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Praise to Almighty God, who bestowed upon us the potential and ability to accomplish the task of making the report of Need and Specifications of Herbal Body Scrub. This first report is written based on literature studies and data collected from questionares about herbal body scrub products. This report is made to define the need and specifications of our idea about herbal body scrub product design so they will help us to define what kind of herbal body scrub is the best to be produced to improve the other products which have existed before. Thus will help us to design the best herbal body scrub to be sold in market. We wish to express deep sense of gratitude to our lecturers: Prof. Dr. Ir. Widodo W. Purwanto, DEA, Dr.rer.nat. Ir. Yuswan Muharam, MT, Dr. Ir. Misri Gozan, Mtech, and Dewi Tristantini, Ph.D., for the willingness of helping, valuable supervision, and helpful suggestions us while we were accomplishing the report. We also want to thank the guest lecturer, Ir. Sri Hidayat for being an inspiration for us and the lecturer assistants: Merisa Bestari Faiz, Eka Nurin Sharfina Irianto, Albert Santoso, M. Faiz Firdaus, and Sylvania Putri for guiding us in our product design. Thus, this report is still far from perfection, and we eagerly expect criticism and suggestions that can help us to revise this report and could improve the report in the future. Finally, we hope that this paper is beneficial to all the readers.

Depok, February 21st, 2014

Group 12

Universitas Indonesia

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