bombing that killed 168 people could not break Oklahoma City.
On 9/11, terrorists tried to bring us to our knees; today a new tower
soars above New York City, and America continues to lead throughout the world. After Americans were killed at Fort Hood and the
Boston Marathon, it didn't divide us; we came together as one
American family.
Most recently, with the brutal murders in Chapel Hill of three
young Muslim Americans, many Muslim Americans are worried
and afraid. And I want to be as clear as I can be: As Americans,
all faiths and backgrounds, we stand with you in your grief and we
offer our love and we offer our support.
I say all this because we face genuine challenges to our security today, just as we have throughout our history. Challenges to our
security are not new. They didn't happen yesterday or a week ago
or a year ago. We've always faced challenges. One of those challenges is the terrorist threat from groups like al Qaeda and ISIL. But
this isn't our challenge alone. It's a challenge for the world. ISIL is
terrorizing the people of Syria and Iraq, beheads and burns human
beings in unfathomable acts of cruelty. We've seen deadly attacks
in Ottawa and Sydney and, Paris, and now Copenhagen.
So, in the face of this challenge, we have marshalled the full
force of the United States government, and we're working with allies
and partners to dismantle terrorist organizations and protect the
American people. Given the complexities of the challenge and the
nature of the enemy -- which is not a traditional army -- this work
takes time, and will require vigilance and resilience and perspective.
But I'm confident that, just as we have for more than two centuries,
we will ultimately prevail. ...we are here today because of a very
specific challenge and that's countering violent extremism, something that is not just a matter of military affairs. By "violent extremism," we don't just mean the terrorists who are killing innocent people. We also mean the ideologies, the infrastructure of extremists,
the propagandists, the recruiters, the funders who radicalize and
recruit or incite people to violence. We all know there is no one profile of a violent extremist or terrorist, so there's no way to predict
who will become radicalized. Around the world, and here in the
United States, inexcusable acts of violence have been committed
against people of different faiths, by people of different faiths which
is, of course, a betrayal of all our faiths. It's not unique to one group,
or to one geography, or one period of time...And today, what I want
to do is suggest several areas where I believe we can concentrate
our efforts.
First, we have to confront squarely and honestly the twisted ideologies that these terrorist groups use to incite people to violence.
Leading up to this summit, there's been a fair amount of debate in
the press and among pundits about the words we use to describe
and frame this challenge. So I want to be very clear about how I
see it.
Al Qaeda and ISIL and groups like it are desperate for legitimacy. They try to portray themselves as religious leaders -- holy warriors in defense of Islam. That's why ISIL presumes to declare itself
the "Islamic State." And they propagate the notion that America -and the West, generally -- is at war with Islam. That's how they
recruit. That's how they try to radicalize young people. We must
never accept the premise that they put forward, because it is a lie.
Nor should we grant these terrorists the religious legitimacy that
they seek. They are not religious leaders -- they're terrorists. And
we are not at war with Islam. We are at war with people who have
perverted Islam.
Now, just as those of us outside Muslim communities need to
reject the terrorist narrative that the West and Islam are in conflict,
or modern life and Islam are in conflict, I also believe that Muslim
communities have a responsibility as well. Al Qaeda and ISIL do
draw, selectively, from the Islamic texts. They do depend upon the
misperception around the world that they speak in some fashion for
people of the Muslim faith, that Islam is somehow inherently violent,
that there is some sort of clash of civilizations.
Of course, the terrorists do not speak for over a billion Muslims
who reject their hateful ideology. They no more represent Islam
than any madman who kills innocents in the name of God represents Christianity or Judaism or Buddhism or Hinduism. No religion
is responsible for terrorism. People are responsible for violence and
And to their credit, there are respected Muslim clerics and
scholars not just here in the United States but around the world who
push back on this twisted interpretation of their faith. They want to
make very clear what Islam stands for. And we're joined by some
of these leaders today. These religious leaders and scholars preach
that Islam calls for peace and for justice, and tolerance toward others; that terrorism is prohibited; that the Koran says whoever kills an
innocent, it is as if he has killed all mankind. Those are the voices
that represent over a billion people around the world.
The reality -- which, again, many Muslim leaders have spoken
to -- is that there's a strain of thought that doesn't embrace ISIL's
tactics, doesn't embrace violence, but does buy into the notion that
the Muslim world has suffered historical grievances -- sometimes
that's accurate -- does buy into the belief that so many of the ills in
the Middle East flow from a history of colonialism or conspiracy;
does buy into the idea that Islam is incompatible with modernity or
tolerance, or that it's been polluted by Western values.
So those beliefs exist. In some communities around the world
they are widespread. And so it makes individuals -- especially
young people who already may be disaffected or alienated -- more

Leaders like myself reject the

notion that terrorists like ISIL
genuinely represent Islam,
Muslim leaders need to do
more to discredit the notion
that our nations are determined to suppress Islam, that
there's an inherent clash in
civilizations. Everybody has
to speak up very clearly that
no matter what the grievance, violence against innocents doesn't defend
Islam or Muslims, it damages Islam and Muslims.
ripe for radicalization. And so we've got to be able to talk honestly
about those issues. We've got to be much more clear about how
we're rejecting certain ideas.
So just as leaders like myself reject the notion that terrorists like
ISIL genuinely represent Islam, Muslim leaders need to do more to
discredit the notion that our nations are determined to suppress
Islam, that there's an inherent clash in civilizations. Everybody has
to speak up very clearly that no matter what the grievance, violence
against innocents doesn't defend Islam or Muslims, it damages
Islam and Muslims.
As we go forward, we need to find new ways to amplify the
voices of peace and tolerance and inclusion -- and we especially
need to do it online. We also need to lift up the voices of those who
know the hypocrisy of groups like ISIL firsthand, including former
extremists. Their words speak to us today. And I know in some of
the discussions these voices have been raised: "I witnessed horrible crimes committed by ISIS." "It's not a revolution or jihadit's a
slaughterI was shocked by what I did." "This isn't what we came
for, to kill other Muslims." "I'm 28 -- is this the only future I'm able
to imagine?" That's the voice of so many who were temporarily radicalized and then saw the truth. And they've warned other young
people not to make the same mistakes as they did. "Do not run after
illusions." "Do not be deceived." "Do not give up your life for nothing." We need to lift up those voices.
And in all this work, the greatest resource are communities
themselves, especially like those young people who are here today.
We are joined by talented young men and women who are pioneering new innovations, and new social media tools, and new ways to
reach young people. We're joined by leaders from the private sector, including high-tech companies, who want to support your
efforts. And I want to challenge all of us to build new partnerships
that unleash the talents and creativity of young people -- young
Muslims -- not just to expose the lies of extremists but to empower
youth to service, and to lift up people's lives here in America and
around the world. And that can be a calling for your generation.
So that's the first challenge -- we've got to discredit these ideologies. We have to tackle them head on. And we can't shy away
from these discussions. And too often, folks are, understandably,
sensitive about addressing some of these root issues, but we have
to talk about them, honestly and clearly. And the reason I believe we
have to do so is because I'm so confident that when the truth is out
we'll be successful. Now, a second challenge is we do have to
address the grievances that terrorists exploit, including economic
grievances. Poverty alone does not cause a person to become a
terrorist, any more than poverty alone causes somebody to become
a criminal. There are millions of people -- billions of people -- in
the world who live in abject poverty and are focused on what they
can do to build up their own lives, and never embrace violent ideologies.
Conversely, there are terrorists who've come from extraordinarily wealthy backgrounds, like Osama bin Laden. What's true,
though, is that when millions of people -- especially youth -- are
impoverished and have no hope for the future, when corruption
inflicts daily humiliations on people, when there are no outlets by
which people can express their concerns, resentments fester. The
risk of instability and extremism grow. Where young people have no
education, they are more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and radical ideas, because it's not tested against anything else, they've got
nothing to weigh. And we've seen this across the Middle East and
North Africa.
And terrorist groups are all too happy to step into a void. They
offer salaries to their foot soldiers so they can support their families.
Sometimes they offer social services -- schools, health clinics -- to
do what local governments cannot or will not do. They try to justify their violence in the name of fighting the injustice of corruption
that steals from the people -- even while those terrorist groups end
up committing even worse abuses, like kidnapping and human trafficking.
So if we're going to prevent people from being susceptible to
the false promises of extremism, then the international community
has to offer something better. And the United States intends to do
its part. We will keep promoting development and growth that is
broadly shared, so more people can provide for their families. We'll
keep leading a global effort against corruption, because the culture
of the bribe has to be replaced by good governance that doesn't
favor certain groups over others.
Countries have to truly invest in the education and skills and job
training that our extraordinary young people need. And by the way,
that's boys and girls, and men and women, because countries will
not be truly successful if half their populations -- if their girls and
their women are denied opportunity. And America will continue to

forge new partnerships in entrepreneurship and innovation, and science and technology, so young people from Morocco to Malaysia
can start new businesses and create more prosperity.
Just as we address economic grievances, we need to face a
third challenge -- and that's addressing the political grievances that
are exploited by terrorists. When governments oppress their people, deny human rights, stifle dissent, or marginalize ethnic and religious groups, or favor certain religious groups over others, it sows
the seeds of extremism and violence. It makes those communities
more vulnerable to recruitment. Terrorist groups claim that change
can only come through violence. And if peaceful change is impossible, that plays into extremist propaganda.
So the essential ingredient to real and lasting stability and
progress is not less democracy; it's more democracy. It's institutions that uphold the rule of law and apply justice equally. It's security forces and police that respect human rights and treat people
with dignity. It's free speech and strong civil societies where people can organize and assemble and advocate for peaceful change.
It's freedom of religion where all people can practice their faith without fear and intimidation. All of this is part of countering violent
Fourth, we have to recognize that our best partners in all these
efforts, the best people to help protect individuals from falling victim to extremist ideologies are their own communities, their own
family members. We have to be honest with ourselves. Terrorist
groups like al Qaeda and ISIL deliberately target their propaganda in
the hopes of reaching and brainwashing young Muslims, especially those who may be disillusioned or wrestling with their identity.
That's the truth. The high-quality videos, the online magazines, the
use of social media, terrorist Twitter accounts -- it's all designed to
target today's young people online, in cyberspace.
And by the way, the older people here, as wise and respected
as you may be, your stuff is often boring compared to what they're
doing. You're not connected. And as a consequence, you are not
So these terrorists are a threat, first and foremost, to the communities that they target, which means communities have to take
the lead in protecting themselves. And that is true here in America,
as it's true anywhere else. When someone starts getting radicalized, family and friends are often the first to see that something has
changed in their personality. Teachers may notice a student becoming withdrawn or struggling with his or her identity, and if they intervene at that moment and offer support, that may make a difference.
So, in our work, we have to make sure that abuses stop, are not
repeated, that we do not stigmatize entire communities. Nobody
should be profiled or put under a cloud of suspicion simply because
of their faith. Engagement with communities can't be a cover for
surveillance. We can't "securitize" our relationship with Muslim
Americans dealing with them solely through the prism of law
enforcement. Because when we do, that only reinforces suspicions,
makes it harder for us to build the trust that we need to work together.
As part of this summit, we're announcing that we're going to
increase our outreach to communities, including Muslim
Americans. We're going to step up our efforts to engage with partners and raise awareness so more communities understand how to
protect their loved ones from becoming radicalized. We've got to
devote more resources to these efforts.
And as government does more, communities are going to have
to step up as well. We need to build on the pilot programs that have
been discussed at this summit already -- in Los Angeles, in
Minneapolis, in Boston. These are partnerships that bring people
together in a spirit of mutual respect and create more dialogue and
more trust and more cooperation. If we're going to solve these
issues, then the people who are most targeted and potentially most
affected -- Muslim Americans -- have to have a seat at the table
where they can help shape and strengthen these partnerships so
that we're all working together to help communities stay safe and
strong and resilient.
And finally, we need to do what extremists and terrorists hope
we will not do, and that is stay true to the values that define us as
free and diverse societies. If extremists are peddling the notion that
Western countries are hostile to Muslims, then we need to show
that we welcome people of all faiths.
Here in America, Islam has been woven into the fabric of our
country since its founding. Generations of Muslim immigrants
came here and went to work as farmers and merchants and factory workers, helped to lay railroads and build up America. The first
Islamic center in New York City was founded in the 1890s.
America's first mosque -- this was an interesting fact -- was in
North Dakota.
Muslim Americans protect our communities as police officers
and firefighters and first responders, and protect our nation by serving in uniform, and in our intelligence communities, and in homeland security. And in cemeteries across our country, including at
Arlington, Muslim American heroes rest in peace having given their
lives in defense of all of us.
And of course that's the story extremists and terrorists don't
want the world to know -- Muslims succeeding and thriving in
America. Because when that truth is known, it exposes their propaganda as the lie that it is. It's also a story that every American must
never forget, because it reminds us all that hatred and bigotry and
prejudice have no place in our country.
(To read te full text, please vist: http://www.whitehouse.gov/thepress-office/2015/02/18/remarks-president-closing-summitcountering-violent-extremism)

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The Milli Gazette, 1-15 March 2015



ISIS is beyond the pale of Islam: Ahl-e Hadees scholars

Following is a translation of the full
text of the Fatwa issued in Urdu by
Ahl-e Hadees Muftis and Scholars
at Delhi on 15 February:
There is no doubt that Islam is the religion of
peace revealed by Allah, the Creator of all
creatures and it is the embodiment of mercy
and blessings for the entire world. There is no
room for any kind of terrorism in it. This religion, based on moderation and middle-of-theroad policy, has always emphasised on the
human dignity and greatness and has played a
laudable role in maintaining and promoting
peace. This religion, based on the principle of
moderation, has always discouraged the elements who create mischief and restlessness in
society. God Almighty is extremely merciful
and magnanimous, and His last Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) was sent as Mercy for all
Mankind. His teachings are free from violence
and are full of mercy. Islam ordains peace,
mutual brotherhood, moderation, humanism
and rights of neighbours and all human beings
without any kind of religious and sectarian discrimination. It ordains granting rights to
human beings and respecting the rights of
God. In Islam, oppression, cruelty, bloodshed,
mayhem are the biggest sins after shirk [association of someone with The One God]. Allah
ordains whoever kills an innocent person it is
as if he has killed the entire humanity and whoever saves one life, it is as if he has saved the
whole humanity (Al-Maida: 32).
Islams teaching is that even in Jihad, children, women, elderly people of the enemy,
their worshippers and devotees who are living
in their temples and dormitories should not be
killed, nor fields, orchards, crops, fruits etc be
burnt, nor animals killed. Our beloved Prophet
(pbuh) said that a pious woman was sent to
hell because she had tied and kept a cat hungry and thirsty because of which it died, and a
sinful person who had drawn water from a well
and quenched the thirst of a dog was sent to
In Islams justice system does not allow

that revenge for one mans fault be exacted

from another man (Surah Anam: 164).
In Islamic government, it is the responsibility of the government and Muslims to ensure
the safety and to protect non-Muslims and
those who kill them without any rhyme or reason will be far far away from Paradise (Sahih
Similarly, non-believers, who are not fighting in wars, cannot be harmed. Imam ibn
Qudama says that there is no difference of
opinion among imams of Islam that unnecessary murder, i.e., murder without any reason,
is illegitimate and forbidden.
Imam ibn Taymia and Imam Nawawi say
that the biggest sin is shirk [association of
someone with the One God] and after it, the
biggest sin is murder without any valid reason.
Al-Hafiz ibn Hajar says that when unnecessary
killing of animals is not permitted, how can the
murder of human-beings without any valid reason be permitted? Hazrat Abdullah ibn Umar
says that the pit of perdition after falling in
which it is impossible to come out is murder
without any reason.
Hence, the attempt of some organisations
to take the law in their hands, throwing or
exploding bombs on roads and public places,
blowing off government and / or personal
properties and military installations, hijacking
of planes, making passengers, travellers, journalists, foreign employees and nurses etc prisoners and hostages or killing them, attacking
women who do not sport veil, attacking educational institutions, offices of newspapers and
TV channels, embassies, misleading and instigating people against their governments and
trying to destroy peace and harmony of the
country etc are not correct from the Shariat
point of view. In Shariat, there are conditions
for ordering good deeds and speaking out
against misdeeds and every Tom, Dick and
Harry is not required to discharge this duty.
Shariat has, as in all cases, prescribed limits
for everybody, ignoring which leads to mischiefs and riots, resulting in bloodshed and
Unfor tunately, in present times some

organisations have come out which, in the

name of Islam, have become a matter of
shame and disrepute for Muslims of the world.
Organisations like Daish [ISIS] etc are becoming a cause of spoiling and disfiguring the
image of Islam and Muslims and causing them
great harm. Activities and principles of these
organisations are in no way in conformity with
the Islamic principles and teachings. Rather,
the activities these are indulging in are out and
out unlawful and terrorism which are forbidden
in Islam. Self-coined claim of Islamic State
(IS) is simply an illusion and totally against the
concept of the Islamic Khilafah. This organisation neither fulfils the conditions and requirements of Caliphate nor do its activities in any
way justify its claim. In view of all this, the
Grand Mufti of Holy Haram and the President
of Saudi Arabias Supreme Ulama Council,
Allama Abdul Aziz ibn Abdullah Aal Al-Shaikh
says that Daish and organisations like it do
not represent Islam. Shaikh Abdul Muhsin ibn
Hamdul-Ibad, Shaikh Muhammad Al-Munajjid,
may Allah protect them, and other respected
Ulama of Saudi Arabia have said openly and
clearly that these people are the Khawarij
[rebels] of this Ummah. In the distant past
also, because of their lack of true knowledge
and understanding, Islam was harmed. What
they are calling Jihad is nothing but mischief
and terrorism because there are certain rules
and conditions of Jihad which they do not follow nor do they possess the requisite conditions for the same. Similarly, there are some
principles and conditions of Islamic Caliphate
without following which neither can anyone be
Khalifatul Muslimeen nor is it permissible for
any one to use the exalted and respectable title
of Amirul Momineen for such cruel persons
and tyrants.
By hearing the news and seeing the photos
of the ghastly activities Daaish and other similar organisations are indulging in, humanity
cries and wails. These incidents of violence
and barbarism, murder and mayhem, taking
peace-loving citizens hostages and beheading
and burning them alive are such evil deeds
which, not to talk of mankind, cannot be justi-

fied even for animals and whatever is being

done in the name of the Caliphate and Islam
certainly appears to be a result of deep conspiracy of the anti-Islamic forces and murderers of humanity. It is a matter of great sorrow
that some naive people describe these crimes
as the reaction to oppression and cruelties
being heaped on Muslims and other helpless
people. This certainly is because of their lack
of understanding and short sightedness. In
Islam, taking revenge for anybodys sins or
misdeeds by killing innocent persons and
destroying their properties is not permissible,
as is clear from the above-quoted Quranic
verses and Hadiths of the Prophet.
We have the example of the oppressed
Companion, Hazrat Khibaib ibn Adi. When,
seeing a razor in his hand during his captivity,
a woman in the house trembled with fear, fearing that he may slit her sons throat with the
razor. Perceiving her fear and in order to
remove it, Hazrat Khubaib assured her that we
Muslims do not kill innocent children, and he
handed over the child to its mother in spite of
the fact that, because of a complaint by the
family members of that woman, he was about
to be hanged after which his (Hazrat
Khubaibs) children would become orphans
and his wife a widow. Daish is such an organisation which has come into existence to
weaken Islamic forces, to create unrest and
doubts among Muslims, to project a bad image
of Islam in the world and spread hatred against
Islam which is heavenly and divine revelation
for the good of mankind. This undoubtedly is a
danger for humanity and a cause for the
decline of the Muslim Ummah. Hence, such
organisations are terrorist and worth condemnation, and helping them or cooperating with
them in any way is haram [unlawful] from the
Shariat point of view. It is the religious and
moral duty of sane people from the Muslim
Ummah to warn the world against the dangers
of these organisations and try to prevent
Muslim youth from helping and cooperating
with them in any material or spiritual way. (Full
text of the fatwa in Urdu translated by the MG

Three consecutive divorce declarations un-Islamic, liable to punishment

Three consecutive divorce declarations unIslamic, liable to punishment: Pakistan cleric
Islamabad: The Council of Islamic Ideology
in Pakistan decreed on 21 January that a husband who uttered divorce thrice consecutively
would liable to punishment as it was un-Islamic.
The chairman of the council, Maulana
Muhammad Khan Sherani said at a press conference that a man could pronounce one divorce
at a time as per the method prescribed by the

Shariah, according to a Geo News report.

Islamic family law says that a man has to
divorce his wife thrice over three months before
the divorce legally comes into effect.
The council also suggested that the person approving on paper, three divorces consecutively, should also be liable to punishment.
According to the council, a reference would
be needed to remarry [the same woman] after

the first divorce and a Nikah (marriage contract)

would be necessary to remarry after the second
Shirani added that any woman over 40
years of age could be appointed as a judge, provided that she followed the practice of wearing
the hijab.
Backing the councils recommendations,
chief cleric of the Deobandi Islamic educational
institute, Jamia Binoria, Mufti Mohammad

Naeem, said that three consecutive divorce declarations were against the Sunnah.
Sunnah is the way of life that is considered
to be normative for Muslims, based on the
teachings and practices of the Prophet
Muhammad and interpretations of the Islamic
holy text, the Quran.
In our society, divorces are given on petty
issues, he said, adding that divorce rates were
increasing in Pakistan.


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The Milli Gazette, 1-15 March 2015


Javed Habib: a character out of a Greek tragedy

Javed Habib: A Character of a Greek Tragedy
Javed Habib: Hujoom se TanhaiTak
Compiled by:MasoomMoradabadi
Published by Khabardar Publications, Z-103 Taj Enclave, Gita Colony, Delhi
110031, Email khabardaar@yahoo.com, Mobile: 09810780563

Socio-cultural life of
Merchants in Mughal

Javed Habib (May 3, 1948 - October 11, 2012) was a fine orator, a gifted
writer, an embodiment of simplicity and self-sacrifice, convener of All India
Muslim Youth Convention (AIMY), convener of Babri Masjid Coordination
Committee and editor of Hujoom.
Coincidentally, before getting a copy of Javed Habib Hujoom se Tanhai
Tak I was reading Maulana Majid Dariabadis book Muhammad Ali, Zati
Diary ke Chand Auraq and was startled to see the reflections of
Muhammad Ali Jauhar and Hasrat Mohani in Javed Habib.
Prof Akhtarul Wasey seems to agree with my conclusions in his article in the book in which he writes:
In my Aligarh days whenever I looked at Javed Habibs unflinching
faith in the Almighty, his contentment and his bohemian style, I wonder
why I was reminded of Hasrat Mohani Who was there among community leaders he did not have personal contacts with?... His relations with
national leaders like Atal Behari Vajpaee, Chandra Shekhar, Babu Jagjivan
Ram, V.P. Singh and Narasimha Rao are not hidden from anyone. Those
who, due to unknown reasons, used to criticise and taunt Javed Habib, I
always confronted them with the one question: Despite his access to top
figures in the Parliament what has he achieved either for himself or for his
Prof Wasey is one of those who had worked with Javed Habib as a student leader and in later life as well. Highlighting the financial difficulties that
Javed Habib must have, faced Prof Wasey writes:
(It is said that Allah is the Cause of causes and by looking at Javed Habib
my belief in it was further strengthened. In this world where one needs
resources, in Zubaida Bhabi God had blessed Javed Habib a life partner who
had, almost, relieved him of financial and domestic responsibilities. Dr Zubaida
Habib, who served as a senior teacher at Jamia Millias Teachers College, was
the greatest supporter and strength of Javed Habib. Surely a life partner like
Zubaida Bhabi, who had been an embodiment of contentment and patience,
was surely Gods reward to Javed Habib for his virtues.
Even greater and startling insights about this saintly activist have been
provided by poet, journalist and writer Farooq Argali. Describing the postemergency political scene and anti-Indira Gandhi movement launched by
the Janata Party, he says that it was on Hemwati Nandan Bahugunas
advice to invite Javed Habib, a greater orator from Aligarh and involve
him in the election campaign that Jagjivan Ram sent him (Farooq Argali) to
Aligarh and invite Javed Habib.
Describing a public meeting he writes:
An election meeting for Babuji had been arranged in the sprawling field of
Dalmia Cement Factory in Dehri-on-Sone. Without any exaggeration, it was a
gathering of 50,000 to 60,000 people. Babuji was supposed to reach there
after finishing other meetings and was delayed. The audience were losing
patience. Our group, after the rally of Bhabwa, reached Dehri at about 9 PM.
Javed Habib took the mike and it seemed as if he cast a magic spell upon the
audience. Having spoken for an hour, non-stop, when he was about to leave
the mike, the uproar of Speak more, Speak more and Long live Javed Bhai.
Javed Habib resumed his speech. Babuji arrived at about 12:30pm. Spellbound and mesmerised for the last three hours by Javed Habibs speech, the
gathering was completely silent. Those who had heard this speech delivered in
a rare style will never be able to forget it.
Argali writer that in the elections Congress was swept away. The time
came for the formation of Janata Party Government at the centre. With so
Continued from page 1
One cannot but welcome any direction from government that
anticipates and prevents targetted religious violence and hate.
This actually needs a comprehensive law. The BJP has consistently opposed such a law, which Congress governments halfheartedly tried to bring in the last two Parliaments. But even in the
absence of such a law, there are provisions and regulations that
can be substantially used by the governments in the states to control hate campaigns, coercion and violence. It remains to be seen
if state governments and their police forces will act against hate
crimes and hate mongers.
And the future will tell if groups professing religious nationalism have you as the Christian leaders have heard you. TV debates
suggest the Sangh Parivar has not heard you. Or perhaps they
think the Prime Minister does not mean what he says.
The Christian community in India is concerned at the intensity of the targeted and communal violence directed against it
almost on a pan-India basis. Violence against Christians picked up
in independent India in the early 1990s reaching its peak in 2008
- 2009 with more than 1,000 incidents of violence and hate
crimes reported against the Christian community. This continues
today in the form of vicious hate campaigns, physical violence
and police complicity. State impunity contributes to the persecution of the Christian community in many states of India.
Human Rights and Civil Society groups have documented the
death of at least two persons in 2014, killed for their Christian faith.
The list of incidents reflects 147 cases, with many more going unreported and undocumented. The two cases of death in communal antiChristian violence were reported from Orissa and Andhra Pradesh.
An analysis of the data shows Chhattisgarh topping the list with
28 incidents of crime, followed closely by neighbouring Madhya
Pradesh with 26, Uttar Pradesh with 18 and Telengana, a new state
carved out of Andhra Pradesh, with 15 incidents. Much of the violence has taken place after the new government of the NDA came into
power on 26 May, 2014.
The violence peaked between August and October with 56 cases,
before zooming up to 25 cases during the Christmas season. The vio-

much backing from big politicians, If he had wished, Javed Habib could have
gotten one of the highest posts or secured any other benefit for himself. Habib
had different ideas. He liked Babu Jugjivan Rams idea of Dalit-Muslim unity. He
wanted to do politics on the strength of this unity. In 1980, the 28 month old
Janata government collapsed. Indira Gandhi became Prime Minister again.
Babuji formed his Congress (J) party. Bahuguna went back to Congress as its
Secretary General. Imam Abdullah Bukhari resumed his fanatical politics. All of
the parties opened their own shops. But Javed Habib remained with Babuji with
steadfastness, Argali writes. Settled in Delhis Zakir Nagar, Habib launched the
weekly Hujoom. Habib was not only a good orator but also a writer, intellectual and journalist of a very high calibre. It was at this time that he presented the
idea of an All India Youth Convention to Babuji. Babuji was thrilled. This is a
very good idea. Start working on this immediately, he said.
When he addressed the inaugural meeting of the Convention he said:
Friends and elders! For the faces redolent with optimism and brains
full of light that are present in this session I have two presents:one is of my
tears and the other of a little smile and between these two a silence of helplessness. My tears come from my personal helplessness my smile
stems from [the dream of] a future, a possibility and the revolutionary message that was presented by the Holy Prophet (pbuh) 1400 years ago
Another of Javed Habibs close friends and associates from AMU days to
the launch of Hujoom and political activism, Farhat Ahsas writes:
In order to maintain his independence he declined to accept many
high posts. Prime Minister V.P. Singh tried to give him a designation in the
Minorities Commission but he did not look at it as befitting for him. I am an
eye witness to this fact that one night V.P. Singh, in his capacity as the
Prime Minister, phoned Javed Habib at least two-three times asking him to
file papers for membership of Rajya Sabha. But Javed Habib insisted that
he could go to Rajya Sabha only as an independent candidate and not as
someones representative.
Shahid Siddiqui rightly sums up the Greek tragedy aspect of Habibs personality:
Javed Habibs problem was that he was a master of various trades.
He possessed many talents but failed to use his talents fully. Otherwise, the
fact is that he would have emerged as one of the most distinguished
Muslim leaders of the country.
By compiling the writings on Javed Habib of those 25writers, journalists,
academics, poets, politicians and activists who had the privilege of working
with or seeing him, Masoom Moradabadi, an eminent Urdu journalist and editor of daily Jadid Khabar, has done a great service to Indian Muslim history.
M Ghazali Khan is a London-based journalist

lence has continued well into the New Year 2015, with more Catholic
churches in the capital city of Delhi targeted as incidents continue in
other states.
Much of the violence, 54 percent, is of threats, intimidation, coercion, often with the police looking on. Physical violence constituted a quarter of all cases, (24 %), and violence
against Christian women, a trend that is increasingly being
seen since the carnage in Kandhamal, Odisha, in 2007 and
2008, was 11%. Breaking of statues and the Cross, and other
acts of desecration were recorded in about 8 % of the cases,
but many more were also consequent to other forms of violence against institutions. A disturbing trend was violence
against Christians in West Bengal, where though one case was
formally reported; there have been increasing incidents of hate
speech and intimidation.
Police inaction and its failure to arrest the guilty in most
cases, its propensity to try to minimize the crime, and in rural
areas especially, its open partisanship has almost become the
norm. Police ineptitude in forensic investigations has been seen
even in New Delhi where four of the five cases in the months of
December 2014 and January 2015 have seen no progress in the
investigations. In the one case where there were arrests, the
Church and the community have cast doubts on the police version
of the motives of the suspects whose images were recorded in the
Close Circuit TV cameras installed in the church.
The President of India, Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, noted the rise
of communalism and the targeting of religious minorities in his address to the Nation on 25th January 2015, the eve of Republic
Day. President Mukherjee said, In an international environment
where so many countries are sinking into the morass of theocratic violence ... We have always reposed our trust in faith-equality
where every faith is equal before law, and every culture blends into
another to create a positive dynamic. The violence of the tongue
cuts and wounds peoples hearts. The Indian Constitution is the
holy book of democracy. It is a lodestar for the socio-economic
transformation of an India whose civilisation has celebrated plu-

Book: Socio-cultural life

of Merchants in Mughal
Author: Monika Sharma
Pages: 212 pages
ISBN 9781482840377
Price: Rs. 450 (soft
Author and researcher Monika Sharma takes readers back to 16th century India to witness the Sociocultural life of Merchants in Mughal Gujarat (published by Partridge India). In her book, she indentifies the various influential Indian and foreign communities involved in commercial activities and maritime trade, painting a picture of the social, cultural
and economic conditions of the region during the
Mughal period, and giving those interested in Indian
history a rare treat, a boon for their own studies.
Sharma depicts the melting pot of peoples during the time, which included Banias, Bohras, Parsis,
Khojas, Memons, Ghanchis, Chalebis, Armenians
and Europeans, a proverbial whos who of the period. Her work embraces the lifestyles, traditions, festivals, institutions and the professional aspects of
merchant life, exploring the region of Gujarat, its
geographical layout, urban set-up, trade centres,
cities, manufacturing centers, ports and trade
routes. Readers will find themselves transported
back in time to this diverse and vibrant place,
immersing themselves in the society, seeing the living standards and homes of the people there, partaking in their education, entertainment, their cuisine, fashion and other aspects of daily life.
Sharma also portrays the status of women,
amongst other inquiries she makes in order to provide a comparative study of the different cultures
operating in the region and to learn more about the
religion, social activities, festivals, rituals, marriages,
customs and mores followed there. She also discerns the existing social evils like sati, polygamy and
enforced widowhood. The focal point of her study,
though, is the interplay between the merchants and
the Mughals and the benefits accrued by the merchant communities, how the manner and the proximity with imperial court benefitted them and resulted in their social elevation. This book is useful for the
scholars working on cultural and regional history
and casual readers interested to know the history of
Monika Sharma is working on a post-doctoral project on regional sources of medieval
Gujarat. Her area of specialization is the history of
medieval Gujarat. She has written and published
varied research papers on mercantile communities of Gujarat in reputed journals and in edited

ralism, advocated tolerance and promoted goodwill between

diverse communities. These values, however, need to be preserved with utmost care and vigilance.
Mr. Mukherjee touched a point that has worried many among
even those who voted for you, hoping you would bring about a
change from the corruption and economic coma in which the
country had found itself in the last few years. The Union and state
governments have been dismissive of the Christian complaints of
targeted violence and persecution, both by political non-State
actors and other elements.
Words alone will not be sufficient, Mr. Modi. The government
must take urgent and effective measures to restore the rule of law and
curb the targeted and communal violence. The guilty must be traced,
and action under the law should be taken. Police officers must be held
accountable for communal crimes in their jurisdiction.
EFI-RLC and others have made some recommendations to
your government. I would wish your staff in the Prime Ministers
Office convey them to you. These are simple:
* Enact a comprehensive hate crimes legislation to safeguard the
rights of religious minorities.
* The Ministry of Home Affairs should provide trainings on human
rights and religious freedom standards and practices to the state
and central police and judiciary;
* Although maintenance of public order is a state responsibility,
the central government should issue an advisory to the state governments to repeal the anti-conversion laws;
* The government should ensure an active Commission for
Human Rights and Commission for Minorities is operational in
every state, and that members of each commission are appointed
by transparent and non-partisan procedures;
* Prevent and pursue through the judicial process, all violent acts
against religious and tribal minorities and Dalits.
We would be even more grateful if some of these could be
implemented. God bless you. And God Bless India
John Dayal is the general secretary of the All India Christian Council
and a member of the Indian governments National Integration Council


The Milli Gazette, 1-15 March 2015



Aaliyas kitchen

Word Jumble


Born to Zain ud-Din Ahmed Khan and Amina begum in 1733, and soon after his birth, his
maternal grandfather, Alivardi Khan was appointed the Deputy Governor of Bihar. Amina Begum
was the youngest daughter of Nawab Ali Vardi Khan. (1733 July 2, 1757), was the last
independent Nawab of Bengal. The end of his reign marked the start of British East India
Company rule over Bengal and later almost all of South Asia. He succeeded his maternal
grandfather, Alivardi Khan as the Nawab of Bengal in April 1756 at the age of 23. Betrayed by
Mir Jafar, then commander of his army, He lost the Battle of Plassey on 23 June 1757. The
forces of the East India Company under Robert Clive triumphed and the administration of Bengal
fell into the hands of the Company. The Battle of Plassey (or Palashi) is widely considered the
turning point in the history of India, and opened the way to eventual British domination. After his
conquest of Calcutta, the British sent fresh troops from Madras to recapture the fort and avenge
the attack. While retreating he met the British at Plassey. He had to make camp 27 miles away
from Murshidabad. He earned the title of Mansur-ul-Mulk (Victory of the Country), (Light of the
State), Hybut Jang (Horror in War).

1 liter whole milk
50 grams rice, Ground, fine, basmati, new
150 grams sugar, or according to taste
Zafran 5 strands or half a cap of kewra
Add the ground rice to cold milk, put the utensil on heat and stir continuously till boiling. Once it boils, lower the heat. Let it cook. Stir occasionally. See to it that it doesnt stick to the bottom of the pan. Once
thick and creamy, add sugar and bring to boil on low heat.
Add the kewra/zafran and cover. Stir till cool so a skin doesnt form.
Refrigerate. Serve cold with pistachio flakes as garnishing.

Answer at the bottom of the page.





D U - A L H A U D

Queries/Feedback: aaliyah.khan@gmail.com

Whats in Gods Names? Word Search

Allah has described Himself in the Quran through His Names and Attributes. Understanding these names
is an effective way of strengthening ones faith in God. Meanings associated with the names:
Al-Ghafur, Ash-Shakur, Al-Ali, Al-Kabir, Al-Hafiz, Al-Muqit, Al-Hasib, Al-Jalil, Al-Karim and Ar-Raqib are
hidden in this puzzle. There are 11 words. See how many can you find.
www.pharosmedia.com / www.milligazette.com

(Answers are at the bottom of this page)

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Our minority community newspaper is continuing its publication as usual
to show the world the suppression and discrimination inflicted on our
society by the fundamentalist forces. I pray to the Almighty Allah that
members of our community and the well-wishers interested in your noble
cause of serving the society may come forward in lending their helping
hands by rendering their financial support for its non-stop publication.
P. E. A. Abdul Rasheed, Chennai - 600001 (T. N.)
Madrasas in Madhya Pradesh
In your recent issue about the Madrasas in Madhya Pradesh providing
education to Hindu students, it has been mentioned that there are many
Madrasas in MPs Mandasore district where Muslim and Hindu receive
education about Hinduism, in addition to Islamic education, like
Hinduisms Solah Sanskaars, Gita Saar and Gayetri mantra 120
Madrasas are being run under the auspices of Nada Khwateen Mandal,
some of which are named as Gurjkul Vidyapeeth, Gayan Saagr, Sant Ravi
Das, Angel, Jain Vardhman etc. Some of them receive government
assistance. In Mandasore there are 250 Madrasas with 15000 students
of which 50% are Hindus. From the write-up it is not clear whether the
Milli Gazette approves the system followed in these Madrasa beyond
occasionally take Hindu students to follow the common course of the
Madrasa or to devise a special to suit Hindu students which also implies
giving instruction to Muslim students in Hindu religious rites. This needs
to be clarified.
Syed Shahabuddin, ex-MP, New Delhi
Peace & tranquillity
Can peace and tranquillity ever be attained so long as self-worshippers
and worship the same person when out of power?!
Sultan A. Patel, Amod, Gujarat
Dark period of Indian democracy
It is incontrovertible to say that the Law and Order situation in India
appeared to have been gone out of hand after the May, 2014. the visible
facts are as such that the Indian Penal code and Criminal Procedure Code
have been shelvedin favour of Hindutva forces altogether but the same is
applicable in case of members of Muslim minority even for minor reasons
or no reason. What had happened on the occasion of golden jublee
programme of Vishwa Hindu Parishad at Lakhimpur (U. P.) fully support
my submission above. The speakers like Sadhuvi Parchi, Yogi Adityanath,
swmi Omji, Mohan Bhagwat and others went on rampant inclusively
against Muslims with abusive language, threatenings to gearup all sorts
of anti-Muslim activities for which non has power to control them as they
are Hindu and the country belong to them. On the other hand Samajwadi
Party Government and Law enforcing machinery of the Party remained
simply road side dumb spectators as if it is non of their business to
maintain law and order situation or the hooliganism if created by Hindutva
elements as the country belongs to them and the Muslims are not wanted
here. The filthy speeches did not remain confine upto Muslims only as
one of the speaker Swami Omju publicly admitted hat we have already
killed Mahatma Gandhi and if required we will treat Mr. Arvind Kejrival the
chief of Aam Party and present C. M. of New-Delhi in the same way. The
fellow also denied any role of Mahatma Gandhi in Freedom Movement at
all. Still such unhealthy utterances do not come under the provision of
Indian Constitution which clearly shows that we are passing through a
darken period of Indian Democracy.
Bushra Tarannum Khwaja, Nagpur
True Muslimah
That Muslim women having extra-ordinary Faith even in our time also,
can be found, was told to me by a villager gentleman who had observed
a Muslimah using one hand to crush grain in stone chakki, another to
hold holy Quran for Tilawat and her foot toe to swing the cradle of her
baby! Allaahuakbar.
S. Akhtar, Amod - 392110
It is shocking that neither during the election campaign of Delhi assembly
elections nor on the occasion of swearing ceremony Mr. Kejriwal the Aam
Admi party chief has not condemned communalism which is the gravest
menace not only to Indian secular democracy but to the very existence of
the country. Over and above all this he has not uttered a single word
against the RSS plan of converting Indiainto a Hindi country and
establishing a Hindu state and the Modi government for implementing this
plan and against the highly inflammatory anti Muslim speeches of BHP
and BJP leaders and their programmes of Ghar Wapsi and love Jihad
programmes. This confirms the suspicion that he not opposed to
Hindutva or communalism.
Dr. M. Hashim Kidwai, ex-MP, Delhi - 110091
AAP under the Leadership of Mr. Arvind Kejrival has scripted the new
Chapter in Indian Political World by testing record breaking victory with
landslide majority He has proved that the elections could be fought and
won in the democratic countries like India as done by AAP whereas
parties like BJP and Old horse Indian National Congress under the
leadership or Amit Shah and patronaged by P. M. Narndra Madi, Home
Minister Rajnath Singh and hundreds of Hindutva elements of all size and
level and headless respectively both with their open and hidden
communal ideology forced to bite dust. The BJP under the Leadership of
Amit Shah in association of RSS and with full co-operation of all Hindutva
forces going comfortably against Muslims with its mission of
extermination with Law at its disposal. Thus within short span of time
(eight months) the Hindutva elements right from an illiterate Sadhu to top
ordure sants and saffron brigade are continued fastening noose around
helpless, unprotected and unsaved minority Community. With conception
of Hindi, Hindu and Hindu Rashtra any Tom, Dick and Harry under the
coverage of safranin guise taking himself the undisputed king or ruler of
the Country or the Hindu Rashtra where only the Brahminical hereditary
monarchy is to be prevailed. Now the time is ripe for the the BJP review
its policies against Muslims and other minorities immediately or in lieu of
be ready to face more humiliation like Congress in near future as people
can not be fooled all the time on the line of religious division.
Faheemuddin, Nagpur

Indeed beyond expectation AAP got great salutation People do have brain
To sweep away chaff from grain If egotists do not become humble They
must be ready to tumble
S. Akhtar, Amod , Gujarat
Modi Temple
According to Hindu mythology, it is highly improper to worship living
personalities like god. Even garlanding of photos of living personalities is
not considered proper. Even BSP Chief Mayawati faced strong criticism
on her having installed her statues. Media-reports indicate that some
people have constructed Modi Temple in honour of Prime Minister by
stalling a statue of Narender Modi at a temple constructed on land given
by village-panchayat for constructing a Hindu temple, anticipating some
Union or state minister to inaugurate it. Prime Minister should take note
of it and persuade his followers to any such temple to prevent his image
being spoilt amongst members of public.
Subhash Chandra Agrawal, Chandni Chowk, Delhi
Michelle Obama-Be civilised Please
Ultimately, immatured and a childish statement made by Tasleema
Nasreen, a Bangladeshi fugitive found praising Mrs. Michelle Obama for
not wearing a veil while on Saudi Arabian soil which is compulsory &
must be used as per the tradition of that country. What the Bangladeshi
droped-out called a rigid repressive rule of wearing veil, is actually the
customary attachment and love of the people there with their cultural &
social way of life which cannot be understood by the tired lady, till she
changed her mindset. The FIRST LADY of US Mrs. Michelle Obama was
expected to show all respect, whole hearted compromise, affection &
love for the Saudi custom as per her tower like status & dignity which she
failed to exhibit for unknown reasons. By not using veil Mrs. Obama has
shown her sense of mentality towards other culture. In the same way
praising someone for such irresponsible, unethical acts, shows the moral
bankruptcy & mental sickness of the supporter is clearly evident.
Bushra Khwaja, Nagpur
Teesta Setalvad
Teesta and her husband Javed have sacrificed the last thirteen years in
the cause of justice for the victims of Gujarat. We the victims are ever
deeply indebted to both. It is sickening that the case was filed by her own
right hand man Rais Khan, who turned against her and joined hands with
Modi. The thought of Teesta spending time in jail is too horrifying to think
of. The Modi collaborators from Sareshwala downwards are having a
merry time. Is this not a repeat of Imam Hussain at Karbala?
J. S. Bandukwala
Better Alliance Than Merger
The news is roaming that Samajwadi Party, Janta Dal and Rashtriya Janta
Dal are going to merge. But the past experience shows that merger of the
parties are not practical for instance the example of Janta Party in mid
seventies was not successful. the mania of supremacy will lead to
bifurcation. Instead of merger the option of alliance is much practical. In
this option like minded parties as Congress, Trinmul Congress, C.P.I.,
C.P.M., A.A.P., M.I.M., Indian National League may come closer to fight
fascist forces and to defend democracy and secularism. In this way a
broad band and strong opposition may be formed, on the basis of
common minimum programme. Which is the need of the hour for their
survival and to safeguard secularism and democracy in this country.
Dr. S. R. Khan, Human Welfare Academy, Aliganj, Lucknow
Taleem, Tanzeem and Tejarat
The first word revealed in the Holy Quran was Iqra, i.e., Taleem
(Read). An important Hadith ordains the Ummah to hold fast the rope of
Allah, i.e., to unite, i. e., Tanzeem. The Last Prophet (pbuh) liked business
(Tejarat). Milli Gazette has appreciated the three words Taleem,
Tanzeem, and Tejarat as the agenda to regain the lost glory and made it
agenda of Ummah. ETV (Urdu) at 8-30 pm on 31 Jan 2015 in Adhoore
Khawab programme highlighted the word Taleem, Tanzeem and
Tejarat but Muslims are yet to focus on this agenda and the result si that
the Ummah is reeling under extreme poverty and we are persecuted
S. Haque, Patna
Minority representation in the Indian Forces
I draw your attention to the write-up on Minority representation in the
Indian Forces by Mr. Jawed Akhter. In your latest issue what he has
missed is the essential point that on one hand the total Minority
representation is much below the proportion in the national population.
What is the word Minority is that the mask to cover the absolute underrepresentation of the Muslims in the Armed Forces because the Muslim
constitutes about 15% of the population while Sikh and Christian
constitute about 2% each but under the term minority much higher
proportion of the recruitment reserved for the Sikh and the some extent
to Christian. It is suggested that the disparity in the population of religious
minority and their representation in the Armed Forces should be brought
to the notice of the central government for remedial action. The
recruitment should be made by holding recruitment rallies in districts of
Muslim concentration as well as through national advertising for all
Syed Shahabuddin, ex-MP, New Delhi
India, today
In one place a labouring woman is not permitted to breast feed her baby,
who dies. In another place, thousands of gallons of milk are poured on a
divinity of stone or metal. There is money to construct monstrous statues
of dead people but no money to keep the living well fed and in good
health. Who gains from these hollow symbols of fake grandeur?
Mukul Dube, Mayur Vihar-1, Delhi 110091
Modis promises
The last nine months of Modi government simply went in praising and
applauding themselves by singing their own tune for good governance

The Milli Gazette, P.O. Box 9701, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi 110025

The Milli Gazette, 1-15 March 2015



and Acche Din. Right from carrying out the so called Clean India
Campaign to similar other initiatives, nothing really tangible was seen by
the government rather than the PM parading with his expensive suit with
his name knitted over it. Though the Modi wave was able to secure the
party in a couple of states election, however, the biggest blow came when
the party lost miserably in Delhi. The Delhi elections, which employed one
of the best resources of BJP in terms of money, power and people simply
turned sour for the party and particularly to Mr. Modi himself. Their
arrogance and tall claims simply gave nothing to the BJP particularly to
Mr Modi and his right hand - Mr Amit Shah. They didnt have the grace to
accept their defeat in BJP and were seen with irrational justifications and
voices. Interestingly, out of blue Mr. Modi came out with an idea of
auctioning his gifts, which he has received so far while being in power.
The suit, which created furore in the media got the highest bid of 1.25
crore by one Gujarati businessmen. However, amidst all these exercises,
this appeared nothing but a damage control program being carried out by
Mr. Modi itself. The last nine months of power has simply shown that the
dream of Acche Din aired by Mr. Modi is nothing but farce and eye wash.
Mohd Zeyaullah Khan, Nagpur
Self introspection is necessary for us
The question is as to what wrong the US president Mr. Barak Obama
committed. The answer is very simple: he has shown mirror to our
country with regard to the religious intolerance for which we need self
introspection not crying foul.
Bushra Tarannum
Tit for tat
Notwithstanding, Nature has bestowed and decorated human being with
power of expression, speech and talking freely but its twisting and misuse
is restricted if found injurious and inverted in the case of human society.
Now the question is, have I a freedom to insult, pass dirty remarks,
mocking, cracking filthy jocks against any person irrespective of his
status, position, reputation under the fabric of freedom of expression or
through available media, sketching, drawing, action as per my whim and
wit or anyone has a right to demonstrate in scowling way against some
one with sole intention of throwing mud, the answer is certainly not at all,
however, the Western nations have formulated different standards of
freedom of expression/speech for them and for others as slightest
provocation against them amounts to be a misuse of freedom of
expression whereas expression clearly found subject of humiliation,
allegations, ill-motivated nefarious designed acts committed deliberately
and maliciously against the Prophet of Islam (PBUH), mockery of the
Quran, Islamic teachings not covered under the provision of restricted or
disciplined exhibition of expression, really wonderful.
Faheemudin, Nagpur
Facts versus allegation and accusations
One wished that distinguished and eminent jurist-cum-author Mr. A. G.
Nooranis recent book Destruction of Babri Masjid : A National Disaster
would have thrown more light on this national disaster and exposed the
nasty tactics of those responsible for this national tragedy and could not
have ignored facts. Indira Gandhi has been accused of striking a deal with
Vishwa Hindu Parishad for constructing Ram Mandir on Babri Masjid site.
But this could not be implemented on account of her assassination . But
no proof has been given about this deal. It has also been stated that VHP
had actually decided to drop this plan, but Rajiv Gandhi revived this deal.
But before doing so he wanted to please Muslim so his Muslim loyalist
made the Shahbano case an issue and Rajiv Gandhi got Muslim divorcee
women bill passed by the Parliament. But this is mere accusation and
quite against facts. The fact is that the Shahbano case judgment was
quite against Islamic laws and amounted to an intervention in Muslim
personal law. So a delegation of All India Muslim Personal Law Board
delegation under the leadership of Maulana AIi Mian met Rajiv Gandhi and
asked him that a law based on the rights given by Islam to divorcee
Muslim women be passed by Parliament and the same demand was put
before Rajiv Gandhi by a delegation of Muslim MPs under the leadership
of Maulana Asad Madni and writer who was at that time a member of
Rajya Sabha was also in this delegation, so on this account Rajiv Gandhi
got Muslim divorcee bill passed by the parliament. One wished that Mr.
Noorani would not have ignored facts.
Dr. M. Hashim Kidwai, ex-MP, Delhi-110091
Indo-Israel ties
Back to back meeting of India-Israel official present the Modi laid
government foremost agenda to strengthening the ties with the jews
nation. Its not a maiden instance when saffrionist government marching
to escalating the ties with previous rule of Atal Bihari Vajpayee was also
a golden period of India Israel relation P. M extra heed to his Israel fellow
during united nation general assembly ,home minister Rajnath Sing visit
and the arrival of Israel foreign minister can be referred as a both nation
desire to consolidating the bilateral ties .The RSS love for Israel is
completely visible probably there mind stand behind bringing both nation
in to a same platform .There alignment with jews nation is also a very
much fond for them because both share a same ideology and almost
same pattern of life All such action disappoint the entire nation because
India share a long history of advocating the philistine rights and
disavowing the Israel as nation .our endorsement for philistine as much
as resemble that many countrys had started to count as Arab nation and
this trend remain alive till 1991 but even after 1991 ties was limited and
had very least contacts with each other
Syed Kamran Ali, Rampur, U P
NIA, too, is against injustices to Muslims
Delhi Police propagated and media blew up the arrest of Liaqat Shah as
a dreaded terrorist. The case was later handed over to NIA. After deep
investigation, it gave clean chit to Liaqat Shah and exposed Delhi Polices
dirty modus operandi applied to implicated Liaqat Shah. NIA has the
authority to sue erring police official but instead of filing a case against
those erring police officials who conspired to implicate Liaqat Shah, NIA
referred the case to Delhi Police Special Cell for departmental action
against five Delhi police officials. NIA should have taken stern action
against the fice Delhi erring police officials. Department inquiry is mere
S. Haque, Patna

Read more letters on MG website

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The Milli Gazette,1-15 March 2015

The Milli Gazette

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 ICP Fellowship for Dr. Kauser Usman






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Dr. Kauser Usman, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, King

George's Medical University, Lucknow was awarded the Fellowship of Indian
College of Physicians (FICP) on the 20th of February 2015. The fellowship
was given to him on the Platinum jubilee year conference of the Association
of Physicians of India (APICON 2015) in Gurgaon. Dr. Usman was presented
the scroll by President of API, Dr. Rajesh Upadhyay and was given the medal
by the President of Medical Council of India (MCI) Dr. Jayashree Ben Mehta.
This award is given to him for his significant contribution in research, teaching, patient care and creating awareness in the field of Medicine. Dr Usman
has special interest in Diabetes, Hypertension, Preventive Cardiology and
other life style diseases.

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Boxer Nikhat strikes gold for OU

Nikhat Zareen, a first-year student of Bachelor of Arts at Osmania University - Hyderabad, Telangana
was adjudged best boxer in the All India
inter-university boxing championship in
Jalandhar on 23 February 2015. The 18year-old former world junior champion,
born in Nizamabad and now in city to train
at the Lal Bahadur Stadium boxing hall,
won the gold in the 51 kg category defeating Ritu 3-0 in the final.
I am delighted and I tell you the
competition was tough, she
exclaimed. Soon after her latest
achievement, Zareen said she
was excited and all pumped for
the future challenges in the new
season. Brand ambassador for
her native Nizamabad district,
Nikhat Zareen was rewarded,
along with Olympians, with handsome cash incentives by the
State government in recognition
of her feats a couple of months



With best compliments and
regards from
With best compliments from
Kaleem Kawaja, Washington DC

Syed Moinul Hasan (Pune)

email: moinhadeed@yahoo.com

Printed, published and owned by Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan and printed at Vibha Publication Pvt Ltd., D-160B, Sector-7, Noida, U.P. and published at D-84 Abul Fazal Enclave-I, New Delhi 110025.
Editor: Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan

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